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2011, Animal Thinking: Contemporary Issues in Comparative Cognition
The social milieus of animals can be complex, ranging from almost completely asocial to monogamous pairs (no mean feat) to entire societies. To adapt to a constantly shifting environment of individuals striving toward their own goals, animals appear to have evolved specialized cognitive abilities. As appealing and intuitive as the idea of social cognition is, just defining it is difficult. We attempted to delineate social cognition, speculate on its adaptive value, and come to an understanding of what we mean when we talk about complexity. Transitive inference was often brought up as an example of a cognitive ability that is important for social animals, though the focus of much of the discussion was on theory of mind. For some, theory of mind is something of a Holy Grail, whereas for others, it is more of a McGuffin. There are a number of challenges and debates in trying to determine what cognitive abilities different animals use to solve their social problems. This chapter discusses methodological approaches and issues that are needed to propel the future of research into social knowledge.
(Mente y Cerebro/Investigación y Ciencia - Scientific American ISSN 1695-0887, 2006
Comparative studies on the cognitive capacities of social animals can help us understand the origin and evolution of complex mental processes in humans.
Animal Behaviour
Animal Behaviour, 2003
Animal Behaviour, 2008
We discuss the benefits of combining evolutionary and traditional cognitive approaches in the study of social cognition. A central goal of applying a traditional cognitive approach is to develop a computational theory (through task analysis) of the domain under study. A task analysis includes a specification of the computational problems that the system must solve for it to operate successfully.
Majumdar, Susmita Basu (ed.), Transcending Boundaries, Premodern Cultural Transactions across Asia. Essays in Honour of Osmund Bopearachchi. Delhi: Primus Books, pp. 309–331, 2024
Based on kabbalistic sources, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum - the Satmar Rebbe -developed a new “money theology.” It differentiated between pure and impure money. Impure money was, for example, that which was earned from Gentiles, heretics, Zionists, or the Israeli government. The theory also explained how to convert impure money into pure money and why it was important to have as much pure capital as possible.
"Education for a Better World" is a book that distinguishes true education from mere schooling. People who acquire a true or proper education are able to think for themselves, and they are generally employable and entrepreneurial. Several essays in this book underscore the need for people to engage in continuous learning, lifelong, and to continually ask questions. This book also provides the reader with tools for self-assessment as part of the process of finding one's place in the world. Also, this book contains thoughtful essays on the role of a teacher, why ranking children is bad, and on the need to educate all people about the important contributions of Africans to human history.
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John Kelleher and Van Genabith Josef a False Colouring Real Time Visual Saliency Algorithm For Reference Resolution in Simulated 3 D Environments in the 14th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Trinity College Dublin Ireland, 2003
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