American Economic Association
Cointegration, Aggregate Consumption, and the Demand for Imports: A Structural
Econometric Investigation
Author(s): Richard H. Clarida
Source: The American Economic Review, Vol. 84, No. 1 (Mar., 1994), pp. 298-308
Published by: American Economic Association
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Accessed: 10-09-2017 06:08 UTC
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Cointegration, Aggregate Consumption, and the Demand
for Imports: A Structural Econometric Investigation
Employing a two-good version of the
rational-expectations permanent-income
model, this paper derives a structural
econometric equation that can be used to
estimate the parameters of the demand for
imported nondurable consumer goods. With
strongly separable, addilog preferences (see
Hendrik Houthakker, 1960), the log of the
demand for imported goods is shown to be
linear in the log of the relative price of
imports, the log of the consumption of domestically produced varieties, and the log of
an unobservable shock to tastes. The
rational-expectations permanent-income hypothesis in conjunction with the addilogpreference structure implies that the log of
the demand for domestic goods is the correct "activity" variable on the right-hand
side of the import demand equation. This is
because log consumption of domestic goods
is a noisy proxy for the unobservable log of
the forward-looking index of permanent income, the marginal utility of wealth.
In quarterly U.S. data, it is not possible to
reject the hypothesis that log consumption
of domestic nondurable goods is nonstationary in levels but is stationary in first differences. From this fact, my model implies
that, in the open-economy macroeconomic
equilibrium, the demand for domestic nondurable goods and the demand for foreign
nondurable goods share a stochastic trend
and that this trend may in fact be identified
with the log marginal utility of wealth. According to the theory, log imports, log domestic goods, and the log relative price of
imports will be cointegrated if the equilibrium relative price of imports contains a
stochastic supply trend that is not cointegrated with the log utility index of permanent income. If these three variables are
cointegrated, the import demand equation's
structural parameters-the elasticities of
marginal utility with respect to foreign-goods
consumption (-q) and home-goods consump-
tion (a)- are exactly identified by the co-
integrating vector.
The data decisively reject the null hypoth-
esis that imports, the relative price of imports, and the consumption of home goods
are not cointegrated. To correct for
simultaneous-equations bias, I employ the
nonlinear least-squares technique recently
proposed by Peter Phillips and Mico Lore* Department of Economics, Columbia University,
tan (1991) to estimate the parameters of the
New York, NY 10027, and The National Bureau of
Economic Research. This paper was completed during
structural import demand equation.
my stay as a Visiting Scholar at the Federal Reserve
The results of the empirical work may be
Bank of New York. I thank Richard Davis, Akbar
summarized as follows. The price elasticity
Akhtar, Charles Pigott, Bruce Kasman, Susan Hickok,
of import demand is estimated to average
Juann Hung, and seminar participants at the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York; Mike Gavin, Ricardo
-0.95 during the sample. Given the preciCaballero, Jordi Gali, and seminar participants at
sion of the estimate, it is not possible to
Columbia University; Peter Hooper, William Helkie,
reject the null hypothesis of a unitary price
Jaime Marquez, Dale Henderson, and seminar particielasticity, thus putting the estimate in the
pants at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors; Bill
range of earlier empirical studies (William
Branson, Ken Rogoff, and seminar participants at the
1991 NBER Summer Institute; two referees of this
Branson, 1972; Morris Goldstein and
journal; and seminar participants at Princeton, Chicago, Mohsin Kahn, 1985; William Helkie and
Wisconsin, the IMF, Virginia, New York University,
Peter Hooper, 1986; WIlliam Cline, 1989).
Georgetown, Syracuse, and UC-Davis for their comThe elasticity of import demand with rements and suggestions. All remaining confusions are
my doing.
spect to an increase in real spending is
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estimated to average 2.15 during the sample, roughly the same as reported by Helkie
and Hooper (1986), somewhat smaller than
reported by Cline (1989), and somewhat
larger than the average of the many studies
surveyed by Goldstein and Kahn (1985). In
the context of my theoretical specification,
the Marshallian price elasticity of import
demand is not constant, but in fact converges to -1 as the share of total spending
on imports rises, while the elasticity of import demand with respect to an increase in
real spending is not constant but in fact
declines over time as the share of spending
on imports rises. The paper ends with some
concluding remarks.
