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ABSTRACT Objectives: Between 20 to 50% of medical imaging examinations are considered inappropriate, and unnecessary ionizing radiation exposures may lead to cancer. We hypothesized that Bahraini patients who self-present for ionizing radiation procedures are not aware of, and lack the requisite knowledge of, the inherent risks associated with their use than patients prescribed for diagnostic purposes. We attempted to examine and compare the awareness and knowledge of the associated risks of ionizing radiation in common diagnostic radiological procedures between prescribed and self-presenting patients in Bahrain. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was carried out among 416 Bahraini patients attending the radiology department of the Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC), a secondary health care center, who had been referred by primary care physicians or self-presented to the center. Data was collected via face-to-face interviews. Results: Prescribed patients (n = 358) had a better awareness than self-presenting (n = 58) patients on all ionizing radiation awareness statements (i.e., risks, permissible levels, willingness to undergo the procedure, and preference for a clinical examination over a radiological procedure) (p < 0.050). Of the 10 knowledge statements, the prescribed patients agreed on four statements than the self-presenting patients: preventing or minimizing exposure improves health, people can prevent or minimize exposure, a lifelong health concern, and radiological procedures offer best diagnoses compared to medical tests or procedures (p < 0.050). Conclusions: Bahraini patients who reported to SMC lack awareness and knowledge on ionizing radiation. The proportion of appropriate responses to awareness and knowledge questions were paltry for self-presenting patients and deficient for the prescribed patients in the knowledge segment alone.

original article Oman Medical Journal [2017], Vol. 32, No. 5: Awareness and Knowledge of Ionizing Radiation Risks Between Prescribed and Self-Presenting Patients for Common Diagnostic Radiological Procedures in Bahrain Adel Al-Mallah1, Asokan G. Vaithinathan2*, Mahdi Al-Sehlawi1 and Mariam Al-Mannai3 1 Radiologic Technology Program, College of Health Sciences, University of Bahrain, Manama, Bahrain Public Health Program, College of Health Sciences, University of Bahrain, Manama, Bahrain 3 Department of Mathematics, College of Science, University of Bahrain, Isa Town, Bahrain 2 A RT I C L E I N F O A B S T R AC T Objectives: Between 20 to 50% of medical imaging examinations are considered inappropriate, and unnecessary ionizing radiation exposures may lead to cancer. We hypothesized that Bahraini patients who self-present for ionizing radiation procedures are not aware of, and lack the requisite knowledge of, the inherent risks associated with Online: DOI 10.5001/omj.2017.63 their use than patients prescribed for diagnostic purposes. We attempted to examine and compare the awareness and knowledge of the associated risks of ionizing radiation Keywords: Ionizing Radiation; Radiological in common diagnostic radiological procedures between prescribed and self-presenting patients in Bahrain. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was carried out among 416 Technology; Self-presented Patients. Bahraini patients attending the radiology department of the Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC), a secondary health care center, who had been referred by primary care physicians or self-presented to the center. Data was collected via face-to-face interviews. Results: Prescribed patients (n = 358) had a better awareness than self-presenting (n = 58) patients on all ionizing radiation awareness statements (i.e., risks, permissible levels, willingness to undergo the procedure, and preference for a clinical examination over a radiological procedure) (p < 0.050). Of the 10 knowledge statements, the prescribed patients agreed on four statements than the self-presenting patients: preventing or minimizing exposure improves health, people can prevent or minimize exposure, a lifelong health concern, and radiological procedures ofer best diagnoses compared to medical tests or procedures (p < 0.050). Conclusions: Bahraini patients who reported to SMC lack awareness and knowledge on ionizing radiation. he proportion of appropriate responses to awareness and knowledge questions were paltry for self-presenting patients and deicient for the prescribed patients in the knowledge segment alone. Article history: Received: 25 January 2017 Accepted: 19 July 2017 D iagnostic radiology plays an essential role in medical practice and uses ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are non-ionizing and are not associated with any known adverse efects or health risks as they utilize sound waves and magnetic ields, respectively. Whereas the use of gamma rays and X-rays in diagnostic radiological procedures (i.e., angiography, mammography, fluoroscopy, computed tomography (CT), nuclear medicine, and radiographic imaging) are risky and can have harmful results due to their ionizing efect.1 he risk *Corresponding author: agvaithinathan@uob.edu.bh of inducing biological efects increases as the dose increases (dose response), increasing the lifetime risk of cancer. he lag period between radiation exposure and cancer diagnosis is typically ive years but