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( з з ) ( ) : : , , , 2018 , , , . 27.01.2018 2 , з й з 1991 2012 й з 1991 2012 й ; ; й - й з з - 3 1991 2012 й , , . - : , - , . 4 Abstract The following paper deals with the relations between Georgia and the North-East Caucasus after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The study analyzes Georgia's specific interests towards the North-East Caucasus and the policy towards the region under the three governments from 1991 to 2012. The research questions are as following: what was providing conditions for strengthening or weakening of the North-Eastern Caucasus line in Georgia's foreign policy and what were Georgiaპs interests towards North-Eastern Caucasus from 1991 to 2012. The paper reviews the content of the documents reflecting the relations between Georgia and the North-East Caucasus based on a. content and discourse analysis method; b. in-depth interviews with leaders and politicians responsible for national security policy; c. publicly available media content and d. normative acts and documentations. The discourse-analysis method is used in order to analyze official positions towards the Georgian interests in relation to the North Caucasus as well as for interpreting the official documents. Within the framework of this research in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with politicians, who were participating in framing and planning Georgiaპs national security policy and policy towards the North Caucasus from 1991 to 2012. As a result of the study it was revealed that attempts to increase the political and cultural weight of Georgia in the North-East Caucasus were serving a number of regional interests, including the emergence of additional political leveraging on official Moscow and the neutralizing the support of North Caucasian peoples towards separatist regions. Keywords: North-East Caucasus, Georgia's Interests, North Caucasian Policy. 5 1. ...................................................................................................................... 7 2. .................................................................. 9 3. .................................................................................................... 14 4. ....................................................................................... 20 5. - ( , , ) .................. 23 5.1. ............................................................................................................ 23 5.1.1. ........................................................................... 23 5.1.2. .................. 24 5.1.3. ................. 37 5.2. ............................................................................................................ 39 5.2.1. ............................................................................ 39 5.2.2. .................. 40 5.2.3. ................ 58 5.3. ........................................................................................................... 59 5.3.1. ............................................................................ 59 5.3.2. .................. 60 5.3.3. ................ 71 6. ............................................................................................................ 74 7. ............................................................................................................................. 79 8. ..................................................................................................................... 81 6 ( 1. ) 90- -20 й 1991 з й - з з й з : й з й й й , й - й з з з й з з й - з з 7 й й з з й з й з й 2003 წ з й й з й წ მ - з й წ 2008 მ з წ მ й з з з й й з - й з й з - й з з - 8 2010 й 2. . , . წ , მ - . -2 , . , , , .1 . , 1 .2 , ( : 2010), 24-45. 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