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Translation has always been based on the notions of “writer” and “translator”; the writer is the one who writes the text and the translator is the one who comes later and translates it into another language. The writer has the authority to control the text that he writes and produce it in the way that best fits his thoughts and imagination. His authority also lies in his ability to enrich the culture to which he belongs with his ideology, philosophy, and fantasy, and the language in which he writes and develops it and expands its boundaries ...
The Translator As Author: New Perspectives on …, 2011
This paper examines the fallacy of the distinction between translator and
Philobiblon. Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities, 2021
In the last couple of decades, digital processes have accelerated what we typically call globalization. In contemporary scholarly literature on translation, then, the understanding of translators as relational agents has continually evolved. Scholars have, indeed, considered the importance of translators for the field of literary studies, but an ecological approach unfortunately remains absent in current research, since academics have relied either on deconstructive or pragmatist accounts of translation. Rather than passive mediators, then, I contend that translators represent an essential aspect of world authorship, thus examining the role of translators as a defining element of contemporary global culture.
, practical needs for translator and essential steps for the given task Abstract Each piece of translation is potential enough to convey the message of source text to its audience whether it is critical or creative. Translation transformed the lives of people in many nations. The history of translation declares that inscriptional inspirations to palm leaf practices , interpretations to interpretative communities, machine –human learning to soft talkie toddlers translation became an essential organ of human community. Historically speaking, the priorities and authorities catered labels of texts translations and translators. This paper focuses on the practicing translators, their specific needs to have better performance in translating of any given text, as an act of translation. Introduction : Knowledge text translation is different in its nature as any other texts which deals with the content or form. The translator of knowledge text should have some special characteristics along with acquaintance of that particular domain and preparation of translator for translating domain specific text is a must. There are some prerequisites for translator such as subject knowledge, writing ability in TL and good method of presenting the text; a translator must be a researcher. The current needs and demands of local or glocal of any translation factory expects from a translator is as follows: i) Minimum PG (Post Graduate) in the specific discipline with some translating experience in the discipline. ii) Competency in both the source language and target language. iii) A good comprehension of the source text. iv) Critical and creative ability to search and select equivalents. v) Critical and Creative ability to put the elements of a text together. vi) Ability to access to translation resources.
Translation Studies, 2019
In our time, the role of translators remains unchanged and similar under the basic framework of promoting interlingual communication, however as their work and image are still underevaluated, it is necessary to define, determine and recognize their role.
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South Asian research journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 2024
Glossologia, 2024
Friends of Mt Athos Annual, 2019
Josep Maria Salrach (coord.), Naixement de la nació catalana. Orígens i expansió (segles IX-XIV), Barcelona, 2017
Jurnal Forum Nuklir, 2013
Genome Research, 2003