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O presente estudo investiga o efeito de país de origem no processo de introdução de marcas em novos contextos nacionais, a partir da análise do caso da marca Chery e de sua chegada ao mercado brasileiro. Para isso,... more
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      Country-of-Origin EffectNetnographyCarsChery
The purpose of the study is to understand actual behavior of customers and firms by analyzing the real time interaction between firm and customers on social media platform. The study also pursues to assess the way firms respond to the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceSocial MediaNetnographyOnline Shopping Behaviour
The purpose of this research is to explore the role of online photography in creating experience value in nature-based tourism, and what types of experience value are conveyed through photography-based user-generated content. The paper... more
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      Tourism ManagementDigital HumanitiesConsumer Experience ManagementNational Parks
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This chapter discusses Mexican migration to the USA in at least three dimensions: a historical one; a geographical one; and modern Mexican migration to the USA has a strong social-economic background: Mexican people migrate to the USA for... more
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      CommunicationSocial NetworksTransnational migrationNetnography
Już pierwsze etnografie społeczności internetowych realizowały narracyjny model opowieści o osobistym doświadczeniu. Dziś to podejście nadal reprezentuje wielu badaczy cyberkultury, coraz częściej uprawiających autoetnografię... more
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Pretendemos compreender a importância da Internet como veículo de discussão de valores sociais e sua relação com o capital social, por meio de estudo netnográfico das relações sociais entre indivíduos na formulação da identidade presente... more
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Resumo: Discute a aplicação da netnografia como método de pesquisa no campo da Ciência da Informação. Descreve o método netnográfico, suas origens, os primeiros estudos desenvolvidos no Brasil, algumas características e diferenças em... more
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      Information ScienceInternet research methodsLibrary and Information ScienceNetnography
Consumer research often fails to have broad impact on members of our own discipline, on adjacent disciplines studying related phenomena, and on relevant stakeholders who stand to benefit from the knowledge created by our rigorous... more
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      MarketingConsumer BehaviorMarketing ResearchBranding
Netnography (Kozinets, 2010) is an ethnographic approach to study communities that exist primarily online. Engaging in online participant observation, the netnographer connects to the online community through a computer screen, and the... more
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      Computer Assisted Language LearningEthnographyOnline CommunitiesComputer Assisted Language Learning/Teaching
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      MarketingSociologyEthnographyQualitative methodology
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      PR and AdvertisingBlogsDigital MediaParticipatory Culture
Perkembangan teknologi informasi melahirkan dunia baru bagi manusia, yaitu yang sekarang disebut dengan “ruang maya” atau cyberspace. Struktur cyberspace dalam internet memberi ruang yang bebas bagi setiap individu untuk melakukan... more
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Over the last decade, the ukulele has experienced a resurgence in popularity amongst players spanning a remarkable range of demographics and ability levels. One of the instrument’s most intriguing fields of visibility is the online video... more
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      MusicMusicologyPopular MusicEthnomusicology
RESUME : L’objet de notre travail est d’explorer la notion de pratiques de consommation marginales à travers le cas de la lithothérapie. Cette pratique, qui s’entoure d’une aura teintée de médecine, de spiritualité, d’ésotérisme et qui... more
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      Consumer Culture TheoryNetnographyMarginalitySpiritualité
A proposta desse trabalho é investigar o mito da ubiquidade e a inteligência coletiva (que estão atrelados), em "conversas" entre usuários da página @NetflixBrasil, na rede social digital Facebook, em que tentam entender, coletivamente,... more
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      Television StudiesFacebookNetnographyNetflix
This study examines gender performances and communication styles on mobile dating applications (MDAs) in the context of queer theory with the help of netnography methodology. The research was conducted with Wapa users from Turkey. Wapa... more
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      Queer TheoryMobile TechnologyLesbian StudiesMobile Communication
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      Information SystemsInternet StudiesEthnographyDigital Media
This study aims to fill an empirical void in our understanding of how doctoral students, both domestic and international, cope with loneliness and isolation, and what types of tactics they use during different phases of their doctoral... more
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      TechnologySocial NetworksHigher EducationVirtual Communities
A semester project from Spring 2017 written by Line Boye Danielsen and Nanna Dam Petersen from Aalborg University. (Draft: In the process of being re-written into a paper). This project explores how the death of fictional queer... more
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      Media StudiesVirtual CommunitiesGender and SexualityAutoethnography
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      NetnographyNew Media StudiesSociology of CommunicationLanguage and Communication
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    • Netnography
Opublikowane w: Colloquia Anthropologica II, red. J. Jasionowska, K. Kaniowska, Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa 2017, s. 177-193. Nowe wyzwania antropologii politycznej. Etnografia usieciowionej rzeczywistości Abstrakt: Cyfrowy aktywizm to... more
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      EthnographyDigital MediaDigital EthnographyNetnography
Ethnography online as an ethnographic division is often critically treated because it allows researchers to investigate a culture without having face to face contact (Hine 2008:259). It is moreover sometimes seen as inferior to... more
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      Media StudiesEthnographyInternet researchEthnography of Communication
Attracting and retaining IT professionals have emerged as top management concerns in the last years. This is particular relevant for companies with core business processes in IT that have much to gain from talented IT professionals.... more
