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THE PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE Stoneham, Québec, Canada © LUC BOURGAULT AND BLUE EAGLE—WENDAKE - 2018 Table of Contents THE PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE 1 WELCOME TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE NATURE 5 INTRODUCTION TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE 7 FIRST CHAPTER - THE DEFINITIONS 11 TERMINOLOGY 11 Man 11 Ex.- 11 Primordial Intelligence 11 Religion and Spirituality 11 Universal 12 Reality 13 Truth 13 Technocratic 14 Science 15 Holistic 17 Empiricism 18 The realms of nature 19 The Original Instructions 20 Mans’ Original Instructions 20 Free Will 21 Philosophical Practice 21 Co creation 22 Paradise 22 The «system» 23 Programming and Conditionings 26 Simple Common Sense 27 CHAPITRE II - THE PRIMORDIAL INTELLIGENCE 30 FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOM 35 CHAPITRE III - WHAT IS MAN? 40 INTRODUCTION 40 The thoughts of Man 40 The physical body 43 1st principle of a healthy body: Food! 47 2nd principle of health: 48 3rd principle: 49 4th principle of health 49 5th principle of health 49 6th principle of health 50 7th principle of health 50 The emotional body - feelings and their incidence on Man 51 Love and sexuality 55 Peace 58 Joy  ! 58 The mental body and its incidence on the philosophy of the nature 60 The holistic development of Man 60 Introduction 60 Education 61 The current «system» 62 The Solutions 65 The subtle and immaterial aspects of Man 72 Spirit 73 The Soul 74 Consciousness 74 The spiritual body 75 The energy body 75 Philosophical practice 77 The Communities of Men 83 The Alterations in Human Psychology that Damage Circle Communication 88 Individualism 88 Blindly accepting the «system’s» dictatorship 90 The notion of authority 91 CHAPTER IV - THE ROYAL PATH OF FREEDOM 95 The Family Domain 97 CONCLUSION 103 ANNEX - THE KINGDOMS OF NATURE 104 Introduction 104 The Various Kingdoms 104 The animal kingdom 105 The Plant Kingdom 106 The Mineral Kingdom 108 The Elemental Kingdom 109 Conclusion 110 WELCOME TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE NATURE The philosophy of nature is a path towards more coherence between our way of life and one that would give us health, happiness, relaxation and peace. We are under tremendous stress today and are destroying nature which supports life on earth. Thus a radical transformation of our consciousness is needed as ultimately only the intelligence of Man can resolve our current problems. You can guess that this is not a small matter. That is why this philosophy could transcend your concepts and hopefully be a catalyst in activating and accelerating your thoughts. It’s possible that your beliefs and vision of the world might be invalidated by this philosophy, that your whole lifestyle be put under question! If you immediately reject its concepts because they are too different from the standards you know, the educational process which this book proposes will not happen. Indeed, I do not need you to believe the slightest thought in this book. On the other hand, it’s important to accept them as hypotheses and to think about the implications they would have if they were true! Only then will the educational process happen. I sincerely believe that with time and practice we can transform our lives and this world which desperately needs our loving care. I thus need to truthfully describe the world in which we live today. That hurts! Our current situation is not pleasant to look at, if we are truthful about it. Nevertheless, it’s always better to face the truth because ultimately the truth will free us. Let us find the courage to take a long hard look at our current situation so that we may find better ways to relate with each other and the world. Another particularity of this volume is repetition. Indeed, in my discovery of what is true and real I’ve noticed that truth can decline itself in infinite ways. We can compare truth with a precious jewel with a thousand facets which reflects the light in all the colours of the rainbow. To integrate and really understand what is true and real it’s necessary to look at it from all angles. That is why you will find repetitions of the same thoughts expressed differently throughout the book. We can look at it as music in which a same leitmotif returns constantly with different harmonies to remind us of the fundamentally beautiful and perfect expression of reality, that of nature. Another peculiarity of this book is that it’s written for everyone and not only philosophers, intellectuals and scholars. For this reason I’ve kept a simple language without too many references to existing philosophies. You should not believe what is written in this book! So that we can remain true to what is real every human being has to establish truth within themselves! It’s also important not to reject anything without thinking about it! Take time to reflect on what is written. The average reader will tend to believe that what is expressed in certain parts of the text are inventions, superstitions or articles of faiths. In fact, I firmly believe that the time for faith and belief is of the past and that Man now needs to turn to knowledge and wisdom. Albeit every Man has the responsibility of determining this knowledge within. Because we have relied for so long on false beliefs that were imposed on Humanity by different authorities is one of the reasons why we are heading at high speed towards annihilation of all life on earth. Many species of fauna and flora have disappeared as well as the genocide of several indigenous nations who had unique knowledge of the land where they lived. This tendency continues ever increasingly today to benefit a “system” which decreases all the natural abilities of Men which live within that “system”. The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual capabilities of our current populations today are but a shadow of what they were just a few generations ago. This decrease in our overall abilities is happening amidst a storm of falsity, as the messages which are passed on to us by the media and modern technocratic society is that Man is experiencing a beneficial evolution. It’s important to learn to judge oneself of the truthfulness of the information given to us today, to avoid sinking even farther into illusion. The philosophy of nature only has validity if it’s integrated into the consciousness of Man. This philosophy is universal and has the potential to free us, to release us from the throes of illusion so that we may manifest our full potential in joy, peace and happiness. Consider this philosophy and its concepts as an educational tool which can form your spirit to know the truth. The benefit lies in the experience which you will have when reading it and reflecting or thinking about its concepts, more than in the actual philosophy. As in any written human activity, this philosophy is dependent on many factors which are transitory: among others the paper on which it’s printed, the machines on which it’s read, the language which is used to express it and the circumstances which brought about its publication. On the other hand, the substance and essence which underlies these words, that which is experienced when reading or pondering its concepts, is eternal. So, the ultimate benefit, if that benefit’s to be, will be within you! Happy reading! INTRODUCTION TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE Understanding the nature of the world with our thoughts, having an understanding of all that is, Man and the Universe and the exact nature of truth and reality, wanting to explain it so other Men can understand it, is for me the definition of philosophy. We thus need to determine the context of what we are trying to explain because the philosophy of nature, and any philosophy in fact, is trying to determine truth within a precise context, that of reality. To describe reality is more complicated than it may seem, as the mental, conceptual and linguistic thoughts of Men conditioned since birth by his country, his parents, his relatives, his education, his country and his work place, can largely influence his perceptions and the way he expresses them. If we really wish to understand and describe the nature of reality and how Man is in relationship with this incredible intelligence which underlies atoms and galaxies in a way that all Men can understand, we need as much as possible to establish a context which is beyond any regional, national, cultural, religious or political considerations. We are living in a crucial and potentially catastrophic time period which threatens not only humanity but the very existence of this planet. There is enough nuclear armament on earth to destroy it numerous times. The violence of the religious fanatical extremism shown by the Christian churches in the Middle Ages with the Inquisition and the current Islamic violent radicalism, the ceaseless wars in the name of patriotism, financial gain, territory, the supremacy of one nation, race or religion over another, all these devious ways that do not recognize the universality of all Men, create suffering and destruction. When there is a basic understanding of the essentially creative nature of human consciousness the futility of destruction and any form of imposed suffering is evident. We thus need a philosophy which is universal and able to envision the end of wars and useless suffering. Albeit the limitations of language I have written this book in the two languages I master: French and English. That can allow to compare the two to rise a bit above linguistic limitations. I will seek to establish this philosophy in a context which transcends regional, national, cultural, religious and political differences. Thus I hope all Men can understand and think about it. It’s imperative that we stop destroying our environment, that we stop all wars, that we create a world where there is justice for all and bring an end to all corruption. The only way of doing this is that all Men have the same vision and definition of what is truth. If enough Men have the same vision of the world and the place of Man in this world, these changes will be possible. All governments, wars, injustices and ways of life that degrade the environment come from the thoughts of Men. It’s the thoughts of Men that have created these conditions. The thoughts of Men can also create a way of life which respects the environment, which creates peace, which teaches justice and equality for all Men. That is why nature can be a model for our reflections on truth. Nature is the same for all Men. We all live on planet earth. The realities of this world are the same for all Men. Thus, the keys to the same vision and definition of truth are in the world around us. Also necessary to rid us of the illusions that create war, corruption, injustice and a way of life that destroys the environment is for Men to find this truth within. It’s not because a very brilliant or intelligent Man says something is true that others will listen to him or believe him. We see this non-stop in our modern civilization. The truth is often ignored even if people are there to insist that the authorities respect that truth. That’s because it’s the motivations of Men that influence their decisions and not the truth. That is why only a true shared perception on who we are as Men on this planet can eventually bring peace, protection of the environment and justice. We do not really understand who we are, what we are and why we are on earth. If we did, we would not be inflicting so much suffering and destruction on ourselves, others and nature. Modern governments may be full of good intentions but in reality it’s the money that decides and it’s the economy that is always influencing their decisions. We all know that in this “system” there are very rich people and very poor people and that the frenzied development of industry is polluting the earth at a horrifying speed. Disparities, wars, pollution are not the mark of an intelligent humanity. Nevertheless, we are intelligent! Why then are we in this situation? Thus, we need to think profoundly about these essential questions. We shall find in the philosophy of nature basic definitions which can help us towards these thought processes. It’s not the book or this philosophy which will make the difference but the truth every Man will find in himself and will see in the world around him that will bring about the changes in society and our way of life that are so important if we want to preserve our planet and live in peace and happiness. All men wish happiness for themselves and their families. Most Men today are not really happy or much less than they could be if they really had time to enjoy life. Real joy and true happiness have been replaced by materialism, work, stress, pleasure, glory, celebrity, success or hope to attain celebrity and success, faith and disease. Never have Men been so weak and sick in their bodies as in modern times. Nevertheless the messages that the media and doctors give us asserts the opposite. But in reality if we look a bit into the past we will find that there were no hospitals because they were not necessary, no doctors because all communities knew how to maintain health, little disease, no cancer, no obesity, no baldness, great strength and physical stamina and a very long life spa often 125 years and more. Formerly in indigenous nations where wisdom was a part of life, people left this world healthy with all their lucidity, transition being a choice. All these facts of our history have been hidden by the current “system”, because this “system” feeds on our sweat and blood and needs our ignorance to continue. But in reality the true history of humanity is quite different from the one taught in schools today. This book does not want to return to the past but rather initiate a cogitation that would incorporate current technological tools in a new world that will bring together the best of both worlds simultaneously. This essential work for our future and that of the children of our children begins in our thoughts. It’s necessary to educate our brains to determine what is true. Not because some authority said it’s true but because we know it’s true. We should no longer rely on belief, faith or someone else’s thinking to determine the course of our lives but on knowledge, wisdom and our own thoughts. Why this philosophy of nature? Why add still more words to the numerous philosophies which already exist? In any human life there are thoughts but also the relationships that these thoughts create with others and nature. I have noticed as any psychologist will confirm that it’s important to feel useful. Indeed knowing our place in the world is essential for a serene state of mind. If we don’t understand the world we live in, there can be no serenity This is why in traditional societies where tradition and elders instruct the young generation about life, there is a lot less suicide amongst the young that what is seen in our modern technocratic societies. . Understanding the world and how we are in relationship with it gives a harmonious and serene lifestyle and the wisdom to interact intelligently with the world. To have peace of mind we need understanding. That is the nature of Man. That is why an education based on reality, truth and real understanding of Men and their place in the world is essential in establishing peace and a pleasant life for all. This philosophy of nature is essentially an educational tool, to learn how to reflect on nature, Man, the world and come to an understanding of it all. An approach which takes into account all aspects of who we are does not exist in philosophy at this time. Philosophical research is more often than not limited to the different aspects of the body-mind dichotomy. We are much more than that. This is one of the reasons this philosophy of nature may prove useful. Our current world civilization acts without thinking, and is governed by the financial considerations of a small number of very rich people who manipulate religions, corporations, politics and governments to get even more money and power. The result of such behaviour is the progressive and rapid destruction of the environment as well as the degeneracy of Man on all levels. This was noticed by specialists in many dimensions of human activity. The end result is the state of pollution, war, disease and innumerable problems which affect humanity today. Humanity has an important and essential role on earth. We have a gift that no other species has, that of “co-creation”. We all know of our ability to invent, all this technology and machinery we have. But co-creation goes much farther than that. It teaches us how to create within the framework of our “original instructions This and other terms will be explained in the next chapter. ”. This creates what was formerly called “paradise”. It’s relatively simple to return to these natural states of life where we attain the highest levels of happiness and joy but the path to get there will require great effort and the collaboration of many people. We need to implement wisdom in all sectors of human activity. Men can live wisely and intelligently. Destroying the ecosystems, polluting the earth, the air and the waters, thinking our nation, skin color or religion is more important than others and finding motivation in these differences to torture and kill is not living intelligently. It’s sad to say but wisdom is widely absent in our current governance and way of life. We can transform our current thinking with an educational tool, this philosophy of nature which can allow the understanding of “universal” truth. This philosophy will allow every Man who gives it some thought a new life. When wisdom and truth are integrated into life they create joy, peace, love and happiness within and all around. When Man is happy and healthy all of nature delights in his beauty as we are the “consciousness” of the world. Understanding this, seeing that our wisdom and our intelligence can benefit all beings and that in fact all beings are a part of our consciousness, is the contribution I will attempt to offer with this philosophy. FIRST CHAPTER - DEFINITIONS TERMINOLOGY Man Man will be often written with a capital M for two reasons. The first is his unique position amongst all creatures of creation. We shall examine why and what that means in this philosophy. Man with a capital M also indicates Women and Men without gender distinction to simplify writing. Ex.- When you will see this abbreviated word, example, it will indicate that we can find numerous examples which demonstrate the expressed concept. We shall give an example or two for the tone and method. The reader can then find other examples if he wants to verify the assertions which they illustrate. We shall see that all truth has numerous ramifications. Primordial Intelligence In any philosophy there is interrogation on the nature of Man, his origins and the reason for his existence. These questions will inevitably bring us to address the existence, or not, of God, or rather within the framework of this philosophy, the Primordial Intelligence which would have created the world. The term God has been overused and has many connotations that are not neutral. Some people think that their God is different from others peoples, which is contrary to universal thought. If a universal intelligence has created the universe, it has applied the same laws to all the universe. This is coherent with the discoveries of science, mystics and shamans of the world. So, we choose to give another name, more universal than God and choose for this philosophy that of Primordial Intelligence. To compliment the prose we shall sometimes give the name Creator, Great Spirit, Great Mystery or Superior Power to the Primordial Intelligence. Religion and Spirituality Since we speak of Primordial Intelligence it’s also necessary to speak about spirituality and religion. It’s important to make the distinction between religion and spirituality. We consider that the institutionalized religions of the world (Buddhism, Christianism, Islamism, Hinduism and other major religions) are dogmatic. That’s to say that they teach a doctrine which is not subject to discussion but which must be accepted as such by the members of these religions. Spirituality on the other hand indicates a belief system which is free of dogma. It’s to say that every person defines his relation with the Primordial Intelligence and does not answer to an outside authority which would dictate what to think of his spirituality. As such, shamanism which is universal amongst all indigenous nations of the world can enlighten us on spirituality. After numerous meetings with shamans of the five continents I have found that in spite of a huge disparity of ways, techniques, traditions and shamanic abilities they all share the same basic spiritual philosophy. All communicate with immaterial spirits, all respect the earth, nature and all honour their ancestors and the traditions of their nation. All shamans accept all religions but generally adhere to none. Health and healing are considered to be fine tuning, a harmonization with the laws of nature and the universe and the role of the shaman is to favour this harmonization and this union. All also teach the liberty every Man has to enter into a personal privileged relationship with the Great Mystery. The shaman does not claim to have any particular privileges others than the respect due to any Man who is a guardian of tradition and healer for his community. This is an important difference with the hierarchical structures of religions where the pope, llamas, bishops, imams, rabbis and other notables of the religious hierarchies receive particular consideration and authority which often places them above the populations which they serve. So, we can define shamanism as a spirituality rather than a religion. Universal The word universal is a reference to the universe, the planets, stars and galaxies which constitute the created world. We can stipulate without fear of error that the whole created world answers to the same laws. We thus can say of the laws which govern the created world, that they are universal. It’s the same for the planet and Humanity. What is true for the galaxy is also true for us. We can also stipulate that what is true for a Man in Africa is also true for a Man in the Siberian taiga. I shall always remember the righteous anger of a wise woman of the Cherokee nation when a man put into question a teaching she had shared: “my truth is not the same as yours” he said. She strongly insisted on the fact that the truth is One, that what is true for one is true for all beings. We speak here about the realities of the world, the ultimate truths which define the nature of Man and his relation with the Creator and His creation, the universe. As such, universal is defined within the framework of this book as an adjective which indicates a reality which applies to all Men without distinction of race, nationality, color, religion or cultural membership. Reality Understanding reality is seeing the world without conceptual filters, prejudices, scientific principles, it’s seeing the world as it really, truly, is. The vast majority of Men perceive the world through the filter of their family and social standards, through their education and past experiences. So, this perception is often tinted with feelings, emotional memories and with intellectual concepts. All this data can non-correspond to reality. The perception of reality thus colored by our preconditioned thoughts and emotions is distorted and altered. That is why several very influential spiritual teachers speak of living the present moment, without reference to the past or to our thoughts Amongst those let’s mention Eckhart Tolle and Krishnamurti. . To experience reality without reference other than the present moment is a very intense experience where colours, sounds, smells and tastes are amplified, very lively and clear. It’s experiencing the reality of the world where our perceptions are precise and detailed. This non conditioned experience of reality allows one’s abilities to be increased and perceptions to be true. The peculiarity of a human being it’s that his perception of reality is multidimensional and develops in time. He can, with enough development and practice, perceive levels of reality up to the internal fabric of creation which is beyond time and space. He can then become a co-creator of reality. Reality is in opposition to imaginary although when we really understand the philosophy of nature we will see that imagination can influence reality. The opposition is that of an imagination which is contrary to our “original instructions”. We want peace, joy, love, abundance and a happy and long life for our children. All which does not serve this purpose becomes a clashing and destructive imagination. Reality is constantly reflecting the laws of the world but also the current dissonance of Men who have lost their way and their connection with the nature of this reality. With empiricism, its reflection, reality becomes the mark by which we can verify and confirm the truth. The dissonant imagination of Man can negatively influence reality. On the other hand, virtual imagination, what is sometimes called the virtual world or virtual reality, has no influence on reality. The virtual relationships and digitals worlds where Men spends more and more time are completely artificial. These activities are extremely harmful because in these artificial environments people gradually cease existing in reality. Their imagination and experiences have no reality thus it’s impossible to see the reflection of their thoughts, words and actions on the fabric of reality. Their natural abilities deform very fast in such an environment and they eventual stop being what we could call a Man and become more of the order of the cyborg. Truth Man must learn to see the truth in reality and the reality of truth. The truth is One. That’s to say that it applies to all Men equally. On the other hand, in its’ declinations in reality it’s infinite! There is no end to the variety, always beautiful, of the expression of a truth in creation. When we reflect on what is eternal, the truth reveals itself in the incredible multiplicity of its infinite beauty. Nothing is more important, in our quest for peace and health for all mankind, than the notion of truth. The truth frees us. A Man who truly understands the world will face with courage all circumstances of his life because he always knows what is just and good and will have all of creation helping him. The only suffering and obstacles to such a man’s happiness are other men who do not know the truth. The truth is One for all Men. It expresses itself in an infinite variety of nuances in creation, as in the communities and societies of Men. Moreover it’s one of the easiest ways to determine if a concept is true. Its validity can be verified by thousands of examples because it will conjugate in life like a tree which never stops spreading more and more branches and roots in all directions. It’s why with I have put examples after the abbreviation Ex.-throughout the text. They are every time one or two examples but we can find many other examples because the truth branches out to infinity. It’s also the reason for which you can sometimes see repetitions in the text. The truth can be compared with a precious stone cut with one thousand facets. Every time we look at it under a different angle, a new facet reveals another aspect of that truth. Man is an integral part of the unity which is truth. All of creation is. Knowing how to read this truth in the world is simple and yet of infinite complexity. Technocratic This adjective defines an approach to life where technology becomes the standard for evolution. He who has the biggest cannon and the biggest bomb is the most evolved person and is thus justified in flattening his neighbor because he has the means to do it. Although common sense says that this behaviour is erroneous and false, it’s nevertheless the standard on which our current world is built. We’ve destroyed indigenous peoples on all continents with the justification that since our technology is more advanced than theirs that we are thus more evolved and that we should thus civilize these barbaric peoples by force if necessary. As their lifestyle is healthier and more relaxed, they don’t want to leave it, so violence ensues sometimes ending in total genocide. They are the bases on which the current world justifies its colonization of the lands of indigenous peoples on all the continents. It’s very important to understand, as this characterizes our world civilization with its dependency on technology. The current wars are wars of technology where weapons of mass destruction are so powerful that nations don’t dare use them but continue to make them because their enemies do. This is very stupid and dangerous but it’s the reality we live in. One of the most harmful and pernicious thought forms of today’s world civilization is the belief that technology is going to find solutions to the problems we have. For example, we believe that one day science and medicine will find cures for all our diseases. This belief is false. In the given example, if it were true, we would have much fewer diseases than formerly, because pharmaceutical companies are hard at work developing all kinds of medications. In reality medical books are full of a horrifying number of pathologies and new ones appear every year. Compare that with indigenous societies where there were no hospitals because there was no need for them, and no doctors because disease was rare and everyone knew what herbs to use, and that will put a lot of things into perspective. An ethnic medical study I saw that studied pre-Columbian native diseases determined that there were close to 86 diseases in all before the European colonization. Medical science today describes 130,000 pathologies. If we look at the innumerable problems of our current civilizations and scroll back to the source of this problem, we will find some form of technology. Ex. —Injustice—if we go back to the source we shall find the technology of the banking system. Money creates disparities between Men and allows some to possess obscene wealth whereas their neighbours live in poverty. The rich can defend themselves with lawyers and other means which money can buy, but the poor man can be the victim of any nasty bureaucrat and rich people who would take advantage of him. There are millions of examples of such injustices. Ex.- Cancer. Scientific studies have proven that they are most often caused by chemicals and excessive radioactivity, two technologies that don’t exist in aboriginal communities. Thus, to think that technology can find remedies to the problems it has created is a vicious circle which leads only to more problems and to the progressive degeneracy of human beings on all levels. Science There is a fundamental difference in the scientific culture of technocratic civilizations and that of indigenous-aboriginal nations. This difference is that for aboriginal people the whole universe is alive. Technocratic science considers that stones, planets and elements are divested of life. The essential wisdom of the world consider that everything is alive, the universe, planets, stars, winds and stones. The proof of the consciousness which inhabits the whole universe is easy to find, but science does not know how to see reality. Modern science is more like a religion, where the premises accepted by the establishment have more weight and importance than reality. The description of Vine Deloria Jr in RED EARTH WHITE LIES is very eloquent. With supporting evidence and documentation he illustrates the ineptitudes of several scientific disciplines when they speak of the First Nations of America. We can clearly see in his analysis that what presides over the conclusions of several scientific disciplines it’s not the truth but indeed any possible assertion that could decrease the rights of Native Americans to live on their ancestral lands. To resume the analyses of this great Native American thinker, current science in more interested in prestige than a rigorous establishment of facts. The reputation of an academician, his power over his peers and his publications hold more weight than new theories which would advance science. Certain sciences assert postulates which are the result of suppositions not supported by serious studies. Often new data which can counter the official theory are refused without any verification for the sole reason that they do not support the theories accepted by academicians. Ex.- The analyzes by Vine Deloria of the theory of the migration of the Paleo-Amerindians by the Bering Strait and its impossibility in spite of the firm position which hold anthropologists, illustrate science more interested with the status quo that the truth. Thus, we have come to understand that often current scientific affirmations are not a way to describe truth or reality but rather constitute an assembly of dogmatic principles which confer an artificial authority to those who hold academic titles. Ex. —Often demonstrated in the media are assertions of various scientific authorities on different products like those promulgated some decades ago that tobacco and cigarettes are harmless for one’s health. It’s necessary to understand that philosophy should be at the heart of any scientific discipline. Indeed, if we deprive science of an ethical orientation and the basic morality that philosophy can confer we shall have a science which will serve the needs of governments, industry and business and where the best inventions, those that are the cheapest and give more results are hidden to promote those that give the most profit and are often the most destructive. Ex.