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• N IK OLAOS T Z IFAKI S THE QUESTION OF SECURITY IN SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE: ASYSTEMIC APPROACH CONSTANTI NOS KARAMANLIS INSTIT UTE FOR DEMOCRACY I. SID ERI S ATI IENS 20m • A bstract The prt.:!';c lli stud y ,1IIalyscs th e rcgin nal illlpl ic;l liolls of Ihe rCl"lIlTl' lllcriscs that ha v!.! t rouhled Southeastern Europe since Tile Quest jUl! of SCf llril .l' ill Suu! h{'a skr l1 Ellrlll'{'; A S}'stclIlil: Appruadl ISBN '1(,(1 • os - QiセjR@ -n Copyright (} I. S III EIU S I'tll>liraliulls 11 6 Sn!ollus Sir .. IOf; XI I\lhc llS, Tel.: 2Itl lx.n41·1. Fa x: 2 10 lK12.2I J·1 Cl CONSTANTI NOS h":,\ I(Ai\ IAN LI S INSTlTlITE Fil l{ Ui':,\ I UCltACY II) v。 セN@ S"fias Sh., l!1(, 1-1 Alhcns. "1".:1.: 2111 11.5 7.-1'1.\ F;,x; 1 11) 11.57.) III Arl Dln:l' liull : Dimitris K;Ullin;!s T ypcsctliliS l:di t,'r: ャ セ ャゥ ウ。ャィNZ ィ@ 1\.;llv\) \lui I h l! l'oll apsc of Sodai isl Yll gosla via . The hook Stlpplll'ls l!l ,ll th e rq,doll rqlfl.!SC Il IS, in securit y tcrms, a llislim:l ill l\.:fI1 'lliIH l al suh-SYS1CIH alll i c nd CHVtHlrs III analyse Ihl' S"Sll; lll 'S .. . 1rm:l un: wil l! th e a SS isl<1lH:C of Ihe theore tical fra llll:work "I' 11 11.: ('ope ull i l!!-c i l Sf.:hllO I of S<;(miI Y Studie s. In pOirl icu l,u-, Ihe resl.;a rv h pragma lica lly lIses lhe cow.:cp l of lilo: U/'g/fJ/lII I S"I "llrify ( 'IIIII/,/l'x as Hll tll"ganisi ng lkvice ami sl lld ies Ihl' feat urt.'s Ill' hI ILl! IhI.! tit'''I) a lld th e ('SSt'lllill/l icrs of Ihl' rl',!!,i{HI 's st Tlll'l lI re . Th r.: 11I ltik al'L'llnlillgly dClllonstral es Ih,l l Ihe Ua lk,ln region ha s ulldergone a pl.: rsistclit ami so..:vc rc 'systc mic crisis' whosc ahat e mc nt wi ll i/l fa alia d e pe nd o n: t he e nhance me nt of regiona l co-opera tio n, the d efi ni te reso lution o f eve ry inte rct ilnil: dispute and t hc Stll'l'l:ssful imp lc mc nta tioll of a ll peace p nKesses, t he vigoro us rea lisatio n of Jloli tical ami econom ic rdo rms in all l'(HlIltril.:s in transilioll . t he c radicat io ll of u rgilll ised crime ,lIld l:orruptilill . ,tlld tile irrevocahle re lrea t of aggressive Iliitillllalism frolll thl.: region's political discourses. While e ill' h of t hese prioritics requi res its own particular a nd ludi vidu ally lailorl.:d policies, they Illay all he regard ed as suhs umed wi thin a reg io nal grand stra tegy ai ming at Ihe ョ ウ@ inlo th e EU strUl: tures. The iUlegmlio n or t he i セ。ャォ rl'r'lfe . Ihe p resen t re se arch rel:o ll1lllc m ls severa l init iatives 7 Iha l G rt.:Cl:C can lakc wilhin Ihc EU slnJl.:lun.:s 10 promot c the Ualk an countries' European inl egration . lIel( NO"'LEOG EM ENTS I would like to Ih ,lIIk Vasilis Afxe ntiou <lIHJ Konstanlina Botsil lU for th eir CUlIlnH!nts and suggestio ns on the hook. COllsitk ring thai lIIu d , nf the hook 's co nt ent draws largel y fnlm Chapt er IJ or Ill y PhD di sse rlation, I also owe my thanks lu my supervisor Michael Dillon for hi s unrese rved Illural an d intellectual support. Moreover. I .,m in dehted to Ian lkllany and Ri ch<lrd Lillie , my vi va examiners, who have llI<1de remarks ami suggestio ns on earlier draft s of the resl:<lrd, . The hook is dcdil:a lcd wilh all my lovc 10 my wife Sa lllirinc, whose dev(ltiol! alld c a fC ha ve hec l! an infinite source of mOli vat ion for my n::search. K • CONTENTS ......... .. .... ... .... . . . ..... t \d; III 'Wlel l!;!c lll e Ill s . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. , ' . I .isl (I!" T ahles ....... . .. , . .. . , ... , . I ..... 1 IIf ,\ lob. C\'i'l[ iOlls ..... ........ ... . .... I:; I ill r udm·t iUIi 15 7 . . . .. I. l'll e ('llll l'e pi (II" 11K Ih :g i(lll:ll S(x' (lrit y ( '(lluplex ( I{SC ) . ... ...... セ@ SoulheaS lt: nl EUfl lpe as a l{q; io ll.1I Sel:ll ril y ('llm ple :.. ........ . ........ . .. . ........ \ The Slrllelure Ihe Boo\.; .... ... ..... or Ch:l ph' r I: T he IJclIla r n llioli ol"lhc Hallwtl Sl'l' IlI'i t), COIlll' le.... .. . ... ..... , I. T ill..' C ellgrapllic, lIlh'nkrs . . . . .. ... " 1 'l 'll e Sect l )rS 11 1"111 1..' SeclJril y [nl enlepeotll.: lI CI.: ( ' hapll'!' 2: Thl' Ilt't,p s ャBi ャNZ エhョ セ@ , 'J ] I I) セHj@ 2.1 27 27 ,] ,7 .I ( "haptn -': 'I'll., I)js l!"ihllli oll of Cap:!ililili('s . . .. , .. . ... ,., ...... . I. I\ lilil a ry SII CII!!lh 2. i Z」ッ ャィゥ セ@ I'OWI.'I" :1. I'oliti l.:al Siahilil y .1. fdculu gy ... " .. 5. LOllclH Sill ll S ·]7 4X 54 5R "] セI@ (,5 " ", II • e lla pt cr 4: Siniell! rc of Itdat ion s . ......... . .. . Cuudusiml s .,... Im plications fu r the Greek 1'()lic), wi lh ill Ihl.! LIST OF AmmEVIATIONS EU f-r'lIll cwu rk uゥィャッ セ イ。ーィ ケ@ IIS EC III.u.; k Sca Ecu no m k Co-ope ra tion ('A I' Cc ntre for Applied Po lky Resea rch Cent ral EUrtlpeall Ini tiativc Ce lltre for EuropCilll Poliq Slu<ii t.!s ('openhagc lI Peace Research Ilistitu te ECll1ltllnic C\ lllImissil lll ftl r Eurtlpc I klh.:ll ic FOL II)(I ,t liou for ElII"ope ,1I\ and Fore ign 1\l lky eャ イエャ ャィ セG ャョ@ St ,lhil it y In iliati ve EUrt ljlt.!'11I U nitlll FOfllle r Yligosl:t v Ih: puht ic til' M,u.:ednnia ャ [ ョャセウ@ [)tlillt.!stic " nld lu,:t IIrnll.l"kli f/oj.\·J..(/ [Cnl:l tian ,\ rmy l IlIrtlrmai Co nsult ativc COllllllill t.!C Imple me ntatioll f.l.l rec (BIlsllia ) I( osovo Foree Loudo ll School of ECOIH lillics ;L nd Po li tica l Sc ic ncc Maccdtlll ia n In r')l"Il lit tit)U anti Liaisllil Scrvil:c eEl LI ST OF TA blゥG C EI'S [ セ@ Tahle I: Ilil ra-I{cgional Trade jnllH,: Balkans «(YrJofTolal Export s, 2(0 1) . COP I{ I ,\-1 ECE I.: U ,\rvIEI' T"blc 2: Inlra-Rcgill11al T rade inlhc Bal kans (0:) o f T o lallillpo rts, 2ll0 l ) T able 3: FU llctio nal Diffcn!lIlia l iull of Unit s in the i m i RI@ ....... .. . .. .......... . RSC H ャ セョMR Ta hle セ @Z IJasic Indical tu S o f Mili ta ry Sl n.:llt;111 H Q セ TFRimI@ ................ : ..... . Tahle 5: Currcnt ,\(1;01l 11 1 Ualal1l:cs III the ·1 1 ( j 1)1' II V ICC Suutheaste rn E urope an Ctllllltrics ill Transit iun , IPO I( KFO R LS I' 11J1)2-2()() 1 (tvlill ioll US Doll ars) .................... , · Table 6: Balance of M cn.:ha1lllisc T rade ill lhc Southe aste rn Euro pea n COllnt ries ill Tran sition, 1l)1)2-2()O[ (Mi llion US Dol'ars) .. ............ ·· .... · · 53 MILS NAT O N Lr\ ィ 」 。 セ エ 」 イョ@ Eurupe, T ahle 7: ConsuJllcr Prices in soャlエ I CJY2-2IMII ('\ Illlllal ,\ vc ril g,cs. Pen:e ntag!.! Ch'lUg!.! Over I'rcced illl; Yc"r). . .................... . T ahk X: Basic Economic Ind icators ill Sout hcaste fll E urope (20U I) ..... ...... ................. . Tahle t) : Slrlll:lu re I lr l{d, ll iuus inthc RS(' ( IIY):\-]!)'),I) ...... .. . : ... : ............... ... . T ahle Ill: c hj scセ@ (If ャ サ、B ゥサIi セ@ 11 1111(; I{SC .. . . .. . . . . ........... . .. . ( It.N 3- 1' )'),I) ESI IOU FY ROM 7, Nort h At ia ntil: Trea ty O rg'lI1 isa tioli Ush/ria NIli'I (Jililllitore KomllCwre [Natit llla l Li hcnttit lll ,\rnlyl Norwt.!giall Institut e of In tcrnatillllal,\ffairs OI:l '1) O rg, lIl isilt iwl fo r Ecolluillic l ·u -up..: r:!1i, 11I alld RS( ' Ikvcll 'PIIl l: llt Ikgi" uil l Secllrit y C't l1 11 pl ex I I j l I I , ,r , • セN@ 1.1 12 l "" G i MGZ - - - - - -Nlt-I - .HA-- S F('I SEECP uセ G k@ i A L セi セ@ Stlll lht.:asI 12111"111'1.:,111 CIHlpenllivt.: IlIil i.,li\'1.: S.)u lh l!aSI E un'pca ll ('IH.pcral it lll 1' !"t IC..·...... (1,·1111';11 C/i,.11/rla/"(' Ii j(,I.,p, 'i;'i II\IIS'\\'O Li ht.: f<l - "rlllyl United Naliom. 1(0,\OVO U niled Na tio lls Missioll UN Transil iu lI,,1 ,\ dminisl ral io ll III E"..;II.'1"II IlItrfldlictiflll lioll UN UNfI, llK IINT,\I' S USS I( Vol V RS VSK W II W i., Sla V!)llia Union Ilf SIlVio,;! Sln:i"li..,' 1{ l.' lllIhlio Vojl-Iw .Il1go,\!tn '1)1' IYu goslav 1\ I"I ll Y I V"js}.;" IkplI/JfiJ.:.e SI1 ).\'/-;(' IHI Isni ,l ll Scr.ll H セQBi セ G@ I Vo).\'lilI ')IPS/... I' I\mjilll' [Army III SC rhl<lIl Kraji na] Vie nna Instil ut e Stud ic); . fil l" I ni c mali llllal l : nllll111ll C he T hipol;.ril )' nlSlllogOlJit.: dcvclopllIl!tl lS Iha ' signi fi ed [he cod of - i.l.! .. the L'11lIa psc lI f lhe Sovie t Uninll amllhc Wars;.\\, Paci and the erllsipn of Conllllll nisllI as .1 stat ellrgallisin,!.: illelllilgy- 11 ,111 far-reae lli n£ systei llic rCjlt.:.lnl ssillllS lhal could 11\lt ーョ ウLセ ゥィj ケ@ leave Smltheastc rn Europe ullal"fct;ted. Indeed . lhe Balk illls 1 Wl!l'e cllw llcipa ted t'nlill thl! sllperpmvers' ovc rlayl lhHt Ilml hee n superimposcd ove r the region's ilillige llou s security dyn,lInics ,lIl d hml cOli la in ed the rcsurfacing ,tl ld cscil l,ttioll uf unreso lved local conflict s. Thu s. ill th e c<l rly II'lJlJs Soulheastern Europe fe-e me rged as a distinct regio n wit h security dy na mics (11' il s OW ll a nd the reg ional ae tms redefined thd .. lkfcm:e and secu ri ty policies in ,tl:ellrdann.: with their own threat pen.:eplioll s ;tm.l ll<1 tillllal pril lritles. T ill! e nd of the Cold War also led to the cme rgence in Southeaste rn Europe o f lwo powc r-seeurit y vacu ums. While the 、ゥ ウNセッ ャ ャエゥ |ャョ@ o f Ih e Wars aw Pat.:t e ffecled the disap peamnn: of Ihe USS R seeu rily gu arantees to il s Ualk an prox ies. the wea rillg away of the Communist iucolllgy ge nerated 11 I. The '1Iillkans' <lml 'Slml heaSlern I;ll nljlc' ャ ・ ュャ Nセ@ ,Ire inlercll;l ngeahly used IhnluglHlul Ihe "1'\ 11; ,IS Sy lltlll )' III0 US. l r he I';nll 'o\,crlllY' des(;rihes a situation in whkh Ihe diretl presence or illvoll'c lllc lll of ou tside ーッキ」イ th.; 1I0rmai opera tioll lIr セ・ 1I11Z:l ll, II. 1'''''I,!t·. sャABゥエLセ@ iャ\エ ョ G H[セャ・イ@ siャセGj@ Lセ@ セ@ ill II regio ll is so SIfting Ihlll il セ オーイ 」ウセ@ イゥエオ ケ@ d ),n:ullics :lI lIong th.; lflcal sta les. See 1"'111': All Q Q セャGiイ@ fi JI' 11II1'mll/iOlllli Srn"ilY i,l II!!' l'm·I·Cold Wa r I:m. 211d ed it ion (lkmt:l I lcmpstead: wィ ・ャ ャN セィ・。ャN@ I'JIII J. I'. I'IX. 15 • I N IIH l lll lt "Llt lN plllitil:<lI-ideologica l vo id thaI was fill ed in hy the reviva l 11 \ lIa tionalislII . Il mvcver. to the extent llial Ihe sl,lle alill lIal it lnal hl)unt..!ari es we re 11111 l"IlIlteflni ll\)IIS il) SllutJIt:astl'fll Europe, thc rcsurgen t nationalism in th e region was prima rily in trastate in nature, It was dire!.:ted against IIlher nations that !.:o-existed wit hin the same state rathe r tha n against til her states. He m:e, in the post-Cold War e ra . regional securi ty W<.I S no longcr challe nged hy ideologit.:al III" military hln(s hut in stcad hy dc vc!opmCII! S wil hill th e Balkan statcs the mselves. The mosl promi ne nt dcvdopl lIl' IH \\;' S withoul dlluh t th c eru ptilln of the in ie re tlllli!.: !.: .. isis in the SIl!.:i<l li st Yugosla via . Th e disin tcgr<ltioll or 11 11: Yll gIlsl,l V Fede ratioll in lo five illlit:pe ntie llt states - Bosni:1 and Il erzegnvin <l, Croatia, th c Fonne r Yugos lav I{epuhlic t lf M,I(:et!tmia (FYROM) , SlllVc nia alld Yugtlslav ia (St:lhi ,l ;ll ld Monl c negnq l- ca used Ihe rad ical Ira nsfoflllillillil Ill' Ihl.: region's politi!.:al lIIap, deepcncd til e frag lllclll,llillll of th l.: Balkan naliulls inlo se ve ral states and fllrtll c red th l.: disassociation o f the state and na lional hOllmla ri es ill thl.: region . To illustra tc, while the SeriJi,1ll nat ion was di vided he twecll Yugoslav ia, C roatia a nd Bosnia. the Athall ia n natioll was segme nted hetwee n (\ Umnia pmper, Yll gtlsla vi,1 anti FYROM . The rcfure, in sueh an et lllli cally mixed regio n, the awake ni ng ll f nat ionalist ic pft)j e!.:ts a nd greate r illcas imperilled the survival of Ihe newly estahli shl.:tI states ,llId se riously threa tclled ove ra ll rcgillnal securit y. ゥ ャ セ@ ti ll' outhrcak of hostilities in Croatia, lIosllia . Kostl\'tI alill FY ROM delllonstralL'd. Not olll }, we re these \\',Irs ィゥ セ ィャ ケ@ dcslrllt.:tive in hoth hlJlllall anti m,l te rial te nns hul they ,Il so ge ne nll ed an xieties ill lll..' ighholirillg SI,tl l'S l"ollrl..'l"Ililig Ill e .t YlIg1,s l,.vi<l ;111"1'11:11 a nelV t\lIlslilllli"Il;11 ( "II<lll e i "II ·I I 'cllll·;II Y 21K)1 lI y whic h it WilS inter ,iii" renamed 10 "Sethi,1 ;lIId Q|HIi c i\ Zセ iG\ ᄋN@ Sc'c IIlli,," nilh!. F. :lUd 1\'lujsilnvi( ..1. "Yugoslavia ( "c as..:s 1(\ Exis t, nセG|@ llerla," ", N!'IIhHO.1.0:!.IJ.I. '" ーGi セ ョ ZNャ。| " I" Ihl.: ᄋ@ \\<11":-' ィッ -- セ ーゥャ jZA@ live r III In Ih l.! regioll . The t he UN salH.:l ions also ohslrlll.:lcd thl' lran:-.il til thl" IH: ig hholi r illJ:! sla ll.::-." trade aUlI impeded I he l· ....ollornie tll.!vdtJp1l1l'1I1 IIf the c rll in: Balkan s. Thu s. Ihe yi セ ャi。@ ---- - セ ャゥG ャGセ@ ; llld . Y, I!!' l:-oia V qtle:--1 it I ll '. rcfr.:rri llg II I Ilu; aggrega te t If I he sel'l l ril y prohkms llial l'IlIL' rJ:!t:d frolll the collapse III' Socialist Yugosla via and the n.:v iva l of na liollal isllI in [lie region, has rqm,:sc llh.' d hI tI,lh: ,I ll1'ljor challe ng.e for European sel:uri ly ,IIH! has indn·t! pre!.: ipit'lt ed Ihe inlc fI) lllional communit y's t·x lcll... i\,!.: ill vul vc llH.'1l1 ill th e rq:ion 's arr'li rs. Tn Ihe ex It.:: nl th ;lt Ih c illlt.: rnatillll,1I lilcraturc has n hall sllve ly de,tll witli (h t: 10"::;11 ar lors' and thc greal JlII\\'crs' Jlt:rspeelivc 1.1' III I..' B,lIk ,lIl crisl..'s, Ih e prese nl hook shirts Ihe illl c nlilln of IIII..' ,lllal ys is 10 Ihe n.:gio lla l dlllll':: ltsilllls o f illsl..'clII"it y ill SlllIlh l'<lSlc rII Europc . Spet·ilkall y. II le rcse ilrc ll c nd e<lvollrs h. 1I1lravd Ih c SlIh s.\'sleillil· clfeet 01 tilt' n..'l'IIITC III I!alkall rrist's ill II.-lier 10 assess Ill eir 1I11[lill'1 1111 Ihe イ 」Nセ ェャ ャ Bウ@ slahi lit y. Tht' rc,ilisalil ll1 Ilf this slud y IS rClIlkrcd possihle through the IlpCr;t lio nalisalillll o f Ihc l"IlI ln:pl of " Rcgio llal Senl rit y CUlllpk x" ( RSCI. This rnllccpt - that is part of tht: overai l Ih Cll rCllt"al framcwllrk 1.1' thc slH..'all cd '(\Ipc nllage n Selll)!11 01 Scn l,-il \' Siud ics' - h,ls so f,lr hce n the most im prcssive all Clll Jlt III dcsignil ".! ;111 il l1a lytit.:al dev i!.:e 1'1.1' regio nill ウGMャオイゥ ャ セ G@ ;IlI<11ys is. Th is is largd y tlla ll ks III its sLlccessfu l inlt.-".;!1"iI UOIl of lliCll rl..' lit.:al pn.:lllises on systcmit.: thi nking i ャイゥセ。エj[N@ fl"tli ll sm:h diffe ren t ll1l e rnatillllal l{dalil lll S Iraditions as sャイオ」 エ ャゥイ。 ャ セャA[ゥ ゥ ウ ャQ@ and COIlSlnll!t ivislIl. In this イャGセ[ ョl@ Ih l! L'II1TClit rl..'sc<l rch pragma tical ly uses thc l'IlIKepl IIi" 1111..' I{S(' ,IS :111 Ilrg<llli sill!,: tkvin.! ror thl..' study Ill' Ihe ph r llolll":llIlll of insecuril y in IiiI..' 1\,1 11.; ,111 n.:gio ll . 'I'hl' Ihl,.k . . . i"IIClIS II I1 ti l": r..:gill il-wide di lll ..:nsi( IlIS Ill' ill',cl"Ilril y dill' S nlll pr..:lelld III lli g.hlig.ht <Ill y pre-e lll int.: nrl! oi" (Ill' ICgltll l,d (slIh ·sysk nli c) Ic vd of anal ys is tl\'L' r lhl..' 1I11il 17 • N t", .. \0 ,, 1/11 \ ... セ@ levd. When.:" . . Ihe IIllil Il: vd sllldics Ihe SCClll il \' 、ゥ セャᄋi iN GlBs@ (ll" im lividu al ;1\,; 14 Irs, ,Il l.! stlh-syste m ie level ;lI lal ysl's 1he l'I lI i I'l' dyn am ics of SC!;lIril y prohlems th aI ,11"1.: f"<I !,!.lll clll cd wlll.' l1 (l IJprl,;u.:llcd 1I111 y ,ICI'l ISS (lillere lll dc1(ll"s' IJCrSpcd ivcs·'. (ji VI.: II tha t internationa l security is <I n:: lal!tl11;d ph l.: ll ullh':llo n. ウ ャ セァ」ウ エゥャ ァ@ llia1 ;1 is ahotl l lhe way (o lleeli"! lics rdal e In cadi 01 he r in l erm s II I' 1Im: .. !s ;lIld VII [nCI",thi I i [ ies\ 1hc d YIl ;II11 j,!'i " f sCl"lu il y p rohk llls afC Illca lctl wi lh in Ih e lIu il s thc lIIsc h'c" ,IS wdl as hc lwl'C Il Ihe m. III tha i scm,c . 1111; IlIl il a m i 'Ill' suh- syste m i..: le vels of anal ysis eXa lllin e lhe SOI IlIC prtlt'c,,;"":s lIt sCC llr;lil<l1it lll and dC SI.:C lIriliza l;llII" I nli ll ditle l l' lll il llgk's <11111 thei r insighl s ,m: L'\ llIlplelllclitary for th e IIl1dl'l'SI,lIldill!! of specifi c securit y prohlem s. The rollowill g p<l ges prcse ll l th,,: eO lll el1l uf thc I{S C collcept in nnkr to prm'llle for its utilisellinn ill Ihe cmrClltl'ase slml y. iャオ ケセ ュ 。ョセN@ 1. " Revisiling ( '4'I'C' lh" l:c n: ()r, I )n イィ セG@ ( ·,.·a li IC DCI'ct"pmc nr "f <I Scl'urir y s イュ ャ ゥ」セ@ ' \ !,Cllli;, in I:u n,l'c". lュ[GOセ B Qi@ )""flwl ,11l11nmuhmal u、Bャゥョセ N@ VIlt.·1. N" ..( II ' l'tX I, ['I'. -1'1,1-·\'1). S. Buza n. IL W i.·vcr. n. <lnd .Ie Wild." .I. S,'olli/l': ,.j N,w h<llIll'''·'''J.. /"'"llI/dl'I'is ( I\outder : Lyuue Riclirlcr iG オィ ャ ゥ セ ィ・ ャ G ウ N@ QGセス sIN iB@ III. t.. Whereas Ihe Icrn l ' \" ,(,lIrili: (llilll, refers I" lit.· ェャイッ・ セG@ hy II I,idl ,,,'1' ," ah41 vc Ihc 11"lnw l lcld " I jl"llti," illl" tI,,· cud ca vl",r III イ。ゥ セ」@ ゥセエ」ウ@ rl· .. lm III ' p ; mk polilil'S' wlwrc CX II'""ntimll Y ,1111 1 IIl ):l'l\1 1I1 .·aS lI ll·' ;IIC JIISlificl1. Ihl' Ie I'm Ill' ·,h·.1'4'('lIIili:OIi",, · iォャQB」セ@ Ihc eXill'l "l'p"',ll', Ih,'1 ゥセN@ Ihe ー ョ ャc・ ウNセ@ hy whkh see uril Y pn ,h]cl11s al C IClrulvc tl 01 .k' l·M';.I;IICd a nd ult imalely IlCell me suhjceh " I' 11<"111;11 . Ia y, to,.by poillin, 1·,,1' ;, mo re detail ed i ゥANiZ オ セウ ゥャョ@ on Ih.::sc nml'C prs セ」・@ III"',. II/III : W;\,\CL (). "ScOlr il ゥZキエBiQ L ャ ャ」 セ」ャG ャゥ コ。 ャ ゥihャ B@ in, 1.i1'l><.: luI1/.. It ( I :.1.1. (11/ .\'" WI/I' iセ@ . .I . (Nell' York: ('"llI l11 hia Univcr,ily ['less. tiNS], pp. -Ill-Sf>: i ャオ Iセ i [ "The Uucsli, .... ,f the Limil: ャ I・ セ」 オャ ゥャセ[ ャ ゥGャi@ illltt Ihe L | NᄋLG ィエNZQゥ イセ@ "I I h ,rn'r in iGBエゥャ セᄋ[ Nエ@ r」 L Nエゥ セ i| BL@ MillnmiwlI . V,,1. n. Nt<. B QGセ ZM[INQG QG N@ セ i B i L@ SS'!: 1111 1.,111. Il .. |v [セャG」イN@ fl. a nd dc |G ゥ ャ|iセB@ ,1.. 1'1 ,,2 1.. [7, ,t or I. Till' ( 'Olll'l'pt of Ihe 1{('gion,,1 Senll'it )' C"'''picx (n sC) ,\ 11 RSC is (I dll rahk clllpi riG d phCIlLllllCllllll with hislllrka l ,lI ld gc upu litk;d roots 7. ,\ ccLl rding 10 Ihc ClI pClllliIgC ll イ」 ウセ 。 ョ NZィッイウ@ Ihl' WIll'Cpl'S originators, a ll I{SC is rnlllpuscd tlf al least [WII pro:-:i nwlc IIlli ts who:;;t: major pl'llt.:o.:SSCS III' sCt'uril izali"lI an d dCSCl'Ll l' ilil<l lioli a rc so ill lcr· lillkcd Ih .1I 111I:i r sccurit y proil lems Cil lllLU[ rt'asllil ilhly he ana lvsed III' res(Il\'c( 1 ;Ip.lrl fnlll1 jlllC al1llllh,: rs. [n I hal se nse, ,I[I I{SC is gl..'\lgr;lphical c nli ty cO lllpri st:d of IIllit s whose セ・H オイゥャ ケ@ is dce pl y interdepcnd en t in k rms (If a mUlually fell Ihro.:<l1 or a sharcd (Ollll1H IIi ill lt.: n.:sl'l. Till.! prese l1t:e (If a dislind st:! of illt t.:IlSC ;lIld ill \\';ml looking scemi!)' n:laliullship" dete rm incs hlllh lhc ex islcllCt: ti l' all RSC ;lllti ils eX,H.:1 houlldari cs as it rqncsc ili s thc Mlk ;I v;lilahle n il crioll Illr 1111'; ind ll sioll or cxdusion of IInits in th at l·lIlHpk .,\III. I knn:, the Copt: ll hagcn approach hI tht! regiona l Ie\·t::! II I' <l ll :t! ysis is 11(11 l't IlISlrueliv isl al all. Thc Ill cmho.:rship PI' Hllils in an I{SC ariso.:s rrom the int c rpla y of thcir securil y prohlems r<1 tlll,:r Ih,1I1 fnlm Illci r reeog nilillJl or awarcness of thclr hehlliging in Ihi s rcgion. r:pr a n RSC to t!x ist then, it SlIllk..:s th:11 [h ..: Ullil s sokly ret:ogni sc Ih..: c:ds tt: rKt: ll f :J sl lom! lil1LII!c hdwc en th eir prot:csses ll f St.:curiliz'llioll ami dcsc:uri liLalioli li . ,\ llogd he r, <111 I{SC has sct.:uril y dynamics ,I FI;lIncW<l1k fI,,' Ikgil"la! Senil ity L | [ョ L ャケウゥ Nセ B@ in, 1III Z;I11 , II , l{i lV i, G., .-t nl. .'iOlltll : h iml IUJI·l'Il/ if.I' (IIu/ ,11(' (;'('<11 I'OII'I'IS (I ,IIII(I"u: r-. I"cmil1;tII. 1"1\"). p. x. X. 1111/;111. II.. W;l'vCr, O . an d de Wilde, J., p. :!O !. 'J.llu l :llI. II. ",\ FI'; UllClI'or k 1'" " Rc gion;1\ Sewril Y , \lIal ysis", pp. '),]1). Ill. 1III/an.II. /h'I'/'·. .\"1<1/1'1,( 1·,'111' ,]', 1'1.1. 11.11111:111.11. ",\ FlillllclI'''l k 1,,) [{cgiunal. . ", p. 12 . 7 .1111/.;111. I!. "/\ I '! i 1\ I, Ii I 1 II ,. 1 ';; I", セ@i "1 ,!'/, 'II Nu" " .\,,, " / 11 \I" , IN I RC lilt j セ G イ@ Ie IN c.lf its IIwn ,hal are d isl ingllish,l hlt: am i ,lIlal ylil"all y sL' par;lh k!rom lht.: !;Iohalur tht.: unil It.:vd d VIl<lI l1 il·S. (;;Vt.:11 Ihll( sta l t.:s ami socici ics are 1I0lHI)nhilc lIlllh IVhose act ion s r<Jrd y Ih re.:'I1c 1l lhe.: sllfvi v; 1I of disl,1Il1 」NZョ ャ ・c ャ ゥ Nカ ゥャセ エNZsL@ il Gil l he SII !!ge.:SIL'cI 11 );1i se.:l"llril y _ 」ウ ー エNZャB。