Recent papers in Cybercultures
The essay that launched Afrofuturism. Introductory essay, in which the term is coined and theorized in depth, followed by interviews exploring the idea with leading African-American cultural theorists. From the collection FLAME WARS,... more
Atualmente, o deslumbramento tecnológico determinado pelos gigantes da tecnologia, com seus hardwares e softwares e com o discurso de aproximar pessoas, coloca o usuário na condição básica de uso, já que, por esse meio, há garantia de... more
This essay gives a situated introduction to body hacking, an underground surgical process that seeks to transform the body’s architecture, offering an ethnographic account of the affects that drive this corporeal intervention for... more
First monograph linking ethics and conduct of cyber conflict, including for the first time a description of "state-sponsored hacktivism" as the preferred mode of cyber warfare. Offers the first sustained critique of the Tallinn Manual on... more
Wayne Vucinic Book Prize 2007, "for the most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences." Endorsement by Slavoj Zizek: "Alexei Yurchak's Everything... more
"CYBERSPACE GOVERNANCE:The Imperative For National & Economic Security"
"CYBERSPACE GOVERNANCE:The Imperative For National & Economic Security"
Organizacje sieciowe, organizacja -sieć czy też sieci organizacy jne stanow ią w ostatnim okresie szczególnie popularny obiekt badań. Często są także utożsamiane z organizacjami w ir-tualn\ mi. Elementami takiej sieci są relacje sieciowe... more
Artigo está licenciado sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.
Timely sharing of cyber security related information between organizations has long been perceived as an effective measure to address cyber security challenges. Even though information sharing is a cost-effective tool and a crucial step... more
این سخنرانی در کرسی یونسکو با عنوان عام فرهنگ وفضای مجازی: دو فضایی شدن جهان در تالار ایران دانشکده مطالعات جهان دانشگاه تهران در تاریخ دوشنبه 17 آبان 1395 برگزار شده است که در لینک ارائه شده فیلم آن در سایت آپارات قابل دریافت است.
Correa-Diaz, Luis y Scott Weintraub, eds. Poesía y poéticas digitales / electrónicas / tecnos / New-Media en América Latina. Editorial Universidad Central, Bogotá, Colombia.
In June 2008 the search term ''Madeleine McCann'' generated around 3700 videos on YouTube, attracting over seven million text responses. This research project used generic analysis to allocate videos to categories according to their... more
This paper is primarily concerned urith criminal activities in the publicly accessible areas of the Internet known as newsgroups. Findings are presented from a small scale exploratory study of two Internet newsgroups and a tentative model... more
Published as Lucio Fontana's Proto-Technologism at Hyperallergic If you want to leave all imagery behind for a proto free fly into the immersive deep space of the virtual,... more
Resumo Este trabalho apresenta inicialmente uma discussão teórica sobre a vinculação entre celebridades e a personalidade narcisista. A partir disso, discute como as tecnologias da Web 2.0 transformam ou potencializam o desejo pela fama... more
This article is based on ethnographic work with two ‘‘crews’’ of young graffiti artists in southern Mexico City. The crews share certain characteristics with gangs or urban tribes, but more with ‘‘communities of practice’’: they live in... more
ABSTRACT The Hollywood film has become a force of cultural globalization and the image of women in popular Hollywood films may have an important impact on cultural ideas of gender, sexuality and the role of women in the public and private... more
In this essay, I employ Elana Gomel’s concept of “impossible topologies” to analyze and compare three literary visions of how digital realities might in the future augment, as well as impede, the physical world we live in: From Liu... more
This article examines how involvement in high school journalism contributes to socialization into citizenship and, most crucially, to the development of a collective sensibility. Recent work by W Lance Bennett (2008), Zukin and his... more
Criminality in cyberspace has been the subject of much debate since the 1990s, yet comparatively little attention has been paid to technology-facilitated sexual violence and harassment (TFSV). The aim of this article is to explore the... more
NOTA: Este trabajó se publicó originalmente en inglés con el título “US Cult TV Series in the International Market: Considering the Reception of The X Files in Spain”, dentro del volumen editado por Marta Fernández Morales y José Igor... more
O artigo a seguir utiliza da perspectiva de autores contemporâneos dos estudos culturais para construir raciocínios a respeito dos processos de construção de identidade nos sujeitos, tanto em meios online quanto offline. A partir dessa... more
Już pierwsze etnografie społeczności internetowych realizowały narracyjny model opowieści o osobistym doświadczeniu. Dziś to podejście nadal reprezentuje wielu badaczy cyberkultury, coraz częściej uprawiających autoetnografię... more
Review of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick
The growth and development of cybersecurity jobs and careers have created a need for new skilled faculty that can effectively teach the appropriate content to students at all levels. Often instructors are hired based on their academic... more
Mots-clés : co-évolution, contre-culture, cyber-culture, code, San Francisco, Ville Créative, Frontière, Internet
Key Words: co-evolution, counter-culture, cyber-culture, code, San Francisco, Creative City, Frontier, Internet
Key Words: co-evolution, counter-culture, cyber-culture, code, San Francisco, Creative City, Frontier, Internet
Feminists media scholars have been confronted with the challenge of making out the meanings of a series of post-feminist texts and the ambiguities around what constitutes "sexist" discourses, in a context where some claim gender equality... more
El presente texto pretende ser una presentación de un área de trabajo en antropología al que podríamos denominar 'ciberantropología' o 'antropología del ciberespacio' de aún escasa trayectoria en lengua castellana, a pesar de su indudable... more
Review of Distributed Blackness: African American Cybercultures by André Brock
Avant le dernier « sprint final » pour remporter la prochaine présidentielle qui se gagnera en partie sur le Web, un grand vainqueur s'impose d'ores et déjà au coeur de la campagne électorale : l'usage immodéré des plateformes de Data... more
In 2013, Indonesia topped China and was acknowledged as the country with the highest rate of cyber attack traffic, in which with its 1,6 percent share of world Internet users, Indonesia contribute 38 percent of the total cyber attack in... more
Marek górka (red�), Cyberbezpieczeństwo dzieci i młodzieży. Realny i wirtualny problem polityki bezpieczeństwa, Wydawnictwo Difin, Warszawa 2017, ss. 350 Recenzowana monografia wieloautorska pod redakcją Marka Górki, uznanego eksperta w... more
Abstract: This article discusses the processes involved in the construction of group membership and cohesion in a semiprofessional team of esports in the city of Belém, the capital of the state of Pará, in the Brazilian Amazonian... more
SUMMARY The ubiquitous use of digital technology in all aspects of daily life has opened up unprecedented possibilities such as immediate access to information, (tele)presence at any place on the planet, multiplication and modification... more
Over the last 30 years or so, human beings have been delegating the work of culture – the sorting, classifying and hierarchizing of people, places, objects and ideas – increasingly to computational processes. Such a shift significantly... more
The triangular theory of crimes explains how cyber-criminals and identity thieves operate, and the effects of staff dishonesty in criminal investigations.
Among various cyber threats, a DDoS attack is one of the major Internet threats that can affect anyone and even cause tremendous financial damage to organization that uses cloud-based services, while the mitigation of this threat can be... more
"This paper critically situates contemporary concerns with cyberspace and digital media within a cultural dimension. In doing this it sets the emerging new communication technologies alongside issues of cultural limits and boundaries.... more
"It is the contention of this paper that posthuman creativity is already taking place, rather than solely existing in the domain of a biomechanical cyberpunk dream. Manifesting work in both cyberspace and meatspace, the posthuman in this... more