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Single Na' channels from rat skeletal muscle plasma membrane vesicles were inserted into planar lipid bilayers formed from neutral phospho- lipids and were observed in the presence of batrachotoxin . The batrachotoxin- modified channel activates in the voltage range -120 to -80 mV and remains open almost all the time at voltages positive to -60 mV . Low levels of
The Journal of general …, 1984
Pfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, 1983
The Journal of general physiology, 1987
The Journal of …, 1984
Biochemistry, 1987
The Journal of General Physiology, 1987
Batrachotoxin-modified, voltage-dependent sodium channels from canine forebrain were incorporated into planar lipid bilayers. Single-channel conductances were studied for [Na+] ranging between 0.02 and 3.5 M. Typically, the single-channel currents exhibited a simple two-state behavior, with transitions between closed and fully open states. Two other conductance states were observed: a subconductance state, usually seen at [NaCl] greater than or equal to 0.5 M, and a flickery state, usually seen at [NaCl] less than or equal to 0.5 M. The flickery state became more frequent as [NaCl] was decreased below 0.5 M. The K+/Na+ permeability ratio was approximately 0.16 in 0.5 and 2.5 M salt, independent of the Na+ mole fraction, which indicates that there are no interactions among permeant ions in the channels. Impermeant and permeant blocking ions (tetraethylammonium, Ca++, Zn++, and K+) have different effects when added to the extracellular and intracellular solutions, which indicates that...
E. Stewart, E. Harris & D. Lewis (eds), Skilled Labour and Professionalism in Ancient Greece and Rome (Cambridge UP,), 362-382, 2020
It has become a commonplace in modern scholarly publications for the Roman army to be referred to as professional, most frequently in the context of the changes to the terms of military service introduced by the emperor Augustus. In contrast to the Republican period, when the Roman army was originally a citizen militia liable to annual call-up and for whom military service was not their primary source of income, Augustus established the principle of continuous long-term military service in return for an annual salary and a generous discharge bonus upon retirement. There can be no denying that these changes marked a very significant alteration in the character of the army – but does it warrant the term ‘professionalization’ which is so frequently invoked? The term ‘professional’ and its cognates are too often used in relation to the imperial Roman army without due consideration of the wide range of connotations which this terminology can bear in the modern world, resulting in the unfortunate importation of anachronistic assumptions into discourse about the Roman military. Ranging across the centuries from Augustus to late antiquity, this paper challenges the default use of the language of professionalization with reference to the Roman army and argues that while certain usages of the term ‘professional’ may be valid, there are so many other unhelpful modernising connotations arising from such terminology that it is better avoided.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2019
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