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      BusinessNetnographyGoogleIT Company
Netnography has been there in the social science stream since 1995 but is mostly used only for market and consumer research. Kozinets (2007) defined Netnography as ‘doing ethnographic research online or on digital networks and also as a... more
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      AnthropologySocial MediaConsumer BehaviorNetnography
O capítulo discute a Netnografia como método para estudo de comunidades online, especialmente do comportamento digital, numa perspectiva de aproximação com a Antropologia. Para tanto, além de contextualizar o paradigma digital na... more
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The Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) genre represents one of the most popular, dynamic and influential spaces of digital play. Since the genres first commercial release in 2009 with the title League of Legends (2009 – present, Riot... more
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      Game studiesInternet StudiesParticipatory CultureFan Studies
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      Gender StudiesGender HistoryContemporary HistoryOral history
Increasingly, consumers interact through the Internet to share their knowledge, experiences, and opinions. Consequently, ‘word-of-mouse’ has become a significant market force that influences consumer decision-making. On the basis of... more
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      MarketingSocial InteractionVirtual CommunityConsumption
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      Social NetworksGenderVirtual EthnographyNetnography
This article examines the continued presence of racial folklore and the reproduction of dominant racial ideologies as presented by the media and fan interactions. The case of Israel (Izzy) Folau's time at the Greater Western Sydney Giants... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSociology of SportSocial Sciences
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      BusinessSocial IdentitySocial ComparisonNetnography
Ce mémoire s’intéresse aux communautés de youtubeurs qui produisent des contenus humoristiques dans le but de promouvoir un artiste ou un groupe de K-Pop. L'approche netnographique (Kozinets, 2010) a permis d'aborder l’expérience des... more
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      HumorQualitative ResearchParodyNetnography
The body and possessions resulting from consumption choices, represent the extended self (Belk, 1988). Individuals invest (or divest) possessions of meaning as they embrace (or eliminate) them (McCracken, 1986). These meanings allow... more
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      ObesityNetnographyWeight LossGifting
Purpose – Understanding customers is critical for service researchers and practitioners. Today, customers are increasingly active online, and valuable information about their opinions, experiences, and behaviours can be retrieved from a... more
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      Services Marketing and ManagementService-Dominant LogicNetnographyNetnography (Research Methodology)
How is consumer desire transformed by contemporary technology? Most extant theory holds that technology rationalizes and reduces passion. In our investigation of networks of desire—complex open systems of machines, consumers, energy, and... more
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      TechnologySocial NetworkingFoodNetworks
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      Consumer BehaviorNetnographyBoycott Movements
Tesis doctoral Cum Laude - Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Esta tesis trata precisamente sobre cómo interactúan diferentes factores. Se estructura en tres partes diferenciadas. En la primera parte de la tesis, se establece el marco... more
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      Game TheoryCommunicationGame studiesDesign
In this article, I examine the cultural and subcultural construction of consumption meanings and practices as they are negotiated from mass media images and objects. Field notes and artifacts from 20 months of fieldwork at Star Trek fan... more
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      MarketingCultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia Anthropology
Una delle caratteristiche che contraddistinguono lo scenario del social web è la centralità delle interazioni, la proliferazione delle conversazioni relative a un numero illimitato di topic, alimentate dalle logiche di funzionamento dei... more
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      SemioticsSocial NetworksQualitative methodologyQualitative Research
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      Internet StudiesLiteratureInternet FolkloreInternet memes
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      Translation StudiesFilm RemakesNetnographySubtitling
Ce livre fait le point sur les avancées et les enjeux de la méthodologie qualitative en contexte numérique. Il offre un panorama des méthodes de recherche les plus récentes pour l’étude des phénomènes en ligne par les sciences sociales –... more
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      Digital MediaInternet research methodsComputer-Mediated CommunicationSocial Media
Son yıllarda tüketiciler tarafından sosyal medya kullanımının artması, pek çok kurumsal iletişim uzmanının sosyal medyayı çevrimiçi paydaşlarıyla ilişki kurmak için bir araç olarak benimsemesinde de artışa neden olmuştur. Kurumsal... more
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      Corporate CommunicationSocial MediaSocial Media OptimizationNetnography
Lathi Khela is a dying Martial Arts Dance tradition of Bangladesh. This research concerns the continuity of a tradition which developed during the time of colonial undivided Bengal, until today, living as a popular martial arts dance in... more
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      SociologyAsian StudiesGender StudiesAnthropology
Discussion on the Web is mediated through layers of software and protocols. As scholars increasingly study communication and learning on the web it is essential to consider how site administrators, programmers, and designers create... more
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      New MediaOnline CommunitiesComputer NetworksDistributed Cognition
Why and how do marginalized consumers mobilize to seek greater inclusion in and more choice from mainstream markets? We develop answers to these questions drawing on institutional theory and a qualitative investigation of Fatshionistas,... more
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      MarketingMedia StudiesFashion TheoryBlogs
Anlatıların dönüşüm sürecinde üretici, tüketici ve bağlam değişse de anlatıların toplumda ortak bir belleğin oluşmasına katkısı ilkel dönemlerde olduğu gibi modern dünyada da devam eden bir durumdur. Son otuz yıl içerisinde internet... more
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      FolkloreStereotypesStereotypes and PrejudiceStorytelling