I. The Model
I begin by deriving the demand for nondurable foreign goods, FJ, from a standard
rational-expectations permanent-income
I shall assume that u is an addilog utility
function (see Houthakker, 1960).
(6) u(Ht,Ft)=DtHt-a(1-a)
+ BtFt'-q(1 - where Bt and Dt are random, trend-stationary shocks to preferences.1 Using (6),
(4a) and (4b) are easily solved for the opti-
mal consumption of domestic and foreign
goods as a function of At and Pt:
(7a) Ht = Ak - l/aDJI/a
(7b) Ft = At- 1 I1Pt- 1 I1B 1/q.
Letting lowercase letters denote logs, one
sees that
(8) ftt=bt /1-q(117q)pt-(11-q)logkAt.
model. Letting P, denote the price of imports in terms of domestic goods, H, the
consumption of domestic nondurable goods,
Along the optimal path, the log of the de-
At assets, yt labor income, and rt the real mand for imported consumer goods is linear
interest rate, the representative household
in the log of the relative price of imports
selects {Ht, Ft, At + 1}, t = O, . . ., T, so as to and the log of the marginal utility of wealth,
the forward-looking utility index of permanent income implied by theory where
(1) max E [ (1+6) tu(Ht;Ft)
t =O0
A(At; yt; Pt; rt; G( yt+1,,yt+,,* * ; Pt+,
Pt+29 . ..; rt+,, rt+2 * - * ))
subject to
(2) Ht+PtFt+At+,=(l+rt)At+yt
(3) AT?O.
with G the joint probability distribution over
the entire future time path of labor income,
import prices, and real interest rates.
If, given the assumption of addilog preferences, data were available on logAt, this
Assuming an interior utility
index of permanent
would be
conditions are given by
the proper "activity" variable to include on
the right-hand side of the import demand
equation. Such data are not available. How(4a) UH =At
(4b) UF = AtPt
(5) At = (1 + 6) Et[At+1(l + rt+l)]
where At is the Lagrange multiplier on the
accumulation constraint (2).
IThe addilog utility function has been estimated in a
number of previous studies of consumer demand and
intertemporal substitution, including Angus Deaton
(1974), Jeffrey Miron (1986), Laurence Ball (1990), and
Janet Ceglowski (1991). In what follows I will discuss
the recent contributions of Masao Ogaki (1988, 1992)
and Ogaki and Joon Park (1989).
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ever, using the fact that
9) ~Hta /q1 = k t- I/D 1 /q
one may express the demand for imported
consumer goods as
( 10) ftt=yt - (1q)pt + (a1-)ht +et
where yt (bo + b1t - do- d1t)/ is the
linearly deterministic component of the log
shocks to preferences divided by 77 and
(11) et = (bt - bo - b1t)177
- (dt - do - d1t)/lq.
(12) of the model, in an open-economy
macroeconomic equilibrium in which the log
consumption of domestically produced nondurables is an integrated I(1) process, the
demand for forgein nondurable goods and
the demand for domestic nondurable goods
should share a stochastic trend. This
stochastic trend may in fact be identified
with the log marginal utility of wealth.
While the theory implies that the log con-
sumption of home goods, ht and foreign
goods, ft, share a stochastic trend, these
two variables are not necessarily cointegrated (Robert Engle and Clive Granger,
1987). In fact, as is revealed by equation
(10), if the equilibrium relative price of imports contains a stochastic supply trend that
Thus, if the model is true, log consumption
is not cointegrated with logAt, the model
of domestically produced goods may be used
implies that ft and ht are not cointegrated.
as a noisy proxy for the unobserved log
Rather, the model implies that ft. ht, and
marginal utility of wealth.2
Pt are cointegrated so long as the preferA well-known property of the standard
ence shocks are trend-stationary.3 Furtherpermanent-income model with a constant
more, by the results of James Stock and
Mark Watson (1988), the existence of two
real interest rate is that At, the utility index
of permanent income, follows a martingale
common stochastic trends among three I(1)
(Robert Hall, 1978). Taking logs of both
variables implies that there exists a unique
sides of (7a) and using (8) one obtains
(at least up to a scale factor) cointegrating
vector. In the context of my model, if two
common stochastic trends are found to be
(12) ht =dt/a -(1/a)logAt.
