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Marion Hamm
  • https://euroethnologie.univie.ac.at/forschung/drittmittel-forschungsprojekte/infrastructuring-the-social-public-libraries-and-their-transformative-capacity-in-austerity-urbanism-ilit/
London, 1. März 2006. Eine kleine, aber laute und von Samba-Rhythmen begleitete Demonstration zieht von der Passstelle am Ecclestone Square zum Innenministerium in der Marsham Street. Dort wird einem Angestellten des Innenministeriums... more
London, 1. März 2006. Eine kleine, aber laute und von Samba-Rhythmen begleitete Demonstration zieht von der Passstelle am Ecclestone Square zum Innenministerium in der Marsham Street. Dort wird einem Angestellten des Innenministeriums eine Petition zum Bleiberecht ...
This article introduces ethno-psychoanalytically informed supervision of fieldwork as a methodological instrument of reflexive ethnography to the methodological de- bate of the discipline, and aims to strengthen this approach in research... more
This article introduces ethno-psychoanalytically informed supervision of fieldwork as a methodological instrument of reflexive ethnography to the methodological de- bate of the discipline, and aims to strengthen this approach in research and teach- ing. The authors identify a contradiction between recurrent calls for reflexive re- search practices and the simultaneous fending off of (self-)reflexive modes of inter- pretation, which are frequently dismissed as overly psychologising or ‘narcissistic’. Using a case study, they show how in research supervision the process of associative interpretation within a group mirrors the irritation of the researcher and the emo- tional dynamics of the field situation. Taboos, power relations, structures of mean- ing and agency within the field are made visible as scenic arrangements and opened up to reflexive interpretation and objectivation. Supervision helps to resolve re- search blockages and to establish the necessary reflexive distance in re...
"Den volkskundlichen Blick genauer und schärfer zu machen, ohne seine Spezifik und seine Problemorientiertheit einzuschränken, ist die Aufgabe der kommenden Jahre. Diese ist nicht lösbar ohne massenhafte Feldstudien und deren... more
"Den volkskundlichen Blick genauer und schärfer zu machen, ohne seine Spezifik und seine Problemorientiertheit einzuschränken, ist die Aufgabe der kommenden Jahre. Diese ist nicht lösbar ohne massenhafte Feldstudien und deren regelmäßige und hartnäckige methodische Reflexion." (Utz Jeggle, 1984) Auf 16 Schauplätzen entfaltet sich die Poesie ethnographischer Forschung – in Berührungen, Brechungen und Blockaden. Kulturwissenschaftlerinnen und Kulturwissenschaftler folgen den Wegweisungen ihrer Forschungsfelder von der schwäbischen Provinz bis nach Vietnam, vom Krankenhaus an die Universität, vom Bild zum Körper, vom Internet ins Museum. Sie diskutieren die Potentiale und Problemstellungen methodischer Offenheit und Reflexivität und brechen zu interdisziplinären Grenzgängen auf.
Based on the Horizon 2020 project TRACES, this chapter introduces contentious heritage as a research perspective with situates performances of heritage in the field of socio-political conflict, rather than a specific type of heritage,... more
Based on the Horizon 2020 project TRACES, this chapter introduces contentious heritage as a research perspective with situates performances of heritage in the field of socio-political conflict, rather than a specific type of heritage, where representations of the past are publicly disputed. Building on critical heritage studies, I argue that to "follow the conflict" is also productive where dissonances are silenced but simmering, as "all heritage is dissonant" (Laurajane Smith).
Laptops in the park, Bluetooth alerts at the bar, microchips under the dog's skin: wireless technologies like WiFi, GPS, and RFID are changing public space. The world is increasingly traversed by an electronic infrastructure and... more
Laptops in the park, Bluetooth alerts at the bar, microchips under the dog's skin: wireless technologies like WiFi, GPS, and RFID are changing public space. The world is increasingly traversed by an electronic infrastructure and overlaid with the invisible lines of swiftly evolving alternative cultural and social domains. The traditional physical and social public domain is being supplemented by zones, places and subcultures that transcend the local to interlink with the translocal and the global. Open 11: Hybrid Space asks, "How can individuals and groups appropriate, liberate, or sculpt this hybrid, seemingly flexible space? Where is the 'public' now, and whose spatial, cultural and political strategies will shape it?"
