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Over the years, millions of data and information in transit have been abused, compromised or lost to cybercriminals/hackers due to inefficient security measures adopted during data transmission. To address this issue this paper reviewed... more
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      Information SecurityEmbedded SoftwareCryptographyEncryption
When critics consider young people’s practices within cyberspace, the focus is often on negative aspects, namely cyber-bullying, obsessive behaviour, and the lack of a balanced life. Such analyses, however, may miss the agency and... more
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      Adolescent LiteracyChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureSociology of ExpertiseSociology of Technology
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      BusinessCriminologyCybercrimesPolitical Science
La figura del hacker ha sido protagonista de múltiples relatos, los cuales coinciden con el imaginario colectivo cultivado por los medios de comunicación: piratas informáticos, que se entrometen en cuentas privadas, en sistemas bancarios... more
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The Internet is driving force on how we communicate with one another, from posting messages and images to Facebook or "tweeting" your activities from your vacation. Today it is being used everywhere, now imagine a device that... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyInformation SecurityMachine Learning
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      Information SecurityComputer NetworksSecurityComputer Security
The state of security on the internet is bad and getting worse. One reaction to this state of affairs is termed as Ethical Hacking which attempts to increase security protection by identifying and patching known security vulnerabilities... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionComputer VisionInformation Security
The Internet is driving force on how we communicate with one another, from posting messages and images to Facebook or “tweeting” your activities from your vacation. Today it is being used everywhere, now imagine a device that connects to... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyInformation SecurityMachine Learning
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      HackerHackingComputer HackingEthical Hacking
In the thirty years from 1970 to 2000, open source software (OSS) began as an assumption without a name or a clear alternative. It has evolved into a sophisticated movement that has produced some of the most stable and widely used... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware DevelopmentHackerNewspaper
Communities of making have been at the center of attention in popular, business, political, and academic research circles in recent years. In HCI, they seem to carry the promise of new forms of computer use, education, innovation, and... more
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      EthnographyCommunity Engagement & ParticipationCommunityCare Ethics
Driven by constant and remarkable technological innovation, the Internet has increasingly changed the routine activities of Americans. Connecting with friends and family, shopping, banking, media consumption, and other daily activities of... more
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      CybercrimesHackerRoutine Activities TheoryCyberterrorism
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Since the microcomputing revolution in the 1970s we live in the age of permanent technological disruptions, but institutional and educational practices remain unchanged. As noted by Flavin, " technologies come and go but the university... more
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      Educational TechnologyDaoismGovernanceEconomics of Innovation
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityComputer EngineeringComputer Networks
This paper discusses the reliability of the criteria for determining Śaṅkara’s authorship established by Paul Hacker. His analysis of terminological peculiarities is based on only one of Śaṅkara’s works—the commentary on the... more
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      Advaita VedantaHackerAdi SankaracaryaAdvaita Vedānta
Verso il cyberpunk e l’hacktivism: lotte di resistenza e strategie di trasformazione, contro l’imperialismo capitalista delle multinazionali. Il libro, di circa 600 pagine, in formato 24x30 cm, realizzato da Tommaso Tozzi, prodotto e... more
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      Social MovementsNew MediaPrivacyDigital Media
Vastly growing online free-hospitality networks are a phenomenon of modern times. They have been already subject of social and peace studies, here explored from the perspective of information science. The main focus in this research,... more
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      SociologyTourism StudiesIntellectual PropertyKnowledge Management
Julian Paul Assange 3 Temmuz 1971 Avustralya doğumlu, internet aktivisti (hacker) ''Wikileaks'' adlı internet sitesinin editörü ve basın sözcüsüdür.