—combustion engines that use petroleum. These are very polluting and make lots of noise. Extracting crude oil from the earth is very damaging to the earth itself. Many problems come from this technology. Numerous inventions such the engines which are to propelled by water exist but were either bought back and hidden, or the inventors were reduced to silence or killed. Ex. —One of the best disinfectants that exist, colloidal silver in water is of a surprising efficiency while being completely non-toxic. It can be used externally and internally. Official medicine never uses colloidal silver and even tries to prohibit its use as it costs almost nothing to produce and heals many problems and difficult infections. Science that is not harmonized by philosophic thought can also create inventions which threaten the future of Man. Ex. —Nuclear energy that produce extremely toxic radioactive waste which remain toxic and radioactive for dozens of thousands of years and create incredibly toxic far reaching pollution when accidents happen. They are also incredibly expensive and harmful to the environment. Nevertheless, science can offer data which can serve to verify the concepts of philosophy. Quantum physics amongst others is finding many principles that have been First Nations’ traditional teachings for centuries. The existence of parallel dimensions, relativity, super strings and other current theories of physicists all find their correspondences in the wisdom and teachings of indigenous peoples. The major difference is that science has no order or way of integrating its new theories into a global holistic vision of the world whereas the indigenous vision of the universe where everything is alive offers this possibility. There is an immense work of harmonization that needs to happen in the educational institutions of the world to attune science with universal values. Science needs to integrate ethics and philosophic morality before it’s really useful and non-destructive. Holistic The integration and synthesis of the five main aspects of human manifestation (energy field, physical body, emotional body, mental body and spiritual self) is sometimes indicated by the term “Holistic”. This syncretism can extend itself and apply to the world and the relationships of Man with the world. A holistic relationship with the world immediately leads to greater wellbeing and happiness as it allows the whole being to develop. We shall also speak of “holistic perceptions” to describe abilities such as intuition which go beyond what the intellect alone can accomplish. When maintaining a regular development practice Man harmonizes the relationship of his total being with the world. As his being thus functions in a harmonious unity, he has access to a much wider scope of perceptions. This is how we can explain that great mystics of different religions worldwide as well as many shamans of different indigenous-aboriginal communities expressed theories which were confirmed by scientific research in quantum physics centuries before science discovered them. Philosophical thought must thus include its relationship with the other aspects of human manifestation and not in intellectual isolation which is ultimately completely sterile. That is why our individual electromagnetic fields, our physical body, emotional reality and spiritual being are considerations that are important to integrate into the philosophy of nature. We shall thus try to express holistic truths coming from holistic perception. This also has the advantage of allowing rapid verification of truth and reality that does not require the laborious, slow, and costly methods of science or the blindness of purely intellectual philosophy. So, all thoughts here must be considered as holistic thoughts which unites all aspects of our being. We can also explain what is holistic by means of another example. Let us take a hologram. It can be defined as the product of holography, historically a process of photography in 3D. A hologram represents an image in three dimensions seemingly suspended in the air. One of the peculiarities of the hologram is that every element of the hologram contains the complete image even if a bit blurred contrarily to a photograph in 2 dimensions where every set of pixels contains only a small piece of the complete image. The concept here it’s the presence of the whole in all of the parts. Another example, by elimination or by what is not holistic, is that of chemical medication. Here the active principles found in a plant are separated from the other elements, thus becoming a chemical and integrated into medication to relieve the symptoms of various diseases. It’s the opposite of holistic because the natural cellular environment of the active elements of the plant are absent. The immediate effect is more spectacular and precise but on the other hand the body does not know how to effectively dispose of the residue of the active elements thus separated from their natural cellular environment. Thus, all medication has unwanted side effects. The second consequence is that chemical medication may decrease certain symptoms of disease but they pollute the body, predisposing it to other diseases such as cancer. The body which is organic and comes from nature does not know how to recognize nor manage chemicals and has a lot of difficulty eliminating them. Common sense easily indicate that chemicals do not favour health. Those who work in alternative and natural health care know that healing obtained with natural products takes more time but that it’s most often permanent. On the other hand, the use of chemical medication often leads to dependency to said medicine. Thus the importance of holistic thought, which takes into account the whole. Science most often functions in the opposite way. It dissects, analyzes and reduces to its pieces to understand the parts rather than look at the whole. It’s the difference between linear rather than circular thought, objective rather than subjective and analysis rather than synthesis. If we see a beautiful woman and want to understand why she is beautiful, we shall not obtain any results if we dissect her body trying to find where the beauty comes from. On the contrary, the beauty will have been destroyed! It’s necessary to look at the whole being in a holistic way and then we shall understand beauty. Empiricism We can define empiricism as a method to verify the affirmations of the philosophy of nature. Our philosophy, if it claims to be universal, has to be applicable in everyday life and for all beings. Thus, it’s impossible to theorize about the thought of Man and the impact of this thought on the world without clarifying with examples and the experiences of current populations. Certain considerations in this document are going to seem impossible and at the outer limits of what can be considered real by people today. This is because human consciousness is diminished when compared with that of our ancestors or if compared with highly evolved beings in the world today. The expansion of consciousness, the unlimited development of the holistic abilities of Man give rise to powers, capabilities that are refuted by current scientific thought as it’s incapable of explaining them. To assert that an ability is not possible when in fact certain Men have demonstrated them is also an indication of the illusions and stupidity which plagues current humanity and prevents it from understanding the real nature of Man and the world. For the same reasons we need to use examples to illustrate our thought and make it more understandable. Let us give an example of this. Urban man, which is the majority of the current world population, lives like a mad rat. He lives in polluted conditions, in poor health, under stress, in a frenzied race to make ends meet, millions piled up in huge polluted cities in unhealthy proximity to thousands of strangers. As soon as this Man manages to have more that the necessities for his immediate needs, he wallows in unhealthy pleasures which decrease his state of global health or in distractions such as television which hypnotizes him and where the body, the consciousness and the thoughts are numbed and in a lethargy which gradually decreases all his abilities. His family has often lived in misery for generations, since it left the country, the forests or the family farms hoping to strike it rich in the big cities. Sometimes, when some leave their miserable conditions thanks to success in an economic activity, they often live in arrogance towards poorer people. Many people in these cities shamelessly take advantage of their fellow men. Crime in big cities is very wide-spread. The rich spend in obscene ways without sharing, in superfluous and excesses of all kinds. If we compare this with the life of indigenous communities throughout the world we shall notice that they live a much more balanced and healthy lifestyle. They all have the custom of sharing all that nature offers them with every member of their community. Families are united and the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual capacities are much more developed than those of our urban contemporaries. Thus, we can determine with precision that a lucid glance on the world has to take into account the experiences of peoples to formulate a universal philosophic thought. We shall try to free our thoughts of any identification to race, tradition or religion but to help us better understand we will use examples and experience to validate our thoughts. The Kingdoms of nature These are classes of beings which constitute what we call the natural world. There is mankind, the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, the mineral kingdom, the elemental kingdom and the spirits of nature, beings that are completely made of subtle energies. It’s important to understand the correspondences and the importance of these realms of living beings, as understanding nature helps us to understand Man. A chapter will be dedicated to these kingdoms or realms. The Original Instructions All beings of all realms due to their embodiment on earth have precise instructions on life and the way to live. Thanks to these “original instructions” all animals know, often without guidance from their genitors, how to find their food, where to go during migration, in what season to procreate, how to copulate as this is often very ritual and requires purification, strife and preparation, what role they have to play in the ecology, etc. All other realms always respect their original instructions, the only exception being sometimes animals or plants which Men has voluntarily diverted from their original instructions. Man also has his original instructions but also possesses free will and can choose another way. Mans’ Original Instructions Mans’ original instructions are to be the co-creator and guardian of paradise. This is clearly demonstrated by the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health that enjoy those who live within nature. The original instructions of every individual within this template of being co-creators and guardians of paradise are different for every person. This is different from the other realms. In the establishment of a balanced way of life within nature every Man has unique abilities and unique responsibilities. Man is essentially a community being who defines himself through his relationships with others. Thus, every Man has to discover this unique way which distinguishes him from others within the family, within his community, his working environment, within his nation, on earth and the universe. It’s the goal of vision quests and other traditional rites of passage that are practised by aboriginal nations of all continents to discover one’s mission in life. The original instructions are inscribed in the heart of all Men. It’s the mission of every Man to discover these original instructions. To ponder one’s mission in life, the reason we are on earth, are the most important questions a Man can think about. This search continues throughout life as every step in this discovery brings Man farther and higher. Man also has to determine the original instructions of the beings of the various realms that he sees in nature. To co-create paradise he first needs to understand all the original instructions and roles of every being of the flora, the fauna and the elements of his land to be able to use them in a way suited to producing abundance and health for his family. This is not learnt in books or at school. Acquiring the understanding of the very complex relationships between all the natural beings in nature needs to be holistic. The observation of nature and the observation of the relations of our elders and our communities with nature are the ways a being acquires holistic knowledge of the ecology. This knowledge is not only mental but also emotional, spiritual and energetic. The information comes to a Man through all his senses: smell, sight, taste, sound, touch and “feeling” the energy. When a Man understands in this way the original instructions of the creatures of the animal and plant kingdoms, he can organize them in a garden which corresponds to his desires, needs and highest aspirations. He will co-create a small domain where he has created a beautiful landscape where abound the most beautiful flowers, the trees and animals he likes, the vegetables and fruit he prefers and are the best suited to his health and feeding his family. This activity and his specific talents will produce great abundance that he will gladly share with his neighbours. They in turn will also share the abundance and specific gifts they have acquired. The beauty and health that stems from living according to our Original Instructions are why we call this paradise. Every Man comes into the world with a mission in life, special talents and an important and unique role in his community besides the role which he has to exercise within the creation because he is Man. This mission in life and these roles according to the philosophy of the nature are his original instructions. These descriptions may seem impracticable or unsuitable for whom we are now. The philosophy of the nature will allow us to better understand all this. At the moment, do not judge these assertions, they will become clear and understandable as we integrate the various postulates and truths revealed in the philosophy of nature. Free Will It’s very important to understand free will which characterizes Man and differentiates him from the other realms. Indeed, this freedom of choice is unique and leads to very important considerations in our understanding of Man. We know that all other realms follow their original instructions to the letter. We never see a wolf go to the tavern for a beer, a tree trying to grow in the ocean or a stone deciding it wants to change places. Only Man has this choice of going against his original instructions. When Man goes against his original instructions the universe will react with different side effects such as those that we see in current technocratic societies: war, disease, pollution, injustice, segregation, poverty, famine, drought, floods or other ecological disasters. These signs are meant to convey to Humanity and to the individual Man that this is not the right way yet there is no obligation to change ways. This personal and collective freedom is the essential difference between Man and the other realms. We will address this in the section that deals with freedom. Philosophical Practice Philosophical practice is a set of intellectual, physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual exercises, the function of which is to develop the ability of Man to see, understand and realize a way of life attuned with reality and truth. These educational techniques are intended to develop physical stamina and abilities, emotional balance, mental acuteness, spiritual perception and the elevation of consciousness. Co Creation We know Man has the ability for invention, he can invent all kinds of things. Co creation pushes this talent even further. It means creating with the understanding of one’s original instructions. It can consist of creating within nature places which correspond to the aspirations of the individual by using natural elements: plants, trees, flowers, animals, rocks, cliffs, brooks, ponds, lakes, etc. In doing this Man needs to understand the laws of nature and then create his small personal paradise with this understanding. That is why we speak of co-creation: we create in collaboration with Creator. To do this Man has to spent time reflecting on the original instructions of all the natural elements that he uses and arranges them so as to promote life and vitality. The same understanding can also be used in the creation of events, meeting and educational environments which restore Men’s inspiration and motivation to live according to the eternal principles of the universe. These principles are constantly illustrated in the natural world which surrounds us. Paradise Paradise is the original world, where the original instructions of Man give birth to a healthy and evolutionary ecology. This world still exists everywhere around us, only civilized Man has voluntarily withdrawn from this world to follow diverse illusions and his thirst for power, money, glory, fame and indulgences in the senses. All indigenous nations live in their own terrestrial paradise when this has not been destroyed by civilized men. Ex. —There is an interesting fact that confirms the love of their way of life of the First Nations in Canada. During the colonization of Canada by Europeans a great number of Europeans spontaneously adopted the indigenous way of life but there is not a single example of Native Americans having adopted the European way of life without coercion! Absolute freedom, a lot less work than what the Europeans had to do to maintain their lifestyle, a lot of time with the family, a simple life full of spirituality, play, love and games with hardly any limits to personal development are some of the advantages Native Americans were blessed with. The beauty of the land impressed many a European who wrote about it in their accounts of discovering America. The earth becomes paradise again if Man cultivates it intelligently. The monstrous monocultures of industrial agriculture are not a rational and intelligent use of the available cultivatable land. Ex.-In mono culture diseases and insects proliferate. It’s the reason why the farm industry has to use carcinogenic substances: herbicides, pesticides, chemical fertilizers and genetically modified organisms. Ex. —Industrial agriculture produces pollution and a degradation of the soil. Furthermore, immense territories are devolved to it and thus taken away from Men who could live there in a healthy way. Ex. —A family domain cultivated in biodiversity produces a lot more edible biomass by square metre than industrial agriculture. The “system” The “system” is a word which I use to describe the current world structure of technocratic civilization. It’s the knot of the most important problems of our world and environmental pollution but is also the key to the next stage of Humanity’s evolution. It’s not the first time in the history of Humanity that such behavior threatens life on earth. The prophecies of the First Nations of North America, which extend from the past to the future, describe the same process three times before the current era. These teachings have received scientific proof in Vine Deloria Jr’s research, detailed in his volume GOD IS RED. Vine Deloria explanations of the prophecies of Native American nations detail a very ancient history, more ancient than the history of civilization. Proof of the veracity of these historic stories came from comparing what the ancient prophecies say about the history of Native Americans and the great purifications that happened on earth. These purifications are cyclical according to Native history and philosophy. The last one in Native American prophecies is similar to the one documented in the Bible, the great flood and Noah’s Ark. By comparing the description of these events with the geological strata of the earth where the history of the earth is inscribed, Vine Deloria demonstrates that these ancient teachings are valid. The earth-changing events that have happened in the last hundred thousand years are registered in these geological strata and in Native American lore. Other aboriginals on other continents also have such teachings. In brief, the history taught in our modern schools is very brief and very indistinct, hardly 12,000 years. Indeed, as says the proverb, history is written by the conquerors. In numerous ancient traditions exist historical elements which tell quite other story than the one given by current historians and history books. This is one of the most powerful programming tools of the “system”. To really understand what civilization really is, and the way of life that Man had before civilization, it’s necessary to go much farther back into the past of Humanity. What is recurring in the history of the ages it’s that a precise emotion, fear, provokes violent behaviour and cuts Man off from his spiritual connection with the Primordial Intelligence. This emotion is the reason for the creation of different hegemonies that have plagued Humanity for thousands of years. What is characteristic of civilizations is domination and control in a hierarchal structure. Civilizations try to dominate and control people and nature. Man in any civilization is enslaved in a “system” where he has to pay taxes and where his liberties are restricted by arbitrary authorities. He becomes a tool of the “system” as he feeds the “system” with his sweat and blood, by paying taxes or going to war to defend and increase the power of said “system”. For the past 12,000 years we have seen 24 different civilizations which have all had the same trajectory Civilization on trial by Arnold Joseph Toynbee, Published 1948 by Oxford University Press in New York.. Domination of other nations through war, the accumulation of material wealth and power in hierarchies where there always exists a class of slaves or very poor people whereas the corrupted elite wallows in a debauchery of ever more refined pleasures. Sooner or later this decline in the fabric of humanity brings the fall of said civilization. We are now witnessing the same dynamic with the peculiarity that this “system” is now global. Conflicts and wars are artificially maintained because they feed the war economy, the most destructive but the most profitable for certain elites. In the past eons when this phenomenon became global it created great earth purifications, like the great flood. We are beginning to see precursor signs of this with global warming and catastrophic climate changes. Thus, in any civilization we have the following: Men are enslaved by the laws and the regulations of said civilization. His existence is programmed and conditioned to serve the “system” from birth. In the current world “system” Man’s intellect is controlled by the educational institutions and the media and he is not only enslaved to the “system” but also to his dependencies which were contracted to anaesthetize the suffering coming from the absence of joy and love in his daily life. He is a cog in a gigantic matrix which feeds those who derive their power from the monetary system. This elite has accumulated an immense financial power and work in the shadows; that is they pull the strings of the governments in a way that no one knows who they are. This “system” has now existed for 12,000 years and has never stopped spreading its tentacles of domination everywhere on earth. The results of this are people living with limited liberty and limited and uncertain health. They also live in increasingly artificial conditions. In fact they would not know how to cope with nature and even if they did, they don’t the physical skills required. Of nature they know very little. Some people were conceived in test tubes, have artificial parts in their eyes and limbs and respond to the watch on their arm at specific times every day. The term cyborg could easily be used to describe certain individuals. The result of having no liberty to harvest your own garden and your own land is lots of disease, widespread poverty, stress, deficient ethical and moral education, ever more frequent births of deformed children and so on. To simplify, I call it “the ‘system’”. The real history of the Humanity shows us the source and the causes of the “system”. A brief description exists in another of my books. I shall not repeat this data here as there is no need. What is more important it’s to find the solutions and they are in Man. The current state of the world is catastrophic and the majority of world populations suffer. Except for the elite and rich, poverty and disease plague more countries than not. We will see and understand that this situation was created by Man. Thus it can be changed, as we are still Men. The phenomenon of civilization is relatively recent in the history of Humanity. That is why it’s important to revisit the history of Humanity. Current academic institutions are unable to do so as they are under the influence of the “system”. Limiting or trafficking the information and popular teachings available has always been a characteristic of civilizations. Only by limiting our intelligence, power and access to intelligent information is the “system” able to control us. We need to see beyond the current established understanding of history and other sciences examining the presence of man in ancient times. Man has many ways of looking into the past. Man in society has no information on these possibilities as they are not a part of the “system’s” world view. In reality human consciousness has no limits. So, even a common person, without formal historical training, can look at the world and draw accurate historical conclusions which will enlighten his understanding of the world. Let’s give an example. Academic science gives the following image of our ancestors popularly known as cavemen. These images are used in schools to explain the great privilege that we have today because of technocratic progress. The popular image we have is of a man who lives in caves, who is dressed of animal skins, who has a very rudimentary language, who is in competition with dangerous animals in nature, who has a very difficult life and who feeds on animals which he kills by means of bludgeons and lances. Several films were produced which feed this imagery. Science says that this is an ancestor of Man to make us believe that we are much more evolved today. Now, if we look at Man’s digestive system we first see a set of teeth specialized in the grinding of plant food. The Man has none of the teeth which are typical of carnivores. He hasn’t any canines like those seen in the large felines, or wolves or even bears who are omnivores. Man also has intestines which are specialized in the digestion of plant food. Carnivores have a digestive system in a straight line, like a snake, as the ingestion of cadaver or any other animal protein quickly produces putrefaction. Man’s digestive system do not stop turning every which way to better extract all the nourishing ingredients of plant food. Simple common sense here is enough to demonstrate that these caveman stories are not true. The “system” gives us these images and claiming they are scientific to better integrate the Man into its matrix. We call these images and associated false science, programming and conditionings. We consider that institutionalized religions are in fact programming and conditioning tools to decrease Man’s ability to become a whole free being. They were conceived to imprison his mind, control him and make him dependent on religion. They are tools which were used by this “system” to enslave Humanity. Programming and Conditionings I use these terms to designate the manipulation tools that are used to control Men within the “system”. They are innumerable and countless. They are educational tools based on lies but presented in such a way by different personalities in authority that they are accepted as truth by the masses. It’s generally very simple to see through them but most people don’t even dream that they could be half-truths and false information. We have just illustrated a programming about the evolution of Man. Let us now look at another more benign programming to illustrate our comment. During abrupt changes of temperature, doctors can explain a cold or a flu by saying that we caught cold. The fact is our body was created by nature to be able to adapt itself to all temperatures. But from birth people under this programming are going to dress this small ball of heat, a baby, with clothes even more important than theirs. Babies produce a lot of heat contrarily to elderly people who do have more problems staying warm. Babies hate this and often try to remove this clothing. This instinctual behaviour is well inspired, it’s the essential wisdom of the body expressing itself. If we leave the cold touch the skin the body learns to generate its own heat. We know people who can circulate barefoot in the snow, be dressed in the same way summer and winter and not undergo inconveniences even by intense cold. I experimented this reality myself. Younger I was often impacted by our cold Canadian climate. When I learnt the importance of letting the cold touch my skin I began to practice this every day. Now I am often surprised when my friends complain about the cold. I feel the cold but it does not bother me. We cannot catch a cold. It’s rather the opposite. For example, taking a cold shower stimulates the fire element in the body, is tonic for the skin and strengthens the immune system. There are numerous advantages to this practice. People who practice cold showers and eat well never catch flus or colds. To be afraid of the cold is a conditioning which makes people systematically avoid the cold thus preventing their bodies from adapting to nature. Over dressing the baby teaches him to be afraid of the cold. This programming is often then integrated for the rest of the life and becomes a conditioning. Conditionings are the results of programming. Another effect of this massive programming by the “system” is that many people are going to believe an official version that is shared by just a few people in authority, in spite of the testimonials of dozen of thousands of people worldwide who know a different version of that reality. This programming is ongoing and constant. It’s easy to follow the most important themes the “system” is insisting on year after year by looking at the media. Slandering the trends that can increase consciousness and the development of Man are first and foremost in the film industry. For example, the existence of certain abilities or beings that can expand consciousness are negated by desensitizing. It’s in a film thus its fiction. If you see certain facts rather often in films you will be desensitized to recognizing them in reality. You can thus see in high budget film productions different psychological programming techniques. They are so blatant I don’t understand how people can’t see them. Yet when I explain the messages behind what we are seeing to people I often realize that they have no clue of the world we live in. Simple Common Sense This is a popular expression that speaks of the basic wisdom we all have. There is an inherent wisdom in all human beings. The elders formerly guided the steps of the younger generation. The little tricks and techniques discovered by our grandmothers and grandfathers facilitated life in a thousand ways. There is a popular wisdom called common sense. We should not ignore what allows us to quickly come to an innate and intuitive understanding of life. Due to the constant complication of life with science and bureaucracy we have come to a huge wasting of resources and extraordinarily paper laden world that makes life really complicated and expensive. We need to quickly return to a healthy management of the ecology and the environment. There are some understandings where there is no need to explain. Every person who has a minimum of common sense knows certain things instinctively without any need for explanation. We need to invest on the intelligence of Man and develop it. We have all that is needed to remedy our current problems. To succeed in solving the countless problems created by our modern way of life we need to exercise this intelligence every day in all situations of life. We need to develop our judgment, to learn how to make our own decisions, to determine the truth quickly in ourselves. This autonomy that has deserted modern men dependent on the “system” for near everything, has to return to our way of life. Ex. —Civil servants have a reputation of doing the least possible and to always place responsibility on their superiors to exonerate themselves from the uncountable inconveniences that they impose on those who are desperately trying to make ends meet. The vast majority of them do not use their judgment, the common sense that says that sometimes in the interest of the people they serve it’s better to bend the rules a bit. We’ve not learnt to think and rely on our own human intelligence. On the contrary, we’ve abandoned our common sense and our judgment and put it in the hands of the authorities and averted looking on, while the industry and multinationals are rapidly polluting the world that’s the heritage of our future generations. This is the opposite of common sense. It’s time to reaffirm our innate intelligence, wisdom and judgment. It’s time to learn to rely on our own evaluation of the complexities of life and have the courage to put our foot on the ground and say STOP! The best way of stimulating honesty, integrity and reliability is to trust ourselves and others. Mistakes will happen but that’s often the only way we can learn! The impressive success of the green or teal companies described in Frédéric Laloux’s book REINVENTING ORGANIZATIONS by Frédéric Laloux, published by NELSON PARKER, Brussels, Belgium, 2014 on companies that work without any hierarchy or authority and where all the employees may make the decisions which apply to their fields of activity, is the perfect illustration of the correctness of this approach which relies on the intelligence of Man. This way now has to apply to all domains of human activity, in public administration as well as politics. To be able to apply this approach to politics we are going to need a global transformation of current structures to adapt them to common sense reality. Common sense says that if decisions are taken by majority vote that there will always be a minority of dissatisfied people at odds with the decision. It presupposes they will not be inclined to collaborate when it’s not outright opposition. This situation creates political opposition parties, rivalry, discord, disharmony and dysfunction which then spills over on those who are affected by the aforementioned decision. The universal method of consensus which formerly existed in all indigenous nations’ structures of governance respects everyones’ opinions. It’s the same method as those of the green and teal companies sometimes called liberated companies as they have no hierarchical structure. In this way all decisions will be supported by the whole community and very often be the best decision. When there are mistakes everyone feels responsible and concerned by the decision thus everyone will work at its resolution. Ex. - In the current political system, if a mistake is made opposition parties will try to blame the party leading the government without trying to remedy the situation which in fact favors them. During this time, too often have we seen the government hiding its’ mistakes, minimizing their importance or sweeping them under the carpet. Common sense immediately shows us that this way of doing things is ineffective and costly. We can carry these considerations still farther as they are the reality most nations who are governed by majority vote have to deal with. We know that to be skillful and effective in any complex field of work requires information, education, training and then time to practice and get better and better at our job. Our politicians are in office only a few years! By the time they’ve learnt how things work it’s already the elections and often another candidate from the opposition party with an opposite agenda. The work that was accomplished even if beneficial is often scrolled back because of the opposition and the different ideas different political parties have. In fact, those who ultimately influence our lives the most in relationship with our government within this “system”, are state employees and bureaucrats. When things are not perfect they place the blame on their superiors, the elected official who is there only a few years. Do you think that this is a logical and an efficient way of managing our nations? Is this common sense? Common sense can help us solve innumerable problems quickly and at a lower cost that a scientific or administrative approach. Let us come back to common sense in our everyday lives. Let us trust our innate intelligence and have the courage to apply it to our lives. This sometimes requires going against the rules of the “system”. The thing is, we need to have the courage of our convictions if we want the intelligence of Humanity to offer solutions to the worldwide catastrophic situation in which we find ourselves today. This is often called peaceful civil resistance and becomes a necessary and important tool in the fight against governmental stupidity, corporate mismanagement, destruction of the environment, the erosion of our liberties and quality of life. I will thus use the term “common sense” for those affirmations that in my view do not require any other explanation that the innate intelligence of the reader. CHAPITRE II – EXISTENCE AND NATURE OF THE PRIMORDIAL INTELLIGENCE Let’s now look at the concepts and realities of what the philosophy of nature calls the Primordial Intelligence. Nothing is more important in our understanding of the world than the existence of this Primordial Intelligence. Indeed, the mysteries of life and the universe are so vast and complex that the intellect, that is the mental abilities of Man, will never be able to explain everything. It’s possible to understand the nature of life and the universe when all the different constituents of Man work in holistic unity. This state of unity is when there is an integration of feelings and spirituality, of physical sensations and mental concepts. This implies a lot more than just the intellect. It’s essential that we have an understanding of the world and our place in this world, as otherwise it would be very difficult to find a way of life which is in balance and in tune with the world. If we are in imbalance and disharmony with the world as we are today, we shall be afflicted with disease and with environmental disasters. Thus, it’s absolutely necessary to find a way of understanding with precision the place and the role of Man within the universe. This understanding will give us indications on how to live in harmony and in balance with the universe. We shall see that realizing and understanding the existence of the Primordial Intelligence as creator of this world and of Mankind can give us this understanding. An observation which is shared by all human beings that I’ve met is that nature is beautiful. It doesn’t matter where we look whether it’s at tall mountains, the steppe, wilderness, forest or sea, there is always a stark luscious beauty inherent to any natural place unaltered by Man. The starry sky inspires and evokes in us very vast and almost indescribable feelings. The First Nations of America have a name for this: “the Beauty Way”. The beauty of natural places is the reflection of the mathematical fractal order and intelligence which underlies all of creation. The universal order which underlies all of nature is the reflection of the intelligence which created it. Understanding beauty requires a synchronization of thought and emotion and the physical senses which perceive the world. Only holistic perception can allow the consciousness of beauty. Let us take an atheist and scientific point of view which would say that there is no intelligence which underlies creation, that there are but unchanging laws that things are as they are. How to explain then the infinite variety of the demonstration of these laws? Water crystallizes in snow in a hexagonal structure. If we had an unchanging law, but without intelligence, all the snow crystals would have the same hexagonal expression. On the contrary, in the incalculable number of snowflakes which fall during a snowfall there are never two flakes which have the same shape. They are all very beautiful and all different. There is approximately person out of two, according to a study heard on the radio while driving my car, who have had the experience or know a person whom they trust that has experienced a contact with the spirit or ghost of a dead person. The existence of a spirit which survives death is common to all nations of the world, to all spiritualties and to all religions. That such an important number of testimonials on the existence of an immaterial spirit that can communicate with the living is insufficient to convince atheists of the existence of a Primordial Intelligence which created the world, informs us of a significant modern problem. A number of disillusioned scientists have testified that a fair amount of allegedly scientific information which is published in the media is in fact sponsored by companies and researchers often paid to say what will promote the product of said company and not the facts. This is the same kind of problem. In a civilisation where people do not learn to reflect, to think and to find the answers to their questions and the aptness of the data that they are given, there is often manipulation of the truth and difficulty in establishing what is true. This greatly limits the capacity of Men within the current “system” to perceive or to understand the existence of the Primordial Intelligence because this perception can only come from within from the core soul or consciousness of every Man. Most religions and spiritualties assert that Man was created in the image and likeness of the Creator. The ability to invent and free will, two characteristics unique to Man amongst all living creatures, are indicators of this reality. We are in fact the eyes, ears and hands of the Primordial Intelligence on earth. We have the ability to make nature which is already so beautiful even more beautiful, a paradise. That is why certain philosophers and spiritual leaders say that gardening is the most spiritual activity there is. Not only does it insure our sustenance with a high quality food, but it also creates beauty, biodiversity, pure water, pure air, abundance, health, joy, love, peace, thus paradise on earth. A current atheist tendency is to think that technology is the supreme fulfillment of Man. There is the thought that technology is destined to an integration in Man. Being a kind of cyborg is for them the next evolution of the Humanity and relationship with the world becomes more and more virtual. I recently heard on the radio news of a person who has made a colossal fortune with virtual technology who’s wanting to download his consciousness into a computer before dying. True! This is a reductionist vision of Humanity, as one of the realities of technology is that it sooner or later always wears down and breaks. All machinery eventually need to be repaired or replaced. This is because most all technology and machinery is dead matter. Nature is never broken. All species are renewed and continue without need for repairs or human intervention. All species fulfill a unique role, important for the ecology. None of them create pollution, on the contrary, their excrements and dead bodies feed the soil or waters of the world. Those who think technology has the answers as most people do today do not understand the important roles of every single species of the plant and animal realm on earth. Uncountable extinctions of flora and fauna are committed by the actions of technocratic society. If we understood the ultimate perfection of global ecology and our role and place in this perfection, we would understand that Man is amputating himself by creating these conditions. Fortunately the creative capacities of the world and of Man will one day allow us to recreate these extinct species, but this belongs to another discussion. Thus, we can see in the created world and in Man the irrefutable proof of the existence of a Primordial Intelligence that creates and sustains this world. It’s of such evidence that any atheism is in fact an expression of programmed stupidity. Indeed, the educational structures, the media and the methods of control of the population by the technocratic governments of the world do not encourage in their citizens a critical reflective spirit. Modern men are most often incapable of thinking creatively about essential realities of which all Men should spend time thinking about. In all indigenous nations of the American Northeast, there is a name in their language which defines the Nation. In every case this name also means True Human Being. In the philosophy and spiritual culture of First Nations we are not born Men, we become Men. Every Man owes it to himself to experience an intense internal and spiritual quest if he is to deserve and be considered a Man. Every Man is free to