Dass die ethnografische Forschung nach Reflexion ihrer Zugangsweisen und Ergebnisse verlangt, ist heute fast schon ein Allgemeinplatz. So einmutig diese Forderung gestellt wird, so vielfaltig und unterschiedlich sind die Ansatze ihrer... more
Dass die ethnografische Forschung nach Reflexion ihrer Zugangsweisen und Ergebnisse verlangt, ist heute fast schon ein Allgemeinplatz. So einmutig diese Forderung gestellt wird, so vielfaltig und unterschiedlich sind die Ansatze ihrer Umsetzung. Oft erfahren wir in publizierten Studien vieles uber den Forschungsprozess und zahlreiche Methodenhandbucher bieten Anleitungen fur das Auswerten und Kodieren.
The concept of participation is currently evoked by constituencies as varied as urban planners, local governments, universities and social movements. This coincides with a revival of participatory research methods in the social and... more
The concept of participation is currently evoked by constituencies as varied as urban planners, local governments, universities and social movements. This coincides with a revival of participatory research methods in the social and cultural sciences. This article argues that the critical potential of participatory research methods should not be taken for granted in cognitive capitalism, where participation is as much an instrument for governmental regulation from above as it is a practice for democratic self-determination from below. First, the politics of participation from the emancipatory departures of the 1970s to today's revival are being discussed. Second, based on a long-term ethnographic study on the transnational Euromayday movement of the precarious, it is demonstrated how positioning the researcher using reflexive ethnography can support a critical research attitude through a process of reflexive hybridisation. In concluding, reflexive activist scholarship is outlined...
„Liegen wir jetzt alle auf der Couch?“, so die spontane Frage einer jungen Wissenschaftlerin zu Beginn ihrer ersten Feldforschungssupervisionssitzung, als alle konzentriert im Stuhlkreis sasen. Das Bild einer „Couch“, so wie es dort... more
„Liegen wir jetzt alle auf der Couch?“, so die spontane Frage einer jungen Wissenschaftlerin zu Beginn ihrer ersten Feldforschungssupervisionssitzung, als alle konzentriert im Stuhlkreis sasen. Das Bild einer „Couch“, so wie es dort vorsichtig fragend, aber auch mit ironisch-provokativem Unterton in den Raum gestellt wurde, bundelt die irritierende Mischung aus methodischem Interesse und wissenschaftlicher Skepsis, die dem Verfahren der Feldforschungssupervision von Kolleg_innen haufig entgegengebracht wird.
Politik ist nicht, wie vom Liberalismus behauptet, das konkurrenzhafte Spiel monadischer Individuen. Denn eine Schwalbe macht noch keinen Frühling, und ein Individuum macht noch keine Politik. Alles politische Handeln geschieht im... more
Politik ist nicht, wie vom Liberalismus behauptet, das konkurrenzhafte Spiel monadischer Individuen. Denn eine Schwalbe macht noch keinen Frühling, und ein Individuum macht noch keine Politik. Alles politische Handeln geschieht im Gemeinsamen und produziert ...
This article addresses a complex heritage configuration in the northern part of the alpine Adriatic region, taking a relational approach to landscape, memorials, and actors. Albeit shaped by wars, population exchanges, and multiple... more
This article addresses a complex heritage configuration in the northern part of the alpine Adriatic region, taking a relational approach to landscape, memorials, and actors. Albeit shaped by wars, population exchanges, and multiple emigrations, this border area is primarily represented as static in Austrian, Italian and Slovenian national heritage discourses. An ethnographic exploration into silenced memories of mobility reveals a dynamic, outward-looking cross-border setting. An analysis of biographical memories and artistic initiatives leads to three modes of un-silencing, which affirm inhabitants’ right to dwell and traverse dominant representations of ethnic belonging and exclusion, mobility and settledness, and mono- and multilingualism.
Die Partisanenkämpfe in Norditalien während des Zweiten Weltkriegs sind bis heute Gegenstand öffentlicher Aushandlungsprozesse. Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Dissonanzen bei der Produktion von Kulturerbe zwischen Heritagisierung und... more
Die Partisanenkämpfe in Norditalien während des Zweiten Weltkriegs sind bis heute Gegenstand öffentlicher Aushandlungsprozesse. Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Dissonanzen bei der Produktion von Kulturerbe zwischen Heritagisierung und gelebter Erinnerung.