セ@ whcJl I[ IS rdill ed wil h IhrcalS Itlca l e.: d 1111 I hl: Illi lilan. pol it ical or sociel al sedors - is I"reqll e.:nl ly assodalcd \\ilh ー イッ xゥ ャゥ エケ ャ セ N@ COllse.:qlll,; nlly, the.: cOlll·e.:pl 0 1" the I{S(" rqm,: senls'l va luahl e analYlicallull 1 for Ihe lI lldersla m linl.! of [h e セッョi」NZx ャ オ\ 、@ dime.:llsiolls of lIlust seellri[ y ー イ ッ ィォ ャ セ@ are 1Il1e.:.lTc.:I at e.:d wi th geogn lphy ,lIld history. The i'lIl"o<iu L'[i!lll. Iwv lng so fa r ouiline.:d [li e dCfill ing fea l ure.:s of ,III イャGセゥuiLQ@ se.:clI ri ly l'olllpkxes, turns Ihe <t [[ c ll l iCi n n1" I he disl"l lSS;UIl ill the. l.lcx t sec tio n to Ih e quest ion (\f why I he Balk ans C;1I 1 ill' legit Jllla tdy vie\\ e.:d as rep resen t ing IHle \ If 1he.:lIl . IIlal 2. SUllth cHstc rll ICllfUPC:l S iI l( cg iOlml Scnlril y CUlllplt·X The ljll<tl i fic<l litHl .If Il lc Ilal bils <1:-;1 (Ii:-l i llel I{St ' G Q |GQセ@ I:irsl in cOlIseqllelll'e Ilf it s !,!cI1gr;l phic ,1I1t1 ge.:Op'llllic:d 1'.IL'l ors. Although Ihe ,I re<i's cx ae.:t !!e.:o!,!r' '1 l hic ]ill lii s - espeセ@ arc d isPIlI<i h lc, il is 1:lrl.!d\' a ct<llly Ihl' 1I01"1ht.: 1"I1 ッャ・ウ ァcセ ャ ァイ\j ーィ ゥ」 L エャケ@ coherent regioll [h ,11 is COlllposed ッセャィ Z@ 0 1 'tt/pccnt エNZャ・ ゥ カ ゥャ・セj |N@ I II Ihc S, llll e lIIilll. ll' I", where,ls' Ihe.: geost ralegic v<lllle of the B,tlka ll.... h<ls dtangcd over l iIllL'. il:geopolilical I"ole has cUlls[antl y hL'l.:1I assuL"ia [ed wit h ' it s IClGl1iOJI as t he.: crossroads of Eurupt.:, A"i<t ;lI ld ,\ f.. ica l.l . Tht.: 1I,IIbil I'e.:lli llsilia h<l s ,II ways represell 1ed a physic,l l ex il f m lll E llro pt: 10 Ihe E<lsle.: rn m ・ 、 ゥ ャ ・ it 。 ョ セL Qi@ hasi ll thai lies lIll the h,l:-ic ElIl"npe,lII flili tC to Ih e Iml i,1I1 Oec, lIl <lmlille regilills o f ャセN@ In short , South A sia , t he M idd le Easl and E<lsl c rn aイ ャBゥ」。 South eastern Em'ope meds I he geog raphie ,JIll! geop(lli[ieal rL'quire melll s for heillg clillsidered an R SC. T he 1X' lwptioll o f t hc Balk ans as a sct:ufity wmple x is also hast:d lin Ihe region 's IIwn particu lar hi story. Indeed, the n;dk<in na t io ns ha ve shared a t.:tHllIllli n destiny o ver seve ral l"e nllH ics. Tll c ]I.dk ;lIl peoples l ived for <I IUll g time togclhc r w ithin Ihc OI[ulIl<Jn [i llp irc ,lilt! cx pcric tll:cd Si llll1l ta lleotl sly the Ot illlH<ln rull- a nd t he nllild syste m of adlllin istral inll 16 . I.ater Oil, I heir in depende.:m:c movc men ts hee, lIne part of the S<lIlIL' prohlem 's re:-.ollltioll, namel y, the 'East ern Q uestio n' rderr; ,,!; ttllhe dedi lIe o f the QlItl mall E mpire. In thc dawn \If Ihl' twenlid h l'e llltJ ry, Ihe CO ll1l110n fale tlf Ihe nil lka l] when they rOllght the so-called nalicills was イ ・ 。ヲ ゥ ョャ セ、@ B:llbll wars toget her, in it ially against Ihe O lloma n E mp ire , ,li lt! t hl'n, ,II HOllg thelll sdvcs fm Ihe rc -dislrihu t io lluf fo rm er ()Itllnl<lll tcrritc11")'. N@ I [. I .. '·Tllo.! H ゥNZ ョーッ ャゥエォ N セ@ i ,f I ho.! ll:i1katts" itt, .l<.! lallirh. C. ami .k li>\"kh. It t1 :tls.) n n' /l1I1}.., /II' ill lilli/rill"" tl ·il(ltto.!l·licu I: ,\rdu'l) lI"nks. { ゥ iW Tセ L@ fl. 2. [) . ,\Ii lalll is. S. ,mtl Tzi l"kis. N. "1[ NO ftn·t\ \H ,,,J,tXII t :1'lNililll m:; f [tlNill"l'WUU) YJltKHio. lIl . IU jSllulltc:lstcrn Europe as ,\ Regional SuhSystcm!"" itt. L |ャゥイ。エ セ N@ S. <lml I lnl":II:ls, i セ N@ (hb.) l ',ij,Xtllm, JlIlJl'rc; l ·,i. 1·1. K. GセiZャエゥイォ (J 12. II(lz:lII. tl., w Zセ | ᄋ セ ᄋ iBN@ (). :111.1 、セ@ ].1. 1" l'\"':I:lkis. (i . 1.<'1' 1111//"1111': Nalh:lIl. I'I'I,\).I'P. 1.\. 17. \\'ihlo.: . .f..I'P. '1. II . ( '1/11/11"< " ,./ / ;""/"I/w'I'''' 11':llb: 1,lilh"I' "I.I II! "HI I) ..lf i,\, ! I ( G GOャiヲセ@ limy Imallll/ill/lIIl S)"I"II"m .,ml (;"" ,T/'/ (,\lhcIlS: sQヲ。 ャ ゥAォ」セ@ [;J,dosis, 2t MKI), p. 7". I"). ,\rr<lllting hI (his .,yslo.!m "I' .ul millislr:ltiott, Iho.! Oll (lm:lt l Empire w\i セ@ dilidcd al'llI!! I"cli!!i<llls ralher Ihall Clhll ic ャゥ ・セZ@ cach mille! c \ャ i G icセGBョ、」ッャZQ@ Icligi,,"SCOllll llllilil y llla l W:lS :u lminisk'rcd by its ( 'hufrh Super;,,!. " I I', I • -'-.'-III rhe mid ,w;1 1" pt: liod, ltl(l, IIl l' ャi[エセ。 ャ@ セ イ [ ャGs@ c lIlb;u h-d \HI a process of lllllllilah: raJ cOI lll'rClIl,.'CS with rh l' ai m 01 」 イ 」 。エェャ セ@ il lI,dl::all fetkrarioll . Til lS process was In o.; ' i llllj". lIaJiscd in /11.14 when Cin.'clx:, I{OII1:J ll i<l, TlIrkc\, ;lIlt l )" W'D' Z@ or tI ll' _"lav(,1 sigllnl rh t.: lIalk ;11I 1';ll'\ ,lIld adopll-d rhe Nセ ャ。jBN BalJ.; ,w Entel1te. No!wir hst,lIldiug IhOl[ I lle lI:dl-.'lIl \'0 _ operalio n JlIOCCSS was as it ll lhi[ iollS itS 10 pr evicw 1:\'1,.' 11 Ihl' int egrat ion ill lillle of Ih e parlici pa ll l c.:ollill ri..:s· k ci:-.lar i\\' ;u.:[ivirics, il was cve rllllaHy iUlIllllkd hy 11](,: olil il n.' ak Ill' Ihe Sc!.:ond World Wa rl1. Ne it he r, til' l:tlUrSC, did Ihe (,old Wa r d ivision of Ell rope leave rhe Oalka ll:; lIliaffcc\cJ . The region 's i1llli gC IIO li S sentrir y dynamics were SlIhslIm ed within th..: supl:rpowl:rs' confronta tion, Nevc rt heless, with in thc spiri t or dCli:llIc of the mid- lin US, thc 13,ll kan Ctllllltrics Ill<ll lilged to rc- inil i'l te the process of region al co-opef<ltio ll and org,lI1ise a sequcnce of high level conferences. Dcspi!l: Ihe fal' l Ihal in lhe イセャ ・@ IIJt)Us tllc end o f hi -polaril y prcse ll ted . 111 t 1111'11 Irt 111 1i \ Y fc II' 111l' int ensification of thi s co-ope ration, Ihe whol e pnt(;e.\s |Gセis@ short ly aft e rwa rds d isl·o ntiIltH.:d 011 Ih e outh re ak of the Yugoslav wars l/!. Ahove all, however, Ihc co nccptualisa tion of tltl: lIalkam.. as an RSC is decided Oil Ih e grounds of II,,: exisle llce of a strong int er-linkage hctwecn the currer ll st.:cll ril izal ioll processes of th c region 's collecti vities. T he Balkan sel' lIrit y 17. Slavrianos. L. S. nw I/(I/kw/S Jil/l'c /4.H (Lund' )Il : [I urs! & ('tHllpau)', 2UOIJ). pp. 730-747. II( Ven'mis. T . (in'l'a :,· /l1I/klill 1:'lIIl1l1g/"/II"11i (,\tl ll·Il.\; 1:lialllcp-Y;cko. I'NS), pp . .IS.4l I NTHI II li lt T il )"N' -_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ c ャ ャーォ N セ@ 01 Iht: IIJlms was IlIIi lt ,lrOlilHl til e cOllrhll:JH.:e of four l1I<1illll<lllOllal \イQャ エZs ャ ゥ エャ ャ N セ@ namely; (i ) Ih t: ,\I han ian qlll'Stitlll rcfe rrillg to Ihe st'lI l1s and thc living cllllllil iOIiS Ill' Ihe ,\lh,tIli<l1l COllllllll llit ies illat liwtl heyo nd hut ill ad ian' lIcy Itl the ...\I hall iall sl,lle (i.e. ill Yu goslaVia ,lIld F YI{O"I); (ii ) iィ セG@ e ro;ll i<l11 qu cstiull Iha t in vulvcd Ihe aspi rali!111 or Iltc l"rn;ttian Ilali!lt lali:; ls In resl nn: C roalia It I il s hi sto ric the e nlire It I' Boslli a hOHlcrs wilh the illt"orpo ratio n ,lIId l lerzegovi na ; or (iii) tlt e Mace tiolli all qllesl i! )) 1 dClio ting Ihe iss ue of the lI a tion al affili atio n of the people living ill gcographie T\-Iat:cdollitt - which is d iv ided hetween Greece, Bulga ria and rYROM - ami th e territorial owne rship of this region ; ,1Ild (iv) the Scrhiall llllcsiion pCrl ailii ng 10 Ihe Serhia n people's as."ol.:iatiull of th eir security with their cocx isting in a sill!:\ k N セ エ 。ャ・@ rather than remainiug d ivi ded he twee n y i セエャs ャ 。 カ ゥ。 L@ nOsni,l alld Il c rzeguv itl a, C roatia a nd FYROM . The proponcllt s of" the afurclll cntioll cd national prngral11l1lCS - partiutlariy of Ihe Croatian and the Se rbian OJlCS- ell visaged /lot only the expa nsion of thc ir countries' horders hut also the for mation there of purc nati o n-stat es alill the elimi natio ll or comple te ass imila tion or all other na tiomll communit ies. For instance, the Se rh na tionalists ad vol.:ated policies for the assimilation in lo ' Grea te r Se rhia' uf Ihe Alhan ia n, the Crotltian and the Ilungarian 22 23 i I, '.i " Ii" d d d .' • i N l lHlIllll ' l lIl N Yugoslav i" as wet I as .. f the Mnnh; lI l'Cri li. the !JtISlli"k ,llId ャ ィ セ@ S lav·l'vi:ll:cduniOiIl JIL'npk . T ill' ....' -fllur national qln:sl iolls of the Balka ns Wt' !"': 11111. thcn.: fo fc. O IIlIIIHlllil k-s o f c.:oll figll n:d in iSll la tion [(l Oll": 'llllllhcr hut \\C I"C セ Q QサャョAN[j |G@ in te rde pe nde nt. Illllccd , tile ir i nl L'rtl cpc lldc nn: h,:d hI セィG@ c lllc rgC IH:c in lll e region of all ill ll.: n rlill c k d weh (I f securit y rcial lollships in which Ihe rcsoltr liu/I iII l.\' Nセ ゥイ ャ セ ャ 」@ l'uli rJ il:r was co ndil iuna l Oil tlcvdopll H.:n l s ill ol hcr イアセNャ。j@ proh klll .... Thus, SOlllhcaslc ru Europe fu lfils every crite rion 1(1 he indeed considered as a pa rad ig l11 ,nk case nf an RS< ', Ti ll' ャ 。セH@ or sccl iu ll o f l llL' il1 tmtl Ul'l ioll out lines Ihe ctlll h: nl of iャ ャゥ セ@ IHI"!; ilillstnll es hu w lhe slrll Clul\' HI' Ih l: fb l",lI l I{SC ゥ N セ@ lu.: nee hlrtl l .ll1.llysed. and J. T he SlrllduH' 41fthc Hunk Th l: illlrotlllL"l iuli has so far supported Ihl.: 11\;I ;s<l lio ll uf IIil! RSC m nrc pl lor Ihe II lI ravel li ng of thl..! Balkan in st.:t:lI rit y's regiona l dilllf.: llSiolis. T Ill': I"ullowil l); d lapll:r)' pilI ill\l l prat:lit:t.: Ihis llle thodologil',iI a:-'slllll plioll ,lIld 1111 10)111 IlIl' sl n ll'!ure 1'1' I he Bal ka n SCCllfi I)' t.:1llll Jlie:>.:. Tht: fi rst el lapl l:r n.:vo[ vcs ,Iro llm l li lt.: de limil :ll iU fI Il l" Ilt v RSC. Th is L"ll .lpt c r dc tl: rtnjl1 l's tile !;l'o.gra phic<t l hO lder). II f the securi ty f.:tllIIpleX ami idenlifies the.: st.:rto]"s - i.l' .. ャQゥ。 イセ ᄋ N@ political. sod e.: tal. l:(O IUlmic or l:IWi rUII II ICnlotl- till \\hidl thl' pallc rns of regional secll rit y inte nll. ! pe ntlt.:llcl' a rt.: locat l:d. III this way, Ih c RSC is derua rt:ated a nd Ihe com li1il))I" ;trl.: PI"( Jvidcd ft II" slI hset[ lI e n1 Jy discllss iIl g it s st n If.:! II rc. T he sef.:uml dl <lp le r stlldies lilt.: del: p strll t:t U]"l' of llit.: 24 Balk<ln sl'l.:lIrity ..:u mp kx. perw in illg 10 IhL w<ly il s IInil s afe t1l"lk l"!:d and d iffcn': lIl i<lll:d ill n.: lalillll 10 I.:adl ot he r. T he onk rinl! ami diffe re ntia l ion prilll"iples of a sySIl: lll arc deep nu t tln l" hl.:eallSC the y are durahle bil l hel',Hl se Ihey a rc also scl f-prodllcill g i.e .. I.: hanges wi thin Ihelll ,Irc re la tively Imh.' pe11lk nt of th L II nil s' wish I'). T hl' third and fo urth L"llap te rs l'.'(;( lI1 ill l' the cssc nl ia[ slruc lu n.: III' Ihl' [{S( ' dl'nol in); Ihe lIla tl.:ri.. 1 ;l lId ideationa l I.:UlllpOlle nts Il l' the l'olllplex's struct ure. While the thi rd L"h ap ll' r rIKU).l')' tin the dislrihu lio n o f capa hili til's inside the [{S (, the rO llrtl l dl<lpl er rl:i"c r." til the struLl ure of relation s amll ll g IhI.: unit s (I I th e 1.;00 11p kx, 1h:1I is 10 say, thl: natu re and Ihl' I.;lll\ tel\l ofl ll e in lr,l'regiluwl fl: lalilllls. Fi mll l)" Ihl: [;1).1 cha pt er aSSl's.-;es the cha nges thai have ou:urn:d in eithe r strm;tll re of the RSC allli llIeasures Ihcsl: dlanges agai nst thc lll ailll l. ! ll'lilre or colla psl! til' slahilit y and equ ili bri u1lI ill thl. ! (o1l1 pll..!x. T his chapl er delllon stral l..!S thaI th l. ! Bal ka n rl:gi un has undergo lle a SI..!\'cre sys te mic t: ri sis a mi il ウ ャーpエjイ ャN セ@ Il\at tht.: mosl indit.:H ted grand stratcgy for thc rq;io n's sl.t hilis;II ;OIl rl.: prt.:sellt s its prl. ! paral ion for in kgralio ll illin tht.: I:ll ropt.:an セ ャ ャBiᄋ ャオイ ャNAウ@ In Ihis rl.:s pect , Ihl' houk IIl<lKI..!S rt.:f.:OIl ll lI l' tIll<il iIHls for the illl llln li,tl e GrLl:k polky l"ll11l't.: rn ing lil t.: B,dka ns with in tlit.: EU fr' II11 t.:work . Tn lUfldude, tllis rl:st.:<lrt:h pro"idl'S ,I \'itl uahk ゥャN セゥ ァ ィ ャ@ int u ;111 Impllrtalll (i .e .. tile slI h-systelllit:), yd IIIHkresli lil alcd , d; lIIl.:lI).illllol lhl.: Balka lls illseL"uril y, 1" . lI u / :m . II. Bs yセ i エZ ihL@ t .ill k , It 11". I ."gl<" Y"rl : ( '"IUIU1>I;1 1 イhゥvエZ SIIU,'lIl1 t: am l l 1u iIS" in. Bn z an. II .. .l" ut:s . ( '. <ln d or.Imll)"/I\': /Vo ''''!"II1i11ll /" S/m, '/lIIol /(",,1,,11/ ( N.:w i G セ ゥャ ケ@ QG Q エZセsN@ 111'1.1), p. 3K CHAPTER I The Dcmarcation of thc Balkan Secnrity Complex ! I I I ltel:lIIpIOYllH:lll of the I{SC !;ol1l:cpl fllr the sllLdy of the T Hat\.;all insc(;uril y due s 1101 sold y re quire th e dclCClioll di sli lll" sc I I lf fCt-illual palll:rns of see mil y. 11 al so p ....Zセ@ .. IPp\ )SCS 1111.; g.cllgral ll,iGII'11ll1 SCl: ltlfal dclim it atitlll tlf tilC !!,ivl' ll Sl't'll r il y l'IlIUplex . For, wh ile t he gctlgraphical dCllwn; aliull Ilr a complex is crucial for the d e1 e nl1in ,ll ion or Ilf " II:; IlH': l1Iht.: rship - i.c., the IillilS of wllid. il is clIlllprisc d- Ihe secto ral dC I1I<l rcal iull refers III t he nature o f the isslies (e .g., mili1ary. po litieal. sm:ic la l, economic o r ellv ironmen tal) thaI an.: t:ollSlilll livc u f Ihe regional seemil y in lcrlicpclllle ncc. I kno.:, t his chaph!f tllrns the attention Ilf th e disCIis-sioli It I the gcogrilphi ca l honkrs uf thc complex, as well as the Halme of Ihe regional pall e rns of insecurity. \ I I ,I \i I:, , r \ i I. TIIC Gellgnlplliclll Bllnicr s Whi le th e ex iste ncc of the l3alkan seem it y complex scems almost sc!f-evide nt. the de terminat ion of its horde rs is a llIuch ha rder task. This ariscs hCl:<l llsC what cver (;\II1c(;tivitics afC sc lel: tcd to he the hnrderlaml on es of the Ba lka n securit y t"lIIUp le .'(, thc sel: ll ril y o f Ihese collecti viti es would Illost I 27 I • pnli1<1 hly he tll k rti e pl.'lltk lli wi th lilt' セャNGョhゥHケ@ III oIlier adjacellt l'o lh:clivL' groups sit llated heyo nd Ih t.' C(l lllp ieX. 111 this I"CSPI' t: I, tilt: Co pCnha1!.C II r escilrch c rs SII !!!!l'skd lhal Ihl" " scclirit y Illh.: rtlcpc lllicncl.' Hllltlllg. Ihe Illem be rs of <I ll RSC he n:lalcd alway.., 10 a lllllillally kit thrCil! or a sha rt.:d ClltllllHlll irlh:rcs1. r \1l RSC is IIO! defined hy [h e int e r-link,,!!.c ,dull e of Ih ..: t llfl: at perl'l:plioll s ora g ro up (If l'!lfkcl ivil tl.'''_ Ralhl'r ills dl'flncd hy the lad Iha[ Ihis illlLr-linkagc is isslIe .spccific. .. thai is to say, il is associated wilh [ilL' C-"lslc l lCC of iI COlllillOll conce rn. David La ke ddin cd slich Ihn:<ll or (II" illil..'I"CS I ,IS onc. IlItJrc, IJ"tI//s·h(m/t'r hlil/ol'lli l'xl1'rlllilitl' I hil i l'Ill<l Il ,l t l'S Inull a disl iLld gctlgraphk a rea ami L'O ll tilllHHISly "rrCCIS thl..! scc llril y of I..!vc ry wll il lry or which Ihc I{SC is l'llillpri sed l , In セM iQHIイ、 エZ イ@ nte rn dl it v t!liIt thl..! UalLllls. the loe;] I iョャ dell1,lI"l::a lcd lhe l" IIITCIlI RS(' was the disi nt egraiil JII 1)1' Soda liSI Yug,usl avi" I h<l l Jed 10 the eruption of lilt' C roa tSerh ,lIld Ih e Busni,1tl wa rs am ll U l lie profullnd t'xilcnhalinll of Ihc ,\ Iha ni all , ('rnill iall , rVlacr.::dlHl iall <ln d Serhi; li l Ilillil l ll;1I qu esI ions, Th e ddi ni tioll or 11](: Balkiln securil y rn lllJlk x in ilccorda lKl' wil h I he ex [erna lil y or lilt' Yli glISIa V CnJli lpSL' illlplit.:s l h;ll lhis conlplex is compriscd (If 111 t:se l'ulin' [iv i[ ll'S Ih ill lived ill "lh;lI1i;l. Bo snia and I klzq;!ov in ;1. B lIlg;lriil, ('rtl;l tia, FYR OM. Grecce. Rom aniil ,lI ld Yli gosl<lvi;1 (SCri ll <l illnl tvh llll cncgH) ), Wh ile Q セi sャゥ[Q@ :l lld iャ ・イコャGQMセ ャ カゥ ャ ゥャL@ ('nl;ltl ;1 alld YIIg,llslav ia wcrc dirt'c lly cnlangled inlh c YlIgI I'di( \' Wins Il l' success ion, Alh,lIlia , FYROfvL Grct'cc <Iml Bll lga fl ;1 \\crc afkl'led hy one or Illure ;Ispecls of Ihe reg, iun 's lllaillllilliulI;t/ J. l. akt:, Il. ,\ . "Rc,L!ioll;tl Sceulil y ("Ulll[lkws: ,\ Sysklll., ' \I'pru;,,·lt·· in. Lake. I). , \. and 1\ 101 gal). I' 1\ 1. ( I ;.1.'.1 OHB L セゥuャキ@ (Jll/,'n : lill;idillg .\,.,'111;1)" ill 1/ M'll" W"rld ( l'ennsylvania: The l'ennsylvania SI:I1<; l lnivcl,i1r I'rcss, 1'1'17). [lp. TQG^MNゥ L セN@ 2K tjlll'SliulIS, III add l[hHI. OWIJlg It l thei r 11t:<lv.\' depemknce u n lht: Y U1!oslav Irililsport Ill' l wmk. Biligaria, FYRO i\rl , ( ,recce illid l{l1I11<1ilia heca mc rcci pie nl s of IIIl' ecolHl l11 ic cOllsc qllcncl's <l SSllciil lnl wilh Ihc ctllllllll"1 III' lhe Y,"goslav wars ami l he ohscrv<ll jon (If Ihe UN elnh;l rgocs- . tv\pre illlpurl,lIl l ly, Ihe l'OlIecliv il ics of th e B<ll k<l1l seeuril y Cll lllp leX were se riollsly l·oll.:crne d w ith thc possi hil il y I h<l l Ihe Yugo slav huslil ll ies wOli ld spillover elsewhere ill [ht' regi'.II !. l le re, Ihe k il l or [he Iblkan nal itlns was Ih:l lllInre nllllllnes \\"oliid il lso get in vol ve d in Ihe hnslili lies alld [hal an ,I II 0111 \\";11" Wllll ll l hreak lll il il l Sllll ,heaste rn ElI l"l lpe. T hl' n:qui l cIlK II[ Ill' the 111lpOlL"l II I a local Irans-hnnkr l';';il' rIl ;lIi I V provides 11111 unly for Ihe inclusio n nr cerl;li ll l"lIl1ccl ivi ,'les il l <II I ItS C hili '1lso 1m Ihe exclll sio n Ill' oli1l'1"s from 111Is scc llril y Clllllplcx . In Ihe case of the Balk'lIl s, Ihe 0..::\1 el"lla lit y ( I f I he Y II g1ISl il \' disi ntegr,tl ilHl I liTers I he rill illilalc for the lHlll -indu sio ll ill l he RSC of I he colkclivilics li vi ng in Sloveni;l. Il lIn g<lry , tvl oldn va, T urkey and C yprus, While Sin vellia is a Sli ceessn i sl 'll e or Soci,lIisl Yugos lavia, il s slrlll!.1!1e for i11llepenticllce was ClI11lplckd with i ll 10 d'I Ys イ ャQ[ ャ セ@ ils incept ion ill 11)1)1 and ,IfIn which I he CI)Ulllry YII!!I,sl<lI' Wilt < 11ll1'lit:aliulls (Ill ({ oll1;lIli,1Il St:,·lllilv". Smll/w,nl /:'urnl'("{1II ,',)/il/CI'. VII I. 2. No. I (1\lay 21111 1 ), 1'1'. ·Ir,-SX: 'I:zilah is. N. " I I 1II1I,i,"{ltt,iH It TIl {\iI'll HH' Ih ,)i[llH': III'" (l1"l'IIIIU'vl: ;(1(1 Q | |LiA\ャG Z HiセAイ \Z[@ <ll E1JlllTl;'Ol"l <: I!lutgar!:! III thc WillS Tillilllkllro.;: 1.illli1cd "ud [{ o.:l·cl.,iblc 1IIII'licltiuusl"'. /'oltliko.\· ,( /:"/.,mo!lli!..m !\ulhll'/il.l. Nil . セ NO@ (.111110.: t'J'J'}) , lip. sッ ᄋsセ Z@ W,tl td':ll. S. " ( ;wo.: cc :lIld I b N"llltc!l\ N..:ighh"lIls: J IIIPilrt ,,1' II,tlk illl [)o,:v..:lOl'lIlCllIS ou tilt: (;Io.: t:k I:CUlhHlIV".II,,/k'lI/ hmlll1. Vul. I. Nu. J (.lUIlC [')')3). pp. [77- ['17: I Jukus. T :011,'1 ['i":l"["os. I:. (bk l 'lil IIU AX<l I"ll1 / lrt« ( 10" /I"),, ' , !I" /,11' "'''''ll''t' '1'(1 ,) /"" 1//I,' /1"/,·",,, "lilT Ih,. JI 'I/I" "I· "'J.I"(lI ·"1 ( ,\thcus: Sidt:ris.2tltltll. Sct: 1111<"1 I/fill: T /i[akis, N. "Thc t·, i II , • ,t I • -' III .I" h - >1- L |oGセ@ --_._-._-- - - - --.- -- --- -- - - - _ ._-"NIl-.' Ikparlcd frurlt the Hal bll s - iii 1C rill'; of \Cl'lility ClJIlSidl'r<ll i'I IlS_ It ) hl'Ollli C l ia r! Id ' 111l: ( \: 1111'011 hlnlpcOIl1 sl!clIril y Ct llH pkx. For ndthcr Slovl'lIiil ィッ N セ ャ ウ@ [i i セ G@ SiZl'<lhk mino rity nf o llu: 1" B,llkan 11<I1I(IIIS - allli. th ll 'i. \\",I'i 1101 <lfr:lid ()r ge lling illvo lvl'd in ,my spillovl: r sce llOlril1 _ nor IS ib !!1.' ()gr;l phical pllsilioll slI ei, 111<11 Ih l.' U N sanctions 0]" Ihl.' YUJ;os lav wafS could a fkel ils t'Cl llIOIll Y. Fqllall y. dc.s pill' till' r,ll'1 111<11 la rge rvlagyar m inori l ics reside ill Serhi a alld 1{()llI<ln ia . 1IlIIlgary is no t collsidered III helo llg 10 th e B:tlk; 11l security l"Olllplt: X hCl'<lII SC i1 did Illl i sen lrilize lh l , li vlll,!! l'ontii lio lls of ils d iilsporil. During Illc rcse ,lI"l:linl period lht.' Il unga riil li na liO Il ,d q ues tillll was I) vershadowed hy dcvc lopmcilis of (l lh cr Ba lka n n,ll iuna l qlll'SliuliS ,II HI \\' <l S nol PWjloriiOnalel y escal'lI cd . Accordingly, Ihe slmggie of Ihe B;dbns' HUJl gil ri an CUIlCCliv il ics was nol r,ld il'< discd ,lIld l3ud"[lcs [ managcd 10 Illtliniaill a low [lfllfik [lo liey 0 11 ゥャセ@ 11<1 [;011<11 qu eslillJl. Illl ng"I"}1 lII ade ilva ila hk o nly d ipit )lll<1[ic Sllpport In il s Ctllllp,llriol s in o rdcr 1101 lu pili III jl.' lll'ilrti v it-... ,Ispir<l[i(l ll for ils ill ll'g r,llioll in[ o NXI"O <lnd I Ill..' U I J:vc lltl1<llI y, Ilo lwi lh slamling Iha l I\ lll idova, Tllr key and Cy prus ShilfC slrllng scclIri[y rl'I<l liom hips \\·il h IIll'lllhl T sla les oj" Ihe Ba lk all sccmi! }' C(Hllple:..: - with ROlll<lnia ,lIld ( ; n..'cl·c H...'s pecl ivclY- lhl'ir sccll ril y IV<lS nol serioll sly <lfkch: d hy Ih e Yligoslilv collapsc. Evc n Ihoug h Turkish COll lll llllli lies resi de ill the fonner Yugoslav ,m.!iI, Anbra d id lin! sl'clI ril ill.' Ih e ir li vi ng l'tl lld il iOlis Jl<lrtly hcca usc oj" thcse l'll l1lllllllli lics' small size ,lilt! re mot clless <llld parl ly heeilllse il did 1101 wa lll 10 genera[l' lh e illlpressioll 111<11 il fom entcd Ihc reg iun "s dcsla hilis<llio ll. To c() ndlilic. Siove ni<l , I hJllg'l ry. Mnldnv<I . TlIr kcy <lnd Cyp rll s <lrc no l l'O llsidcrcd [0 helong 10 lhe cu rren l g ,l lk<l 1l RS C Ihal ha s heCIl delll<lrclll.'ll silll'c Ihl' carl y II)t)os hy Ihc c>; lc rtlalil .v of Iltc yャNAョ セ iGャ カ@ d issolll lil) ll. .111 --_ __ _- T JII I klll .