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Zapruder n. 45 / Abstract Zoom

abstract zoom Rinaldo Mattera, Of the shoulder of Orion. Cyberpunk and hacker culture Starting from a mediological premise, the article deals with the question concerning social and cultural transformations triggered by new communication technologies, from mechanical ones, such as Gutenberg’s printing press, to digital media such as the Internet. Two products of our digital era are Hacker culture and Cyberpunk. These two phenomena are rather diferent in their respective ields, since the former is purely scientiic, whereas the latter concerns preeminently literature and cinema, but they share nevertheless some common elements, for instance a countercultural, antagonistic and ultimately political frame. Focusing on these two examples, the article retraces the main stages and event of a cultural evolution started in the Seventies and still developing now. Keywords: hacker culture, cyberpunk, social transformations, network society, free software Alessio Di Marco, Tommaso Frangioni, Mario Venturella, Hackers and geeks. Geographies of the Italian hacktivism In this paper we consider the birth of hacktivism in the italian context. Hacktivism is here understood as a combination of political activism and the capacity to hack digital devices and infrastructures. Generally speaking, hacking is the capacity to disassemble, understand, reassemble and transform any kind of object, including non-digital ones, but we focused here on activism in the net, from its inception through Bulletin board systems to Indimedya’s media-activism. The history of italian hacktivism is a tale of strong connections between digital worlds and squatted spaces: born amidst the ‘80s-’90s countercultures, hacktivism was part of the production of radical knowledge and practices. The cases we will focus on are sTRANOnETWORK (Firenze), Decoder (Milano), AVvisiAiNAviganti (Roma), Autistici/Inventati (Firenze/ Milano) and, for what concerns media-activism, the network of indymedia. keywords: hacking, hacktivism, social centres, media activism, history of the internet, Italy Maxigas and Autistici/Inventati, Hacking, maintenance and repair circuits At the end of the 20th century, hacking was bleeding edge. When the ideas, practices and pranks of this experimental niche of technophiles attracted the attention of a handful of activists in Italy, they understood that information and communication were what would give shape and voice to social, political, and cultural processes in the near future. This article, the Italian translation of the introduction to the international edition of Autistici & Inventati, +kaos. 10 anni di hacking e mediattivismo (ed. Laura Beritelli, Agenzia X, 2012), describes the peculiar relationship between hacktivism and activism, in Italy and beyond, highlighting the importance of maintaining digital infrastructures. While this may not sound as glamorous as sneaking into a server and leaking data, it is a fundamental topic: not even the most emblematic group of hacktivists can operate without the services of radical server collectives. keywords: hacktivism, Italian activism, digital infrastructures, radical server collectives, information and communication Oriana Persico and Salvatore Iaconesi, Marta Cecconi, Arianna Magrini, Tommaso Cappelletti, The electric Oyster Motel In a world where algorithms progressively and incrementally mediate our identities, a new practice of resistance emerges: the sabotage of virtual assistants, sexbots, and sex-control-minded people, to reprogram their behaviors. Language raids, surreal glitches interpolated in everyday life enter everyday people’s routines, questioning gender stereotypes and inducing relections about the “information bubbles” in which gender identities are shaped. Following Ada’s investigation, a young and talented detective founder of the Quantum Algae agency, readers gradually discover the pieces and bytes of a world which becomes the exploration of some of the most urgent issues in today gender studies. Using methodologies and techniques typical of Near Future and Design Fiction, the transformative tensions emerging from the research are highlighted and transformed into immersive scenarios, mixing texts and images. Addressing multiple targets of analysis, the narrative structure traces a line between diferent nodes of contemporary debates, such as the inluence of technologies in the deinition of a gender binary logic, the importance of the imaginary in design and tech, the gender gap in IT and its inluences in the increasing encoding processes of reality, and the igure of “sex hackers”. The format provides a framework where to combine the power of narrative with the methodology and rigor of scientiic research, validating both of the perspectives through the continuous exchange between their distinguishing elements along the text. It is an open invitation to perform new types of transdisciplinary ields and practices in which science and humanities can meet, collaborate, communicate and learn from one another, while arts and design act as catalysts for innovation, research and transformation processes in society. Keyword: gender, encoding, sex hacking, near future design