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21-23 September UKRAINE | Kyiv CIEES t o n g r e s s of I n t e r n a t i o n a l E a s t e r n E u r o p e a n St u di e s CONGEPTS, SO UR G ES AND METHODOLOGY IN EASTERN EUROPEAN S t u d ie s BOOK SERIES (1) CONGRESS OF INTERNATIONAL EASTERN EUROPEAN STUDIES (CIEES) BOOK SERIES (1) Editors Prof. Dr. Yücel Öztürk Prof. Dr. Nuri Kavak CO NCEPTS, SO U R C E S AND METHODOLOGY İN EASTERN EUROPEAN STUDIES CONGRESS OF INTERNATIONAL EASTERN EUROPEAN STUDIES (CIEES) 2018 BOOK SERIES (1) GONGEPTS, SO URG ES AND METHODOLOGY IN EASTERN EUROPEAN STUDIES Publish Date 25 December 2D18 Editors Prof. Dr. Yücel Öztürk Prof. Dr. Nuri Kavak ISBN 978-605-65052-2-5 www.piees.org Copyright © 2018 Platform of International Eastern European Studies (www.piees.org). All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all materials on these pages are copyrighted by the Platform of International Eastern European Studies (www.piees.org). All rights reserved. No part of these pages, either text or image may be used for any purpose other than personal use. Therefore, reproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system or retransmission, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, for reasons other than personal use, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. PREFACE The International Eastem European Studies Platform is an academic research platform established in 2017 by a group of Turkish academicians. The platform is one of the most important consequences of Turkey’s mainly history-oriented Eastern European studies and organizes academic activities such as congresses, workshops, journals, conferences, panels. PIEES organized its first congress on 21 - 23 September 2018 at Taras Sevchenko National University in Kiev. The theme o f the congress was devoted to the sources and methodology of Eastern European History, and it hosted approximately 100 speakers. The present work consists of 36 papers selected from the symposium papers. PIEES is happy and proud to have been able to carry out all the works that it had planned to implement after its establishment in 2017. We are proud to present the current work, one of the most important of these works, indeed the fruit of the congress, as a contribution to the world of science. Despite all the care and efforts of our work group, we realise that there may be some deficiencies in the current work. However, these can be minimized in parallel with the increase in experience and personnel capacity. We would like to thank the Turkish Historical Society, Taras Sevchenko National University, Sakarya University and Eskişehir Osman Gazi University for their sponsorships. We are deeply thankful to all the academicians who have applied their efforts to the realization of the present congress and the publication of the congress papers. The PIEES secretariat has the most important share of this product through its voluntary and altruistic work. We are grateful to the referees, who have spent their valuable time in evaluating the papers. PIEES 's core staff is the true owner of all of our academic friends who have contributed to this work. Prof. D r. Yücel Ö ztü rk - Prof. D r. N u ri K avak 1 Concepts, Sources andMEthodologyin Eastarn EuropBan StudİEs ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Prof. Dr. Azmi ÖZCAN Turkey, Sakarya University Prof. Dr. Ivan PATRYLAK Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko National University O f Kyiv Prof. Dr. Mehmet İNBAŞI Turkey, Kayseri Erciyes University Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÖZTÜRK Turkey, Fırat University Prof. Dr. Nuri KAVAK Turkey, Eskişehir Osmangazi University Prof. Dr. Orhan KILIÇ Turkey, Fırat University Prof. Dr. Yaroslav KALAKURA Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko National University O f Kyiv Prof. Dr. Yuriy KOÇUBEY Ukraine, ‘National Academy o f Sciences’Agatangel Crimean Institute o f Oriental Studies Prof. Dr. Yücel ÖZTÜRK Turkey, Sakarya University Prof. Dr. Ferhad TURANLY Ukraine, National University o f Kyiv Mohyla Academy Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer Topaktaş ÜSTÜNER Turkey, İstanbul University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serkan ACAR Turkey, Ege University Assoc. Prof. Dr. V’yaçeslav STANISLAVSKIY Ukraine, ‘National Academy o f Sciences’Institute o f Ukraine History 2 CIEES 2018, KIEV-UKRAINE CONTENTS Eastern Europe in the Description of the Famüus Dttoman Geographer Katib Çelebi Ahmet ÜSTÜNER ...............................................................................................................................21 Role of Hajduks and Cossacks in 16th and 17th Century Hungarian and Ukrainian Society Beata VARGA ..................................................................................................................................... 