\I« ',\'111 IN I II '--_._TIll : 11,\I.K /\N III{!TY (', ),\11 - --....:...--. .. ----. _ _.SU _-. ._ .. ' 1.1:.'__ Ilil Vl llg dele rlllill cd Ihl' gCllgraplllL-'1 1 hl)rticrs (Ir lhc RSC. Ih e lI e\:1 sl'l' lioll ide illi fi es Ihe scl"lll rs un whidl lhc reg.IOIl 'I] sel'lIril Y IlIlcnlcpell dl' Ill"C is j(lcalc d. 2_ The St'l'im's HI' IIIl' St't'lIl"i(y Inienlcllclulellt'c Th e ( 'IIJ1cnhage ll rcsl'a rchers ha ve sugg.cslcd Ihill th e セャG」イゥカ@ 01 t"o Il Cl.' li vi ll l'S llIay hc e ndililge red hy Ihrc<ll s 11lL'<llcli III Ihe IIl1 lilary. po]i lic, d, snciela l. ccn nulll ic or e Il Vinll lllh' lll ,d scctors l. III OJ II l1 lshell. whi le Ihc military sCL"i m IS l"Ollllll'iscd III' lh l , inlcrn,11 a nd cXle rna l mil ilary IlnC;l ls or olll cr nOII -llli lil,lrv Ihreal s lha l mighl in vo lvc Ihc li se of milililry j1uwc r 10 Ihe survi va l of 」 HIicャゥ カゥ{ ゥ 」ウセN@ Ihc j1lllilical sedor inl"lu des Ih rca[s dirCClcd agail lsi the l'ollccli viliL"s' Cll ll sl ilLl livc ide:ls. idcologics or iliStilllliolls Ih ill IIsll,dly l<1ke 1111' i"l)rm cit her (If subve rsio n of It:gilillltlcy Ill" of dCll wJ (If rCl'lIgl lilill ll (e .g., ch,dlen ges 10 a sla le's sovc rl·iglll V)""' . Sim ilarl y. whercas Ih e socictal scc mil y agc nd a lBェIャウゥセ ウ@ Ill' Ihrc<l ls 'H!.<l iI ISI Lhc cx iSll'llCC 01 Cl lll lllilini lics as Stich (i.c .. llire,lIs 、ゥ イセャBNG ャ@ agaillsl Ihci r Cllliccl ivc identili cs ). 3. T h<.' t ·"P<.'IIII:lgo.:n Sdh,,,1 lias (<.'<.'<.' lIll y エZ Hャョセゥ、NZイ@ Ih..: add ili"n "f a Il"i i)!illu, .' <:(1<>1" 10 III.: IiI ': a ho\'<.' III <.'u lioll.:d. Se.: L lllsiseli. C. U. mill w [セ|G・イN@ n . " 111 lJekn(c ,,1' Rl"ii )!ioll: San!.'d Ih:l"cro.:ul Ohio:: n s "I S.:rnrilizali" I1 ·· Mil/"lIiuIII. Vof. 2(), Nn . .1 (20IHlI. 1'1'. 70:'1-7.111. T his イ ・セiG[ ャイ@ will h.: ,""n fin<.'d 11, Ih..: original fi \.'..: ウNZH エャAセB@ nmfirmed ill Ih..: ....'renl silldy: Illlzan. II. ;11]( 1 I.ink. R. flllCl"llIIliOlIll/ sョャBiQ セ@ ilt World Iii \I, J/y H( 'lIIu/"in,!: II". S11II/1' "f" 1/llnl/,lIi"',a! H, '1IIIioll.l· { ( )x 1'( 'rd: (h f< l1"I t 2(1(H)I. l lnil'e l,il }" iG ャᄋNLセ@ ·1. II Uf:lll. II .. \V: l"Vo.:r () :tI(( 1 de Wilde .. 1 S' ·,"IIIlIl': I .v" I!' "iwlI""'" , k .li'l" .. lilli/nil. I' . ."ill. セN@ [hid . 1'1 '. i ᄋ ャ M i セN@ .11 • __________ .__ . _ . NI""I \''' "1 / 11 |Biセ@ rill' CC< I/I(tfIlI C sC Cllril y it.l.!.l'IH.la illl"ill (ks ril ro..'it ls 1Il;llll! \, lit rill': cil pileir y of sl<ll l'S e i ther [0 provide for rlh.: hdSi\.' Ileed" III 111l.'ir poplll<lliOIl or 11) 11I<l il1l <1 il1 \,'(II ISI,1I11 ,len;ss [0 l'.\ l n ll 'll I'CSIIIII"Cl'S. 'r ill' Cl'11IH11l1il' sce l , ')' i s [ilセャ@ nlll l"C I I ICd \\ 1111 Ill l' (ltllhn:<lk III 1111 <llll" i,,1 LTisl's Ih;ll hil Vl' I'xlc ll s j"l' 1I IIIllit'a liiOil s or illdiviti u;d slitlc". rhl' ウ ャ。ィゥ セ G@ of 11h.: g loh'l lllI<llt c l. OJ' Iho.: prl'scJ"var io ll (It ill l cnJ,l lioll al 1"l'!!lI l h:S " . Finally. llm:<l l s ag,lillsl rhl' l' Il VilOlllIlCnl or rhl' PI\'SCI"Vatlnll of IhL' ;Il'hicvl'd k "e ls III' civil is, lIh lll ;Ire th L' 1I1aili rdCIl'II[ o hjcl: ls of rho..' l'l lvi r!llllll elll ,d sL'c uril y agL'llll,, 7. ;He ,\el"tlrding to Ihe CIlpenilag.e u SdhHII. Ihest.: fi ve ウcャGioセ@ for rhl' d c\'t']lljlllh':lI l Ii p urdy " Il<ll ylical devlI:es fll r th e regislral illll <llld I l rg<l llls<lli'lIl イN セ・ ウh N@ 'I'lre CllpeFlh <lgl'l l ャB」 ウ」 。イ 、ャBイセ@ II I' ClltTCl tl securil Y 、 ゥ N セ・ャエ do nol ellde avour 10 st.:L"ll ri liZL' <rdd iliol1<ll iss ues or Ih rl'<ll s. Insle;r d, Illey ;Ispin: lu 'w idell ' one's visill ll so lh ,ll (lIiC l"tlu ld grasp evcrylh lllg thaI preselltly heeOI1H:s all ohjel' l III sCl"Ilril\' discourses. The division of Ihe l"O ll l"l: pl (If sccll ril \' Inlll sel'1I1rs does 1101 impl y. ei lh t; r, th ,1 1 sl'cll rlly ウャ、ゥGセ@ rese;r n.:hcs ou ghll(l he sedor hound . In rea l li fe 1111 lsI S(TllI"lt\ pnlhklllS tr<lllscelH l the ht)ltlilla rics ,If lile se fi \'l' sl'l'll lrs and eve ry hllll1<1 rr wlkel i \'lt )' Ihirrks o f ils secu ril y <I S an <l g1!rcg.at l' <llld nol ,I S se,g IlH:lllL'd aLToss differc ilt fil'lds. Whal is 1l111rC. se l"lJril y rl' I<llIoIl Slu ps hl' I\\ Cl'n tlJITe rcll l t'IIIIC1'livilil'S ,Ill' IHII rrL"l'ess, lril y grlllllllkd III 11r..: S, II I H.: セ エZ 」エHi l@ To iIlIlSIl"<ll c. ;( Illillo ril y 's sl'ct:ssi(lrr is lll Ilrft:,I1e ll irl!::1 セl イ ャ・Gウ@ s((verdullt\" ,lIld hI' lerriluri al irr1e cril y (polilic,, 1 ,lIld 'm il itary I II1\'<i I ) j セ ャi ャNAゥエ@ illl.:it cd hy l ire 11cru: plioll III' a thn":' lt In ils id l'lllit y (s:lcil'l<r1 llm; ;r!) whik liv iu g ill lh<lt S!<lIe. I kllce, It lrry BII Z, UI :lIld Ii I; '; h. 1I1I/.'1I), Il. 1'('",,/,·. SI"I ...\ ,t !-",/I" , 1'1'. 1';'''. 2·12 ; Ibid. p. I 1"7. Iltmm, II .. w。セ|GッN[イL@ n. <llId do.; Wilde . L p. W セN@ S. \Va'ver. (). ··So.;l"Uri lizill,L! .lil'c IIlI'S"! [(o.; pl )" III ャ Z イゥォGセキiᄋN@ ( '''''f'' >t;III''" ,/lid , i < ,I L li ,I! ' :1 <. ". i I ( ·"IIf/id . V II !. N セ N QN@ NOI . .l (1'1'1111. p. NG セ GゥN@ Rici l,ml LIIlIt: slIggcsl cd I hill \Vhal is seen throllgh a sector Ilvcrbr ps alltl ill lt; f we,l ves .wilh the 」N ッョャ セ Qi@ (If. other Sl"C,I,; lrs <Inti. l ill iS, cach sect or provides it p<lrtlal V ieW 01 the w hole . To the exlL'llt Ihat the survival of e()lI ec tivilies may he impc rilled hy thrcills localc d in one or more se.e[(lrs. regional sccurit y inlerdependc nce may eqwllI y be lIIu ll l-Sel,;lo.ral , Ihat is to S(I)" silll<ll ed il l scve r,11 scctors. Indeed, Il lIs slild y pe rceivc s the Il<rlk al l sceur il y COlllpleX t.o l ranscc nd the m il il <l rv, pol ilicdl ,tl lt l sociL'l ,11 scc lms :I S I' h,I S hecn hU111 an llillti ("( Iunic ts (If ide nli ty, lllajllritY-lllilH ,rit y di spul es ami tI'lll t.:c rs of in volvcn1t:: nl in region <II hosl ilities. The fm:1 Ih al II,dk(ll1 seLl lri. y il]\erdependellee is not localcd ill tire l 'CIJ!1omIC allt l cnv irolllllen t,11 sectors is nut delermin ed solely IHI ael'tHIlII of Ihe !lOII -securitizatioll of ,Ill Y cCtJllornic {w ith lire cxce pl ll ll l (I f the Bul pr ria tl eCtl lltll11ic crisis ()f Ilj'J7). aml c uvironmcntal prohlems ill the region . It is also det ernull cd reg ion hy I he f<ll"llhat Ihe B,rl kans do nut qualify <IS \ iャセ ゥウャ ゥャ、@ in l'ilher eelllltJlIlic or cllvi rolrrn enlal terms. \V lt h n:spcd I tl inlra -rel.!io11<11 l ratll', I'm cxa mpl e, Ihere is vi rtua lly no ゥョャ 」イ[ャcセiQ@ het we ell th e B,dkan countries. With <I fe w eXt:c pl i(II1S, mail lly het wee ll form er Yu goslav ウエ ゥャエ 」セ@ (c.g. hetween iJos ni<l ami C roalia or hetwecll Yugosl<lvla ,1Ild FY I{ 0 t\ 1), 1111r<l -rcgit In<ll I rade I cl<l 1il IllS an: ins ignificanl (sec ャLエィォGセ@ L 2). T he Itrlkan sl alc s cle arly are 111l1 lll <lll y dejll'Jltkrrl IHI a region ,rI tl"<UlSpori infras truc ture thai ゥ N セ@ pour <11111 u llllcn k ve hlpe( 1. Nevl'l"lhdess, Ihis 、 ・ ェャ ・ ャ |iセ j Qc セ@ <l1!craval ed Ihe reg.ion ,rI consequc nces o f Ihe sa nct ion s ッャ セ ョカ。ャ ゥャQ@ ,lI ld lhe \\',lI" s co nducl rathe r I h<l u gellc ratc 1t:l!illlWll'l'tHHllI1it: scn lrity inlcrdcpelllicnce /1t'I" .\"1'. I;urlhn, B,; lka ll l' II Vll"tlllllICI II, rI prohle ms <l f e dt her of locHI (e.g. セ@ II.' alld l .illk , Ie 11Ii<"1"II,lIi"I/(l1 .\"1'.\"1,.,11\' ill World lIi.IIUI" . , Pl'. 7"2 · "/7. .l"l • , , ,, ,! IHltlllliilll) I Ilf Ilf 1:IIHIJlL'illl . widc l'IIIII.:I.:rl1 (c. g _ the l'III':]'<l lh'l1 (If Ihe Illiidilll'd K(IZilldlii lll lcie;l!" IHI\\'l'f pl<llill <llld dt, n<>I i\ justify rile I, T hc rI.'Jon:. [ Qi Q [ 、ャNセiB N@ B;IJkall SI'UII'II\ fC,I!i!)II,dI Sdli!11l , jll' I1 \· irtlllllll.'111;!I sCl' lJ ril .\ ' rllis J'L'sl.'an.:h Ih: l n:I\'cs III\.' :-'!.Ill", com plex 10 hl: tIL-fi ll ed hy l hl' st.'l'ur- II )' iUh.:nk pClldl'I1C\,.' Ill' II'. I " , セ@ lI nilS regarding [l1n::,lls Inlllsn.: ndll ig Illi lir<try. poliric;d ,lIld s(lt:ic[;11 Sl'ctors. Thl' furrowing d l<lptc rs unfold the l'Olllpk, '" deep <I lid essc ntia l slrUl'[un,:s. "" ,::" 0" ;:: .. " '" ,=0' ;S I d5 oS" 5 セ@ 11.,lk ." , ,\11>.11 11.1 Lセ@ Ilalkan .= -"" "$or, ,J, :9 = • '" < Stales セ@ , .," 0 0 ,:1 " d5 ::; '" J: ,\ thallia "--""'--c-_ _セ B"snia aud MB 1t.1l .:; ,,, ," , '" '" セN@ " 0 0 セ@ ;セ@ I. 11.11 11,11 .- 0 セ@ ;- N 11,,\ 11,0 0 セ@ 11,11 セ@ 1.0 :::< :.; セ@ 0 0 0 '"" セ@ , 1.0 , " "B, = C- セ@ '" , . ", ,=.セ@ " ,."'"r. S セB@ セ@ ,,"'" '" ci5 1.11 0.1 2" .7 セ@ I),", 11 IK,' i 0." 11,11 IU ijN ?0;, , 0, 7 ;lセ@ ".1 .nll IU .Vi 11.-\ :U - - -_ . 11.11 _ 11..1 _ , HI IJ.(I _ _ ' _ _ 15 _ _ _12. __ _. .._1 _ " .1..5 'i"III,'e: "SIJ , 'l·r,,,J..:: ]"'p"ns as 'i, ')[ 'I'nlal セix iᄋ N@ 25,(1 Iii" II' IIIJ ' 1I"lk,m Ihllll:.'I\\" \\' ,\\ ii w. ,l.;ll lhalbn /l iks/,lala/imjl"n_s,-,<'_2IJIII.l'dJ"l < ,\'.Te sse< I' セBLNQi 0.1 LI.! iNGセL@ QNセilャ@ 0,1 '1 ,-'1 2.7 NQセ@ S<lUIU" ".'11 :1: T l,nk' J;XI'(llb as ";, (lr T"I"I セiBIN@ ( ""','Il'III"n. IJ .U -',U {h,- /I /III" iBヲセjゥ@ 11I111':ff ww\', ,wijw,"L" 1/1"Ilk, ,u/ riJ..:.';j( b I aIe セ@ p' 111 _ s,'e_::!I H11 .1" III < , \ Lョ RBLNj iL Rinセ^@ セNゥ@ ᄋセLN L@ I: N R Hk iR^@ • ,, I' C JJ r\ I'TER 2 Th e Dee p S tru c tur e 、ェ ウc ャl sセ@ chaph:!" tilL' Balka ll l:ll lllp lcx's deep T slhisnu:hu-c dctlot i" g tlu: wa)' ils IlIli lS arc o n kn:d ami SCt.-ur il ), dil rcn:l1 l lillcd ill rd at ion Itl 」セ ャ ャG ィ@ o lher. The ordering {lI"ill(:il,le of ,I ll ill h:rn aliul1 ,1I syste m rde !"s III Ih\! way ils IIll ilS arc arra ll!!cd ill .d alion In cad . o lher. T his prjt,dple tH igh I he l'" hn lIiera rd .), II I" 'UlOl l"cllyl. Whi le the forma de notes a n inlc l'Il <l rion;.l sYSk'1Il ill whid. then.: is " clea r ami II Il l'Ollh:sll'd IUCf<l l"c hy uf po litical authn rily among ils IIllil S, Ihe 1;ll le l' princi pl e char'ldcri scs a sySlL 11l wlu.: ....: there is IlO 0': 111 1";11 slI pcri lllpnsnl g\ l\,C rll l11CIII and wll!.;!'c poli tical a Ul lln!"it)' is hl lrizo nl all y d is tri hut ed hc lwcell Iwn or ilion: sovL'n.: ign slales. Wi lli n:spcc t 10 ils m g'lI} isi llg prim:iplc, th!.! IlidLt ll セANャZ ャi イゥエケ@ WIllPI!.!X witllt'sst.!d it s last strltcltlral shift in Iho..: li r:-;I half ti l' Ihe I'Jlh Cl.: lllt try wh!.! n, wil h Ihl.: ini lialiltll til' II Ie ')1111111<1 I! l'lll pin: ':-; 、ゥ セウ ッャゥ@ it II I pfI)l:eSS, I he sysl L'1ll Ill oved frUl I! hi l.: ran.:hy 10 iUlan.:hy2. St ill, dcspil l.: lit!.! facl tha t the オイァ 。 エQゥセ ゥ ャQ ァ@ priJ1l' ipit' of Ihl' lb lkan suh-systl.: l11 has lIot 1111 1:111, II. "System . Stnll· tlll e and Unil s" ill. BUl'llI. II., Jo nes. C. am i l.itt k. R. n,,·/.•IJ.!"· "f /l ml/rllI' . . p . .1.''', 1111/: ' 11. II. ;m,1 Lillie. I{ . "T he h ie" "I ' Iniclll:lli" ll;11 Sysicm ': Theory fl.kcl s iャ ゥセャッ L ケB N@ Im,'llIrI/wml! ",,/il/("(I{ .kin'... · Ik"i,'II'. VIII. IS. N". J (1'1'1·0 . p. 2·'s' J7 • .!i ,,,.'I . L セ@ N,,,,,, B G セ@ ' / 11 11, 1'. Ti ll II I I -I'S I IW ( -II IIH ' I I, ,, ,i ehOlllgcd N B[ ijH Gセ GN@ ,\ s II;II"I-Y ill l:llci lY h olS I lt t/; III QlGセi@ d ifi l' l"l' llli<l11'11 "\1: 1" rilil ' ; l i.\ a !!,rcal 10 11 I!.!\.' (I I Ila.\ J\' lI l ar ku L t ll,,' I \.' illh.' III :llil lIla l allardli!.:s riIGIIl'11 in a ' l'l'Clnt; !! " l' I\\ t''': '1 ,Ill c ,'i l n.:mdy 11/111111"(', ill whit:1i lhl' "ysh:1II hOI:' 1,'\'11I\l.:d ill(n ;, :-onril' I.\'_ ,lilt! a ll l' .XII"l' lIId y i lllllltl /II/'t' I lil t' 11 1I..: rl' rllt' 11 11;1'. SI I"l ,£!! k fur dom ill<llioll IIn l fl'l'O,g ll isiJl!! t he kgililll :ll'Y 01 l'<lell ol llc ...'. Thu s. <It'cord in!! [ 0 Ih is 'ypol ugy. I he Ill<lllJril .1' III I., , IhL' Balk ;11I all archy h;ls hisloric:dly fl lIl'I U;lh.:d. \VIla! Illi ..; n;sr.:; Irl'h is l'tlllo':rJlcd wil li is 111l' carl v !lIIIO" 1,-lInt /1;""-01 11 illlan:hy was I"l'ndc fCd Vl' f y ゥ ャj 。 ャ イセ@ hy Ihl.' l'Vell! .. Ih :., fo llo wed the d isilltq; ra l ioll of Slld.iI isl yャiA ッセ ャ 。 |GゥLQN@ T hL' セ ャI@ YU g,I lsb\ ia QG |ャ ャ ャ イゥlGセ@ tn 1"I.: vIVl'd i セ Q@ 1:111"1'1''':;111 ( 'IHlp l' ralit1 11 1'l"\lcl'SS (SL E( ' I' ) am i I I<lrlici l )at..:d II I ill l l' r -regit ul al alld cxl ra rl'l!iul lalco-oJlL' r al ioll "cll l'l lI e!'. Slid, as, Ihc B S\:( ', Ihc e El. エィ セ@ Stah il il Y POIL'I am i Ihe SEC r. niL エ キゥャィウエ。ュ ャ ェ ャ セ@ Ihat the " pL' r ,llioll l;f tll c!'.c schelill's did Ilul a vc r ! ..:ithc r Ihc c 1"1 lptio n Ilf |セ[iイ@ ill l\. ' ISOVO. o r t hc ull l hre;lk o f IHISl ili tics ir l FYRO M, I llc rl'l!ltll l al l'o -u j1c r ,tlinrl lI .. s hccil l'il Il Sn liti, I\!,!d hy I he N セ io エ cウBG@ (1111 1111011 l : u l"O-r\ tlanli..: Oril' lIla ti{)Il , Ih l' illl p k lllcIIl aliull of rccit llt:.r ill fra sl r lll'tlll"C projcL"ls ami the cOlld usioll \If import ani fq:i ul1.11 agreclllelit s sti ch as the OIlC fO.r lin: uncc rtai n regit 111<1 1 en vi rotl lllent i ll w hid l issrr e .. o f l"l Il lIe ll l it III wer e i nst antly sc(urili zcd ami Illllllial sliSpil'iom il11llL'dnl tilL' II!' fll lll·t illllall y d i l"fl' rentiatnl. T hc N セiャOᄋヲBQ@ bゥャォNイョ Ihe ウ セ N@ ellle rge llo ; of all 'illlt'l"IIlI/;wlII / N セヲO、」ャイᄋ@ I II the SUhscllll enl ケ ・ゥャ イ セ@ thL' I.lalbn · ョhャイェ・セ@ ill I ilL' T ilL' IIl1it s of ,111 illlerl1<1tiollal systelll lIla y he セ エイキNZ N セ N@ HClller III' セi。イ」@ Qエ セ G i G ャイ@ ゥiセ[Q@ J.! 1<lUI' whi..:h 11,,1 mcrely 1"(111 iI !<)".\ICIiI. III Ihc Gcャセ G@ III"t till' heh;ol'jollr Ill' cadI ゥセB@ IICl'cssil ry I"iI("lo,. i,l Ihc l"ilirlilatitlns "I the ッャN G イ セ N@ hUI als,) hil\'c ャGウゥIヲ セィ」i i@ hy diill"J.!IIl" alHi LBGセci@ (",\111111.\11 i i ijNZ セ@ :,,111 inSlillitiolls lor til..: \"' \I"llIr l "I Ihcil 1(:1"li,,",. alld IC""!!lIi ", Ih"11 , .IN エ ャイ。 ャ スG@ diJTt'Il'lIlilllioll /I/";I/(";p/I' r l' krs II lth..: way till: II liit s uf a syst em ;Ire i nl ernall y l ·PIl!'. tf lll'led (c .l;. as m o d ern st al e>;, L" il y-s ta tcs, empires or h.. rharian trihc!'. )!>. \vi l h r es pcL" t \II i ts slnJL"l li ra l d i fkrc llt i<llio n pri lll' iplc , I h..: B,tlka ll J{S(' tl lHlcrwc llt il s lasl strllt.:i ural N セ ィ ゥ イャ@ ill Ihe fi r.>;1 quartcr of th c セ ャエィ@ l'elll lll) '. 111 thai pc ri n d , !'.l'\'c r al Il<l liollill sl al cs c JJ1 erged i n the p laL"c セ G HャiQ J. Fill' ,Ill 'UIIII" ,.il;lIi l"c [Qi Z ャ ャ ケ セ ゥ セ@ ill fal'''u" III Ilic 」H|ャiセゥ、G ャ[エゥBi@ "I ;111 ;' 1.. 111' ゥAセ@ 01 dilkn,·uli .. Jed phell<lUh.' II(11l scc I.illle, Ie "Thc Slrul"htlc GQih iN BァゥセG@ uf r\u,udly" ill. Buzil li. II .. J"II":S. ( '. i1l1d l.ink. R. n,, · i N B N セi\B@ "I /1 1/(//< '/' 1' . pp. U2- JS-l . -I. Buzan. B. /h,p/,'. .\"/,11"1' & ' ·i 'II!".. . 1'1'. \7". 177, t ャ ャ ・[ 1t 'l"Il lat i"ll l lf .. I rcc- Irmlc .. rca in .s, l lIl hcaslel"ll EtlrtlpC tlllihe カゥ ャ セ@ loward s c nd ot" セ Hャi HAN@ Th c rdmc. thl' 1I ,II kail regioll is ュッ ,I A」セGゥ@ i ll11l1;l llI r e arw r d l Y. and t s|Gャi er ulllion Il f war ,Ul hlll g Cn ltll i a, Bllsrl i; 1 "nd イuエ ami lite di si n di n ,l l io ll o f sever, tI Ual k" l1 n.'wg,nise core h o th er gelle ra led a high ly u rhlahk ;Iud d evelopmcntn !" all }' セャGエ@ n l" hi lat er al rcialiolls. The hostililiL's in I he ,1I'L'a of form er yオ ァ ッNセ ャ ゥャカ ゥ 。@ wcn.: h:rnpo rari l v Iwltl'll OIl the l ' nd o f Ill\)5 ,lI ld Ille D ay loll p e<lCl' ーイ ャBGセ s@ p r'(lv i,kd fnl I he eS l <lh li sh l11 Cll1 of n.: lil l iolls hdweell Ihe rct:io ll's ャGHBイゥ・セ@ ,.!i,: I:" III I..' \lull ,Il,d ,\tlilm WaiSt II ' ,Jdined III/. 'IIIIIIIW,." IJ . of I he O tt oma n B|iャ@ ゥャ ャBA NZセ Q@ ill ャi ゥQャB ャゥョ セ@ Ihc,c :on:lII!!c!UcIlIS. セォ」@ 11111\ . I I. :md Willstlu. ,\ . " l nllo(\ul"liou" in. lIull. II. :1IIt! W"ISUIl. ,\ . tElls. ] nil' 1:.rI'II/f\IIIII III 11II1'1"I/,l/i,II/1I1 S", h-II' (Oxl" .. (\ : U xford uョゥャ G 」Iセゥイケ@ Press. iG L セ@ I. I'· J. ,\ n:(I"ding I" Harry HUZall, ,I ll inlcfl1<1litll1al stlr.:i": l}, .'lHcrgcs Ihe 1110111,'111 iィセ G@ unils ti l iI sysrr.: 111 lIIlI luatl y rcn 'gnisc carh othcr ,IS ,,,\cl ..:i).:1I cquil b. Sec Ilu;w lI. n. "r ill))) Intcrnaljnn"J Systcm Itl Jllrcm:ll iun;,1SlIl'lety: Srrll..:lu rat l(caJi., m :lIul lkgimc Thr.:nry MCdlhc l 'II!!li,h Sri ). " ,J". 11/I,"'IWlloIWI 0 "/-:11111:1111,,11. \,,,1. 47, N". J (Su llllller 1" ')1). pp . .I·U -:US. 111I/illi. 11. alld I .il i le. 1(. /111'"11111/1"1111 1.\"\"1 /"/1/ \' /11 11 '"rld Ilil/"/)' ' , 1'1'.1"\7- .'is. • !i ,I --------- - - ---- - i -- ._--- ami AlIs lro -ll ulJ!!,ni;1I1 t:mpin;s and the scel ll'l }' l'\IIHP I!.;X hCl'allle sfrucill rally undilTcrCli1 jaled 7, "'he Ji ll/("Ii,mfll tlijji'n'llfit/fiol/ pfillf'ip/(' pertains to the similarily or til L' d ifli: rcrln: o f t ill' nmgc nf go verni ng fUllctions Iha l I Ill' ullit s o f all Int e rnat ional system dailll il nd pcrfunn l!. In rhe pO!'> Imed ie val e ra, s()vcrc iglll y - dl! ri ncd as the sl,I II:\ de nial of a ny higher poli lica l authorit y rh,tll il sd f ,tlld th e SI,III:'''' da irll iセャ@ supre me decision -making <llIlhuri ty hUlh w ithin ils h: rritory and over its CilizCIlS'I- has l'III IS\ ,lIlIl y h..:CIl tin: (UII I.: [IIIII .I ' differe nt iation principle tl f eve ry inl t: fII alil lnal N セ@ h,rpPcll cd hecause the pns l-mctlil; v, 1I Nセ G ャv 」ョ Z ゥ ァ ャ@ sys k ru . tィェ slat e inl ernal ised sevc ra l previ()ll sly il1lc l"II <lli( 1I1 :11 fllll t:!i(I IIS ; lIld , Ihus, limit ed an d redefincd tlie scupc nf cu rrc nt inl crnali( lIl<11 rel<ili()lls lO. Wilh resped II) sllvereigll lY Ill c ll, Ih c lI llil s all inl ern <l l ill llal system Ili ay hc sim ilar (i .c .. :t il c lJj oying full so ve reignl y ) or differc ill (c.g .. SOlli C nll ils pcrfl ll"1n illg IlIIly a limil cd r<lll gC Ilf g" ve ming ヲエ ャB ゥHi i セIャイN@ II would hl! use ful here to rct.:aJl Bu za ll "s apI)J oilch 1(1 Ill l , prflt.:!ice Il f gOVl:rnmCIlI ,lion!,!. Ihree lllili n palh s. 11<111 11.: 1)'. ill It.: rllls IIf II. l\Ve r (i .L' .. P'lsscssil1l1 .11' tll!':r li;1 nisills •If l'IlC I d. 111). and ali l lio r;l), (i.c., i アセ [エゥ ャQ [ G エZケ@ III d CL"i l k 'Hld n":l"Il h: Iャ ャ ゥャGセ@ lIl a"-..: IISC of po wc r) il lll.l ッ イァ 。 (noh:·1I. p. h7. <"I/. i セゥャIA@ Towartls :t Ncorealisl sy ャィ 」ウゥセBN@ ---.\1,11<".\" 11 11 |i Z iセ iALlセBG t イG ャi ャNセ ヲ B iQB ャゥL B@ ill I he Wolld 1'.. 1111" /1'011.1 1'"lilil"l. Vol. .15. Nil. 2 !Janll :u) dass lfled 1/1 |B\Z L G@ H L イ\G 1111 111\',\ - [!."ni.1"lid イ ャBセ@ i ォ ャGOHセ ャ \アhiセ セ B@ B i[@ ャIG ャ ᄋ iGュL@ |ョセエャゥB@ ォ セik i エGセQャゥ@ N@ J ')(11\1 B@ QGセ , L@ r Yl{t jセ Aᄋ iセ iGセ ,"III .'I ll'. iィャ。c G G|Bセ@ ャG iGセ@ Biセ@ i I@ , Gヲセ ゥ ャ[GMLQ@ l ;l" uj]O; ,\ lh" nl" l1 H [イ セ、^@ ャiBセ ャ ゥ [Qヲャ@ lUlls セNBiィャ@ セi |@ セ B B i B@ II .'ull l ォGセBNャ。@ " lli. I' Q@ セGZiィ[L@ QG QjW@ II'Nli.ll <Lセ@ QiL I |BォHャセQ@ ャGセ i Gセョ[ セ ャ ョャ ャ セャォGB@ !I'rnl , s i@ Q Zャ ィョ I'H(),\) ,\lh.,II:"W i Aセォ@ ャᄋ MII,1i1il Itllo:l:Ill' "1 II'm L |ョセャi「@ 11'l" ! iGセ No" scHNセ[G ャiB ( 'r,,11 ャ ᄋ ョセiHゥNエ@ QGセ rur 1\1',,"111" セ NQ@ QGセj i NQ@ ャ ゥ ャ IA@ ------ nlll,.:.tri.. ォGセョNi ャ セ ,\IIhlll»lll yl S)"xl:,1 Rlghb Q | Qi Q^ セ QBiHセs@ セiZャョ@ ォャセィ@ .. .... { " ,[(,'(1;\" ;1 cs sエイ セiZcB@ i ciセ@ ャ セ@ Wi ' ''" ,,1 All y n"\'c ru in): ,\"lh" I;ly "I',unlle!"' QNセi[エゥᄋ@ j@ , Wr<"J.1I11 J"",uI" l Pn, , , , イNBセiuヲャ@ Q 11110 ), ['p. 27.1·:!il l; Ulriksc ll. S. Bs セ」 ャイゥ ケ@ c GAャー 」クセウL@ s ャィ Nセイ ャ 」ュセ@ :lIId (ircal QG ャiキ」イN セZ@ Three Noles WI th c St rllclllre "f Ih c lII1CIII;( I;IIII;() NUI 'J II/O/king I'll,"" '. No, .'iX I 11'1'17 ) Sys tCIII " . Iィャ ー ZャO キ N ャーゥ N ャッ O ャNi ィ O ャゥッ。 O ャゥョ。 