can extend to one or two decades, or more, in most cases.2 Worldwide, radiation exposure from medical imaging may be responsible for 1–3% of cancers.3 Children are particularly prone to ionizing radiation as the molecular processes within the brains of children are not yet complete.4 Radiation protection (RP) endorses no explicit “safe” radiation level. Nonetheless, RP standards for public and radiation workers are recommended 336 A del A l-M all ah, et al. by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP).5 RP emphasizes the safe and controlled use of ionizing radiation, and its use for any radiological procedure for medical diagnosis should be kept as low as reasonably achievable.6 RP in medicine hinges on the concepts of justiication and optimization. While many efforts have been put forth for optimization, less has been committed to justiication.7,8 Justiication refers to the appropriateness and dose of ionizing radiation in a radiological procedure based on the patient’s brief clinical history.9 he potential health beneits should almost always outweigh the potential risks of radiation exposure. he unit of measurement for radiation dose, commonly referred to as efective dose, is millisievert (mSv). he ICRP laid maximum limits for radiation exposure for practical purposes. For a general person, the maximum exposure over one year is 1 mSv. For instance, a chest X-ray is 0.1 mSv, a CT scan of the head is 2.0 mSv, and barium swallow luoroscopy is 1.5 mSv.5 A physician’s request for radiological examination should have suicient clinical information on the patient, the requested procedure, position required, and the clinical query. Additionally, it must comply with the clinical guidelines.10 Sources suggest that a signiicant fraction (20–50%) of medical imaging examinations may be inappropriate.11,12 Patients seek their physician’s care and advice for ailments where clinical and physical examinations are required. In general, the need for a medical imaging procedure may not arise in all patients, and they are diagnosed without exposure to unnecessary ionizing radiation. Although it is the physician’s decision to seek a radiological opinion for the patient, selfpresentation13 occurs when patients’ refer themselves for a procedure and appeal for a radiology service as a psychological reassurance for themselves and is associated with a prevailing culture in certain communities. From the patients’ perspective, nonreferral for a medical imaging procedure means that the physician has neglected them.14 Although medical imaging procedures do not provide any relief and are not considered a treatment, some patients have faith in medical imaging procedures as a vital tool.15 his mindset is of concern. It implies that patients who self-present for medical imaging procedures are not aware of the referral system, radiation risks, and the economic burden associated with their use and overuse.10 he Kingdom of Bahrain is an archipelago made up of 33 islands located in the Arabian Gulf with a total area of 780 km2. he population is around 1.3 million, which includes Bahrainis and multiethnic expatriates.16 he Ministry of Health provides the primary health care services through 24 health centers and three health clinics. The Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC) is the oldest and largest multispecialty health care facility providing emergency and secondary care to all Bahrainis and residents of Bahrain.17 There are no reports on the awareness and knowledge of the risks associated with ionizing radiation for radiological procedures in Bahrain, as well as comparisons between prescribed and self-presenting patients. We hypothesized that Bahraini patients who self-present are not aware of, and lack the requisite knowledge of, the inherent risks associated with the use of ionizing radiation compared to patients prescribed radiological procedures for diagnostic purposes. Therefore, we sought to examine and compare the awareness and knowledge of the associated risks of ionizing radiation between prescribed and self-presenting Bahraini patients at a secondary care center, SMC in Bahrain. M ET H O D S his study was carried out ater review and approval by the Institutional Research and ethics Committee of the Ministry of Health, Bahrain, and the Research and ethics Committee of the College of Health Sciences, University of Bahrain. A cross-sectional survey by a face-to-face interview rendered the data collection process. All consecutive Bahraini patients attending the radiolog y department of SMC either referred by primary health care physicians or directly reporting at the SMC due to an illness or self-presenting were included in the study. Parents responded if the patient was a minor (< 18 years of age). Pregnant women, patients attending the accident and emergency department, and non-Bahrainis were excluded from participating in the study. A structured questionnaire was built following an in-depth literature review on ionizing radiation. he questionnaire was written in english language and translated into Arabic. To ensure originality of the questions, the questionnaire was back translated 337 A del A l-M all ah, et al. from Arabic into english. For airming face and content validity, the questionnaire was scrutinized by a panel of experts from the College of Health Sciences. Pretesting and piloting the questionnaire in 30 patients allowed for suitable modiications before embarking