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An Analytical Study on Bibliometric Citation Analysis of Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Science During The Year 2007-2011 ISSN 2319-9725 M.Ravichandran Research Scholar, Bharathiar University, Librarian, Prathyusha Institute Of Technology And Management, Tiruvallur Dr.G.Sivaprasad Lecturer Department of Library and Information Science, Drrvv Degree College, Guntur, Batipurlu, Ap Abstract: The study presents the field of Indian Journal of Geo-Marine science for the period 20072011. This research shows that maximum number of references cited in the year 2011 that is 2820 references, followed by 1827 in 2010. The subject-wise distribution of articles reveals that Marine sciences, Oceanography, Fisheries, Robotics and Biotechnology is the high that is 59.8% more than half of the total subjects during the above period. Country-wise distribution of articles is maximum 74.47% contributed by India over the period. The authorship pattern study reveals that the highest number of articles contributed by two authors 29.13% (97 articles) followed by three authors contribution 28.23% (94 articles). Keywords: Bibliometric, Citation Study, Marine Biology, Fisheries and Oceanography January, 2014 www.ijirs.com Vol 3 Issue 1 1. Introduction: Bibliometrics is a quantitative study of written communication and it essential for the growth of literature. The quantitative data is used to keep control over the cost of library collection and essential books and periodicals collection that satisfy the needs of the readers. The major focus of the study is to apply the bibliometric & citation analysis with a view to analyses the performance of research out- put in Indian journal of Geo-Marine Science. It aims to examine the emergence of research areas in department‟s research groups and countries. This study spells out the relationship between author‟s references (citations), subjects and country –wise article contributions. Bibliometric studies prove that bibliometric indicators play an important role in the policy decisions and in evaluation of research performance. It is observed that there is considerable evidence of bibliometric indicators playing an important role in the evaluation of research performance of individual scientists and research groups (Maria and Ervin 1963). Today bibliometrics is one of the rare truly interdisciplinary research fields to extend to almost all scientific fields. Bibliometric methodology comprises components from Mathematics, Social Sciences, Natural science, Engineering and even Life Sciences. 1.1. Historical Remarks - Origin Of The Terminology’ Bibliometrics’: The terms „Bibliometrics‟ and „Scientometrics‟ were almost simultaneously introduced by Pritchard and by Nalimov and Mulchenko in 1969. While Pritchard explained the term bibliometric as” the application of mathematical and statistical methods to book and other media of communication”. Nalimov and Mulchenko defiend scientometrics as” the application of those quantitative methods which are dealing with the analysis of science viewed as an information process”. According to these interpretations the specialty scientometrics is restricted to measurement of science communication, where as bibliometrics is designed to deal with more general information process. 1.2. The Pioneers Of Bibliometrics: The statistical analysis of scientific literature began almost 50 years before the term “ bibliometrics” was coined in 1926, Alfred J. Lotka published his pioneering study on the frequency distribution of scientific productivity determined from a decennial index(19071916) of chemical Abstracts. Lotka concluded that “the number( of authors) making n International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies Page 462 January, 2014 www.ijirs.com Vol 3 Issue 1 contributions is about 1/n2 of those making one; and the proportion of all contributions, that makes a single contribution is about 60 percent”. Almost the same time in 1927,Gross and Gross published their citation-based study in order to aid the decision which chemistry periodicals should best purchased by small college libraries . In particular, they examined 3633 citation from the 1926volume of the journal of the American chemical society. This study is considered the first citation analysis, although it is not a citation analysis in the sense of present-day bibliometrics. Eight years after Lotka‟s article appeared, Bradford (1934) published his study on the frequency distribution of papers over journals he found that“ if scientific journals are arranged in order of decreasing productivity on a given subject, they may be divided into a nucleus of journals more particularly devoted to the subject and several groups or zones containing the same number of articles as the nucleus when the numbers of periodicals in nucleus and succeeding zones will be as 1:b:b2 …” Zipf(1949) formulated in interesting law in bibliometrics and quantitative linguistics that he derived from the study of word frequency in a text. According to Zipf rf=c, where r is the rank of a word, f is the frequency of occurrence of the word and c is a constant that depends on the text being analysed. “I “can be considered a generalization of the laws by Lotka and Bradford. He formulated the following underlying principles of his law although he has never shown how this principle applies to his equation. “ The principle of least effort means . . . that a person . . . will strive to solve his problems in such a way as to minimize the total work that he must expend in solving both his immediate problems and his probable future problems . . .