Nゥx i N iQ \N | Nᄋ \ セᄋウ N ᄋ NャZQ WN Q N@ 1'1'1'1 >. II. IIII WIi. II' /"i". <"II. (lill ie I I. '" ( i, '\ ":111111): FUII,'II"I '.' Q Bセi |GiセB@ 1\"'.' HI. RII &;ic. J. (i . "C'lIllilll1ily ami ケ@ ャ ャョゥ I inil' 1G xャ I I ^|Lセ@ '1. 1111<1::111, II. "I'. ゥ ュェョ。イャ I ·hhlo.: -" " imt"l"mlll J)i11;'/""lIIilll;"1I ,,! /JIIIIJ ill If,.. USC I /W1 ·l0(}lJ iGセk@ !lIllle II. Sim ila rly. イNャi セ ャc ャ ゥセ Iᆳ at.:t.:orda ncc wilh Ih..: guvc l"lling fUIlt.:IIt IilS tllt.:y pt.:rfo rlll . I '" 7. Ihid, p. .1.12. ャゥ サャ ョ ャセL@ nally diffcrc ill fill cd IIlii ts might he iセイ・O or S. IIUZOI Ii . ll. JOf". nl. ャゥs。 \ iェ イG BセG@ IPrl! !'fI / l iGセA@ ォアッオャセエ ᄋ セェ , N |@ i B BL セNB B@ | G Gi|ᄋセョNQ@ iィBセNQs@ ᄋ@ Lセ@ xlhl:U I [.;r:lilll.1 IWil II I: I'I·'II • TIll- Wi,l! rcspL'd 10 ib IIl1ils' !!"I'Cllllllg fliliCliolls. Ihe B,llk,1I1 RSC ャG [ \ャゥセ」、@ ,I slnll'llIr;d sl lit! ill Ihe d<l\\'[1 "I' Ih e )()II!!." 111'111 a sysk'lI l nr s linil" f 1l11i!s (SO\'t'rClgll cqll,tl s ) In a \ \'s klt) ul イNャiョセゥh。 ケ@ diflcIl'llr i il lcd IIl1i l S. ' )'hL' YII!!usl<lv,Ol led SOC!;IIISI qu;lsi -slah: fnl'lll<l[;oI1S illid I Ill: Qサ lGーャi newly. HGNセi。ィ NセHIvlGイャァ{ケL@ 1>1I1l\:"''''' III Ill' I krcl'/!- llnsll,1, Rl'J:lIhfiLI sイーセli@ ャ セ ャゥ 」@ uf Sl'I"ilian ャ ウ ィイNZ、@ Slill l'S 11;11111: 1)'. セscャG@ ャゥウセェ@ III/a II/ill 10 lile l'lIh.'r!.!L'III'C II,rL'I' Knljilld - ill the [Crri ll)!)' 1IIIII() will! l'(HlIprollllscd Bosni<l a nd I krzL'l.!;ovillil and l'rualia [,}Ilk 3). ,-\ 'sh adow' largely s[<lIL' fOrlll<llion' \\'<lS <,Isu OIc<lIliscd III lhe l erri lmy of rllmp Yugllslavia hy the [(OSUV() ,\lll;lIlial1s who slruggled for their intk pemkncc. AI[hough Ikl l!rade kcpl exercising eve ry sove re ign righl in Koso\'o, 111l! Gki セ ャsu|LGQ@ iサア NャiィゥBセ@ ev.olved wi[1 1I 11 the provi,lcC Into a 'parallel' soャG i cエ セ@ wllh I[S own aUlhoritics - thaI e ujllYl' d Ihe support of thc h, osov<l r populalion - and ils OW[I rudlllll'llIarv ,Idrn iul sl ra lioll (e.l,!. its lax,llion, he'lllll ,llId edUC<llio;1 セケウ エ 」ャQウIN|@ III addition. partly due 10 the risc of mllilHl<ilisli1 III Ihe regioll alld partly dlle 10 [lie eOlil lilil ll lS Ihal \\"l:rc crealt.;d hy Ihl! holding of Illll ltip<l rt y elcctiuns in evcr\" r\;ilkan UJl llllry, scvc ral sizl!ahk Ill il lori lics bIll ort:<llliscd ,;s l! lhw lj1lll ilical gnlllps. Til l! raIler gnll ips 、\ャゥ・ セ ョャ・」|Gc@ rights fllr thelllseives tl 1(l[ oftcl1 impl ic d Illc cXCJ"cise p[ stlhstan.l ial gllvc fIlin g flillClitllls alld. IhIl S, charkngctl aspcl'IS 01 Ihl!lr hosl coulltry's N セッカlG イ ・ ゥ セ ャ ケN@ (jivL'n lit;11 IIICsc ihゥョッイエ ・ L セ@ n:sided in dose proxnllity to thei r Illothcrlands, tlll.: ir politicd IHohilis(][ ioll hore a direct imp<lL"I lHl till' lJ Se<.: ilu,.,. yャiァョN セ j。 カ ェ[|BN@ "Ii" Salt!. [\1. "i-,:oSOI"<', N"Il -v iokrK' <': awl Th\: llr" '''); ' Ujl ,,/ S<,nrl"il\' /Jill/"glw. Vol. セ ィN@ No. ·1 1 I <!'IS /_ 1'. ·12<): II t,diqi. S. _ ,'I "I. " '\ ll<,;hal.:: ,\udialul <.:1 ,\lI<.:ra Par," , 1:"111"('''//.. <1''', N". 30-3 1 HsャGイゥョセ O sオャエNZイ@ QGI\セLiN@ III. I>u I' S I fOl( "1'111<1 : rq.! lllll"s illlCrSI;]le Icialillll S ilml slrllclun: as well. (\lllseqlll'IlII,\' , BalLlll 11Iiuoritics I,tlled durin).! [he rese,l rl"f1 pcriod til ,ll'II\c\'C allY secc ssillilisl Ilh.1ceti vl! and ,Icqllin: gllVc ming dllllillri[it:s: the ir polcillialit y willi thci r slruggle to CIlI'I Il j.!,1e uilicr cOlllltrics III [h c ir cunli lcls al ld afkcI [Il l' complex's セエイャGiA@ ,KeOllllls fllr Iht: ir helll).! Cllusidcrnl as lIllil s of Ihc Illildioll,tll y d ifkrC ll li,lI cd Bal k<ll l ウ」・ャイ ゥ ャセ G@ wllljlkx. I krt: i[ silllllJd he daril"iL-d th,l[ no l every l'ollcl' ti vit y (i. c., Il a [itlll,tl grtllljlJ isif/.I"IJ.li/( '/IJ ,llIl1il III' a givC l1 RS C. Th l! sli rviv, ll Ilr the [lolilIL-s of :Illy givcll IlIlIlIl rily dll 1I0 t csscn[ i,d ly ddinc or ha\'C [llllflllilld illllMCI till llle struClllrc Ill' a sccur it y L'll lllpk x. r hcrclore. thc [It:rccpI IUlI 111' every B,tlkall c [hlllljluli tical !!-roll[l as a uu ll Ill' tho...' I{SC is Ck'lrly jllslifil!d Irom ,I syslelllll' pc rspc l"I i\ 'c . Thl' l·ul!xistellCo...: of statt.:s, lju,ls i-S lillCS ami IHlIl-slall' (clllllopp ll tical grou ps) collenivi [ics as ulli ls nr the funclill nilil y diHl"I"l' llli,liL'd J{S(' [l'lIs li S S\lllldhillg addit illl1a l about Ilrtil'ring prillL'ipk: lIi,lt illlillatu rl! illlarchy is lhl' the sセG {ャGiウ@ lInk-ring prillciple hCIWl!l!1l the sl<l tes amltht: ljllilsl -slatt;S uf Ihe llalk,II1 secliril Y CIllllpkx alone, As far as Ihe nOIl -stal c t:lIll cl'tivilil's arl' concerncd. 1llI,:ir lIull -cstahlislllHenl of any gllWl"lllllg illstitut iulls Illl!ant that th ey lIlort: u r kss \ャ、セョキォァN」 、@ tho...' l'x isteIKl' nf hi cra n.:hy Ilf politkal ,llIthori t)" wlt lHn tho.. ' tcrritory of thc ir host states. What is pcndi,lr hcrc is 1101 thaI lhe re is hierarchy Ilf pol ilical illllhm it y wilhin BaIkal! COllll tr ies, bllt thai inlraS!,lle hil'rilrchy cOlllpklllCll\S illic rsta h: inHl liltll re anarch y as an (sidl! -) ordering prillcipk of tilt; co mpkx ow ing III the 1'<11.:1 tlHlllilis RSC is colliprisl!d of holh sla [c alld sub-sl' lt t; lin its. Thl' J),IY [OIi 1))"IICl!SS did Ilot ,tltt: r thc rcgio ll 's o utlook in rt:s[lcc i (If 1110...' fllilc tilln;d difkn: ntia liull of it s lInits. While HllSlli,1 <lnd I lerzeguvin<l IV(lS 1"11I'lllillly prnci,li lllt:d a un ited 4.1 • " . , " 'I イオ ャZ、@ inln ,Ill SUVC l cit.: " s la lc, il l PI"<I(IU':( II IIS slah: was H イ Zャi ャ セィI 'i III Cmali( lIIal proll'cltl r alL" adlllinisi ralcd al ld p,Kifi e d hy Ill\.' inlcrnatiullal I.:llllll lllll lil y (the UN Il i£h iサ ア ャヲ ZセャG ョャ 。ャ ゥ カャG@ ami the NATO-led i forI i セN@ The pc al'C process abo ad-nil\\" ledged Ihe forma l lnmsfmllla l ioll of Rc pllhl ika Srpska alld Ihe C ruat -Muslim Federation in to quasi-slat e 1.:l1 tilics and J Ic n.:cg-Bos nCl '$ consta nt opcralioll has hccnluk' raled hy [he iniemal iollal l'omlllllliit y liB RQjI QセN@ Allhou gh em,rl ia hrought down Ih e I{('puhlic of Scrhi<lrl Krajin<l in IINS and assnlcd it s s() ve rc ignl y ove r I<raji na ami Wcslc rn Siavon ia. il agreed itl Da yton 10 wai t hI!' the n:inll.::gralillll in it s h:rri ttlry or EaSle m Siavoni" Limill!! a Ir;lllsilit lll:rl period of two YC',II's ill wll il.:11 th(.: pro vi nce lVould ht.: prq)arcd hY' 1 UN lon:t.:. u<llIId y. UNTA ES. I iL'1Il'(.:. it was in t.:. II·ly 11)1)1' wl l(.: n Z <l grt.:h fHr tht.: li rsl lill l ...· :1l·qIl Jr(.:d 11111 control o ve r il s eillirc lenilory. Whal is 1II0re. r\lhali ia w.. s I<..: mporaril y .. lIded in 11)117 In the lisl o f Bal ka ll n Hlul ries Ihal did 1101 perform ...·\' (.: I y g\ l \'c m il1g fu nctio n till their terri lo ry. The pyramids' l"ol l;lIlS"" evoked Ihe n!ssatioll II I' the stak's \lperat ion ill th(.: (.:n til "" sO Ll thl'1"II p<ln of thc COIl III!"y illltl prct:ipi l<lh..'d Ill\.' dc p!IIYl1ll" 11 then.! o f a muilinalilllla l fnrl.'e for the t:olll ll ry's " .K irkati l,.l . Mure imporl<tll lly, Ihe 1I <ll iolialislil.' pn licks of Sltlhod :II l 1,1. For .111 cxrdlcllI ,tl(;ll),sis lor Ih<: cOlisidcl ,lli,," ,,' \10 ._111;1 ;" <Ill 'Inlc rrt;I IIOllal p".rCI"I" I<IIC' .'co: Pugh. セャ@ "' I'rolc("I"f:tlc HI 」 ャiB ョ。ャGセ@ III sNャiィ ᄋ e\i セ Q@ Europe", ("()I'nJ II"IIlklllg 1',11"'/"1". No. III. 12IHKq I hI I p:/( WWIV .\"( 'pri .llk/puhl iCI ri, Ilis/W I'I \\' I" 'k:!112( MHJ/ III_2( MKI.• I. "'1 <,\ ..... \Zセウ」 、 Z@ 27. WU (MH». i セN@ t Wゥエ。ォ ゥ Nセ L@ N. 'Thc ( 'roa l { ·oIlIlUUUil), .. f Ilosuia ;ulli I k r,.q:,,\illa ·· ill. ...1/ 1-://. n "/" I'UI''/,<I "I Q セ ャヲiB@ I,' { '''rdcII, K . <Iud WollT. S \ his. QOセ ᄋ BiヲGOイ@ H QG [ Qi A ャ。 セ」N@ :!(kl.\) Iforlhl·"luiu!!l . ,1·1 fI.'liloscvk · Inought <lhout Ihe gradu<l l loss o f Iklgrade's CU lllml ove r II 1\.' Yugosla v terrilllr}" While the Kosovo war ended w ith the t nUlsfonnatill1l of the pruvilll:e i nlo anothe r 'i nt ernational proteL'tOl"<lle ' - administrated hy the UNM I K and p'Kirit:d hy KFOR- Milllsevie' en deavour to usurp Ihe fedcral strLII: tures f\lr the prese rvation of his hol d 10 power cITC't:\ed MOlll encgro 's {iccision 10 p ut forward in th e pOSI+ 1);lyh ll l era auhlllllllHlIlS fo reign and cconolll il.: policies vis-:', vis Serhia. No twiths tanding Ihat Ja vie r Solana hrllke rcd lasl セ ャエZァQB@ for Ihe year :111 <lgrecnH.:n t between Se rhia ami ャ|N ャ ャエィ il r ...'sc r\':t t illll of Ih eir Ullilll\ within a e0ll1 11HHI stale reml med ,IS 'Serhia ami Mllllt ellegn1·. Ih is sl ale 's fllillre rcmains IIllLL'1"tain as 1111: Mllllt c llcgr in s - amllhe Serhs- Ilw ill tai n Ihc ril!h l III \"olt.: il' Ihree years l ime in :1 refercnd um I'm Iheir l|セiNG iャ [Q@ illlkI1c lllkll n:lh. "l'IIC 1"(.:I"III"(':, t ill.: s ial li S 11\ KI1SI\VII <lnd MOl1l ent:gru h.. s Hilt hee n d cfin ilel y sc llied allli ャイ ゥ 」セ@ has hl.'l.'ll YW.!.llshlvia·s <llIthorily owr Illesl' ャ・イゥィ l"Iliupn llHi scd. Fi l1.ll ly. IIwi ng 10 Ihe NL\ operalions .. lid thc resllllil l!;, InL'l"l.: asc of ICIlSitlll helwee ll Ihc Slav a nd Alhanian (llljlulalitlllS til" FYR Or..,i. Skopje has nol exc rcisnl an y c(\ l1trol liver n :r1ain , \llianial l-ini1ahih: d h:rri lllrics IIlIlil last }'ea r. . To l"lIndude. in ICln lS III' !!.ove rni l11,: fll lll'liullS, a majo r look ]llm'c ill I lle Ba lkans ill the carty IlJlJ\Js .' ysl cluk セ ィゥヲエ@ frulll a securit y clllll(llcx III' similar uni ts 10 a COlllpleX of hi !.!.h lV div(.:rsified uni ts. T his dcvciopll1elll e1Tecl ed t he イ 」ァ ゥャ セ L。ャゥ ウ。ャ ゥャエQ Mゥ ャエ 」 イョ 。 エ ゥャQ。Bエェ ャ ャ@ ,If I1H IC h Ilf wha l wa s I" ",\ )! llTllICIiI ou I{c'IIW':llIliu!! ,II Hdali,.us hc.:lwn·n S":lhia ami r.. l, .nl..:IIC!! ... '··. 111"1,/ N,· n.\ .·tg,·III"\". I hllll:l/w\\,\\·.ho.:l:.c ••. YU/II, ,. kumnll i.;"1'1<,\ rro.:s,"·,I: Qセ Ni [@ ..!11(J2>. i ! :\ I • Nu" ., \"" 1/ 11 \ .... ., ph; v ioll" ly n ll l\ idc rL'd In h..: dUlIlI:SI il" Pi 11;1 i. . ·... (l' .!!. ;lIl l' h 'I II1I;\ ' I d al ill ll :-' ) ,111(1 "critH .sly il llpcli l'd I II L' :-. IOI hili ,,;,I"lIl III Ill l ' , \ S iHI セ@ 01'" Sl"Vej', 1I l'olilT l ilil ic\ \ 'Ollljlcll.·d ,I ll 1\:g;ll li . Il vnl:l ppil l)!. Inrillll"ks f<II' t ill' p L'rhl l"l ll ,lIln ' I lf AQ Q| ャG ャゥ Aセ@ (, 11,\I'T EIt 3 n.:gil llla' pi lli ti,-,:t l III :IP <llld ·'o...'fr ih ll,, ;1 arran!!CIlH.: II\ S wen: conl..:slcd and lilt: I.:sl'lhl is lllllCll1 01 p":<ln: was himkn.::d I"rollli ak ill.!,: pia..:..: in lhc Balka lls. FUrlhl'ftlhll C. a lin C<I .. GHI"a l relatio nship (.:x isicli in til l' Ba lb I!" hcl wCL' 1I fllilditill s. l hl' The Di s irihlltioll of C apabiliti es 1IIIIl' l ilillai d i frCI Clllialil1l1 ami ;111 11101'111 \' all ,lt d ,\': 111 11<1"1:11..: t;1i1nic dispulcs ohSlrtll'I cd Ilu.! dee pe ning. of " hl' /I<IILII1 inll'rn:llillll :il so c iet y . I kllec. Ihl' I"L'CC II [ d c\c loplIIL' 111 0 1 tJl ult ila h,: ral cIH lpera lil11l III the Q セ[イャォZi ウ@ IS <I 'll llHlln\II ' pn1eess illit'I' ali{/ al llli llg. .. t thl.: l'Illllailllllcllt Ill' ゥAャ。B ャ ゥ ャセ G@ l'tl IllIC l'Pli fl iI,,<IS ami the lI e ut 1'. ril sill io ll 01' the ,ilurclIl l' lIlllllll'd . . ausal rdaliollsirl p\ d l'erl s, I \ir ving. disl'I lssl'd III Ihi ... dla pt l'r the featu 1'es Ill' Ihe eompk x·s dl'l' ll stntl'IUfl'. Ih .... イ ャGセ セ G 。イ ャG ャ@ )lI':I1I: l'fll rih deals wil h the changes that ul'cllrn'd III Ih e essl'nll 'll slructllre III' the ){SC. Ih,lt ゥ セ@ hI SiI\'. ゥエ セ@ lllilt . .' ri,,1 a nd . Idl'a till nall" 1I111 )IHil'1 11 s, T hL' essellt l,ri slnKt,.rl' 111' all I{S(' rders III till' djslrihll{/(J/I H セ イ@ 1'I1/1{//lililil',I' ,Im l Ih l' .1'11'/11'11/1,' iセイ@ 1'1'/(//11111,1' hetween lI s lIlIlb , The distri hlltion or . . apilhilil ies in , III illle1'llilt ioll ,I) ...}'Sklll sllgges b Ihe W,I)' ils {lnilS ,lI'l' position ed ill rcl,ll llIl1 10 l·"ch ntlll'f, ,\lht.:il Ih e l'a pahil ilics are ope lH: nded II nit " lI rillll tl's, Iheir dislriill1li,)1l is il syste ll1 il' prope rl y indical ing how Ihl' IInil s rallk in tenus o r their capahil il il'sl, I k nce , the di "trihillion \11' capahililics dellotes Ihe dcgrl'e In whic h Ihc IIl1 il S l';1I1 ad.ievc their goals in a syste m. Barry 13UZilll hilS argul'd 1'01' lhe di sag.grega lion of capahilities illio fo ur vari:lhks, l1, lI m:l y, iull\ mili t,lry stn': II g.IIr , ecollorni l' puwe r, polilir;ri st:lhil il y ,Ilid iden lngy. Whik the variahles of II llll lary slren gtli ,llld eClllIllllI 1l' power yield slrlll:llIrt; ill Ihe hll'lIl of polarit y, Ihe variahks or politio...'al st:lhil ity and idcu logy ca ll Ille rdy he assessed ill distrihu tional terrns a nd do 1101 ge lle r,ll e structure!, Th e fo llowing pages sludy Ihe distrihulion Ilf capah ili ti es 111 the Ba lkans wit h lhe ai m of unra Vl' lling Ihe rchlti vl' wc igh! of eve ry regional al' lor in Ihe 1. 1111/;111. It GᄋsI 1 Gセ ャ」 ュ L@ SIIIIClllrc <l nd U llilS" i n. IIU Zilli . [I " I,ink, H. '/1/ 1' 1,,,...:11' "r I",m 'h\', , pp. Lセ Il,i" , ,,,,, /.I .,,,I, i ᄋ\[R J"II<:,", (' alll i L@ -17 • 'r, '" N II"" _I'" 1111 I" " 1"-,, 11<IItI I , /4 IN III- l ',\I'/\H " 111/5 N セ」イZ ャiイゥ ケ@ cOI llp kx ゥ セN@ ini l' /"III" RSC. Yt:I, )! i Vl.:ll tl,at the iャ 。イォjャ tlf !!,tlvcrtlin!! fll llLt illlls. ;1 fU l1d itHlOll ly tl ilft.' l cl llialnl "y""' 1I1. ;llIrihu lc.:s sti ch as milita ry .'>t rc.: llglh . cl'ollom il.: IlIme.- po litic d stahilit ), arc 11111 セ ィ。ョ "III NH I \1 'I.NllITtlKI \ Il l" Z 、@ hy every O ll t.' of il s IlIl il .. _ A" <t res ult . the ,matysis of the tlis trihu tioll of capahiliti !.!s in Ihe region is inc"il it hl y cnnCClllralcd uilly on the II nits th ai ha ve.: posscs...cd all)' of thc ... c illlrihlllt's. II gnc.:s withOll 1 セ。ケ ゥャ セ@ li ,a! Illc Balkan IIl1 ilS dcpri\'L'd o f any mi litary or l'l'OII\1ll1il' 。ウ」{セ@ a rc ra nk ed lilsl in the RSe ill [C rlll S of Ihr.: (Or n:splIlldill!! Gr pHh ilit ies. '" '" y. .... vWf.! 2 '!' ::l::;.l ::!:;::<i5: C"" wlj ...... セb@ .' _. __ :::.. , ', ',II ·M,,,I,,,, I ",k ,.,'"'" ,,'1 1 111 Ih o.: B,llkall ウッNZ セャiB ゥHケ@ cUlllplcx, it is \llll y ilH.' st<l \o.:s ,1111.1 the quasi-sl al e fUrlnation tll<lt IHl ve pussesso.:d any milit ;lry c;tp<lhi litics WIII'\ I! mo.:lllillning. Nl lt wilhsla ndin!; llmt sc\'\"ra1 et linopoti lical !,! rollps (i .e., lht: S<l llz" k r\'lusti llls. thl' FY IH)f\,1 ,\I h<lnian s a nd thl' Kusovars) devc luped par;lI ll ili la ryih.', rnrisi ur!!<tniS<lliollS fur lho.: allai ll1l1elli til' their niljeelivo.:s ;11 sume time. the ptlwcr nf these tlJ"!,!;lllisal illlls | | G [ iN セ@ nq .digihll' a mi il did 1101 afferl the SyS It: Ill \ strtlc tu rc l . Iknrl'. the research 、 ャセ イ HGァ。ョ ャ ウ@ tilese tII"!!anlsa liolls from lis [ エ ャ[iセ G ウ ゥ ウ@ tlf I Ill' dislrihlJ/ ioll nf lIlilil;n y slrCIl!;ill in lllL' Bal ka lls. セ ⦅ Zセk '1 1,' )11 . . :.1_ セ@ N セ ⦅セ@ QヲL NセQi Auセ@ It II Q@ 1111 7. )IHI QャLセB セL@ : 71 !I JH ャ N セ@ --------c-:--1.11Ii'1 セiGj@ I ,,,,,,...,, ,><,1.. \ \ '" I | オセMNOB Lセ ゥ | ャ A@ AN セ AW 'l't iM GM B MG G M B M L MN .' '.I UI ,," i セNih tIM セ⦅@ I., II '. G@ () J .10 1 .', - - .!..! 1'fi\1!K ャ。jNセ[@ セ N セ@ ZGセ@ lUI I!I",_" " .. セNUQj@ ];: III - -セk@ NA セ セ@ LJB =====-=== =- QN QGi@ !.l l I c I BGNLセ@ - - - -I-- - ('",11"""./, .. ,II, I II> H -- ------!: 1.1 l'I.J' t) " " K,.' .... ",,' _______ nl 1111.1 1) IOI! '" I'IU ),I I 1I1 ...セiL@ J. In i-:OS(W" , I-'YRU/\ I ,lInl MllllltlTII Serh la. lite ,\lb,III1.111 pa t'amilitary/ lc rn,rist ilrgall isilti' lns suen·cile,1 willI rlt cir a,·th ,t il·' I" infll t ial\! tlte allllu)ri lies "I Iheir IH .sl ":i)untlies am i ゥョャG [ Gャオョ[Aゥセ@ Ilteir 1l;(li<Jll;t!llu(!stiun. Still. these' org<lnis<lliotts llumhen:d "Illy a lell hllmlr\!ds ,,1' pc'"pk <IIl d p"ssessl'd II" heav), we;ll'olls l" dqol,,), oper;lI il)n;t! ly <lnd ( nlllron\ milil ilfily a re gul" r ;(1 111)'. tlt:spirc lite fad 11t;1l tlt e UI.,' K evolved durin g Ihe KtJsm '" w<lr illin it セ N ャNikh ィ ャエ BIA@ l<lfl·C. il \\'<lS lltJl irucgf,,(ed in In <I ioint l"<l llltn;llld ,un I f;,itnl 10 lli,, !.,I"llll illl<l <I r,u lvc lll i",,; t! anm' 7. ;:;: セ@ a:5 セヲR@ [ᄃセ@ 3 le ___ I__セ@ ----------- - -- ,,- セ A セ セN@ セ@ ゥ セ A セ@ ------- - - - - III : ' , :' :" + '-, 1., •• , lJ.l1!lll Lセ@ セm@ N|ゥセ@ セi io@ ,-- - - - - -- l .. , )I,IW ItllUIl !II .IW 1.17 I'''''''u, ,>< ,1" 1\ 1(\1 --- - - --------- --1- - - " I. Milil:JI"Y SII'C lI glh ""'F;2 ... U セ@ '-' = :::: "" bN r,II" 11,'°, 1.\] __--_- --I--'-'I:-, -:''-:'"-"-=FC -= - - "H- --f-"'-- M ZM Qセ セ@ iN セ@ 1/,,,/,,,,/,,I,,u'M' '"."".: /I" •• |iN G i\イ| ᄋ iセBL@ .... · ,,,,,1''''"'/1 L セ セ セ L@ I ,I.",,,h , (1\,,,,,1110,,,,"",,, ) 1'"·,,,. .!llill III 1t; J'lIlS or ''''If'' t JlI!l'r f\"y B ic セ GB@ ''N.' /. /II<" ,IIiI'''''1 ャ。セBLN@ NセQji Oヲj A@ illl ra -regiH1wl Illilililry SlrCIl!,;lh, Gn.:ecc bas <thsnhlll" Illilit <t r)' ー イ ャGᄋ」 Qiゥ ョ・ ャサ セQL[@ in Iho.: Ba lka ns (sec I;thlc 4). • ,: Nil" 'I "., 1/ 11 'f.." ' nil J ) ' '' I I{ IHI I II! IN C'" (',\ " ,\1 1111111 '" No , 'lilly <In,: ,I ll: (in:c k armed lOin's ill IHI:-'.'\I::-.., ill ll 01 1I IlII L' l',l lll ha( aiH:rafl s Ilf hilllll: ',lIlb than any oilie r Iblk all l.'ll lil .\'. hul 1IIl' (il"!.:ck arllly alst! mai ll [,lins a Ja r!!l' tju " li l a li h' OIdvall1,I!!C vis-:I-vis 'he n.:sl Ill' Ihe IIIl il:-. III" ' he RS( ', Til l' Gn:l' k a nny's la tte r advantage is de ri ved in pari frolll ils orga ll isa lioll <11011£ Ihe NATO sla llll:II'ds ,tilt! in pari frnll) il s hci ng fin alln:t! hy a dcfcllCC hud,!;...:! Ih ,1I has ャGエ ャ ャセ ャ 。 ャ jケ@ hl.'cll several l iUles hi£.!!,c r than allY IIlller ddi: lII:c hud!!CI ill 'he reg ion (sec tahle 4). lut/celi, ,. 11 Bai Lin cUlIlilrics in I r,l lI si liulI have n.:till L'cd Iheir lIl i li' ary cx pl'od il llrt:s so IIlllch _ d ill' In Illl'i f ceIlIIOln;!.: prohlems - Ih a , they have hC\.' 1I II rla hk' In rl'placc, IIpdalC :rnd rcp.llr IlI d r mili la ry cqllipml'UI. Hr c|セGi@ orga ni sc all 。、・アャ セG@ numhe r of lII ilil'II")1 cxc rl'ise:-. Inr iィセG@ l11ain le ll anl'C uf Iheir fighl ing 」Zャー。ゥケセN@ A grca l P,I I"! Il f IlIo"c l'tl lliltrics' rHilit"I"Y cquiprncil t i:-. Ilhsoll' le ;r nd . lhus. :111 assCSSIIICl1I of Iheir lIlilil a ry slrclIglh 11 11 ;UXolJlll IIl c rl'I .\' of Ihe qU ,lI llil y of arm s 111<1 1 th ey pnssess will olrcr lII iskadill!!. and OVC rfal ed rl'slilt s. Evcry 1I:lIk <l 1l cou llt ry in 1I"" n:-' llioli _ wilh thc pil nial eXl'c ptioll o f 1I0:-'lIla. ('mil lia and YU!!O:-.lil\'iH durlf lg \\'al"lilile - h,IS nq!lcclcd il s <ll"llll'tI lorccs cllI:-.ill)! iィ| セ@ declinc of il s mililary jlPwcr. COllsidcring Ihal ,\ Ihe n:-. r1rnrly <i\"uitfl'd lta \'lfI,1! .111.\' in volve mcll l in Ihe Balkall W<l rs, ゥャセ@ Illili l<l r)' snjll'l"inr il\ di d 1101 h:l ve <I ll y illipaellHllirc IHlll"OrtiC Ilf lhc QAャ N[ エゥャセG ウN@ (),Il/)c ..:\lnlra r)', Yllgoslil via , Ihc sccond N[ i イョ ョ ァャBセ ャ@ elilil y i, l Ih l' B,rlka ns in terrlls of milil;rr), ca pa llililies. loo k atl \,anl;I!!1.' of ..t . HᄋGュウA。Nセ@ I). il Ia! l'ap:Is, " iii, HI. ('... ( i l cck I', ,Iicy ( 'old War 11:1 /1;.:111 EIi VirU lIl1h.! nr " ill. H G ッオ alld ."iO I (, . Qサセ G| ャ ィ@ ャ セLG N セ@ I N,'w York I'd):. i GャエィゥセA@ I" II'l' J', "" V .. 1'\O llli;u k,\. J I. 1. ( ·"" fI"".I:"., III\".. 1'1')'1). 1'- (icI"!II YI(I;lhIS. :\ . ( I::!I.•. ). (;'l·'·.... 1111,1 ,",, {\I"I\" 1I"ll.w,,: ,1/111 ( 'f'I" II"/Iwilin セ@ j ッャゥ。ォセL@ ( .. 'lI' pa ny. il\ Illilila ry ーic ᄋ ャNG ャi ャᄋ i ャBセG@ vi:-" ;I-\IIS it s <ll lvc rs;r ri cs.. alH l atlelllptcd III rl'solVl.' ils displl ics wilh Ihl' lII hy mrlll :, ry rlll.'il ns. Thc alli<llll'l.' of all Scrh cln il ics domi'lilll.'ll I hI.' regloll II f rorllle r Sociai isl Yugosla via hctwcc n Q YAjセM i AIijLB@ ami clldca voll nx l III cn:cr lc Ih e rc j ゥャOG N セ@ //(" colllplie.\· co nl'c rn in g eVl.'ry is.';1I1.' of displil c. To the e.x tcll l Iha l Ihe greal p.owers did lint rl.'lllain illl.lilTcrc nt 10 thl.' uutl ll·e,.k (If war III Ihe Balkans, Ihc Scrhiilll milila ry suprcma..:y vis-iI-vis Ihc Bosnia ks III" the ern"l s did nlll suffi..:e for Ihe managc ment of Ihc rl'l!il lnal l'!I/If/id s. T ill' .!!n:a l powcrs pe ro.;ivcd Ihc sャGBィ ゥ ゥ ャ セ@ l'n lilil:s as faclors of insla hili ty ill Ihe Balbl ls ,lIld refu sed III ;Il"k llowlcdgc Ihl.' n.:sults of Sc rhl ;1I1 ;Iggre ss ion in lhc recion . Nu l ulll y did Ih c Unitcd Sia ies help Ih e e rn<lt s III huild cmll pcl ilive armil.'s <1111,1 asse rt a lld Q QA セ ャ ゥ。