35 The Concept of 'Cold War' Behçet Kemal YEŞİLBURSA............................................................................................................. 4 9 The Other Face of the Medallion: Pursuit of Truth from the Samples of Two Archives about Ottoman-Dubrovnik Relations Cihan YEMİŞÇİ................................................................................................................................. 77 The Reflection of Historical Reality in "Przedwiosnie" (Pre-Spring) of Zerom ski Emrah GAZNEVİ................................................................................................................................ 93 Evliya Celebi's Travel Book As A Source Book Of The History Of Eastern Europe Ayşe GülHÜSEYNİKLİOĞLU....................................................................................................... 105 Some Points on Scientific Work, Methodology, Practice and Experiences Entela M UÇO ...................................................................................................................................127 Reflection of the History of the Crimean Ulus in the Crim ean-Tatar and Turkish written sources and Historiography Ferhad TURANLY ........................................................................................................................... 137 How a Polish Diplomat Describes the Dttoman Balkans in 178D's? Example of Kajetan Chrzanowski Hacer TOPAKTAŞ ÜSTÜNER....................................................................................................... 149 Some Discussions About The Existence Of The Eastern European Turks İbrahim TELLİOĞLU...................................................................................................................... 163 The Price Of The Dream: Losses Of The Ukrainian Population And The Liberation Movement During 1939-1950 Ivan PATRYLIAK .............................................................................................................................171 Ukrainian-Turkic Frontier Under the Conditions State Borders Formation: New vs Old Models of Everyday Life of the Population (18 - Beginning of the 19 cc.) Svitlana KAIUK................................................................................................................................ 193 15 Concepts, Sources andMEthodologyin Eastarn EuropBan StudİEs The İstanbul MemDries of a Future Ecclesiastic- Jan Gnatüwski's 'Letters from Constantinople' (1883) Maciej MIELNIK ............................................................................................................................. 2 0 7 Pechenegs In The Histariagraphy Of The Russian Empire Mualla UYDU YÜCEL ................................................................................................................... 2 1 7 Eastern European Turk Studies And ArchaeDlDgical Resources Iskites And Kurgan Culture Muhammet Beşir A ŞA N .................................................................................................................. 2 35 Geopolitics Of Eastern Europe Mustafa ÖZTÜRK............................................................................................................................ 251 An Evaluation Of The Administrative Division Of Eastern Europe In The Ottoman Period On Archive Resources Orhan K ILIÇ ....................................................................................................................................261 Some Aspects of the Etymology, Ontology and Genesis of the Methodologies of Historical Cognition Olga BORYSOVA ............................................................................................................................ 