‟ (Zipf, 1949). 1.3. The Three “Components” Of Present – Day Bibliometrics: Present – day bibliometric research is aimed at the following three main targets, groups that clearly determine topics and sub – areas of “contemporary bibliometerics”. 1.3.1. Bibliometric For Bibliometricians (Methodology): This is the domain of basic bibliometric research and is traditionally funded by the usual grand‟s; methodological research is conducted mainly in this domain. International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies Page 463 www.ijirs.com January, 2014 Vol 3 Issue 1 1.3.2. Bibliometrics For Scientific Discipline (Scientific Information): The researchers in scientific disciplines from the bigger, but also the most diverse interest – group in bibliometrics. Due to their primary scientific orientation, their interests are strongly related to the specialty. This domain may be considered as an extention of science information by metric means. Here we also find joint border land with quantitative research in information retrieval. 1.3.3. Bibliometrics For Science (Science Policy): This is the domain research evolution, at present the most important topic in the field. Here the national, regional, and institutional structures of science and the comparative presentation are in the foreground. Finally, we will have a look at how bilbliometric/scientometrics is linked with related fields and applications services. (see figure 1) Library Science Sociology of Science Information Retrieval Scientometrics, Librarianship Research in Services for Informetrics Technometrics Scientific Information Science Policy Figure 1: Links of Bibliometrics with related fields and application services International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies Page 464 January, 2014 www.ijirs.com Vol 3 Issue 1 2. The Elements Of Bibliometric Research And Their Mathematical Background: According to Pritchard (1969), bibliometrics is the application of mathematical and statistical method to books and other media communication. This basically comprises books, monographs, reports, thesis, papers in serials and periodicals and nowadays also e- books and e- journals as well as – in the broadest sense – the web. Nevertheless, periodicals have played the important part in communication in the sciences. The philosophical transactions of the royal society and the journal des scavans, both appeared first in the year 1665, or considered the first scientific journals. 3. Objectives: 3.1. The Specific Objectives Of The Present Research Studies Are: i. To know the distribution of the articles by year-wise ii. To know the authorship pattern iii. To know the citations (references ) referred by the authors iv. To examine the country-wise distribution of articles v. To examine the subject-wise distribution of articles from the source journal. 4. Methodology: From the Indian journals of Geo- Marine science (IJMS) published during the period 20072011 ,the data were retrieved in the field of geo marine science . NISCAIR (National Information Science Communication and Information Resources) online repositories collected data which was entered in the computer tools box name MSEXCELL package. International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies Page 465 www.ijirs.com January, 2014 Vol 3 Issue 1 5. Data Analysis: YEAR TOTAL NO OF ARTICLES PERCENTAGE (%) CUM ARTICLES CUM % 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 42 56 57 71 107 12.61 16.82 17.12 21.32 32.13 42 98 155 226 333 12.61 29.43 46.52 67.84 100 TOTAL 333 100 333 100 Table 1: The Table-1 Shows The Year Wise Distribution Of Articles The table -1shows year-wise distribution of articles from the year 2007-11. Around five years, 333articles were published. In the year 2011more107articles were published that is 32.13%. . In the year 2010, around 71 articles were published that is 21.32%. In the year 2009 around 57articles were published that is 17.12%. In the year 2008, around 56 articles were published that is 16.82%. In the year 2007 only 42 articles were published that is 12.61%, In my research, the table -1 shows every year the number of articles are increasing. YEAR TOTAL NO OF PERCENTAGE CUM REFERENCES (%) % RANK 2007 1668 18.44 18.44 3 2008 1168 12.91 31.35 5 2009 1560 17.25 48.6 4 2010 1827 20.2 68.8 2 2011 2820 31.2 100 1 TOTAL 9043 100 100 Table 2: The Table -2 Shows Year –Wise Citations Of Author’s Pattern The above table-2 shows in the year 2011more number of reference citations cited by the authors that is 2820 references that is(31.2%) and it comes in the I st rank. In the year 2010 around 1827references were cited that is (20.2%) and it comes in the II nd rank. In the year 2009 around 1560(17.25%) references were cited by the authors, and it comes on the III