ォウ@ Ihclllsc lvcs aga inst Ihc Se rhs, hil i Ihc N ATO ai r slrik l.'s and Ih e UN s,lIlcl inll S :dso Lll lilrihlll cd III Ihe diminlltion of Ihe Serhia n war-making capaci ly. ,\ ccordingl)', thc grca l powl.'rs' inll'l"\'cn lioll in B,dkal l affai rs was illslrurll cll li,1 lill" Ihe lkmi sc of the Repuhlic of Se rhi an Krajill" and 1111.' l's l<lhli sh'llCIlI nf Ih e J):ly lllll IHllC('SS Ihal Cllrt<lilcd Ihe Il.'rrltnfV of Ihl.' Bosnian Scrh I.'l1t il y a nd inlrodu ced a sllllrq: jon,,'1 a rms control arnlllgl.'lllen l hetwccn Ihe Bosnian 」 ョエゥ ャ ゥセG ウL@ YUl!oslilvia il ml Croalia. The lall e r agrcl.' lll clIl l'sla hli slll..: d Q セャゥ。イ ケ@ I.'lj ll iPl lIClll ralills hdwcc ll Yu gllsl,lvia, Croali" illid Bosn ia Oil Ihe hasis !lf cach cou lllry's ptlpulillioll -.;i/.l.' HZGゥセ Z セI@ <lnd wil hill 1I0Slli,I, helwccli Ihe Cro;r[-i....luslim I:l.'dcr;rliull :Jlld Ih :puhlik;r Srpska. Oil the has is (I f cac h L' 1I1 il y's prc-wa I' popu lal illn -.; jzl.' (:!: I) . ,\ II hough /lI"ill/(/. lil!"ie Ihc "l!rCl.' lIlc nl セ・」 イョ 」 、@ 10 ;u:k nowkdge Ilrc IllIlrtary ウ ャーlGイゥ セ ャ ェエ ケ@ of l!cl!! radl.' in Iht: rcgloll of form cr yオ ァャ セ ウ ャ 。セ G ゥ NBL@ il. IH;rl'ltc,d ler lll s, Ih e dcsignat iun III' low l·e.ili ll gs 01 IllrlJl'.lry u llIlJllll cll1 1I!IIdill).!,\ illlplil.'ll Ihal y iセA N |ャゥiLイ[ Q@ <llId 1{l.'jllrllhb .j 1 ,I. I • N II",r ,\<" ( Ill 110.1' sア :-111'lI ld dc:-.l n1Y <I セ ャ ッNZoi イ@ 1'0111 ,do IllL' lf ,11-"1.-'11.,1. L 、ャセ G N@ Ihl.: n:g. ioll al l"tllll i)..:lIraliol l of lllil i1ou)' " r rl'll ).!ll r III 111 1.! 11 :11 1.; ,111"; was fU rlh er illl": I\: d hy l ilt.: ,\ tlk'lIl', 1I 1 。ウ N セ ゥ s ャ。 ャョ Z@ it )l" rll!..' 1l'<l ill i llg all d eqllippill /;! o f 1111.' ('!"Ililll ,1I 1 :llId JI,)sn! .. )': " flll c d fOln::s a nd 11 11: Ire sh N ,\'!'I) a ir-... l rif..l" dllrill !-! rhl' Kosnvo wa r Ihal virlu ,dly lI l'gOlI.,:d Ih e tPl<lIllilalih' .. <lvanIOl!!.... o f 1111: Se rhs ill th e region . Fill.dl y. N An )\ he:I\ .\' milit ary de ploymcllt in Boslli a ,tilt! in I(OSO \ 'O <ll"h,.'d a. . a L | 、ゥHッャQ I セB\Q@ 1;,1>1<" 10: /1,,1,,/11 """ " ,./, Iwml, ,,' I writ" '" II,,· S"ml,..""N,, /;·" ""/If.''''' H G G G G 111111111_1/11"". l'i<J!·2Ixl! IMIIIIII!! 11.\ /J"I/unl 1",,,,1,,,·, iGセ@ ---- IWl LiGセ@ ,\11\,,, ... 1'N5 iGセア@ セn@ · III! detl.!rro..: nl In thL' reslJmption o f bo"li lil l":S <I ud n.'m lnl'll NQi ".1 ;; セNL@ セNL」@ I ,,,,her 1II1,l("n: pl,lhlc the II."C of lui lil a ry powe r fo r the n.:g llla l illil II f loca l prohk'lll s. TU l'Illldm k: , for <I S long as the g. rL'<I( pm'L'f, Il<lye rCllwill cd dcc pl y ill vo lve d ill til l: Bal L lll s. till.' illtl'<1 - 11!1 ᄋ hセ@ iセBNG@ ョオャ ᄋセGゥ QNセGW@ Q iNセョB@ Q@ iNィセQ@ I, \ Itl 1,\ 1 .) ·!P7 ..I.!l h Nセ@ 'I'iX Nセ@ ..Gセ@B ·.1);;1 N ANセjGi@ セQ@ ᄋエ ゥ|i '.'51 , .7111 II .$12 セ Q@ 1 I.hl'i ·15·H iNセ@ ·1.51PI . 1.1>'(.\ MGNセ AェLセ@ NiセGゥ M セG@ ·!.u7U .'J! 2ml ⦅セキ@ - -- - - - .!JIIl QNWセ@ Gセエャ@ X'i GゥセQ@ NiセG@ セィ@ -11\.1 QG Iセ@ ·1 1·1 ijGセ@ セxャ@ .,;tll . III, I.I;;! ) iGLセ@ 1'1'17 iG セL@ - - - - - -- - - - ⦅セ@ NGゥ@ ᄋuャA セ@ ·.1.1117 NセエG@ ..iセGゥ@ ·W.! MRNiセk@ ·m ·7M rt:g iulI . d d is irlilllliull uf Il1 illl;II")' sl rl:ll gl li h as h l.' l:1l s ll sn: plihl l' 10 l:X IL'rlIal di S10rlitlil illid liS s ig. llifi t: a llCl: h:l s ー ャG オセイL@ イセ ェオ[ャ N@ ilI.'CIII IIr..' jQ\ \ ... i\ ·l" I.\ BセLi BGセョ@ I "u iLセィ@ セLャiG@ 1;ol'k :\: ( ",,,.'" . 1" "WII Jj"/,,,,, ".1 III 'hr' .\,'ml""""·' II/III"I" ·'1/I ( '''11111/, ', III /"""'/IP" N" -' . '/lfl/ (,1111'"," I ' \ 11,,1/"1\' 1"11 /""'IUk:, - - - L GiィセョBL@ " Q セャi。@ bi -- ._-- - QGセ -iGゥ@ - -- - IW\ I< ャゥ NL@ 1(>1 .I."IX I '''" ,l la p.,. 1,21 jNiG i セB iGセ@ セi i Niセ@ QNUiセL@ I'rIl.U,\ 1 イNjAiセ セG ゥセ@ ·U7J ·IV' ·Y\'i 1.1 ·1,7 ·1 セ@ ''7 '" ., -,I . S'i.l .J!Joi ᄋ iセ@ • .]1.1 ᄋiGANセ@ -1.H2 iGセML@ I"" セG@ '" . .- p; ョセ@ ) iwセG@ . (01" .,,"" NB N セ@ 11>1 1.1)]0, .h) h'! . 'II! !.J2 1 !..ill 1.1'.) ᄋQセA@ 2,m --'" ,," ᄋiセNj@ jB L ALセ@ 1117 ·I.m .1.1117 iGセ|@ ᄋセNQW@ ... l. Gセ^n@ ·211, ·UN .\'!AI セG I.'''k 7: Q ᄋ GセャュNLMi ,IIw,tIIl II LGQH|セ@ セiN L@ iBセG@ -III . IllS QGセR@ I """Uk" ijBGセ@ -IN N セL i@ l iN 1.1 1.1.11'_111. 17 " III .',M/lnN"'" /:" " 1'1'. I'N! Nセ⦅i@ f II ..... i セ@ .... ョャュセ@ I ,w J 1'11.1 ,\11",,"., ィャセ@ 110..,,,,,, iエGA (.1.2111 .1 ·11:.1 Hセャ@ 111.7 iサI セi@ iGセャゥ@ QGセ iGセ^@ Nセj@ NoS セ@ - So ,m",: ""mlt/lIIl( ,\llIn"l" Ibl ll':.· 'I<'I<'\\ J'iI I S."!h.U 2.2Ft iセ@ QGi セ@ iセL[|@ QiGw N B iCcゥャG X.II "'1.15 12. 1 II! I LセM@ 1"1 111.7 QUjG セ i@ 21.'i 2.11 1.' lh." ._ -'f1J -ャNセL ⦅ A@ 1.17.1 h セ@ ャiNBュGョセ@ h I,j.! \'\.X!.'-I 'IIJ セ iB@ 12,1 1')' 4 Q@ l..i LBAGセャiョ@ ( "",I ... )M . N@ N@ 1',.,....,,,,11,'1' cOQuiセG@ W'! l'i'l ( j'n"r'L' I' N セ@ 1.11,1 2JI 1 iaGセ@ セャHGB@ G i\Gセ ᄋANセ i@ 1"10 セ |@ .1./'17 l.wl ᄋQNセA@ ·Un1 ·2.1.1'1 .,,,".,,. 'f ',"'" .... No. セ@ 12U12). II BL 1I!2 1I!2.1'11_111 <,\",,,,...セ i ᄋ@ I セNi@ .•セNGQ^ I.,hhl jMBセNL@ エャBGセ@ Il,ul' ,,,'" - -l.l.q ·1..\211 L LiッG@ "r 121.11 eセ@ Q Z ャイBiセᄋN@ ャ ャ ィ ャ ャ AQ jGZ⦅セ@ III Nil. セ@ ゥ ャ セ@ ML GiN ゥ セャヲ@ !ILl -11,1 M lUI '" ·1I,b I.) OM) l.1r 111.2 $.'1 U I.!.!.I ---.l.h ---. 4.1 GNiLセ@ .1.2 セNiG@ " 1.\1 jNAi セ セ@ -- NセGャh@ ---- 71.X 2In, 2m1 iGセB@ 11.7 セAN jiLNセ@ jGBセ@ iセh@ .lJ セ⦅Gj@ .. J\!' !.l.2 .1.1 i " - .! JJ - Soil -- i :1, HJ J.l5 . I.J · 1.4 .\]IA - - iイ⦅セ@ 3,·1 セNi@ 1l1.1!1. HェBiQセ| G[ QZ@ UN/D 'l } <An·cI!'.<.·lI: 1'1.1i.21H'l>, ••• -5.2 ---- i 775 .... IA I'p. IlrI. 1M I:, " 5J • , " !! 'I !"Ill 11 1"' 1i< I HI I I " IN I II· ( ',\1 ',\ 1111 1111 '\ <I 、ゥ セ ャゥ |ᄋ ャゥ@ c セ i@ Ill': 11101'1..: ill \\hich i... a de ve llJlll:d l'\llllliry the n .'gillil 110.:1\\'0.:0.: 11 alltl a I ll\..:lllher III' (in: n 'C, the EU, and ll1l: f l'..;1 of the Balkan cO Lllltries Ihal arc quil l! under- i "III JNnw :s dc vdopcd am i struggle to !.:freel Sirur.: luraJ reforms fo r th e Despit e the 1I"00IISilioll !II a markd ecollom y . fa":l tha 1 the CCllllollli c pruhll!llIs Ill' c<lf.:h of the laller Balkan co ulltries have 「 lBャNセ ョ@ particular [0 themsel ves, th eir cCtlllt ll ni c situat iun has tllnn: IIf k ss heel! characterised hy the fullo wing re atures: • the pcrs islcm:e Ilf ullsllstainahl e [nHlc, curre nl account alld fi sc d de ficit s (sec tahles 5, h) Ih ill eallscd the tlll lhrl':l k of CX d l;1I1 gC n ile or hallkillg ( rises and the tlvcrhu rdc lling of Ihese cUlm lri..:s with fore ig n dehts IhOiI COlii d h:l rdl y service ' . I !ere, sulTice it tll say 111,11 ill lIulSI Balkall counlries in Iransil illn the foreign lk hl pc r l'<lp ila Im s hecl! supe rio r \I I thc G UP pe r capita: • Ih e "Plle,Iralicc of high ullcmpluyment ral es due \0 the proccss of de-industrialisatioll Ihal Ol:L:lII"rcd in evc ry tra nsitioll ccollom y (sec tahle 8)". These coullt ries umle rwcnl during the 1990s a structural change that W,IS cha racterised hy a suhsliHlIial redUL:lioll of Ih e sL'co lldary secto r's "hsnlu te allli relal ive size and a siruulian c\)lIs inn ease of the prima ry il nd lertiary scL"lors' siz..: 7 . This struL"lura l dlallgc rcpresen ted a 2. ECUIIUlllic Puwcr . The researdl stulii cs til L' dislrihution of l'COIUIlllk P!I\\"l"I" sulel y helwee lt Ihe region's Stall.;s. This happells hl'l"<IIJ."c no エャセ@ he l" . Baika l! cIIllcCI ivil y has IlJallilgcd III <lCVel'IP a \\"l' JJ . ・ セ i G ャィj ウ ィ 」 、@ el:tl.lltllll)' l'\ 1I1 lparallJc il l <l11I"illlll e." (e.l.!. (i l )I', \\'llh Illc OIl CS olth L, slilks. III leflll S () f l:l"llliomit: ーエャ|セ G ・ イ@ Ih en. "'. (il i!!"ro,\. V .. K ald,,). 1\ t. ZiI 1:'111"<""'<111 QiG IhL" Siully Zセ ュO[GNB@ L i ᄋ i セ ャiI|[。G ゥウN@ , .. II,t/kllll Ik, "I/II/fI " 'I;,,,, 11110/ IT".: I ldkuio.: ()hs.:n "{'H Y ( I .SI : ), Ihc Centrc "I' (;I"l>al (;I ",cmall":C ( 1_'iE) alld Ili c V ic u"a 11li<: llIal iulI;tI Q セャB H|i B ャQゥ セ G@ Siud ics i エi セ ャゥオNZ@ (.lr rl'r ( W II W). Octo hc r Ill'NI . pp. 1J· 14 Ihi I p:!! wi I \\ S\'. II SI .al·.a {/ wii\\ puhl/l" ,I if )' Papc r.p,J fI < ,\ ":(·c),.'tC, I:!4 J N .211 II I .> . h Ibid .. 1' . 1.1. i ᄋNMiャL .'i·1 Ilh':Y セ L L セ N@ ( ;. ;m d ·t "I L"\". S. " h '''II"mi<" SI IUt'lnt L" ;01 ,, 1 I ·' I;oU j.!L" ill Ihe ,I '/ II I! :[1 , ,I :1 q :j i ,! [ ,i I II II 11 iI:", i' " ,I:, :, • N II,"L\." 1/ 11 |B i セ@ ' hadwan l' ,l d,llst lll L' 111 W It "llly Tr ll · '. ) '\ r Utili ' I 14 IN II/' ( .!\ ,·t\III !.:1 r セ セ@ hCCIU :-l' Iligll l " ,,11;lll'" !!fll \\il lg )..:<lp IIi' l: nJl IlIIll it' pl l\\'\,.'r h" s c.\ isl \,.·d ill 1111.: I l"lb lls \1").!l'''' "I "I' agril:lIlt llrc il ' (il)I' an.: typicl' III' ャG[ ャイゥセG@ x d cvdoPUlClll hut ;lI so heC<lIISL' till.: Iy /"..:s (If agrinlllllr;d h\,.' l wl'e Jl tirc \,.'ce ,lIld t h\,.' l·o lllllril:s il l I nil isil itlli. Sul"fi':l: il 10 11".\ 110 l.Iidkilll coulll r y It:Jd a per clri[<I i nco m e to 45" ;, or th e correspllllll i ll g income in Grc.:cc, hUI "'OJ )' 110 1 only p nldlll.': l illl l a nd se r vin.:s thai grL'IV f<lsll'r anl'I\\;!I,' " セャー・ wert..: those Ihal we re less de pcnde nt Oil indu st ry:" • a s iglti ficllliLkdinc of the GU ll am i ,I f"illln: In f L'sl on.: ecollomic growl h. lly t Ill; elld or セ iN@ Ih l' (;1)1' nf ai r イ ゥッイ@ also (i r ecl'l' h:Js Iwd a larger GD I' 111,111 .. 11 th.: \1[ IH;r Bal kan eOlllllrics wruhi lled ( sec l ahlc X), T hcrefore, G reco,: has Wil holll d uuhl h .:en the strongest el"ont llll il' r owe r rq! ltlJ1. 01 Ba lkan t ran sil ioll COlilitries - wilh I Ill' lGセャBpゥQi@ , \lha ll ia- rl'll1aillCd far helow ilS kvd rq:.islCfl'd lU I p JXI, ( SCI.: l ahk N): and in I he ,\ s <l 11"\,.'ad y l'xpiainni . Ihl' Balkalls d n no l rqm:sc lll a di-; l im'l l't"oJlomk rq:illl\ sillel: I he re is vi rtuall y lit) l rad\,., • rile ,'n'lIlrCllce I,f al h,:asl'l lll' l', i.. ;... 1,1 'lig!1 inlbli"11 "I hypcrinll :llitlil. Indccd. willi Ill e l'.Xl'l'ptioll (If ,\ih;IIIi:1 illl l'I",' lillll l1':I\\,I:C II Ih l: r.:g il ll l< l i <ll'IIII"S w lll ise CCI I11I 1I11i(.' Ilril'lIl:llill ll ゥ セ@ ,lfld R(lIl \;l lIi ,I, all B, dk,lI l ll:lflSi[ ioll l"(l lItllll l''' I q,i\!l' I I'd <II k""1 II IKl' dll ri ll!! till' I \,.'S\""I I l"Ill',1 ]'\,.' 111111 <1111111011 11 ),l'eliJillil iotl Ofll\'l' f I.tI(lO' ; ( sl:\,,'l <lhk 7 1. _____ _ d i rt:c ted lowards til l: E U, The ( ir.:e k Iralk .. :ICl ivil\' . ill thl: B ,il bllS is IlL'l..dil.!ihlc whl' n cnlll p <l r.:d wilh the on:ra l] (irl'ck eXle l"ll:l] lralk ( st:e i \ャィォ N セ@ I and 2). F urt her, II hili: (i l l't:k dirl'ci ill \'t:SI IIII: III S in Ih e Balbll s <lrl: " Ig ll ilkant. , \ Ii !I!!\"'lhl' r , the /lall,a ll ャ ᄋ ッャ ゥャ ャイ ゥ 」セ@ III 1I<III\ili"" I'n l itHllld l'n'!lll lll !l" Il'l·C-;\h'" Ihal \\<1\ h\' severl: lIIa\,."lllL'l'IIIIIIII IIt" di\Clllri li hri". i"l"l:q ul: lIl l"I lI"i"\,.'clivl: c n se." <ll ld .\ IIIIC!.,S alld , III \ャ ィ セlG i ャB」@ III cXl'c r iellcnl a diaral..'I\"' ri:-'L'( i growl ll and dcve lojlltll: l II. (\II ISl' I]lIl': lItl .l', <I tilL")· do 11411 \,.';o.:n:l:d (krlll;!11 '\ill'S I" l"!!l'iy ィcャGiセ・@ h ,l\e l"lIlI q ;lllllv milc h lort.'i!.!!! i ll\'t:",11111,.'11 I ir l tht.' rq!io ll is Il'i"h: d In l il l lw,u·d QiB|nN ZセBLウ ゥャァ@ i nduSlril's Ihal :tr\,.' イエャHセ l)r ケ@ t1rk ll lnl [",,,art!,,, (i l' rm all\' a lHI o l her i セu@ cOl lill r ics Wes l erll a nd (\: nl rtl l lil i:llrlll'c . In Ih is rq!a rd, nOl willisl:IIHlill).!, I IIe (ired, l:COII(l1l1l': slI]ll: r i(lri ty v is-c"i - vis ils Ij,ilka l l lIt:igh holJrs, Iht.' lI,ilI; ,1I1 Sl'L"lI r il \, n Jl llp ie x is IInl ulli]llllilf i U IL' fII 1S o i" CCOll( lIl1 it: Halkall Itc).!i,," : IllIp!i(aliIlIlS Iolr Jnl q!lall'llI, '11 ;II I'jli,," "",I I """"1"1, n"'lwral i,," " . III/,T,w,;,./"" },I/II",t! VlIl.lt1. Nil, I Hセ ャ[オGィ@ RHknI セL@ 1'. IJII. ,.f / ',b"" Hllfl 1(,:o.;i.',1I11 H' ."',tt,lt . i.c .. wilh a vcry IIIw assels/umul'uI\'CI' latill. sHセᄋ@ Nセ@ セNイ@ ·rheir Q AQHャォGセ P"l'iud", I. ··:-',.nll ih G ャuォB G@ ., h( ( N[Lセ@ Ihe 11;llkan Regi",,··. p;111C1 dclivercil in IIIC Inl crlmri'>!m l H ᄋB ャ ャォ AmII'd ('ol/jlic'.I· III Ih,' iセOク@ IIlId 1:111"1"'1111 ,\"'·111111" "pril I'N.'I, p. S·I: Ihid.l'l'. 'III. II KI, II. (iii!;!,,,,,\,, V .. "aid,,,. /\ 1. and t ウBョォ。 I lIdl:l:d, \"·Il llsi d c rill g I hal [hI: /3"lkall s d n 1I0t qu ,llify a l all as all i li le nial ili lla l I:n llltlil lic sUh-SYSlt:1l 1, Ihe l lislrihulitll l t) f K IIcll: il shllil lil he 1I1I1('d Ih"l 11;111.:;111 ;1J;rk.:uhUIl' W;" Iah"l11 mll'l"i". ;111\1 El"IllHllily - SlIme L G s ーGLZ、 pn\\'er and ,\lhL' IIS is 110 1 it s n'Ul lo l1l ic .:enlrc IIr gr<l vily. ャゥ セN@ I.., p, I '. "I l't.'t11It1lllil..' powe r in the regio n docs nol yie ld any pola r ity and t! \,.' IHOIISl rtl[t: s soldy Ih.: ,ICllk l'ctillOll1ic \\'l:akt1\,.'ssl..'S IIf I he cou lll r ies in 1J"a IlSil ioli. jG セGi i ャB・N@ (r.inbliaJJ;I: ':11-2': I (I. (ifi!!"III\', V . "T riuk and Invcslrnenl ill the II;II "ans· ', (1I II/hlilkatl,I·, No. \.l 1\Viml' l I 'JIIK/'I'I) 1IIIIp:l/wlI'w.c llt'< ,lla lkaIlS.f' I.Yll/hl)IJ)C .h!1111 57 i' i ィセ@ f I , ,bEtll!I!;1:l[ QGセ [j Ai ss i o、@ .I u.! ャs ャ [I Hエil [ャL| ョ セ@ iャセZMエh@ pm! ,'!"I UU\IX\ セ QiA :'IIU . 'Slltl! I! P llO,l 11!!:lUS 1);,)1111 '\IP!d l!.1 ;'1 111 .10 ANi| |ー [jiZI p@ ' P!' II "\ 1 1101 -(,(' 'dd' ·.m<I: 1 V ·I,IIII/.\" "'1"".1,1 '1\ · Uli"!. UI! " I '':'1 ·.1 '11 :01"(1) '/1.1 ''''''11 G ui セ E オャ@ P !lll l ! PU I ! II U!I!PI !.I1 =' ! I IU ;'lOtll :'lp Uti III! A\ S;'l!-l ll1lH l;} II ! Slll.ltl.l:l.l 11!:l!l! lod ヲャ ャA sAi セZINQ@ S;J jI!jS .1S:l!(1 .10 I: II! 11l:'lJ:'IqU! S:l !11I1 .1!.U!P ;'1 111 tlJ SII WJJ;'ld '\I!I!l[lnS W,'!I!l0U ;J II/ OJ 1113.1111 jlUO.);'IS ,1 ' 1.1. ':l lqlq SUIl ll JOll ;:'I;,u;J J p .J:lSS:l [.I0 J::'I I1!;'l.lrl l! U\ ;"lAI!q SII O! ll!! ;).! ,( j:l!:lOS-:l \ lns- I!P I!:lP1U lU ll.!.! IJ I!lh! - IlU!I!SlJ l!.l1 lJ! セ u A ャ ヲ[ャj N i s@ SdIlH.I7i N h i セ A i|@ JII S,)! J llllllI:) _lSJq l .I" A.IOlPKlj J ill .II) ,1;lIl I!J ;\11.1. 's ttl'l !-' ;)'\! P;'IjJ0;\ ;\.rot\J .I II) ウ ョッ (I!.l !I! I"doIlQI.1 II! UII!Jl!S!I !qOl ll :'ll[ t tl lIlJ.I P;"I,I!.I;'1p U;1,ll[ Sl!\ 1 SIHl!-, ;'IS ;t.llllll :llll P UI ! IS.! !.! :'l ll./ . ᄋs i セLャ N iャ{@ ,{q ' Will " P I!.) "! p ,lS!.II!I ! l!lll ['\lUN A:1 II ! P! IJIIO:1 :'l!"'lF'lJ .1 1II! :1I11 ';'lU!ptWISI/,! MJO Il III J IIIII.I;),\O" s,;'lftJo:,,!s "! s" !I.wd I W ! UI!l/I\, JO 1I0! I I!d !J !J.lI!tI aU!SI!J:JU Il ::" 1.1. 'SJ !lP"II!lll .I !Jlp Jil s:l! IJI!d ,'!Iltpa lI l! ,\\ A1! I!l[!SlIOtlS;tJ fi ll!lI.lJMlfi 5 upl!q s Aq UII!SU,1 1 .I! .llJ1 .I II ,(] !JII.l,l S ;11[1 01 SII!:I.II[1 ;)!IPIIIOP I[I !"'\ jlJ II.I .l;)UII:I :)!IIl Il J J :lIII!.I11 II Il! pnpJJ :1111 P:l;1I!S!" U:'I :I,\m l ,b ill 'pJIU;t:lIlIl.l .1.1 I! ',l ll !IS IP!II'\\ 01 SJ !.l llI IlO.) IW'1II !1/ Pili! P;1 ]I!I'!.l S;) QA N オ セX i ョh@ ;l.1I! III! II! "jl IS:l J I! s \, St!,.., Pili! II\JO <lA.:1 SI! .W] S\' ·,\ I!.l UII! IU 1I1!!JI !;l 1l1l 11 ;'III! ;t j l!I!III!SSI! 11 \ p:llliI Il J II 1! SI!11 1! !IW IIIII} J 'S;l!.I llJ!.I.l:"l 1 J!:"Iql 1I11!I!SIII!.I II1 ! sZQ AMGiH|[ャ IU;1.I;'IJJ! P ll .\\] A セiA ヲi@ ;lljI JII P ,l ;lIl ;1![ I!IP lI ;\;1q SI!1I '( 1! I!lJ1! IS P!:I!I !lm] ;)11.1. . fl II I '!S;)'/' 1.1 (I !.l! I!l lId .I" SIIU ,11 II! IjI;l Il :l.IIS .I !J III S,) \lU! PU! SI II :lllllUJi\tlJ !1I ;11XJ ;'1 111 ';).10.1:"1.1 :111.1. ', II!!P:'lUl :)111 .l.l .I O In.lIUII.1 .1 11! IS J II ;"I,l.l1bp 11'il! 1[ IH II! ,( I!-'Olj I Ill! II!:I!I!I\ IU .I II ,\I[.1.II!.I .1!11 .\ 1!;1P JII セN Q Q A Q@ I! BHセ HI i o[GャpA@ ;1U!S!lm:l.IlI-;1 II!j S J ill .IJ,\II lUOJ.I S.l! I! .lIIIJ!1 1I JII ;'I.III I.wd;tp ;"1 1[\ ;'ISIll!.l 01 S;'IFI! IOd ;\,\!ss;).Jlb.J セ pAuBiャNQ@ I[I !,\I 1);).111I,,, 1!;)11\I ;1 ;"I" I!II 1!! ll1!l IlV IHl I! 1!!'\ I!ISO;l Il,\ '1!! II!tI.I. ) I! ·,l.l\J,ljt l! ,\ II!J !I !JOl I .Ill SI;1,\;11 '1:l!l[ ,(q p :lS!J:l PI!.W Ij .l lI .1 lJO ;")I!ll;\\ 'Splll!lIIJ P ,s;"1 !1ptl\l !tlI J !J ql 01 1I ;)" !';l ;1,\I! I[ S,l ll! IS m !'II I!f[ ::1l[ 1 11!11I :lslIuds:I.I.lo :ld ,( \ ;1ll t S! 1I0!fi;1.1 :ll llll! SIIIl!) I! Fl.J .lIlJ 1'!:t!I!lod .I0rl!I U ':'l.l!JOlJ [I!.l!l !IOd JO.! ;"tJII.! SIIW!;1!d SlIl):"l ,").1 I! S;1 ]1! IS セQ ;'I'l l ,\1[ AZGャ L |Q@ ·Ul!"l. II11 01 ;l1l !p .Hl."'I.1V ·.I ,l'\\ lld SI! .III 11l .1IX;"I 1I 1!11I .1:lI[1I!.1 (i1l !S.1 '!O;) IID !1!I0 tl -O!.10S SI! .1( 1 ;'I;'I.I;1J[1 1I1l!1;l 1!.IJ .I;lI[\Il Il\, ,1 111 .(q p.ll1 !"I.I:'lI,l[l S! :lUIl.JIS SS;l 1 .Ill ;'l.l IH II S! ;) II! IS I! .1.1 lj\;'\ljl\\ ·SIll I!I!PIllI.l :1"1I !'\ !1 .I ;)ll;lq AI.l.1;lHl P ;1P Il I! III ;1P :"I,\ I!11 P ilI! ;1.1 11 II !III 1,,1! l!.JI ![.1 .1q ppHIll S I! ;'I.J:1J I ' 11:llljl : ISIiIl ;1.11! SII O! II!!;'l.l [lD !I!llld S,,(J\lIl1(1;1 .1 !;1 11111! [l :lII!d p! l.wd ;)i\I!1[ ウ セNiョ \ j.1!.lIlS-,l l l !I S .1<;0 11 .\\ pl1l ! P:1I I!.I;l.l ltJ ! h l'lI !,l"'l .1.1l! II!111 .' ·,II/n.\" ,{ P !:lUS-;"I !I!\S J l[ 1 Jl I IUJ IIlf;S;"lSS I! :ll il ;ll[\ ;1.1 J I[ '\\ 1!!.H!:l jlIU II! 1I ;);"Iq ;11l[ I!]S :1.JtlllI :1 1[ 1 ''(J I!.I II11 I;) ;"I 'l l Nャ N@ 1I1 !!.II!;i1 1i 1i ;"I'\ I!I[ SlItI!Jl! l;).l '( 1;)!.1I)S-;) II! IS YII.I· tt 110 .\[.1SII P ·1I0! !I !t1!llU :lPP -.I I;)'i .I!;'IIII .IoJ SIIl!;)lIl ,(J I!\! l! 11I ,(q P:11:1fill.llS PI li! s;"lI I! IS .I! :'J 'I\ j1:pnl!-l.l:l1 :1111 jセp[I P ;)S!t1I!:l.lO '(1I 1!:'I!I!l o <.l i BG ャエi|ッーA@ :)\1\ 1!! II!tl.I.) '1!!IISllfi II! U;tJq セ m I;", ", ' 11 -:'lII!lS IU:'llllq.l1l 1 \SOtll :ulI til p :1stld ;'I,\l !I I ,C'H/l l l! 11l [|Bヲゥ ,\ q ー N i|AGャ s iQ セ[Bi ャ@ セi s@ iセ@ 11 ;),\;) lOll P! P .I" ,\ lu il:11 1l! i A Q@ UtI!:l;)J :'JI ll II! SlItl!ll!p .I ,\ PFltlS ';'lSIl ;"lS 11!1[1 "I ''( I!I!ql!!S S.:'ll1! IS .I! :1111 u [|ャ ェiセャ{ NBGi@ ,"'11 11 SS;\S"SI! p Jlln."'I ,11 111 II.l!I J\1 ,l.1I! II!lj l P/II/.I· ;11111.//1" 1110.1.1 "ilU !'ilU I!.1 1II l1.1 ]."'1 ;1d s I! "! p.ll10!I! S!ltI :lq PjlHI.) S:I ]I !]S ''(!!I!l[ I!]S [I!.l! I! lml JII p :ld s:I.I II I S;1! I!,\! \X1II(l;1 :l.l ;"lll"" (1!!o\I![S0:1 I1,\ ) tI,\{ ISO)J pl W III SIIII! II![.1.1 ,( 1,l!.'I)S-;"I \!!jS ;\Iql!ls :I,\ I!II pl W jl;\ II!.I ;1;1lU! 1111 ·'<'III I!.I.1;1I .1 FII II 1I0! P lItI.l ;lU! IU;'I,'O:l ,{.I :'ll\.l .111 ;\.lUl!ItI.1t"1j.l :ld ;11[ 1 p :ltll !I!P ;\,w t[ Pil i! SIHI! IIl]! IStl ! 'il1l !II.1JMI:l エuセ Q@ IXHIS! lq l!ls:I ;),\ I!I[ 11!I[I セ QAャi ョ@ ,lS;1I[1 '(I,ll tlS S! I! II!I[I II! IU I!;l;\j ,1 111 JO S:'lII!jS ;1 1[1 0 1 ,(IUO "1.1 1.1.1 ,\ I!I!q l!IS 11!.l! I!IOd .... 111111 ;'1 1[1 1111 II O! I.l;1S III ;1s:ud ;\t[.1. Ill .1S;'I.HbJ jI;\'\ OldlU., ,1 ,\1 )11 ,\.1 1[1 II!!] I .11;i;iIl.IIS J O .1 1[ 1 1' 1I1 ! I' I p :1J !,I"' I! .l ,\I !I I,,;'I!I !,I!J.l.11 1I I.1.1":'I 111 11!1J1 セ QG [ゥ \ II Jtllll\ ·,I\'. ) tl' Nll\I I IlIl)lt\l t l ·II I. 1. AQ@ ,\I!I!tIIQ S 1'!,l!l!lU c l 'I' ll U/ I " " « "uN -r • f\h".J! , I' >\ I '/I! ' .. 1\ NZエQ iQ l|Z イャェ セ@ C(o llolH iC pillicies that ha ve had a dl'\",t.\ l atin g their dliz!; lIs' lives - c.g_ inc rease o f 11 11\.' lliplo - illlP,l(t n il ),I11C ll\ , dcrl im: of G OP per ca pita ,lil t! appcanl nn: 11\ hypcrill fl;lt io ll- has imperil led Ihe whllk dCl1llll,: rati"atinll process. Fo r a da nger has always ex isted lilal Ihl' B:tlkan peopk would ha vt.: associated Ihe a rriv,tI o f dCfllnn;ti," " II jill the e llllCllnCll1 WI Irse ll ing (lr 1he ir li villg l'( Hldil il IllS 'lIlli. I II II". IllC), WIHl ld 1I,Ive tlisavtlwctll lu.:: tkIlUKT,, 1ie 1"I.: ti I fn l Sll, ()n Ihe IIl he r hand. wlu'::tH:ve r Ihe B,l lka n g.OVCrtlll ll' lliS (krL'io,:rall'd the p iU':": or 1o'(! H1omi c reru flll S to llIainl ;1i1l pul i!i":,I! :-.1;ll1ilily. COI IHlllli1.; n:c.l vc ry w as IHIl fll f lhl'lllll ing :I III I ll ll' IC\\lllll i lHI or the cl'lIno llli( proh le ill s \\,,<; fnrlil l' r l'(I IHplicall'd. ,\ s ,I rl.:suh , Ih l' vulnerah ililies uf (he slah.:s Iha l ,Ire "'SIIl'i<lll:d wi lh 1111.: sin mli<l ll euns pursuil of polilie: d allli ""l'lllhllllic fl' lllI'lllS Il<lve ikvdopl'd ililo a t:ydi",', d pallen !. T II ...'s...' vlll nl.:rahi lil i...,s Wl' rc nltllpIll llltkd and OI !!!;l'avalcd II)' Ih. .' "])[lca1'<III""l' of widt:sprcad nn rllpli()11 allll Ill ..., rhHUi,ilill.b il l ()I'!!a nisl'd ni lllin al £rllil ps (Il1 :1fias) ill ...'w ry lI,dkan l'lIull lry inl ra llsi lilln l' , T hl' npc ralio fl oflhl'sC v.roltp'i - lhal l' lllt: I'1!l'l1 wilh Ihl' undertaking IIf slilu ggling "l'(iv itil" d ll rill!! lhl' LIN sanction'i I'c!;illlc in Ihe イャGセゥサQ@ - hOis t:halkn!!I..'d Illl' plllilie ll sl,lhilil y of Ihl' Bal kan countries alld has disLTl'diln l lileir deIllIILT,l\ il':llly-clel'led n,'!;i lllt:s, T llis has hcctl dil l' I II IIIl' 1-1, (;;III"gllcr, T. " n":iH! l(: raliZali! 