become what they want, but this also implies discovering who and what we are. The traditional rites of passage of puberty guide the young ones to the discovery of their mission in life, to their identity in connection with Great Spirit, family, community, clan, nation, nature and the universe. What is discovered in this quest is not programmed as in technocratic culture. On the contrary every person will experience a unique and individual discovery that defines that person in a unique way. Nothing is imposed from the outside other than the ritual elements that help a person on this quest. Most often this new identity that defines the new adult is going to be confirmed and anchored in the memory and consciousness of the community with a new name. This person is no longer a child, but an adult, a True Human Being and the new name anchors this identity in the consciousness of their community. This example illustrates the freedom of expression of those who discover their divine identity, since this quest is spiritual in its essence. This freedom no longer exists in technocratic societies. Men in modern societies carry the same name all their lives and these names are anonymous and do not indicate their individuality. These names are carried by a large number of individuals without any individual spiritual meaning. Only state institutions can authorize a change of name with strict directives which have nothing spiritual. The spiritual freedom of the individual is thus usurped by the laic state. Rites of passage are either ineffective or non-existent in technocratic societies. Members of modern society are not invited to seek out internal truth, but rather to conform to the regulations, laws, customs and dictates promulgated by their government. Taxes weigh down on peoples’ lives by having the population work all their lives to meet budget needs in a stressing bureaucratic atmosphere that’s complicated and potentially dangerous. Yes, dangerous, because there are different penalties for those who do not adequately succeed in meeting bureaucratic and tax requirements. The population is not invited to meditate and to think to improve itself, but rather to watch television, go to movies or shows in the hours they do not work. In educational institutions, youth are not invited to meditate or to think, but to memorize every year a lot of information which is not always relevant to their lives, thus without any spiritual direction or philosophical meaning. In such a context it’s normal that a feeling for one’s sacred and divine identity as well as the understanding of the existence of a Primordial Intelligence creator of the world and worlds does not appear in one’s consciousness. Furthermore, Men in these societies live in more and more artificial conditions, very far from nature where the beauty of the world can itself reveal the existence of this Primordial Intelligence. Philosophical thought in itself is powerless to reveal the existence of the Primordial Intelligence. Philosophy being essentially a thought powered process thus involving the intellect and mental body of one’s being alone, is thus only a tiny aspect of our being and not the totality of what we are. Thus, the question that comes to mind is this: how can we confirm or infirm the existence of the Primordial Intelligence? The realization that the Primordial Intelligence does in fact exist and is in relationship with all of us individually and collectively can only happen through real time firsthand experience. The reality of the existence of the Primordial Intelligence must be experienced to be fully understood. This is the realization which appears in a person when it feels this presence in him and in the world around him. Thus, this experience is impossible to convey through the written word. Although we can suggest meditations, philosophical thoughts and reflections that could spark the fire of that experience there is no guarantee that this specific realisation and experience will happen. One of the numerous names given to the Primordial Intelligence by the First Nations of America is “Great Mystery”. By definition, this intelligence is much vaster than ours. Nevertheless our consciousness participates in the same intelligence and that explains the numerous powers and miracles performed by the wise men and women, shamans and saints of the world. Having an understanding of what is sacred, of the sacredness of the world, is essential. Without this feeling we cannot really understand what it is to be human. Being Men means having a well-balanced and complete human life. Thus, we must understand that feeling the existence of the Primordial Intelligence can only happen when our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies are synchronized in the perception of the world. When this happens our perception of the sacredness of the world awakens and our evolution has no bounds and no limits. The absence of awe which accompanies the perception of divine action in the world makes for a cold world, without meaning and with very little incentive to develop ourselves. Human beings who are atheists may not want to make the efforts and sacrifices that are necessary to really evolve to our highest potential, since according to their thoughts and beliefs, life ends with death. Why trouble ourselves with ethics and morality when doing so could decrease the many pleasures offered in our modern degenerate life styles? The absence of spirituality in life can lead to a degradation in ethical communal behaviour and an increase of crime and corruption. This is clearly the tendency in modern society, daily news on all medias describes an abundance of such behaviour. It’s thus important and even essential to accept as a given the existence of a Primordial Intelligence creator of the universe even if proof of this existence eludes modern minds. For the vast majority of Men on earth, the existence of the Primordial Intelligence is obvious and does not present any particular problem. It’s its absence in the beliefs and consciousness of an increasing population in technocratic societies that presents very important problems on all levels of existence, evolution and human community organization. Let us look at one of the many benefits coming from the acceptance of a power superior to Man that is experienced by hundreds of thousands of specific people in current technocratic society. There is a very painful phenomenon which results from life far from nature and that’s addiction. People living in technocratic societies are often burdened with different addictions such the alcoholism, narcotics, sexual and emotional dependencies, bulimia generally or in to a specific food in particular, gambling, smoking tobacco or cannabis to name the most common. Many other forms of activities which lower vital energy exist and can become dependencies. There are non-profit organizations through which hundreds of thousands of people have freed themselves of their addictions. These organizations exist in almost all countries. Participation is free of charge and they do not depend on any external structure such a governmental agency or a charitable organisation. In fact, every chapter of these organizations is completely autonomous and survives with the voluntary contributions of its members. Their members are all people who have become sober and have recovered from addictions and dependencies which poisoned their lives. Addictions had led them towards disease, prison and death and it’s often as a last resort that they went to these movements. The best known is Alcoholics Anonymous. The profound healing members of these anonymous movements have experienced are due to the mutual aid of the addicts amongst themselves and to a very efficient twelve step program. The group atmosphere provides help from peers and offers an ongoing support network for addicts who wish to pursue and maintain an addiction-free lifestyle. The first three steps which we detail below are an excellent illustration of the innumerable merits that reliance on the Primordial Intelligence will bestow. The anonymous movements have different names for the Primordial Intelligence one of which is a SUPERIOR POWER or GOD. Here is the introduction of one of these movements, Narcotics Anonymous, to these 12 steps and the first three: If you want what we have to offer and are ready to make the efforts to obtain them, you are thus ready to begin certain steps. Here are the principles which made possible our recovery: Step 1 We admitted we were powerless over our addiction, that our lives had become unmanageable. Step 2 We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Step 3 We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. The number of persons who have become, from alcoholics and addicts in perdition, to useful and effective members of society through these movements probably numbers in the hundreds of thousands or more. These movements being anonymous and confidential by definition, I don’t think that we can establish precise numbers. But this is a powerful demonstrations of how a personal relationship with the Primordial Intelligence can support profound transformation and healing. Please note here, the important precision in the third step, the Superior Power or God as we understood Him. We shall see that this notion of freedom towards our understanding of the Primordial Intelligence is essential for our continual development. Also remarkable in the history of mankind is that those who have made the most important contributions to music, science, art, social justice, etc. are almost all firm believers in a Superior Power and often very devote. It’s a fact that the full measure of human intelligence cannot fully spread its wings if it’s not flying on the winds of its divine essence! Thus, any philosophy that studies Man in relationship with the world, the universe, reality and truth needs to take into account the existence of this Superior Power and the personal and free relationship of every Man with the Primordial Intelligence. It’s also important to note that the Primordial Intelligence will never speak directly to a Man in particular, despite the few imposters that have claimed otherwise. He/She speaks to us through Her/His creation! That is why indigenous wise people of all continents know how to read the signs of nature. They can foresee events and meteorological changes as well as the circumstances of life in the past, the present and the future by looking at nature. Knowing how to read the clouds in the sky, that is a profound science! An entire life of devotion, thought and unity with the Primordial Intelligence is needed for such an understanding. This very rare ability exists in certain wise men in indigenous nations who live in harmony with nature. We must also understand that our spirit’s a spark of the Primordial Intelligence. This active, living, inner presence within, can give us the same indications as those that would be given by Creator. Man has within himself every energy that exists in the universe because we have in us this essence. If you reflect on this and remember the reality of a hologram for example, you will come to see the truth of this affirmation. Free will and power of invention are results of this spark. Nothing is impossible for Men who are attuned with the Primordial Intelligence. Immortality and even resurrection are within our reach If we do a thorough research, we will find many references and an important documentation on these subjects. Almost all traditional ancient traditions of the world, especially Taoïste, Hindouiste, and many Aboriginal nations have lore that describe the existence of those whom they call Immortals. . This is not a leap of faith, but a simple deduction of real facts that we have observed. There is no objective reality outside of consciousness. The world which we see is as it is, because we think of it as such. This can be difficult to understand, especially for those who are atheists, but opens unlimited horizons for those who are in tune with their spirit. FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOM The importance of personal and collective freedom arises from the understanding that Man is the beloved child of the Primordial Intelligence. We were created with unique gifts amongst all beings which live in the world with us. These gifts indicate the special status that privilege all Men. Man is the only creature on earth who enjoys free will. He is also the only one with the gift of invention and co-creation. If we recognize the existence of the Primordial Intelligence as creator of the world and thus of Humanity and the specific gifts Man has, we recognize that we are in a sense the beloved children of the Primordial Intelligence. It’s a natural that all parents love their children. Thus it’s logical and rational that Creator loves us all! This can help us understand that despite the suffering, decadence and degradation of current humanity and the pollution of all elements on earth that we can come back easily and naturally to health, happiness, purity and harmony with the world as we are the beloved children of the Creator of this world. Because of this unity we can co-create a better world. As mentioned, Man carries within a spark of divine essence demonstrated by free will and the power of invention with which He is endowed. This divine presence within also explains the miracles and extraordinary powers demonstrated by saints and indigenous shamans of the world. There are uncountable written testimonials of these powers and miracles. None else than Man possess these abilities. Those who are united in their thought with the Primordial Intelligence have courage, perseverance, compassion for others and other characteristics that are extremely beneficial to our communities! These beneficial aspects exist because these Men are in harmony with the spark of Primordial Intelligence within. An intimate relationship with this divine essence can be experienced by all Men. This is a lot more than just belonging to one or the other religion in shared and often imposed beliefs, but needs to become a direct and personal experience of divinity. The difference between a religion and those who practise indigenous spirituality is that natives experience the divine in specific places and precise circumstances. To experience spiritual power and its influence on our consciousness within nature is at the heart of the spirituality of all Indigenous-Aboriginal Nations. Thus, in aboriginal spirituality there is no need for an intermediary (priest or suchlike) between Man and Great Spirit, just the maintenance of a close and respectful relationship with sacred places that are blessed in the memory of the people. The behaviour in these places is often codified by precise rituals, not because the rituals are important in themselves but rather because they create the context in which we can experience the divine in the world. The respect for places and for traditions which create this context allow Man to vibrate in harmonious resonance with the source of all manifestation and life. Divine experience in such a context defies any description but will nourish a Man in such a way that he will acquire an innate understanding of the unity of the world. This experience is so powerful that it will define all relationships that Man will have with the world for the remainder of his life. On the other hand, in a technocratic world this perception is often distorted because the basic freedom to do this does not exist. The Man in technocratic societies does not have this relationship with nature. He often doesn’t even have access to nature. Being in unity with the Primordial Intelligence is natural and innate. It lives in the heart of all Men. This consciousness will develop quite naturally when in intimate daily contact with a natural environment. Being in contact with nature naturally predisposes one to enter into harmonious resonance with truth and reality, as the natural world is always faithfully displaying the laws of the universe. Ex—it’s from this understanding that emanates the proverb: “truth comes from the mouth of children”. Young children when still relatively pure and without too much programming and conditioning, will often have true remarks. In aboriginal spirituality there are no dogmas. Every Man enters into direct privileged relationship with the Primordial Intelligence through his contact with nature. This relationship is free, unique and without any strings attached. The unique abilities of invention and free will that determine Man’s divine essence comes with great responsibility. As we see in today’s technocratic world when these abilities are used without attuning our creative abilities with natural law it harms life. To understand this responsibility is thus essential. The only effective way of understanding our human responsibility to the world and being able to remain faithful to our inner code of ethics is to establish a personal relationship with the Primordial Intelligence. There is no other way to understand and integrate the infinite complexities of our multidimensional relationships with the universe than through one’s personal and intimate contact with the Primordial Intelligence. Thus, understanding nature should stand first and foremost in any Man’s education. There are many ways to initiate a privileged and personal relationship with the Primordial Intelligence omnipresent in all of creation. By virtue of the fundamental freedom which is the birthright of all Men, as we are all children of the Intelligence who created this world, no means are more important than another. In fact, we can do without any technique or educational method, as nature faithfully displays Creator’s original instructions. The problem today is that Men have been altered in their minds, hearts and bodies by millennium of programming and no longer know how to read nature. The aboriginal traditions which formerly guided Men to a balanced relationship with the divine by communing with specific sacred sites as well as the freedom to travel to and inhabit for a time these sacred places is most often non-existent This freedom is even refused to First Nations as this decision by the Supreme Court of Canada on November 2nd, 2017 which gives reason to a huge ski resort project which was opposed by the Ktunaxa First Nation. This aboriginal nation thus loses the possibility of practicing their right to religious freedom with the ancient rites of communion with the Grizzly bears that have been performed at this specific place for millenniums.. Thus, different methods of harmonizing with reality need to be taught, not because these methods are important in themselves, but because of their ability to attune Man with the reality of creation. In this treatise we call this philosophical practice. Sometimes even religious and spiritual practices from different cultures can help, if the practice does not become more important than its capacity to attune us to the laws of the universe and to feeling the Primordial Intelligence in our daily lives. Ex. — all mainstream religions can be categorized as sectarian because of the importance given to the trappings and outer manifestations of their faith. The obligations and restrictions to an individual’s liberty to be, dress, do and think as he wishes is an outer form of control. These trappings and outer manifestations such as daily prayer or specific clothing are often more important than the principles that they supposedly reflect, thus obscuring the truth. That is why freedom is essential. Only in freedom can Man build within himself an ethical and moral empowerment which protects the earth and the integrity of all beings. This knowledge has to come from within and not from without. Thus, imposed activities, pear pressure, programming, conditionings or outer trappings cannot create this connection with the divine, they rather have the opposite effect. The freedom to practice as one chooses will lead to a practice that is effective. A free and well balanced philosophical practice can lead to the direct experience of the divinity within and its effects on the world. It creates a context where Man quietly acquires a holistic understanding of the world. Ex. —Crime and corruption will cease to exist within a person who has experienced the sacredness of the world, as his consciousness immediately perceives how such actions can obscure and damage his relationship with the Primordial Intelligence. Thus, the logical next step to create these conditions in today’s world is to grant all people the essential freedom of having a natural place and solitude thereof when requested. Within such a context there is the real possibility of becoming, once more, real Men! While contemplating nature, without being influenced by other people, reality, truth and the place and role of Man within creation can be revealed. This understanding is more than a thought process, an intellectual or mental understanding. It’s the whole being that will vibrate in resonance with the truth. As a bell that when struck continues to resonate for a long time, this experience will encourage all that is good, true and real in the daily life of a Man. That is why this experience must be repeated, thus the notion of philosophical practice. Every Man thus has an essential need to reflect alone in nature. Men more so than Women. Women define themselves a lot more than Men through their relationships and they have a body that naturally experiences the monthly cycles of reproduction. They are thus naturally connected to the moon, the natural month, one of the numerous cycles of time in this universe, and so they are naturally closer to the realities of life. But Women today also have a pressing need to find their own reality, to understand where they are in life. Our current technocratic world is distorted, altered, degenerate and alarmingly decadent, moving at high speed towards destruction without any logical direction or wisdom and this has a profound effect on the mother’s heart in all Women. All human beings need a secret garden where they can experience sacred intimacy with creation. Nature is the cradle of Humanity. The earth was created for Man and Man for the earth. This is obvious for whom has the slightest amount of logic and takes a moment to reflect and think. Man can organise the world so that it responds to his desires, he has the potential of creating paradise. This is very significant. Man who co creates paradise, what the philosophy of nature calls a family domain, will have an extraordinary relationship with his environment. The plants, animals and elements on his domain will actively work to promote his prosperity and health. The examples of such a relationship are innumerable in the aboriginal cultures of all continents, in the lives of hundreds of thousands of small farmers worldwide and in the relationship of the author with his family domain. In this we recognize an essential truth. Spirit, the creator of Man, this atom of divine presence in the heart of Man, created Man and lives in Man, but has also created the earth for all Men. Since Man can create paradise and as he possesses the free will to do so, he is thus a creative force at work within the world in the same way the Primordial Intelligence continually creates the universe. Thus, the affirmation that we find in many spiritualties and religions that Man has been created in God’s image and resemblance. If we truly understand this reality, common sense will dictate that it’s against all logic, against all ethical and moral guidelines to limit the freedom of a Man in any way. Having said that, it’s rather easy for Men within nature especially those who live permanently on their family domain to benefit from this fundamental liberty. A family who strives to protect their land and share with likeminded people that live on their own family domains will in time create circumstances that will resolve all our current problems. This is a rational, logical outcome as doing this harmonizes Man’s existence with the original instructions and the purpose with which the Primordial Intelligence created the world. Ex. —Poverty disappears, as the earth always produces in abundance when it’s well tended. Ex. —Patients with mental problems and the homeless will find ways to manage their problems within the freedom a family domain offers. With the help of likeminded neighbors they will quietly learn the simple ways that insure Man’s sustenance in nature. Thus, they will learn how to live with their peculiarities without damaging or depending on others. Ex. —No more wars. Why go to other lands when we have better at home! Ex. —Disease decreases and health increases; plant food grown on a family domain is of superior-quality, as plants will grow according to the needs of the family. All of creation attends to Man’s needs, thus it’s logical and verified through empirical experience that home grown food is literally the best medication a person can find. The Primordial Intelligence is our creator thus the name of Holy Father that so many religions give Her/Him. We can see in the nature of Man’s ability to co-create paradise that Man is dearly loved by Creator, as a father/mother loves his children. He/She thus wants us to be happy and healthy. This brings us to the next question: What is Man? CHAPITRE III - WHAT IS MAN? INTRODUCTION What is a human being? Where does he come from and what is the purpose of his existence? These questions are essential and all Men needs to reflect on them. It’s not the answers that are important, as they will be always changing as a Man evolves and grows, but the process of thinking about these essential questions that actually define who we are. We have explained that free will and the power of invention are specific to Mankind and that together they grant a power which can create or destroy. Modern tendencies are that of the destruction of the environment as well as profound damage to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual integrity of Men. This situation is the fruit of an unconscious humanity that has for millennium blindly followed authorities that have imposed dogmas, doctrines and systems to manipulate humanity and thus acquire more power, material and financial resources. Only a deep and profound reflection on the nature of Man, his reason for being and his role and place in the world can bring us to a way of life that is creative and not destructive. There is plenty for all on earth as it’s the nature of the earth to be plentiful. There is what we are as individuals and what we are as community. Indeed, Man defines himself in relationship with others. The place which we occupy in the family, in our community, in our workplace, within our nation defines who we are. But to define the purpose of the existence and the origin of the Man is also in connection with nature and the earth, because in the absence of these we do not exist. Ultimately even the Man aboard a spaceship has his feet on earth because the device in which he travels consists of elements pulled from earth mothers’ resources. Before defining what we are collectively, let’s begin with the individual. After defining the individual we will look at what we are collectively. These definitions do not claim to be the only valid ones but rather tools to help us think about who we truly are. Only a profound cogitation on the nature of Man and his place within the world as well as the purpose of his existence can offer solutions to the innumerable problems afflicting Humanity today. This pondering is always ongoing and never complete, as truth is infinite in the multiplicity of its manifestations. We shall never finish discovering this grand mystery that is Man as every discovery will bring us farther and higher. The thoughts of Man We will begin by defining Man’s thoughts and their relationship with the world as philosophy is made up of thoughts! Thus, we begin by defining the mental body, this part or aspect of Man that thinks. The mental body is all the thoughts, data, information, intellectual habits and concepts in an individual Man. It’s made up of an unconscious aspect and a conscious aspect. The unconscious aspect is the ongoing sublevel thoughts that we maintain every second, when driving to work for example, many thoughts can obviously be conscious, but for the most part there are many that are simultaneously unconscious. These will emerge into the consciousness when dreaming for example if we succeed in remembering our dreams. The conscious aspects are those thoughts that we are aware of. Thus, essentially the mental body is constituted of thoughts and recorded information. All thoughts are made of a dynamic aspect which is energy and of a static aspect which is information. All information is energy and all energy is information. To understand this equation, we need to look at the nature of energy. Energy is essentially vibration, a stable vibration that can be called frequency. A regular sound, as the beating of a drum for example produces specific effects in Man. As any music therapist or shaman will confirm, the regular and stable sound of a drum which beats a regular pulsation increases vital energy and favors concentration. If we vary the frequencies emitted by a sound, we shall obtain a melody, as that of a flute when we vary the length of the pipe by opening and closing the holes used by the flutist. Melody informs a being of the emotion that the musician wants to convey. If we greatly increase the speed of the vibration, we shall obtain light. Various frequencies give various colours which also inform our being. Red can promote passion as blue can favour relaxation. If we still increase the vibration, we shall obtain frequencies as those emitted by microwaves, X-rays and radioactivity. If these frequencies correspond to nature’s original instructions, such as the natural radioactivity of a granite mountain for example, they will be beneficial, otherwise they will create problems such the excessive radioactivity which predisposes to cancer. As we see in all these examples there is simultaneous presence in vibration of energy and information. All vibrations, of all frequencies, create electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic fields exist around all objects, living beings and around every human being. These electromagnetic fields inform matter and the living, that is they give off information. A magnet for example produces a gravitational electromagnetic field. If we place a magnet under a paper on which is spread a metal powder, we shall see the shape of this electromagnetic field. The core of an atom generates a small electromagnetic field which informs protons, neutrons and electrons and so determines the rotation of these particles around the core. The same is true of the sun and planets. We thus also see here information and energy. A very interesting fact revealed by scientists who study subatomic particles is that they have noticed that the information which they collect can differ depending on the thoughts of those who study them! If we understand what has just been written then this appears as logical. Our thoughts, composed of information and energy, generate electromagnetic fields that inform the subatomic particles. Thus is understood this phenomenon when a group of Men who generate organized thoughts in a regular way in certain places has precise effects on the world without intervening directly or physically on the world, for example, in healing. Let us think of the Cathedral of Lourdes (in France) or of the Cathedral of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre (in Quebec) where piles of wheelchairs, crutches and other prostheses coming from handicapped people who, having been spontaneously healed when visiting these places, left these objects on the spot because they did not need them anymore, thus testifying of their healing. We see here the effects of prayer which shapes organized thought accumulated in specific places through electromagnetic resonance that creates specific physical effects. This is why we say that thought is creative. The construction of a house begins with a desire, which is a thought form fed by an emotion. The Man who wants a house will first elaborate a plan, have blue prints done and will then build his house. From a thought thus appears a real object existing in the world. Many ancient traditions speak of the creation of the world and how this world resulted from a dream, that of Creator. Our dreams, in turn, can create and it’s through this power of creative thought that we recognize the existence of a spark of Creator mind in Man. None other than Man on earth has this ability. Thought is an act of discovery, knowledge and creation. That is why it’s very important and vital to understand thinking, and how Man needs to regulate his thought with the understanding of reality and truth. Indeed, a thought which is not informed by truth and reality will lead to disease, pollution, destruction and the progressive death of all life on earth. Our thoughts accompany every moment of our lives and they have a life of their own. For those who watch their desires evolving, they will see that objects wished long ago often appear in their lives even if the initial desire to possess them has disappeared. When thoughts are generated with strength and regularity they begin to exist independently of the Man in subtle mental dimensions. It will be verified by science, if not already, that the electromagnetic waves of any thought are measurable and quantifiable. That is why it’s very important that each one of us be the guardian of our thoughts, to be responsible for the thoughts we generate. Our thoughts distinguish us from other mammals, the beings of this world which resemble us most. The mental body of animals are not as developed as that of Man. On the other hand, it’s an error to believe that animals have no mental body or no thoughts. Only, their mental body is completely integrated and dependent on their physical bodies and cannot work independently as can our mental body. In fact, although the mental can work independently of the other bodies, its dangerous and precarious to use it any which way without understanding the basics of the philosophy of nature. Let us take simply as proof nuclear power plants and nuclear armaments that have arisen from our thoughts and that put the future of humanity and the earth in jeopardy. It’s thus very important to know how to attune our thoughts—that is the mental body—to the other bodies as we shall explicit in the following descriptions. What’s often ignored yet nevertheless of major importance, is how our feelings influence our thoughts. Feelings play a huge role, often the prevailing factor over all our thoughts in everyday life. Those who ignore or neglect their feelings often find themselves with varied psychological problems. Often, feelings have us saying words or doing things in inadequacy with our philosophy of life or our aspirations. We often regret errors committed when responding to powerful sudden emotions. The current academic philosophical approach has very little consideration for this aspect of our beings. But since our thoughts are influenced by our feelings, it’s essential to understand the relationship our emotions have with our thought process and philosophy. In fact, if the understanding of emotions is integrated into the philosophy of Man, it will lead to higher wisdom—as well as efficient tools of knowledge—faster and better than what the intellect alone can offer. We must also understand that Man has a physical body that obeys its’ own laws. The body’s appetites often have us consume food that our minds know to be harmful to our health. In a mindset that grants superiority to the intellect, let us admit that this behavior is illogical. If the body is sick, it’s sometimes impossible to think correctly. The influence of the physical body on our thoughts is thus evident. We also see that those who have an intense spirituality, with daily practice, often show surprising abilities. Miracles that scientists are unable to explain abound in the stories of saints of all religions of the world and more so in the shamanic lore of all aboriginal nations. On the other extreme of this reality we have a growing population with what I consider a debilitating handicap, atheism, or a belief in religion that is so degenerate that it leads to war and to terrible acts of terrorism and violence. Thus, our spiritual body also influences our minds. It’s thus obvious that our feelings, our physical body, spirituality and religion or absence thereof, have definite effects on our minds and thoughts. Thus, to study the mind or what I call the mental body without consideration or study of its relationship with these other bodies (physical, emotional and spiritual) will never reveal a universal and complete philosophy. If we want to elaborate a philosophy leading to wisdom applicable in everyday life it’s important to understand all of what we are. Man is constituted by different parts which are interdependent on one another. It’s important that we understand all of what it is to be human if we are to come to a true understanding of reality. Let us thus study the different parts of Man in the light of the philosophy of nature. The physical body The physical body is that with which we interact with nature. Our body comes from nature, it was formed by life on earth and all of the earths’ elements inform the body of its abilities. Most of these abilities do not require formal training to develop, they are mostly acquired by the simple acts of daily life. Nature informs the body of its potentialities. Ex. —Let’s take an example we’ve already discussed: if the body is exposed to various temperatures in nature, it will learn to adapt to these variations, either by cooling the skin with sweat or by warming it in different ways, without us having to think about it. You will thus understand that it’s essential for the full development of our physical body, these abilities which are connected to life in nature, to engage in different activities such as gardening, moving outdoors in various ways such as walking, canoeing, horseback riding or others, wild culture harvesting, landscaping, maintaining dwellings, etc., on a regular base. Otherwise, many abilities of the physical body cannot develop and will gradually atrophy, undermining our comfort levels within the natural world as well as weakening our physical functions. To manifest optimal health, it’s important to develop all of our natural physical abilities in the holistic environment that living in nature offers. Ex. —Even if we eat the best healthy food, if we don’t exercise, we’ll sooner or later have health problems. Most of the usual subsistence activities in nature are repetitive but varied. In this respect, thought is also active in the establishment of the best techniques for the tasks at hand. This is important, because our thoughts are thus always be evaluating and testing reality. An ineffective thought will not find an effective way of carrying out a task and will then be educated by other members of the family and community. Physical tasks within nature offer a very important training of the mind while simultaneously developing the physical body. Certain studies within schools in the USA have proved that daily physical activities increase their students’ results and mental abilities. The repetitiveness of daily tasks in nature also favors philosophical reflection. While hands and feet are busy with daily work, our thoughts can be very active thinking about the realities and philosophy of life. These reflections will be immediately confronted with real life situations which can sometimes