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Авторы обращаются к теме строительной истории древних Спасо-Преображенского и Михайло-Архангельского соборов Нижегородского кремля, рассматривая ее через призму археологических исследований XX века и ранних изобразительных источников... more
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      Russian ArchitectureNizhniy NovgorodHistory of Architecture and Town PlanningHistory of Ancient Russia
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      Liturgical StudiesRussian Orthodox ChurchByzantine IconographyByzantine art
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      Medieval illuminated manuscriptsOld Russian ArtRussian Medieval ArtOld Slavic and Old Russian Manuscripts
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      Russian StudiesIconographyMedieval StudiesDemonology
Исследование было опубликовано в 1950 году в журнале ,,Советская археология" / Studie byla publikována v roce 1950 v časopise ,,Sovětská archeologie" / The study was published in 1950 in the journal ,,Soviet archeology."
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      Cultural StudiesArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Russian StudiesIconographySemanticsChristian Iconography
A new view of the icon has been developing in recent years, which differs significantly from our customary approach. When talking about icons, we typically think of a flat schematic representation of a religious subject matter, depicted... more
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      IconographyByzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryHierotopy
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      Liturgical StudiesEmbroideryApplied ArtsMedieval Art
Kniha byla vydána v Petrohradu roku 1914 / The book was published in St. Petersburg in 1914 / Книга была издана в Санкт-Петербурге в 1914 году
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      Cultural StudiesIconographyArt HistoryPainting
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      Byzantine IconographyByzantine Manuscripts IlluminationMedieval illuminated manuscriptsMedieval Slavic Manuscripts
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      GeorgiaRussian Artearly modern Russia (Muscovy)Russian Icon painitng
The piece of furniture known in Russian as the Tsar's “Place of Prayer” of the Moscow Kremlin was demolished in the 1960s and had not been studied properly ever since. In this article its form has been reconstructed based on the... more
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      Russian & Soviet ArtChristian IconographyTsarist Empire, Russian Intellectual HistoryRussian Architecture
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine IconographyCryptographyMedieval Epigraphy
"Towards Rewriting? New Approaches to Byzantine Archaeology and Art": Proceedings of the Symposium on Byzantine Art and Archaeology Cracow, September 8-10, 2008 organised by Piotr Ł. Grotowski (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesCentral European historyByzantine StudiesByzantine Architecture
This volume comprises thirteen papers from the conference ‘New Research on Late Byzantine Goldsmiths‘ Works (13th to 15th Centuries)’, held in the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz in October 2019. The contributions primarily deal... more
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine IconographyEngraved gemsByzantine Mistras
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      Russian Icon painitngRussian iconsByzantine and Postbyzantine icon-paintingRussian Medieval Art
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      Byzantine IconographyRussian ArtByzantine artNovgorod, Pskov, Russian regions
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      Christian IconographyNovgorod the GreatMedieval NovgorodRussian Medieval Art
Saint Nicholas’ cycle depicted in the narthex of the Monastery of Šiševo (1630) consists of 17 shots shaped in the 15 framed scenes which make it the most narrative one among the preserved examples in the Republic of Macedonia. The... more
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      Cultural StudiesBalkan StudiesVisual SemioticsByzantine Studies
In The Icon and the Square, Maria Taroutina examines how the traditional interests of institutions such as the crown, the church, and the Imperial Academy of Arts temporarily aligned with the radical, leftist, and revolutionary... more
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      Russian StudiesArt HistoryArt TheoryHistory of Museums
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      Byzantine ArchitectureByzantine IconographyMedieval ArtByzantine art
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      Russian StudiesEmbroideryRussian OrthodoxyByzantine art
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine IconographyMedieval ArtByzantine art
Pierwszy polskojęzyczny przewodnik po Nowogrodzie Wielkim. Zaprezentowano w nim około czterdziestu pięciu zabytków historycznych miasta i okolic, ułożonych w porządku geograficznym, np. nowogrodzkiego kremla, soboru katedralnego Sofii,... more