rd rank. In the year 2008around 1168(12.91%) references were cited by the authors. This is the very low number of citations in my research and it comes in the V th rank. In the year 2007 , around 1668(18.44%) references were cited by the authors and it comes in IV ranks. International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies Page 466 www.ijirs.com January, 2014 NO OF AUTHORS Vol 3 Issue 1 TOTAL PERCEN TAGE(%) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Single 8 7 2 10 5 32 9.61 Double 18 14 16 24 25 97 29.13 Three 6 18 20 14 36 94 28.23 Four 5 7 10 9 18 49 14.71 Five 3 3 5 7 13 31 9.31 More than five 2 7 4 7 10 30 9 42 56 57 71 107 333 100 Total Table 3: Authorship Pattern The table -3 shows the double author contribution is high around 97 articles that is (29.13%). The three author contribution is 94 articles that is(28.23%), four author contribution is around 49 articles that is (14.71%),single author contribution is 32articles that is (9.61%), five authors contribution is 31articlesthat is (9.31%) .Finally more than five authors contribution is very low that is 30 articles that is (9%).In my research, collaborative double authors and three authors contribution is high. NO OF REFERENCES 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 TOTAL NIL REF (0) 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.30% 1 TO 10 4 7 10 10 10 41 12.31% 11 TO 20 8 24 18 18 38 106 31.83% 21 TO 30 17 16 12 23 31 99 29.73% 31 TO 50 6 7 10 19 17 59 17.72% 51 TO 75 2 1 6 0 10 19 5.71% 76 TO 100 1 0 1 0 0 2 0.60% 101 TO 165 4 0 0 1 1 6 1.80% TOTAL 42 56 57 71 107 Table 4: No Of References ( Citations) 333 % 100 The table 4 shows related to citations of the authors ( 1) only one author wrote one article without references. that is 0.30%. (2) 1 to 10 references cited by 41 articles that is 12.31% (3). 11 to 20 references cited by 106 articles that is 31.83%. (4).21to30 references cited by 99articles that is 29.73%. (5). 31 to 50 references cited by 59 articles that is 17.72%. (6). 51 International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies Page 467 www.ijirs.com January, 2014 Vol 3 Issue 1 to 75 references cited by 19 articles that is 5.71%. (7). 76 to 100 references were cited by only 2 articles that is 0.60%. (8).101 to 165 references were cited by 6 articles that is 1.80%. S.NO COUNTRY No OF ARTICLES RANK 1 Australia 2 8 2 Bangladesh 2 8 3 Belgium 1 9 4 Brazil 2 8 5 China 5 5 6 Egypt 3 7 7 Europe 1 9 8 India 258 1 9 Indonesia 5 5 10 Iran 5 5 11 Italy 1 9 12 Japan 1 9 13 Jeddah 1 9 14 Canada 1 9 15 Kualalumpur 1 9 16 Korea 6 4 17 Kuwait 1 9 18 Malaysia 14 2 19 Mexico 1 9 20 Nigeria 1 9 21 Pakistan 4 6 22 Russia 2 8 23 Saudi Arabia 1 9 24 Singapore 3 7 25 Turkey 7 3 26 USA 4 3 TOTAL 333 Table 5: Country- Wise Distribution Of Articles The table -5 shows around 26countries authors have contributed articles to the Indian Journal of Geo- Marine science., My research ,the Indian authors have contributed 258articles, the Indian authors are in 1st rank, Malaysia authors have contributed around 14 articles and they were comes in the 2 nd rank. Turkey authors have contributed 7 articles strength that is 3 rd rank, Korean authors have contributed 6 articles that is 4th rank, Indonesia, Iran and China countries authors have contributed 5 articles each that is 5th rank, USA and Pakistan countries International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies Page 468 January, 2014 www.ijirs.com Vol 3 Issue 1 authors have contributed 4 articles each that is 6th rank, Egypt and Singapore authors have contributed e3 articles each that is7th rank, Australia , Bangladesh ,Brazil and Russian authors have contributed 2 articles each that is 8th rank and Belgium ,Europe, Italy, Japan, Jeddah, Canada, Kualalumpur, Kuwait, Mexico, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia authors have contributed 1article each that is 9th rank my research around 11countries mentioned above have contributed only 1 article. S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 DEPARTMENT& SUBJECTS No OF ARTICLES Aero Space 7 Agriculture 3 Applied science 1 Aquaculture 3 Aquatic environmental 1 Artificial muscle 1 Atmosphere science 2 Atmospheric and oceanography 1 Atomic 1 Bacteriology 1 Bio engineering 1 Bio medical 1 Bio organic chemistry 1 Biological science 4 Biotechnology 7 Botanical 1 Botany 3 Chemical oceanography 1 Chemical science 1 Chemistry 6 Civil 3 Climate dynamic 1 CLRI 1 Costal and marine 3 Crop protection 1 Earth and planetary 1 Earth science 8 Ecological 1 Electrical Engineering 1 Engineering Science 1 Engineering Physics 2 Environmental 17 Fisheries 22 International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies Page 469 January, 2014 34 Fish and Taxonomy Fisheries & 35 Microbiology Genetics and 36 Biotechnology 37 Geo chemistry 38 Geophysics 39 Geography 40 Geology 41 Costal Air pollution Herbal and Indian 42 Medicine 43 Human Ecology 44 Industrial Fisheries 45 Isotope 46 Life science 47 Marine & Aqua culture 48 Marine Biology 49 Marine Drugs 50 Marine Ecology 51 Marine Geology 52 Marine Research 53 Marine Biotechnology 54 Mathematical modeling Mechanical and Aero 55 space Mechanical & Ocean 56 Engineering Mechanical 57 