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      Middle East StudiesSyrian StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesMiddle Eastern Studies
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      Middle East StudiesSyrian StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesMiddle Eastern Politics
The forced transfer of children from one group to another is considered an element of the crime of genocide, yet this subject has attracted little scholarly attention. Using the history of the mass transfer of Armenian children during the... more
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      Ottoman HistorySociology of Children and ChildhoodArmenian StudiesHuman Rights
INTRODUCTION Despite a speculated assault by the Assad regime on opposition controlled the Idlib region, Turkey and Russia have reached an agreement that averted the attack. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the Stabilization of... more
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      Syrian StudiesSyriaSyrian ConflictSyrian Civil War
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      Syrian StudiesSyrian HistorySyriaSyrian Conflict
The political and diplomatic relations between Turkey and Syria have often been characterized by tensions and conflicts. Among the critical moments that have constantly occurred between these two Middle Eastern countries... more
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      GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North Africa
The Syrian civil war has seen the weaponization of its land and property rights system by the primary combatant groups in the country. The government is the most robust in its use of the tenure system to locate, target, destroy,... more
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      Middle East StudiesProperty RightsWar StudiesTransition Economics
As the crisis in Syria keeps escalating and the violent crackdown of the Bashar al-Assad regime results in more civilian deaths, the growing instability and civil opposition is significantly challenging the die-hard regime and raises... more
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      Middle East StudiesIranian StudiesIsrael/PalestineLebanon
This papers aims at investigating the relationship between traditional and social media during the first six months of the Syrian uprising. Thanks to direct testimony made available to the author by various cyber activists inside and... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismSyrian StudiesSocial Media
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      Syrian StudiesTürkiyeRefugees and Forced Migration StudiesSuriyelilerin Yerleştirme ve Yerleşme Tipolojileri
It presents a brief history of the role of religion in the history of Syria and the Middle East from early Roman times to the rise of ISIS, with particular relevance to understanding the genesis of the regional civil war sparked in 2011... more
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      Middle East StudiesCivil WarSyrian StudiesSectarianism
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      Russian StudiesRegional competitivenessGeopoliticsSyrian Studies
Mit den Golanhöhen eroberte Israel 1967 auch fünf drusische Dörfer. Die meisten der Golan-Drusen haben die israelische Staatsbürgerschaft trotz erheblichem Druck nicht angenommen. Sie leben seit 50 Jahren in einem Provisorium, halten... more
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      Israel StudiesSyrian StudiesSyriaIsrael
I am almost confident that most of you would not open the door to a Syrian refugee if you have the slightest doubt that this person could harm you in any way. I am also confident that this doubt and fear could be explained and dissolved... more
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      Refugee StudiesIntergroup RelationsSyrian StudiesGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
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      Jewish StudiesOttoman HistoryJewish HistorySyrian Studies
By getting involved in the “Arab Spring”, Qatar was determined to continue waging its foreign policy aimed at strengthening the positions of the country combined with the intention to create corresponding markets outside the country for... more
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      Syrian StudiesQatarArab Spring (Arab Revolts)History Of Qatar
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      Syrian StudiesEgyptAbdulhamid IIBritish Occupation of Egypt
In Turkey, it is obvious that there has been a huge academic gap in Syrian studies and scholars dealing with Syrian politics and foreign policy generally do not go over the pre-Baath period. The main objective of this book is to analyze a... more
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      Syrian StudiesSyrian HistorySyriaSuriye
This report narrates the conditions and experiences of the women that are detained in the Syrian prisons unlawfully.