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      Medieval HistoryByzantine StudiesNovgorod the GreatMedieval Russia
The Miracle of St. Nicholas of Myra about a Cuman and the Pereyaslavl' Hoard of 1912: The stamped silver medallion with St. Nicholas's image from the Pereyaslavl’ hoard of 1912 is considered in this article as a kind of archaeological... more
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      Russian StudiesCult of SaintsSaints' CultsRussian History
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      Old Rus'Medieval Glasses (Archaeology)Medieval tradeHistory of Medieval Technology
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      Russian StudiesRussian HistoryOld Rus'Russian Art
Сергий Радонежский и русское искусство второй половины XIV – первой половины XV века в контексте византийской культуры. Тезисы докладов международного научного симпозиума. Москва,10–12 ноября 2014 года. – М.: Государственный институт... more
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      Russian StudiesMedieval StudiesMedieval ArtRussian Art
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      Cult of SaintsCult of SaintsEmbroideryChristian Iconography
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      Armenian StudiesArmenian ArtArmenian Church ArchitectureVladimir
Kniha byla vydána v Petrohradu v roce 1906 / The book was published in St. Petersburg in 1906.
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      Cultural StudiesIconographyArt HistoryByzantine Studies
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      HistoryIconographyArt HistoryMedieval
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      Byzantine HistoryByzantine IconographyMedieval ArtByzantine historiography
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      Byzantine ArchitectureByzantine IconographyMedieval ArtEarly Christian Art
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      Embroidered TextilesChristian IconographyOld Russian ArtRussian Medieval Art
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      Saints' CultsByzantine StudiesLate AntiquityByzantine Iconography
Статья посвящена малоизвестному памятнику московской живописи XV в. – иконе «Богоявление» из частного собрания Воробьёвых. Недавно на этом произведении была обнаружена надпись, содержавшая имя иконописца, однако ее текст был опубликован с... more
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      Russian Icon painitngByzantine artRussian IconographyMuscovite Russia
Статья посвящена датировке и атрибуции пядничной иконы «Богоматерь Боголюбская» (собрание Сергиево-Посадского музея- заповедника). На ней представлено изображение Богоматери в молении в полный рост, без Младенца на руках, которое... more
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine IconographyByzantine and Post Byzantine ArtThe Cult of the Virgin Mary
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      Byzantine IconographySerbian medieval artRussian Medieval Art
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      Russian Orthodox Churchearly modern Russia (Muscovy)Russian ArchitectureMedieval Russia
On the So Called "Pagan Idols" near Pskov in the 16th Century: According to Anatoly Kirpichnikov, the anthropomorphic stone sculpture, which was found near Pskov in 1897 and was lost later, can be identified as one of two pagan idols,... more
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      Russian StudiesCult of SaintsSaints' CultsRussian History
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      Cult of SaintsSaints' CultsSt SergiusHistory of Muscovy
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      Russian StudiesManuscript StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Scribes
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      Cult of SaintsRussian Orthodox ChurchOld Rus'early modern Russia (Muscovy)
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      Russian ArchitectureMedieval RussiaHistory of MuscovyThe Cult of the Virgin Mary
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      Christian IconographyByzantine and Postbyzantine MuralsMuscovite ideologyHistory of Muscovy
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine IconographyByzantine IconographyMedieval Art
Статья посвящена проблемам датировки и атрибуции пядничной иконы с изображением Богоматери Одигитрии в рост из Сергиево-Посадского музея. Исследование редкой иконографии памятника во взаимосвязи с его стилистическими особенностями... more
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      Byzantine IconographyByzantine and post-byzantine icons and frescoesRussian iconsByzantine and Postbyzantine icon-painting
Ілюстрації до: Юрій Диба. Українські храми-ротонди Х - першої половини XIV століть. - Львів: Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2005. - 108 с.: іл.
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      Eastern European StudiesMedieval HistoryOld Rus'Medieval Art