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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryRussian folkloreMedieval Russia
«clashed with them at the Church of the Resurrection in Molody»: Materials about the campaign Devlet I Giray at Moscow in 1572 Crimean Embassy book 1571-1578. It is the first full publication of the case of the arrival of Ivan IV the... more
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      Russian StudiesEarly Modern History16th Century (History)Russian History
The account the Danish aristocrat and ambassador to Russia in 1578 during the Livonian War belongs to the best known and most important foreign accounts of Russia during the reign of Ivan Groznyi. This account was published posthumously... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyMuscovite RussiaLivonian WarOprichnina
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      HistoryRussian StudiesRussian HistoryHistory of Muscovy
Our evidence concerning the Khanate of Sibir’ is sparse. The origin of the term is murky, its origins in the northeastern part of the Ulus of Jochi unclear, and most of its history unaccounted for. Arabic sources provide testimony that... more
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      SiberiaHistory of the Mongol EmpireRussian HistorySiberian Studies
The relations between tsar Alexis and patriarch Nikon between 1652–1658 can be seen as the realization of the Byzantine idea of symphony, but there was a sharp break from 1658 on which finally led to the deposition of Nikon. It means that... more
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      IconographyRussian HistoryIconsMuscovite Russia
This text arose in answer to a request for a review of the section on the Russian roots of the Aminoff (Aminev) family, as presented in a book from 1978 by Berndt Herman Aminoff on the genealogy of his family, by then the most numerous... more
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      NobilityRussian HistorySocial HistorySwedish History
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      PhilologyHistoryRussian LiteratureRussian History
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      Polish-russian relationsIvan the TerribleMuscovite RussiaOprichnina
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      Russian StudiesIconographyRussian Orthodox ChurchByzantine Studies
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      History of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthPolish-russian relationsUkrainian, Russian and Polish HistoriyMuscovite Russia
В статье переписка между Иваном IV и властями Короны Польской и Великого княжества Литовского изучена как источник по истории политической мысли. Особое внимание уделено формированию образа врага в лице унийного государства Ягеллонов и их... more
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      History of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthRussian / Soviet military and diplomatic historyRussian diplomacyMuscovite ideology
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      Postcolonial StudiesPropaganda & Indoctrination StudiesPolitical propaganda and LiteratureTime of Troubles
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      Russian StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesOnomastics
Краткая «Grammatica Russica» на латинском языке, изданная Лудольфом в Оксфорде в 1696 году, стала первой в мире грамматикой русского (а не церковнославянского) языка; автор ставил себе задачей описать разговорный русский язык. Он... more
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      PhilologyHistoryRussian StudiesRussian Literature
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      Renaissance HumanismDiplomacyHistory of DiplomacyMedieval Diplomacy
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      Medieval French LiteratureMedieval StudiesShakespeareHistory of Costume
Study of the 16th-century political thinker Ivan Peresvetov with respect to the treatment of Christianity and Islam in his works.
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      Russian StudiesCriminal JusticePhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
This monograph deals with the production of manuscripts in Russia in the 16th century as a social phenomenon. Most studies devoted to the history of manuscripts focus on the renowned centers of book culture, primarily monasteries. Little... more
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      Russian StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsMonastic StudiesManuscript Studies
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryModern History
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      early modern Russia (Muscovy)Polish-russian relationsIvan the TerribleMuscovite Russia
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      Romanian HistoryHistory of MoldovaHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthUkrainian History
Unter den Quellen fremder Herkunft, die das Thema Rußland in der Zeit Ivans des Schrecklichen behandeln, nimmt der Bericht Albert Schlichtings eine besondere Stellung ein. Der literarisch ansprechende und durch eine Fülle von Einzelheiten... more
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      early modern Russia (Muscovy)Ivan the TerribleMuscovite RussiaHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Ottoman Porta,Muscovy and Ukraine in 1676
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      PhilologyHistoryRussian StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
The ancestors of the Bunak family had been of Muscovite and Ruthenian origin and had served the Grand Princes of Moscow and Tsar Ivan IV. Three syny boiarskiie, the sons of an Ivan Bunak entered the service of the Polish King and the... more
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      History of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthMigrationsRussian emigrationHistory of Muscovy
This article explores a church rite of spiritual brotherhood known in Russian as bratotvorenie. This rite, which has not been studied in any depth before, united two unrelated men as ‘brothers’. It appeared in Muscovite and Ruthenian... more