present in the data, these trends may be
As I show below in Table 1, with quarterly
identified with the log marginal utility of
U.S. data it is not possible to reject the
wealth, logAt, and a permanent shock to
hypothesis that log consumption of domesthe supply schedule for imported nontic nondurable goods is nonstationary in levdurable goods. The unique cointegrating
els but is stationary in first differences. It
vector is [1,1/7, -a/77]' as defined by
equation (10).
follows from (12), and the assumption that
dt is stationary, that logAt is also nonsta-
tionary in levels but stationary in first differences. According to equations (8) and
3In prior (but independent) work Ogaki (1988, 1992)
and Ogaki and Park (1989) also exploit the fact that, if
the equilibrium consumption paths of different goods
2I allow for a trend in the cointegrating relationship are each I(1), the assumption of addilog preferences
for two reasons: first, for comparability with the vast
(and stationary preference shocks) implies a cointegraempirical literature devoted to estimating ad hoc import demand equations; second, to capture the influence of what are certain to be omitted variables such
as improvements in product quality and the accumulation of knowledge about the characteristics of imported
varieties of consumer goods (Robert Feenstra, 1992). A
nonlinear trend would probably be preferable on theoretical grounds, but the bulk of the available research
on cointegration has focused on cointegrating relationships about a deterministic linear trend.
tion restriction across the consumption of different
goods and the relative prices of these goods. These
authors show that cointegration methods can be used
to estimate the parameters of the addilog utility function, and they apply their approach to estimating the
"long-run intertemporal elasticity of substitution" and
the "Engel's Law" relationship in U.S. data. Ogaki and
Park (1989) also explore the conditions under which
the addilog utility function (which is not homothetic)
can be aggregated across heterogenous consumers.
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It follows that, in a cointegrating regres-
By using data on imports of foreign con-
sion of f, on p, and ht, the utility parame-sumer goods instead of data on consumption
ters qi and a (the elasticities of marginal
utility with respect to foreign and home
goods) are just identified. In Section IV,
of imported goods, I introduce measurement error. Letting the measurement
errors zt and ut be defined by
after presenting estimates of a and -q, I
shall use (7) and these estimates to obtain
estimates of the Marshallian price elasticity
of import demand holding constant real ex-
(15) Mt= t +zt
penditure C = H + PF, ECf pc, as well as of
to a change in real spending, f C;p' holding equation to be estimated:
the elasticity of import demand with respect
constant import prices.
II. The Data
The National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) provide quarterly, seasonally
adjusted nominal and 1982-dollar data on
nondurable consumer-goods imports, Mt,
beginning with 1967:1. The NIPA do not
provide data for the spending on or consumption of domestically produced consumer goods, but of course they do provide
quarterly, seasonally adjusted nominal and
1982-dollar data on nondurables consumption.
My measurement of H, is defined as
(13) Ht = (Et - PFtMt)/PHt
(17) mt =yt - (1)p,+(a/n)ht+vt
(18) vt = et + zt - (al-q)ut.
The stationarity of preference shocks et is
assumed. In the working-paper version of
this paper (Clarida, 1991), I examine the
conditions under which one would expect
the measurement errors zt and ut to be
stationary. If zt and ut are stationary, the
model implies that mt, pt, and h't are coin-
tegrated and that the parameters of interest
can be recovered from the cointegrating
vector [1, 1/' , - a / .
III. Testing for Unit Roots and Common
where Et is the NIPA definition of quarter-tI begin by reporting the results obtained
consumption of nondurable goods valued in
current dollars, PFt is the NIPA deflator for
nondurable consumer-goods imports, and
from a Dickey-Fuller test of the hypothesis
that each of the series mt, Pt, and h't pos-
sesses a unit root. The alternative hypotheis that these series are stationary about a
PHt is the producer price index (PPI) sis
deterministic trend. This test is just a t test
nondurable consumer goods. A constant, or
that the coefficient , is equal to zero in the
even random but stationary, markup of the
following regression:
unobservable deflator for home goods over
the PPI for home goods could be incorporated without changing the thrust of the
(19) Axt=AO+Ait+pxt_i+PiAxt-i
argument. It follows that
(14) Ht' = Ht + Pt(Ft -Mt)
+ .. +ppAxtP + Ext,
The results of these tests are reported in
where P, = PFt /PHt, Ht is the 1982-dollar
value of quarter-t consumption of domestic
nondurable goods, Ht' is the 1982-dollar
value of measured quarter-t consumption of
domestic goods, and Ft is the 1982-dollar
value of quarter-t consumption of imported
nondurable goods.