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      Human RightsSyrian StudiesWoman Studies
Voici la première étude sur la guerre civile syrienne faite à partir d’entretiens réalisés en Syrie même et dans les pays voisins. 2011 : des centaines de milliers de Syriens de toutes confessions et origines ethniques manifestent... more
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      Political ScienceRevolutionsSyrian StudiesInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)
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      Social MovementsMiddle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryPolitical Violence and Terrorism
The documentary depicts the journey of a teenage girl and her mother who move to California in 2012 because of the Syrian civil war. Together they learn to live in a different culture and face challenges to their traditions - ­all while... more
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      American StudiesGender StudiesMiddle East StudiesReligion in America
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      Middle East StudiesSyrian StudiesSyriaDruze
Syria’s main cities, beginning with Damascus and Aleppo, are padded with neighborhoods whose housing, design, and sewage facilities, are the product of the residents themselves. Known in the common official dictum as “the zones of illicit... more
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      Syrian StudiesUrbanismCities (Sociology)Slums, Favelas, and Shanty-towns
The Syrian Social Nationalist Party devoted itself to reviving and unifying the Syrian nation and establishing this nation’s complete independence over its historical homeland, Greater Syria. It continues its struggle today, influencing... more
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      HistorySocial MovementsSocial SciencesMiddle East Studies
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      Israel StudiesIranian StudiesIsrael/PalestineSyrian Studies
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      Israel StudiesSyrian StudiesMiddle Eastern StudiesSyrian History
In this study, I present a new model for analyzing sociolinguistic variation within the framework of Optimality Theory (OT) and the Gradual Learning Algorithm (GLA). This model contributes to the advancement of sociolinguistic methodology... more
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      Rural-to-urban MigrationSociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeArabic Language and Linguistics
for adult, adolescent, and child
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      PsychologyHealth SciencesCommunicationHumanities
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Non Fiction WritingJournalismViolenceHuman Rights
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaMiddle East History
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      Jewish StudiesOttoman HistoryJewish HistorySyrian Studies
Choosing and structuring a word, making a statement, and comprehending the formulated statement require complexprinciples andprocesses. Within this context, complicated procedures and processes might be faced in the second language... more
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      PsychologySyntaxSyrian StudiesTurkish and Middle East Studies
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      Iranian StudiesSyrian StudiesMiddle East PoliticsMiddle East
By 1936, the borders of Syria were set by the Franco-Syrian Treaty. Under the treaty, mandatory Syria remained unified, with the exception of Lebanon, and with no provision for Kurdish autonomy. While some have argued that this resulted... more
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      Middle East HistoryKurdish StudiesSyrian StudiesFrench colonialism
Review essay
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      Arabic LiteratureSyrian Studies
NAWA city in Syria
Historical and social background for peacebuilding and recovery
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      Syrian StudiesSyria WarSyrian Refugee CrisisSyrian Civil War
Interview on Syria with Nikolaos van Dam on the regime of Bashar al-Assad, by Tigrane Yégavian
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      Syrian StudiesSyrian HistorySyriaSyrian Conflict
Te total number of registered Syrians in Turkey reached 2.5 million by the end of 2015. After fve years during which Turkey claims to have been maintaining an ‘open-door’ policy for those seeking protection, the Syrians inTurkey are still... more
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      MigrationSyrian StudiesTurkeyMigration Studies
در این مقاله نگارنده در صدد است تا با نگاهی اجمالی به بررسی تحولات اجتماعی و سیاسی در سوریه در طول تاریخ پر تلاطم این کشور بپردازد، و روشن سازد که چه عواملی منجر به شکل‌گیری شکاف‌های سیاسی، اجتماعی و فرهنگی در این کشور شده است. نگارنده با... more
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    • Syrian Studies
Review of Sam Dagher's 'Assad or we burn the country: how one family's lust for power destroyed Syria'
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      Middle East StudiesSyrian StudiesSyriaMiddle East
Tras el surgimiento de la Primavera Árabe, muchos países de medio oriente llevaron a cabo revoluciones que buscaban instaurar nuevos gobiernos que suplantarían autoritarismos y dinastías gobernantes. En Siria, lo que comenzó como... more
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      Middle East StudiesSyrian StudiesRefugeesRefugiados
Kitap Türkiye'deki Suriyeli mültecilerin yeni hayatlarını gözler önüne seriyor.
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      Syrian StudiesSyrian HistorySyrian ConflictSyrian Refugee Crisis
Civil War in Syria created a large scale humanitarian crisis causing a mass human migration up to seven million in total. The largest neighboring country-Turkey has the greatest number of Syrian refugees exceeding 2.7 million. In the... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementRefugee StudiesRegulation And Governance
تبحث الورقة سبل تحويل مبادئ الثورة إلى قضية في أذهان السوريين وذلك انطلاقا من دراسة التجربة الفلسطينية التي تمكنت من غرس قضيتها في الأجيال اللاحقة ومعرفة ادواتها وسياساتها المستخدمة، ثم تحديد العوائق أمام تحويل الحالة السورية إلى قضية... more
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      Syrian StudiesPalestinian StudiesSyrian RevolutionSyrian Conflict
Music is a powerful force represented in many different countries as a cultural treasure with many colorful threads of various textures. Occasionally, a common thread of a similar color and texture is found and a meaningful and enriching... more
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      DiasporasAfrican Diaspora StudiesSyrian StudiesDiaspora Studies
نيقولاوس فان دام، تدمير وطن - الحرب الاهلية في سوريا، دار جنى تامر، نيسان/ابريل ٢٠١٨، بيروت
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      Syrian StudiesSyriaSyrian ConflictSyrian Civil War
Azzam, F. (2021). If you are Syrian these days. (G. Alatrash, Trans.). Gutter Magazine. (The magazine of new Scottish and international writing), 24, p. 13-17. YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpobMibtOzA... more
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      LiteraturePoetrySyrian StudiesSyria
"The Contemporary Art Scene in Syria. Social Critique and an Artistic Movement" focuses on the expanding contemporary art scene in Syria, particularly Damascus, during the first decade of the twenty-first century and considers it within... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtSyrian StudiesModernism (Art History)
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      Syrian StudiesUrbanismFortified Settlements (Archaeology)Early Bronze Age (Archaeology)