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      HackerWikileaksHackersJulian Assange
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      HackerHardware and SoftwareDestructive Computer Viruses
The collection of articles in this issue of Versus on the semiotics of concealment proposes theoretical reflections and some of their possible applications on the many facets of secret communication. The aim of these texts is to bring... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware DevelopmentHackerNewspaper
2013-0612-戰略研究-Antoine Jomini "The Art of War" and the New Era of Application in Cyber Warfare-約米尼與《戰爭藝術》與新時代網路戰
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      Cyber WarfareHackerWarfare StrategyAntoine Jomini
La Russie recrute les hackers les plus recherchés par le FBI : sommes-nous encore capables de gagner cette guerre de l'ombre ? Qu'ils soient offensifs ou défensifs, les Occidentaux-et tout particulièrement les Etats-Unis-disposent d'un... more
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      CybercrimesCyber crimeHackerCybersecurity
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Vulnerability scanners are information security tools able to detect security weaknesses on hosts in a network. Secure hosts in a proactive manner. A proactive approach is considered to be better than reactive approaches followed by, for... more
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      Information SecurityHackerHackingEthical Hacking
Si trasladamos el presupuesto de que entre 100 programadores, uno se hace hacker, y que para 100 programadores encontramos solo a 10 mujeres, ¿cuantas mujeres programadoras necesitamos para encontrar una mujer hacker?. Estas suelen elegir... more
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      HacktivismHackerTechnologies de l'informationMilitantisme
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
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      Information SystemsSocial MovementsInformation ScienceInformation Technology
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      EngineeringHackerBig DataBig Data Security
By looking closely at Little Brother (2008), For The Win (2010), Pirate Cinema (2012), Homeland (2013) and Lawful Interception (2013) I intend to show which concepts of society these young adult novels mark as desirable and what role... more
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      TechnologyActivismHackerYoung Adult Literature
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      HacktivismOpen DataHackerGobierno Abierto
The Internet is driving force on how we communicate with one another, from posting messages and images to Facebook or “tweeting” your activities from your vacation. Today it is being used everywhere, now imagine a device that connects to... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyInformation SecurityMachine Learning
Protest rhetoric has always provided a prime example of how communication can work to change the human condition, but strategies of protest have evolved as the United States has transformed into an information economy. Although protest... more
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      Information SystemsRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)SociologyCultural Studies
Жаргон, сленг, терминология и мемы игровых субкультур, многопользовательских онлайн-игр, компьютерщиков, хакеров, геймеров, киберспортсменов и гиков Jargon, slang, terminology and memes of gaming subcultures, massively multiplayer online... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer Games TechnologyInteractive and Digital MediaDigital Games
Social Engineering and phishing technique are subjects that have been evolving as the years pass, mainly through email, which is one of the most used communication tools in the world. Phishing emails are usually related to Social... more
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      Information SecurityHackerCybersecuritySocial Engineering
"Cyberattaque de masse : une catastrophe mondiale difficilement évitable quoiqu'en pense Edward Snowden. La cybertattaque survenue il y a quelques jours est peu commune, quant à son étendue et son mode d'action. En moins de 24 heures, 75... more
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      CybercrimesFraud Detection And PreventionCyber crimeHacker
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• Una avvincente indagine sulle origini • Chi sono i veri HACKER, chi i Cybercriminali e i Cybercop • ISECOM 12 Dispense in italiano per “diventare” Ethical Hacker • Principi fondamentali di VAPT • Cenni alle metodologie OSSTMM e OWASP •... more
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      HackerEthical HackingHackersHacker Culture
Cybersecurité : les piratages massifs sont inévitables, il est grand temps d'apprendre à vivre avec le fait que nos données seront volées Alors que les Assises de la Cybersécurité se sont tenues mercredi 11 octobre à Monaco,Yahoo vient... more
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      Urban interventions (Architecture)Interactive Media InstallationsHackerDesign Studio
While the making of the bricoleur, who uses what he has close at hand, involves deeply “undoing” the “project” of the engineer, according to Claude Lévi-Strauss, that of the tactician, described by Michel de Certeau, rather encourages a... more
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      Critical TheoryDesignBricolageCritical Art
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      Digital MediaHacktivismHackerHacking
Certified Ethical Hacker or CEH is a hacker who possesses the certification of the same name. The certificate assesses and ensures that the hacker is proficient in identifying potential and actual vulnerabilities in specific computer... more
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    • Hacker
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      Computer ScienceTechnologyNetwork SecurityThe Internet
We talk about how to best protect Australia against cyberterrorist attacks of the type in which the offenders use a computer to attack or in which the offenders attack computers. Our concern is phenomena like Stuxnet and Ransomware, but... more
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      CriminologyComputer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionCyberlaw

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