2 85 Documents of Hetmans as the Source for the Research of the Ethnoconfessional Relations in Ukraine during the second half of the XVII century Vasyl OSTAPENKO ....................................................................................................................... 2 9 6 Vushtrri Town At The Time Of Fatih Sultan Mehmed Rahman ŞA H İN ...............................................................................................................................303 Sejm Constitutions as Sources for theHistory of Ruthenian cities of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Tetiana HOSHKO ...........................................................................................................................3 27 The Importance of Kadi Records in Depicting Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Ottoman Empire: Seventeenth Century Istanbul Jew ish Community Sample Vesile TANINMIŞ............................................................................................................................ 343 Features Of The In Fluence Of Dualistik Religious Representations On The Trends Of SocioCultural Life And The Formation Of a Sacred Type Of State Authority On The Territory Of Eastern Europe Viacheslav MORDVINTSEV, Alisa LUKASHENKO .................................................................353 16 CIEES 2018, KIEV-UKRAINE Refiectian the stage formuiation of the Turk ethnDs "burjân" in the information of the erudites of Arabian Khalifat of the IX th - X th centuries Viktor KRJUKOV ........................................................................................................................... 3 6 9 Cultural Axes And Socio-Political Borders Df Eastern Europe Yücel ÖZTÜRK ................................................................................................................................ 381 The Sharia Court Records (Seriye S icils) Between The Basic Resources Of Eastern European Works Nuri KAVAK ..................................................................................................................................... 3 97 How South Eastern Europe Map is Changing by Russian Propaganda and Deedsof European War Correspondents During the 1877-78 Turkish-Russian War? Aytaç YÜRÜKÇÜ ............................................................................................................................ 413 The Concept Df "Commercial Law" In The Golden Horde State According To Archical Resources Emel K ILIÇ ...................................................................................................................................... 443 The Genesis of the Phenomenon of the Ukrainian Cossacks Larysa PRITSAK ............................................................................................................................. 4 7 7 The Reflection Of The Underground AndPoliticalOrganization On ThePolish Identity in XIXth Century Mehmet Enver ERBİL ...................................................................................................................... 503 The notions of "state-building" and "state-creation" in historical and law studies, devoted to the Ukrainian revolution (1917-1921): comparative aspect K apeliushnyi Valeriy PETRO VYC H , Chubata M arina V A L E R IIV N A ................... 529 Views On Scythian Historical Sources Murat ÖZTÜRK ...............................................................................................................................539 Sino-European Relations During The Yuan Dynasty Nebil KARAD UMAN....................................................................................................................... 5 51 The Post-Soviet Methodology Of The Ukrainian Historiography: A Transition From The Formative To The Civilisational Conception Of The Historical Process Yaroslav KALAKURA ..................................................................................................................... 