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2010, European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
European Heart Journal, 2010
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery, 2014
CALLIPOLE - Revista de Cultura, pp. 247-278, 2023
Managers as leaders have the responsibility to lead their subordinates efficiently and effectively towards achieving enhanced performance and increased productivity to accomplish organizational objectives and targets. To meet organizations objectives, managers can adopt any sort of administration style that is considered most appropriate for the organization to attain its objectives. One important thing is that the style of leadership adopted by the leadership of the association should be in harmony with the subordinates or followers in achieving organizational goals and objectives. Leadership styles such as democratic or participative, autocratic or laissez-faire, can be utilized by any manager, in as much as appropriate measures such as rewards, incentives and recognition are offered to the subordinates to create industrial harmony in the work place. This paper theoretically and critically examined the different leadership styles and how each of these leadership styles can impact positively on the subordinate's technical efficiency, employee engagement, job performance and increased productivity. The study posited that an organization's efficiency and effectiveness can only be achieved if both management and employees are moving towards the attainment of one goal, which is known as goal congruency.
Jurnal PASCA, 2019
Tulisan ini, menguraikan tentang tinjauan teologi dari Mazmur 46 dan menjelaskan tentang kondisi Israel pada zamannya dan jawaban Allah secara teologi dan secara praktis. Mazmur ini adalah suatu penghiburan, namun penghiburan yang realistis. Hal tersebut dikarenakan Mazmur ini menceritakan tentang bagaimana keadaan dunia beritikad menghancurkan. Mazmur ini memiliki suatu nada yang optimis namun realisits. Mazmur ini menggambarkan dua prinsip yang saling bertentangan namun satu kesatuan (paradoks), yaitu Allah sebagai tempat perlindungan.
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