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Devido à crescente complexificação das relações internacionais no pós-Guerra Fria, novas interpretações teóricas foram construídas na área da defesa e da segurança para tornar essa nova realidade inteligível. A transição da bipolaridade,... more
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      International RelationsInternational SecurityRegional Security Complex TheoryCritical security studies (International Studies)
Barry Buzan and Ole Wæver’s description of the regional security complex in the Middle East (ME) emphasized the role of the region's states as key actors shaping its structure. The last decade has brought important developments in the ME... more
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      International RelationsMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaInternational Security
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      SecurityChinaRegional Security Complex TheoryCentral Asia
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    •   6  
      International RelationsInternational SecurityRussian Foreign PolicyRegional Security Complex Theory
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      Security StudiesCritical Security StudiesRegional Security Complex Theory
The Gulf Cooperation Council is an active organization in the Arabian Peninsula also in the Persian Gulf which seeks cooperation with the member states. The two examples of Bahrain and Yemen are evaluated in the framework which was... more
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      Regional Security Complex TheoryRegional IntegrationGulf Cooperation CouncilArab-Iranian relations
Ուսումնական ձեռնարկը ներառում է միջազգային տարածաշրջանագիտության՝ որպես միջազգային տարածաշրջանների միջգիտակարգային ուսումնասիրության ոլորտի հասկացութային համակարգին, մեթոդական մոտեցումներին և մեթոդներին վերաբերող թեմաներ, որոնց... more
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      Area StudiesRegional Security Complex TheoryRegional IntegrationTheories of Integration
This thesis aims to determine the impact of the trilateral cooperation between Turkey, Georgia, and Azerbaijan in the regional security of the Wider Black Sea region, an area comprising the countries across the Black and the Caspian Seas.... more
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      Silk Road StudiesRegional Security Complex TheoryBlack Sea StudiesPost Soviet Transformation of the South Caucasus
​Taking into account the power changes at the global level and their impact on the regional level (particularly the Eastern Mediterranean), it is here argued, in line with a small but growing body of literature, that the Eastern... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryForeign Policy AnalysisMiddle East Studies
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesSecurity StudiesRegional Security Complex TheoryRegional Security
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      International RelationsBalkan StudiesBalkan HistoryInternational Security
Este capítulo introductorio del libro Seguridad internacional y ordenamientos regionales: del Complejo Regional a la Comunidad de Seguridad, se presenta como un recuento de las consecuencias analíticas de la utilización de los conceptos... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational SecurityRegional Security Complex Theory
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      East AsiaSecurity StudiesSoutheast AsiaChinese foreign policy
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      AfghanistanPakistanRegional Security Complex TheoryIndia
This Al-Sabah paper is an edited volume that consists, apart from my introduction, of three excellent student essays written for the module Politics of the Middle East's Oil Monarchies. I taught this module at Durham University from... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisGulf StudiesRegional Security Complex TheoryRegional Integration
The following paper deals with the relations between Georgia and the North-East Caucasus after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The study analyzes Georgia's specific interests towards the North-East Caucasus and the policy towards the... more
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      Regional Security Complex TheoryNorth CaucasusGeorgian foreign policySoft Balancing
This thesis aims to analyze the research question, “How has the regional security been affected in South Asia in post 9/11 period?” by testing the hypothesis that “Has the U.S. led global war on terror improved the regional security or... more
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      International TerrorismMiddle East StudiesAfghanistanSouth Asia
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      AfghanistanCentral Asian StudiesRegional Security Complex TheoryTajikistan
The main goal of the article is to present the core opportunities as well as problems of the Regional Security Complex Theory (RSCT) by Barry Buzan and Ole Wæver and the security communities theory referring to Karl Deutsch’s assumptions... more
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      International Relations TheoryRegionalismRegional Security Complex TheorySocial Constructivism
В статье исследуется региональная политическая система на постсоветском пространстве с точки зрения Теории региональных комплексов безопасности. Эта теория на сегодня предлагает наиболее целостное понимание безопасности постсоветского... more
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      International RelationsPost-Soviet StudiesRegional Security Complex TheoryRegional Security
By the autumn of 2013, the Middle Eastern regional security complex (RSC) had taken on a new configuration, which was substantially different from—and much more explosive than—the one that existed prior to the large-scale popular... more
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      Middle East StudiesSyrian StudiesIraqEgypt
This paper argues that the future political stability of Nineveh depends on a two-level normalisation. A potential agreement between competing local actors, such as Baghdad and Erbil, is not the only necessary condition to stabilise the... more
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      International RelationsTurkeyIraqRegional Security Complex Theory
Despite holding similar positions in the international system by virtue of location, size, history, comparable political systems and ideologies, and involvement in inter and intra-state military conflicts, the alignment and alliance... more
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      Regional Security Complex TheorySouth CaucasusAlliance PoliticsRussia and the Former Soviet Space
Summary of doctoral thesis. The objective of the thesis “Securitization in Defining Regional Security Complexes: The Case of the Baltic States (2004 – 2013)” is to examine the role of securitization processes in defining regional... more
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      SecuritizationCopenhagen School/SecuritizationRegional Security Complex TheorySecuritization Theory Copenhagen School