Table 1, with critical values from Wayne
Fuller (1976) and are easily summarized.
The analysis cannot reject at even the 10percent level the null hypothesis of a unit
root in any of the three variables, mt, pt, or
th'. With no strong evidence against the null
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I then regress changes in the estimated
residuals, AEpht on one lagged level of the
Dickey-Fuller Regression:
Axt = /LO + /L1t +fXt_1 + pAxt-1 + xt
residual and lagged changes:
Variable Estimated /8 t ratio
(21) AEpht = 6oEpht-1 + P1AEpht-1
+ + Pp A8pht-p + epht
- 3.12 at the 10-percent level
- 3.41 at the 5-percent level
- 3.96 at the 1-percent level
The test is just a t test on the coefficient 60;
the appropriate critical values are those reported in Engle and Byung Yoo (1987) since
Notes: The sample is 1968:2-1990:2. Variables are as
defined in the text. All three equations were reestithe cointegrating regression has a constant
mated with four, three, and two lags of Axt, and the
term. I also run the test allowing for the
lag length for calculating the t test was chosen as
recommended by John Campbell and Pierre Perron
alternative that pt and h't are stationary
the 10-percent level.
Ouliaris (1990). As can be seen from the
(1991). Using this approach, the null hypothesis of a about a deterministic trend, obtaining critical values from Peter Phillips and Sam
unit root in ht, mt, or pt was never rejected at even
results in Table 2, pt and h't do not appear
to be cointegrated according to the
hypothesis of a unit root in mt, Pt, or h' , IGranger-Engle test: the t ratios fall well
turn next to an investigation of the number
below the level that would be required to
of stochastic trends that are present among
reject the null hypothesis of no cointegrathe three variables in the system.
tion at even the 10-percent level.
Stock and Watson (1988) demonstrate
Recall that if Pt is driven in part by a
that any system of m I(1) variables has a
stochastic supply trend that is not cointecommon-trends representation, and that in
grated with log At, one should not expect mt
a system composed of m I(1) variables beand h't to be cointegrated. Table 2 also
ing driven by n < m common trends, the
reports the results of tests that mt and h't
number of linearly independent cointegratare not cointegrated, again both excluding
ing vectors must equal m - n. It follows
as well as allowing for the presence of a
immediately from Stock and Watson's result time trend. As can be seen from Table 2, mt
that if there exists one common trend among
and h't do not appear to be cointegrated
according to the Granger-Engle test. For
m variables, then all m(m -1)/2 possible
pairs of these variables must be cointecompleteness, Table 2 also reports the regrated. Of course, if there exist n = m - 1
sults of tests that mt and pt share a comcommon trends among m variables, the
mon trend. Again, these variables do not
cointegrating vector is unique up to scale.
appear to be cointegrated.
Recall from Table 1 that the hypothesis
These findings are consistent with the
of a unit root in the relative price of imports prediction of the model that two common
cannot be rejected. Consider the hypothesis
stochastic trends, one identified with the log
that the relative price of imports and log At,
marginal utility of wealth, logAt, and the
the utility index of permanent income, are
other identified with supply shocks to the
not cointegrated, as would be the case if the
relative price of imports, pt, are driving the
relative price of imports is driven in part by
nonstationary components of the system's
a stochastic supply-shock trend. Following
three variables, mt, pt, and h's. If in fact
Engle and Granger (1987) I test the null
there are two common trends present among
hypothesis that pt and h't are not cointe[mt, Pt, ht], these three variables will be
grated by running the regression
(20) Pt=/lo+ 3ht+ pht
cointegrated, and the cointegrating vector
will be unique-up to a multiplicative scale
factor. It follows that the parameters of
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If it is found that, in the regression
A. Cointegrating Regression:
Xt = A0 + Alt + Pyt + exyt
(23) AEmph't (S8lEmph't-1 + P1A Empht- 1
Dickey-Fuller Regression:
+ + Pp A Empht -p + ;t
Asxyt = 8lExyt-, + pA xyt-l + exyt
Variables Estimated 81 t ratio
[mt, h] -0.1508 -2.2500
[mt,pt] -0.1240 -2.5230
[pt, ht] - 0.0543 -1.4414
61 is significantly negative, the OLS esti-
mates of [1, 1/nq, - a/77]' given by
[1, - 1 92 I2]' are consistent, despite the fact
that v, is correlated with pt and h't and is
also likely to be serially correlated.