illustrate and even add to the realization of truth which every Man needs to think about. Common sense easily indicates that the health levels of our physical body directly influences our feelings and our thoughts. We have all experienced the difficulty concentrating and distorted perceptions we have when we’re sick. We also have seen how we are often impatient with others when the body is uncomfortable. The quality of our relationships and our quality of life depend on the health of our physical body. Thus, the validity of our philosophy will also be influenced by the physical body. Citizens of the current technocratic civilizations, except a small minority of conscious people, do not really understand the basic principles of health. What they know is disease. Health care in this “system” is the monopole given by law and enforced by the courts of justice to doctors and their corporations. These institutions are supported by the pharmaceuticals, amongst the richest companies in the world, who are actively engaged through lobbying, media and other actions in limiting the exercise of health care to the medical staff officially recognized by governments. Their lobbies, as well as the professionals of media and public image and indoctrination of the masses, are gigantic and very well financed. Their interest: maintaining disease, as they gain from it enormous profit. It’s thus not a surprise that the basic needs of the physical body are rarely taught by doctors when we meet with them. Most of the time they limit their intervention to prescribing some medication. Indeed, in this “system” every disease has its medication. All these medicines are chemicals. They all have side effects. Most of them do not heal disease but rather decrease or cancel out its symptoms. In the long term, they poison the body and create other diseases which then require more medication. The end result is elderly people who no longer recognize family members and suffer from different degenerative diseases of the body and brain. They are maintained alive by still more medication. Ex. —Let us give another example which will appeal to your common sense. We all know that cancers are caused by chemicals and radioactivity. After an accident at a nuclear power station, it’s 100% of young people who live within a hundred kilometers radius around the plant that will come down with thyroid cancer. In spite of these well-established facts how does the medical establishment treat cancer? Chemotherapy and radiotherapy, chemicals and radioactivity! The companies which supply these treatments make a lot of profit from these very expensive products! When we think about the suffering that these treatments cause in people, we have to wonder why people continue to believe what the doctors are saying. How does your common sense react when seeing these facts? Ex. —More food for thought: common sense says that proper food is an important component for optimal health. A deficient diet with lots of sugar and fat for example immediately leads to disease. Doctors undergo many years of study and training to be called doctors. Yet, in their curriculum there is almost nothing on food. Before the coming of Europeans, they were very few diseases in America. A study in ethno-medicine has established that there were approximately 86 diseases before the European colonization. The contagious diseases that the Europeans carried spread like wildfire in the indigenous populations everywhere on earth. The immune system of these nations did not recognize the germs, bacteria and viruses which the Europeans carried, the results of a very unhealthy way of life. Certain Native American nations lost 90% of their population to these diseases in the first years of contact. How did these pathologies come to infest European societies? The “system”, by means of the Roman Catholic Churches of Europe during the Middle-ages, killed with the inquisition and the other different methods of genocide all those who carried the ancient natural health wisdom, the spirituality of nature and the knowledge of medicinal herbs. These people were accused of witchcraft and burnt at the stake. Deprived of the wisdom of the old ways to teach them how to live healthy lives, Europe experienced a gradual degradation of health in the general population. A direct consequence was the plague epidemics that killed tens of thousands in Europe shortly after. Thus, when the Europeans came to America with their deficient unhealthy lifestyle they carried many contagious diseases for which their bodies had become used to by developing antibodies. As these diseases were unknown in America the indigenous nations died like flies above a fire. This deliberate ignorance of how to maintain a healthy lifestyle continues to this day and has spread all over the earth with the consequences that disease is rampant and pharmaceuticals are multibillionaire multinationals. Ex. —The number of diseases documented by the medical profession worldwide is now over 130,000 and new diseases appear every year. Formerly, in all aboriginal nations all over the world there were no doctors or hospitals as there was no need for them. Health is the natural state of all beings in nature especially Man as he has the intelligence to maintain a healthy lifestyle and understand nature. It’s disease that’s a deviation from the norm. The more we drift away from nature, the more we submit ourselves to the alarms encoded in our body—the purpose of all diseases—which warns us that we are straying from the way of life taught by creation. Disease is the alarm signal that trumpets: return to nature! The physical body knows how to heal itself. If we give the body pure good food, pure water, pure air, a healthy lifestyle and eliminate pollutants, we naturally come back to a healthy body free of disease. This is an established fact that has been documented in the case studies of dozens of thousands of people who have come back to health, healing from all forms of disease, thanks to the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida, USA. In fact, it’s not the Institute which restores health, but indeed the person who, thanks to proper food, supplements and teachings offered by the Institute, takes his health in hand and allows his body to return to the norm. The person can then pursue the same way of life at home and enjoy a healthy life for a long time. In my humble opinion, the Hippocrates Health Institute is the most advanced health center of the western world. This institution won the award of the best medical spa worldwide in 2015. They have a rate of healing the most aggressive degenerative diseases (cancers) bordering the 90%. The current medical profession is very far from these results. Their treatments do not heal cancer. They will speak of remission and the rate of remission is very low. These statistics have been mathematically tainted to seem better than reality as was proven by the Hippocrates Institute. The medical profession is lying to all of us. I personally consider chemotherapy and radiotherapy prescriptions as a death sentence. We all know that chemicals and radioactivity create cancer. The suffering and damage these treatments inflict on the body, and the body will clearly respond by losing all its hair, does not improve the immune system, our first line of defence against disease. On the contrary it will negatively impact the immune system. Let us not forget that the physical body comes from the earth and that it returns to the earth because we all belong to the earth and the earth should belong to us. The health of the physical body influences all our other bodies as well as our thoughts. It’s thus essential in the philosophy of the nature to examine how the physical body can maintain optimal health. Health is not complicated and does not require a university degree to be maintained. All people can easily understand the basic principles of health and apply them in their daily lives. If we presuppose the loving attitude of the Primordial Intelligence towards us, common sense would be that health is simple and natural. You will see by reading the following principles that in fact you already know them, but regrettably the world which surrounds us does not support this lifestyle. 1st principle of a healthy body: Food! Hippocrates, that ancient Greek wise man who’s considered the father of modern medicine, said: “may food be your medicine and may your medicine be your food.” The foundation of health is what we ingest and the closer we are to nature, the closer we’ll be to perfect health. That is why the Hippocrates Health Institute recommends a raw vegan diet. They explain that of the 19 million species alive on earth only one thinks that it needs to cook food. Regrettably, cooking our food considerably reduces its content in vitamins, organic minerals and enzymes. Vitamins are destroyed, minerals become inorganic and enzymes which are necessary for digestion, as they are the living part of food, are killed by the heat in cooking. A healthy person can allow up to 20% of cooked plant-based food without falling ill, but a person with health challenges should eat all raw if she wants to recover. Then, food necessarily has to be vegan (without any animal protein such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy products), as animal proteins rapidly decay and putrefy within our extensive digestive system and thus produces a lot of toxins. Our digestive system is not geared to digest animal proteins. It’s also very important to avoid chemicals and transformed food as we explained previously. Only organic produce can guarantee that we are not ingesting genetically modified organisms (GMO), pesticides, herbicides and the residue of chemical fertilizers used in industrial agriculture. Our modern industrial procedures have strayed so far from nature that Man is playing with the very fabric of creation, the genetic makeup of plant life. These companies do not really know what the end results will be down the road, in the future. They are only concerned with monetary gain. Yet GMOs have far-reaching and disastrous results that are only beginning to compound the already altered cellular balance that is causing so many degenerative diseases today. Common sense here is more than enough to see that the companies producing these GMOs are only interested in monetary gain. They are often the same companies that produce the pharmaceuticals. One of several results looming on the horizon is the prediction by informed specialists that by 2025 years half of our children using these products and being vaccinated will be autistic. The number of autistic children has already multiplied tenfold. If we understand the principle from the first paragraph of this chapter that the body comes from the earth, was formed by life on earth and that it’s reinforced and informed by all natural elements, we shall find logical the finding by the Hippocrates Institute that the most ancient foods are the most beneficial. That is why algae, the very first plant life to appear on earth and then grass the second, are choice foods at the institute. Of course, we are speaking here of wheat grass juice, extracted by specific machinery, as our teeth that have been chewing for millennia on soft cooked food are no longer able to effectively crush grass to free the juices they contain. Conclusion: all healthy food consists of raw organic plant based produce. Obviously, there are many things to learn when we study this diet. Briefly, sprouts have an incredible nourishing potential and are easy to grow right in the house and kitchen. Also let us add that it’s important to eat fruit without mixing it with other foods as they contain a lot of natural sugars and can impede the digestion of other foods. We also need to mention that some people cannot adapt to this lifestyle, for example aboriginal people from the high north whose ancestors have always had an animal protein diet due to the very short summers. Otherwise we’ll not go into more detail about this lifestyle. What’s important here is to clearly define the basic principles of health and food is one of them. There are a great many books on the raw vegan approach, a growing trend in our disease-ridden world. There are also many books, with extensive factual evidence, that explain that the meat-based diet of our modern world is the most important cause of disease, pollution and destruction of the ecology. Ex. —We are naturally vegans as the following example, with its touch of humor, will demonstrate. If we give a baby an apple and a rabbit, do you think that it’s going to eat the rabbit and play with the apple? Ex. — a meat-based diet requires vast amount of land to produce enough animals to butcher for a year per family. A family on a vegan diet can supply all of their needs with one hectare of land for innumerable generations. 2nd principle of health: pure water Sufficient pure water. You might think that’s easy, but in fact it’s very complicated today. Water from the faucet is not pure water! It may have been treated with chemicals to sterilize it and thus be dead water, but regrettably it’s very polluted! Just imagine how far this water has travelled in pipes! Ask those who distill the tap water what remains in the tub after distillation. The smell is atrocious and they find everything, even worms and other parasites. The best water, except that which is naturally filtered by the earth, is distilled water. The apparatus to do this is affordable and available. Another method to cleanse water is the inverted osmosis filtering system. The water thus purified by these two methods does not have any life left, its dead water. It’s then important to restructure or reactivate the water, process for which there are several methods. One that requires nothing more than jars with wide openings is the following: fill such a jar with purified water; expose it for three hours to sunlight then put it three hours in a dark place. The natural bacteria will then return to the water and it will once again become living water. I’ve heard from a wise Native elder that water that has flowed over rocks for over 100 meters has been cleansed by the rocks. Water flowing over rocks does produce negative ions that do purify. Of course, water in natural lakes is living water. When we used to live naturally from the abundance of the earth, before industrialization, we could drink water everywhere, in brooks, rivers and lakes. One of the consequences of the technocratic “system” is the progressive degradation of the quality of water. 3rd principle: pure air Breathing pure air. The air in our houses and buildings is more polluted than the air outside in the city center of a metropolis, unless you have devices to purify the pollutants in the air and circulate it. There is only in nature where we can find pure air. It’s thus important, even in winter, to open our windows. Various conditions give a very vivifying air : mountains because of their huge quantity of granite, natural producers of negative ions; ancient trees or evergreen forests; by the sea for its iodine filled winds or by waterfalls. It’s a very wholesome activity to take brisk long walks in such environments. Our breath feeds us more than all other foods. We can stop eating solid food for months (as countless people have demonstrated), stop drinking water for days, but it’s impossible to stop breathing for even five minutes. Also, air has to circulate, move, as wind in nature, thus the current trend in installing devices that circulate the air in houses and buildings is well inspired. The presence of the wind and being conscious of the wind as a meditation practice gives important indications on the nature of thought and spirit. This becomes an important subject of contemplation for those who wish to increase their understanding of the world. 4th Principle of Health: exercise Exercise. The body needs movement every day and we also need to improve our muscular capacity and stamina. Even doctors will say that we need physical activity and exercise. The level of physical activity of those living in nature or on farms compared to those pushing pencils all day long and striving to motivate themselves to go to the gym a few times a week cannot be compared. This is a clear illustration of the deficiencies connected to life in today’s civilized lifestyle. Obesity, high incidence of cardiac problems and a weakened immune system are among the numerous problems which stem from too little physical activity. It’s also a characteristic of a lifestyle where most of a Man’s usual tasks are carried out by machines. 5th Principle of Health - sleep It's imperative to get enough rest and sleep. In nature, people naturally follow the cycles of day and night and thus always benefit from enough sleep. They also have a very relaxed lifestyle where there is very little stress. It’s Pierre Rahbi One of France’s most important ecologists. who said that we never see a farmer running! At present, many city dwellers have many problems getting enough sleep and experience insomnia and the sales of sleeping drugs and related products have exploded to the satisfaction of the pharmaceutical companies who are well aware that some of these are quite addictive. We need 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Working nights and even evenings have consequences on one’s health. And the quality of our sleep also matters. 6th Principle of Health - Sunshine Sunlight! We all feel the incredible benefit one gets from exposing our bodies to warm sunshine! According to numerous scientific studies, many benefits are directly connected to exposure to the sun’s rays. Among these, let us mention the effect on humor. In winter, amongst city dwellers of northern countries who stay almost always indoors, sales of antidepressants and the other comparable medicines increase substantially. It would be a lot healthier to mitigate this deficiency by more natural means, as these medications amplify in the long-term problems with humor and can create dependencies that create other problems. Also looking at the sun is also beneficial, but is only possible at sunrise and sunset when the atmosphere eases the strength of its rays. 7th Principle of Health – a life mission A passion for life! A reason to live. Meaning in life. One needs a profound motivation which stimulates our willingness to become the best we can be! Understanding the meaning of our lives and our place within the community and the universe supplies this motivation. Thus, the rites of passage performed by aboriginal people everywhere on earth. Thus, the need to periodically reflect in solitude, about life and what we want to make of it. Thus, the need for psychological support found in love and friendship, which one experiences within the family and within the community in a natural setting. Each of these principles, essential for the health of the physical body, could be the object of several volumes. Our purpose here consists in understanding that the physical body has a natural wisdom and innate intelligence. The body knows how to heal itself and does not need medical interventions to experience health. All the body that is experiencing disease needs to come back to health is to eliminate toxins and pollutants, from his body and the environment, to be adequately nourished, and the above-mentioned principles. The physical body will then demonstrate health which in turn will allow the other bodies to develop. Let us all remind ourselves that the physical body is the basis of our manifestation. Without a physical body Man does not exist and cannot develop the other bodies which allow an infinite and perpetual development. Too often, religions and philosophies have ignored the body, relegating it to the lower ranks in our understanding of Man. This attitude is erroneous, because Man is a whole and can be completely understood only when all of what he is developing harmoniously. The Emotional Body—Feelings and their Incidence on Man The emotional body is the one who experiences feelings and emotions. Mammals, and to a lesser degree birds, also have an emotional body, but obviously much less developed. It’s, after the physical body, the element of our constitution that has the largest influence on Man. The emotional body is inseparable from intuition which is one of the superior powers of Man. It’s in the emotional body that Man finds his most important motivations. His thoughts are often dependent on his emotions and feelings. A study by the Harvard University conducted on 724 people over a period of more than 75 years demonstrates that the most important contribution towards health, feelings of fulfillment, longevity and satisfaction is not found in fame, money or work, but indeed in harmonious and nourishing relationships. Family, friends and good relations with colleagues at work are the most important elements to experience happiness and longevity. This study confirms that a healthy emotional body is vital for a healthy and happy human life. Joy, love and peace are the foundations of the emotional body. They are sentiments and not emotions. Feelings and emotions are like the waves of the sea, quite momentous during storms and quiet during calm days. The sentiments of joy, love and peace are like the waters under the surface of the sea: immense, fathomless, mysterious and always tranquil even when in movement as they always are. They are the foundation of the emotional body and they are always present. One of the ways the “system” has enslaved Men is by trying to persuade them that happiness is the result of external conditions. Look at the tendencies celebrated in the media: the pleasures of life, delicious food, fine alcohols, riches, money, material wealth, fame, glory, celebrity, romantic and sexual love, etc. Pleasure is not joy, it’s but a reflection, a mirror image of true joy. Yet pleasure and responding to the bodies’ many appetites to please ourselves is the programming with which we are being conditioned. Let us take an example to illustrate this comment. A conditioning that is very powerful today praises the pleasure of travelling to exotic places. Holidays where we travel to different far away locations are rewards that those who have worked hard can offer themselves. Everybody dreams about holidays in exotic countries and when they manage to obtain this dream take many photos to show to all their friends the pleasures they have experienced. The experience which I have of this is very different. I’ve had to travel a lot to carry the Native American wisdom where it was being requested. I found it very tiring and very unhealthy. The life conditions in the vehicles in which we travel are unhealthy (airplanes, cars, buses, trains). I found the earth beautiful everywhere where there was nature and people the same everywhere: lost, anguished, often very conditioned and dependent on the “system”; strong, happy and well-balanced when living in nature; but all of them children of the Primordial Intelligence. I did not lose my joy, but outer conditions made it more imperceptible, obscured by the difficulties of travelling. When it’s time for holidays, I stay at home, very happy to be able to walk and work in my garden. The moments of ecstasy (profound joy) occurred when I was at work doing ceremonies or giving teachings and seeing that the traditions once activated were powerful everywhere. I was doing that which I had understood was my reason for being and thus I was happy. What this example can illustrate is that joy had never left me as it was driving all of my work but that this joy did not come from travelling or outer circumstances, that actually made it more difficult to experience joy, but from within, by contemplation of the realization of my life purpose. Of this observation thus emanates the understanding that our soul can give us in abundance joy, love and peace. Outer circumstances can be difficult, but they cannot obliterate the plentiful feeling of wholeness which comes from the source of our emotional body. Thus, the question which may arise: “Why do I do not feel these sentiments of joy, peace and love?” The origin of the problem lies in the numerous alterations, conditionings and programming resulting from a life within the “system”. These fundamental sentiments of joy, peace and love come from our unity with the whole, the source, creation and Creator spirit. When we are alienated from this feeling of unity, these sentiments may seem inaccessible. Not being able to feel the presence of Great Spirit within or in the world around us creates estrangement, feelings of fear, loneliness, abandonment and suchlike emotions that mask and obscure the fundamental sentiments. The absence of the Primordial Intelligence which created the universe is in fact an illusion, as we could not exist a nanosecond without this spiritual presence. The spark of Great Spirit is constantly there, within us and around us. But this illusion is powerful. For millennia, it has created in Man fear and insecurity. This is comparable with the fear which seizes the heart of a child having lost his parents in a huge store or supermarket and finds himself suddenly surrounded by strangers. From this feeling stems the illusory need to hide or to protect oneself. Repeatedly for millennia now, Man has experienced this estrangement from the Source as an actual contagious virus. It has created in him the fear of an obscure or indefinite danger. There is in fact nothing which threatens Man living without technology in the natural world. Yet from that emotion of fear came the first defense technology which Man created to protect himself: a sharp stick hardened in the fire. The nuclear bomb is but another more dangerous result of this illusion and emanates from the same emotion, fear. Thus, we come to understand why fear is the foundation of the educational system which governs current societies. These educational systems are based on reward and punishment so putting the emphasis of education on the fear of being punished or of not being rewarded. As if we were animals to train with pressure, coercion, rewards or incentive. We can thus measure to what level our social and civilized consciousness has deviated from the fundamentals of who we truly are. Where fear exists, there is also an emotional state that obscures the foundations of our emotional being that are peace, joy and love. It’s thus normal and logical that the vast majority of human beings can only feel these foundational sentiments in a diffused manner. In the search for happiness, what could be defined as the stable state of the fundamental sentiments within us, we find what is offered by the “system”: pleasure. Very intense, especially the first times, pleasure is a feeling that is similar and very close to joy and love. Yet in reality pleasure only evokes in us the nostalgia for true profound joy. Thus, we will go to seek the same pleasure again in the unconscious hope of finding this deep profound joy, yet never truly finding but the illusion of it. In time, as it’s repeated, this pleasure can become a dependency which undermines our health, or a doorway to more and more refined pleasures. In both cases, our physical, moral, emotional and spiritual health deteriorates. Or, for those who do not choose this precarious path there are religions which promise magnificent rewards in imaginary worlds (God’s heaven, the worlds of Allah, the pure lands of Buddha, ascension, illumination, liberation which removes all pain, etc.). This alternative is still dual (rewards versus punishment), as the disregard for religious rules, according to these religions, results in judgment, hell, negative karma, etc. This alternative is also harmful because it diverts man from nature. Man’s rewards, according to these religions, will be given in what we consider as imaginary worlds. And thus the justification that the church in the Middle Ages found in burning at the stake the European Men and Women of knowledge (herbalists, shamans and healers); that Moslem radicalism is justified in killing nonbelievers; that the clergy members of Christian churches active as prison guards abused thousands of Native American children in residential schools in Canada and America; that two different schools of Tibetan Buddhism committed mass murders on each other in Mongolia, etc. We could continue on like this finding numerous other examples of such illogical behaviour in religions all over the world. It’s thus not at all surprising that we have difficulty experiencing these sentiments, especially the profound joy which stems from peace and love. These feelings are nevertheless always available. Only our own illusions, conditionings and programming can prevent us from feeling them. To feel them, it’s not a question of looking without in the illusory world of the system but indeed within our very core being. That is why the observation of nature is so wholesome. Everything in nature is true as there are no lies in nature. Man is the only being who can escape the fundamental laws of creation because his divine essence gives him free will. To see and observe the truth there is no better than nature where everything respects the laws of creation. When we observe nature during long periods of time (several days)—without seeing or speaking with another human being (as that could evoke in us programming and shared conditionings)—we eventually come to vibrate in harmonious resonance with the truth. Our illusions fall away like leaves in autumn and we begin to clearly see the nature of reality. It’s then much easier to find a mission of life which belongs to the earth and thus to be completely embodied in our lives in every moment. The Primordial Intelligence speaks to us through His/Her creation! She/He does not address us directly, but indeed by means of the created world. This creation and fundamental sentiments that are the pulsation in us of His/Her love will guide us to the truth, as they reflect the order of creation. In the current world, built on these lies that are programming and conditionings, life is very hard. The working schedule (5 or more days a week with only a week or two vacations per year) the majority of adults have to endure often for jobs where they have no interest other than the salary, makes for conditions difficult for health, personal development, family, relationships and community life. The only thing that benefits from this equation is the “system”. To continue to live serenely, it’s important to renew this link with the underlying current of the foundational sentiments: peace, love and joy. If we take a few minutes every day to think, contemplate life and nature and connect with our foundational sentiments, we shall have the strength to continue and the wisdom to direct our activities in a way which has meaning. Without this connection beings lose hope. Imagine young people in front of this world we have given them. A world where there is little room for joy—and where everything is leading them towards short-lived pleasures without meaning. An illogical world; where justice serves the rich; where governments allow huge companies to destroy nature for profit; where individual liberties are more and more restricted and limited. It’s not a surprise if so many young people think of suicide and that some go all the way. A world without joy is a world tragically running straight towards annihilation. In spite of this sad state of affairs many Men listen to their innate wisdom and build a life where relationships with family and friends feed their joy and their love. Here we can measure the extraordinary capacity of Man to find in all circumstances the wisdom to cultivate good relations which in turn feeds the foundational sentiments. Negative feelings such as hatred, envy, jealousy, sorrow, sadness, cruelty, fear, anxiety, fear, etc. are only perversions of the foundational sentiments. Feelings are like water. Water marries the shape of all the river beds, lakes, seas and oceans. The water also marries the shape of all glasses, cups, vases and buckets into which it’s poured. Nevertheless it never ceases being water! Like water, our feelings marry all circumstances and thoughts, but they never stop profoundly reflecting the foundational sentiments that are joy, peace and love. If the thoughts and circumstances are negative and difficult, the emotion which follows tries to strike a balance with the foundational sentiments and thus creates negative emotions which will indicate a path back to those sentiments. Hatred, for example, is a perversion of love. Our distress in no longer feeling love for someone who was very close will sometimes provoke hatred as this loss is very important and dramatic for the emotional body. It thus tries at all costs to recreate the conditions which will bring back the state of love. Thus, hatred is just another face of love! Like water, if we let this negative emotion flow, it will transform. It’s important to learn how to not react to negative feelings. A mature person who has a balanced emotional body will know how to express negative emotions in a non-destructive way. If we try to suppress them, they will fester and create emotional toxins. Such emotions are toxic. If we have trustworthy people who know how to listen, welcome and let these emotions flow, as loving families can, without awarding them any importance, knowing that they are impermanent, they will then be transformed. Follow the flow and they will lead you back to the foundational sentiments. We should not grant negative emotions any importance by thinking they have any permanence as this is an illusion. We need to learn how to express them in a non-violent manner. We will speak further on, about the way we can communicate properly. For now all that is needed is to understand that our emotional body is important, of what it’s made and how to make it our ally and not a hindrance. The emotional body is a wonderful teacher giving access to incredible information and energy. It can lead to profound wisdom and, first of all, teach us the importance of cultivating our family bonds, good relationships with friends and a balanced community life. The emotional body, when synchronic with the mental, physical and spiritual bodies, can synthesize a great amount of data in a single moment in spontaneous knowledge called intuition. The quantity of information and data is often so vast that the mind is incapable of saying why it knows, but profoundly that it knows. This superior ability in Man is widely ignored in the current management of knowledge. If we truly understood Man, we could move very fast in obtaining knowledge and wisdom in ways that are much less labor intensive, costly and more exact than scientific methods, as intuition integrates all aspects of Man. As any ability and talent in Man, to be exact and precise, this ability must be understood, verified and practiced. It’s not the first time you touch a musical instrument that you’ll be a virtuoso. Training and practice are necessary in music, in intuition, as in all domains of human activity. Our motivations and behavior are mostly influenced by our emotions and feelings. Thus, if we truly want to understand Man and his role and place in the universe we need to understand the emotional body. Only then will we be able to create a paradise where joy, peace and love will bloom for the greater benefit of all beings. Love and Sexuality There’s a big difference between sexuality and the act of creating life. When participating in the grand mystery of creating a child in the sacredness of this profound ritual of love an indelible and eternal emotion is experienced that unites two lovers for life. Sexuality, on the other hand, is a physical expression divested of the will to procreate. From this form of relationship many problems arise. Of all the ways people interact none can more impact the emotional body that sexuality. The Judeo-Christian, Jewish and Moslem dictates around sexuality create attitudes which are strongly influenced by judgment, sin, taboos and other such programming. These attempt to contain sexual expression within very strict boundaries. The reproductive instinct is one, if not the most powerful of internal forces that influences an individual. Trying to put this in a box will never work. It’s very significant that trying to do so in western societies influenced by the above-mentioned religions has resulted in a world ridden with prostitution, pornography, rape, sexually transmitted diseases, the alienation of those who have different sexual preferences, separation, divorce, segregation against women, and many other manifestations of profound suffering. When we study the different demonstrations of sexuality and family relationships in numerous aboriginal communities of the world, we notice a great variety of very different behavior.. Some have several wives, other several husbands, others start loving each other in childhood, others have exploration of sexuality very young, other have imposed and chosen spouses by older family members, in some the woman and men live separately and only meet to make children and so on and so forth. Generally, all these communities have very healthy sexual relationships with no prostitution, no pornography and great respect for women and family What can be understood by these very different ways of expressing love and building family is that it’s not the ways we express sexual relationships that matters, but rather to have a healthy relationship. The notions of good and bad associated with certain sexual behavior in the institutionalized religions and in the civilizations which are influenced by these religions are producing suffering. They deform the intimate understanding of relationships we have in life. The programming inherent in civilizations and religions that try to put specific laws and accepted and unacceptable behavior around sexuality will always create conditionings that lead to disease and suffering. The only ones who should be able to decide how to express their sexuality are the concerned people in relationship. The only judges of these relationships are the same, those in relationships, their families and their communities. That governments, who manage societies consisting of many very different cosmopolitan individuals, establish laws dictating how we are to express our sexuality goes against common sense. Useless to say that it’s the same for religions. It’s impossible to put sexuality and relationships in a box. We are all different. Men and women need to share and to speak freely about these subjects as they are very important for their full development as well as for the future of families and communities. As governments and religions are trying to control the way people express their sexuality there exists a culture of secret and shame surrounding sexuality. This is typical of societies trying to control sexual behavior with punishment. We have already seen that these methods do not work. But the culture of fear which surrounds sexuality, as well as the fault and shame which characterize the institutionalized religions influenced—and still influence—current civilizations. With the result that little information and educational is offered around sexuality and when available is strongly tainted by values having nothing to do with the truth and reality of who we are. All Men and Women of the world need love. They need to feel unconditional love first from their parents and then from their extended family and community. Every shaman and therapist can without error affirm that love is the basis of all healing. The law of attraction that allows atoms, molecules, planets and galaxies to preserve their cohesion and work in perfect harmony is love. Indeed, love is much more than an