on the main study. The questionnaire was speciic, realistic, measurable, and reliable that had an acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.72). he survey questionnaire had four sections. he irst part of the questionnaire gathered participants’ demographics, including age, gender, and education level. The second part of the questionnaire, made up of three-items, collected participants’ clinical information (i.e., purpose of hospital visit, any prior radiological procedure, and type of radiological procedure). he third and fourth parts of the questionnaire (multiple-choice questions) containing four and 10 items, respectively, were used to evaluate participants’ radiation awareness and knowledge (e.g., health risks, prevention, maximum number of examinations per year). A standalone question on patient’s preference to obtain information about ionizing radiation concluded the questionnaire. he sample size was estimated using the following conservative parameters for prevalence: expected population proportion of 50%, 95% confidence interval, and a 5% precision estimate on two sides of the true population proportion. hese parameters indicated a required sample size of 385.18 he required sample was increased to 400 participants (a level of precision of 4.9% either side) to account for potential invalid or incomplete responses. An estimated sample size of 400 was considered adequate. Informed consent was obtained from the patients without persuasion ater describing the purpose of the study. Patient data was protected throughout the study and ater. he data from the questionnaire was cleaned, coded, and entered into Microsot excel and exported to IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 23 (IBM Corp., Armonk, N.Y., USA) for statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics of frequency and percentages were used for the demographic characteristics. Differences in distribution of the awareness and knowledge responses between prescribed and self-presented patients were evaluated using the chi-squared test. Two-tailed tests were used, and a p-value < 0.050 was considered to be statistically signiicant. Table 1: Demographics and clinical information of Bahraini patients for common radiological procedures (n = 416). Characteristics n (%) Age, years < 10 19 (4.5) 10–19 47 (11.2) 20–29 99 (23.7) 30–39 81(19.4) 40–49 67 (16.1) 50–59 56 (13.4) > 60 47 (11.2) Gender Male 186 (44.7) Female 230 (55.2) Educational level No formal education 37 (8.8) Primary school 106 (25.4) High school 127 (30.5) University graduate 146 (35.0) Purpose of visiting the hospital Injury 155 (37.2) Illness 204 (49.0) General health check 57 (13.7) Prior radiological procedure Yes 353 (84.8) 61 (14.6) No 2 (0.4) Did not remember Type of radiological procedure Plain radiological procedure 276 (66.3) Fluoroscopy 53 (12.7) Computed tomography 44 (10.5) Multiple procedures 43 (10.3) R E S U LT S A total of 416 patients completed the survey with complete responses. he majority of patients (n = 358) were in the prescribed group; 55.2% were female, and 44.7% were male [Table 1]. Half of the patients reported to SMC due to illness and 37.2% due to injury. Almost 85% had a radiological procedure before, and 14.6% reported for the irst time. Two-thirds reported for the plain radiological procedure, 12.7% for a luoroscopy, 10.5% for CT and, 10.3% for more than one procedure. he level of awareness about the efect of ionizing radiation was evaluated using four statements [Table 2]. The prescribed patients had better awareness than the self-presented patients on all awareness statements concerning the risks, O M A N M e D J, V O l 3 2 , N O 5 , S e P T e M B e R 2017 338 A del A l-M all ah, et al. Table 2: Patients awareness on ionizing radiation for common radiological procedures (n = 416). Awareness question (appropriate response) Prescribed patients with an appropriate response, % Self-presented patients with appropriate response, % 95% CI p-value Are you aware of the risks of ionizing radiation? (Yes) 32.2 4.1 4.741– 37.6291 0.016 Are you aware of the maximum ionizing radiation dose permissible? (Yes) 85.0 1.8 72.878–87.408 < 0.001 Are you willing to undergo ionizing radiation procedure even if harmful? (No) 38.0 6.7 13.415– 41.318 < 0.001 Are you willing to undergo a clinical examination compared to a radiological procedure? (Yes) 66.7 3.4 37.281– 70.279 < 0.001 CI: conidence interval. permissible levels of ionizing radiation, willingness to undergo ionizing radiation, and willingness to undergo a clinical examination rather than a radiological procedure (p < 0.050). The median appropriate responses to awareness for prescribed patients was 52.35 (interquartile range (IQR): 46.78) compared to 3.75 (IQR: 3.85) in the selfpresented patients. The level of knowledge about the effect of ionizing radiation was evaluated using 10 statements [Table 3]. A significantly greater percentage of prescribed patients agreed with the following four statements than the self-presented patients: Would preventing or minimizing ionizing radiation exposure improve a person’s health? Can people prevent or minimize ionizing radiation? Is ionizing radiation a lifelong health concern, and does radiological procedure ofer best diagnoses than other medical tests or medical procedures? (p < 0.050). Appropriate responses to other knowledge statements were not signiicant between the prescribed and self-presented patients. The