Phillips and Ouliaris (1989) Asymptotic
Recent research, as summarized in the
Critical Values (from their table HIc):
survey by Campbell and Perron (1991), has
-3.51 at the 10-percent level
documented that, with the sample sizes
-3.80 at the 5-percent level
available for macroeconomic time-series re-
-4.36 at the 1-percent level
B. Cointegrating Regression:
xt = AO + PYt + 8xyt
Variables Estimated So t ratio
search, the OLS estimate of the cointegrating vector can be severely biased. Furthermore, it is not possible to test hypotheses
about the parameters of the cointegrating
vector when these are estimated by OLS
(Campbell and Perron, 1991 p. 56). Fortunately, both Stock and Watson (1988) and
Phillips and Loretan (1991) have discovered
tractable methods for obtaining asymptotiEngel and Yoo (1987) Critical cally
full-information maximum-likelihood
(from their table 2) for a Sample
of 100:
the cointegrating vector. For
- 3.03 at the 10-percent level
this reason, I will rely on the cointegrating
- 3.37 at the 5-percent level
regression primarily for its estimates of 8mph't
- 4.07 at the 1-percent level
and AEmpht, which are needed to test the
hypothesis of no cointegration among
Notes: For part A, the sample is 1968:2-1990:2; for
part B, the sample is 1968:2-1990:2. The data are
m t pt, and h't.
[mt,ht] - 0.0382 - 1.2857
[m1,pt] 0.0492 -1.5287
[pt, ht] -0.0488 - 1.6545
defined in the text. All regressions were estimated with
four, three, and two lags of AEXYo and the lag length
for calculating the t test was chosen as recommended
by Campbell and Perron (1991).
IV. Cointegration, Consumption, and the
Demand for Imports: Empirical Results
The results of the Engle and Granger
interest, a and 77, can be recovered from
the unique cointegrating vector defined by
equation (17), [1/ 1/ n -,- a / -/]'. In light of
the results reported in Table 2, a rejection
of the null hypothesis of no cointegration
(1987) test of the null hypothesis that mt,
pt, and h't are not cointegrated are presented in Table 3A. The critical values are
those reported in Phillips and Ouliaris
(1990) since both a constant and a linear
among mt, pt, and h't is evidence in favortime trend are included in (22), the cointe-
of the model.
grating regression. It is seen that the esti-
Engle and Granger (1987) suggest estimating [1,1/7, - a/77]' directly from the
first-stage ordinary least-squares (OLS) re-
dard error of 0.0863 and a t ratio of - 4.774.
Under the null hypothesis that AEmpht is a
random walk, the estimated 61 is significant
mated value of 51 is -0.4119 with a stan-
at the 1-percent level using the Phillips-
(22) Mt Ao +Alt+ 3lpt
+ 32h't + Emph't
Ouliaris critical values.
In light of the results reported in Table 2,
I conclude that the data are consistent with
the prediction of the model that two
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A. Cointegrating Regression:
mt = u0 + A1t +1Pt +p2h' +8 mph't,
Dickey-Fuller Regression:
A -mph't = l-mph't-1 + ;t
Estimated 81 t ratio
- 3.84 at the 10-percent level
- 4.16 at the 5-percent level
- 4.65 at the 1-percent level
B. Augmented Dickey-Fuller regression:
A Emph't = l Emph't-1 + P 1 A Emph't-1
+ + P4 A-cmph't-4 + ;t
C. OLS estimates of the parameters:
Coefficient Estimated value (SE)
brought about by a jump in bt would be
positively correlated with pt and thus negatively correlated with - pt. One would also
expect the structural preference shock, dt
to be positively correlated with ht. It follows
et= (bt - dt)/77 - Yt/77
Phillips and Ouliaris (1989) Critical Values
(from their table Mc):
positively correlated with pt. That is, a transitory rise in consumption of foreign goods
Notes: For part B, the lag length used to calculate the t
statistic for 81 was chosen as recommended by Campbell and Perron (1991). For part C, the R2 is 0.979892;
the Durbin-Watson statistic is 0.8107. The sample is
is likely to be negatively correlated with the
regressors in equation (22).