attraction between two human beings. Love is an essential force which insures the cohesion of the universe. Every entity of this world possesses its will to exist. All of the universe is alive and every element in it possess different levels of consciousness. Planets are attracted by the sun, but also have their own missions and will of existence. So, rather than sinking into the sun and merging with it, they orbit around it. Its the same with neutrons, electrons, protons and the other atomic particles which circulate around the core of the atom. Thus also it is with Man, Woman and their children. In the beginning, the couple will feel this need to merge, but then will also feel the need assert themselves individually. They will thus revolve around one another in a dance of love where will also come to dance their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This dance of love is the most beautiful there is, and it’s universal. We thus see the ineptitude which there is to try to define judicial executives for love as that will interfere with the attractions which can exist between two beings and which can take on many different forms. That is why the attempts of institutionalized religions—and then technocratic societies—to codify and impose strict laws controlling the manifestations of sexuality have resulted in so many perversions and suffering. Healthy sexuality is an expression of true love. It’s the greatest mystery and the most beautiful demonstration of relationship there is. We should not allow anyone other than the person whom we are in relationship with to dictate to us how we express this love. It is love itself that has to define this relationship. The only basis, the only criterion in sexuality is love. Once again, we see that freedom is fundamental for our healthy development. Sexuality without love is one of the worst perversions there is, although the vast majority of human beings today have no clue of this reality. In the modern world, sexuality has become an industry and very often a dependency and a palliative to a world divested of true love. This fundamental need to be loved and to give love is being replaced by a physiological function divested of true feeling sometimes of unspeakable ugliness. Very often Women are the ones suffering from this as they are used, abused, sold as goods or considered as objects whose sole purpose is satisfying the guilty appetites of men reduced to the state of depraved animals. Here we can measure how a life far from the original instructions, the unchanging laws of nature, is destructive. The children of Great Spirit are reduced to finding their satisfaction by wallowing in unhealthy pleasures which degrade him to a state lower than that of animals. You will never see animals copulating in such a way that it’s destroying their health, wasting their vital energy by ejaculating without restraint for the sole purpose of their personal satisfaction. Animals always follow their original instructions. They usually meet once a year to procreate and perpetuate their species. These acts are often very ritual and are preceded by purification and lengthy preparations. Love needs to be at the heart of the educational structures in natural communities who live in harmony with nature. These communities will establish during their development a real understanding of love and respect, the love and respect that gives life and insures the continuance of the community. Respect is one of the most evolved demonstrations of love. It insures a true and sincere communication between beings. We can measure the evolutionary level of a Man and his community by the amount of respect which he demonstrates to others and nature. A society that judges and condemns those who do not fit into their arbitrary laws is not respectful of the divine nature of Man. A Man—and a community—who respects all forms of life and love are in harmony with the will of the Primordial Intelligence. They thus insure the conditions allowing for the optimal development of Man and the world. Peace The original state of the world is peace. It’s in peace that the act of creation occurs. The will to exist and to create appears where peace exists. To think serenely about the mysteries of life, we need to have peace of mind, heart and body. The sentiment of peace in itself is unspeakable, beyond words. It can only be experienced. It occurs spontaneously when Man enters into a state of contemplation. Contemplation is seeing the beauty of the world without the interference of thought. Within the heart, in unity with spirit, Man can experience an intense feeling of unity and joy. He will then enter into harmonious resonance with peace and his ponderings with be real and true. Humanity needs to find peace if it wants to experience an evolution that measures to its true potential. We can easily create peace between nations if we take time to really listen to the other and that we all speak with sincerity. Truth leads to peace, as peace is the original state of the world. Ex. —Put several very young different animals together, even those who are predators and prey, and you will see that they will sleep together as a single family. Joy! Here is the heart of our spirit of creation. Joy is not only the original state of the world it’s also the state in which Man finds the energy to create the world. It’s also the natural sentiment that comes as a result of his co-creation. When Man contemplates what he has co-created, he enters a quiet and deep state of joy. There is no useful creation when Man is sad and gloomy. To think of and manifest what is good and useful for all beings, we need to feel joy as it not only gives us the energy to create it also strengthens our vital energy. It’s common sense that experiencing joy is good for our health. All therapists will agree on that. It’s normal and healthy to be joyful! We should always strive to be joyful in our families, at work, in our communities and with our friends. To favor joy in everyday life is one of the responsibilities incumbent to a conscious person as joy is communicative and helpful to all. We have all felt at one moment or another how a simple smile can sometimes make a huge difference in how our day is going! Sometimes, the difficulties of life, sorrow, sadness, bereavement and other negative emotions can darken for a moment the profound joy which is a foundation of our being. It’s then important to express what weighs upon us. As one of my Elders used to say, tears are the soul taking a bath. Expressing our feelings allows them to flow and thus to be transformed. They can then reveal the joy which was hidden underneath. That is why, very often in those who are not ashamed or afraid of crying, tears are often followed by laughter! Our current world is a cold indifferent place where the expression of our feelings is not welcome. The work environment is centered on productivity and employees’ feelings are but a nuisance for direction. The same in schools where children are not invited to express their feelings, but rather concentrate on memorizing what is being taught. In families, it’s often not possible, as in modern society parents are very busy trying to make ends meet. Very often, both parents are busy working all week long— and on days off maintaining the home—and are often exhausted with a huge need to rest. They often don’t have the patience, time or inner availability to welcome what the children need to express. This state of affairs gives us a world where joy is buried deep under other emotions that have never seen the light of day. In aboriginal life, there exists the wisdom of the Native American talking circle or the palaver tree of the African tribes. To be able to express oneself, without being interrupted, or receiving comments or unsought advice, allows one to express from the bottom of one’s heart all that needs to come out. This is done without any fear of judgment, opinion or even thinking that another would want to speak about it at another time. One of the rules of the talking circle is what is shared in the circle stays in the circle. Utter confidentiality is an unspoken rule amongst people who trust each other. When people live in love and confidence, they learn to share from the heart. Thus, the foundational sentiments are always able to emerge. If we have experienced difficult moments, grief, sadness, pain, loss, suffering and are able to share this in a nonjudgmental, confidential circle of family, friends or community members, the group consciousness will illuminate with understanding those difficult moments. We will no longer be alone in carrying our heavy load and thus it will lighten. It will be easier to see what positive lessons might be gained as there is always something positive in any experience if it is able to transform in the light of our innate wisdom. It’s also much easier to see what those positive aspects may be when they have been expressed. We can thus distance ourselves from those difficult moments as they have fallen into the group consciousness. Thus, we can see the lessons they hold and the foundational sentiments that lie beneath. Our emotional body is like a river. In summer, its water level is often low while at other times, after heavy rains, it can become tumultuous almost violent. But what flows in the river never changes, it’s always water. Knowing how to row on this river and find one’s balance without falling into the water is important for our development. Our feelings have an enormous influence on our whole being. Thus, let us learn to paddle and row in joy, peace and love. The mental body and its incidence on the philosophy of nature In the modern world, most Men have not learnt how to think; that is how to pursue precise objectives of understanding with our thoughts. Our thoughts are like the wind. The wind can destroy like a hurricane or tornado or caress and soothe us like a sweet zephyr, dancing in the leaves of trees that are just as delighted as we are. Even if the wind is invisible, it influences our lives in a thousand ways. Thus, we need to recognize the creative and sometimes destructive role of our thoughts and realize that not only philosophers, but all Men need to learn the power of thought and how to use it to develop the beneficial aspects of life. All our actions, our creations and our inventions arise from our thoughts. It’s thus essential that we develop a clear understanding of its functioning. On the other hand, it’s an error which many make today to identify with the mental body. Man is much more than his thoughts although these have an influence and are of essential importance. Here we enter the heart of the philosophy of nature; that is how our thoughts can reflect the truth and understanding of reality. Let’s call this philosophical practice. There are multiple levels to this practice. One that concerns all Men is education. The holistic development of Man Introduction Developing a thought process that reflects truth and reality is the same as any daily activity that requires information and dexterity. As in music, cabinet making, athletics, perfumery or any other activity involving knowledge and practice we do not reach excellence in one day. Learning to synchronize all parts of our being with our brains so it works as a whole in harmony with the laws of the universe (the original instructions) is a very important training. Yet this training is largely absent in todays’ schools. We are going to mitigate these gaps here, because all Men have a responsibility stemming from their existence on earth. More than all other natural kingdoms, ours has great responsibility because of our free will that allows us to choose behavior and ways of doing things that can positively or negatively impact all life. The rapid destruction of wildlife habitat and pollution of the oceans is but one small example of this. One of the reasons for this behavior is the lack of holistic development. Not being able to think correctly has created a vision of life that does not measure the impact we have on the world. This philosophy infers that we can heal humanity of its illusions and ways that pollute and destroy nature with appropriate training. As mentioned we call this philosophical practice, an educational process that contains several different aspects. Advanced human development through the ages has always privileged a specific context in education. This in the past was often called creating sacred space-time or spiritual practice. This approach gave birth to the most talented seers, saints, healers, philosophers, shamans and bearers of extraordinary wisdom this world has known. Hehaka Sapa, Mahatma Gandhi, Leonard de Vinci, Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa are a few well known examples. There are thousands more as most of these people are very humble and often under the radar. To develop Man’s brain, or rather to develop his innate intelligence and wisdom in ways that would be more appropriate for modern times we would suggest liberating these practices from religious or spiritual structures and rather turn to a more philosophical approach. Today we need a universal approach to which all Men can subscribe. A religious approach often implies the acceptance of dogmas and we have seen the faults therein. On the other hand, a philosophical approach only requires the examination of specific concepts as well as holistic practices which can activate them, without having to adhere to faith or dogmas. It can thus be more readily accepted by all. The state of emergency created by the progressive destruction of this planets’ life-giving conditions has created implies that our most urgent priority is protecting the planet. We must all be ready to sacrifice a few of our guilty pleasures to help preserve the earth for future generations. Our societies and nations pollute because they have not been properly educated. In fact, they have been programmed and conditioned rather than educated. As such, it’s necessary to reinvent the appropriate exercises and practices capable of developing the reasoning abilities of Man. This will obviously require a complete overhaul of our educational practices with a more holistic academic approach. Education Education means training children and young people so that they become co-creators of a new world and a new earth. With appropriate training young adults will be able to exercise their intelligence and their intuition to find effective and skillful solutions to the many problems created by our technocratic civilization. We will also establish wisdom ways that will prevent us from ever falling again into these destructive thought patterns that are slowly destroying Men and nature. To have a proper discussion about education, we have to create a context in which this conversation can take place. First of all, we need to mention how people were educated within the indigenous-aboriginal nations of the world since the beginning of time. This form of education was very rarely problematic, as it’s attuned with creation, nature and the environment in which these peoples live. People in aboriginal cultures were healthy, the land was pristine and pure, water was drinkable most everywhere, many incredible abilities were manifested by shamans, music, dance and many art forms integrated into usual objects and clothing were practiced by almost everyone. Every child was taken care of, war was rare and never were children and women the object of murder. Rape was unknown of, drugs were inexistent, etc. etc. On the other hand, our modern education systems present many problems—on all continents—and this form of education was imposed by force on aboriginal nations with the innumerable problems that subsequent generations have had to deal with If you need to prove that to yourself look at what happened in the Canadian residential school system that was imposed on First Nations in Canada. Some of my friends were taken away from their families at gunpoint and suffered many years of abuse. These nations and their communities are suffering from transgenerational problems affecting their mental and physical health and ability to live happy lives.. We thus need to take a long hard look at what the modern educational system is doing to us. From there we will be able to describe how education can lead to the maximum development of our intelligence, abilities, understanding and wisdom. To do this we need to dwell on our true nature as Men and what can develop wisdom and then look at how aboriginal nations achieved this. We can then look at modern schools who implement educational practices that succeed in training young people so they manifest wisdom, good memory and good physical abilities. These observations will show us an efficient method that will develop more intelligence and wisdom without neglecting all the other aspects of what it means to be Human. This form of education will be the basis for tomorrow’s world and will prepare some talented people who would then undergo further training in philosophical practice. The current system The current educational modality consists of filling our heads with a lot of data. This is logical if we consider the hidden agenda of the “system”. The objective of the current, civilized and modern educational system is not the development of children, but to format them so they integrate into the “system”. Common sense says a child needs to run around, play, discover new insects and animals, to see new places, to meet new people and to be confronted with new situations that will allow his body and mind to develop. Yet we send our children to schools, where they have to sit down during long hours behind a desk, far from their family and relatives, among strangers, studying subjects which most of the time they find boring. This environment leaves them indifferent and disconnected from the reality of the natural world, constantly looking at the illusory values of the “system”. Being thus exposed to such unnatural conditions it’s no surprise that our children have so many hyperactivity and attention deficit problems. They are in fact not at all problems but a healthy reaction to an unhealthy environment. Yet the “system” tries to eliminate these “problems” in a despicable way by administering medication like Ritalin and other similar chemicals. We are drugging our children because our educational system is deficient rather than addressing the cause of the problem this educational system has created! Thus, the question arises: why? In fact, the “system” does not want children to think, reflect and understand reality. The “system” is built on artificial values. If we want someone to integrate the “system”, we need to immerse him in an artificial world so that he will be able to live in this kind of world. He has to find this normal and not ask questions. By doing this we will have someone who can become a part of the system, another wheel in this gigantic matrix. Imagine if someone could truly understand reality, reflect, think by themselves and understand the eternal truths of the world. Do you think that he would agree to give the best hours of his days and best years of his life to tiring and often stressful work? Do you think he would accept that an anonymous machine take his sweat and blood (to taxes or service in war) for the benefit of a “system” which destroys nature and the environment and which ultimately will bequeath to his descendants a polluted and diminished planet? A Man who knows how to see reality and truth is a free being who will know how to be stand up and oppose a way of life which threatens life, destroys nature and enslaves human beings. Thus, those who created this “system” have set up an educational method based on fear. Most parents are unconsciously implementing this form of education with their children. How many times have you heard a parent say to his children “I’ll count to 10”, as they wait that the child obeys the orders that they have received. Threat, authority, punishment and reward are the tools that an educational system based on the fear uses. The problem with this approach is that it does not allow the development of thought that leads to determining what is true, what is good, what is bad and what is false. On the contrary, these programmed values are imposed and must be accepted under arbitrary authority based on conditionings which were passed on in this way since millennium. Ex. —In most schools all children will undergo exams starting right off the first year. In spite of the fact that all children are different, the exam is the same for all. This is an extremely harmful programming. What is being conveyed is that the child is not important for what he is, but for what he does. In this case memorizing data. With subsequent years of similar programming the child grows into adulthood conditioned to do everything the “system” requires without thought or question. He becomes a bio robot ready to do anything this artificial “system” wants done. The “system” uses the carrot and the stick: reward and punishment. In our example, reward in getting good grades passing the requirement to go on to the next year while punishment is the opprobrium of parents and teachers and eventually failure of that year at school and having to do it all over again. These techniques continue throughout life. Once adults, we are subjected to the same dynamic. If we succeed and follow the edicts of the “system”, we shall obtain money and acceptance by our circle of acquaintances. Otherwise, it’s poverty, opprobrium and segregation. If we violate laws and regulations, we shall be punished with fines and in the worst case, prison or death. Having worked for several years in the prison system as a spiritual councilor for aboriginal inmates in a maximum security establishment, I can assure you that these techniques do not work. Prisons are full and people in these institutions become better criminals every day. They learn from other inmates better techniques and often don’t know how to survive “outside” and hold a steady job and are thus always coming back. The problem with this approach based on fear is that fear comes from without. Guidelines, exams, rules and laws are artificial and are arbitrarily established, often without any logic. Reward also come from without and not from within the person. Thus, the message young people get and learn is: “As long as I’m not found out there is no problem. As long as nobody notices what I’m doing there is no punishment. Thus, I’ll do whatever pleases me and just be careful of never getting caught.” This unfortunate mindset explains modern day behavior where many rewards are obtained by violence. Intimidation and taxation by violent students on others are common place now in many schools. Violent and strong students take advantage of their physical superiority and violent behavior to impose their law on the weakest. This is very sad phenomena but is the reality of most schools today! Rather than allowing children to determine within what is good or bad, we establish outer procedures of reward and punishment. A person thus educated only thinks of obtaining rewards (most often money, material advantages, power or fame) as well as avoiding punishment. Truth, justice, health, true love and harmony with nature, are all values that have no place and no influence in his life. This educational system often leads to a life of crime or to a life where huge companies are in service to the most fortunate and rich families. The end results of such education? Injustice, inequalities, corruption, lies, destruction of the ecology for the benefit of multinationals, wars which serve a small minority of very powerful businesses, disrespect for those who are different, racism, abuse, etc. The Solutions The solution consists in recognizing the innate wisdom which is the inheritance of all human beings. There is a proverb which says: “truth comes from the mouth of children”. This proverb reflects an understanding that the child is a whole being and that he is even purer and closer to divine source than the adult. The wise men of former days did not teach children in a formal way. Often their education consisted in questioning them, which is asking them to find within the answer to specific questions. This method allowed the adult to verify their own internal purity, the child being closer to the source and to purity than the adult. Thus, the child’s answer was often a measure of the adult’s own purity and a healthy reminder. The question also served as a thought activating technique, getting the child to think and reflect and thus discover by himself the answers to life’s important questions. In this way, the child not only learnt the essential elements of life but also in what way we find truth and wisdom. In this example education come from within rather than without. We need to give the schools back to our children! Our attitudes towards education and children so they can attain maximum development of all abilities is to accompany the child in his discovery, not trying to teach him what we think is important. True education will teach a child how to think, how to discover the truth, how to verify what he discovers to validate and measure it. The simple memorization of data is good for machines! Children can learn much faster and better if they take the road of discovery rather than if we impose on them heaps of figures and data to be memorized. How many parents need to work several days or weeks to train their children to go to the bathroom by themselves and no longer need diapers. This is because they approach this training as a task, considering the child as an underdeveloped being. Naturally, their thoughts are integrated by the child who will mimic the thoughts of his parents by taking several days to master this simple task. Ex. —My daughter mastered this in one night. I dedicated more or less 5 minutes of my time to teaching her. Before putting her to sleep I asked my daughter who was approximately 11 months old: “Would you like to sleep without diapers tonight?”. “Yes”, she answered with a spark of interest in her eyes. “Great, tonight you can sleep without diapers. If you need to go, just get up and sit on the toilet and go back to sleep”. In the middle of the night I got up and brought her to the toilet. That’s it. From that day on she never ever needed diapers and never went in her bed. Why was this so easy? I spoke to her as I would to any whole fully conscious being. Ex—: in Russia, in the town of Tekos, there’s a school which is managed by the children. The children build all the different buildings that are of stunning beauty. The children also write the textbooks that are used in class. The children decide together, with the teachers who are there to accompany them, which subjects they will study. Some children who like studying, 5 or 6 in a school of around 280 students, offer their contribution to prepare the textbooks that will be used to study the chosen subject. These volunteers gather information in other text books, on internet and from their teachers until they thoroughly understand the subject. They then write the textbooks. When the textbooks are finished they will print them for the school. Then these same students will teach the material to the other students, that is the entire school of all 11 grades. It’s quite logical that the best person to teach children and understand how they like to learn would be other children. While the volunteer students are busy studying the new subject the other students are busy working at the construction of new premises, maintenance of the existing buildings, tending the gardens, preparing meals, practicing sports including Russian martial arts, practicing traditional dances, songs and music. In the video showing this specific event we see that in three months, all the children of all levels had acquired the mastery that is the knowledge and understanding, of 11 years of biology, the subject that was chosen that semester. Eleven years of biology mastered in 3 months by all the children of all levels, we’ve got to admit that’s incredible! All in all, it’s a lot more efficient than all the other schools that work with a traditional approach where the teacher and educational establishment decide everything. In the documentary presenting this school there was a testimony by a 28-year-old professor who had never really understood an element of the biology classes he had followed in a Russian university. This professor explained that a 9-year-old child who had prepared the textbooks, enthusiastically and with fire in his eyes, had succeeded in explaining this element so he could understand it. We can clearly see here the difference between an approach stimulating understanding in knowledge and that of blindly memorizing data without reflection. When the students of this school in Tekos have completed their 11 years of schooling they will have mastered numerous building techniques, will be able to sing and dance, will have great spatial coordination, be healthy athletes, will know about gardening, will be used to maintaining living spaces and preparing meals and will have learnt to reflect, think and find by themselves the answers to the questions that they find of interest. This in addition to learning and understanding all the subjects that the students of ordinary schools have memorized. What makes the beauty and the extraordinary success of the school at Tekos is that all aspects of school life are decided and done with the collaboration of the children. This school is a part of the public-school system of Russia. We should never hide anything from our children. They need to see and understand the facts of life to meet todays’ challenges. Considering them as complete, whole, responsible human beings will create these qualities within them. If they are involved in the management of their school, that is in what and how they are being taught, they will develop exponentially more than in an authoritarian environment where all decisions are taken for them. In this way, they will gain access to all their innate wisdom rather than learning to resist a learning process which is imposed upon them. Children naturally want to learn and enjoy getting involved in all aspects of life. Thus, the time has come to give the schools back to our children. How can we do this in today’s world? To obtain these results, we first consider the child as a complete and autonomous being, with the wisdom and light of the world already within. It’s important to have a respectful and considerate relationship with children. We need to give them a place and time to think, to explore and make decisions and assume the responsibilities they can manage. This form of education will enable them to become responsible and complete human beings. It’s important to understand that there will never be a system or an effective educational method other than the children themselves. It’s impossible to find a system or a method adapted to the incredible variety of human beings. We are all unique. An educational system is an attempt to format human beings. It ultimately will only really serve those who thought up this system. The learning needs and abilities of a child are unique, and not only are they different for every child they change as the child grows and develops. But there are communication abilities that need to be understood and implemented to succeed in creating an environment where learning happens. One of these processes is the talking circle. The talking circle is a communication technique that is common to all Native American nations. It’s a method that is used to counsel, heal, for decision making, for meetings, national assemblies, work tasking. etc. Many people know the essence of this ancient tradition that consists of assembling and speaking in a circle. In a talking circle, everyone has a chance to speak and everyone will respect and honor that person’s right to do so. In the school at Tekos, every evening, the whole school assembles, teachers, students, director and they talk. All have an equal say. They speak of their day, what worked, what didn’t, the problems, the solutions, what needs to happen tomorrow, etc. All are entitled to a voice and an opinion and all the decisions are taken in consensus. What is required for such an assembly to function properly is the energy field of a high-level focalizer. At Tekos, it’s the director of the school, the Russian visionary Mikhail Shetinin. If we don’t have more of these schools it’s that wise men like Shetinin are rare. Our “system” systematically represses and even destroys the talents and abilities that lead to this kind of wisdom. When the question was put to Mikhail Shetinin why he didn’t create more of these magnificent schools, as the waiting list for this school numbers in the thousands, and only 300 can attend, he answered: “the lack of qualified teachers”. We have not learnt to respectfully listen to the voice of our children, to accompany them where they want to go and not where we think they need to go, to perceive the potential of an individual or group and to channel it in a way that will allow its realization. In the technocratic “system”, we are formatted by blind authority. To develop the abilities that convey to children the true sense of their responsibilities and the ability to learn and develop their own potential there must be an understanding of the essential liberty and respect every person deserves. If you use parental authority in your relationship with children, you do not have the qualities required to do this. Ex. —I use an authoritarian tone with my daughter only in very rare occasions, always when she comes back from school or an environment where authority rules. It may take a few minutes before she adapts to the energy around me and during those minutes it’s sometimes necessary to speak with a firm authority and establish clear boundaries. One of the characteristics of an authoritarian environment is disregard for the individual who is blindly subjected to the rules or laws of the aforementioned environment. The vast majority of current public institutions are like this. Disregard of the individual translates as disrespect, attitude widespread in today’s youth. Disregard of an individual’s feelings and needs goes against a person’s fundamental liberty and creates a conscious or unconscious revolt, a natural reaction to any form of disrespect. This is why we see so many signs of revolt in young people in technocratic societies. I do not tolerate disrespect, it’s contrary to universal law. But fortunately, my daughter is used to this, and she rapidly renews her respectful attitudes. As she harmonizes the need to impose any authority disappears. The main attributes of communication at the Tekos school and in aboriginal talking circles are: respect, active listening, non-directive contribution and consensus. With these principles children can collaborate with teachers and school administration and help with curriculum, management, planning and all matters that a school encounters on a day to day basis. Not only will this make the school easier to manage but it will also develop a child’s sense of responsibility. Now let us address the other essential components to a natural education. These are educational events that are a part of life in natural communities. These important events are also a part of the ongoing development of all members of the community. We must remember that our development need not stop when we become adults but remain ongoing throughout life. A child develops in a context of very complex interrelations that only the human mind can comprehend. No computer will ever be able to process the enormous quantity of information that the human mind—which contains a lot more than just the brain—can absorb. A person then needs to compare his thoughts with others to obtain validation and confirmation of his research and conclusions. This will propel his understanding even farther and open new doors of understanding. This is what replaces in the natural school the exams of the technocratic school. A person or group of people who have worked on an educational or research project will occasionally meet with the whole community to account for their discoveries. This meeting is very significant in itself. This group of young researchers is not only meeting with the school, but the whole community which includes very young children, school age children, parents, relatives, elders and sometimes members from other communities. This interaction between generations is as a mirror reflecting the multiple nuances of the subject being investigated. It allows refinement, validation, testing the aptness and the integrity of the research, conclusions and those who did the work. All this is shared with the community who have assembled for this event. As an example, this could be in a small amphitheater, outdoors in the summer, in a friendly and joyful atmosphere. In this set-up, the actors of this small community drama expose their research. Then there are questions followed by debate. This debate is very important. It allows the whole community to scrutinize the work of its young people and benefit from new understanding or refute and question the conclusions the students have reached. These students will have to defend their work. The dynamics of such a debate are very stimulating and very formative. It accelerates the thoughts of the whole community and allows for the continuous education of all its members. Other similar events are those with a cultural character with the sharing of songs, music, dance, storytelling, etc. These are also very important in the development of abilities and talent. In these events, performers receive a validation of their work which enriches the experience and understanding of the whole community. These events build self-confidence and are opportunities for learning, discovery and adding to the culture and lore of the community. Then come the rites of passage. There is crucial and essential import in celebrating the seasons of human life. These are essential stages in the life of all human beings. All aboriginal people practice rites of passage. These ceremonies mark important milestones in one’s life: birth, the giving and receiving of a name, the child’s first steps, puberty, entry into specific wisdom societies or clans, marriage, becoming a spiritual elder, and the ultimate journey towards new life. Rites of passage follow the rhythm of a person’s development. Every rite of passage will stimulate and aid the person experiencing them. It will also help the community understand its members. The rites of passage of institutionalized religions often last only a few hours and their rituals are often devoid of meaning as the original symbolism has been forgotten. They are accomplished by priests, imams, rabbis, lamas and other people in authority when they are available. The ritual’s symbolism is often removed from everyday life. In aboriginal societies, the celebration of rites of passage often lasts several days, at the right moment, with the contribution of many members of the community who understand the importance of this passage as everyone’s contribution is important to a community. The ancestral symbolism in the rite is a living, constantly changing, active symbolism. This is very important as it creates magic and awe, what we could call sacred space-time. This leaves a permanent impression on the person who experiences the rite thus making indelible changes to his/her psyche. Thus, when we celebrate the seasons of the human life with the power of an ancestral transmission in a community setting, they are extraordinary catalysts for personal growth. Ex. —In aboriginal societies men and women go from being children to adults in a few days when they experience the guidance and powerful experience of their rites of passage with the help of those who experienced them before. They will acquire understanding of what it means to be a man or a woman and the maturity it confers. In societies where these rites have been forgotten as in technocratic civilization or are ineffective as those of the institutional religions there is a growing into adulthood that takes years and is called adolescence. Ex. —In modern societies elderly people are often put aside in special homes where the younger generations have no access to their wisdom. In aboriginal societies elders are recognized after the elder’s ceremony as people who have acquired experience and wisdom and are available to counsel and help the younger generations. They are respected and have a place of honor. Their counsel and wisdom helps the community in many different ways. In many nations, they have their own assembly that can influence the decisions of the community and nation. The senate in Canadian and American political institutions is an imitation of Native Americans’ elders counsels. Celebrating the seasons of a person’s life is important. So is celebrating the seasons of nature. In some latitudes, this is done during equinoxes and solstices. Celebrating the passage of winter to spring, spring to summer, summer to autumn and autumn to winter creates harmonious coexistence with the environment and its natural cycles. There are thus specific moments in a natural community’s life cycle that are important to celebrate. The right moment to sow the seeds in spring or the right time for harvesting shared crops are very important events when the whole community come together to get things done at the appropriate time. Several communities may want to come together in these important moments of shared environmental reality. These are thus opportunities to share and exchange what one family or community has in excess and meet the needs it has in other areas. It’s a moment when wise men and women pass on important teachings. It’s a time when young adults in search of a spouse to create a family will have the opportunity to meet new people. There are competitions, games, celebrating rites of passage, songs, dances, very important and very precious moments in the life of all natural communities. Members from different communities exchange information on their evolving environments. These events exist in the life of all indigenous communities. These events are essential and very precious opportunities of learning and growth for all Men and especially for children. These celebrations have almost completely disappeared from the life of people living in the matrix of technocratic civilizations. They have been replaced by events of a commercial character (that’s what Christmas and Easter have become) or cultural events, concerts, shows and festivals without any meaning or environmental import other than entertainment. These cyclical celebrations and rites of passage, are the opportunity for another essential and precious way of transmitting knowledge, education and wisdom: the community’s stories, tales, legends and myths. Stories of the extraordinary and sometimes everyday experiences of people in the community can illustrate how things work, basic principles of a healthy life, descriptions of territories and other practical information relayed in a pleasant and interesting way. Everybody likes stories, especially children, as they thus get lots of info in a joyful, fun manner. Tales are more fantastic stories which supply precious information, with a more spiritual and moral foundation, feeding the unconscious and the essential symbolism in a deeper understanding of the world. They are often rooted in real events of a fantastic nature. The legends go even farther: here we have the ancient history of the people which gives a powerful understanding of who we are, the ancestral places where we lived, our migrations and the reasons behind these migrations. The legends are going to feed the philosophical and spiritual musing of children and adults alike. And finally, myths which go back to the origins of the world, the creation of the universe and people. The myths present the ultimate spiritual and philosophic perspective which allows Man to understand his place and role in the universe and his reason for being. This understanding that is essential to becoming what all North America First Nations call a real Human being. All our lives are built on narratives. Even our healing is built into a narrative as has well explained and proven one of North America’s most impressive native psychiatrists Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.C., Ph.D. in the book Narrative Medicine—The Use of History and Story in the Healing Process Narrative Medicine — The Use of History and Story in the Healing Process. Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.C., Ph.D. Bear and Co. Rochester, Vermont, USA 2007. All aboriginal people have an elaborate, impressive and extensive storytelling lore of stories, tales, legends and myths. Ex. —In the metis culture of Saskatchewan, the Canadian province where I was born, storytellers have societies with different levels of accomplishment. I once met a high-level storyteller. One evening he held us as if we were puppets, bringing us from tears to laughter, from holding our breath in anticipation to deep calm. The stories he shared still resonate in me today, 30 years later. Certain sacred myths he has the level to perform, first required four days of fasting. Then the telling takes four nights! Imagine the extraordinary memory developed by these storytellers. One of the abilities manifested by all aboriginal people throughout the world when compared with people in technocratic societies who rely on machines, is extraordinary memory. Ex. —Leave a civilized man walking in a forest with no paths and he’ll often soon be lost. An aboriginal will easily find his way as his memory has recorded hundreds of small details in the forest around him. Ex. —The first car which appeared in the village of Teslin, small Tlingit community of the South of Yukon in the North of Canada, belonged to an aboriginal who saw its merit for hunting. With this vehicle, he could bring large animals easily over the flat surface of the icy lakes. As all technology will sooner or later always cease functioning and as there was no garage or repair center then in that corner of the country, the owner of the car went to Whitehorse to buy tools to repair the vehicle. He then disassembled the motor and transmission into the hundreds of different parts with which they were made. This Man who had never done this before, then reassembled the vehicle. He remembered where every part went. When reassembled the vehicle was once more able to run. Ex. —In another country, in Russia this time, a Woman of the Vedrusse nation heard one day on a boat an audio recording of a famous Russian singer. Several months later, the owner of said boat returned and met this lady, who then sang with a beautiful voice all the songs she had heard, with perfect intonation and all the words. She had heard this record only once. A child develops in a context of an infinity of relationships with others and nature. These relationships can only be experienced within communities living with nature. All these explanations and examples demonstrate that the very best environment in which a healthy education can happen are natural communities that have an intimate relationship with nature. All communities that live within nature have the time and the wisdom to provide these celebrations and special times for growth and learning. Its people in technocratic societies that have no time and are stressed out trying to make more money. It’s obvious that we need to change the way we live today and find better ways of educating our children and ourselves as learning is never over. Thus, by looking at the best way we can educate our children we find solutions for many problems in our modern society. This is very significant! We’ve completed our examination of the mental body and intellect of Man in the context of this book. This completes the study of the more obvious aspects of who we are: the physical, emotional and mental bodies. The next stage consists in looking at the more subtle parts of Man. The subtle and immaterial aspects of Man Certain parts of our being cannot be verified scientifically, at least not in the current state of science, but they exist nevertheless as they have been identified in the traditions of all religions, all spiritualties and all shamanic cultures of the world. Thus, a majority of our current world population recognizes the existence of these parts of our being that are the soul, the spirit, consciousness, the spiritual body and the energy body. Let us note that many quantifiable indications can testify to the existence of these parts of our being. Certain studies have demonstrated that at death the body suddenly loses about 1 grams. The scientists cannot explain it. The same phenomenon repeats within three days after death when the dead body suddenly becomes a little lighter although no physical substance seems to have left it. The shamans as well as certain religious priests (notably the Tibetan Buddhist lamas who are specialized in the accompaniment of those dying) know what occurs. Many other phenomena confirm the existence of these subtle bodies that are the spirit, the soul and consciousness. It is not the purpose of the book to offer precise knowledge on these parts of our being. Our purpose here is to offer food for thought. Man is a very complex and intricate being who exists in more dimensions than just the physical. We need to expand our understanding of Man as the materialistic attitudes of modern society are slowly bringing us to the brink of extinction. It’s clear that this manner of living and understanding is not conducive to life on earth. Thus, by envisioning a wider scope of being we may find deeper meaning and a better way of living that promotes life. The simplest to understand is consciousness. When dreaming, we often have the impression that we are experiencing real events to the point where sometimes when we wake it can frighten or amaze us. In fact, our consciousness has really experienced these events. These are real events for our consciousness and they can teach us many things. All around the world exist people who have premonitory dreams. In their dreams, they see persons or events which afterwards happen. The only way of explaining such dreams is in recognizing the existence of consciousness as an active part of our being. Spirit Spirit is the immaterial, immortal and eternal aspect of our being which comes directly from the Primordial Intelligence. Spirit was created for Man and is an aspect of the Primordial Intelligence and also of the individual Man in whom it exists. Spirit is immutable, unchanging, inalterable, colorless and odorless, without texture or any identifiable quality. It contains the original instructions of Creator on nature and the purpose of being as well as all information about Man’s manifestation in the physical world. Yet it’s not of the physical world as it’s immaterial and without substance. Spirit accompanies Man but is not influenced in any way by his experiences. It cannot be distorted or altered and always remains pure. Spirit acts through the soul and consciousness which are the individual informational structures which accompany Man as he manifests and exists in the world. The soul and consciousness are the actions and manifestation of spirit. Our spirit can evolve to accompany the soul as it evolves, allowing Man to become more and more like the Primordial Intelligence. In this way, we can say that spirit is affected in an evolutionary way by the growth of the soul and consciousness. Ex. —The original instructions that our spirit carries can allow an altered physical body to regain health. A very advanced and evolved Man in Russia, Grigori Grabovoï, illustrates this ability of spirit in an incredibly powerful way. He has been able to resurrect several Men who had been dead for years. The coming back of those who were gone was documented by notarized testimonials from family members. The Spirit being inalterable and unchanging, thus the information allowing resurrection is always available. Mr. Grabovoï is not the only one to has illustrated this ability. Think of Lazare (resurrected by Jesus Christ) or the documentation of resurrections performed by shamans of various indigenous nations. As stated before, you are not invited to believe this but to reflect on its possibilities and implications. The seat of this relation with Creator, the spirit, is located in the heart. This is why many scientists have begun to realize, without understanding exactly why this is, that there is intense neurological activity around the heart. In fact, it’s our first and most important brain. The Soul The soul is the extension of spirit, its accomplice. It stores the memory of all experiences, thoughts and emotions a Man has during life. It’s the will to live and to be embodied on earth that characterizes the soul. The soul is influenced by all events in life and records them in its substance which is also immaterial. Besides being the action of spirit in the world, the soul also conveys all events, feelings and thoughts of a person to spirit and informs it of a person’s relationship with existence. The soul is intimately connected to the physical body. During the span of a human life, a lot of information that the soul must record are stored in the cells of the human body. That is why all ancient traditions of the world wait 3 days before moving or burying the body after death. It’s the time needed for these memories, which make up the individuality and very existence of a man, to be fully integrated back into the soul, before leaving the body. The spirit leaves the body immediately upon death. This is why most ancient traditions endeavor to not move the body after death but perform the death rites for 3 days at the place where a person died. When the soul finally leaves the body it’s immediately surrounded by spirit. The soul thus encapsulated by spirit will then journey to the next phase of its existence. Ex. —Parts of the soul can be lost when the person lives through traumatizing experiences and a person then experiences only a partial embodiment in life. Some shamans can restore these parts of the soul. This is called soul retrieval and is common to shamans on all continents. When the integrity of being is restored the physical body will often experience healing from diverse pathologies which is the indication that the soul has been restored. Ex. – When the soul has lost its connection with spirit after death it can be lost between worlds. This is a deep suffering for the soul and often those affected will try to make others aware of their plight. Thus, the innumerable stories of ghosts that all cultures and nations have. The soul is the individuality of a person, its memory of previous lives, and its will to learn and grow in consciousness. It’s the interface between spirit and consciousness. It’s the soul which allows us to remember past lives. This is common to the lore to all shamanic cultures and several world religions. It’s the principle of reincarnation that is common to all Asian religions. Ex. —In Tibetan Buddhism there are great masters that are revered by the people. They are called tulkus. When these masters die other advanced practitioners succeed in finding where they are reincarnated and then perform elaborate tests that prove beyond doubt that they are indeed the reincarnated master. They often retrieve many memories of their past lives and their progress in acquiring the complex rituals and practices of Tibetan Buddhism are often quite amazing. Stories of tulkus succeeding in memorizing very long and elaborate sutras (religious texts) in one day are common. This is why they speak of the Dalaï Lama as being the 14th. The soul of this great master has been reincarnated into his role as spiritual ruler for his people 14 times. Consciousness The consciousness is the soul’s manifestation or in other words the action of the soul. The word consciousness contains the idea of being aware, awake, attentive, a witness of reality. There are multiple levels of consciousness. The evolution of spirit towards its perfection entails important changes to the other bodies which directly influences consciousness. It animates the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Consciousness is the sum of all these bodies, the soul and spirit in one holistic expression of being. We will not describe the various levels of consciousness in this book as they belong to more advanced levels of understanding. The goal of this volume is to supply an educational tool to improve man’s relationship with the world. The levels of accomplishment of a person’s consciousness are teachings that belong to those who are already well advanced in understanding the world, who already have a well-established spiritual or philosophical practice and for whom the considerations of this book are already well integrated. The spiritual body The spiritual body is this part of Man which aspires to unity with the will of spirit. The will of spirit is that of the will of the Primordial Intelligence within us. This part of being is mostly absent or atrophied in an atheist but can be reactivated. As all bodies, the spiritual body has an electromagnetic brilliance which certain people with subtle vision can see. The will to unite with the will of spirit will gradually bring all bodies towards this unity. When they do become ONE, then Man has total freedom as well as all psychic abilities. This process begins when the Man purifies his intentions and increases his understanding of the world. The keyword here is purification. Indeed, in the definition of spirit we have the understanding that we are already connected to the will of Great Spirit and thus to His/Her original instructions. Thus, true spirituality is already within us and only requires that we eliminate from our consciousness those elements which pollute our true vision of the world and reality. We could also say of the spiritual body that it’s our aspiration to unity with the Primordial Intelligence. The spiritual body strives for the unity of our entire being. The energy body This body is sometimes called the etheric body. It’s the electromagnetic skeleton on which our physical substance aggregates. It’s also the interface between us all the telluric and cosmic energies as well all the electromagnetic energies of our various bodies. Numerous therapies and health care techniques of indigenous nations and current alternative medicines, sometimes called New Age, use the electromagnetic radiance of the human body as a means to effect healing. There are devices specialized in diagnostics that will use electromagnetic radiance to evaluate all aspects of a bodies health and organs. Certain devices coming from Russia are incredibly and surprisingly accurate, delivering in minutes precise information about the status of the physical body by measuring the electromagnetic radiance coming from fingers and hands. Several thousand bits of information on all parts of the body are obtained in this way. At Invocation, a company that I created to manufacture natural perfumes, we use such a device to measure the effects of our products on the energy body of those who use them. Any living body emits an electromagnetic radiance sometimes called an aura. In fact, all matter is constituted of vibrations, frequencies and light. Many ancient mystics have described the structure of matter in this way as well as many shamans of indigenous cultures all over the earth. Although current scientific research is aware of this reality it has not yet reached the consciousness of the general population. Nonetheless, there are many who gladly consult with a healing energy practitioner when the medical profession has revealed itself incapable of healing their problem. What is important to understand here in the philosophy of nature, it’s that the universe consists of innumerable frequencies and vibrations in the form of information, light, sound and electromagnetic radiance. All these energies have an influence on our being and, the opposite is also true, our being can influence these energies. There is much more that what eyes can see. The skepticism of current science and the medical profession towards energy, spirit and suchlike has created a mindset that excludes many efficient and beneficial healing modalities. It’s also a hindrance to a rapid evolution of knowledge and wisdom. This same attitude creates many inventions that are harmful even if we were told they would be beneficial. This is the consequence of a vision of science and the world that is not holistic. To truly be beneficial in our endeavors we need to consider all that we are as Men. To better understand here is an example of a manifestation of this energy body. Ex. —The pain in a ghost member: doctors don’t know how to understand or treat such a problem. I had the opportunity a few years ago when a patient complained about pain in a nonexistent foot, as his badly damaged leg had been amputated. He sometimes suffered from intense pain in a foot that wasn’t there. By observing the electromagnetic field of the patient, I realized that the etheric body (the energy skeleton around which the physical body builds itself remains, even if it’s physical counterpart has disappeared) accumulated stagnant energy in the absent foot. This accumulation of stagnant energy was causing pain. To have this energy (essentially a form of electricity) circulate, I simply vaporized salt water over the absent member. The stagnant energy of the etheric body was thus able to use this drizzle to circulate and the pain disappeared. Philosophical practice Today, educational systems which respect the integrity and the fundamental freedom of a human being are very rare. It’s thus imperative to pass directly from our current educational models to that of advanced philosophical practice to thus prepare those who will transform the “system” from within. This will restore for Man a healthy earth which strengthens all life as well as educational structures that fully develop humanity. We can thus live in peace, health, long life and happiness in pure and pristine environments. This book is in itself a philosophical practice. The reflections, cogitations, musings and ponderings which it inspires train the mind to recognize truth and reality. Thus, it’s not the concepts which matter but the truths which they reflect. These truths, when understood, will act as catalysts to your intelligence and your thoughts will be accelerated. As the words indicate, philosophical practice, it’s a practice, an exercise, a training which stimulates the mental body. With time this will come to indicate ways to synchronize the intellect with the other bodies. The synchronization with the other physical, emotional, spiritual and energy bodies, can only be partially glimpsed here. Yet there are clues to this synchronization that can be followed as tracks showing the path to holistic integration. In his optimal development, Man collects immense data and a vast culture that can have a creative influence on the universe. It’s the collective consciousness shared by all Men that creates our reality. As so rightfully expressed by Grigori Grabovoï: “there is no objective reality outside consciousness”. It’s thus possible to restore nature and Man’s relationship with nature as this earth and this relationship has already existed in its pure and original state. What has already existed lives eternally because it’s part of our consciousness. Knowledge and consciousness are unified fields of information influencing through harmonic vibratory resonance the global electromagnetic field of earth and universe. Ex. —This explains that discoveries in science and technology sometimes occur simultaneously in different regions of the planet by groups having no contact or knowledge of each other. To understand and develop consciousness there are exercises. Concentration on precise objectives with our mind will reveals the innate wisdom which exists in every human being. It’s rather simple but demanding to develop our intelligence and consciousness. Regularity of practice combined with the natural development of a person within his domestic and community culture allows our consciousness to have a beneficial influence on all life. The only basis required for this approach to be successful are the philosophical bases which govern life, the reality of the world and the universal truths of the collective intelligence of man. This may appear to be complex, but when we eliminate the programming and conditionings of our current civilization, these foundational elements of truth and reality spontaneously appear in the minds of any Man who has exercised his consciousness. A single person who develops his consciousness can influence thousands in a beneficial way. Daily philosophical practice contains several aspects to be developed simultaneously. Formerly, this was called spiritual practice. All dwellings in all indigenous communities of the world have an altar, a place to make offerings and give thanks for the abundance and beauty of the world. This practice still exists in the majority of dwellings of people who have retained the traditions of their ancestors. Today, civilized Man may have devolved Technology may have evolved but the physical, emotional, social and spiritual conditions manifested in human life today are inferior to those of our ancestors. , but still has the same needs. It’s important for all Men to develop their being in accordance with truth and the reality of the world. That is why we are going to sketch the main lines of philosophical practice. First, you probably realize that we can only convey partial aspects of this practice. The development of Man is as vast as the world and knows no end. It refines during life and as Man evolves there are new horizons of development that reveal themselves. There is also an aspect of training called transmission. Certain wisdom streams compare transmission to a vase; the teacher as a vase who pours himself in another vase, the student. This transmission occurs simultaneously on all levels, in all bodies, and thus cannot be experienced when reading a book but only in direct relationship with a teacher. Some people don’t need teachers. Some walk the road alone as life itself is their teacher. However, every Man has to develop his understanding of truth and reality and undergo the steps that will allow him to conform his life to the imperatives of truth and reality. One of the first stages of development based on reality and truth in these modern times, consists of detecting and purifying the programming indoctrinated by the “system”. We first need to train our minds to detect these programming, to analyze it, to understand and then transform it. To detect them is generally easier by finding the conditionings they have created. If we reflect on the realities of nature and how Men did live or should live in harmony with it, we can easily identify aspects of our daily lives that are in contradiction with nature. These are conditionings. To analyze them, is moving back to the source; that is the underlying programming. To understand them, consists in seeing why they were programmed in us. To transform them implies finding a replacement, substitute or appropriate way of dealing with life that is not influenced by this programming. Ex.- Let us look at an example we’ve already mentioned: our relationship with cold weather. 1st stage: If we look at the weather, we shall see that we are often reluctant to go out in the cold. The colder it is, the more we shall hesitate to go out. Nonetheless, nature is always beautiful and the cold does not prevent Aboriginals, birds and animals from continuing to live in nature. Certain animals hibernate but Man cannot. In fact, he really needs to continue going outside for many reasons; minimally for exercise and breathing pure air essential for our health. Our hesitation results from our conditionings that the cold is dangerous and may harm us. Thus, we refrain from going out with the result that we are less oxygenated and have polluted lungs, we walk and move generally a lot less and have substituted the beauty of nature with the dullness of our interiors. In the end, our mental bodies are less active, (nature is different every day but our interiors stay mostly the same– this influences the mind) our bodies are less oxygenated, the air is full of pollutants so we harvest our lot of colds, flu, sinusitis, bronchitis, etc. 2nd and 3rd stages—analyze and understand. Why do we have this conditioning? Would it be because our houses are overheated and the thermal shock of going out is rough? Why are our houses overheated? Maybe because we chose a technology which allows it and because we have become used to it? Have we not learnt from our parents and them from theirs that we can catch cold? If we observe those who live in the wild, we will see that they are not afraid of the cold thus that Man can adapt to the cold. The programming is thus that the cold can harm us yet a simple observation of reality teaches us that it’s not true. In fact, if we research deeper we will find that the cold reinforces our immune system, strengthens our bodies, the air is pure and purifying, that it strengthens our libido, etc. 4th stage—Transformation. It’s necessary to re-educate the body to adapt to the cold and generate its own heat. To do this, we expose skin to the cold daily so that it learns to generate his own heat and that we don’t react negatively to the cold. To do this the practice of cold showers is a good way to go. We can begin with a warm shower and, at the end, turn up the cold water. Or go out naked in cold weather a few minutes every day. Some people dump a pail of icy water over their heads twice a day. Go slowly and do not wait for your body to “feel cold”. If the body temperature falls too low especially when beginning this practice, it could negatively impact you. As in all things a degree of rational and measure is good advice. Be gradual. If you lift weights you will certainly not begin with 100 kilos. As an example, with the cold water in a shower, turn a few times so there’s water all over your skin then quickly and energetically dry yourself with a towel. You will feel good after this exercise and in fact you may feel hot as the body will have responded to the stimulation. In time, if you maintain this practice, you will become less sensitive to the cold. You will always feel it but it will not impact you negatively. When others around you complain about the cold, you will feel fortunate. You will go out with more ease. Your immune system will be stronger, you will have more vital energy, your libido stimulated, your intellect faster, your perceptions will be sharper, etc. Nature informs our body of its potentialities. A very pernicious programming is one that says: “we need to work to earn a living”. Examine this attentively and analyze the fact that we pay taxes and banking charges. In these conditionings, there is an enormous and very important programming to understand and transform. It’s probably the most important technocratic programming to transform yet will need a collective effort and probably several generations to transform. Our programming and conditionings are numerous and must be transformed if we are to see verity and reality with clarity. Some of them will not be completely transformed in our lifetime, but to identify them will set up a beacon which will allow future generations to find solutions. It’s impossible to transform them all because they are the results of millennium of indoctrination. Our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies have been profoundly altered. But identifying them and learning to transform them will gradually lead us towards the optimal development of our potentialities and will free up joy, love and bring peace in our lives. This is a task to which all Men need to dedicate themselves. But to do this requires purpose and motivation. This is a difficult and discouraging task. No one enjoys looking at the lies with which our lives were formatted. Finding the will and the perseverance necessary for this process can be found in vigil. Nature reflects truth and reality. There are no lies in nature. Truth and reality are reflections of universal principles created by an infinite intelligence. They lead towards understanding which in turn leads to balance and meaning in our lives. In time, this will produce joy so intense that’s it’s comparable to ecstasy and bliss. We need understanding, finding unity in the world, as that is the very essence of what it means to be Men. There is no stronger way to find truth and motivate a profound and joyful transformation than understanding our unity with nature. Thus, we need to find time to ponder and reflect on our lives in solitude and in nature. With time, being surrounded by the truth of nature, our illusions start falling away like leaves in autumn. This process will inevitably begin when all around us is true and real. With nature all around, we will slowly enter into harmonic resonance with the truth. For such a process to begin the vigil must be of at least 48 hours. Some will go for 28 days and nights. In the vast majority of indigenous communities of North America practicing this exercise, which they call vision quest, this lasts 4 days and nights. For our civilized minds, I have found the best to be 9 days and nights. What is also helpful during vigil are physical exercises with controlled breathing, movement and stretching. It’s easier to think straight if the body is healthy. Songs and prayers of thankfulness will also help as they often bring joy to one’s heart and put in context the great blessing it is to be alive. Then, concentration on specific visualizations or concepts for 20 to 30 minutes up to 4 times a day will also be helpful. These practices help us attune to universal realities. It’s like a musical instrument; if the strings of a guitar have not been tuned to the right frequencies, it will never play beautiful music. A person needs to train beforehand with these three aspects of philosophical practice: maintaining a healthy physical body, giving thanks and concentration on specific philosophical subjects. A person also benefits from the guidance of a wise elder who knows what such an experience entails and can periodically help a person sift through all that happens in the intense inner throes of such transformation and purification. It’s not always easy as this is really resetting our minds to the universal norm. Nonetheless, all this is not compulsory for the success of such an experience but generally greatly enhances it. Nature and its beauty can often be enough to bring Man to the understanding of what he wants to do with his life in harmony with the universal truth and reality of creation. All beings should have access to their secret garden throughout life. It’s very important for all of us to understand that we belong to the earth and that the earth belongs to us. This is the logical and rational conclusion to the understanding that nature informs our physical body of its potentialities. The same is also true for the other parts of our being. However they are much more subtle and difficult to explain that the physical body. When Man has experienced vigil, he will return to his community and family with great inner wealth. The objective of his life—and that he wants to make of it—will appear with clarity. Thus, he will have the necessary motivation to re harmonize his life and work with the imperatives of nature. Deprogramming and deconditioning our minds from the illusions of the “system” will appear as an inescapable necessity to improve our health, the clarity of our thoughts, the rationality of our behavior, as well as the happiness of our families and community. To experience joy when seeing the beauty of life, it’s good to be grateful. From this understanding emanates a practice that all indigenous nations all over the world have: making offerings. One of the laws of the universe is that to receive you need to give. You cannot always inhale, to be able to breathe in, you must first breathe out. Or another easy to understand example: to have clear mind in the day we need to sleep at night. Giving thanks to the world for life will create what is called the cycle of reciprocity. In short if we give thanks to nature good things will happen and joy will sing in our lives. Its difficult to be sad when you give thanks and being happy is good for your health. Second practice, it’s important to create the conditions that will enable the physical body to develop. We’ve explained the principles of health. The next step is pushing farther still to develop our capabilities. This means specific physical exercises that enhance our health. A very good example of this process is the Chinese Taoist spiritual path. Their training involves years of training in martial arts, honing the body until it becomes incredibly powerful before starting the chanting and meditation practices. When the body has undergone strenuous exercise, there are endorphins that are produced by our glands that inspire joy. Joy is essential for co-creation and Man defines himself by his co-creation. Third, it’s necessary to develop our mental capacities by first developing concentration. Giving ourselves clear objectives during precise moments of the day can be one way of training the mind. One example: I can choose to observe a flower or a tree by trying to really understand it. To do this I try to become the plant, to feel it from within as if I embody the flower or the tree. I undergo this concentration exercise during a predetermined time. We could begin with 5 minutes and gradually increase to 20 minutes or more. We could also set a concentration topic and dedicate ourselves to thinking about it and nothing else during a given period of time. The next stage would be to concentrate on two—or even more—objects or subjects at the same time. Philosophical practice is a lifetime endeavor. In the future, several natural communities of family domains will be well inspired to unite and create regional Cities of the Universe (universities) where we can establish the most capable methods and practices for developing our consciousness, our capacities, our knowledge and our wisdom. If children are allowed to follow their inspiration in their learning process we will later, in the Cities of the Universe, have powerful and wise Men and Woman who can accomplish incredible tasks for healing our planet and our communities. An important objective for one who understands the philosophy of nature is to aspire to unity. In unity, we can be the best that we can be. This integration may seem difficult when we have been programmed and conditioned by the “system” that puts separation between all things. Yet, as soon as we take our first step towards reuniting with nature we begin to feel an internal peace and joy that are the confirmation that we are on the right path! What brings us now to our next musing: after the individual, the community. The Communities of Men Man defines himself through relationship with others and world. This definition, every Man begins by realizing it within, as he understands his reason for being and his individual role in the community. It’s essential that all Men and Women have access to their secret garden where they discover their mission in life. The way we live influences the whole world. When Man through vigil or other means has found his mission and reason for being then he needs to attune them with his community. This attunement completes his life purpose and propels it even farther. Every stage in our evolution brings us higher and farther. Formerly, when all Men understood who they were—as all indigenous peoples did—attuning one’s mission in life with that of the community was simple. Attuning to truth and reality starts to happen when Men take time out to think. This will in turn lead to seeking our mission in life and purpose of existence. This is different for all humans and nothing can substitute for this inner quest. When a Woman or a Man has discovered a small piece of this unending quest, they will share this with the Elders and wise ones of their community. With the Elders and wise one’s counsel and wisdom we can then integrate this new philosophical understanding into the life of our community. When the community no longer exists as it has been replaced by a society where all relationships are money oriented, there is an additional quest; how to transform said society to reflect the eternal laws of the universe and Men’s need for community. Regrettably, the “system” has eradicated wisdom from human affairs. Our elders are placed in old people’s homes far from their children who no longer benefit from their wisdom. Wisdom today is generally absent. Today’s elders have not walked the path of wisdom and are very often incapable of guiding us. That is why we need to begin again by going back up to the foundations of the human relationships to quietly rebuild a well-balanced way of life. The first level of relationship Man has is established when he is a child with his family and later with his spouse or living companion. Having discovered the meaning that we want for our lives, the second stage will thus be to harmonize our mission of life with our spouse and then with our children. Friends can also be included in this and we’ll often then see who our real friends are. The next step will be to harmonize our life’s mission with the community and today that also means identifying or rebuilding communities. When we have established our communities, we’ll be working in the same way with our nation and later relationships between nations. This is all in accordance with nature, as all these steps have a purpose and all Men also share a common mission and objective: protecting life! How to carry this out? Perseverance will be needed, as these processes are not mastered in one day. On the other hand, the principles which allow them to be realized are relatively simple. We need to communicate adequately! We are as Men intelligent beings. When we pool this intelligence through competent communication, our intelligence can be stimulated and grow exponentially in its applications. Ideas that are shared are enriched by the others’ thoughts which in turn stimulate our own reflection, activating and accelerating our thoughts. Intellectual stimulation is always experienced in skillful communication. It’s thus logical and rational that if we know how to communicate skillfully we will find solutions to humanity’s current problems. Skillful and appropriate communicate is a lot more complicated than it may seem especially in our modern world. This is obvious as all the violence, wars and conflicts in today’s world could be attenuated and even completely resolved if we really knew how to communicate. No one benefits from violence and conflict. We thus need to examine the principles of skillful communication. The first step to skillful communication is learning how to listen. If we don’t really listen and hear what the other person is saying there is no understanding. When we don’t like someone and they apparently have a different opinion, we will often be completely closed up and unable to really listen to what they have to say. We have all experienced the cognitive blindness in front of a person who is hostile, who thinks differently and who systematically refuses to hear what we have to say even if our arguments are valid and deserve to be considered. What’s missing here? How do we solve this problem which on a personal scale leads to dissension with spouse and then divorce and on a larger scale to war? The first fundamental key to clear understanding is respect. Respect for all beings is a given if we accept that every Man carries within a spark of the Primordial Intelligence. Being children of Creator, we are thus free and whole beings who deserves everyone’s respect. It’s good to remind ourselves that all People want the same thing: we all want to be happy! That goal can certainly serve as a basis for the meeting between two beings. We thus have two powerful tools that lead to implementing skillful communication: respect and a common goal. The vast majority of indigenous peoples throughout the world have a structure of governance and council called the talking circle. Let us look at the specifics of communication within a circle. 