11l ill Iho.: ャi 。ャォ[ ャi エ セZ@ H G ィ。ャォABZ セ@ ;111.1 QG ャGエセ i ic|G エ ウBLi BGiQ GOャiゥzヲBL@ viャゥNセ@ No . .l (,\IIIIIlII n 1'1'1'1 1. p. ."x. t.'i , ln " lulal of 1i12 l'ollnlrics rank..:d ill 2tHI!, lit..: 'l'I;III'P:I1<:1I1'I lnl cru,ll illll,,1 ("Irruptil,n l'..:rc":l'li(Hls iuャォセ@ 1,1;lrl',1 Il\ll!!;, ri .. :11 III,· .j:ilh, ('roali,1 alth..: :ilst. [{"ullIni;1 at lhc 771 h and ,\lhalli;1 allhc !'I 1'1 positioll. Sec liw/I'!'",.",,,)' IIII<'mll/loIIIII ('OI'lTl/'li"1I l'n"" 'I!/I I'II' IlId, ', liN I] ,[ hll p:llwww.lr .. nsp.. r..:llry .•!r!.!/prcssl.c Ie i\s,,:s_ a Irill | G セG Q R Q@ II 12/ 21 K12.() le:!K. cpi.cn.hllllil < '\C\·css..:d: 21).11.201)1>. COIIl'lI lTl'lll l':\ pan sioll of of).,:allisl'll niminal p.rnllps with Ihe pU l'sllit (If dl'lIlllt:rat ie I'l'flln lls l!'. The pill'C of l'L'oJlomil' and pol;I ;GII tf,lUSilio ll has ddinilL'ly IllTl1 d irrcl'l' tll in cadi Balkan Dlu il iry. Fill' inslaIKl'. Illl' YIIl:!lIs la v aUlhoril ies rea lised no econom ic n: l'orl11s and lIuly IIlIlIl ill,,1 pllli( it:a l re form s du ring thc iVlilost.'vic' era wh ile.: Ihey werc ahsorhcd wil h Ihe il11pleI11cnlOi lioll of till' '(i reah: r-Se rhi:l' projcl:1. Given that the yャAMH N セャ。カ@ rq,,;illle did 110 1 ini tiale ,l1l )' rdorms 0 11 1 of a fe ar Ih:11 II l'oliid he dest<lhil ised if il did 1101 e.'(e n,;isl: strong l'IIIllIol o ver Ilu,: counl ry's eCllllolll y ,1I11i pol ili",'; d li fe. il (, III he l"o lll'llided Ihat il W<lS vt:ry vlllller"hle r<ll her Ih<lll illllll1lt1C III lilre" ls 10 its st<ihilil y, 'I'll l'O lIl'Iudl', IHllwi lilsla nding lil<ll II IOSI regillles Ill' Ihe B,dbn l'!u lIllries ill Ir, 1I1 si liu n - apart 11'11111 Ille Hll lv.;l ri<l1l ,lIld (he ,\lh,lIli<l1l (Illes - lt avl; avoided the sl'cllriti z<l tioll II I' the ir e(ollll t1lic ,IIHI pol itical rd \lrm ー イ ッァ イ。 ャQ ャQj・セL@ they ha ve all more II I' It'ss hccII vll lllcr,lhk 10 pll blic tlnrt:sl rq!,ard ing tile pace a nd Ihe dkd s of Ihese prllgr<l lllll ies. ,\l lo!!l'thcr, wil h Ihe eXl'elll illll of ( ,reeec - i.e", " l'illl il lry wil h harmulliotls slah!-so.... il'l y rdatiollS ilml cml\o lidal t:d democratic instit lil iolls- t:ve ry Balkan ....ounlry ha!o. III a k ssc.: r or greHlc l' degree h...'ell we,lk rq!anl illg threalS A\Gi」 ャ ゥエャセ@ fr0 111 lhl' nU lrse of rdill'llls a nd/or Ihe 」クゥセャ ョ 」エZ@ of sla ll'-society d ispules wil h Illillofi tie'i livillg ill Iht: l1l . 4. Idculug,y T he collapsl.: of ....Ollllll il nist ideology Crl'ilt ed a vu id il l Ihe jl ,. 1\·nil<:r. .I . "Tho.: I{bc of Klellocrary", "//11' II 'mld '/i,do)', Vol. .1\ No. I (I all uary 1'1'1 7). PI'. 1.\-1,1. h' • N.". 01 |LGセ@ 'l 'lll T ill \"" Ba lka ns 111<1 1 wa:-. fill ed ill hy lIaliollal islil. b 。ャォ ャo ャェオ。イゥ セQi Q@ h., ... h!.:l' I! \cry mililall l Whl' lI l'Olllpa rl't! \\ jill all Y I1 lher I" flll of reSll f!!l, .. 1 Uilt ill lla lislll ill I l lI: lonll": !" t;OllllUlIl lisl \'(l i id. FOI - :ll hei l il s va ri alil ll i f null Il lIl' t'II Ul ll r y 111 0111011 11': 1"- hill l !lu i hcell l'arl it'lI la rly ir ll crua liulla li'" 111 Sotl l h l"I."h.: m E urnpc whe]\' Ihl' loca l fcgillll' '' L' lId..:aVlIlIl'l'Il l"t ll11lll ll ll i!'> 111 10 l'o l1lhim: I he imple m ent.ll lm i o f O tl lllllll ll i!'>( w i lh 1I001 inl1 ,11 prugralHllIl's l7, In Ihis n:g.;m l. B\I\ oll ly did 1Ill' Iq!inn"" l'olkclivilics Illailll"in IrH.:i r 1laliu l1 ,11 CI1 1I"l'il' ll l'C durin g th t' l'O lll tlHlllis[ cril, hul abo lllc dlluie disl alln.: h L' I\\,t:l' ll llal illlwl maju ril ics am i millurilies ill Ihl' It dk alls d l'C Pl' lIcd <I S Ihese groups li ve d ill socio -poli tical isoialilili. ;lI ld COll1111l11li st <l ll t horil ;It'i,lIlisll1 was harsher a!;< liIl S! ll1 iIlOril i,.'sI X. I kIiCL', d ilni c dilT('rellces ill the Balkans wne hu rdelh.:d in li' t: 1I" JOs Wil h 1Ih.! lIlorks III' セ i 。ャ」@ p ractices alld pulicies 111<11 had l:iI,e n pi<lce tl u rillg I he post -war enl l '). The process u f pol itica l allli e(lllHllllic iイ L エi セゥ エ ゥャ@ W,,", alluthc r factllr thai l"IlIl1rih ll lt.:d III till' ョZセ ャiイ ァ」 ャ エNZ・@ III' Iwt ion;lIism ill Ihe Balkans. The impact of lhe lIalkall CUlliltl Gセ@ ゥl t.:t.:ollolll k reSl rtlctllrilll;! - c.g. tlllt.: lllplo ymL'1I1 ami ded illL' o f (i l) P JX'I" (apita- has hce n fclt Illore hy thl.' 11;lI io. nal mi nor it ies Ihil t <I re the rcgioll 's moSl ullllerJlI ivik-gL'd iャo iャセG@ po pu iati u lls tha n hy Ihe majoril ics. I k llce , Ihe ・ヲAャ disparil ies 1I;IYe hee n H.'In for(ed ill Ihe regloll ;llId "L're 17. KiUlel·. K. ""1"11\' Bil lbns illlli Qエセ@ Vul. X I V, No.2 \ tW"1 [ hl l ll: //II"II |GNセイ」 <, \ l"l\'sscd : IS. iA B| ᄋ i セN@ No. セ 1'1. iAB B|iセN@ N ャZBゥ@ ォィ、N L ゥョ |B ゥ Nァイ O 」ャGAN、ゥウ t'l t iw!lilics", sOセBIャiァ@ ャ ャ O [ ャョ ォセ . th,U/ Nu.:/)" . ;H hkd III Ihe i sセ iA lGs@ III' nilllt'll tilill Ihal e.\; isIL'd hd Wl'L' ll Ih e 1I,llillll;l1 1•." ollcl·!i \< il il'S. In ;u ld it ioll, thL' ・セ エ。ィャゥ ウ ィ ュ 」ョャ@ or ]lo liliea l plu ra lism ill every Balbn eounl ry i ll tntl1sitil lIl alln\\l'll 1'0 1' the politic;1I o rga nis'll illll a lill rcpn:!-.c lli al ioll of mino rilies. T he Iil ll er groups fo r1l1 1J1l1 1ed pnig ralll1l1 cs for tile imprt I\'Ctlll' lll \ If I hei I" 1)( Isil ilill w il hill I hei r hi 1St nil! nl rics and IhL' 。ョャゥセッ@ o f Ihe right 10 Il mi l1t aill ami reproduce I heir L'II\kt: II VL' idL' tlli l ies. Th is led til the c Jl1 (' rgL' l1t:e of elhni( [llijili cs " lid IhL' pola risillio l1 (I f 1111 t.: ret lll1 il· rcial ions 111 Ih e rq:ilHl. For lhe rise of tlatillll ,lIi sl11 in till' 11,lIk,IIlS W,IS a I"egill ll · \\ide L'11I11L' lIljlllJ"<I II CIHI S i ャiBlGcセs@ in tlt"t Ill e natillllal ゥ エNセャᄋlG、。iB y@ of OII L' coll ect i vit y L'I Itll rihu ted Itl tltL' 1I<11 io ll ,II awakclling n f ilt10lh er (i.e .. il s .,d vcrsary). 111 I his rc!.!.ard. \\ hilt.., 1\ is unl important whet hcr Ihe resurgellt't.: Ihc ll1illoril it.:s ' 1Ii1lionaJislll l'auscd thL' natiunal awakcl li ng of I he l11 aju r ilics or IhL' IIlher way ' lI"IIIUld. it is cert <lin 1It<ll Ihe rise Il l' l1alil lmtiislH in Ihc fonnL' 1" Sol'iitiisl YII g.llsla viil spillnl o ver th L· l' llIi re rL'gil'n . (If T he nal iol1 ,l1 iIW;)kl'llin),! p roCL'SS tlf L'vC" ry Balk ;1I1 l"Ill kcl i\'il y ind ndl'd !II il !;rl'ilkr Ill' k s.<.;c r L'xlt.: nl the rl' l11illisl'e lll"l..'/ n.'· intnprda lil l ll ti t" il!') l1al ioll al hishll"}' <Ill d thl' "l'l"It r ili/.' ,lillll of rci atillllS wI lh the h istorical ;Idvcrs.lrv. T he jl1\ lICll iuli of histor ic eve nt s was selecti ve and the re,\{'ling of Ihe'-l' eVl'lll s \Va.; o lk n olle·sidt.:d. A s a rC!,)IIII , the risc o f n<llitlnal istl l in lite rq.:io n was frequL' ntly ael"l Hllpallied hy t he ゥッ ャ ャゥ Nセ Qi@ allli the l"l'Smfa,:ll1!.!. of re\'l v; 1I III' hi slo rk"iI [ i ャGvセ utlfulfilkd gn.'a IL't" i(kas2lt. 111 111;1\ SL' 11 SC, t he resUl1;(,1l1 ォ ィ ャ ᄋ セ ゥャ ャ@ 'N· 2' \..;IIICI .1111111 1 1'I.l l.2IMM I>. S. iセ N@ " t :l huil' 1'" lilil'S ill l :iI."h"11I h ll"I'I· ... «'""/1,,, .\"''/,n. II 'chltl ins l'I')2).I'P. セ o ᄋセ i Z@ Ihid. S Ie. 1'1' . 1, 7. I )I:,,'I IUH I I IIIIN I II· ( ' .\1' ,\1 111 1I li S セ Hエ N@ "-"I'll'" N B@ " lid Ihc]r ャ| ゥ ャゥイ NZ N セB@ ill. l'\II,,': lls: l' -kn:lI s. 1'J'I'I) IhilI': ': \\"\" 1\ .idts.gF"fpo.: , 'Pl..:i k" I'I':.. 11I 11I11 < ,\ rl"c.",cl l: It.1. il '.I<JOI'i>: Sl'nl!i tl' セ QN@ " " lIst ( '"mlltlllli" Ilil..:lIllII'I' II I ャi 。 ャ セゥGiャ 1:4I1ilsi " 1',,1':'. I I. I . /.1/",,, N""""" /IIIII "III/ uB セi BiヲG@ S,', lin/I /11 S"lIltw,1I1 N'f,.'l1 \., .. "1/ 11 \" " of Q NiL 、ォ hャ ャ ャᄋHI iィZ」ャ ゥカャG ' 1'111' /). " I ttlUI t' J It IN ' II- (',\I'A IIII.J i'll'S N セ@ ャi 。セ@ eilher h ce ll lk'k ll\I\ \,: Ill" 。 ァNャA hᄋ Nセゥカ ャG@ tI",' p cll tiin!; 0 11 il s 110"il iol\ lL'!!illd illg t l1\' p n.:Sl' !"V<l lion of Ihe terri to ria l s tatll s-qll o in lhl' rq!illll a m i lhe l'IH..'.'\ isl c lln: tli !"!"!.!n.' lll (,\llkl' livi!i!..'s \\ llhin llll' hi IlInda rics ,If Ba lk ,1 1I st a les. 'I'l l sum \I p. lIallllll<1l ゥ セQャ@ fl' pl acl'l l l'(lIlI llHll lisl11 in the 1"le I'mlls as Ih l, JI,llk,ul-\\il k: ilblitl!-!Y. 1l,lIiOIl,ilI Slll .,f Nnl lllll y tli d this n.:gil" l,d itit.:11hlgiL"al shift ,1I"fLTI the illh: m :tI the sl<1ll'S :1I1l1 IhL' n:gillll ,iI sl r llt'III!"L' 01 n..: I,tlions. h ili tle l cl"l lIi llL' d l he l'O lil c lI 1 o f 11IlKh o f I hl' lI,t ll-an "l.'clI ril), Ilisoillr..,es alltl pillil ies. T he prl'lll 1111 illil Ill'!.: III national ism hils (lisn OIcln l iI.\ 01 dch.:rn:1I1 :tj.!OIill\1 IhL' de"e llll lllH: 1l1 Ill' <I II )' ョ Zセゥ ッャ N Qi@ (II \\ilkr :..ol'ia l idell tit y (i .c .. ;1 I!'orld .\tlr ·ir 'l\, ZB ャョ H エオイャLI セQ@ Ihal nlllid lla vl' hCl' ll SllJll' l iIlIIHl\l'd O\l'l' 11 1l' 1I.lIi(llial id cn lilies ,lIld dim illish Ill l' iIlIJl;KI of ollllll(lS a mong lhc lIl . CUlIseqllc lill y, Ihc risc o f 1l<ll ipll.tli\1I1 (u ul rihllll'd t(l th e dl'SlithiJi:-<l lillll II I till' rq!ltl n <llId, IIHI\, il had OJ svsll'mic impal'1 in Ihc J{ S( '. or!!.<l lI isalioll of I:lIIlJ/"" . 1 tl1l1l1itlil!l<'11 I;otllli I GL G イセiB@ '1'1;)'(' ( I{, or I!,\I) i;\: 1nd r\ id If " I l)enH ...T;I,il· Q QiセGゥャオNョ セ@ R O:SC,U f h ィ ᄋi L|G N セィゥャGウ@ 1"'17 - 1""'1, r. laldl 11,11'/ J. <L | イョ[セ・ャZ@ pp. rll_1J Ihll P:!/\I' \I'I\' .1};1 III , inl /ar;u 1/ 10..-1101\ 117.1)11.24101 >. 2 t. I !cilley Ilull ウ オ ァ・セォG Wll<l ,Il'r epl lhc ッZクゥNセ 、@ ャ ・ャG@ Ihal iI It"',,,, 1''t'','II' ゥセ@ "I' a II',HM r t'II1III"n セi| 'n,"'''Il< '1':1.1'.111 I1I;rtk UI' "I irrdil·i.hral, Bi@ ,lelilled irl k Im, "I ャ@ stlfiely ,.1 a II rrr :r lik ilil i. Sn' Ihe l" Ofrml! 'Il e mls 1'1' v<l lu o:s "f Ihe iャゥ カャGイセ。 BIIII. I I. nl,' / IIIIII1'II;nll .\""';"1\' ( l.ond"l1: r.launillall. 11'77 1. 1'. ,<;,1 ,\rl't.nlinf! III Bilrry IIl1 z; m ,md 1{ il' h' II',l l.illtc (Ire modilie l ',,"rld ' ill ,'on,"r ,1<'lllll e';m i.krnil y c;rp;rhle "j "I'· I,. n·hill]! 111,111\' "'lin Jcvl'ls of s, ...·i;rl i,lentil)' ,Irul !I.lt:, "01 iャ ・ャGセウ[イ@ .. il)' r'dl'r tn " !!IIIh;rI 11''''''' identit y. lie ure, lire krm II f B セ i@ "f "<!1M ,""'11'11' rolf rltl ーB エ | G ャ ャ ゥBjiセ@ h,· ,,!,!,Iied ,.. suh·!!I.. !>:t 1 int e rnatiollal セケ H ャGュ N セZエ@ \",11. S,'l' 1111 /" ,1. II. ,llId I.illk, [{ .lm, 'lIlrlll,,,,"1 ,\ \'11<'111' I,' 11/ II "tI.! 11111"11' . 1'. セ[iG N@ T II C la tlcr jl(llicies of Ihe illl el'l1 <1lio ll ,1I l'O ll1lllllllit y (c, " b thL' SI;thilily I'al'l ami IIll' EU ;l ppro;u.:h 10 th e Weste rn Balka ns) ill add ititlll ttl suh. rcginnal devclrlplIle ll ts such as thr: lal l of ゥG |G ャ ゥ ャエセ・ カ ェ ャB[ hャ、@ the tlcal h of Tudjlllan ha ve worked for thc n:pIHec lllr: rl! o f Imlioll alislIl hy 1:'/II'fJ/w(lII iZlllio/l _ i.e., lh e ilk-a of the rr:g ioll 's rd llrll to Ellrope hy Il H:; lI 1S of it s inll'gr<llioll itlllllh l' EUI'O-AII;lIl tie slrlH:turcs _ as th l' rq; ion \\ Il lc idr:lllilgy. Nllllr:l llL' !r:SS, ' IS it \Vas dr:I Il (l listra ll'd hy the po lil iclJ disl'ourscs of the Balka n kadel'S ill thc recc nt dr:eit lraleH lIlpai,!!lls (i.e" ill QセHi s ャ ゥ。 L@ FYI{Otv1, ivlon tcnegnl, KllStl Vri alill Scrh ia ). lI atit illillislll rc ma ins II) da ll' a Nセ エ ャG ァ@ fllIlhili sin!! furLe whose (kfiuit l: ddl'<l1 lI'i ll hc a ォ ャ セャィケ@ Il rllCl' S"'. 5, <- 'ulldllSiulI S T hl' piNZlGャ、ゥQセ@ sl'ct ions 011 Ihe d ist rih ulioll of ャGjィゥ ャゥ エ ゥ 」セ@ 111 thc B;dkan Seem!l)' LtllllpleX dl: llltIIlSlrat l:d Ihl' ahsc m.:e til' ;111)' sort 111' Jlolaril Y ill Ihe regio ll . Th l:se sl'el iolls gavc ;tlllple c"i de llcr: 10 Ihe OI l'glll11e lll Ihal l've ry Ba lkan SI,ll l' - wilh thc l'XI'C pl iti ll uf( ircl'l'l: - Itas hl:c ll so wc"k rl'ga rding ils milit'lry al'll Cl't11Ill",it: c lp"hilil il's ,l ilt! its st1eit)- pl)l itit.:al n lhcsioll Ih al il has hcc ll it s ve ry wCilk lless rat her than its stre ngth that h,I S hel' 1l nld ia ted th roughoul the e nt ire I'l:gioll. Th e inahilit y ot' Ih l' ウ エ。ャG Nセ@ Itl aehie"e prosperit y allt l eS lahli sh st,thilit y a nd ordc r ill the ir tClTi hlfY has ilt.:!':Oll llt cli for a grca t part o f the 1'l'!!iul1 \ scl't lfi ty prohlems. COllscqucnt ly. thl' possi hili ty tha t ッャ@ would 1101 hel ve thc pml:CSS III' Yugoslavia's ゥN ャ ゥセ ゥ ャ・ァョゥエ hr:l' I' h;dtl'd has hcc n l'qu all y tl ll'calc nilig in lite B,IJ kaIlS as ゥャ ゥ ャ スG@ Ihat a ullil wOli ld ha ve allc llljl tcd 10 dom ina te Ihl' ーャ ャ セウゥィ Illlhl'l cg inli . ... Mセ N l f." II iGIセ@ N@ - r l U \t>,,, T he ,leul e wC <lklll:ss of I Ill' B.III.. :111 s lail':. h,l)' illlpl iL d 1ha l [he ゥャ、 ゥ OAc i QP|ャセ@ IOf!.:":S ha ve 1k.'l!1I in:>ulficil: llt I", Ihl' rc.,utli lioll of Ihe n:gio ll .d proh kms allli hOI' prcdpilah.:d lht' profound involvc ment o f llH.' great powels itt Ihe 1l,:giollill a ffairs. To illllst rah:. no! onl y has the CI Ir\J'T ER 4 imc mal iollilJ l:tlIllllllJ11 il y acti vel y p,trlicipal l:d duri ng. Ihe n.::-.earl'lh.:d S tru c tur e of R e lation s period ill the regioll 's polilil:s (c.g. diploli lil l it.: init ial iw:-. ami I L@ hul il has also lk ploYl'd jlL"ln:J..cc ping. peat.:..: ー ョャA NZャウセ」 fon.:cs ami ohse rvers in Al han ia, Bosn ia. C roat ia. fy i サHIセ i@ alld Yugoslav ia. M(lrcovcr, IhL' ゥャ ャ cイョ。ャゥH|iGオュ ャ ャゥセ G@ h;I' virtuall y IIl1dcrl"kc lI Ihc ati lll in isiral ill il Ilf !lnsil ia <lnd Kos()\'o, has inst,lIl cd .. t:urrcm:y ho a rd ill Btl i!!,l r;<I ;llld li a:nlilde <lv,ti laille SUilSi<tn lial ,UHOtl nls of c(ollomir <lid rill' 1111.; rr nxollslnl l'l iml of Ihe region . T ltere ll po n, a 'SIl"l,' lIglh \ ';ll'l lllIll ' h<l s l!x isl(' d in Ih(' Ba lk<lns Ih al has hce n ;tggr; lv<llL'd hy the prcvale ncc of n<ll iona li sm ;llId h"s tlil ly ht.: t.:Il I11il ig;tkd ィ セ G@ lllc pe nl'lralion t i l" 111(' great powt: rs. The I"lIllu\\ing. セG ィ [ ャー ャ ャGイ@ Iwn " Ihe al1 cnt ion o f Ih t: disCli ssiOlI In the secolld d CIHClil or Ihe RSCs essc li lial slrllclure dCIl!)lin!! the sl ruclttre o f n.:lalioll:hClwcellt hc Balkan colled ivilies. It\.' st rllrlilre til' n.:l<lt io ll:- jn ;111 in te rnalio nal sySIt.: 1lI . PI.;r!,ti II S III lltl.; p<lll efil S uf ;lI l1 ity .lI ld I.;t lllti ly.ht.: lwce ll its lIlIits. WhlTea s (llIIil V Idliliol/.I·hips a rc thosc tha I nmge 1'1'0 111 !.!t.: lll ii ne frie ndship lu cx pt.:t:lal il lil s of protection or support, ('/lIl1ily rr'{lIliol/.lhi/I.I· ;HC lhe olles lhal a n: sel hy sll spit:ion a nd rea rl. Till' siud y (I f lhc sl ru( lll r(' IJ f rl' lal i( lIls a ls\1 illvili ves Ihe ;)na lys is \11' the (a uses Ill' amit y il nd l' llI11 ity (c.!!. It: rril orial displilL's or cultural affin ity) <ln d Iht: means \1 1' these rdations regard ing lhc Illclhlllis \If eOlllpcl itioll or III' ol-opc ra lion. The ex lc llt III whie h 'lIl1i t)' or cn mit y rdat ions define the ー ャG 、 」ャ・セ@ helwecn the II ll its \11' <111 RSC is "cl'Inily ゥャィNᄋ、・ intiir,t1ivc or lltl' l·Olll pk' ... 's .1/1,'('/1"/1111 of" Idoli, lII l, r\ n.:ording III ()It· W,l'W I" , lltl' spe ...·tnllt l of rda lioli S ill .tll I{SC may ra il!!\.' h ...·t\\'ecll \WII ex tre lll Cs Ihal arc ("/'110\ and .\"('("I/,.il.\' !"fllll/lIl/lliIY ! · Wh ile in chans eve ry IIlIit is e ll cmy or al l t he olhc rs. in a secll rit )' eIHllIll Ullil y the ulli ts .. <trdy dispUh: ami altv<I}'s rt:solvc their prohlcllls wi[ holl l reso rt ing 10 the use or Iitrea l o f IISI.; of milita ry pllwcr l. SN BUlan. 11'/"'''11/,·. sOiLBGセ@ /';'/11" . . liP. 11-1') , 1'/0. ) (.)u"I<:<1 iu BUla n. II. ihid. p. 2 1K ャ ォャセ、N@ K . and Ilu'ld!. S. ,\ . ",,/i/i(,d ( '''''IIIIIII/ill" lilli/1ft,· NOllft ·111,111/1, . " ,./1 (1'Iill("\"«'": 1'IIIIl"dnn l 1ujv<:l,jly I'rc.. セN@ l'I.'i7f.I'.·',h: thid. 1>7 • Nih'" |LIセ@ 1 / 11 \I,h b l·k " : ,\11'" mw,.(Ud",,,,,,.. III 11" , UW ' , /'1'I3- /t}!1..J/ Tlti" hllo!.; cmkavll\lf-; \0 sttld " th..: 11011111\: a Lid tht: nll' ,lI b " f Ihe illll' r-C lllit y rd:lliu lls ill Ih..: B aIkal! M'l"Uril .\' nll11p ln wilh the help of a typology thai c nhann:s lhe CI' IIl' uila1!1'11 .sChOIII 's prel im inary dislindinll hdwct:l. [ャQゥ ャ セ G@ ,!I HI e nm ity rela tionships. I II part icular. am it y イ、。ャゥGョ ウ ィゥー セ@ a rc fllrthl' f Sil h-ll i \' idt.!d i III () J/'l'( -;,,1 n ' /III;. II/S/Iil IS. Idl'l/( III' 1'1 '111 f illll \ 1/1//1 ; 1111I イエGャHOゥヲNィセ@ IIIlilllill'l1 m-I/I'ITI/rilll/. Th is suh·d ivi'i in l\ j .. ow d..: wilh 1\.'spI,'CI III the wily ill which ;lIli it y n.: I'l linw,h ips arc 1ll;IIc.: ri ali.'i..;tI . Wil lI!.: spl.!ci al rcl<l l il lllsitips <In.: dlar,u,:1l'ri:.c,] by (1 11 111111 111 Sl'e ll r it )' (l111L''':rIlS ,llld par<llkl :-.t:l'lIri IY P'lliric<;, fril' lHlly n:lalionsil ips ;In: defined !'Y thL' dc vcl"Pllh..' 1I1 of gC llu inc frkllt lsilil ) aml/cIr Sll llSl<l ll li al I.'I H1[lcr<lli cIII. I II till> sallll.' w"y, l! lll ni l y rdat ill nsillps <He 01 1.. \1 sull-di vided ililn llW ' 1l.'lo Iil Imh i/l.,·. "( 1.1 IiII' ,dull' 1/I.11I1/).\" a III I /"e lUI If 111.1II iI II IlItll ):; 1/1"'1' ,,/ISt' ( /).1" ('[ 'f(flill /JrJlI - W'I 'lIfi"::I,d ;.ISlIt'S. T ltl! slill-lIi \' i:--i 1111 III cll1llily l"l' I<ll io lishi ps is Iliadc 011 <11"011 11 1\ tlil' i r ゥャセ \ iQ ZM ゥャ |G@ and dq:rl!c llf eSl'a lal ioll. Whcre<l s Ihl! W, II ' rdalioll"hips L i セG@ Ili all agl!d hy mi litary mea ns. thc hnstik IInc:-- [ iイセG@ 1I ' lIa ll \' I hills '''_... ., , , , or sccurit ized rela tion ships Iha t ha vc lIot hl'cll Ill il it ;tri:--c d セャG ャN@ Be twccll thc hoslile alill friendly relati'lliships stam\., a \\hn1c ra nge of rela tlollships Ilf relat ive imliffcrclIl'l' - I.l'.. relat ionships of low ゥャQエ・ョ ウ ゥャケ セ@ he il rd at ionships of lim itcd co·opera t iclli or rclationships ma rginall y i ーZM セᄋ エ@ hy 111111 sccl lril ilcd iSSIICS. E<1ch il lIlit y or enm it y rda l illiiship ゥ セ@ 、ゥャ ゥエ 、セ G@ pall inl lar . T he hoo k in trod llces tlulligh nnly a limi tcd IIIl1l1hl.' l" \1 1 g.c ne ra l セuih ャ ゥ カ ゥ ウ ゥッャウ@ ill orde r In ;! void イ c ャ、」 イゥ ャ セ@ implls:--i hk the group ing of Balka n ill ter-cn t il y rd ll iollships. III th is n:g' lrd. Ihe セs iG ャ ィャゥウ ャQ hNZ ャエ@ of rl.:ial i\'C\ y [a l"!!c l';th.:glll"il.:s Ill" イ 、 。 ャゥH ャ ウ ィ ゥ ー N セ@ se rves the purpose tl f ag.grq:<l l in!-! ll;ll:1 1'1"(1111 ilidivitilWI scls (If n: I<tlic li lshi ps ;uHI 111:lki ng l'cllIl'l'li vc l'lln d usil lllS. .......... , ,. ,. to Ii, " II' • Enm;l )" 1It'I:olim"IIiI's II " II '· I! II: II, "/II,, /(o '/u/;, "'.. N I. F s • Si.:"kd (,,,lour Amil y QHセiBャゥオ L ャッ ゥ ャG ウ@ N. N"u ·" ·o'flIIIIIU'( (/'(("/1'1/1"" .\ - . - S. S("" "IIII Udm;mJ.! I .. 1';111/1,·,( ( " ""1"''''';' '" 1" FII"",lfl' II.-/m;m's ( i tl • III (,:olllpliallL't: wil li th t: afol"l..' IIIL' lIlilll1l'd typll ingy. l h e presen t i"l'scardl ,ISSC lIl hlcd alll! sysll'lltat ic, lll v tl re;! lli,!,',1 data in ta hle IJ ft: gard ing the !lafli n.: and ャ ィセ@ イエi ャ セ 。ョs@ 01 relationships in til l' B,dkan /{SC during [1)LJ.l· II}I)_1. i.t',. I Ill' immediate pe riod folio wi llg the disillh.'c.ration of s|BMGゥNLセQ@ Yugn'i lav ia. As a resu lt . on e t:<1Il ッィ ウ」 ャB| セ 」@ the L'llt U.: Cn lntll' d data in , this [,Ihk ,lIl d rcadl Ihe foIl O\\ ill,t! L'lIlIclll"i"ll \ l,:ollcc nlll1g thl' lIallt rc and 1lll''' "S III' rl'ia tillil ships ill th.. : lJalkan nsc: • the l'o lllpk x's spel"lrllill of rdalio ll s was dOIiIiIl;tl cd IJ v Clllllit y rel;lt i(1I1sitips. All lltHlgh Ihe U;llk an ゥャ 」 イ M」 ョャゥ セ G@ rcl,l liolls co uld 1101 he q ualified ;IS chaollc _ pwill c, Ihe fill't tha t c<: r1,lin <Imit y rela tionships cx isled ゥャ セ ャィ lG@ CUl11pJc .x Ion - (hey dose ly rcse lllh kd til \l'Il,'1 R,li 'lh l V;iyryncn has defined iI H'gilll/II! CII/I/lid f ill'll/ II/iou. In such it formation Ihere is a complc....: lIIiXIUrL' of illi ra' slal L', intra ·reginlla l <I1ll1eXlra-rL'!!ioll,d L'llIIllict:-. 