median appropriate responses for prescribed patients was 17.45 (IQR: 40.9) and 3.75 (IQR: 5.83) for the self-presented patients. Prescribed patients preferred to learn more about ionizing radiation from a health care provider (49.0%), internet-based resource (52.0%), or via a family member, friend, and other sources (21.0%). A lesser proportion of self-presenting patients preferred to learn more about ionizing radiation Table 3: Knowledge on ionizing radiation between prescribed and self-presented Bahraini patients for common radiological procedures who attended a tertiary care center (n = 416). Knowledge questions (appropriate response) Prescribed patients with appropriate response, % Self-presented patients with appropriate response, % 95% CI p-value Have you heard the term ionizing radiation before? (Yes) 12.5 4.1 -14.869–21.188 0.328 What does the term ionizing radiation mean? (Any type of energy that is capable of ionizing matter) 12.5 0.0 NA NA Is ionizing radiation dangerous to your health? (Yes) 6.3 0.7 -65.265–22.523 0.697 Would preventing or minimizing ionizing radiation exposure improve a person’s health? (Yes) 45.4 7.5 20.916–47.640 < 0.001 What is the maximum number of radiological examinations permissible per year for the categories of radiological procedures? (Multiple responses) 5.8 1.7 -37.847–21.884 0.662 Can people prevent or minimize ionizing radiation? (Yes) 53.8 7.2 29.588–55.705 < 0.001 Is ionizing radiation a lifelong health concern? (Yes) 22.7 7.0 -1.206–24.689 0.052 Does radiological procedure ofer best diagnoses than other medical tests or medical procedures? (Yes) 62.7 10.1 37.970–61.849 < 0.001 Can radiological procedures be avoided as part of diagnosis? (No) 22.4 3.4 -7.422–29.395 0.098 Can ionizing radiation reduce pain? (No) 6.7 1.7 -37.017–21.281 0.615 CI: conidence interval; NA :not available. 339 A del A l-M all ah, et al. from a health care provider (19.0%), internet-based resource (12.0%), or via a family member, friend, and other sources (7.0%). Overall, the appropriate responses to awareness and knowledge statements were higher for prescribed than self-presenting patients. However, no signiicant diferences were found in the awareness and knowledge statements for the demographic characteristics of age, gender, and levels of education. DISCUSSION his study was carried out on the basis that common diagnostic radiologic procedures using ionizing radiation carry potential health risks; hence, patients’ awareness and knowledge about ionizing radiation would play an important role in minimizing needless imaging and its ramifications. The results of our study in Bahrain show that awareness and knowledge of ionizing radiation are heterogeneous among prescribed patients and higher than the self-presented patients’ conirming the hypothesis of this study. Analyzing our study outcomes in detail, prescribed patients had a higher awareness of the minimum ionizing radiation permissible (85.0%) and preferred to undergo a clinical examination compared to a radiological procedure (67.0%). On the other hand, although signiicantly diferent to the self-presenting patients, it is of concern that the prescribed patient’s awareness of the risks of ionizing radiation and their willingness to undergo the procedure even if harmful was below 50.0%. It is of serious concern to note that the awareness of self-presenting patients to ionizing radiation was poor since all their appropriate responses to awareness statements were below 10.0%. he results of our study closely mirrors one on the knowledge of radiation exposure in medical imaging in parents and legal guardians, who were largely unaware that medical imaging carries an inherent risk of exposure to radiation for their child.19 Only four out of 10 statements relating to knowledge had a statistically significantly higher proportion of appropriate responses in the prescribed category than the self-presenting category of patients. Of these four, only two statements (does radiological procedure ofer best diagnoses than other medical tests or medical procedures, and can people prevent or minimize ionizing radiation?) had more than 50.0% appropriate responses. The proportion of appropriate response was below 50.0% for the questions, would preventing or minimizing ionizing radiation exposure improve a person’s health, and is ionizing radiation a lifelong health concern? Among the patients who self-presented, the results were identical to their awareness responses and particularly worrying as their appropriate responses to knowledge statements were below 10.0% for nine out of 10 statements. Although over 85.0% of patients were adults, 65.0% were university or high-school graduates, and 85.0% had a prior radiological procedure, their awareness and knowledge of ionizing radiation was inadequate, and no significant differences were found between age, gender, and education level. The proportion of appropriate responses to awareness and knowledge were paltry for selfpresenting patients and deicient for the prescribed patients in the knowledge segment. hus, it must be construed that the Bahraini patients who reported to SMC lack awareness and knowledge on ionizing radiation, in particular, self-presenting patients. Other studies have also suggested that the exposure to ionizing radiation from medical procedures is not a concern to the general public. Patients probably trust that healthcare professionals are competent in