In the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic situation, physical interaction and public performances became difficult, while use of digital media for public and private purposes was extended and intensified. This affected citizens’ right of assembly and... more
In the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic situation, physical interaction and public performances became difficult, while use of digital media for public and private purposes was extended and intensified. This affected citizens’ right of assembly and led to new forms of collective sociality. This article analyses how social intimacy was re-arranged during lockdown through a thick description of mediated performances circulating on Italy’s Day of Liberation from Nazi fascism. It examines how a politicised commemoration of resistance echoed fears and desires relating to the virus and enabled the production of subjectivities in a transnational techno-social environment. Combining Lauren Berlant’s concept of intimate publics with theories of media, social movements, mediation and national identity, it offers an analytical framework detailing three layers of social intimacy: spatial/corporeal materiality, biography and mediation.
In the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic situation, physical interaction and public performances became difficult, while use of digital media for public and private purposes was extended and intensified. This affected citizens' right of assembly and... more
In the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic situation, physical interaction and public performances became difficult, while use of digital media for public and private purposes was extended and intensified. This affected citizens' right of assembly and led to new forms of collective sociality. This article analyses how social intimacy was rearranged during lockdown through a thick description of mediated performances circulating on Italy's Day of Liberation from Nazi fascism. It examines how a politicised commemoration of resistance echoed fears and desires relating to the virus and enabled the production of subjectivities in a transnational techno-social environment. Combining Lauren Berlant's concept of intimate publics with theories of media, social movements, mediation and national identity, it offers an analytical framework detailing three layers of social intimacy: spatial/corporeal materiality, biography and mediation.
The concept of participation is currently evoked by constituencies as varied as urban planners, local governments, educational institutions and social movements. This coincides with a revival of participatory research methods in the... more
The concept of participation is currently evoked by constituencies as varied as urban planners, local governments, educational institutions and social movements. This coincides with a revival of participatory research methods in the social and cultural sciences. This article critically assesses this trend by placing it between the emancipatory departures of the 1970s and the current debate on neoliberal governmentality, where the “participation imperative” has been identified as a new governmental technique. It is argued that this shift calls for a review of the assumption that participatory research methods per se contain critical potential. Based on a long-term ethnographic study on the transnational urban social movement EuroMayDay, the author offers reflexive ethnography as a method which allows maximum participation from both researchers and researched, while taking into account the power relations between both. This includes careful assessment of the position of the researcher in relation to his or her field, academia and the wider society.
11 authors introduce ethno-psychoanalytically informed supervision of fieldwork as a methodological instrument to the methodological debate of the discipline. Aiming to strengthen this approach in research and teaching, they identify a... more
11 authors introduce ethno-psychoanalytically informed supervision of fieldwork as a methodological instrument to the methodological debate of the discipline. Aiming to strengthen this approach in research and teaching, they identify a contradiction between recurrent calls for reflexive research practice and the simultaneous dismissal of (self-)reflexive modes of interpretation, which are frequently fended off as overly psychologising or ‘narcissistic’.

A case study of research supervision demonstrates how the process of associative interpretation in a group mirrors the irritation of the researcher as well as the emotional dynamics of the field situation. Scenic arrangements make visible taboos, power relations, structures of meaning and agency in the field and open a horizon for  reflexive interpretation and objectivation.

Supervision helps resolving research blockages and establishing a reflexive distance in relation to the field, because of the close relationship between psychoanalytical supervision methods and an open, processual and dialogical ethnography. Epistemologically, supervision and research reflection are grounded in the mutual interdependence of the (researching) subject’s experience and overarching socio-cultural structures of meaning. The article develops ethodological-theoretical parallels between ethnopsychoanalysis and Bourdieu’s understanding of scientific reflexivity. Disciplinary self-reflection on the conditions for ethnographic research in academic institutional settings with their mechanisms of exclusion, suppression and distortion is identified as a desideratum.