573 Use of Environmental History Approach inCrimean KhanateStudies:TheResults of Climate Change in Crimea in the Little Ice Age: Famine, Migration and Slavery Sema AKTAŞ SARI...........................................................................................................................587 17 Concepts, Sources andMEthodologyin Eastarn EuropBan StudİEs The Cuvash PeDple In The Light Df Archeological Discoveries Gülnara ERGAN ..............................................................................................................................613 Relations between Ukraine and Duadrupole Alliance on the Course Df First Peace Agreement Df WDrld War I Ender KORKMAZ........................................................................................................................... 639 18 CIEES 2018, KIEV-UKRAINE An Evaluation Of The Administrative Division Of Eastern Europe In The Ottoman Period On Archive Resources Orhan KILIÇ* Introduction The Ottomans proceeded to Eastem Europe in the second half of the 14th century which they named as Rumeli (Rumelia). The Ottoman progress in European lands continued until the last quarter of the 17th century. The secured territories were divided into certain administrative units in order to ensure persistence in this wide geography. Before the second siege of Vienna, the European borders of the Ottoman Empire covered the whole Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova and Albania and a part of Hungary, Ukraine, Croatia and Slovakia. The Ottoman Empire expanded until Vienna frontiers westernmost but could not dominate the area even though laid siege twice. Therefore, the Ottoman dominance could not move beyond Central Europe. In this respect, it is possible to assert that the European dominance of the Ottoman Empire was limited to Eastern Europe to a certain extent. It can be claimed that the term “Eastern Europe” geographically covers all the Balkan states, the eastern part of Hungary according to the Danube River, and Ukraine and Moldova in the Black Sea Region. The Eastern European states that came under the rule of the Ottoman Empire were including the Eastern Hungary until the Black Sea where the Danube makes a northern curve and also Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. The western part of the Dnieper River was also within the Eastern European frontiers of the Ottoman Empire. With reference to this definition, the Eastern European higher administrative division units of the Ottoman Empire can be regarded as Bosnia, Kanije (Nagykanizsa), Budin (Buda), Uyvar (Nove Zamky), Egri (Eger), Timisvar/Yanova (Timisoara/Ineu), Varat (Oradea), Kamanice (Kamianets-Podilskyi Podolia), Ozi (Ochakiv- Silistra), Kefe (Caffa) and Rumeli (Rumelia) provinces, Eflak (Wallachia) and Bogdan (Moldovia) voivodships and Crimean Khanate. * Prof. Dr., History Department in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Firat University. e-mail: okilic60@gmail.com 261 Concepts, Sources andMethodologyin Eastarn EuropBan StudİEs I- TH E O TTO M A N A RCH IV A L RESO U R C ES O F EA STER N EU RO PEAN A D M IN ISTRA TIV E D IV ISIO N O F TH E O TTO M A N E M PIR E The Ottoman Empire introduced all the controlled places into an administrative system regardless of the geography. It is known that the empire adopted various administrative styles according to the characteristics of different territories instead of an absolute centralism. The basic administrative units of the Ottoman Empire are sanjak/liva and kaza. Sanjaks rather corresponded to military and financial units while kazas contained municipal, judicial and logistics units. In this respect, the rural Ottoman administrative divisions should be examined in two categories which are sanjak and kaza. The higher administrative unit of sanjak and kaza is called province (vilayet) or state (eyalet). The higher administrative terminology of sanjaks followed a transition process from province to state1. Therefore, the archival resources in which provinces/states and sanjaks, the lower units of the former, are provided together are of great importance in determining the administrative division units. 