1. All participants are settled in a circle thus they see all the other participants. No person is hidden behind another and all are on the same level. This establishes visual equality. This setting enforces the principle indicating that all are entitled to be respected and understood. Any form of authority or ascendancy of a person over another one will pervert and alter fair and equitable communication between beings. 2. In a circle, the participants are invited to speak one at a time, going around the circle. No one should speak for a longer time than another. Again, the principle of equality. 3. We do not speak directly to another person in the circle. We are striving towards consensus, assent and the agreement of all involved. What counts is not differences of opinions but rather how we can obtain a synthesis of all the proposed ideas. Thus, we have no discussions, no debates, no objections, no opposition but rather an exchange of opinions and information which allow us to identify the best way and the best decision. 4. It’s important to speak truthfully, with honesty and sincerity. 5. It’s necessary to recognize a center, a common ground or a basic principle which unites all participants. Formerly this was simple, as all members of aboriginal communities recognized the Primordial Intelligence as a superior power uniting all beings in creation and they all had to meet their needs in basically the same way. All people of earth experience the same needs. We all have to eat, drink, sleep and experience love. This is quite obvious and creates the understanding that all beings without distinction deserve respect. This is why we speak in a circle putting into physical form universal principles. Today, this is more complicated as some people think their race, civilization, divinity or religion is different and even superior to those of other humans. I’ve also noticed that those who have a lot of money often have a mentality and behavior that places them above others. These attitudes completely invalidate the circle where all are equal. It’s thus imperative to begin by establishing common ground to be able to establish a circle. 6. It’s also important to share a common purpose. The meeting has to establish an objective and requires that all agree with this objective and seek to achieve it. 7. It’s good to set time limits to the circle so there is attentiveness to others. Sometimes, in everyday life, we do not pay attention to the impact our words may have and can, unintentionally, hurt or offend another person. It’s very important in a circle to be very attentive to all our thoughts and words. So, when a defined temporal setting times the meeting, it’s easier to be attentive and respectful in our communication. 8. Communication in a circle can be resumed in four words: respect, active listening, non-directive contribution and consensus. Other peculiarities can also be established in various situations and groups where the circle is practiced. Freedom is an essential characteristic of the circle. The best decisions and the best representatives are the direct consequence of people being of one mind, and that happens when there is consensus. It’s important to know that this First Nations’ management modalities go from specific work circles within small communities to international councils representing several nations in united nations organizations. When small communities elect by consensus, they have the best of the best to represent them. These delegates will go on to regional councils who will again elect by consensus delegated representatives to the national meetings. These nations then send their delegates, always elected by consensus, to meetings with other nations. There were several assemblies of united nations in North America. The best known was the League of Six Nations which created peace among six warrior nations in the northeast of the United States and in the southeast of Canada. It still exists, but the repressive structures of the Canadian and American governments limit the influence this League can exercise for the communities it represents. The circle can be applied to all levels of human relationships. It will help couples get along and resolve differences harmoniously. Families can find solutions to many problems if they include their children in circle talk. Friends and communities can find solutions to minor conflicts. Nations can find solutions that lead to world peace as many nations in North America have demonstrated. When governing with the circle, even a simple farmer out in the back country has a voice at the international level. If he has something to say that’s important he will he heard in his community circle. If the community finds it also important, their representative delegate can then bring this concern to the regional or national council. If the regional or national council finds this important also, it can go a step higher. The circle is a natural way of communicating that’s in harmony with the original instructions or universal law. It’s fair and does not create injustice as does democracy. Democracy will always create corruption and abuse of power. You will find poor and homeless people in all democratic countries. The reasons for this are easy to understand if you understand the principles of this philosophy. The circle will become the basis for all our communications. It works within a couple, with children, with friends, in the community, at work, in the governance of nations and in the establishment of peace between nations. The most important aspect of circle communication is respect. This begins when we can have a sincere and attentive ear for what others have to say. We are intelligent and we all want to be happy. If we have consideration for all beings, all will want to contribute to our happiness. Our combined efforts will then produce stunning results. The result of any collaboration in a circle is always more important than the sum of the results that all the participants in the circle could obtain individually. Actually, when several minds work together, we inevitably obtain exponential amplification of the thought process. The holistic energies of minds attuned to the original instructions and working together will produce healing and abundance on all levels of human experience. The energies and powers of nature, even if not visible, will catalyze discoveries conducive to a healthier and more peaceful lifestyle. All that is needed is that we understand the circle of life. I have worked with the circle in many different situations. I have seen many problems with its application. The thought structure of people formatted by the “system”, is refractive to this process. Respect of others is absent in the organization of civilization. Authority is the negation of the interdependence that exists everywhere in the universe in nature and on earth. The only species that employs arbitrary authority is humankind and the results of this hierarchal method are rapidly destroying healthy life conditions on earth. This is demonstrated by the incredible number of animal and plant species disappearing every day on our world. Yet when people harmonize with the circle, the results are spectacular. I know of no couple therapy that can compete with this communication method. Plus it’s free and only requires the knowledge of how to do this by both spouses. It works very well with children as the school in Tekos, aboriginal families and my family have demonstrated. When friends organize outings and holidays, it’s brilliant. It works marvelously in business and industry as demonstrated and documented by Frederic Laloux Reinventing Organisations, Frederic Laloux, Nelson Parker, Belgium 2014. This communication method is unquestionably one capable of giving us a world in peace where there is an abundance for all. Common sense easily indicates that to respect all Men, imbued with intelligence, to give them a voice will allow us to resolve, quietly and in peace, all of Humanity’s problems. It’s thus important to identify where there are problems with the circle in today’s world. There are alterations in the psychology of modern populations that get in the way of proper communication. The Alterations in Human Psychology that Damage Circle Communication Individualism From the beginning of time, all beings within nature know that collaboration is an essential aspect of life. We all know that it’s easier to get things done together than doing it alone. Many things are impossible to do alone. We’re faster and more productive when we work together as more heads allows us to find the best techniques to get the work done and also do it with laughter, songs, spirit and meaning. It’s simple common sense. Ex. —During disasters or other traumatic events that affect large populations the spirit of sharing and collaboration spontaneously emerges among people. For a while, the differences between them are forgotten and all are going to collaborate to remedy the situation. In the current world, there is an individualistic culture which results from laws, regulations, private property, materialism and from coercive educational measures which create uncountable differences between Men. These differences are perceived as threats or problems in spite of the fact that all the Men are fundamentally unique. We have already explained the mechanisms which create this situation. Fear and individualism provoke dissent in couples, political oppositions, wars, racism and segregation. This often begins in the family for those who are different or not the parents’ favorites or if not in the first year of school. In all modern schools those who differ from the norm are ostracized, bullied or made a fool of by their classmates. I could continue illustrating this tendency with many other examples but common sense is enough here to see this is true. In modern society Men are depreciated, weakened and imprisoned by taxation, arbitrary laws and irrational rules whose aim is controlling and using them. This is for the profit and power of those who steer this “system”. It’s well known that a small minority (a few dozen families) possess more than 70% of the world’s financial wealth. There is plentiful documentation about this. Even without that information a simple investigation with intuitive thought reveals a stunning image of the disparities and injustices which sadden and is quietly destroying the psychological and physical health of modern Man. To be devaluated and put down in one’s first year of school and sometimes even before that by parents or relatives that have received the same coercive education—provokes an underlying revolt in a person’s psychology. A young person intuitively understands that he’s not up to size against his parents or school authorities and later, the technocratic society with its policemen and bureaucrats. Nevertheless, his consciousness clearly indicates that such infringements on his or her freedom are inequitable and illogical. But apparently there are no solutions to this problem, no way to correct this situation. That person will thus begin to look for ways to assert his individuality. He’ll want to affirm what makes him unique and gives him value. He will try to specialize in something to gain esteem and approval of his peers and relatives. So, rather than striving for harmony and association with his community, his search for individuality will be one of affirming his individuality. Competitive sports are an excellent illustration of this tendency. Violence is an innate characteristic of this tendency. In today’s world violence is all over the place. People undergo violence, in their families (coercive education is a form of violence), at school, from government administrations, prisons, army and wars, etc. Many parents feel it necessary to punish children to raise them properly. It’s the same in schools, at work, even amongst friends! Even if it’s not physical violence, any coercive pressure and infringement on one’s freedom is automatically although sometimes unconsciously experienced as violence by the soul. Our inner psyche will most always strive to find ways to protect itself from all this violence. That is why many policemen act violently even when they have no need to. Better to be the one who imposes punishment that the one receiving it. This individualistic culture where everyone is against everyone else is a great tool to maintain the “system”. All this violence and pressure decreases the capacity to get organized in better ways. It creates circumstances where human beings always want to assert their individuality. It’s perceived as being the only way of surviving in this world which is constantly oppressing them and restricting their liberties. This individualistic tendency thus becomes ingrained and an illogical reaction to many circumstances. Any situation which grants the individual a certain freedom will immediately be used to validate one’s individuality. Circle communication offers whole and complete freedom of expression to the People who participate. The structure is simple, expression is open and the full acceptance of all the participants is required for it to happen. To be able to make consensus decisions when there are several different people, requires making concessions and accepting that our opinion is not necessarily the best. In aboriginal community settings this happens rather easily. Today, however, with the illogical individualistic tendency always looking for ways to assert itself, opposition appears in an uncontrolled and irrational way. This conditioning is unconscious and affects a person in his most sensitive emotion: his need to survive as a unique and whole person. Thus, many people are incapable of having appropriate communication in the circle. The freedom the circle gives them is seen as an opportunity for individual assertion. We must realize that a circle is often the first time a group accepts them completely, as they are. Thus, the inappropriate affirmation of one’s individuality in opposition to that of the group springs out in an uncontrolled way and completely invalidates the functioning of the circle. A circle must work as a single harmonious entity. The circle strives for unity and synthesis. We are all interrelated amongst ourselves and with nature and the cosmos. Individuality ultimately creates separation and isolation. A person asserting his individuality with any form of opposition sabotages the circle which then becomes ineffective and sterile. Blindly Accepting the “System’s” Dictatorship Another difficulty met in circles it’s the complete irrational acceptance of the “system’s” programming in a person’s identification to the world. We have already well identified the way the “system” formats the population, making it very difficult to determine what is true and real. Civilized technocratic life is organized so as to create an irrational fear in a person who does not conform to the “system’s” artificial world. This is reinforced with many programming tools. If we look at high budget film productions they will reveal this as a recurring subject in films like Sense8, The 100, Heroes, the 40, Xmens and many others where those who have special capacities are subject to torture and to discrimination. To counterbalance and reinforce this programming many films glorify those who beyond any logic conform to the “system”. War films, police dramas, violent productions or political intrigues, all these films give the message that we find profit if we conform, and unconsciously feel that a great undefined danger threatens those who do not completely integrate the “system” beyond any logic. Thus, what is perceived as foreign or different from the “system” will sometimes provoke an unconscious and often violent rejection reaction. The circle gives all beings who participate a fundamental freedom which goes beyond any system. In the circle, Man is once more considered a free, whole and sacred being. The only references to which He is accountable is truth and reality. As a consequence, the unconscious reaction of certain participants will have them trying to torpedo the functioning of a circle. Once they perceive the circle as dangerous to the technocratic world order, either consciously or unconsciously, they will try to create great opposition to what the circle is trying to achieve. They have been programmed to believe that their actions to protect the “system” will be honored by the “system”. This is abundantly found in the glory and honor bestowed on heroes defending the system in modern film culture and in the propaganda of many civilizations that used their armies to conquer other nations. The reality is that the “system” has no feeling whatsoever for them. The lack of proper support for the multiple forms of trauma that war veterans experience in Canada and the USA are a clear illustration of this reality. Most people today take the system and its artificial world view for granted. Their values are dependent on an external technocratic “system” which is illogical, unreal and destructive. They create societies such as those that continue to impose many a genocidal policy on aboriginal nations all over the world. It’s these same beings which continue today to slander all those who seek to bring better understanding and light to our modern ecological predicaments. I have experienced such attacks every year as I’ve been working towards a more loving and healthy world all of my working life. Other examples are the way eco-villages and alternative schools are inequitably accused of being sects and slandered in many different ways by many different people. The same is true of those working in nature healing and alternative therapies. In the Middle Ages those bearing the light of wisdom were burned at the stake or crucified by the people programmed in this way. Today they are slandered, attacked by courts of justice, defamation and by different impediments by bureaucrats and civil servants. Those who work for the governments of the world are often the most susceptible to do this as their salary, their jobs and their lives are completely dependent on the “system”. Any difference in the way of life or values of other people thus appears as a threat to the foundation of their lives to which they will react violently though sometimes unconsciously. Such a person will willingly torpedo any circle they have integrated until they realize how they have been programmed. The notion of authority Dependency on authority is another major difficulty in obtaining consensus and collaboration in a circle. The “system” is dependent upon multiple levels of authority for its existence. The government adopts laws and regulations that govern our lives and these are enforced by multiple levels of authority: judges, lawyers, court of law, policemen and bureaucrats. The existence of an outer authority that governs all aspects of human life, has most people relinquishing responsibility for the ways things are, to authority. A child learns very early that his parents are responsible for him and thus they have authority and can make any decisions concerning him without requiring his consent. The same situation continues at school and later in the work force. The modern citizen relies on doctors who are the authority for his health, lawyers and therapists for his relational problems, bosses in the workplace as well as government and civil servants who take many decisions impacting his work and life without consulting him. In the end people have very little control over their lives and learn that when things go wrong they can blame the government or other people in authority. This lack of responsibility towards the way things happen in our lives is what the system wants. It’s easy to shear the wool off the sheep’s back if it can’t move and is calling to others to fix its predicament rather than doing something about it. In reality, we are all responsible for this global emergency in which Man has cornered himself. Every Man has unique capabilities which can be put to service in finding solutions for our modern problems. Nobody is here accidentally, we have all an important role in this world. We all have unique potential. Even if the current situation makes Men feel powerless, we are not at all without power. We have the spark of divine creation within, every one of us. Our inner core consciousness knows this. The system has blinded us and has repeatedly told us that the way things are is fantastic, that progress is wonderful, that technology will solve all our problems. It holds us in constant denial of the actual situation where millions are hungry, every part of this planet is polluted and we are stressed out and sick. So often, people don’t even know in what situation they really are, blinded by the propaganda and not having a moment to think things through. Thus, when people find themselves in a circle where freedom is granted but also the responsibility that goes with this freedom, they do not always know how to behave. If things do not go as they want, they will have the tendency to accuse somebody else. This is the dynamics of the system and its way of functioning. When things go wrong find, accuse and punish a culprit. If we punish a culprit, we think we have solved the problem. Of course, nothing has been solved, the only reality here is someone has been bullied because of problems that affect us. Even if that person is responsible for the problem, it’s not probable that he will heal, understand or be able to remedy the situation when he is punished. The chances that he will be able to find solutions are actually decreased by the negative effects of punishment. If we go into courts of justice and observe the behavior of violent offenders, we will notice that they are generally indifferent, removed from the situation, as if the description of their offences does not concern them. They generally show very little remorse or when they do, it’s often an act to try to lessen the punishment and get out of prison faster. As for the victims of these violent crimes, will punishing the culprit do anything to lessen the pain and grief they have experienced? Is revenge something that is positive, healthy, leading to a more loving and caring environment? Despite what violent films from Hollywood may illustrate, punishment does not help anyone. The victim is most often forgotten after punishment has been ordained and we continue to spend money on the criminal as we have to feed and clothe him in prison. As you can see, this is an illogical and irrational way of dealing justice. When working with the circle in governing our communities, we have what is called restorative justice (sometimes called reparative justice). The offender will be taught to take responsibility for his actions and the corrective measures which are connected to this restoration have to be fully accepted. Everyone is listened to. The offender cannot be removed or indifferent to this process especially as the main person expressing and seeking restoration will be the victim. The offender is consulted and collaborates. This can be a rather lengthy process but we achieve true healing and restoration not only of the offender of also of the victim. On both sides, there is empowerment and responsibility. We come full circle here to the notion of freedom. Any form of outer external authority imposed on Man will limit his full development and potential. Of course, control can be exercised by the family and the community when deviant behavior is demonstrated. But this control must be exercised with respect for the individual, in an educational frame by collaborating with him so that he can understand why his behavior is harming the group. If control is imposed from without, rather than seeking to illicit understanding, it will not be educational and in the long-term, we shall provoke revolt, violence and the tendency of avoiding responsibility for one’s actions. Dependency on authority creates a situation where people tend to refuse responsibility and to accuse others when things go wrong. Thus, they never get completely involved in the circle. For a circle to function properly it’s essential that we have the full and whole participation of all involved. The sincerity, commitment and the open engaged attitude of all participants in the circle are essential. The vast majority of aboriginal nations on all five continents, when still free from interference from the system, live according to the laws of the circle. They enjoy the essential freedom of a Man who is an integral part of the world in all its beauty. For all Aboriginals, nature is in their circle. Result: a free, plentiful and simple life; a lot of time for family and friends; an intense spiritual life; radiant health; ease and harmony in everyday life. If we listen to Aboriginal elders describing life in nature before colonization, they describe a life comparable to a symphony of love. It’s simple and logical: Man living in nature loves nature as it provides him a hundredfold for the efforts given to cultivate it. And it’s always beautiful and healthy! The “system” has hidden all these realities by telling us that the indigenous way of life is backward, difficult, dangerous and primitive. In reality, the mental acuity, the emotional balance and daily happiness of all Aboriginals is far superior to the modern, sick, stress-out and polluted city dwellers of today’s world. There is no crime, no prisons, no poor, no homeless people, no hospitals, no armies, no pollution in the aboriginal relationship with nature where all are a part of the circle. Man is intelligent. If he learns to freely engage in the circle with those who also want to correct this trajectory leading to the destruction of the world, he can transform bit by bit, a step at a time, our way of life which restricts our freedom and the manifestation of our full potential. We will quietly, slowly but surely and increasingly find more peace, joy and love in our everyday lives if we learn to work with the circle. We are not here going back to tribal life. We are building on what will make tomorrow a better world. Technology can be useful if it doesn’t interfere with our relationship with nature. We need to communicate with the whole world to be able to solve humanity’s modern predicaments. Pollution knows no borders. Yet, technology ultimately is useless in our day-to-day relationship with nature. It’s simple and easy to cultivate nature. Have a look at permaculture if you doubt this. With this understanding, we can rebuild with our modern tools communities who respect nature and who rely a lot less on technology. As we come to know and understand, nature and our bodies adapt to being in nature, in several generations our need for technology for everyday life will be greatly reduced. Thus pollution will also diminish. Thus the health of the environment will increase. We will retain communication technology for specific worldwide exchange and retention of knowledge for as long as removing all pollution from the planet will take. Our current diseased planet will continue for a long time creating different ecological catastrophes and we will need to assist those nations who need help from the global world community. The “system” wants to make us unconscious cogs in a demonic matrix which destroys life. In contrast, the circle wants to make us People invested with the essential royalty of those who are co-creators of paradise on earth. In the circle, we are completely free and will learn to be responsible and useful in the context of natural communities that respect our uniqueness and nature. Conclusion Thus, what we are going to choose? And how are we going to make this happen? CHAPTER IV—THE ROYAL PATH OF FREEDOM All concepts of the philosophy of nature indicate a fundamental reality. To develop our consciousness to its full potential in a way that will allow us to resolve our current catastrophic problems, we need complete freedom to develop said consciousness and take responsibility for our lives and the world. The Man who is responsible for his environment will automatically find how to manage it. He will not develop the knowledge and abilities to do this if he depends on a “system”. We need to understand that all systems, rules, regulations and suchlike will always be imperfect and a hindrance to realizing the best way to relate to nature. By definition a system is a set of functions determined by an entity who imposes them on others. All human beings and all environments being unique, it’s impossible for any fixed, rigid and inflexible system to have the necessary complexity to be able to respond to the ongoing and ever-changing needs and requirements of those beings and their environment. In fact, in all logic we’ll understand that said system is going to favor the ones who created them to the detriment of the people its imposed upon. Imposing any system on others is thus a lack of respect and nothing short of criminal, since it leads to harming that person and his environment even if that effect is not immediately obvious. All Men are representatives of the Primordial Intelligence on earth. As a consequence, it’s clear that we need to allow Men to organize themselves as they see fit. When we find ways to allow this to happen, we shall recreate environments exempt from pollution and there will once more be hope for our future generations. We are well aware that granting freedom to the masses stacked upon each other in the metropolises of the current world would be running directly to chaos and disaster. People in today’s societies have not received an education which would make them responsible Men capable of understanding the realities of the world. Common sense thus indicates we need to implement this liberation from the system in a specific manner to avoid unnecessary problems. In a marginal, but increasing portion of the population, there is an awakening of consciousness. The importance of a simple life close to nature is being affirmed every day by more and more people. This is beautiful testimonial to the intelligence of Man. Different groups and important social movements testify of this evolution. The hippy movement of the 1970s which quietly transformed to become the rainbow nation or the huge rainbow family has spread all over the world. They meet every year in huge gatherings in numerous countries and also have an annual international event. They have a culture which resembles those of many aboriginal cultures. The voluntary simplicity movement in the Quebec Province and the contented sobriety movement in France both testify of this awareness that money and consumerism is not conducive to happiness. These movements value a simple life voluntarily divested of the superfluous glorified by consumer society. Green parties try to implement changes on the political scene in numerous countries. Eco hamlets, eco-villages, ecological communities and communal gardens have appeared everywhere on the planet. Dozens of thousands of families have chosen to go back to the country to live closer to nature. Many ecologists, authors, film makers and artists publish and produce books, videos, films and events proposing different alternative viewpoints and ideas. There are thousands of examples demonstrating that the consciousness of humanity is quietly waking up. There is hope that we can change our current trajectory which is bringing us at great speed straight into a wall. There will be no return if we hit this wall. The solutions are simple and are everywhere around us, in nature. The basic principles of life and how to live in harmony with the world is being taught to all people every day, all the time. We just need to look and reflect on the natural world around us. On the other hand, there is no philosophy or movement that would allow us to unite all these various movements. The “system” knows this very well and is united by the use of money as its primary foundation. The henchmen of finance and industry do everything they can to sabotage and destroy all ecological initiatives and movements for the defense of the environment, with police violence if necessary. For who knows how to understand the underpinnings of current major film productions we see that they is often propaganda defaming, slandering, ridiculing or implying dangerous those initiatives that are moving towards nature and consciousness. In society many ecological, health or consciousness oriented movements will be accused of being sects and attacked in various ways. It’s not a coincidence that those who wish to bring more light or intelligence into society especially in regards to health are almost systematically brought to justice for supposedly wrongful exercise of medicine. Simple, cheap and traditional dwellings such as yurts have been forbidden in several French municipalities. The huge pharmaceutical and biochemical companies that produce genetically modified organisms have very powerful lobbies and are pushing for laws that would forbid the production of natural ancient varieties of seeds or cultivating family size farms. This institutionalized opposition to everything ecological and sane is wild, knows no boundaries, has the money to do everything it wants and is voluntarily destroying any tendency to favor the truth and realities of the natural world. The genocide of aboriginal populations continues as it has for centuries now, even if it’s more hypocritical today. Public opinion is beginning to limit the severity of the measures which the governments can implement yet just a few decades ago major cultural genocidal policies were implemented in Canada, Australia and the USA. First Nations are still trying to come to terms with the deliberate destruction of their culture and the intergenerational problems this has caused. Suicide rates in First Nations of America are one of the highest in the world. We are far from being able to reverse our current trajectory. Industry and finance have colossal monetary resources to finance their influence on government. All government are puppets of the financial institutions. This is logical as all countries of the world are in debt to the banks. This is not a coincidence. If we study how this has happened, you will see that wars were instigated to force debt-free countries to borrow from the banks to protect their populations from the invasion of neighboring indebted countries. Our populations are more and more limited in their thought and intellectual resources, as pharmaceutical products and vaccines used in schools adversely influence the brains of young people. More and more of them are born or becoming autistic. The media are constantly inviting us to lead a very superficial life centered on