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International Geographical Union / Union Géographique Internationale Commission on the History of Geography / Commission sur l’Histoire de la Géographie INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIA 1 - Critical, radical and postcolonial geographies and cartographies from early approaches to present-day debates 2- Geography as an international science: historical perspectives and present challenges Call for papers Along the lines of the general theme of the 25th International Congress on the History of Science and Technology (ICHST), to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 23 to 29 July 2017, the IGU & IUHPST Commission on the History of Geography organises two symposia on “Critical, radical and postcolonial geographies and cartographies from early approaches to present-day debates” and “Geography as an international science: historical perspectives and present challenges”. Critical, radical and postcolonial geographies and cartographies from early approaches to present-day debates KEYWORDS: Postcolonial and subaltern studies; Critical geographies; Social movements; Critical mapping; Geographies of solidarity CONVENORS: Prof. Marcella Schmidt di Friedberg (University of Milano-Bicocca, marcella.schmidt@unimib.it); Prof. Perla Zusman (CONICET/University of Buenos Aires, perlazusman@yahoo.es); Prof. André Reyes Novaes (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, andrereyesnovaes@gmail.com); Dr. Federico Ferretti (University College Dublin, federico.ferretti@ucd.ie) SYMPOSIUM DESCRIPTION AND MAIN THEMES: In the last decades, geographers have done a great work in addressing the history of their discipline under a critical perspective, highlighting the historical role of geography and mapping in state building and in contributing to European colonial endeavors. Since the 1960s and 1970s, critical and radical geographies acquired an increasing importance in the international scene of the discipline, questioning the former achievements of geographers at the service of states and warfare. In the following years, with the rising of postmodern and poststructuralist tendencies, a number of new critical approaches informed the contributions that many geographers gave to postcolonial, subaltern and de-colonial studies, as well as to feminism, gender and queer theory, relational and nonrepresentational geographies, critical mappings, geographies of exclusion and cultural differences etc. Nevertheless, recent research has highlighted the importance of early critical and unorthodox voices in the history of geography, e.g. the international network of the anarchist geographers inspired by the work of Elisée Reclus and Pëtr Kropotkin, and the historical traditions in geographies of peace and anti-colonialism. For this session, we welcome contributions on all this range of topics, as well as analysis on any argument related to the history of geography and mapping or to historical geographies, treated through the lenses of a critical, radical or postcolonial approach. We expect especially papers on: • Radical, critical, subaltern and postcolonial geographies from early authors to present-day critical tendencies in the discipline • Historical geographies of social movements in European and non-European countries • Geographies of solidarity, anti-racist, anti-colonialist and anarchist geographies • Geographies of minorities and exclusion • Critical and postcolonial approaches to the history of geography and cartography or to issues in historical geography • Imperial cartographies, de-construction of maps and critical mappings • De-coloniliaty, coloniality and modernity, social movements and indigenous knowledge • Feminist, queer and LGBT approaches • Intersectionality and critique of powers • Geographies of peace • Critical approaches to nation-building • Critical readings of radical and postcolonial geographies We also welcome proposals of additional topics to be incorporated into the final program. SUBMISSION OF PAPER PROPOSALS: Please send your abstract to the marcella.schmidt@unimib.it, perlazusman@yahoo.es, symposium’s convenors andrereyesnovaes@gmail.com, federico.ferretti@ucd.ie by November 7th 2016, and we will shortly be in touch for confirmation and further instructions. You will be then requested to submit your definitive abstract through the conference’s website http://www.ichst2017.sbhc.org.br/ by November 25th 2016. Geography as an International Science: Historical Perspectives and Present Challenges KEYWORDS: Geography, international science, circulation of ideas, international institutions and cooperation, global thinking CONVENORS: Prof. Michael Heffernan (University of Nottingham, e-mail: Mike.Heffernan@nottingham.ac.uk); Prof. Jacobo García-Álvarez (Carlos III University of Madrid, e-mail: jacobo.garcia@uc3m.es); Dr. Bruno Schelhaas (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography, Leipzig, e-mail: B_Schelhaas@ifl-leipzig.de), Prof. Sergio Nunes Pereira (Fluminense Federal University, e-mail: snunes.rio@uol.com.br); Prof. Jean-Yves Puyo (University of Pau; e-mail: jean-yves.puyo@univ-pau.fr). SYMPOSIUM DESCRIPTION AND MAIN THEMES Papers are welcome especially dealing with the following questions and topics: • • What is “the international” with regard to science and, particularly, to geography? What are the main factors, actors and problems determining the internationalization processes? What are the major landmarks and periods in the internationalization of geography? In which way are they connected with broader processes affecting the internationalization of other sciences? • How world geopolitical, economic, etc. issues have influenced/do influence internationalization of geography? • Scientific languages and internationalization processes (including, among others, the question of “Anglocentrism”). The “North – South” problem in geography. • • • • • • • • Processes of circulation and dissemination of geographical concepts, ideas, theories, paradigms, etc. International cooperation in geography and cartography. History and major contributions of international geographical congresses and organizations (such as the International Geographical Union, the International Cartographic Association, etc.) both to the internationalization of geography (and more broadly, to science and civil society), as well as to the evolution of the discipline in national contexts and schools. Evolution of certain geographical topics, subdisciplines or technologies as reflected in the international geographical meetings. The role of internet and open access journals in the internationalization of geography. Interdisciplinarity, fragmentation and synthesis in international geography. Contributions of geography and geographers to internationalism and global thinking. • Involvement of geography and geographical knowledge in international non geographical programs and associations (such as UN, ICSU, etc.) whether scientific or not. We also welcome proposals of additional topics to be incorporated into the final program. SUBMISSION OF PAPER PROPOSALS: Please send your abstract to the symposium’s convenors Mike.Heffernan@nottingham.ac.uk, jacobo.garcia@uc3m.es, B_Schelhaas@ifl-leipzig.de, snunes.rio@uol.com.br, jean-yves.puyo@univ-pau.fr by November 7th 2016, and we will shortly be in touch for confirmation and further instructions. You will be then requested to submit your definitive abstract through the conference’s website http://www.ichst2017.sbhc.org.br/ by November 25th 2016. INSTRUCTIONS FOR BOTH SYMPOSIA: Maximum length for abstracts in English or French: The maximum abstract length is 2,500 characters. Please separate paragraphs with a single return. Paragraphs should not be indented. Do not give endnotes or source list: any mentioned sources should be described in the text. Presentation Format: Submissions will normally be assembled into groups of 4-5 presentations per 90-minute session. You should prepare a presentation of around 15 to 17 minutes’ duration, to be followed by 5 minutes of audience questions. Please plan carefully: the very high volume of activity at the Congress means it will be necessary to run strictly to time. All the Congress presentation rooms are equipped as standard with a Windows PC running PowerPoint, Media Player, etc.; LCD projector (beamer); projection screen; and audio speakers. Microphones will be available in the largest rooms. Requests for additional equipment may be made via the abstract submission form, but cannot be guaranteed. Co-presenters: Most papers at the Congress are presented by sole authors. You may, however, submit a co-authored paper to be co-presented by two or, if necessary, three authors. All registered co-presenters should take an active role in delivering the paper. If your research involves collaboration with colleagues who will not be attending the Congress, please do not list them as co-presenters (see ‘Attendance requirement’). Instead, please develop a solo paper based on the collaboration, crediting your colleagues as appropriate in your talk. Languages: Papers may be presented in any of the following languages (all of them official in the 25th ICHST): English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, Russian and Arabic. If you intend to present your paper in a language which is not English or French, please indicate below the equivalent title and abstract in one of these languages.