11L" ll'L', a rcgion al L'onfliel lil rJllatio ll is eharad L' I"i.'ed hv 111\' prc-e ll1ine lll:e III' ClIlIlil y rdatillUsllil )';, thL' , u,t ;.illl'11 \ll'CIltTerlt'C of vjule Ul <ll'Iivit ics a mi thL' L''\lra ' IL'cioll ,1I illlc r\'cllliull o f the great 1l\ l\W rs·I. III .;!Jori, till' SpCr.:lrtlill uf B,tlka ll rdalio lls l11ai lll ;rilll' d a ll Ill' thl"t' feat ll res and, I hilS, a regil\Jl ;rll·t lllflir.:t (Illlllal illil L',i'IL'd in Ihe regio n: ';1 • II1 IlSI of Ihe e Jltllil y rci;lIlnll sliips ill Ih L' BaU':; UI'; \It' IL' highl y lGセゥャ ャゥ」、 N@ NIII IInl y Bosui;1 ;r1ll1 (' ro<ll ia WL' re thl' thL'a lre (If r.:tlnlill1HlllS 111111I i-I"nlll[al Itllslil iliL's "1II1111!! -- .1. Va }'ryn.:u. It "\{.:!;!i"II;1I ( '"ullit'l fBョャ[Qゥセ "r Ill il:l11;llj"lIal I I'IK,j ). 1'1' . NQ 711 ᄋi ᄋェ \{ cla l j( ll l\· . ᄋ i ᄋ i セN@ Z@ ,\11 11111 ;1,'1:1" \0.: 1')(.\11.:111 .Iut/IIIIII ,'( I""I( (' Il( ·"·,/,,,,!! . \ 1.\. ':: 1, N, •. . j or Ihe anm:d forn;s the Bosniak . C ruat ia n :l1ld SL'rhian cull ecti vi ties. hul alst) r<OS(l VCl OIIH II 11e Salltliak (Yugo. slavia) we re shakl.' ll hy Ihe low in ll.!llsil y ope rat io ns o f par;lI11 ilil <U"y groups alld the stale st:l'uril y ron.:es. r\lIhllugh 1111: n::sl tl f Ihe clIlll il y rclalinnships we re nlll mililariscd duri " g 11)1).1 _11)1'4. they we re ... Ihe ir o vc fwh l' lming IHajoril Y cle valL'lI hl'yond the rea lm of nllnll .. 1 d .. y 10 d., y puli li(.'s ami wcrL' ウセクZ オイゥエ ゥコ」、[@ • the est'al .. tiull ut" 1II00ny e llmit y rdilt ioll ships ill the rq!lIlll hrought ahulil thc pul<lris<l lioll nf the Balkan illh.'r-e nlit y rcJ<lliulis. Whi le Balkilll colleuivitics were IHII assl' llIhkd anllind 1\\'0 III' IllIlre L'tlillpeling axes tIl' power, II,c rq!.io n's c lhnupnlitil'al gro ups s()u gllt Ihe l'Oordilla lion ()r Ih e ir pulicies wi[ h the ir lllothc rl ,lIlds ,IFill wilh olh cr ctllli.;(li vitics helongi ng III th e saill e Ilaliun wil h I hcm: • the SL' rhian Iia lio llal アャ 」セ エゥ ッョ@ W,IS loc:,l cd a l Ihe ce nlre of I Ill' イ lGセ ゥッョ 。ャ@ L'l lIlflil,:1 fm rna lioll ill tll"l Ihc Se rhs shared e nmil y rL"ial iollships wil h must of the U" lk,1I1 naliHlIs. IIt"t is to say, th<: ,\I ha nian, ('ro"li<l Il , I ltl llgarian . Bo!'> niak a nd Slav-tvlar.:ed o nian nations. I kller.:. the Sl' rhi;1I1 llOtlio nal question int c rsL'L'lcd with t'\'cr)' ma jor nat ional qucs tio ll ill Ihe region ,lilli, thllS, the Se rhs r.:ould pOIl'llI ially c illangle most Balkan clllkcli vilies in a rllled hoSlililiL's: a nd • Ihe l1<dka n cl linopolilical groups d id 11111 1lI,IIlagc 10 tleVL' ltlp region -wide re lnliolls in Ihat they gol so le ly l'llt<lngle d in hostile rdalilln sh ips wit Ii thei r <ld versa ries (L' .!.!.. lhL'i r host sl<lles ) ,lIld in aill il y n; lillillllships wit li ndkL'tivilie s wi th \\,hidlt lKY were ill n rJluraJ 'Illillity. 71 • T ahle 'II: ( ,ml"\ ,'f Ud,w..m III ,I,,' /l.\ f ',,'1<'1 I 'NII , n !•!• j •,r 1' ,! •, • • I • j ,! i• " • ! > " "It,.... セ@ ,- セ L G@ - - - - - - - -- - - -._- --- - Trr --IT T M[ [NLセ M[ZN II..LB セ M セ@ L@ ,- I '-'u'':''''' ''''h' -. - M Mセ@ - NM M ilO,"I"'I" ... " 1--,---, - IIul ,,,,, 1 セ@ tNl 1 M Q G QGセB N G Q@ -. " V_ Io." ", ...." ... セ@ ..."" IIl.ont ... _ ll_ ........ vッェ⦅セBN i@ ケ@ , ウ ィゥ -, --- , , - H-t::-! セ@ セ@ M " ---;Hi __ I • " ,, , , ,, , , , ャ Gウ@ 11I1 Shadcd ( '"I<HII - f-:-, - ", -- -,.-- , --.!!.. ---__ .!!.. .1. " ..!!.___ _ , , , " i -. . .!!. - - - - - _ .1., _ " , , _ _ _ .1." . I j ' W '" "'" , .......i _ QA セ iZャゥBョ , .!. - .!. T " hMエ M ヲゥャQセ@ - 1-- セ セAMッ , , K@ T:Tcn il,,,ial l ) isI'III CS Ami.,. Itl'l:,'i" ,,,hil'.' ,\ : ( "l1lll1l'al ,\llillit y I: Cllul1kts III Idclll it)" ( ': ( " "IUlI"1I N ョャ M: ャ| G ャ ゥャLI ケ B イ、 。 ャセ、@ r",,<.'s I r I: i ャ ゥ セil Gi ゥ\NML Q@ セ i セBs@ II,', - - イ|ャィ オNZセウ@ 0\ Iyplllog)' llf tI ll: J.:OIIISCS of illlc;! r- Ilarkal\ fI..' lalilllls. Spt.::!.:ifically. till' rl'sca /"cl, ,ISS UIlI l'S [hal rcla litllls hips arc usually the oll ll':OIll C of the PCf';i ... II.-' I1l"l' of Icn ilorial disp ll h.'S. tIll: cxislcm:c IIf minnri l),rL"l"' cd i... セ ャi ャGs@ of di"l:lIrd ilm l/ of the c ll1c r gcllCl,.' or c()IlIlit:ts of idl'lIlil y. Similarly. th e cII IIII !";!! affiuil Y o f ctllkcli vilics. their COJ1J IIlOIi illlcn.:s!s OIlldl o r liI..::i .. hi,torical lics a rc fr eque ntly th e COIlJSl'S hdlimllhl' I.:stahlisllllh:nl uf amit y rc\;lli{IIlShips. In accord:!!!\'!.: wilh ャィゥ セ@ l)' pnlul.:Y 1Ill' II. the fL'sca rch "ssemilled <lnd r,1I1!!l'd da ta .. Ihllll 11ll: C<llISl:S or Ihl' Bal k<lll ゥャ セ イMlGャiェ ケ@ イ セ iGャッョ ウィ ェー ウ@ ,lIld ーイ ャZウセ ャiィ@ lilis d,ll<I in <I nlllCl'lltr<lll'tI fortn ill 1;,lIk III. From ;t l";l fl' l'td Il',Hlili g III' Ihis l,thl!.: un.: Illay CH lll ily ((llldlllk r ------ T f-; s.-ll.k セQ@ ... ャ ゥLセN@ セ Z ョュゥイ イL@ ..l _ M , .......... R,publoc " セ@ M lot , rVM"'" s., ... .' M ". T I 2 ..!.. _ _____ I -," ---- " , ........ ... lセ セ M I T -- r - - - T ., --------- - ,, , ' , -;: , - .!. r\'Rn ,\1 I セ@ 1>1 I 1 HI I( T I IH1 : TIll' hook "Iso ゥャl ! in セ@ (U' HU A n l --- S----------------- Ihl: f ll lll!\\ill g: • Illllst ":l lIn il)' B|Q NZ ャ。ゥG | i セ ィゥー ウ@ in the B,tlblls \\'L'f"l' due 10 it ..:omhi llill i!lll nf 11101"\,: lh,11I one L'allse allll , Ihus, rheir lransfllrUlillioll ill[o aFll i ty relationships de(lellded 011 tltl' illiliat ll)11 o f pl' rSiSIL' lIllong- te rlll peacl' prtlL"f.;SSl's: • tlie relatiollships thai in volved le nilm;a! disput es ami cnnfliL"l s of illl' lllit y Wl'f\; lin e n til l! FIIore esca lat ed ones (e.)!,. the wa l" n: latinllsllips in Bosnia , Croatia allli KIISIIV U) . While minorit y- rela ted issues could ーッエcヲャ セ@ lially he swift ly resolved (e.g. the ease o( the Olllgarian Turks), territorial disputes we re easily militarised and L"HlIflkts uf identi ty e ndu red live r the time as they reqllired Ihe huildin g uf IlHlIl, al tfust ,111d th e ovcn.:mning of Ilalred -ge ne rating me mories tl1<11 IS usuall y a difficult and length y process; • Ille lerrilurial horde r regime was lIot the main cause heh ind III !'; eSl ahlislullc n l oj" a regilll .al conflict 7.1 • fOI"I11<1I;OI1 If I I hl' 11:11"'111.". ('u lIs idcrilig thai the illll'rsl,l[c hu.-tlns wen: sukly chaUc tl!;I.'d hy the C rn:lI :-.. [h e Se rhs ami Iltl' Kusovo , \ lh;ltlians, the Sl'L' lIriliL<lII(l11 (If sen: nil hila lc f:1r rda! il hャN セ ェーィ ウ@ \\ L エ セ@ illlkpl'lIdclIl (I f (hl' qUC.\[;111l (If [he tc rriltlria l S[,ll lJ S-q ll tl"s pn.:sc.-va l;! ltl. [us read. lht.: inl c ilsirica lioll and appl' aralll:l' IIf l! llIll ily rcJati'lIl."hips a lltl the Sl'curil i:w lioll of lIIall y , [a ll' .'it I( jel Y fe lal i' lllsilips wefe tlu e til 1111; I"C!! i"II -\\ ilk ri"l' Ilf 11:11 il ャエ。 ャ ェ N セ イョ [@ • min urit y- rl' bt ed ISSUl'S wl.: rl' イ ャG N セ ーャ ャウゥィ ャ ャG@ lor Ilr .... e nu.: rgcIlCl': In Ih e regtOIl of tri<l ll gllb r ...·lIll1il \' relationships helwee rr the 11()st l·uuntril·s . \In thl' urre hand, ,1Ild Ih l' n<ltioll ,1I rnillo ri,ies livi ng in Ih t.: trr and their llIolh erlands. CHI the ut lle r: a mi • the :-.Irollger am ity relal ionships ill Ihe rl',!!illil Ilere Ihme Ihat were hased in Ihe t' uhur,,! affinil y or l'lil lcl'[ ivil le:-., The Unil l'cI Slat es' increased io vol vc lll ent in Illl' rq!ioll;11 affa irs hroughl <lhrur[ the de·esl',tlatinn of Sl'l'l' ral hil,r! l'1';d re l,r liollships ,rrtd Ihe initial ion nr the Day [on pt';KC iGョャ セL@ NIII ()Ill y did [he Illlsnian ;rnd Cnlalian W<l rSO Il11l: te. l' nd, hll [ ;risll 0111<..'1' sl'ls of hilall'ra l ョ NGャ[ イエゥッjiN セ ィゥー Lセ@ wCI'e desn'lIrili/l'd slLl'h as [ht' ,\lh;lIlian -( irt'd and Ihl' FYIHJM -(irecJ.... relalions, In addilion, inilial sle ps I\'l' rt' I,rkt'll 10 \\';II'\ [s Iltl' im prove ment o f equ ally Irlluhkd hilall',al イ・ゥ。エ ゥiャj セ ィ ゥーZMN@ li kl..' [he c ョI。ャゥ [ャイ ャ M yャ ァ ャN L セ i\ャ カ@ <lnd Ihe I:YI{IJM -Y II!!-(ls I,t\ iャョGセ G L@ 5, SCI.' illln ',/''' i ア[ T" \\,;, ld { セBイァ ャi セッNZL@ S, <I ud i|「 ョ ゥャBョL@ 52; "''', .\'nl ', IN,1),I.'II" ャ セB エ ゥ 、 B@ S, " ! I l'i,l.!I<ld,· .lIId /oI,c rd, tilth セL@ N .. , セAヲ@ c,[ I kl"I'n [' ,'!., ), " , 11lI/Ili/iol/, \ ' ,,[ , St ilL ltll' :lll ll l' llIi: lrlil llh.:d lk-c sl',r l:il ed clullily re l<ll it lllships Il'cre III their majority Jlol InlJlsfol'mc d illlo ;lIllily rd,rliutlships. tィゥ Nセ@ happened hl!c<tlJSC Ihe d iminut ion of their illlclisily did not :lIso n.:flCL'1 [he ge nlline イ ・Nセ ッャゥ@ uf hilaleral diITe n.: no,,:s. QiN セ ャ ・。 、 N@ it was Ihe lIoleOlll 1: o f Ihe grea l ーuャ・ イN セᄋ@ ill le n e rll ill ll in Ih l, regio nal affa irs Ih ,11 large led [he ュ・。 lャ セ@ nll lll' r Illan Ibe (', IUses of H'l<ttio tIS. セカ A ョ イ ・@ iIl1Jlor[,trI lly. I\hile Ihe lIo:-'lIl,r ll ClIllflil't was dderrcd from c:-.ea laling. Ihe k o:-.tl\'n ll w':Slioll. Ihe illlt.:rC I1111 Il' co nflici ill FYROrv! a nd Ihe Serhia rl .fl'l()llll'IH:,!!rill t'()llfli l'! we rc illlTc<lsillgly cc) rrlirrg in IhL' ]urcgwurrd. Tilli S. Ihe manage menl uf tire Bosnicrn l'unl1iL'1 did 1101 SlIllil'e for Ihe lll ,trI,lgell1en i uf region,r ! rr lsl'ctlril .\'. I{allr l' r. th e dissuill1iun of the n:giClllill o"lnriil'l fo rrnali() 1\ has only JUS! l'Olllllll'IlCl'd th ;rrlks 10 th e n .11l'1I tTCIll'(" el f !he fllJJIIII in,l; clcve IIIPlIll' IlIS: • tltt' 1',111 of ヲ|N ャゥ ャッN セエGカ ゥ ャG ᄋ@ and Ihe dealh of TtlcJjman Iha, pa w d Ihe wily fill' [ht' ・QuャGイセic」@ in Croa lia ami Se rhi a (I f ォ[ L」ャ 」 イ セ ィ ャ ー ウ@ lha t eallt'd off tht' irnpkl1Jl'lllatioll of (hl..'ir reS lll'l' ti vt' Ilal il.n;rl ー ョIセャイエGウ L@ While Zagrt'h ,l1rd IId,!!ralil' t'e ase cl ulTeri .lg slipporl to Iheir and Ilc.:rzegllv ina. Ihe n,rtlull;di sl l'Uli lliI,)'1ll1..' 1l III b|ャ セュゥ。@ Ill'\\' Sed)i,l rl atllhllrilies aL"I ) (leIlHln slnrl t'd unclersla nd ir lg 10 lire Jcgitirna[ t' CO.ll'ems of the Monte negrin Jll'U JlIt' ;rod Ih e ,\lhani;l ns of SOll lflerrr St'I"hi.t. ,\ddi[ ionally. Se rhia n.:so lvt'd [il l.' hemler disrtll l! wi th FYROM ;l lh llkll h I ョ セ エ@ .. atl'd ;. sllir itill' n 1I1l'iliai ill ll ill Iht' llivisil lll 1.f'Sllcialisl Y エi セ ャL ウ ャ。 カ ゥ。 Gウ@ [iセウ ・ャウ[@ • Ihl' dn'isil .1 1II I' rhe Ink nt ; 1IIe .I1,t! n .11111 r1111i [y II I se rillllsly 1l:11inll;rlisl (lOlnit's' nhslrll' n .pe Ililh rlre iャッ セ Bゥ[イョ@ cl h,rrisnr ((I Ih l' irrrpklllL' IJ[ali l)1I 1'1' [ht.: JW; rec process, 7·1 75 • NIf.'U \OlS [ / 11 \"" S"U I, i A " a n,:slI l l. Ihe bi セ ュゥ [ Qi@ Qセャッ オ ー ウ@ \\l' I C \'utlll'l,: lkd tn grca lcr Ct ll ll pli ,ulI:c wit h ,hl' 1IIII v i:-'llll l:' .,t the J)ay tl i ll "colI'lis ami t h t.: /j"slI i;1I1 ("'''II S, in ]'<l II it'tll " f , tlll,i,. s i Nlャ h:nll inalcd the OP CI";ll inll of I krn.'g-II,):o.n<l: Illodl: ral C :-.1,I li n: dLlnn!!. lllL' illl c n.: thllil' ClI ........ III FY IU ) f\ I n 1I11 rihllt cd til I hl' nUl H:'i p am.ilill I ,t" hi I."" ii i [ic:- wi th till: l' lIlang k l lh..' 111 411' tl,inll'lllllllriL':-' : • Ihe ,U IV, lI ll\:: Il H.; nl hy l i,t' t :,lIrOpC,11l l ill illil 111 Ihv Slahilil ,V 1',1\: 1 l il ,)1 :II II IS Iu hring pC;H:e, セ ャ 。ィ ャゥ Lv@ <Il1d en llhll1l iet il: ve hl pmc l li ili l he regitll1 l llf1 lugh il s Illlt'me wtlrk rq:a rding the iSS Ii l'S til' dl' llIonalisali llll ami hU1I1<I1l right s (wllrkillg I .. hie I ), lTOIltllll ic rl' COIl", l rll cl io ll , development <llld en-oJlCratioll ( ",orkill!,! tahk I I), <l1Il1 securil y ( wl lrkill,!; lahk 11 1);11 a llli -I ll!.! rccognil illJl hy the grc,t! powt.:rs I hat the 1I.'!!III Il\ s!ahi lit y anu pmspl' rity requires il s inlegntl ioll ill iu thl' EIlI"O-Alla nt ie sct.:uri l ), l:<lI11IlHlIlil y Ihrou gh the pa ndkl EU and N ATO enlarge ment prtll.·esses. I n pani(lI lar, l:u lIsidc ring l lral most of Ihe Sout heastern Eu rnpl'; 111 l'l lIlll t ries wil l lIot IIl l'c l the ni te ria I'm El1ll1 emhcrship hdll rc il long period, Ihe Eliropc,HI U n io ll ャGセ エ。ィャゥ ウ ィ ャG 、@ Ihc Siahi lisalitlll aml ,\ sslIcia l illll PJ"(ln:ss III help Ih clll pn.: p,tn:: iltkq ll al ely ,1I1l1 qu,lIify ;I S N セ|ャ Qi@ ,IS pnssihk 1111' 1,. 1"\11' dCtOlib IC!;;lIdill!; Ihc Stahilil y 1';)( 1. Lセ・」@ Itllll.://www .•lahitil yparl .•• lg/imkx.slll lllll · its ,,:liri;d we I> ., ill' al : OIf@ riZ セ | ャエ in@ ... ill[1I the E ll fl1 p COI 11 st rtll,::l lI n.:s. T he .Hl d ' \ "Slll.:iiltil lll I>n lcess n:;lsstlred t he Balka n states of t hei r c ligihilit y for EU mcmbership and pnl vilinl a stro ll!! illCenli,'c for the devc!tllHlIent tI l' rt'!!ional cll-ope ral iOIl alld I he resoltll ion of Illca l dl"pu le,,7. s l lllw • till.: incrcased n.: alisa tioll hy T iralla 11. al ils l'l'\' lh l!llL l' f l:l '(I \'Cf), alld ils EIlI"O-"II.1I11 1;: or1c nta t ioll 1"I:'1l1i r;:1I ih d e fin ite disassol'ialio ll frol1l rhe ,\l h; lIlian \c p '1I"<1I i" ro rn :1> ill ko セHQカ o@ ami FY/H) f\ 1. Indeed. , \ liI' lIli;,',... i iH セ illl l 'gratill il ゥ ャ ゥNセ 。ャゥ@ Ttl cOllciutie, thc B"II\ " II l'lll llpkx's strllelllrl' of relations untiergl lilc Illrollgh セ ャiィ ウ ャゥ ゥ 。ャ@ (i ll hOlh qu al it y allli quantil y) chall ges during lh e n.:sea rch period . While a hOi:' or i'l',!!illnal conl'lil'l fOl"llla t ioll lUll l, shape wilh I he ctlll,lpse Sllci<lllSI YUt:lls];,v ia, Il lilll y Ilibl c r<ll イ ャG ャ\ ゥ ャセィ ゥ ーウ@ wcn,:: recl'lItl " tie-escalat ed ,lIld l iIe I{SC start !.!d lIloving. to wa rds end III' Ih t: セ p lGャᄋ エヲャ@ of rl' l<ltiolls, lhat is to S<l Y, III I.' po セ ャ ゥ|GエZ@ ケ@ rq.! illll' . Tll is (liar l!!l' dues 1101 t hc l'sl<lhli :. llIll l' llt of a セ・ ャ G ャiイゥ rdle t'l th( defilli! l' イャGセ Qゥ|ャエ@ 411 all till' 1I .. lk .1I1 pr.,hleills lh at !!l'llcraktl the (l"lnil' l f.,lllla!i.ul il l Ill l' fir:.1 p la( c. hll" illstalln:. muSI minori l) pl"ohkms ill the rC!!illl l arc as anl\ !.! \i セ@ c\t' r 1\ \ 0111)' 、ャ。 エA」セ@ in till' regioll "s Slrlll'1 l1n; ti l' relat ioll s rdkcl merely thl.' desi re of Balkan cul ll'l'1 i vilics III dcsn·tll il izc Iheir di fli.: n': II!':l's and allemplto m 'l' rco rne thelll tl!rl1ul!.h a spirit I1 f l'Imci li atioli. III Ih ilt sellse, the st<lhi lisat illll III' Ihl' rq:illll 's strllci li re Il f rdat ions wi ll he a le llgthy and 7. ャ O ゥ ャ 。ャ[ゥ セL@ N." , t tll>IJ II J( II'IIC Ei'l''''lII lI J(lt:: "I:\'I",1I1CYI« lit £\11 11111 '( (114)... '" 1\114: 1 I .\ (q"U(14llllt セh、@ h ャG ャiG セ ᄋ iQ L ZN@ )(( U :£I'\'.....'1I(=. 1'1 11<': E ll policy for エィセG@ Wpll: .11 i Bi[uセZ@ '1In: s ゥ。 ィゥャセ。 エゥャ@ ;11111 '\ssol'ialilill I'mu'\s j"' l'al'CI d,'li'':ICII ill, 11 . 1" f'llJ'I''''1 /rIC1:''l'W/I,ux'F G i Z i G G セ@ Ifl rtc XfIIU' セ@ Oイセ@ jN GiᄋイセエクゥH@ xw ,·Ii'm"Atxlj.: /:·I'I..",;.1'1( ! 1111" f;'U i:"II IW);!'IIh'llI ill ( 'I'II /lirl (/",//:uli<'1It Q セG OヲQiG@ /. (Tr,llk and llldtlSllial ( 'hamh.:r of ,\1 ィ ・ ャQセ Z@ ( 'l'Illr.: It'l tll r"i"llIillioll ,IIHI 1'1I11II.,li" n "I' ( 'I 'IIHllIJllil y ;111,1 Ik'l'ciop ll1cl1 l ャGi LAイ。ュiャc セL@ ,10 /l.1 ;IY セ io セIN@ 71, 77 • Ira!!ik PH Il't':-), Ihil l witl lkpc m l Oil Ihe iャ Gセ ョ ャ ャゥ@ II ' "c\n; .1 dii"l cfl'I II.:CS lhal prcSllppnSl.' lhc hu ild in,g Ill' 111l1illa] 111l'! "ml Ihl' d evchlJl rtll' 1I1 III' Ctl llHl Hl ll intc r ests ami dll..l' lit'!'>. The adl il'vcd pnlgfcs.s III Ihe U:l lk all sl rtlcl un: tIl' ....: /alllill" \\ill alo;" Ill' l'ol1d il illJ1aJ on Ihl' slIn.:css o f \11 111.'1" prlll'l"sc)' ill 1111: n.:gioll Stu.: !! as: Ihl' cOllsol idation nr lk llloc r ali ..., 1.. \l iIUIIOII \, Ihl' p rol l'l' lio ll of hli ln all righb. Ihl' Cnlllt l lll il..' ョ ZャG o| G ャG イ セ G L@ ,lI ld Ilh.: rig l.l oiセ。ゥ ャ セ ャ ャGi iャ t エャpゥ ッ ャゥ@ allli nrg.;lIl iscd n illll'. This hllok h<ls so ra r tk al! \\i ll, lht' fl'<lilln:s uf hi 1111 the dl'cp and l'SSl' llli ,iI sl nld urt's o f Ih t' BalL1 1l sn' u rit)' 1'IIIIIpk .\ . The I<lst L'il apl cr [h ell a ssl'SSl'S [he imjl<ll'1 Ill" IhL' d"urge' dL" hXh:d ill Ihl'se structurcs ag<lir lsl lhc prescl"\', rlion nf Ihc SYSlcl ll 's sI<lhilily ,rnd rn,rkcs イ・」ッョュilGャ「ゥ @セ fIl l' Ill l' co nl e nl ,lIld Ihl.! dirl.!cl ion uf Ih e Gl ce k ーョャォゥ・セ@ L'llI lccrnillt! Ih e ]i,rlk ,ln s wil hinlh e fnllllcwork ufllll' Ell sャ ョャ lGャ ャi | GセN@ CU lltlll s iOli s r]-' Itl' ( 'upellll<lgell Schoul slI!,:!!esied Ih,II .111 RSC is OCCll l' eil hc r in ils dee p or in it s rede fincd whclI ャG ィ Zャ ョ セ・ウ@ ・セウ」 ゥャ ゥ 、@ SI rllct ll!"e l , Til l! prl!t:l!li in g dl.l pl crs I,f Ihis hocl k dCllltHl slnll cd lhal slH alkr Ilr grL'<l tcr dlanges ha ve Iln:lIrred 111 holh stnlrilifes uf the Balbn COlllpk,>;, Willi respecl 10 the iセsc ウ@ uniering prin cip ie. 'lIlarcll y was rende red vc ry irlllll <ll llrC hy the vi llienl process uf Ytlgnsl<l via's t:ollilpsc. ,\narchy was alsl l cO lllpiem cnl l,:d hy hierardl ), ilS an (sidl'-) onkring principle duc IHlhl' t:tll11pk x's illCorpor<llioll of slIh' Iilk IIIl it s as wel l. Wil h respecl 10 ils flllll:tional llirr,,: rellt i,lliIU l prilll'ipit- , the Ila lk ,tll securit y nllllp lcx 11I1IVCd ill Ih l' early liNUs rrolll iI systc m of ウ エャ カ」 イ ・ゥセ Qi@ cqual s 10 a sys tel11 of diffe rcntia ted lIn it s rcga rding Ihe g!!vcnring flllll'liul lS that thl'sc unit s dain u:d <l1ll1 pe rformcd. There upon , Ihe dee p st rlletll fe of thl! Bal kall seemi l}' n1lllplcx II IHlc rwell1 siglli fica rl l changes during the ea rl y !,)lltls. Suhstanlial clWlIgl:S havc alsu oo,:urrcd ililh e distrihul ioll or l'apa hilities hd \\'I.:Cll thc l1alL III L' llt ilies. Thc th:-; illl q.:r; lti'Hl II I" Soc i,rlisl Ylignst;lvi<l crrl.:dcd the diffusion Ilf Ihe kdel":r liull'S Ill il it ary ,lfld Cl'llllOll1il' pllwer ,1I11nrlg ri ve L セ ャi ャG G・ s ャiイ@ sl<ll es ,lIld Ihrl..'c qll<lsi -s tate e nlil ics. Althou gh JIll/ail. It . \V;l" Vcr, (I . ;md de Wi ld,.. ,I. ,,",'.mil\': .·f N!"I\ ' 1-iall/"II'or/.:. , , 1'.1 I. 7') • M M NM M M N IJo,."I .,\ " s- 1 /11 |エNA MM M MセN M セ@ -- - . "-'- ,. fUIlI P ケャ セ cャ s i [ i| G ェoゥ@ ェャ ィ セ イ ゥィ NZ エi@ 1II0si of Ihe Yu.gosla \" ,\ rm.\ '\ military l:qll ipIl H.:n l. irs cCIII\om it.; cl p;lhili lics \\l'll,.' 1111 JII a!ch fo r Ihe SPl"j,dis[ YII,!;lIs/,H' ia"s (Jill'S and, Ihus, a rl'!;!illl l,iI lTtlIlO11lic power disappc,lrl'd [ogdhcr wil h Illl' dClli isl' T ilo\ slale. l\ lorC()V(,f, the course IIf lhl' Yug( 'shI V WiU"S, the nr impkllH.: nla lillll of the UN sa llcl iuliS allll rhe ーャエイN .'0 11"111: 1111"011 L'I,.'(lllllI l l l e rcflll"lllS Ilav,,-' tlcdlllc (If th e l'COlhlllli( セ ャエゥ@ of hn'Il!!lll a s m,' n alhllli tilL' i'nwc r (If every ll,dl.;'lIl l'l l lllliry in ィ。 N セ@ not lL'fr Iftc IlIilil;II"\' InuISilill!!. The ccoll ul11ie rl'cL'ssinli Slrl' lIglh of IlKS\.! stales 11 11<lffL'Clnl. Illdenl. ":\' 1.; 1\' B"l hall cotln[ry itt [rOi llsi[ iulI. wilh Illl' l".;n.:plic'!I of Ihl' YII!!Il.,,1;1\ pOinics during wartimc. has bet' li for ce d hy ils l'l'OIl(llllic pf()hleill s [0 reduce ils dcfc lKC l'Xpcll il illircs OI ml [II (",UJSl' Ihe d im inution of its llIili l<l ry eapOIhili lies. Whal is 1I10re. lh l. liiffic ullics associal ed with Ihe prtlcc"s Ill' polilkal rdpm\:<.. II IC regilill -widc risc ・ jイャ Gャ{ ゥャI 。ャゥ N セ ョ ャ@ illHlllh: l' IIIC f.!!l',ll·C ill Illl' territory uf tile Ba lk<lll Slidcs of vigllroll s c[hllll l'olilie;1I groups h,tv," heeJl de ve lopment s Ih ill 11;1\ll' h<ld .111 illlp<lcl 011 Ihosc sl<l tl's' poli[ic<ll siahilily as \\ l' ll. III a 1lI11slll'li. Ihl' resc ardlcd period hilS witncsscd 11Il' dirfIlS;\11I of soャ G ゥ\ャ ゥ セQ@ Yu!!oslitvia 's l'il pahililics ,lUlli ng il s s i h G ャBGsセイ@ sloll c" alld Ihe dl'l"n.:asl' , ;'1 11\llh rcl<ll ;IIIl<l1 iI, ,,1 、ィ N セ・ ャオ G@ i」 ョャ セN@ 1'1' 111\' ilggrcg<lll.:d capahililics of all Billk all l'oiJnlril's in Ir;lIls ilioli . This diffllSio ll and dccn.:asl' of ca pa hilil ies has !!l' lIl' r;ltl'd a gap of slfl' lIg[h ill lIie rcgioll a mllllg evc ry Balbn |G ャiQエj セ@ ill transi tio n, 011 tlic OIiC IHlnd, ,lilt! Grc":l'c - i. c, . <lcolilitry liloil h<ls 110[ clln froll[cd <Ill )' siruclil ral ccollllnlic or SI<l lc ,sIICll'I ." prohlems- 011 Ihe 11th..: ... CO llscquelllly. Ihe 、ゥセャイィオi@ III' clpa hi/ilies in (he region has l"Ililsidl' rahly hC":11 alt c red period. du riug the ョ Z セャ G 。