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Zograf ^ASOPIS ZA SREDWOVEKOVNU UMETNOST 30 Institut za istoriju umetnosti Beograd 2004–2005 Zograf ^asopis za sredwovekovnu umetnost Broj 30, 2004–2005 Izdaje Institut za istoriju umetnosti Filozofski fakultet Beograd, ^ika Qubina 18–20 Redakcija Vojislav Kora}, Gojko Suboti}, Marica [uput, Ivan M. \or|evi} , Valentino Pace, Sophia Kalopissi-Verti, Danica Popovi}, Janko Maglovski, Smiqka Gabeli}, Ivan Stevovi}, Miodrag Markovi}, Dragan Vojvodi} Sekretar Miodrag Markovi} Odgovorni urednik Ivan M. \or|evi} Zograf. ^asopis za sredwovekovnu umetnost, broj 30, Beograd 2004–2005 UDK 7 (091) “04–17”, ISSN 0350–1361 SADR@AJ 5 Gojko Suboti}, Svetislav Mandi} (8. III 1921 — 4. X 2003) STUDIJE 9 Natalia Teteriatnikov, Hagia Sophia, Constantinople: Religious Images and their Functional Context after Iconoclasm 21 Massimo Bernabò, Un repertorio di figure comiche del teatro antico dalle miniature dei salteri bizantini a illustrazioni marginali 33 Miodrag Markovi}, Notes on a Byzantine Processional Cross from the George Ortiz Collection 53 Kiti Ma~abeli, Ob odnom obraze Bogomateri v gruzinskoè ~ekanke 63 Valentino Pace, Aquileia, Parma, Venezia e Ferrara: il ruolo della Serbia (e della Macedonia) in quattro casi di ¼maniera greca½ nel Veneto e in Emilia 81 Sreten Petkovi}, Arhiepiskop Danilo Ç — ktitor fresaka u proskomidiji pe}ke crkve Svetih apostola 89 Joseph Polzer, Studies in Late Dugento and Early Trecento Painting. Who is Duccio? Part 1 111 Archimandrite Silas Koukiaris, Wall Paintings in Churches with a Limited Christological Cycle 119 Janko Maglovski, Teratolo{ki motiv u keramoplastici Bogorodice Qevi{ke. Ikonologija trifore 123 Branislav Todi}, Srpske teme na freskama XIV veka u crkvi Svetog Dimitrija u Pe}i 141 Vesna Milanovi}, O fresci na ulazu u Bogorodi~inu crkvu arhiepiskopa Danila ÇÇ u Pe}i 167 Valentina @ivkovi}, Pomeni oltarskih slika u arhivskoj gra|i Kotora iz Hç i s po~etka HçÇ veka — Madonna di Misericordia i Immaculata Conceptione PRIKAZI 175 Manolis Chatzidakis, Ioanna Bitha, Corpus of the Byzantine Wall-Paintings of Greece. The Island of Kythera (Smiqka Gabeli}) 176 Medieval Cyprus. Studies in Art, Architecture, and History in Memory of Doula Mouriki (Smiqka Gabeli}) 178 VosØo~nohrisØianskie relikvii. Eastern Christian Relics (Valentina @ivkovi}) 180 Smiqka Gabeli}, Manastir Lesnovo. Istorija i slikarstvo (Janko Maglovski) Zographe. Revue d’art medievale, & 30, Belgrade 2004–2005 UDK 7 (091) Œ04–17”, ISSN 0350–1361 SOMMAIRE 5 Gojko Suboti}, Svetislav Mandi} (8. ÇÇÇ 1921 — 4. X 2003) ARTICLES 9 Natalia Teteriatnikov, Hagia Sophia, Constantinople: Religious Images and their Functional Context after Iconoslasm 21 Massimo Bernabo, Un repertorio di figure comiche del teatro antico dalle miniature dei salteri bizantini a illustrazioni marginali 33 Miodrag Markovi}, Notes on a Byzantine Processional Cross from the George Ortiz Collection 53 KiØi Ma~abeli, Ob odnom obraze Bogomateri v gruzinskoè ~ekanke 63 Valentino Pace, Aquileia, Parma, Venezia e Ferrara: il ruolo della Serbia (e della Macedonia) in quattro casi di ¼maniera greca½ nel Veneto e in Emilia 81 Sreten Petkovi}, Archbishop Danilo I — the Donor of the Frescoes in the Prothesis of the Church of the Holy Apostles in Pe} 89 Joseph Polzer, Studies in Late Dugento and Early Trecento Painting. Who is Duccio? Part 1 111 Archimandrite Silas Koukiaris, Wall Paintings in Churches with a Limited Christological Cycle 119 Janko Maglovski, A Teratological Motif in the Ceramoplastic Decoration of the Virgin Ljevi{ka in Prizren. Iconology of Apsidal Three-Light Window 123 th Branislav Todi}, Serbian Themes in 14 Century Frescoes in the Church of St Demetrios in Pe} 141 Vesna Milanovi}, The Fresco at the Entrance to Danilo II’s Church of the Mother of God at Pe} 167 Valentina @ivkovi}, A Reference to Altar Paintings in the Kotor Archives of the 15 th and the Beginning th of the 16 Centuries — Madonna di Misericordia and Immaculata Conceptione LIVRES 175 Manolis Chatzidakis, Ioanna Bitha, Corpus of the Byzantine Wall-Paintings of Greece. The Island of Kythera (Smiljka Gabeli}) 176 Medieval Cyprus. Studies in Art, Architecture, and History in Memory of Doula Mouriki (Smiljka Gabeli}) 178 VosØo~nohrisØianskie relikvii. Eastern Christian Relics (Valentina @ivkovi}) 180 Smiljka Gabeli}, Manastir Lesnovo. Istorija i slikarstvo (Janko Maglovski) Zographe Revue d’art medievale & 30, Belgrade 2004–2005 Editeur Institut d’histoire de l’art Faculte de Philosophie Beograd, ^ika Ljubina 18–20 Redaction Vojislav Kora}, Gojko Suboti}, Marica [uput, Ivan M. Djordjevi} , Valentino Pace, Sophia Kalopissi-Verti, Danica Popovi}, Janko Maglovski, Smiljka Gabeli}, Ivan Stevovi}, Miodrag Markovi}, Dragan Vojvodi} Secretaire Miodrag Markovi} Redacteur en chef Ivan M. Djordjevi} Ova sveska je {tampana sredstvima Ministarstva za nauku, tehnologiju i razvoj Republike Srbije, Ministarstva kulture i medija Republike Srbije i Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu Lektor Ivana Igwatovi} Prevod rezimea na engleski jezik Tamara Rodvel-Jovanovi} Klasifikacija Vesna Todorovi} Kompjuterska priprema Davor Pal~i} [tampa [tamparija œAkademijaŒ Narodnog fronta 43, Beograd Beograd 2005 ISSN 0350–1361 UDK 7 (091) Œ04–17”