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SUMMARY OF PROVIDENTISSIMUS DEUS (By Fortunatus Nnadi (fortinadi@gmail.com) Pope Leo XIII, in his letter on the study of the Holy Scripture, greets the entire Catholic Church and reminds them that the God of all Providence, in His love elevated man to participate in His Divine nature, delivered man from universal guilt and restored him to his original dignity. He expounds that Supernatural Revelation is only necessary because God has ordained man to a supernatural end. This supernatural Revelation is contained in both unwritten Tradition and written Books. They are called sacred and canonical because having been written under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost; they have God for their author. In essence he teaches that the branch of sacred theology which is concerned with the defense and elucidation of these divine Books should be held in high esteem. The Holy Father advises that there should be increase in the number of approved and persevering labourers in the cause of Holy Scripture. He also points out those who have been called to Holy Orders, urging them to show greater diligence and industry in reading, meditation, and explaining the Holy Scripture. In all he appeals for seriousness in undertaking this most praiseworthy task. HOLY SCRIPTURE MOST PROFITABLE TO DOCTRINE AND MORALITY Concerning morality, the Holy Father teaches that there is no place where the subject of the Saviour of the world can be found more than is to be found in the Bible. He continues by saying that we find in the Holy Scripture so many references, reasons and convincing arguments regarding the authenticity of the Church. On morality, he exhorts that Holy Scripture is the source of all the innumerable benefits from God, and that this was why it was given to men. He implores all therefore to understand how deeply the Sacred Books should be esteemed and with what eagerness and reverence it should be approached, being a great arsenal of heavenly arms. The Pope here recaptures Jesus’ constant appeals to the Scriptures in His Divine Mission, and His utterances from the Scripture at the end of his life. Our Holy Father highlights how the Apostles take over from Christ, making use of Bible to persuade nations, to conquer Jewish obstinacy and to suppress the outbreak of heresy. He affirms that the coming of the Holy Spirit, and His light and grace, are required to understand and explain the Sacred Scripture. WHAT THE BIBLE OWES TO THE CHURCH Concerning what the Church should expect from the Bible, He mentions it that the bible provides the faith, strength and unction which proceeds from the word of God. According to him, the Catholic Church uses these in defense and commendation of her faith. He adds that the bible is also the one source of revelation and the final appeal in matters of Faith. The age of the scholastics brought with it a welcome progress in the study of the Bible. This is why he advises that a portion of the Sacred Scripture shall be read and reflected on by all ministers in daily office, in churches, monasteries, and religious houses. “Eminent scholars” he says, “have carried on Biblical study with success and defended Holy Scripture against rationalism.” HOW TO STUDY HOLY SCRIPTURE Pope Leo XIII also teaches that the study of Holy Scripture should be placed on such a footing as its own importance and the circumstances of the time demand. First, there should be wisdom in the choice of Professors which should be based on their character and fitness that emanates from their love of and long familiarity with the Bible followed by a suitable learning and study. Secondly, the professor should strive to train young beginners to defend the sacred writings and penetrate their meaning. Thirdly, the professors should take the students through the whole of one or two Books continuously with suitable fullness that the students on their part may love and cherish the remainder of the Sacred Books thereby making use of them all through their lives. Concerning what should be done in the Introduction to the Sacred Scriptures the Holy Father says, “Here the student is taught how to prove the integrity and authority of the Bible, how to investigate and ascertain its true sense, and how to meet and refute objections.” He also highlights the importance of interpretation wherein is learned the act of using the word of God for religion and piety. He advises that the best preparation will be a good application of philosophy and theology under the guidance of Thomas Aquinas HOLY SCRIPTURE AND THEOLOGY; INTERPRETATION; THE FATHERS Concerning the connection between the four elements of Holy Scripture, Theology, Interpretation and the Fathers, he exhorts that in things of faith and morals, it is permitted to no one to interpret Holy Scriptures against the unanimous agreement of the Fathers, and that the whole teaching of Theology should be controlled by the use of the word of God. Theology receives her first principles from God by revelation. The sacred writings, he says, are wrapt in a certain religious obscurity, and no one can enter into their interior without a guide, this guide he clarifies to be the church. He underscores this with the following words, “in reading and making use of His Word, they must follow the Church as their guide and as their teacher.” He also opines that to interpret the Holy Scripture, the analogy of faith and the Catholic doctrine should be held as supreme law as proposed by the Church and that the Fathers of the Church are of supreme authority, whenever they all interprete any text of the Bible in the same manner which is because their unanimity clearly shows that such interpretation has been handed down by the Apostles as a matter of Catholic faith. Even when they teach unofficially, but as Doctors, their opinion has great weight because they are men of eminent sanctity and ardent zeal for the truth. We should not, he says, uphold all the opinions of each Father but we should carefully note what they laid down as belonging to faith. THE AUTHORITY OF HOLY SCRIPTURE; MODERN CRITICISM; PHYSICAL SCIECES Regarding the aforementioned sub-topic, Pope Leo XIII holds that the Bible is sacred and canonical because having been written under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, they have God for their author. The divine Magisterium of the Church rests on the authority of Holy Scripture to; First of all vindicate its trustworthiness and Secondly, help numerous members of the clergy to defend the authority of the Bible with trust in God and they should make effort to get accustomed to modern methods of attack because as he says, “the man who wants to contend all should be acquainted with the engines and arts of all.” And while he exhorted exhaustively about the means of defense, he mentions firstly; need for the study of the Oriental languages and the art of criticism. Secondly, he adds that the Professors of Sacred Scripture including theologians and Church students should master the tongues in which the Bible was originally written. Thirdly, the knowledge of physical science will help the Sacred Scripture professor to detect and refute attacks on the Bible. He enjoins the all Catholics, more especially those who have acquired reputation in any branch of learning to join en mass in this very important task of defending the Bible. CONCLUSION Conclusively, the Holy Father sums up his message in this letter admonishing the scholars of the Bible to loyally hold that God is author of the Scriptures. Therefore nothing, he says, can be proved either by physical science or archeology which contradicts the Scriptures. He also advises that in times of confusion and misunderstanding, the theologians and Fathers of the church should be consulted. The Holy Father lastly encourages all and sundry not to lose hope in this noble venture, he underlines the fact that truth cannot contradict truth, he therefore posits that mistaken views die and disappear; but “truth remaineth and groweth stronger forever and ever.” 3