pleasure rather than a life centered on reflection and truth. Personal freedoms are more and more restricted while taxes constantly increase from year to year. Thus, ecological movements remain marginal and dwell in the shadows as they are not supported by government. This is why it’s imperative to have a logical, rational and inescapable philosophy which can allow us to create unity. So that this philosophy can be effective, we must introduce a solution which is an example of freedom, happiness and health capable of inspiring all Men. This solution will demonstrate without any doubt the validity of the holistic development for the health as well as the happiness of families living in ecological communities. We will need to demonstrate the application of truth in real life so that all Men can verify the validity of this philosophy. The example which can demonstrate the validity of the philosophy of nature was mentioned a few times in this book. It’s called the family domain. I shall begin by describing the basic elements of the family domain. I shall then describe the principles that make the family domain a solution to the countless problems of current Humanity. This solution applies to those who live in today’s modern system. Where aboriginal populations still exist within nature, it’s obviously important to protect them and allow them to continue their ancestral way of life. The only way to do this is by leaving them exclusive usage of their ancestral territories. They can teach us a lot about nature and protecting it. We need to respect and protect aboriginal communities who have survived the bulldozer of civilization. Their knowledge of the environment, their lore and wisdom are priceless. The Family Domain The family domain covers no less than one hectare and must belong to the family who lives there. The family builds its house there and cultivates the gardens that will feed them. This domain cannot be seized for any reason and cannot be sold but can only by passed on by inheritance to other members of the family. The domain must be tax-exempt and the produce and handicraft produced on the domain also be tax-exempt. Domains should be organized in communities of about 125 to 250 families with small paths and live fences (made of trees and other vegetation) separating the domains. Some lands can belong to the community as a whole for agricultural use that requires larger tracts of land, like fodder for the animals as well as for common use: dispensary, school, community meeting hall and ceremonial grounds. The family living on their family domain enjoy total freedom on their domain. No one can penetrate on the family domain when not invited. Family domain members cannot go to another domain without invitation. The inhabitants of family domains cannot appeal to the state for any kind of help. They have to assume this freedom to live shielded from any levy. As a consequence, the domain depends on no outside structure for its management other than the freely accepted participation in the community formed by family domains in a specific place. Thus, the state does not have to intervene in the management of the community of family domains. The members of this community will learn to manage according to the principles of the circle where all have an equal voice. Every decision receives the approval of all those who sit on the community council. We could think that the state would be losing in this process, but it’s rather the opposite. In fact, the cost of essential services given to the population by governments is higher than the income resulting from taxes collected by these governments. This explains in part why all the governments of the world go into debt to continue offering these services. Family domains receive no services from the government, they must be completely autonomous. They will produce vegetables, fruit, medicinal herbs, healthy drinks and crafts which will be abundant. As all those who cultivate the land will remind us, the earth is plentiful and always give more than what is offered to it. Put a seed in the earth and you will harvest a lot more seeds than you sowed. Thus, the produce and crafts will not be completely consumed by the families on their domains. Empirical proof confirms that land cultivated on a family scale in biodiversity produces a lot more edible biomass than industrial agriculture. This produce will be much healthier, organic and conducive to a healthy and well-balanced ecology. Thus, higher quality produce that is healthier. Disease is quickly going to decrease in the population residing on family domains. All other problems which may appear can be dealt with an acute sense of responsibility and intelligence. These qualities are direct results of living with freedom and abundance. Thus, the government, populations and societies living around family domains will benefit from the wealth of these domains, from the availability of high-quality food, crafts created from completely natural ecological elements as well as happy and radiantly healthy neighbors. This may seem utopic yet it is already happening in many countries and has been happening for many years now. There are ecological communities springing up all over the world and they all give these results in various degrees when the state where they live gives them the freedom to do so. Children who will be born in such an environment will benefit from intellectual and physical abilities highly superior to those living in the system. Our current educational systems decrease and limit holistic development. The widespread use of technologies in everyday life atrophy many natural abilities which are not being practiced as they are being carried out by machines. The community of family domains, managed according to the philosophy of nature, propels the development of the individual to the full measure of their potential. Who receives aplenty and is happy inevitably wants to share. It’s a reality of the natural world. Thus, all of us will benefit from the services offered by talented and skillful members of these communities. The communities will also want to share their plenty and will eventually make many contributions to different projects they consider beneficial for the health and ecology of the world and nation where they are situated. By learning to manage community life according to the principles of the circle, the members of these domains will learn how to communicate efficiently. In time, these communication skills will effectively manage and instigate resolution to conflict. Within a few generations and the gradual increase of the populations living on family domains, this diplomatic competence will spread and skillful people from these domains will help reduce conflicts and slowly eliminate war. Ex. —The current approach consisting in putting a stop to war with armed violence is nonsense. Violence only leads to more violence. All this violence that we see in the Middle East and Africa is the result of the ill-treatment and colonization that European nations have imposed on these populations since the middle-ages. European people are now harvesting the fruit of their crusades and colonization. It’s not with military repression that we will resolve problems such as terrorism and radicalism. On the contrary, documentation of the intervention of the United States in these conflicts demonstrates how their actions created movements such Al-Qaïda and ISIS. What is needed is learning to live together in accordance with nature. Happy, healthy families have no interest in creating havoc abroad. Violence engenders violence, peace engenders peace. To have peace, a man must be able to meet the needs of his family. The earth is plentiful all over the world and we have the necessary knowledge to activate this abundance even in the deserts of the world. To live together in harmony we need to take care of one another. The homeless, the orphans of the psychiatric system, and all those who don’t answer the requirements of governmental bureaucracy—a teeming population in our huge cities—can find a place as well as a healthy and relaxing activity on a family domain. Poverty will disappear! With a little help those who are now in misery and starving can find abundance and peace and will one day give back to society. A few generations ago when people lived in communities, everyone helped their neighbors. A new house was built in a few days for a new couple or for those who had lost their house to a fire. There are still on earth communities who live this way. Mutual aid and community are a lot more conducive to happiness than the individualistic life and solitude of those who are agglomerated by millions in the gigantic polluted metropolises of the modern world. The birthrate in these environments is rapidly decreasing. This is proof that these environments are not conducive to life even for humans. In a few generations the abundance and competence of people on family domains will be such that the life force will increase exponentially. When city dwellers realize the health and happiness of those who live on family domains, they will also want the same happiness. The communities of family domains who live in abundance will want to share with surrounding communities the advantages of family domains. The regions which have several communities of family domains will establish their regional councils according to the principles of the circle. These regions will then want to unite the country. Countries will in turn want to unite with other countries. The end result will be evolved, skillful and talented Men, chosen by the consensus of their communities, regions and countries who will meet internationally, create peace and solve all of Humanities’ problems. It’s very simple but logical. The family domain offers all the conditions needed for a healthy life leading to the optimal development of those who live there. The philosophy of nature has explained the reality of what we need as Men and the family domain meets all of those needs. We all have a right to live on earth. We need a personal and territorial relationship with the land where we can create a life for our families. It’s a divine right bestowed on all Men by our intimate relationship with the Primordial Intelligence. Co creating paradise is possible but only nature is capable of showing us how to do this. Thus, considering the urgent situation and the global destruction threatening the earth and humankind—and the simple and pleasant solutions to resolve this situation— considering the spiritual ascendancy of every Man and his divine right to freedom as well as having land to build a home and feed his family; and considering the truth and the reality of this philosophy—every Man should receive one hectare of land if he asks for it with the commitment of making it prosper in an ecological way. It takes time and a lot of effort, in the beginning, to cultivate land. With time the effort decreases as with permaculture and similar practices it’s possible to harvest abundance with very little work. Thus, in the beginning these families will need help, education and training. It’s also important to have good neighbors with the other family domains, as natural expertise in agriculture, making clothing and producing natural building materials and techniques can only be acquired through community collaboration. In the long run, a generation or two, this family will supply high quality foodstuffs as well as people of rare competence, great artists, magnificent healers and skillful educators. Due to the millennium of programming and conditioning by the system some Men are no longer grounded, have no relationship with nature and are very often immoral, unethical and disrespectful of others. It doesn’t matter what arguments we have to awaken their consciousness and the need for peace and equity between Men, they will always want more power and more money. They have no respect for the consequences of their greed on others or the environment. I know that the transition will be extreme for these people. They too can learn to appreciate nature, our survival depends on it. That’s why special therapeutic settings on family domains can introduce them to the realities of this world. Nature knows how to do this. A simple relaxed life, without stress and with the family, clears our thoughts and leads to healthy reflections. For criminal offenders, building relationship with nature is the best re-educating and rehabilitation method. The cost of building and maintaining prisons is astronomical! Yet, empirical evidence demonstrates that prison has dire consequences on a person’s sanity, health and emotional equilibrium. Only rarely does it lead to rehabilitation. Clear understanding of concepts here exposed make the reasons for that very clear. A possible solution would be installing maximal security fences around a wide plot of land with secondary fences delimiting individual hectares of land with small individual cells with natural hygienic commodities. Put a hundred of these in a given place—and place a criminal offender with a long sentence in each of these plots. The prisoner must make the commitment not to escape, as this experience of a family domain must be freely accepted. Supply this prisoner with information about gardening and a few simple tools to do so. Have competent therapists explain and implement circle communication and allow prisoners to exchange information on gardening and rehabilitation. The best lands on which to install these are those industrial agriculture farms where the soil has been impoverished and poisoned by chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and suchlike. Nature knows how to heal itself. When such soil is impoverished specific weeds will grow back naturally to rebuild the soil. They can also be composted to create natural fertilizer. First results we will probably see is that feeding these prisoners will soon cost a lot less. They will soon produce healthy plant food. The excess from their gardens can be sold and will become an income for the facility. Secondly, they will have an environment to think and nature to guide their thoughts. Sharing in a circle will naturally produce therapeutic effects. Nature will blossom and they will slowly start to heal from the alterations the system has created in them. The end result is that they might not want to leave this environment where they have invested so much of their gardening efforts and understood so much about the realities of life. Thus, remove the fences leaving the prisoners there with a way to live, expertise on living, communication abilities, blossoming ecology, a trusting community and stable rehabilitation. The people and land will have been rehabilitated! Prisoners and criminal offenders are a product of technocratic society. There were no prisons in aboriginal cultures as they were not needed. Crime was mostly unheard of or very rare, organized crime impossible. What rare problems did happen the community itself was able to take care of. There are enough cultivatable land on earth, to supply our current world population with 1.7 hectares per family. Certain countries are overpopulated and others underpopulated. We might want to consider a United Nations of family domains so countries can work together towards the healing of earth and humanity. Man’s intelligence has no limits. When family domains are present in numerous countries, we shall then want to create regional cities of the universe (universities). The talented and skillful people that will have received the excellent education provided by nature and communities living in family domains will propel our level of evolution and knowledge far beyond what we know today. And subsequently pollution, wars, and poverty will have been replaced by international mutual aid which will decrease the impact of any disaster. All which Man creates begins in our thoughts. A house begins with a thought, the desire for a home, and the necessary stages then follow. All we create happens in this way. Thus, if we take the time to think about life, Man, truth, reality and the universe we will develop an innate and personal understanding that will help us create beneficial circumstances and technologies. We will understand the need to communicate respectfully with all Men to resolve the current situation on earth. We shall thus recreate earthly paradise and reclaim our divine inheritance. CONCLUSION This philosophy is but a beginning. We can reach unity in our thoughts on truth and reality if we take time to think it through. This work is not complete, as it’s the work of a single Man who has voluntarily tried to make it simple. Yet, truth is universal and I know that this philosophy can become a foundation on which we can build together. It’s logical and rational that the only way of protecting the ecology is by making a living with it. It has been clearly demonstrated in these pages that we are only offered maximum development of our whole being within nature. One day we shall realize that our personnel development is perpetual and knows no end. We have seen that life within civilizations and modern technocratic societies alters and atrophies Men and prevents them from knowing a permanent state of being where there is joy, peace, health and happiness. We have suggested a simple, easy, practicable and beneficial way with short and long-term benefits for our health and our holistic development that will also protect and nurture the environment. I hope to have set the foundations for a real reflection on nature, the world and Man. We have no need go back into the past but rather use modern tools to integrate a universal vision of truth and reality. Current media technology can allow communication between all Men. The trap is that it also has a tendency to create a dependency on a virtual world disconnected from nature. We need to find a balance between the use of information technologies and a healthy life within our family domains and ecological communities. It is thus possible with an international collaboration of conscious people to work together on creating a new world. A world where this time we shall not forget our mistakes and never repeat them. Our true understanding of the unity of the world, of the earth and Man can lead us to a healthy, happy life in infinite and perpetual development. The City of the Universe evoked in these pages—where the best thinkers and scientists of the world chosen not for their influence and position, but for their intelligence, abilities, awareness and integrity—can produce all the new noninvasive, nonpolluting technologies we need to purify, heal and rebuild our damaged humanity and earth. This is the seed which I hope will take root in the rich soil of your mind. May it bloom for the health and happiness of the innumerous generations of our prosperous future. Thanks you for reading this short treatise. ANNEX—THE KINGDOMS OF NATURE Introduction This annex is not a part of this philosophy. This because it’s not universal but from a specific culture, that of the Native People of North America. It’s intended as an example of the wisdom and knowledge leading to different abilities in dealing with health and nature that aboriginal cultures have. These wisdom ways are foreign to our modern technocratic society. Every aboriginal nation and all different cultures of the world have different ways of understanding nature. All of them are valid. Trying to uniform this knowledge is not useful as every system corresponds to the Men, land, earth and nature where the people live. These are autonomous complete methods of understanding nature that are influenced by the specific conditions of the land and people living there. The underlying philosophy of all aboriginal nations are the same as we discover when shamans and traditional healers from around the world meet. Yet, the outer trappings and concepts in understanding nature correspond to the land, the mountains, the waters, the animals, the climate and all other natural influences of their environment are thus unique and very different. They will create a unique culture and stories that allow Man to understand himself and his environment. Those who spend lots of time studying the consciousness of Man will notice that all the elements and powers of nature have their counterpart in Man. In fact, Man is the synthesis and the assembly of all which exists in the universe. Thus it’s very interesting to look at the kingdoms of nature and what they represent. By getting to know the kingdoms of nature, we know ourselves. As Socrates said: “Know yourself and you will know the universe and the gods”. We can inverse this saying and it will also be true. We can thus understand that the full potential of the holistic development of Man is enhanced by observing and understanding the kingdoms of nature. The observation of nature leads to the understanding of whom we are and the essential truths which can lead us to better lives with the daily experience of love, happiness, joy and peace. All indigenous nations had a specific way of understanding nature and of passing on this understanding to the younger generations. In this way wisdom and understanding infuse the life of the people who then live long, happy and healthy lives. The Various Kingdoms In the traditions of the First Nations of North America, there are five kingdoms which are in interrelationship with Man on earth. The mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, the elemental kingdom and the kingdom of spirits of nature. We shall not develop at this time the kingdom of spirits of nature as it’s too alien and estranged from the consciousness of our modern society. The spirits of nature don’t have physical bodies. They are made of energy and have little or no solid substance. Thus, they are invisible for most people. Only those who have developed their subtle vision can see them. There are also those to whom some of these beings want to show themselves, as some of them have this capacity to make themselves visible if they want to be seen. For the majority of people in our modern world the existence of fairies, elves, nymphs, sylphs, gnomes, salamanders and the little people are myths and legends that don’t exist in spite of the plentiful literature which evokes them. For those who have lived in nature all their lives or who have the gift of subtle vision, these beings not only exist, but are very important for nature and our relationship with nature. However this conversation is for another time and place. Indeed, technology destroys these beings and they are very few today compared to but a few decades ago. One day, when Man will have renewed his relationship with nature he will once again experience the joy and benefits of knowing this kingdom. The Animal Kingdom The animal realm is the kingdom that resembles us the most. There is in the First Nations of America a corpus of psychological education and human development that studies the correspondences of Men with this kingdom. This educative curriculum is very powerful and useful and is called totem animals. Native Americans and many other aboriginal nations have understood that we carry within us relationships with specific animals, fish or birds. This means that we have a more powerful affinity with some of them. These totems can help us understand who we are, our place in the world and our role within the community. It can even help us understand our mission within the nation and help us choose the best person as our spouse or life companion. Animals always follow their “original instructions” and each of them has a precise role in the ecology and territories where they live. To observe animals and to understand their role in the ecology reveals the laws of creation and teaches us many things about us. They are the reflection of realities which are around us and within us. Seeing the interest and love of children for animals can be a clue to how important they are in our lives. It’s nevertheless important to understand that domestic animals or pets have often been deformed by man. All pure blood animals are the result of often consanguine breeding and manifest defects and qualities that are intended by this in family breeding. That is why mixing, cross-breeding, what we call bastards, are animals who often display more qualities, as they generally retain the best traits of the races mixed in. You will not find the same balance in domestic animals or pets as in wild animals as their genes have often been distorted and altered by Man. This is why they don’t always have a behavior which reflects the original instructions and are not apt to be called totem animals. In the original world, at the beginning of creation, long before the perceived separation with Great Spirit that created strife and fear, all Men lived in harmony with animals. They were mainly vegans, as demonstrated even today by our set of teeth and our digestive system. Thus animals were not afraid of human beings. On the contrary they loved them! If necessary, families could educate a wild animal to do small jobs for them. What joy it was for animals to be able to do something for Man. Some people still live like this, in their own family paradise. As one example these people, who live in perfect harmony with nature, had ancestors who trained squirrels to fetch nuts in trees when asked. The squirrels when asked, rapidly fetches them, shells them and puts them in a small pile at their feet. This is not a domestic or tamed squirrel, but a wild squirrel who families have done this for generations, passing it on to each new generation. This training was only necessary once and remains with the offspring for eternity. This family who lives in accordance with nature has, for other tasks, the same relationship with wild wolves, bears, eagles and other animals around their family domains. This is how it is when Man lives in paradise. For more information on this read the books written by Vladimir Megre on Anastasia. It’s important that Man renews his original relationship with wild animals as the co-creative consciousness of this world. Generations will be needed before returning to such harmony with the animal kingdom. It’s impossible if we continue to have an animal protein based diet. Thus, the first step will be recreating a harmonious relationship with the plant kingdom. The Plant Kingdom The name that all indigenous-aboriginal people of all continents give to our planet is that of Mother Earth. Calling her mother makes sense as she gives birth to all beings. Our biological mother carries us 9 months and takes then takes care of us for at most eighteen years, rarely more. Mother Earth carries us throughout our lives. All our food, all our clothing and all our dwellings come from Mother Earth. The plant kingdom is the hair of Mother Earth. In her hair exists all that Man needs. The most nourishing food comes from the plant kingdom. For any disease and any health problem the plant kingdom has the answer. All our houses could be built with elements of the plant kingdom if we had the patience and the simplicity to do so. All our clothing should be made with organic plant fibers For proof that synthetic clothing is toxic, read KILLER CLOTHES By Brian Clement. . To truly understand the relationship of the Man with the plant kingdom, it’s necessary to cast an eye to the real history which relates to it. Well before the coming of civilizations, all people spent a good part of their youth tasting, smelling, observing and tending plants, herbs and trees. They would learn from their relatives the thousand one ways in which they were used. They came to understand the role that every tree, every herb, every alga, every flower and every plant played in the perfectly harmonious symphony of their local ecology. Eventually, when the time came to create their own little paradise, what we call family domains today, every Man knew how to recognize and understand the uses and roles of about 3000 botanical species. They planted or encouraged the growth of more than 1000 in the land around them. Thus, they had fresh food all year round as different species mature at different times. There’s always food available when we know the plant kingdom well, even in winter. There are inner barks and buds, which grow in the autumn in anticipation of the following spring, as well as root crops which they can be dug up all winter long. There are also many vegetables that can be preserved in several ways for the winter. This explains why in agricultural communities the people never went hungry. Nomadism appeared as one of the first consequences of this fear which we mentioned earlier in our treatise. If there is fear, we can feel that another is a threat to us. Thus, very long ago, for the first time, in a gesture to protect himself, a Man killed another. Fear of the killer came to those who witnessed the killing and this gave the killer sudden power over them. He could ask what he wanted and, through fear, obtained it. Not all wanted to comply and one thing leading to another, conflicts appeared and certain communities had to flee warlike tribes. In unknown territory, not knowing the plants of a different ecology, and pressed to find means to feed themselves, the first animals were killed for food. Huge territory is needed to supply us with animal-based diet thus nomadism was born. Then, much later, civilizations appeared. Famine and scarcity are events which appeared with nomadism and then civilization. Creating cities estranged from nature, rich and powerful people hoarding food and expecting other to grow their food for them amongst other conditions, created a way of life that even today has people going hungry all over the world even in great wealthy cities. Having said that, we only need one hectare of gardens to feed a family for eternity. Many studies demonstrate that a vegan diet is much healthier and conducive to optimal health. Many wounds and diseases can be treated with plant remedies. All aboriginal lore of different nations usually say that Great Spirit created a plant for every affliction we have. We just need to find out which one and that explains the extensive exploration of the plant world all primitive cultures implement. We have all that’s necessary to live à healthy existence within a well-thought-family domain. Gardening is a relaxing, pleasant and healthy activity that stimulates our thought processes and elevates our consciousness. Ultimately, as everything in the universe is in relationship, understanding the plant kingdom leads to understand the workings of the universe. Indeed, many secrets on the nature of life, the planet and the stars are revealed to those who understand the language of the plant kingdom. As an example flowers have a magnificent language which can be a very beautiful means of communication. From the fragrances, pollen, juices and colors of flowers, we could write numerous books on the way they communicate with us and the natural world. But it’s not in books that we need to learn, but rather by observing, smelling, tasting and listening to the many flowers that bloom in our wild gardens. A few generations will be needed before Men reacquires the necessary skills, lifestyle and environment where the intuitive knowledge and instant telepathic communication from plants and trees can be spontaneously received by tomorrow’s children. Until then we will need the books on organic agriculture, permaculture and suchlike. Also there are people who have retained or acquired this symbiotic relationship with the plant kingdom. There are many examples of farmers on small farms capable of growing vegetables and fruit that are twice as big as those produced by other farmers. These people know how to talk to their gardens and thus obtain surprising results. This knowledge in within all of us and only needs to be remembered. When we understand that life is so much better, healthier, more relaxed and inspiring in our gardens than in an office or workplace we will once more enjoy the countless benefits freely given by the hair of Mother Earth. Eventually, in many generations, we shall return to the original earthly paradise where we need not think of our food. When the plant kingdom in a family domain has been harmonized with the life of its inhabitants for generations, the vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts and herbs we need will grow without any need to be cultivated. Man will eat as he breathes, that is without any need to think about it. The hand will take the leaf, the herb, the fruit or the vegetable which the body needs, automatically, as a natural reflex, while our minds our turned to higher aspirations and thoughts. We will have a lot more time for family, friends, the arts, community activities, philosophical musings, personal development and the elevation of our consciousness. The Mineral Kingdom All shamans will say the same thing: stones are alive! From childhood, I’ve been connected to these flowers of the mineral kingdom; crystals. I’ve seen many phenomena that effectively demonstrate that stones are conscious. Some of them are downright chatterboxes! First Nations describe the mineral kingdom as the bones, the skeleton of the earth mother. That is why it’s essential to respect the mineral kingdom in the same way as all other beings. Our modern civilization uses stones and metals with extravagance without ever realizing that such extensive mining is deeply damaging to the earth mother. Imagine that a small insect manages to go into your body and remove the substance from one of your bones and to carry it out and pile it up like scabs on the surface of your skin. It would be terribly painful. That’s what technocratic civilization is now doing to the earth. Ex. —The cancer from which millions of human beings worldwide suffer is the direct consequence of the cancer that man is for the earth when he lives within technocratic civilization. Crystals are sense organs and transmitters of different energies for the earth. Modern companies use these flowers of the mineral reign, notably in all the current electronic and computer industry. This creates in our environments an electromagnetic pollution which impacts our global energies and leads to many proven health problems. Ex. —More and more Men suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity. This handicaps them to the point where they can no longer live in cities, have a mobile phone or even work with a computer. Even their movements are limited, as going under high tension wiring that cross the roads can cause pathological symptoms. Exposure to electromagnetic pollution is cumulative. We shall witness an exponential increase of this affliction in the coming years. Many spiritual elders have great respect for stones and crystals. They consider that these beings have a very important role to play in the universe. Here again there is enough material to fill numerous volumes. First Nations Crystal Healing by Blue Eagle is one I’ve written. But it’s better at the beginning to be simple and connect in a more straightforward way. What’s nice is to sit on big stones and meditate a few moments. They are very old and they have many things to convey. You won’t hear anything with your ears and maybe not even feel anything, but that is not the ultimate objective. The energy language of stones is perceived by your whole being and not all of that is conscious. You will benefit from information which the stone will pass on to you even if that is not immediately perceived by your conscious mind. We also need to mention the therapeutic virtues of stones and crystals. Let’s also mention clay which has many different applications in healing and physical therapy. For example, a wound treated with clay poultices will heal without leaving a scar! The Elemental Kingdom In the aboriginal traditions of all five continents we will always find a theory on the elements. Most traditions speak of 4 or 5 elements often called earth, water, wind and fire. These theories, which consists in knowing the dynamics of the relationship existing between elements and Man as well as between Man and his environment, is a healing science in numerous traditions of the world. Traditional Chinese medicine has a healing modality with 5 elements well known for its therapeutic virtues, consisting of the elements of wood, metal, water, fire and earth. The Ayurveda traditions of India have their own understanding of the elements. The Europeans also had their alchemists who worked with the elements and their transmutations. If we observe nature, we see the earth, that is the most solid and the hardest substance. It corresponds in humans to the physical body. We see water as well as its solid and gas forms, the clouds, the mists and the ice which correspond to the emotional body. We also see the wind which corresponds to the mental body and the fire which corresponds to the spiritual body. There is also a last element which the alchemists name the ether and that Native Americans call sacred sound. This is the space in which the other elements dance and it corresponds to the consciousness of Man. Various traditions have different theories, correspondences and symbolism and they are not compatible. The freedom inherent to all human beings allows various ways in which we can understand the world. We need to respect every tradition. They can then reveal their specific wisdom. For all who know nature intimately, elements appear as aware, conscious and living powers of nature. The First Nations of America have always been able to communicate with the elements. Thousands of stories and documentation in various writings and the many circumstances that I’ve personally seen are the irrefutable proof that it’s possible to communicate with the elements. This will seem impossible for the vast majority of the Men in this technocratic world as for modern science the elements have no living consciousness. At this point it’s not necessary to believe in this but it’s very important to reflect on it. Indeed, if such a possibility exists it would eventually allow us to avoid or mitigate disasters such the droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and suchlike. The climate changes and global warming that afflicts the world today, increasing natural disasters tenfold, are the result of a way of life which ignores the laws of nature. At this time we can document a steady increase of natural disasters such as forest fires, violent storms, long droughts and heat, floods and earthquakes. These are reflecting the imbalance and disharmony of the elements when there is no communication and collaboration with Man. First Nations Elders tell us the elements can receive guidance from Man. Civilized man has no inkling that communication with nature is possible and he dreams of leaving the earth to escape the pollution which he has created. This attitude is childish and dangerous. Before going to the stars, we need to take care of the planet where we were born. Only then will the possibility of travelling to the stars be available to us. To do so, we need to understand our relationship with the elements. If we can verify within the existence of a Primordial Intelligence, and understand that we are his beloved children, it would then be obvious that the universe as well as the elements of which it’s composed would be inclined to listen and respond to our desires. Thus, there is also a logical and reasonable basis to the suggestion that it’s possible to communicate with the elements. Conclusion The kingdoms of nature are our companions on earth. They contribute to our lives in an infinity of different ways. We need to respect them and thus get to know them and better understand them. This will enrich our lives in countless ways. 106