Anti gentrification Strategies
Recent papers in Anti gentrification Strategies
Partindo de uma perspectiva ou abordagem trialética que o termo “fronteira” empresta ao estudo da gentrificação, a discussão que desencadearemos em torno da gentrificação estruturar-se-á em duas partes essenciais. A primeira visa a fazer... more
This paper uncovers the mobilisation and resistance of citizens in the UK against retail gentrification. It focuses on existing and past campaigns that have emerged to save, promote and sustain traditional retail markets in particular in... more
Le transumanze notturne verso i quartieri e le vie della movida, le feste di strada, i mercati all’aperto itineranti, tutto quell’insieme di effervescenze che fanno sembrare una città vivace e dinamica sono ormai parte della cultura... more
Autores: Horacio Espinosa Zepeda Localización: Barrios corsarios: memoria histórica, luchas urbanas y cambio social en los márgenes de la ciudad neoliberal / coord. por Giuseppe Aricó, José A. Mansilla, Marco Luca Stanchieri, 2016, ISBN... more
This report is about the ethics and transparency of corporate political organising. Its case study is Airbnb, one of the biggest companies in the ‘platform’ economy, who resources, mobilises and coordinates its landlords as political... more
Gentrification is often discussed deploying colonization as a metaphor, however, this paper looks at how gentrification, through its mobilization of capitalist relationalities (through private property and through economic and cultural... more
In the past decade, urban regeneration policy makers and practitioners have faced a number of difficult challenges, such as sustainability, budgetary constraints, demands for community involvement and rapid urbanization in the Global... more
A brief explainer on gentrification that I wrote during my tenure as a research assistant at the Queens Historical Society.
Urban ethnographers must understand that while we look at things using close-up lenses, most policy-makers, on the other hand, employ wide-angle lens to describe what is going on at that very same street level. In this chapter, the... more
Gentrification can be understood as the process through which geographical areas become increasingly exclusive, which disproportionately harms people living in poverty and people of color, as well as the elderly, families, and youth. As... more
Our cities are changing. Around the world, more and more money is being invested in buildings and land. Real estate is now a $217 trillion dollar industry, worth thirty-six times the value of all the gold ever mined. It forms sixty... more
Activist archives which collect the documents of anti-gentrification campaigns occupy a critical position in which to study contemporary urban politics. They are interesting not only for their record of contested urban redevelopment... more
""Sulukule was one of the most famous neighborhoods in Istanbul because of the Romani culture and historic identity. In 2006, the Fatih Municipality knocked on the residents’ doors with an urban renovation project. The community really... more
This chapter explores the impact archives have in social justice struggles over urban redevelopments, looking at uses of activist archives in an anti-gentrification campaign. Because urban redevelopment takes place over a long period of... more
This thesis critically examines how narratives of neighborhood identity and boundaries become manufactured, reinterpreted, and commodified by corporate-led urban development in Kakaʻako by engaging in critical discourse analysis,... more
This PhD thesis investigates emerging processes of gentrification in medium-sized cities within the European context. The research is based on a multi-method approach and uses two case studies to analyse and compare the socio-spatial... more
La nature en ville dans un contexte de densification, étude portant sur l'archéologie de l'écologie urbaine. Comportant une analyse comparative des processus d'urbanisation au 19ème et de gentrification au 21ème. Une recherche sur la... more
Künye bilgileri: I. Uluslararası Kent Araştırmaları Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı'da 2015 yılında basılmıştır. Editörler: Mustafa Altunoğlu - Şerife Geniş, Ankara: İdealkent ISBN: 978-605-83819-1-9 Özet Soylulaştırma kavramı kullanım... more
Resumen: El volumen recoge los criterios para el desarrollo del Plan de Barrios del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona elaborados por el Consejo Asesor del Plan. El volumen, editado por Oriol Nel·lo, presidente del Consejo, contiene aportaciones... more
In the Fall of 2014, Black Lives Matter protests erupted across the United States and the San Francisco Bay Area became the site of nightly demonstrations that deployed a range of disruptive practices and direct actions. The content and... more
Sustainable development aims to address economic, social, and environmental imperatives; yet, in practice, it often embodies a neoliberal market logic that reinforces inequalities. Thus, as the social work profession grapples with its... more
The middle class is a key word in gentrification research, it is used extensively, and it is often part of the very definition of gentrification. But it is also used highly differently. This Intervention argues that the best way to grasp... more
In this short essay I sketch out some of the key features of a type of practice I'm calling radical placemaking in resistance to the widespread gentrification and corporate mega-development visible in London today.
L’article aborda l’estudi de la gentrificació a la regió metropolitana de Barcelona, tot partint de la noció que aquesta forma part d’un fenomen d’abast més ampli: la segregació urbana. Així, el treball s’inicia amb una definició de... more
The comparison of the struggles unravelling in San Francisco and Valparaíso that these two incidents exemplify allows a cross-contextual analysis of what activism and resistance reveal in terms of processes of dispossession triggered by... more
Depuis le début des années 90, de plus en plus de villes françaises rejoignent la course à l’envolée des prix immobiliers dans laquelle se sont déjà illustrées Londres, New York ou encore Toronto. S’y accompagne un phénomène désormais... more
Urban fringe areas are well known for attracting clusters of creative people because of the availability of affordable studio space. The underused and vacant properties which are characteristic of such areas offer gaps in the urban fabric... more
1. What is tourism gentrification? 2. Indicators of the touristification in Lisbon 3. What are the major forces/causes of tourism gentrification in Lisbon? 4. What are the impacts of massive touristification in Lisbon´s historic center?... more
This article — an excerpt from my book, Capital City, with elaborations on a number of key points — argues that the housing crises endemic to contemporary capitalism must be understood as a result of the concentration of global capital... more
In both its historical Progressive Era roots and its contemporary manifestations, U.S. urban progressivism has evinced a contradictory tendency toward promoting the interests of capital and property while ostensibly protecting labor and... more
Formen der Selbstorganisation unter dem Dach der LWB. Ideenskizze des Haus- und WagenRat e.V. im Rahmen der LWB-online-Architekturwerkstatt NEUBAU 2015: Flexibilität, Partizipation und Kooperation im Wohnungsneubau können nicht allein... more
This book addresses the touristic valorisation of areas of urban poverty, tourist’s role in making slums into must-see attractions, places of tourist intervention and attention, places of discovery and meaningful experience. Tourism in... more
The chaper deals with the historical, spatial and social specificity of the gentrification of Rome. It compare an hybridized gentrification in Rome with New York and it concludes arguing for considering gentrifing neighbourhood as... more
As áreas centrais das aglomerações urbanas contemporâneas são peças-chave para análise e compreensão dos inúmeros conflitos sociais constituintes da sociedade capitalista atual. O centro da cidade de São Paulo, apesar de dotado de uma... more
Manuscript for publication in Tijen Tunali, ed. Art and Gentrification in the Changing Neoliberal Landscape (anticipated December 2020).
1. Introduction to Rio’s Favelas, Their Qualities and Historic Role in the City 2. The Olympic Threat to Affordable Housing in Rio de Janeiro 3. The Potential of Community Land Trusts as a “Middle Way” 4. The Inspiring Case of Puerto Rico... more
El capital inmobiliario impulsa las reconfiguraciones espaciales que acontecen en las zonas centrales de la Ciudad de México bajo un discurso de revitalización y renovación urbana, junto a nuevas prácticas de consumo y formas de... more