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      Liturgical StudiesHagiographyHistory of SexualityRussian Orthodox Church
This article examines the factors that influenced the creation of the first Russian (so-called “anonymous”) printing press around 1553. The article shows that the first attempts to introduce printing took place as early as the 1540s (as... more
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      Russian StudiesBook HistoryManuscripts and Early Printed BooksRare Books and Manuscripts
PREFACE After the previous two volumes in the VIIIth issue of the Specimina Nova Pars Prima Sectio Mediaevalis we go back to the beginnings. As opposed to the volumes based on the materials of different conferences, the present issue... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval Church HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)
Парижский словарь московитов (Dictionnaire Muscovite 1586) — словарь-разговорник русского языка XVI в., составлен в Холмогорах капитаном Жаном Соважем из Дьепа вместе с французскими купцами, прибывшими с ним к устью Северной Двины.... more
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      HistoryRussian StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsLexicology
В статье на основе анализа записей на Годуновских Псалтирях рассматривается вопрос о распространении идеи «Третьего Рима» в России в конце XVI в. В этом столетии Третьим Римом именовалась либо Русская земля, либо Российское царство.... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
This review article examines the historiographic analysis of the circumstances under which appeared the reference guide by D. V. Liseitsev, N. M. Rogozhin, and Iu. M. Eskin, Prikazy Moskovskogo gosudarstva XVI-XVII vekov:... more
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      17th-Century StudiesHistorical InstitutionalismRussian HistoryNew Institutionalism
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      Russian StudiesEmbroideryRussian OrthodoxyByzantine art
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      early modern Russia (Muscovy)Polish-russian relationsMuscovy CompanyIvan the Terrible
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      Economic HistoryRussian StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsMedieval History
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      Early Modern History17th-Century StudiesRussian History17th century Europe
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      History of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthOld Russian Chronicleshistory of Great Duchy of Lithuania (XIV-XV)Muscovite Russia
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      JagielloniansMuscovite RussiaHistory of the Great Duchy of LithuaniaBattle of Orsha
В статье приводятся сведения о сохранившихся датированных рукописных книгах, переписанных на территории Русского государства в XVI в. Представлена краткая информация (название, дата и место написания, архивные шифры) о примерно 300... more
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      Russian StudiesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryBook History
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      Time of TroublesHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthPolish-russian relationsUkrainian, Russian and Polish Historiy
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      Time of TroublesHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthearly modern Russia (Muscovy)Muscovite ideology
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      Time of TroublesHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthPolish-russian relationsMuscovite Russia
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      Art HistoryByzantine StudiesByzantine IconographyRussian Orthodoxy
Inspired in part by conversations with David Goldfrank, this essay considers aspects of how attitudes toward biblical language contributed to representations of national and religious identity in late medieval and early modern Muscovite... more
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      Russian StudiesMedieval HistoryBible TranslationRussian Orthodox Church
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      Russian StudiesTextual CriticismRussian HistoryOld Rus'
The article deals with cultural forms, meanings and practices related to the notion / identity of Muscovite in the Early-Modern Russian state and Europe.
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      Early Modern EuropeHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthMuscovite RussiaNationalism and identity construction
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      Russian HistoryRussian OrthodoxyHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthearly modern Russia (Muscovy)
В статье предпринимается попытка рассмотреть особенности восприятия представителей центральных и местных светских и духовных властей писцами XVI в. Они, представляя достаточно многочисленные социальные слои далекие от вершины социальной... more
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      Russian StudiesManuscripts and Early Printed BooksRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript Studies
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      Russian HistoryMedieval RussiaMuscovite Russia
Рассматривается вопрос о причинах падения влияния Иосифо-Волоколамского монастыря на управление Русской церковью в последней трети XVI в. В работе приводятся сведения о десятках выходцев из этого монастыря, которые, становясь настоятелями... more
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      Russian StudiesEarly Modern HistoryMonastic StudiesMedieval Church History
Abstract. The equilibrium thermodynamics of the reaction : 4KMgA1Si40, o( OH), + Mg5A1,Si30, o( OH), muscovlte chlorite muscovite biotite = KA13Si,0,,(OH), + 3KMg3AISi,0,0(OH), + 7Si0, + 4H,O quartz fluid can be formulated as a... more
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      ThermodynamicsMuscovite RussiaCeladoniteGeobarometer