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Keywords: chal co py rite, ther mal treat ment, sul fur, sulfidation, X-ray dif frac tion phase ana lyse, cop per, leach ing, sul fu ric acid Ab stract The cop per leach ing from chal co py rite is rather com pli-cated pro cess due to its re frac tory na ture. There fore a big ef fort is paid to find more ef fec tive method for this pro cess. One pos si ble method is the ther mal treat ment of raw chal-co py rite ma te rial with sul fur. The cop per from prod ucts of ther mal sulfidation of chal co py rite con cen trate should be better leachable, while iron prod uct could be less leachable, what is an ad van tage. Ther mal sulfidation of the chal co py rite con cen trate was re al ized by heat ing of sam ples at tem per a tures of 300, 350 and 400 °C dur ing 1 hour at nor mal pres sure 0.1 MPa. The used amount of sul phur was 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3 grams per 3 grams of con cen trate. More over, one sulfidation ex per i-ment was re al ized in evac u ated quartz tube. Achieved prod ucts wer...
The treatise of Saint Augustine, bishop of Hippo, intituled De bono coniugali presents the unique dogmatist and at the same time moralistic view on the topic of marriage, which did not have, at the time, the analogy in the patristic literature. In this paper we focus on the Saint Augustine’s apology of the marriage. In centre of our interest will be the moral principles of the married couples issued from the main characteristic rudiments of the marriage defined by our bishop of Hippo that are used in the catholic Church almost without any changes also in nowadays. The marriage as the union of man and woman was from the beginning viewed as the base of the human society of any religion. Also the pagan Rome esteemed a lot the family and the spouses procreating and raising the children for the fatherland. The Christianity brings to the marriage the new aspect by giving to it the character of the sanctity and inviolability. The marriages were united with the goal of the procreation of the legitimate offspring but its absence, according Saint Augustine, did not make the obstacle of the sanctity and the purpose of the marriage. The Church in the confrontation with the pagan customs and traditions, or the sinful concupiscence of the man, well maintained the observation of the sacrament of the marriage, which provides with the new content. That is why the marriage became the sacred union based on the norm of the inviolability, the equality of both spouses, the procreation of the offspring and mutual fidelity. By theses rules the Church helped the women to gain the more dignify position in the society than it given by the roman legislative.
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