1- Mufassal Tahrir Books (Detailed Census Books) The Ottoman Empire carried out a census without fail if timar system was to be implemented to the dominated lands. The mufassal books that were issued in consequence of such censuses intended to determine the taxpayer population and revenue items of a relevant area. The principal unit in these censuses was “sanjak”. In this case, the mufassal census books are the only resources to refer to in order to determine sanjaks and their lower units, that is, kazas, nahiyes and villages, where sanjak-tevcih books are not sufficient in which states and relevant sanjaks are recorded together. Therefore, it is possible to learn the administrative division of sub-sanjak units from such books (See, ADDITION- I). The Ottoman Empire carried out censuses of the administrative units in Eastern Europe, including voivodships. Moreover, Kamanice (Kamianets-Podilskyi- Podolia), the last place to be captured by the Ottomans in Eastern Europe that was under Ottoman control for 25 years, was also subjected to census2. The wide area of domination in Eastern Europe and the number 1 See about the Ottoman administrative division units: Orhan Kılıç, 18. Yüzyılın İlk Yarısında Osmanlı D evleti’nin İdari Taksimatı-Eyalet ve Sancak Tevcihatı, Elazığ 1997, p. 6-17; Orhan Kılıç, “Ottoman Provincial Organization in the Classicial Period (1362-1799)”, The Turks, 3 Ottomans, Yeni Türkiye pub., Ankara, 2002, p. 479-490; Tuncer Baykara, Anadolu’nun Tarihî Coğrafyasına Giriş I Anadolu’nun İdarî Taksimatı, Türk Kültürünü Araştırma Enstitüsü pub., 86, Ankara, 1988, p. 29-34. 2 See about the Kamanice tahrir books: Dariusz Kolodziejczyk, “The Defter-i Mufassal of Kamaniçe from CA. 1681-An Example of Late Ottoman Tahrir, Reliability, Function, Principles of Publication”, Osmanlı Araştırmaları XIII, Istanbul, 1993, p. 91-98. 262 CIEES 2018, KIEV-UKRAINE of sanjaks which were about 100 indicate that the mufassal census books were great in number3. If we assume that censuses were repeated periodically, it can be inferred that there are hundreds of census books to refer to in the Ottoman archives. A part of these census books was published by the archive administration4 and researchers while another part was evaluated in monographic sanjak studies. 2- Sanjak Tevcih Books (S anjak R egistration Books) Sanjak tevcih books are the most significant resources that reflect the sanjak-based administrative division of the Ottoman Empire. It became possible to clearly and completely identify the administrative divisions due to these books that were issued by the ruus, tahvil and nishan (nişan) kalemi of the Divan-i Humayun (Imperial Council) and contain all the administrational units of the Ottoman Empire. Sanjak tevcih books can be encountered in various classifications in the Ottoman Archives. However, these books are not originally named as sanjak tevcih books but acquired such name due to their contents. Nevertheless, some of these bear “ sanjak tevcih book" statement on their covers. They can be found in Bab-i Asafi Ruus Kalemi Books (A. RSK d.)5, 3 See the number of tahrir books on Eastern Europe bkz. Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi Rehberi, Yayına hazırlayanlar: Yusuf İhsan Genç, Mustafa Küçük, Dr. Raşit Gündoğdu, Sinan Satar, İbrahim Karaca, Hacı Osman Yıldırım, Nazım Yılmaz, T.C. Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı (BOA) Pub. Nu: 108, Third edition, Istanbul, 2010, p. 99-136. 4 The following are the Eastern European mufassal tahrir books published by the archive administration: 370 Numaralı Muhâsebe-i Vilâyet-i Rûm-ili Defteri (937/1530) I, Yayına hazırlayanlar: Ahmet Özkılınç, Ali Coşkun, Abdullah Sivridağ, Murat Yüzbaşıoğlu, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı Yayın Nu: 55, Ankara, 2001; 370 Numaralı Muhâsebe-i Vilâyet-i Rûm-ili Defteri (937/1530) II, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı Pub. Nu: 59, Ankara, 2002; 167 Numaralı Muhâsebe-i Vilâyet-i Rûm-ili Defteri (937/1530) I, Yayına hazırlayanlar: Ali Coşkun, Ahmet Özkılınç, Abdullah Sivridağ, Murat Yüzbaşıoğlu, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı pub., Ankara, 2003; 167 Numaralı Muhâsebe-i Vilâyet-i Rûm-ili Defteri (937/1530) I, Yayına hazırlayanlar: Murat Yüzbaşıoğlu, Abdullah Sivridağ, Ahmet Özkılınç, Ali Coşkun, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı Yayın Nu: 69, Ankara, 2004; 91, 164, MAD 540 ve 173 Numaralı Hersek, Bosna ve İzvornik Livaları İcmal Tahrir Defterleri (926-939/1520-1533), I, Yayına hazırlayanlar: Ahmet Özkılınç, Ali Coşkun, Abdullah Sivridağ, Murat Yüzbaşıoğlu, Ali Toköz, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı pub., Ankara, 2006; 91, 164, MAD 540 ve 173 Numaralı Hersek, Bosna ve İzvornik Livaları İcmal Tahrir Defterleri (926-939/1520-1533), II, Yayına hazırlayanlar: Ahmet Özkılınç, Ali Coşkun, Abdullah Sivridağ, Murat Yüzbaşıoğlu, Ali Toköz, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı pub., Ankara, 2006; 367 Numaralı Muhâsebei Vilâyet-i Rûm-ili Defteri ile 94 ve 1078 Numaralı Avlonya Livası Tahrir Defterleri (926-1520/937-1530), III-IV, Yayına hazırlayanlar: Ahmet Özkılınç, Ali Coşkun, Abdullah Sivridağ, Murat Yüzbaşıoğlu, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı pub., Ankara, 2008; 174 Numaralı Hersek Livâsı İcmâl Eflakân ve Voynugân Tahrîr Defteri (939/1533), Yayına hazırlayanlar: Abdullah Sivridağ, Ahmet Özkılınç, Ali Coşkun, Murat Yüzbaşıoğlu, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı Yayın Nu: 105, Ankara, 2009; MAD 506 Numaralı Semendire Livâsı İcmâl Tahrîr Defteri (925/1519), Yayına hazırlayanlar: Murat Yüzbaşıoğlu, Ahmet Özkılınç, Ali Coşkun, Abdullah Sivridağ, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı pub., Ankara, 2009. 5 See for some of these notebooks: BOA, A. RSK d. 1452, 1551, 1572. 263 Concepts, Sources andMethodologyin Eastarn EuropBan StudİEs Bab-i Asafi Nisanci/Tahvil Kalemi Books (A. NST d.)6, Kamil Kepeci Divan-i Humayun Ruus Kalemi Books7, Maliyeden Mudevver Books (MAD) (Transferred from the Finance Office Books)8 or Divan-i Humayun Nishan (nişan) Kalemi (A. DVNSNST d.)9. Apart from the foregoing, there also certain books10 in the archives of Topkapi Palace Museum that have the characteristics of sanjak tevcih books.. Sanjak tevcih books provide data about the Ottoman states/provinces, their sanjaks and the names, former offices and, rarely, the annual incomes of beys (governor) and pashas who govern such. These books remained in use for a certain period of time after initial entries, and the records were maintained concerning the change or office extension of state or sanjak governors. These changes and extension records were processed to reasonable blank spaces left under each administrative unit. The books could be limited 3-5 years while there were even sanjak tevcih books that were maintained for more than 50 years. Early period sanjak tevcih books did not contain such records of office change and mirrored the immediate conditions that took place when they were arranged (See, ADDITION-II). The books that were kept towards the mid-16th century started include the “has” (salary) revenues and change and ibka (extension) of offices of beys and pashas (See, ADDITION-III). However, the sanjak tevcih books of further dates did not represent the annual incomes of pashas and beys. The 18th century sanjak tevcih books rarely bear the annual incomes of beys and pashas. The books that were entered in the mid-18th century are of great importance to monitor the administrative division of the Ottoman Empire since these books contain information spanning half a century. Due to such books, it is possible to acquire clear information about the governing principles, that is, the administrative status of sanjaks. Sanjak books can instruct researchers about administrative or financial disposition procedures such as klasik, ocaklık, malikane, miri mukataa and arpalik. However, the appointment records are not unique to sanjak tevcih books. The berats granted to relevant people, the resolutions processed in muhimme books, the records of sheriyye registers and daily ruus books also include such information. Sanjak tevcih books are quite distinguished for only these books contained individual information and documents and they 678910 6 See for example: BOA, A. NŞT d. 1355. 7 See for example: BOA, Kâmil Kepeci Ruus No: 262, 266. 8 BOA, MAD 563. 9 BOA, A. DVNSNŞT d. 16, 53. 10 TSMA, D. 5246, 8303, 9772, 10057. 264 CIEES 2018, KIEV-UKRAINE enable researchers to see all the administrative divisions of the govemment and state and sanjak govemors in one book. Mostly, the first pages o f the books were intended as an index which illuminated the readers about the states, voivodships, kingships and captainships that were given in a book (See, ADDITION-IV). The sanjak tevcih books that were maintained for long years were filled with an increased number of records according to the length of their use, and the pages were processed with tevcih records without a blank space on sheets (See, ADDITION-V). According to the information we acquired, such sanjak tevcih books were kept until the early 19th century and were replaced by other books or documents following 1864 after which radical changes occurred in terms of the reforms (Tanzimat) and administration. 