Phillips and Loretan (1991) propose a
parametric procedure for estimating the
cointegrating vector in an equation in which
the variables are in fact known to be cointegrated. The Phillips and Loretan approach
tackles the simultaneity problem by including lagged and led values of the change in
the regressors. The approach deals with the
autocorrelation in the residuals by including
lagged values of the stationary deviation
from the cointegrating relationship. Phillips
and Loretan (1991) prove that the estimates
of the cointegrating vector obtained from
this approach are asymptotically efficient.
They also show that standard t and
likelihood-ratio statistics can be used to test
hypotheses about the parameters of the
cointegrating vector.
Let yt denote the vector [1, t, pt, h]' and
let ,B denote the vector [,0, , /31 1 2]* The
Phillips-Loretan equation is given by
1967:2-1990:2. Variables are defined in the text.
(24) mt = IB'yt + p(mt_1 -Pyt_1)
stochastic trends and thus one cointegrating
vector describe the data. The OLS estimate
of the cointegrating vector is [1, 0.96, - 2.33].
+ E Apt
-j + VjAhtj + Emt
1=-i-~~~~~ti t
This implies an OLS estimate of -q, minus
the elasticity of marginal utility with respect
to the consumption of foreign goods, of
The ,B vector, p, and the < 'S and yj's
are estimated by nonlinear least squares
77OLS = 1.04 and an OLS estimate of a,(NLS).
mi- The implied estimates of , and p
nus the elasticity of marginal utility with
along with standard errors are reported in
respect to the consumption of home goods,
Table 4.
As shown in Table 4, the NLS estimate is
of aOLS = 2.37.
quite similar to the OLS estimate of the
As discussed above, if vt is correlated
cointegrating vector. The NLS estimate of
with the regressors pt and h', OLS estimates of the cointegrating vector can be
the cointegrating vector is [1,0.94, -2.21].
biased in small samples. One would expect
This implies an NLS estimate of -q, minus
the elasticity of marginal utility with respect
the structural-preference shock, bt to be
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Phillips-Loretan equation with A = P /P1 PP2h:
where s is the share of spending that falls
on domestic goods. Substituting for log A in
(8), one obtains the expression for the Marshallian price elasticity:
Mt =P,'Y,=+ p(Mt_l- 1 Yt-l) + E fji\Pt-i
(26) Ef,P; c (4[ ( 7)+(1s)]
( f P' ( n )7 (7s /a) + (1 -s)]
+ E PjAht_j + mt,
Since the estimate of 77, 2NLS
j= -1
ceeds 1, the estimated Marshallian elasticity
Nonlinear Least-Squares Estimates of O:
must, in absolute value, exceed 1/ NLS =
Coefficient Estimated value (SE)
Implied Elasticities:
Elasticity Estimated value
Notes: The elasticities are derived in the. text; see
equations (36) and (39). The Phillips-Loretan equation
was estimated with up to r = 3 leads and lags and with
up to two lags of the equilibrium error with no significant difference in the results.
0.94. In the sample, 1- s (the share of total
nondurables spending that falls on imports)
rises from 0.01 in 1967 to 0.04 in 1990.
Using the estimate of aNLS = 2.27, it can be
determined that, in this sample, the Marshallian price elasticity of the demand for
imports falls in the following range:
(27) 0.94 < f,p;C < 0.95.
I now derive an expression for the elasticity of import demand with respect to an
increase in real expenditure, holding constant the relative price of imports. From (8)
and (12), one sees that the source of such a
permanent rise in real spending must be a
permanent decline in the marginal utility of
wealth. Using (7) it is straightforward to
show that
s 1 -s
to the consumption of foreign goods, of
(28) d log C =-a + d log A.
17NLS = 1.05 and an NLS estimate of a, mi-
nus the elasticity of marginal utility with
respect to the consumption of home goods,
Substituting for log A and differentiating
with respect to log C, one obtains
of aNLS = 2.27.
I now use these NLS estimates of -q and
a to construct estimates of the familiar
Marshallian price elasticity and the expenditure elasticity of the demand for imports.