minimizing any risks because of their comprehensive training in radiation protection.20,21 Public health care services are delivered free to all Bahraini nationals. herefore, most oten, selfpresenting patients insist on radiological procedures and physicians are urged to oblige, or else patients may rate a care low when they perceive that their legitimate requests for a diagnostic radiological procedure was denied or ignored.14 Additionally, they may seek a private practitioner to have it done. Our work is not beret of limitations. Firstly, this study was carried out only in SMC, so our sample refers to this speciic population and may limit the generalizability of these findings to populations with access to other health care settings. Secondly, the population represented in our sample does not include pregnant women, those attending the accident and emergency department, and nonBahraini patients, therefore, the results of our study could only be compared to similar patient populations. Thirdly, there is no standardized survey instrument available to assess awareness and knowledge of ionizing radiation, particularly in common diagnostic radiological procedures. O M A N M e D J, V O l 3 2 , N O 5 , S e P T e M B e R 2017 340 A del A l-M all ah, et al. We utilized the existing literature and the opinion of experts in the ield to design a data collection instrument that was comprehensive and detailed with an acceptable internal consistency. Fourthly, we did not attempt to create an overall index for the results of our data for a comparison between prescribed and self-presented patients as the data was not normally distributed, hence the median and interquartile range alone were presented. Further, we believed that each statement or question on awareness and knowledge provided necessary and suicient information related to the aim of the study. Finally, the number of prescribed and self-presenting patients for common diagnostic radiological procedures is not equal since the patients were enrolled consecutively in the study and may serve as a surrogate of the prevailing proportion of selfpresenting patients in the Bahraini population. In recent years, improved recognition of the impacts of ionizing radiation has been identiied as one of the major public health and medical challenges. Our indings suggest that a great need exists for health promotion in basic concepts of ionizing radiation exposure and risk in patients, caregivers, and the general population. Organizational eforts involving healthcare professionals should augment the public awareness and knowledge regarding diagnostic radiological procedures. A shared decision-making platform between healthcare professionals and patients ofers the opportunity to discuss the beneits and risks associated with diagnostic radiological procedures.22 Thereby, healthcare professionals become agents of public health in counseling on the risks and benefits of diagnostic radiological procedures and providing evidence-informed health care to their patients. To the best of our knowledge, this study is a irst of its kind to assess the awareness and knowledge of ionizing radiation risks to patients for common diagnostic radiological procedures in Bahrain and, furthermore, on the comparison between prescribed and self-presenting patients. Further studies are required to assess the magnitude of the self-presenting patients including other health care settings in the country. C O N C LU S I O N he Bahraini patients who reported to SMC lack awareness and knowledge on ionizing radiation. he appropriate responses to awareness and knowledge questions were paltry for self-presented patients and deficient in the prescribed patients in the knowledge segment. his study provides the irst data on the diferences in awareness and knowledge of ionizing radiation risks between prescribed and self-presenting patients for common diagnostic radiological procedures in Bahrain. Further studies are needed in diverse clinical settings among the population to validate our results and recommend a policy on exposure to ionizing radiation on common diagnostic radiological procedures. We strongly believe health promotion can play a significant role in preventing unnecessary ionizing radiation exposure to self-presenting patients, irrespective of their clinical condition. Disclosure he authors declared no conlicts of interest. No funding was received for this study. Acknowledgements he authors would like to thank all the participants in the study, Mr. Amal Jacob of Christian Medical College, Vellore, India for valuable analytical inputs, and Mr. Mahdi Al Kulaiti, Chief of Radiology, SMC, Ministry of Health, Bahrain, for the support provided to carry out the study. r ef er ence s 1. Principles of ionizing radiation. In: Sam Keith, H. edward Murray, Wayne Spoo, Chemical Managers/Authors, editors. Toxicological proile for ionizing radiation. U.S. department of health and human services. Public Health Service. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Atlanta, Georgia, USA: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Division of Toxicology/Toxicology Information Branch; 1999. p.23-79. 2. Amis eS Jr, Butler PF, Applegate Ke, Birnbaum SB, Brateman lF, Hevezi JM. et al; American College of Radiology. American College of Radiology white paper on radiation dose in medicine. J Am Coll Radiol 2007 May;4(5):272-284. 3. 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