ョN[ィ・、@ Th e rcgioJl ,1I devl'l0 plll c lll s havc lIu l Ilad [he RSC"s slrll l"ture Ill" rl"1atielils Illl,lf"fl'l"ted l" itll l' l". T hl" 、ゥセャ BZQMA イゥャエ@ (,' .. - ---- .- . ... -._ -( "IINt 'U ISIUNS - -- - エャs ・ ゥ [ ャ ャゥ セ Q@ Yug(l...,la via alii I Ihc po litical mo hi lisalioll (If la rge l'ulkl'li\"ili cs ill Ill e /iolll,jllls kd In Ihe proli fer alion or Ihe 1I11i1."·Jll e lllh..:rs uf [he i セsc@ ;)lld Ihe clllergc lll"c lit" Ill'W se ls of hibleroll ョ N[ i Bャゥ oャ ャNセ ャ ャ ゥー ウ N@ Owing In the rcgio n-wide risc of Qャ L Qihャ[ ャ ャゥ N セ ュ@ .• 1 grl'a l proportion (If Ihcsc rcJalion!:;/lips was of an l'nlllil ), Ilalu re. Ne vl' rthcit-ss. [he naturc and IIIcans lit" "'l' \\:f,!I o llil esc rl"lalilll lsllips hilvc dW llged I)\'t'r lill1 l' a nd Ih e rq:ioll 'll COIlHil"1 1'01"111,11;1111 liln[ Was eSl,l hlished with Ihl' l·lIl1ap...l· of Socia list YII!!osla\"ia hOI" hce n 、ゥ セ ウ ッヲカ」、N@ I·hnl"llll l". ... .. Io"'I'lIllioll r h'1I1)!l'S ha ve also 1,.kclI pl;ll''': Wil liill IIll' .. Irllellll l· (I( lel;l!iIIIlS 0 1 IIll' 11 ,, '1..<111 scn lr i! ), (()1llpicx. Til l' 1I('ell fll' IICc (If Illl' "fun': lllenli()Jled cll,lIl!!l'S in bOlh Ih e d..:ep ,11\\1 [Ii..: cssemi,,1 slruc[ure s of Ihe Balk<ln セ・」 オイゥャ ケ@ \'IIIllf1kx indil"<llc Ih ;t[ Ihe iセ sc@ has gOI1 C Ihrough a Iransiliona l pe riod of illll'rn;tI Iransfonn .. tion durillg Ihe イャ G N セ・BョZ ィ 」 、@ pc riud. Jnllcl'd, l\l use 11I l' tcrminology (If tVli dlilcl Brechcr and JJc mda BCIi Ye hlld .. , Ihe dWllgcs ill th e RSC hOl\"c heclI hl'yo ml iI nOl"ll1011 f! uctu<llioll rang..: _ rl'fc rring to III..: qllalllil ), nr challges - am i hcyo lld a Ihreshold Ill' r..:\,crsihilit y - referring 10 Ihe qu,dit y or t:hallgcs _ ; 1Ilt! Ihe)' hOl\''': cOI li sed Ihe S),S!clll"s ;1I.\·llIhili'I' and di.w'f!uilih,.iIIl1l 2. Ilrl'l'hn ;!l ld Yehuda rC ll wrkl.'d Ihal Ihe disequ ilih riulll Ill' iI N | セ iエGャ@ ill e vil ;lhl }, It:nds 10 .. new cq uilihriu lll. Illat is to say, Ihe C(l lllpk ... ·s IrallSlnrrnalioll in lo a IIC\\' syslc m wilh "ignifil'ollitly dilfe fl' lIl (ll!lpcrlies rrOlll il s prcdel·l'ssur.l. Still , (h...: P":I'SISIl' lll'c II]" IlIll"CrI ;l int )' nver Ihe J"lI lllfC Ill' Ihe Sc rhi ant\ lonI ClIl'!!rili (IIlI ulI, rhl' evclll ual sla[lIs of /( osnvo, Ihc ) Qャ Qセ 、ャ QBャi セ iIN@ ゥ L ᄋセ ᄋイN@ (1. 1. ;IJ),I Ydlll.!". II . II. "SYS k'lll ;)1111 Crisis in Qi セ イョ 。 ャゥGi [B@ @N /("1"/"1<" " l lIu"/1I1I//(I//I" SlUdin. V,'!. II. Nil, I i 11/1>:5 ). I'p. II). 1. II 'id. <II XI l I • ._ ._ - -- -Nl -ldJl--.\()S_..T -/lhlf,.l\ - ._ _ .. -- -- ,- --- cmluram:c ilnd vl'lhili ly (If the Bosnia! 1 s [OI le <lnd rhe lHO,'C,,, of l' tlr nic rccOIlCilialjulI ill j · YI{( 1M d ClllolI sr ra ll.' Illill 11 1(' Iramforlll< l l Joll pfO C!,.'SS 01 rhe Il,dk iUl scclirity cO l llpk'i h; I." (10 1 hec.:n cOlllpkll.:d yet. T he Itdk" l1 cOInpkx h .. s CU II SI,lI ll ly been ill ruoliull <t lld Ihis h<ls hesl hee n IIl;lt li k :slt'd i ll [Ill' I'rc qUt.: ul ()lIlh rCilks of crises, th e sw lfl secli ritiza ti un \II is!'lIcs and csca J,ll ulIl of r<.:l ations. Ihe 11I<lnjji,ld 1l10\'Cllll'II [S ul peopl e ililtl llie rcpcalnl inlc fvc n lilllls of Ihe !!H.:al pO\\t'I's. Th l' rcfllrc , Ihe 13all\illl secur ity l'lli llp lcx lias lIlIdcrgu ll ( a syslc lllil' ( !"i sis Ill al has hccn dl<ll"ill'kriscd hy a prof011 lid seve rit y am i <III IIlll IS... 11 j1cfs iSil: ncl..! dill..! to the l"Olh:llrn: IlCl' of a variety of !lIlc rlnin gkd securit ized isslies llial pruv\lkcd it. The mOl ll<l gelll c nt of the Jj;lIkan in sccilril y wi ll h. . :I It:ngilly anti dCIIl <J lld ilig p n1cess, It will iI/fer alia depclld IlIL t he c nh ,lIlCc rnell t of regio llal U)·openilioll. lilt.! definite reso lul ioJl of eve ry inl cn.:: t hnie di sJlute alld tin: sllcn:ssflll illlplclllell l<ltion of aJl peace Jlrocesses , Ille vigll rnus re ali sat ion of po l\ l it:,,1 and eCUIlOlll lC refo rms in ,,11 cou illr ies in tra nsit ion, th c c rad iL:lt iu ll of organised cri mc ami corruptio n, illld Ihe irrevueahlc rctrea t of agg ress ive Wllilt: l'ach na l ioll,dislll fro lllthe region 's polilicd 、 ゥ ウ・ッHャイ」セL@ of Ilicst.! G ーイ ・ イ エNAサャオゥウ ゥエ ・Lセ@ for Nセ i。ィ ゥ ャゥエ ケG@ rcqll ires ils O W II p,( rl inll,lr ,IIHI indi vid uall y la ilored po lic ics, Ih ey lII ;} y ;ill he r . . g<ll'{kd as Nセ ャiィ sャ ャQ ・ 、@ within a regio ll <ll gra ml str,lIegy aim !lI g ,,1 Illc integralillll of the lla lk<llls into the EU st rtl(tures, Fur, ti ns evc nlll ,dily will 1Il"kc Ihe region pilrl of the EIIJ'llPC,1I1 ;scc uril y cUlHm ull ity', Th . . h,tter is en tircly comp rised (11 slro ng s(,l les wilh prcd iCl<lhlc hilOlll' ral rcl<ll iolls ,lIld nlre diffe renccs Ihilt an: <thYilYs resolved hy lk'OIl'cfll1 Il le'lIts. Fllflh n mo re, Ih e perspecti vc 01' Lllrllpcall iョャ・セイ\ゥ@ prc lt ll(IICS IIll' l'lIlISlll llloil illll II I' Icu nlllc<llli/.a l illil as " Iq:ltli l' M M M M t... ·'IN('L\IS I()NS M]B M] セ セM Wil le ilbllogy ;lIld illl ilices Ihe Il 'llk<l ll clllkCl ivilies [ll IIC, lcerlll l), lesl,lve Illeir dl llcn:m:cs :11\\1 sW IIII )' illlpkllll..!l1 l pulllical Olilt l l'Ctlll ()mic 1'l:forms ill vie IV uf thei r EU IllClllhcrslli p. lle ncc, illcorpilration in to th e European slrth,:lu rcs n': pl'I,:sI..!II IS the hest availahle long-term sln ll egy for 1111; rC!!illll'S stah ilis<ll illll, T he presen l rese:l n.: h n:cnllllllelH ls SC''Cr;;1 initi:llivcs Ih<ll Cin.:en; Clil I<lkt.: wit hin the EU fr:lllle\\'llrk so <IS tp assist IIII..! promol io ll of thi s uhjective , Clilisilkrillj! that 111I1g,aria alld I{o mani " a rc li kely 10 jllill lhe I: U il1 2()()7'1, 1l1ust 1)1' Ihe n.:cullllJle nded init iatives conce rn Ih . . sl H.:a lkd Weslern Bollka n l'OIllIl ril..!s i.c .. Alh,l1li a, BOSlli ;1 :lilt! I k rz. . gov ina , ('ro: ll i:!, rVROJ...,1 :nlll Sc rh i; 1 ami 1\ II lJIt CIl q;r l). IlIIplif,lliolls for tile Corecli. Polk)' wilhiulhe Ell Fnllllt'Wurl< (ill'n'c C,III (olll l ihilte wi th ils jltlhcies II) Ille regio n's Illllel y inl'llrpmoilillll 111111 the Europcall st ru ct ures, The Sl llll,illr,d lljlllltrtlillil y (It Athells for the p romot ioll nf t his llhl l'L'tivl' IS \\'11110111 dUlIhl its Preside ll cy Ill' Ihe Europe,lIl ('IIIIIlCi! III the first half Ill' the ycar 2[)()1, Nl..!ve rtheless, evt.:11 If IllIs tlJlpOl'llIll ity is Ilut fllll y cxp loited, A(hens Lセ ィ Hャゥ ゥ、@ nl)t l'C<lSC sllpporli llg the :ltlllplloll of tile foll ow in g in it i<lri vcs , Fi rst Il l' all, (i recre Sli\ll dd . . ndl..! avIIlII' tll indude ill th e cOllcillSIIl11S (II' (lie lIPCtltllillg Ell ropea n COllnci l's SlIm m ils all c'\p hn [ I'CkrerKe to Ihe prosJl . . cl 11f' the Wesl . . rn Jj,llkall .1. I '''I -, Gi、ィャLセ@ 'II -f','1II1 Fill'< Lィhャ ャ ャLセ@ I '''1111, '" (11, /.l I 1, '("<'1111 wr :!IJ{!!): l'r"licI<'IICI' 1'1' .. j.'i Ihlll':!h,u!'''p:l.\:lI,i lll/r<lllllrill"lfi c!!Il' till /ifl< k-x,ltl III I < ,\\,<',.;ss,'d: :!IJ. I!,ll hIセ@ >, 1,,,,,11,,1011\, SN II I i j I' Ii III I Ii,", I • niBG N |HGセ@ I" IS J Ill イアセ iャ IiャGウ@ illh.:gr;llioll jilIn lht: L LJ. , \ Ilhollgil IllIs [1I:rspCl'I I Vl' has hl:l'1l n:pc,lIcdl y slilh.:d smel' lhl' h.:ir<l SlIlllIllll nf エア Mセ オ@ .l illie 2000. ゥャN セ@ f l'i terali oll will scrvt: Ihl' pllrpose of rl'<lSSmi ll,l! Ihl' n:giull\ sIdles lil,1l lhl' pn,:sl' lI l w,n'!.' o !" 1:1) CIlLII"!!-l'I1IL'1I1 \vill IHII i'll,illi l or 1"I.;1;ll"d lhl'irl)\\'11 I!lad [\1 EU illclllllc rshql . Sl'CO lld , (ircl'l'l! sholiid pn'pllSl' II'L' pn; pdl"i llilOit hy Illl' EU (If all \:lahontll'd 1"0'1'.111I<lp (If tIll: prul"l.,:ss hy \Ihidl 1110. :,,1.' s1;Ili.;s will ilnplll\: 1lll' lllhcrsl lip. l'() lIl ltri(;s ,11\: prL'sl' 1l11 y c,llkd Tltl' WI'"I'..:11I In c(lmpl ,\' wil h l'rill; ria so I Il:!l cadi uf (hem. <l sL'I of ,l!l'IIl' l dl rt:ad y. \\ ill CHlce Ilall.OIII Sigil " with lhl' E ll ' . Ti ,l.; [,Ille r 。セ ョ GZャ jャQGi「[@ a re dl'stilll'tI [0 ddl'lInilll' Ihl' lasks Iilal l'al'h U,lIk,1I1 c<l lHlid<ll l' cOllll lry sllou ld :tcl"I !lIlplis ll ill order In qu;di fy fllr EU Illl'mhership, Tllthl' cxlc ill thaI 1l\lISll\f thl'''l' "ta[cs lag l'olls iderahly he hind in Ihc modc mi salillli of Ihl'lr instilli tioli s a lit! thl' re form Ilf tlil'ir l'CUllo nlY, Iheir int cgnll ioll in lo tilt.: EU will Ihlt [<Ike pldl'c hefon: <I Inn!! lilllC, ,\ s ,I result, a danger ex ists Ih,l[ polilical 'lIltl socit-tal fatigue and frust ration will grmv ill Ihe B,dbns 111<11 11I ,Iy G1USe the appea r, lI1 cc nf setbacks, n;vcrs, d" Il r eVl'1l dcsl ahili sill,l! developm c nts sud I as [lie re-<lscendaIlC\, Ill' SltIhiliWlIIf!1I (/11,[ / /ss(!cillliol/ ' !,!.:/('I'IIII'III 5. T hc Ell has alrcady sign.:.! Slahi[isali,," and ,\ss" .. i:ni"l1 |IAG ャ ャG\iセ witll Clo;,ti" "nt! FYROr..·1 ,lilt! has ,lfHHlImn'd 111011 it I\ill ., hunl.l' セQ[ャ@ llCgoliOlti( IllS wilh r\ Ihalli,l ['or til.:: si!!ning (,I' a ,\iruil"r oiNAヲセGZュエQ@ h. V,III セャ」オイ ウL@ W . ;(lIti )'alillis, ..\. 1';0111 Sla""i.l'(//i"" eiNイ G i eHGL@ aセ /'1'<1("(',\.1' Sql1eU'['CI' IIIIICIH;I It: fI .( ie / I I()\I' II I,I;" t/ セi@ 2S.12 .2IHI.!> /" HI.!CI セGR@ nit- /:'1/1"/"'<1/1 illlio" (/1/(/liI,- OャQiセGA '\'JliI/W(/,INm p. _I I I.. I ャ。j「 IS ャ LセN ー|Q@ ヲZGャュセHiエA@ II(ltlllll,llislk di s(ourses". '!'herefl1re, [hc EU sl](lli id c!ahllrate ill grea ter dC[,lil the S[ilhilisalion am i Assllei,llioll Proccss ,lIld devise inl e rim siages helWel' ll th e sign il l!; of Ihe St,lililisa liun and Associ,ltion ,\ grel'lIlen[ s and th e \ャG{オゥセッ@ of EU mc mhers hip so tlia[ [he Balbn l'llulllries will 1101 despair wilh lh e le ngt h of the process. The EU may <lb(\ itll'lIlify [1(\ lk)' ,l rc as - sllch L ャ セ@ Ihe ni le" Ill' hnrder CIlI1[HlI ,lIul asy lllill polk y _. ill whidl il GIll gr<ltl ll,l ll y t'lHlpcralc wil h w」セャGイョ@ H;dLIJl ulIln[ri es so Ih,lt lhe la ll e r will llul fec illml the\, arc excluded ['m ill evc ry 11I<lln r l'.urope'lIl proceed ing lill lhe ·Ill()lIlen llha l lheY.lll il lthe bll'llpe<l ll stl'l l(illl'es 7 . T he f:(J IHlghl ,lIso 10 discuss Ihe ;lIl<1p [alioll oj the SI;lhllisaliuli am i as セ iャGゥL@ p ヲャᄋ・Nセウ@ to th L: pal'linilil r G IS(,:S 01 Hllsni,1 ;In([ I !crzegovin<l ,Hid Kllsovn. While these two 1I11erlla[ional PlOtcClOf<1l eS (anllo[ IlKct Ih e sa me re qui re lllcn ts rll r EU mcmhL:rsliip as <l ny o ther mode rn sl at e, the EU shll uld figu re o ut ho w 10 pn.."VC llt [hei r cvolulion inlo 7. ill"lai. ,\, "lh:gional ('"uper<llion ilild Ell l'Opean tUl egralioll - The (';IS':: "f iィセ h,undali"n, ィ@ Q{Ii <: , \ r .. セGLH、@ ャGL iG ZOA キ|G :-i. iャhイ N セュャゥQ (ieriliall (',\ 1', N イ。{LNオャゥBZiィc」 L セ@ M F,\, KOfJ/wmlio/l \L |ョ lilt' U(',/,IJl/lil>dilw.I, [NZセウ」 、Z@ /I"lkll/l,: Slrakgy セ G i 。ケ@ U ヲエ ャ|LキョB。、 hk'u_ tn,,'ai.pdfl BN@ ェャLOォNセゥHiG@ Wesleru Ba[kan", 11<lper de1iv.::red 111111 i;II"'/"lisdl(' ill/t).;l'tllirJlI '/('s tres/I'II/kw/\ ( Berlin: Jlerlelslll,lIln ( ',\I'. I hll l': // '\,\1 II Nセ。 G@ AR HiIセ iセ 201)1) , ャQ セ⦅ ャ ャNゥォ[Iウ p. II ⦅ HェuャGZ@ 12.1 L 20U}>. ()1\'1!I'l:Ihi/, 1l('/.:iOlwl ('aper and HGᆱャQ・イョセ@ !II/(/ I{epon i :w'(J/!('WI ( Jlerli n : オ ャ ゥᄋ@ lle rlclslllallll Foundillion, CA P, flerln;1Il MFA . 15-1(, July 21)(11), p. J2 IィャGZ Oi i G |iGキNセᄋ。ャョゥ@ QGZHィBiャNォ O Hiセ| 1-'. II.-'IHI2 > B iL[Q Q R QR O セ ihセ ⦅ エ ャ。ォ[|ョ ⦅ rLZーᆱイゥGャ、ア@ , セ@ f ,, • [wo ィ オ ャ ィセ 、 ZM[@ uf instahi li ty ]Ilt"<llt: d 11 1 the m ids t 0 1' ,11 1 crdan!cd EU roPC<t 11 Sl'l'tl r ily c utllllHJIl ilyX. COllSCqll Cll lly. ollce t h"l's\..' cntilies deve lo p suffic ie nt sc lf-gIlVl'l"Ill ll l' l;r <I li d senslIstili nailili ly Gl pill.: illl'S, Ihe EU 111 (1)' in volve [helll in [he en largellll.': l1 I Pftll:CSs'J wi ll J()lt t Ih lWl'Vl' r p rl'-dl.:lLnni l lllh! ill Kosn vo \ eVl'tl l U<I J S[,lI lis. セ@ Th ml, Gn:ece o lJ,g il l [0 r;lise llil' qUl's liulI of the EU ャセョG uャ ャG ェャ ァ@ of lhl' Weste rn Balk, lIls o l1 ce Ihl' pn:sc rl1 \\'<I\"C of J": lI ropcan enla rgc llle llt is cmn pleled. Wh ile ill 2004 Ihe E U will suhs ta nti ally illt.: l"casc ils fimllH.: ial <lSS iSI<lIll'l' lu the 1(: 11 Ilew . iョ 」ャ ャィ 」イセウ ャ@ ales in () .-lier 10 イ lG 、 ャョセ@ !"I.'gil li lal disp,[ fit ies and Iln provl.; li S soeill-ecollom ic cuh csiull , il is wide ]\, karl.'d iln )'w'ly thai th is wi ll lake ー ャ 。 cャNセ@ ;11 the ex pense nr ntller l'ill;lI lcial pnorities such as th e ren lllstrlll: liull <I lId Ihe (h;velupmelll 01 the Wes te rn B;l lka lls ili . Th ese fea rs <I re relll fn l"ced h\' [he fal'l that the EU assista nce to the Wcsterll B,dk,lJIS 'is scI to 、 セGャイ」L セ ウ・@ duri ng セ エ ャ エj ᄋiMNセuェ ィ ャN@ IIIIWCVL'I". sllch , I dl'\'eillpml'lll Will Wide n Ihe soeio-ecolHllllie gap hetwee n the I:LJ and till' Wesk rn Bal ka n sl at es an d wi ll aHeel Ill c t'apacitv Ilr Ill" I<l tl e r tn I"evive tllt; i!" ecol HIllI les, <lL"l li e\'e Cl't lI H111 IiL: !!I"o\\"tll al< !JO In ind ue tiUl e Ihe Ell ropea n st ruel m es. ( \ IIlscq'ncIIII .v. as lar as the 'st renglh V<ll" lIl1111 ' pe rsists in the BaJLllls <lllll till' Uniled Slates !"e-direct ilS a ll e ll iioll ;1I 1t! reSl ll lrces awa\, frnm the rq!io ll low<ln ls Ihe war agai nsl tefroris !lI. Illl' J:I J ll lI!!ht ( i ... J I. 'II' nllwll 1.::1 1 i/ll', ,fl't:!llt:l1l ゥ Nセ@ GャQ@セ '11l!1I ·.'··. ( fl'S ' :111"1"1 .\"(1(1111 · /:'11.11 M'lllillJl", N,). ·r:! ( J allllar ), ::!I II 1,1). II. t ヲi I ゥセャ「L[\j@ I'ia l" I)I,lil NZ セiN@ h}' lilt: (''';111("(: f"r l :un'p":;111 I'uliq' sャ、ゥ 'I, NOIlIt:Ilt:I',I. til. BwNZセエcャi@ 211(1·1: i |s セ セBGャiイゥ G N@ ("II..:si"ll alld (Ii..: N,:\I IllllllHlari..:s "I I:urop..: ··. 1;0\"1 f{"I'"II . ,l N" I' '';IllIo''1 セ iGZN@ 1', I I I hl 1p;f/ www .NZセゥャ|ィ@ .• ョァ O ーNャ ャj ッゥ ⦅ iB\ᄋ セ iNZョャィ[ォ「 ⦅N i ⦅@ l'll.t"ll) <,\n;csscd : 11.1. 11.211112 > . II. Ibid. ,,, ャiLエォ[Qセ@ hI llI <1i llt ,lln - ,li lt! if pllss ih le 1I11.Te<lSe- the exte nt of il s <lSSistillll'C to th e Ba lk il liS. Finally. (i reecl" shoul d recomme nd the I1 pgrading of the flljil/wlIl ("oIl.WI/rllh'I' COIIIIII;III'I' ( ICC) L"ll mpriscd of the EU I'rcsitk: m.-y. the Ell ropea ll Cll llllll issinll . the EU High Re lllTse nta tive/Secn:tary (ie llt.> ra l, tllc Spec ia l Cll-o rd illiltor fl lr the St ahilil y Pact and a represe ntati ve of Ihe SEECP pres idcllcy. Th is fo rulll ai ms to co-ord ina le the act ivities of Ih e V<l rlOIl S EU institut io ns, Ih t.! Stah ili ly Pact an d the SE l CY Neve rthe less, th e questio ns or t:omple mcn taril y of act ivit ics, in for mati on sh,l ring a nd efficie nt allot:at ion of rCSlll lrCL'S trouhle ,ill inl e rna tion ;iI acto rs a nd in slit ulions th a t ,Ire CIl I;!'lgcd in the region <lllllnn t sole ly the ,l fnrc lll cul ioll ed olles. T hus. G reCl.:e should propose the e nl arge mc nt of thc ICl ' \\'ilh the illelu sion o f represen t<l tivt.:s from the Uniled S{aiL:s. NATO. Ihe Wor ld Ban k ;lIld SECI 12 . Th e ICC lIla y ,lI so oo.."c<lsion ally ( llllkr wit h rqm;se nlali ves fHlIli the BSEC. tile (' 1:1 a nd the inle rn alilln<l l adlll inistra tions Ill' Bllsnin (l nd I k ll.L'.I!.ov ill<l am i I(OSll\'O when {IllS is required hy the nl ll tl' lltllfits age nda. in lhis way, every rd evant ,lelllr will he l'tlllsulll."d with the ;l im of th e climi n<l ti011 fro m the inl t.:rrI<l lilln<l1 Cl lll llll lli li ly's act ivities Il l' il lly duplications, (I HlI p e t itive prllg.rallHlIeS <lml wastt.:s of rCSIlIIrI:es. CIlI1sider ing Iht.:: volu ill e ;lIld the na lu n; of lhe in tc rn at iona l ) h,l' a Illor..: d..:l ailcd ;1\:<;"11111 in slipplIl'l of Ihis V;tn s,,;o.: i L Gセ@ セォuャウ [ エi N セB@ N@ セォ / '",,,',( ' IG 」AGN@ t ':. ('. ,.1 Ill. QiゥセHO|@ I('''nndl SCI.!: IIi II 1':1/1\'11'\\'.1, )( ci):11 I'd;l (i< Gョ }Olo: /("1">1"1 Or,1I1 11Idt'"t'IIIt.'1!I I-\u..:ign Oil l'I,'Wllli')(I, NOI"..:IllIo";1 ZAHIiセ l\t2. 211112 > . r..:rOIiHIlCIHla!ioll W. ;md Y;lIlnis. ,','ci!.. pp. IK-27. h U;1 sirHilar proposition N iGN@ N セャIH@ hNZlッiゥBョセL@ (\'nll": t,,1' ( ·"ufti.:1 12 gisl lid ics/ l'll "s.h! III t I< ,\l"(..:ss..:d: N I'" 'I " " r i ll ' 1,1\ COUlI llUll il y's n.:gioll,d \\'011.:. (irl:l:n; sl\l luld :lls<l IllOIHls\,.' Ille i'll ellsi ril';tl io ll ,l lltl I Ill: sys lelllalis,ll ioJ] o i" 111l' I( 't LN B セ@ pnll'ecdillt;s. Sililply pUI it liHl:rII,llitlllal cc l-Ilf"{ lill:llillll illlll cO lllp lc rnl'l1l arily reqllire d:ly-lo -tl,IY work r; ll iln 111,lIll1r! h"1 arnw gclllc lll S. Ahuvl: al l, til e ICC shuuld 1,Ikl' Ihc kilt! of IIIC inil:m,lliull<J1 CI lIlllllUllil y's cndc<lvlIlIr 10 <lssisl [Ill' prcp" ralio ll of Ihl: region for Ellmpe, 1I1 ill lcgral1l111. ,\ s f:rr Lセ@ I hI,.' lall er perspecl i ve rep rese llt s rh e ill os t intlll,.·'lll't! !.!r'lIld st rategy ["II I' till: region 's sl:rhilisal ioll . IIlI.! ICC sholl l:1 coord in <lIC ami prioril isl.! in1crnarioll,d OlC!i vitks lill' Ilrc Silk l , oi" the accl'ier,II ioll Ilf rhe ill tcgra[iull pl"On;ss. 'I'll cOllclllde. (ireCl'c C, 11l dccisi vely l'llll trihlllc to ril l.! ah<l1cllll'll[ oi" III '; B<llk<l 1l sysle1111l- nisis through Illl' prollH)liOIl 01 I hI,." rq.!loll S irttq!.f 'l l il11llrtlllllle 1:11 1"1 1j1L'iI II sl rlll'lllfl'S . 1\ i h lin g .' a I' It y ,\lIf<lIlIIS. S. ,ifill T zi fakis, N. ,. [ I N01'\Il-'\\'(tlIl/-.IY.I·l [11!)l im'l II,e Il l'lllll,Flll'ltIXli YJT( )tlt'll lT11l Ilt ISl ll llheilSlcrll E llrtl pC a s ,\ . RL' l!iollal Suh-SySIL' LlI I"' in. "\ li f<l ll l is. S. alld Ilmaf;ls, E. (his.)' 2"'),XU"I'IJ .dldll'I\: IljOTl)!/([ x/u lNエaャゥHセQ@ I (', 1/J/('1I1/l' !fIllY IlJf,'rllIIlJI II W' ,\:1',\11'/1/ IIlId ( ;re,',",' I (,\ I ィ」ョセZ@ Sll'ill i!!ile s I :ldosis. セijャN@ pp . セj M ウ ᄋ QN@ I!\lwns. S. R. B e エ ィャ ゥセ@ I'olil il's Jll b lstcrll LllropC", ( '''"}liCf Sfll,hn. NII_ セ ᄋ i x@ (J-'chfll'll"), iA iIセN@j n. II n.:dll'r. f\ 1. ,llld YCllllt b. II. ';SYSll'lll ,I lid Crisis ill h ll el"l l<lllllll,d I'n lilil's", /("\ 'il'l1' of JlI/l'I"lIll1iOllll1 Sllidil'S, VIII. [LNII. [(II)XS).pp.1 7-.l5. Hull. II JIll II. n/, I I. : llIlin-hint! SIIdl'/r ( L Ollllll ll : r""'lCllllli ' ll l, [(177). and W"'SIIII. ,\ . tEds.) 1III,'lIIlllilll/,t/ SII, 'i('/I' ( () x 1t H"d : ( h nit' 0/ /-"I'{IIII/liol/ It Irt! I ) 11 i |Gセ イ ウゥ@ I y iGイ セウN@ ,qs-IJ. lI lI/_dll. B. l'i'O/lil'. SIII/I'S & Fr'lI r : / 111 / Igel/(/a 1(1/" IIII('/"IIII/w /IIII SI';'//lif)' .\'1111//('.\ III llil' "osf -Culd IVI/r I :"m, 211d edil io ll ( I ォャ セQ@ I km ps\c,\d: Il arvt:sk r W\lL'alslIca f. I{){) [). ''Fro m Inl ertl al io ll ,1I SySIL' lll 10 In lcrll,lliollal Soc it:ty: S l rll clll l'<ll Re, lIi SIll ,\Ild R!.:gi rnL' Tlr L'lI ry M e et thc E nglish Schou!"', IlIfl'nll/liolla! Or!-:lIl1izlifioll. Vol. 47, No. .1 (Sllllllllcr 1')1).1). pp. _127-_ 1 )2. • N II",I .\ ." 1/11 GエM lhll.all , B., Nャ セ sN@ l'. i セ@ 111111 /Clt j j{,\ I' Il) l .illk. I{ . li't' I , II,!!,/I ' " f' "l ",lrdw Ut"lIi.,1II t New Yllrk: ( 'oll1mhi" ;l ll d b L イャォ ゥ ャ ャNセZ@ C h,dkr lges ,wll l'rnspcL'\s". /)1 'II/O('J JllizlIfillll , Vol. 2. Nil. J ( AUIIIIIIII , III)) J. pp ..1.17-J(d . (; ,dl 'I!! ltl'r. T. " I )cIlIocr,l1iz<llio ll in Ihl! N"Ol'l 'I/ !i.I"/11 /0 Slr/lCfllml U lIi \'CfSil y Press. t ')In). l3uza n, 13. aud Lill ie, R. "Thl' Idca tlf'lIlh;nlittlollal Syslt'I11' : t jh セ| jエB ケ@ ('vkels I l is\OfY". IlIlt'fllllliollfll " olilimJ .), ';1'1/,"/' Url'ic lI', Vo l. 15. No. J ( 19 1'4), pp. 23 1·255. /1111'1"1/(11;11//(/1 S)'.\/em.\" ill lVorld lIisl ar,,: {("IIIIIt.ill,!; Ih l' ,)/lld\" - o f IlIh'm{l/iflll;" J<eflliiom (Oxford : Ox ford u iャ vャG イ ウ ゥ ャセ G@ ( ili!!.oro v, V. "Tr,lI k ilnd Invest mc nt in t he Balk a ns", Fli ro/l(llhtlll.\', No. .H (Win lcr IIIIIX/l)l)) Ihu r ://w,,"w.crrI'Illla lkal ls,cl l.YII/ lll IIllC. hlllli < ' \ l'l'essed: 1)7, I [,IIIIN > . (ili)!.nro \', Press.21JIK J). 1'/ m。ャGQゥエ セ ャiN@ I'/Sfl ), NI'I\' ャi ャGイ@ COllfomla kis. Y .. Psollliadcs. I L .I . ,IUd (i c rolymaills, ,\ . (Ells,). (in'('I '(' 111111 ,III' M'I\' Hafhrlll.\: ( '11111f('II,l:I'\' IIlId O/)f1IJrl/lllitil's ( New '{(Irk: 1\: 11:1 I'lIh lish ill!;. H ᄋ iQャ|ー。セ G N@ Inc., I\)IJIJ). Dc ul sch . 1<.. and 1311rrdl. S. 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