Dieser Artikel geht von der These aus, dass soziale Bewegungen durch die Entwicklung eigenständiger „organischer Theorien“ einen Erklärungshorizont aufspannen, der ihnen erlaubt, die eigene Protestpraxis mit Sinn zu versehen,... more
Dieser Artikel geht von der These aus, dass soziale Bewegungen durch die Entwicklung
eigenständiger „organischer Theorien“ einen Erklärungshorizont aufspannen, der ihnen
erlaubt,  die  eigene  Protestpraxis  mit  Sinn  zu  versehen,  der  Bewegung  ein  Selbstbild  zu
geben und die spezifische Problemlage analytisch einzuordnen. Im Aufsatz wird die Rezep
tion und Produktion organischer Theorie am Beispiel der transnationalen Prekarisierungs-
bewegung untersucht. Seit 2004 organisiert sich dieses Bewegungsnetzwerk transnational
um das Protestformat der Euromayday-Paraden, die bis zum heutigen Tag in 40 europäischen
und mehreren außereuropäischen Städten jeweils zum 1. Mai durchgeführt wurden. In un
serer Studie interessierte uns, wie Theorien des wissenschaftlichen Spezialdiskurses in den
politischen Bewegungsdiskursen „organischer Theorie“ (d.h. im elaborierten Interdiskurs)
verallgemeinert und schließlich mit bestehenden Subjektivierungsweisen und Praktiken (im
Elementardiskurs des Alltagsverstands und der Alltagspraktiken der BewegungsakteurInnen)
verschränkt wurden. Dies wird erstens anhand eines diskursanalytischen Vergleichs zweier
Textkorpora untersucht. Zweitens wird in Form einer ethnographischen Untersuchung
gezeigt, wie theorieförmige Diskurselemente in den Praktiken der Bewegung selbst produ-
ziert und als „embodied theory“ ausagiert werden.
Research Interests:
Using the Halloween Critical Mass bike ride as an example, Marion Hamm analyses how cyberspace overlaps the physical space of a protest demonstration on the street and how a construction of what she calls ‘geographies of protest’ is... more
Using the Halloween Critical Mass bike ride as an example, Marion Hamm analyses how cyberspace overlaps the physical space of a protest demonstration on the street and how a construction of what she calls ‘geographies of protest’ is developing. Marion Hamm is affiliated with Indymedia, a worldwide network of independent media centres.
Research Interests:
Aan de hand van de Halloween Critical Mass fietstocht in 2005 in Londen analyseert Marion Hamm hoe cyberspace versmelt met de fysieke ruimte van de protestdemonstratie op straat en hoe zich een constructie van een wat zij noemt ‘landschap... more
Aan de hand van de Halloween Critical Mass fietstocht in 2005 in Londen analyseert Marion Hamm hoe cyberspace versmelt met de fysieke ruimte van de protestdemonstratie op straat en hoe zich een constructie van een wat zij noemt ‘landschap van verzet’ ontwikkelt. Marion Hamm is verbonden aan Indymedia, een wereldomspannend netwerk van vrije mediacentra.
Metropolitan neighbourhoods are facing aggravated state-led gentrification. Blacker Dread, a well-respected member of the black Afro-Caribbean community who used to run a record store in Brixton, a neighbourhood in the London borough of... more
Metropolitan neighbourhoods are facing aggravated state-led gentrification. Blacker Dread, a well-respected member of the black Afro-Caribbean community who used to run a record store in Brixton, a neighbourhood in the London borough of Lambeth, tells a journalist: "We have this little joke. We've taken the B off Brixton and we call it Rixton […]. The B stands for all the black people who had to move out" (Walker 2018). Figures from the National Office of Statistics confirm his statement. ...
Based on the Horizon 2020 project TRACES, this chapter introduces contentious heritage as a research perspective with situates performances of heritage in the field of socio-political conflict, rather than a specific type of heritage,... more
Based on the Horizon 2020 project TRACES, this chapter introduces contentious heritage as a research perspective with situates performances of heritage in the field of socio-political conflict, rather than a specific type of heritage, where representations of the past are publicly disputed. Building on critical heritage studies, I argue that to "follow the conflict" is also productive where dissonances are silenced but simmering, as "all heritage is dissonant" (Laurajane Smith).
