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Новооткрытая икона XV в. со сценами на сюжет Акафиста Богоматери // Памятники культуры. Новые открытия. Письменность, искусство, археология. Ежегодник. 1998. М., 1999. С. 233–248
Perspective on the problem solving process related to mental health and substance use issues, using the group as a resource
L a B i b l i a C o m e n t a d a p o r l o s P a d r e s d e l a I g l e s i a y otros autores de la época patrística N u e v o T e s t a m e n t o 6
Sustainability, 2024
Authorities and governmental bodies strongly emphasize the importance of residents preparing for natural disasters, particularly underscoring the significance of readiness for geophysical hazards like earthquakes. In this study, which represents comparative quantitative research, the levels and predictors of the impact on preparedness for earthquake-induced disasters in South-Eastern European countries such as Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia are examined. Using the snowball sampling technique (online questionnaire), a survey of 1245 respondents (Montenegro (n = 400), North Macedonia (n = 345), and Serbia (n = 500) was conducted from February 2023 to February 2024. The paper is based on the central hypothesis that the most significant predictor of earthquake preparedness in Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia is age, followed by education and gender. Multivariate regression analysis was used to determine the extent to which five scores of the subscales (household preparedness, community preparedness, disaster preparation, earthquake risk awareness, and reinforced house) were associated with seventh demographic and socio-economic variables. In addition to the mentioned analysis, other statistical analyses such as t-test, one-way ANOVA analysis, and Pearson correlation were also utilized. The results indicate that age emerges as a predictor in various aspects of earthquake-induced disaster preparedness and awareness in most models, followed by education and gender. These findings confirm the significance of respondents’ age in determining levels of preparedness and earthquake awareness. Overall, in North Macedonia, respondents recorded the highest ratings (M = 3.52) for household preparedness for earthquakes, compared to Serbia (M = 3.26) and Montenegro (M = 2.98), where the lower ratings were recorded. Research findings, taking into account cultural characteristics, can serve as a basis for the development of targeted interventions, strategies, policies, and programs aimed at improving the level of societal preparedness for earthquake-induced disasters.
IRJCS:: AM Publications, India, 2019
A fair voting process is a fundamental part of any system that works in a democratic manner as it gives individuals the power to voice their opinion. The existing system incorporates Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) that stores data locally and is centralized which makes it point of weakness. Since the data is stored locally over the EVM(s) until the end of the elections it could be hacked. Moreover, there have actually been incidents of "booth-hijacking" that have taken place in some places during the elections. In the recent years there have been lots of accusations of EVM being hacked and the elections manipulated due to it. Unfortunately, there is no methodology incorporated into the existing system which could be used to prove that the a particular vote has been casted successfully and the EVM was not hacked. The blockchain is an emerging, decentralized, and distributed technology that promises to enhance different aspects of many industries. With the blockchain being a practically hack-proof way of logging transactions, expanding e-voting into blockchain technology could be the solution to alleviate the present concerns in e-voting. This paper presents a blockchain based e-voting system, named VoteEth that is secure and reliable. It will increase accessibility as the users could cast their votes without paying a visit to the polling booths. VoteEth utilizes Ethereum's blockchain and smart contracts for its implementation.
Integrated Science, 2022
Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2016
Cette etude examine la possibilite de predire la repartition spatiale des eclosions des feux de forets dans la region de Chefchaouen-Ouazzane (Nord-ouest du Maroc). Le systeme d’information geographique a ete utilise pour la localisation de 613 feux de foret, enregistres entre 2002 et 2015. La construction du modele de prediction dichotomique a ete developpee sur la base des resultats de la regression logistique binaire en utilisant 20 variables explicatives anthropiques et biophysiques. Un echantillon aleatoire de 2141 observations (60%) a ete utilise pour la construction du modele et 1427 observations exogenes (40%) ont ete reservees pour la realisation d’un test independant de la capacite du modele a predire les eclosions des feux. Les variables explicatives incluses dans le modele, font etat de l’impact des facteurs (1) anthropiques, representes par les voies d’acces (pistes et routes) et les lieux de grande recurrences d’incendies, (2) topo-climatiques, dont la temperature maxi...
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Svenska landsmål och svenskt folkliv 2023 (146), 2024
Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 1991
European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 2002
Journal of Infection and Public Health, 2016
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European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 2019
European Heart Journal, 2015