Kwame Nkrumah’s Pan-African dream of establishing African High Command meant to protect the newly created post-colonial African states in 1961 did not borne fruit because most of African states opposed and rejected it due to the perceived... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflict ResolutionRegional Security Complex TheoryRegional Security
Doğu Akdeniz bölgesi jeopolitik konumu ve kronik sorunları ile yüzyıllardır küresel ve bölgesel güç mücadelelerine ev sahipliği yapmıştır. 2000’li yılların başında Doğu Akdeniz açıklarında keşfedilen doğal gaz rezervleri bölge... more
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      MediterraneanRegional Security Complex TheoryRegional SecurityGeopolitics of Energy
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      EnergyEnergy SecurityEuropean UnionRegional Security Complex Theory
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesContemporary HistoryInternational Security
ASEAN Defense Industry Collaboration (ADIC) dibentuk untuk menciptakan lingkungan keamanan dan pertahanan yang lebih komprehensif dan konsolidatif di Asia Tenggara. Keberadaan ADIC diekspektasikan memberikan keuntungan ekonomi sekaligus... more
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      RegionalismRegional Security Complex TheoryDefense IndustryDefense Diplomacy
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      Middle East StudiesSecurity StudiesRegional Security Complex TheoryMiddle East Politics
Against this background, the purpose of this collective volume is to examine in depth the new geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean with particular focus on the various aspects of the emergent trilateral partnerships of... more
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      European StudiesInternational RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisInternational Studies
Para citar: CASTILLO CASTAÑEDA, Alberto (2012): “La (des) estructura y objetivos de la seguridad regional: una aproximación al posible complejo de seguridad suramericano”. En Requena, Miguel (Ed.) Seguridad y conflictos: una perspectiva... more
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    • Regional Security Complex Theory
In this paper I analyze the impact of the Eurasian Union on the Central Asian republics, with a focus on remittances trends. To this end I review at first the literature regarding the effects of the Customs Union on its members. Then, I... more
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      International RelationsRegional developmentRegional Security Complex TheoryCentral Asian History (Area Studies)
Para citar: CASTILLO CASTAÑEDA, Alberto (2012): “Suramérica: entre la seguridad hemisférica y la seguridad regional”. En Cairo Carou, Heriberto; Cabezas González, Almudena; Mallo Gutiérrez, Tomás; Campo García, Esther del; Carpio Martín,... more
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      Latin American StudiesInternational SecurityRegionalismRegional Security Complex Theory
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      AfghanistanRegional Security Complex TheoryCentral Asia
Many optimists believed that the “Arab Spring” was a ripe moment for regional radiant Turkey with its pro-active stance that could trigger “demonstrative e ect” and transform the con ict-ridden Middle Eastern (in) security complex into a... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesMiddle East StudiesInternational SecuritySecurity Studies
It is hardly possible to correctly and fully assess the functioning and development of a regional security system without presenting a complete account of the entire range of ties and relations among the actors involved and the degree of... more
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      Post-Soviet PoliticsRegional Security Complex TheoryRegional Security
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      SecuritizationHuman SecurityCopenhagen School/SecuritizationRegional Security Complex Theory
The article is an attempt to assess the extent to which the key structural specifics and political environment of the Regional Security System (RSS) in the post-Soviet space are responsible for its development and transitivity. The... more
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      International RelationsRegional Security Complex TheoryRegional SecurityPostsoviet studies
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      The Persian GulfAfghanistanSaudi ArabiaRegional Security Complex Theory
The theory of regional security complex is one of the main theories of the regional approach of the international security system. The international organizations, the different strategies and concepts use many different definitions for... more
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      Regional Security Complex TheoryRegional SecuritySahelAfrican Security
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
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      International SecurityAfricaRegional Security Complex TheorySouth America
The theory of regional security complex is one of the main theories of the regional approach of the international security system. The international organisations, the different strategies and concepts use many different... more
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      Regional Security Complex TheoryRegional SecuritySecurity PolicySahel
This book explains cooperative and confrontational regional orders in the post-Cold War era. Applying a push-and-pull framework to the evolution of regional orders, the book's theoretical section compares regional dynamics and studies the... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational StudiesInternational Security
Balance of Power and Power Transition are amongst the central concepts on which international and regional structures are based upon. These structures are hierarchical in nature, the established balance of which assures a modicum of... more
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      Regional Security Complex TheoryTransition of PowerBalance of PowerFreedom of Navigation
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      International RelationsInternational RegimesChinaRegional Security Complex Theory
The article examines the regional security system in the post-Soviet space. Applying the Theory of Regional Security Complexes (TRSC) the author assesses development of the post-Soviet space as a security region and its present political... more
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      International RelationsPost-Soviet PoliticsRegional Security Complex TheoryRegional Security
В статье на примере политики РФ в условиях текущего украинского кризиса анализируются особенности секьюритизации и регионального поведения держав. Применяя понятийный аппарат Копенгагенской школы исследований безопасности, в частности... more
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      International Relations TheoryInternational SecuritySecurity StudiesPost-Soviet Politics
Les relations Israël-l’Azerbaïdjan représentent un modèle atypique pour la plupart des pays musulmans de l'Eurasie. Depuis sa création en 1948 l’État d’Israël a été la cible de violentes critiques partout dans le monde même en Europe où... more
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      Strategic CommunicationRegional Security Complex TheoryGlobal TerrorismRegional Integration