If total real expenditure C = H + PF is to
remain constant in the face of an increase
in the relative price of foreign goods, (7)
can be used to show that
(25) (77-1)(1-s)dlogP/77
= [s/a +(1-s)/'7]dlogA
(29) efC;P( a S+(a)q)(1 j s)
Thus, since aNLS exceeds ?JNLS, the elasticity of import demand with respect to a rise
in real expenditure is bounded above by
2.21, the NLS estimate of P2. Using the fact
that 1- s rises from 0.01 to 0.04 in the
sample, one obtains
(30) 2.11 < Ef,C;p < 2.18.
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These elasticity estimates are firmly in the
range of those reported in the many studies
surveyed by Goldstein and Kahn (1985) and
those reported by Helkie and Hooper (1986)
and Cline (1989). However, the Marshallian
price elasticity and the expenditure elasticity are not constant if, as in the case in the
present sample, the share of spending that
falls on imports is changing over time. It is
easily verified that, as the share of spending
on imports (1 - s) rises over time, the
permanent-expenditure elasticity must decline over time from 2.21 to 1.00, while the
Marshallian price elasticity must rise (in absolute value) over time from -0.94 to
- 1.00. Jaime Marquez (1991) has recently
emphasized the importance of allowing for
time-varying elasticities in empirical trade
One message of this paper is that, at least
for nondurable consumer goods, it is possible to interpret the traditional import demand equation as a cointegrating regression. The striking similarity between the
OLS and Phillips-Loretan estimates suggests that the simultaneous-equation bias is
not large. A second message of this paper is
that the permanent-income theory, along
with the empirically testable restriction that
the log relative price of imports and the log
marginal utility of wealth are not cointegrated, predicts that the cointegrating vec-
permanent-income model to derive a structural econometric specification of the demand for imported consumer goods. With
strongly separable, addilog preferences, the
log of the demand for foreign goods is
shown to be linear in the log of the relative
price of imports, the log of the demand for
domestic goods, and the log of an unobservable shock to tastes. The rational-expectations permanent-income hypothesis in
conjunction with the addilog preference
structure implies that the log of the demand
for domestic goods is the correct "activity"
variable on the right-hand side of the import demand equation. This is because consumption of domestic goods is a noisy proxy
for the unobservable log utility index of
permanent income, the marginal utility of
The model implies that log consumer-
goods imports, the log price of imports, and
log consumption of domestically produced
varieties are cointegrated and that the cointegrating vector is unique. Using the approach of Engle and Granger (1987) I was
able to reject decisively the null hypothesis
that imports, the relative price of imports,
and the consumption of home goods are not
The estimation technique proposed by
Phillips and Loretan (1991) was employed
to estimate the parameters of the structural
import demand equation. The long-run price
tor for [ft, pt, h,] is unique and that estimates of this vector can be used to identify
elasticity of import demand was estimated
the parameters of the household utility
to average -0.95. The elasticity of import
function. An expenditure elasticity in excess
demand with respect to a permanent inof unity is consistent with the theory when
crease in real spending was estimated to
the concavity of the subutility function for
average 2.15, roughly the same as reported
home goods exceeds the concavity of the
by Helkie and Hooper (1986), somewhat
subutility function for foreign goods. My
smaller than reported by Cline (1989), and
estimate is that the elasticity of the marginal somewhat larger than the average of the
utility of home-goods consumption, a, is a
many studies surveyed recently by Goldstein
bit more than twice the elasticity of the
and Kahn (1985). In the context of the optimarginal utility of foreign-goods consumpmization problem of the representative
household, the Marshallian price elasticity
of import demand is not constant, but in
V. Concluding Remarks
fact converges to -1 as the share of total
spending on imports rises, while the elasticAbstracting from such complications as
ity of import demand with respect to a
liquidity constraints and life-cycle aggregapermanent increase in real spending contion (Clarida, 1990, 1991), this paper has
verges to 1 as the share of spending on
employed a simple rational-expectations
imports rises. An advantage of my utility-
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based, cointegration approach is that, by
recovering consistent estimates of the utility
parameters via Phillips-Loretan nonlinear
least squares, one is able to estimate the
permanent-income elasticity of import demand without having to specify a proxy for
permanent income or having to estimate a
time-series model for actual income (as in
This means that if utility is given by (6'), the
cointegration approach discussed in Ogaki
(1992) and Ogaki and Park (1989) and derived independently here can be used to
estimate the addilog parameters 77 and a; it
cannot be used to recover the parameter a.
Steven Sheffrin and Wing Woo [1990]).
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