Engineering Metallurgical 58 Engineering 59 Metrology 60 Microbiology 61 Minerals and Materials 62 Molecular biology National Atlas and 63 Pneumatic Mapping Navel and 64 Oceanography 65 Obliquity and surface 66 Ocean research 67 Oceanography 68 Pale Botany 69 Polar Pure and applied 70 sciences www.ijirs.com Vol 3 Issue 1 1 1 1 2 9 2 11 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 51 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 1 4 2 5 1 1 1 1 3 75 2 2 1 International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies Page 470 www.ijirs.com January, 2014 71 Radio Ecology Radio Land 72 Atmospheric 73 Remote Sensing 74 Robotics 75 Salt and Marine 76 Space Research 77 Tropical Marine science 78 Tropical Metrology 79 Under Water Resources Veterinary & Animal 80 Science 81 Water and Steam 82 Water Research 83 Wild Life Institute 84 Zoology TOTAL Vol 3 Issue 1 1 2 1 10 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 333 Table 6: Department And Subject Wise Articles The table -6 shows department and subject-wise contribution of articles over the period 20072011. In my research ,it is found that this journal around 84various departments and various countries have contributed 333 articles. Highest 75 articles are contributed by the Oceanography department.51articles are contributed by Marine biology department. Fisheries department contributed 22articles. The Environmental department contributed 17 articles. Robotics department contributed 10articles.Geophysics department contributed 9 articles. The Earth science and Zoology department contributed 8articles.Aerospace and Biotechnology departments contributed 7 articles. Chemistry department contributed 6articles. Mechanical and Minerals and materials both departments have contributed 5 articles. Biological and Metrology both have contributed 4articles. Agriculture, Aquaculture, Botany, civil, coastal Marine, Industrial fisheries, Ocean Research and Tropical Marine Science department all are contributed 3articles.Atmosphere science, Engineering physics, Geochemistry, Geography, Mechanical Aerospace, Mechanical Ocean Engineering, Microbiology, Pale Botany, Polar, Radio Land atmospheric and Space Research department all have contributed e 2 articles each. Remaining 49 departments have contributed only 1 article. International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies Page 471 January, 2014 www.ijirs.com Vol 3 Issue 1 6. Findings And Conclusion: 1. This investigates and brought out the following points from the year 2007 – 11, that is around 5 years 333 articles were published. In the year 2011, 107 articles were (32.13%) published. Followed by 2010 around 71 articles were published and every year the number of articles is increasing. 2. Around 9043 reference were cited by the authors over the period five years from 2007-11. More number of references citations were cited by the authors that is 2820 references. (31.2%) and it comes in the 1st rank. In the 2010 around 1827 references were cited that is (20.2%) and it comes 2nd rank. 3. The least number of references were cited in the year 2009 that is around 1560 references. 4. 4 The double author contribution is high around 97 articles that is (29.13 %) around the five years. Followed by the three authors contribution is 94 articles that is (28.23%). The single contribution is 32 articles that is (9.61%) , Finally more than 5 authors contribution is very low that is 30 articles that is (9%). 5. In my research collaborative that is 2 authors and 3 authors contribution is high. Only one article is contributed without references and other remaining articles are referred 1to 165 references were cited by the authors to write an article. 6. Around 26 countries authors have contributed articles to the Indian journal of GeoMarine Science. 7. Majority 258 articles were contributed by Indian authors. The Indian authors are in first rank and Malaysia authors have contributed around 14 articles in 2nd rank. Turkey authors have contributed seven articles and its comes in the 3rd rank. 8. The department and subject-wise articles contribution over the period 2007 – 2011, is become detailed here around 84 various departments have contributed 333 articles. 9. The highest number of 75 articles have contributed by the oceanography departments 51 articles contributed Marine Biology department. Fishery department has contributed 22 articles. The environmental department contributed 17 articles. Robotics department has contributed 10 articles. And other remaining departments contributed least number of articles. International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies Page 472 January, 2014 www.ijirs.com Vol 3 Issue 1 References: 1. SRELS Journal of Information Management vol.49, No.2 pages 199-207 2. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, Vol.32, No.1, Jan2012,Pp70-76 3. Osareh, Farideh. ”Bibliometrics, Citation Analysis and Co-Citation Analysis: A Review of Literature.”Libri 46(September 1996), 149-158. 4. Bibliometrics as a Research Field : A Course on theory and application of Bibliometric indicators. W.Glanzel, Course Handouts, 2003.6-10. International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies Page 473