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Progress Annals: Journal of Progressive Research Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2024 ISSN (E): 2810-6466 Website: https://academiaone.org/index.php/8 Social - Psychological Aspects Of The Family Baratullaeva Dilnoza Habibullo Qizi Teacher Jizzakh state pedagogy university Annotation: The article talks about a number of psychological aspects of the functioning of the family as a social structure, in the family a person grows up, his mind, thoughts, worldview are formed, and a person perceives himself as a happy and peaceful place only in the family. In our country, it will be possible to solve the social problems of families, ensure their wellbeing, protect them psychologically with material and moral support. Keywords: consciousness, thought, outlook, happy peaceful place, social problems, wellbeing, material and spiritual security, psychological protection. Har how of society spiritual mainly family. of the state in development of the family strong to be directly of the family social role important from being is evidence. Good health family of relationships formation first of all, the society social order determiner main of the factors is one In the family person adult mind, thought, outlook is enough is formed, and a person himself only in the family happy peace abode as acceptance does Families in our country social problems solution, prosperity provide through material and spiritual support with their psychological protection we can do it will be In particular to young people about state in politics - family to life about problems, psychological-pedagogical, legal and another issues on the surface tips to give system development separately note reached passed for nothing it's not. Family life is considered sacred in Islam and all the ways and instructions are given. In all times and places, he introduced the perfect teachings of family life through Islam, a religion that shows humanity the path to two worlds of happiness. Those who faithfully follow these teachings have been and continue to bring family happiness. The family and its relations are always under external psychological influence. Currently, we can take the following psychological protection measures to create a healthy psychological environment in families: - organization through healthy lifestyle, physical activity; - national education based on our rich historical traditions and values; - Internet culture, information consumption culture in family relations in educating the intellectual generation; - psychohygiene, through supervision; - development of information and psychological immunity of young people. That's it Because we are family of prosperity the most important factors below counting our transition can: 1. Spouses ( in general family members ) psychological compatibility; 2. Family which creates people needs complex to satisfy they strive. Married failure a lot in terms of partner in choosing errors with defined: selected person in fact personal properties have it's not or his psychophysiological features, views and values harmony. Er and wife's education different political, cultural, religious their views reflection bringer biological and moral factors point of view in terms of to each other suitable to come , too important. Conflicts in family relationships are caused by the Internet and other similar factors, as well as difficulties in raising the young generation. The influence of ideological and political conflicts is widening and is attracting the younger generation. Efforts to change a political structure or union organization, the state through various means are on the rise. Some of the 15 | P a g e Progress Annals: Journal of Progressive Research Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2024 ISSN (E): 2810-6466 Website: https://academiaone.org/index.php/8 video games, movies, and cartoons that are widely distributed on the Internet try to imitate the character's actions in order to resemble him. In family life, there are big obstacles for a person to feel inviolable, which is reflected in the following factors by the spread of foreign ideas through various social networks and Internet sites: - decrease in fertility, - an increase in the number of divorces, - the increasing influence of the negative consequences of divorces on people's lives, - increase of unmarried families and a number of other negative events began to occur. It is known that as human society progresses, people themselves and their relationships with each other, especially family relationships, which are the most intimate and closest among interpersonal relationships, improve and die. becomes complicated in its own way. The reason is the present time Science and technology development, village economy industry relations , means village of the farm all on the fronts new technology, technician of processes fast current to be done directly that's it of processes the creator participant has been a person to the factor, man to the person too to himself special new requirements is putting. Work release relations, society development one from the side of people in themselves happened giving social psychological, physiological and another changes of people mutually communication relations scope known level limited to stay in them in our ancestors observed naturalness known level to the violation and due to a person in the psyche possible until emotional, emotional of stress surface to come basis is happening Of these effect family life and in it psychological in the climate too own expression finds. We have a certain idea that the family performs a number of functions as a social structure. Based on this, it is natural to ask the question of what are the special functions of men and women in the family. In most of the Eastern nations, including our Uzbek families, men are the head of the household. Also in the family spiritual and domestic problems solution mainly of men is in charge. External effect factors increased because he left, man again one important to the function , esp to raise a boy in charge that sometimes forgetting putting sometimes while to this time can't get it. A woman's fundamental function in the family and gave birth to a child education, livelihood management , family funds , family budget family of members needs looking right share to know is considered Also children consciousness and in behavior middle class, mastery aesthetic the taste formation, hardworking and good manners by doing mother's upbringing is the task. That's it with together each both gender representatives for in the family surface came and coming possible has been disputes prevention take to know function is also available. Today while in the family your father to those with high status to raise Demand is doing Because nation, people and society each one families fate indifferent maybe not. Today some one Uzbek women in the family rule claim is doing new brides, youth of mothers in the family to hegemony aspiration, own his opinion to her husband to transfer movement It is not normal to do. Her husband children between after doer, even their children father what he said not to fulfill exclamation point women , unfortunately, are increasing is going Men's duties perform equal to of a woman in character masculinization signs surface is coming Coarseness insensitivity, even swearing inclination signs it is felt that as a result our daughters masculine , our sons girlish being growth danger surface is coming Of women social in action activation , its family to relations effect to reach take coming possible has been problems come coming out, especially management in the system a woman potential and his position personal qualities effect issues It is felt in progress personal in virtues femininity qualities (femininity, sweetness), masculinity qualities (perseverance, hardness, grip 16 | P a g e Progress Annals: Journal of Progressive Research Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2024 ISSN (E): 2810-6466 Website: https://academiaone.org/index.php/8 out of place to cut aspiration) to reach necessity it seems, or not the work it seems to be less effective in its activities feeling can _ A woman's main time family to the budget contribution to add because it is being spent, children upbringing to himself okay being left, many unpleasantness to the body to come reason is happening Children's personal problems indifference , his internal world, interests , interests relatively indifference mother and between the child alienation process cause is releasing. Men in the family own functions worthy perform for their problems determine and solution to do movement to do it is necessary. Also, there are no centers or protective organizations that unite them when they are mentally depressed and face various personal problems. They find it difficult to talk to their fathers and brothers about topics that are uncomfortable and unpleasant, they feel the need for special counseling centers and experienced psychologists. G.B.Shoumarov, one of the leading psychologists of our republic, based on the results of his researches, shows that family stability and mutual reunification play an important role in couple relations. It surrounds the conditional division of the junctions into 3 components. They are: 1) biological union; 2) psychological reunion; 3) social gathering. In some cases, the bride and groom are not compatible in terms of the type of client, but their emotional strength, the level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, the desire to strengthen family life, the level of education and cultural level, the rituals of interaction, their reunification, the family can ensure stability. If altruism (love) prevails over selfishness in brides and grooms, any differences and disagreements do not pose a threat to family life. It is also emphasized that the character and character, which are one of the components of the psychology of the individual, occupy the central place in the psychological reunification. Therefore, every girl getting married should have psychological literacy, be able to positively solve family problems, create a healthy psychological environment for her spouse and children under any circumstances, and be exemplary in family relationships, and be happy with child-rearing services. they should add their contributions. 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