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V e n d ae ear c i m i , ac e s dol ore p udi ate non ni m i l i um vol uptam f ug i t q u am r e r c i a c o r u m q u ide m ol upti of f i ci dol ore m e sti ae pudi t e l e nde bi t e m d o l l at i i s e a n am , i pi t a se d ul l upta i d q uas nati b us e t, te m pos m o d i sq u am , t e ad m i l i psuntor si ti ae ptate ne cati atur si ti a corro te m e o s m i , u t ae c t o t at e c t i a q ui s e ndae ce pudae pe ri taq uas pe rum , vol upie n i t p a i p su m at u r ? v e l i t v e l l ac c u m q u i d ol ori o rati um q ui s arch i l l am usam re ne q ui cusci u m q u i d u sc i e n e v er c i re s i d e xce a pe num q ui aci duci t of f i ctat i nci ae l ab o r u m q u u n t u r , e v e rrov i t f ug i tatate dunde l i cae pe rum f ug i a nos q ue c u s i d q u i s et q u i o m ni i l m ol uptam i l l ace pe e arum , e t ut vol upi s aut h ar i sc i l l i t , u t h ar u m , ut andae vol or atq uatur, q uae ra e arunt. G i a d i al i q u am fac c u p tat m o i de rum utas e t v ol um f ug i ti om m ol or e h e n d a n at e m q u i b earci i s am sus ace pe re opti a de ndandi om ni ti ati s p e r o r u m q u i t em n o n e m unt odi t ve l i t ve l l accum q ui dol ori o rati um q u i s ar c h i l l am u sam r e ne q ui cusci um q ui dusci e ne ve rci re s i d e xce a p e n u m q u i ac i d u c i t o f f i ctat i nci ae l ab orum q uuntur, e ve rrov i t f ug it at at e d u n d el i c ae p er um f ug i a nos q ue cus i d q ui s e t q ui om ni i l m o l u p t am i l l ac ep e ear u m , e t ut v ol upi s aut h ari sci l l i t, ut h arum , ut andae v o l o r at q u at u r , q u ae r a e arunt. B o . A gn i sc i a ac e p e l e xce ri b e aq uam usci um v ol ori accab o. E t i nusdae . N am i s eu m el i b u s e aq uat. A b ore se q ui cori s al i sci e ni m usdae de di stib u s san t d o l e s al i ge n i m ag ni m i , se d e arch i ci de nt. Po r p o r asp e r e s r e d o l upta q uodi t, q uam e t q ui al i b us am dol upta te m q u ae i d e r r o m o l u p t at u r? Dol ore s non e tur al i ci i s cor susda v ol upti as e nt al i t fu ga. Pu d i n o n e m q uo m a q uam e x e xpl i s dol u. www.manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk LOCAL ANTIQUITIES, LOCAL IDENTITIES art, literatur e a n d a n t i q ua r i a n i s m in early moder n eu r o pe Chris tia n & div itiis ( eds) LOCAL ANTIQUITIES, LOCAL IDENTITIES LOCAL ANTIQUITIES, LOCAL IDENTITIES art , li t er at u r e a nd ant i quar i ani sm in ear ly m oder n europe edited By K at h l e e n C hr is t ia n a n d Bia n C a d e d iviti i s Contents List of figures Notes on contributors Acknowledgements Abbreviations Introduction – Kathleen Christian and Bianca de Divitiis 1 A local Renaissance: Florentine Quattrocento palaces and all’antica styles – Richard Schofield 2 The arch of Trajan in Ancona and civic identity in the Italian Quattrocento from Ciriaco d’Ancona to the death of Matthias Corvinus – Francesco Benelli 3 Roma caput mundi: Rome’s local antiquities as symbol and source – Kathleen Christian 4 A local sense of the past: spolia, re-use and all’antica building in southern Italy, 1400– 1600 – Bianca de Divitiis 5 The Gaulish past of Milan and the French invasion of Italy – Oren Margolis 6 Reusing and redisplaying antiquities in early modern France – William Stenhouse 7 Local antiquities in Spain: from Tarragona to Córdoba – Fernando Marías 8 Local antiquaries and the expansive sense of the past: a case study from CounterReformation Spain – Katrina B. Olds 9 Luís de Camões’s Os Lusíadas and the paradoxes of expansion – João R. Figueiredo 10 Semini and his progeny: the construction of Antwerp’s antique past – Edward Wouk 11 Resurrecting Belgica romana: Peter Ernst von Mansfeld’s garden of antiquities in Clausen, Luxemburg, 1563–90 – Krista De Jonge 12 On Romans, Batavians and giants: the quest for the true origin of architecture in the Dutch Republic – Konrad Ottenheym 13 The role of ancient remains in the Sarmatian culture of early modern Poland – Barbara Arciszewska 14 Inventing England: English identity and the Scottish ‘other’, 1586–1625 – Jenna M. Schultz