Wie die Geschichte des bewaffneten Widerstands im von den Natio-nalsozialisten besetzten Europa erinnert und gedeutet wird, ist Gegen-stand komplexer Aushandlungen. Das zeigt sich etwa in der Figur des Partisanen / der Partisanin in... more
Wie die Geschichte des bewaffneten Widerstands im von den Natio-nalsozialisten besetzten Europa erinnert und gedeutet wird, ist Gegen-stand komplexer Aushandlungen. Das zeigt sich etwa in der Figur des Partisanen / der Partisanin in widerständigen und hegemonialen Erinnerungskulturen. Anhand dreier YouTube Clips zum Einsatz von Bella Ciao als Provokation, Konsens, und populistische Strategie diskutieren wir Partisanenerinnerung in Italien und weltweit als umstrittenes Kulturerbe. Angesichts des gegenwärtigen Aufstiegs der extremen Rechten und den damit verbundenen Symbolkämpfen zeigen wir, wie lebendige Erinnerung an die antifaschistischen Kämpfe im zweiten Weltkrieg bis heute eine Ressource ist für Praktiken des Protestierens und die Produktion widerständiger Haltungen.
This comprehensive volume introduces and discusses methods of ethnographic fieldwork focussing on collective reflection in interdisciplinary supervision groups and interpretative workshops.
First published in republicart.net: http://republicart.net/disc/publicum/hamm04_de.htm
36 Autor*innen setzen sich mit Widerständigkeiten des Alltags auseinander, mit Bezug auf Arbeitskulturen, Protestpraktiken, kulturwissenschaftliche Technikforschung sowie Kunst und Ethnografie.
This comprehensive volume introduces and discusses methods of ethnographic fieldwork focussing on collective reflection in interdisciplinary supervision groups and interpretative workshops. Ethnografische Feldforschung hat das Ziel,... more
This comprehensive volume introduces and discusses methods of ethnographic fieldwork focussing on collective reflection in interdisciplinary supervision groups and interpretative workshops.

Ethnografische Feldforschung hat das Ziel, Annäherungen an das Wirklichkeitserleben und die alltäglichen Handlungspraxen anderer Menschen zu ermöglichen. Der Forschungsprozess zeichnet sich durch eine Komplexität aus, die selbst für qualitative empirische Sozialforschung ungewöhnlich ist; die gewonnenen Daten sind sehr vielschichtig. Die ethnografische Gruppensupervision für Feldforschende ist eine Antwort auf diese Herausforderungen. Der Band stellt dieses Instrumentarium zur Reflexion und Auswertung ethnografischer Feldforschungen in Form von methodologischen Erläuterungen und Praxisbeispielen vor.
"Performing Protest" offers a cultural approach to protest media. I argue that social movements use protest media strategically in creative and productive ways that go beyond representation. Based on a multi-sited and digital ethnography... more
"Performing Protest" offers a cultural approach to protest media. I argue that social movements use protest media strategically in creative and productive ways that go beyond representation. Based on a multi-sited and digital ethnography of the trans-urban EuroMayDay movement I show that protest media were constituent in its formation and central to its performativity. Contrasting my own position between the fields of activism and academia with formats of participatory or un-biased research, I come up with the concept of 'reflexive activist scholarship'.

Throughout the 2000s, the simultaneous Euromayday Parades on International Workers’ Day in over 40 European cities were highly visible public performances. Using complex media arrangements, activists circulated plurivocal imageries of precarity. Mediated repertoires of contention established credible political actors, and circulated struggles across regional and national borders.

Despite increasing interest for protest media in social movement- and media studies, their culturality had received little theoretical and methodological attention at the time of writing. I reviewed approaches from social movement scholarship, critical anthropology, European ethnology, and cultural studies, as well as theories of practice, post-operaism, and governmentality.

My research is based on a processual, flexible multi-sited ethnography, and grounded in micro-politics. I traced imageries circulating in the Euromayday network, and contextualised their historical and contemporary contexts through digital ethnography, participatant observation and, most importantly, formal and informal interviews with activists.  This enabled visual and textual analysis of selected media products, and a comparative study of the precarity frame in the global cities of Milan, London and Hamburg as well as from a network perspective.

I found that media need to be aligned with specific cultural settings to unfold their performative power. Imageries and narratives of precarity were aligned with everyday life, popular culture, symbolic time and urban space. Mediated practices of meaning-making generated situated knowledge on precarious conditions, empowered political subjectivities based on difference, and contributed to new forms of organising.