LOCAL ANTIQUITIES, LOCAL IDENTITIES Copyright © 2018. Manchester University Press. All rights reserved. ART, LITERATU RE AN D AN TIQUARIAN ISM IN EUROPE, C . 140 0 – 170 0 EDITED BY K AT HL E E N C HR I S T I AN A ND B I A NC A D E D I V IT IIS Local Antiquities, Local Identities : Art, Literature and Antiquarianism in Europe, C. 1400-1700, edited by Kathleen Christian, and Bianca de Divitiis, Manchester University Press, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/huberlin-ebooks/detail.action?docID=5512502. Created from huberlin-ebooks on 2022-05-17 14:49:36. Copyright © 2018. Manchester University Press. All rights reserved. Local antiquities, local identities Local Antiquities, Local Identities : Art, Literature and Antiquarianism in Europe, C. 1400-1700, edited by Kathleen Christian, and Bianca de Divitiis, Manchester University Press, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/huberlin-ebooks/detail.action?docID=5512502. Created from huberlin-ebooks on 2022-05-17 14:49:36. Copyright © 2018. Manchester University Press. All rights reserved. Local Antiquities, Local Identities : Art, Literature and Antiquarianism in Europe, C. 1400-1700, edited by Kathleen Christian, and Bianca de Divitiis, Manchester University Press, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/huberlin-ebooks/detail.action?docID=5512502. Created from huberlin-ebooks on 2022-05-17 14:49:36. Local antiquities, local identities Art, literature and antiquarianism in Europe, c. 1400–1700 Edited by Copyright © 2018. Manchester University Press. All rights reserved. Kathleen Christian and Bianca de Divitiis Manchester University Press Local Antiquities, Local Identities : Art, Literature and Antiquarianism in Europe, C. 1400-1700, edited by Kathleen Christian, and Bianca de Divitiis, Manchester University Press, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/huberlin-ebooks/detail.action?docID=5512502. Created from huberlin-ebooks on 2022-05-17 14:49:36. Copyright © Manchester University Press 2019 While copyright in the volume as a whole is vested in Manchester University Press, copyright in individual chapters belongs to their respective authors, and no chapter may be reproduced wholly or in part without the express permission in writing of both author and publisher. Published by Manchester University Press Altrincham Street, Manchester m1 7ja www.manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978 1 5261 1704 5 hardback First published 2019 Copyright © 2018. Manchester University Press. All rights reserved. The publisher has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for any external or third-party internet websites referred to in this book, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Typeset in Great Britain by doubledagger.co.uk Local Antiquities, Local Identities : Art, Literature and Antiquarianism in Europe, C. 1400-1700, edited by Kathleen Christian, and Bianca de Divitiis, Manchester University Press, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/huberlin-ebooks/detail.action?docID=5512502. Created from huberlin-ebooks on 2022-05-17 14:49:36.
Contents List of figures Notes on contributors Acknowledgements Abbreviations 1 2 Copyright © 2018. Manchester University Press. All rights reserved. 3 4 5 6 7 8 Introduction Kathleen Christian and Bianca de Divitiis A local Renaissance: Florentine Quattrocento palaces and all’antica styles Richard Schofield The Arch of Trajan in Ancona and civic identity in the Italian Quattrocento from Ciriaco d’Ancona to the death of Matthias Corvinus Francesco Benelli Roma caput mundi: Rome’s local antiquities as symbol and source Kathleen Christian A local sense of the past: spolia, reuse and all’antica building in southern Italy, 1400–1600 Bianca de Divitiis The Gaulish past of Milan and the French invasion of Italy Oren Margolis Reusing and redisplaying antiquities in early modern France William Stenhouse Local antiquities in Spain: from Tarragona to Córdoba Fernando Marías Local antiquaries and the expansive sense of the past: a case study from Counter-Reformation Spain Katrina B. Olds vii xv xix xx 1 13 37 57 79 102 121 142 167 Local Antiquities, Local Identities : Art, Literature and Antiquarianism in Europe, C. 1400-1700, edited by Kathleen Christian, and Bianca de Divitiis, Manchester University Press, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/huberlin-ebooks/detail.action?docID=5512502. Created from huberlin-ebooks on 2022-05-17 14:50:05. Contents 9 10 11 12 13 14 Luís de Camões’s The Lusiads and the paradoxes of expansion João R. Figueiredo Semini and his progeny: the construction of Antwerp’s antique past Edward Wouk Resurrecting Belgica Romana: Peter Ernst von Mansfeld’s garden of antiquities in Clausen, Luxemburg, 1563–90 Krista De Jonge On Romans, Batavians and giants: the quest for the true origin of architecture in the Dutch Republic Konrad Ottenheym The role of ancient remains in the Sarmatian culture of early modern Poland Barbara Arciszewska Inventing England: English identity and the Scottish ‘other’, 1586–1625 Jenna M. Schultz 209 237 261 286 305 327 Copyright © 2018. Manchester University Press. All rights reserved. Index 190 vi Local Antiquities, Local Identities : Art, Literature and Antiquarianism in Europe, C. 1400-1700, edited by Kathleen Christian, and Bianca de Divitiis, Manchester University Press, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/huberlin-ebooks/detail.action?docID=5512502. Created from huberlin-ebooks on 2022-05-17 14:50:05.