3- Muhimme Books (Divan-i H um ayun/Im perial Council Records) Muhimme books contained the resolutions that were taken and deemed the most significant by Divan-i Humayun, the highest decision making body of the Ottoman Empire. The decree (ferman), berat and order etc. copies of such resolutions were also issued as individual documents and sent to relevant persons. There are 376 muhimme books in the Ottoman Archives which were categorized as Muhimme, Muhimme-i Mektume, Muhimme-i Asakir, Muhimme Zeyli and Muhimme-i Misir (Egypt). Only a small part of these books belong to other categories which were included to this category by mistake. However, there are also muhimme books that were classified among other catalogs. The oldest muhimme book is dated 1544-1545 and is preserved by the Topkapi Palace Museum Archives11. The books numbered 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 82, 83, 85 and 91 were published by the General Directorate of State Archives. Some of the books were independently prepared for publication by researchers12 while about 100 books were examined in dissertations13. Some of the resolutions taken by Divan-i Humayun could concern the whole or a great part of the govemment. Therefore, a single resolution (decree) was written and annotated indicating the place the copies of such resolution were addressed. The states and provinces the 11 This book was published. See: Topkapı Sarayı Arşivi H. 951-952 Tarihli ve E-12321 Numaralı Mühimme Defteri, (Hazırlayan: Halil Sahillioğlu), IRCICA pub., İstanbul 2002. 12 See for example: Mehmet Ali Ünal, Mühimme Defteri 44, Akademi Kitabevi pub., İzmir, 1995; Hikmet Ülker, Sultanın Emir Defteri (51 Nolu Mühimme), Tatav-Tarih ve Tabiat Vakfı pub., Istanbul, 2003. 13 For graduate theses see: https://tez.yok.gov.tr/UlusalTezMerkezi/ (Access: 09.09.2018). 265 Concepts, Sources andMEthodologyin Eastarn EuropBan StudİEs copies concemed and the sanjaks under these states and provinces reflected the current administrative division of the period when the resolutions were written. For example; a common decree was written for provinces and the sanjak beys under the former stating that a campaign was to commenced on January 30, 1545 and the troops of each sanjak should be prepared, and the copies of this decree were served to each governor ( beylerbeyi) and sanjak bey14. These entries which we have provided below as documents enable us to distinguish which sanjaks formed Rumeli (Rumelia) and Budin (Buda) provinces and who governed such provinces and the sanjaks under them (SEE, ADDITION-VI, VII, VIII). There are similar examples plentiful in muhimme books and they should not be ignored if the attempt is to acquire updated and uninterrupted information for administrative division studies. Other than such records, it is also possible to find in muhimme books the assignment records and resolutions concerning certain amendments to provincial/state and administrative divisions. For example; we learn from muhimme books that Ozi (Ochakiv) became independent from Silistre Sancagi (Silistra Sanjak) after a short period of its establishment in 1584 and remained an individual sanjak. A decree dated April 13, 1584 states that Cankerman (Ochakiv), Akkerman (Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi), Bender (Bender) and Kili (Kiliya) were subject to Silistre Sancagi (Silistra Sanjak) but became individual sanjaks having become independent (See, ADDITION-IX)1415. Akkerman (Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi) Sanjak was subject to the governor (sanjakbeyi) of Cankerman (Ochakiv) but was acquired by Bender Sancagi (Bender Sanjak) upon the recommendation of Vizier Cafer Pasha (See, Picture-I)16. 14 TSMA, E. 12321, leaf 81/b. 15 BOA, MD 52, 289/768,769, 16 BOA, MD 52, 291/775. 266 CIEES 2018, KIEV-UKRAINE i y j j l j t ı İt-A i-»i£y y - y t ; •»i * /, j* <rjfay^L'j}Joj * 1 ' ^ * - * *-*r^ * fo :» > ^ *c û{jW{£ç**£İJ OJJbû>(* '*/<£>t» ^ ■ * ‘ * / 6 flry *>'^ ‘ >&>/& ü j ) ' * * r£ J ' ^İLİOJ *C<. d) jj b&s/lr** l> lA l-tîdJ > > ^ S [ f j j j Cf)ı) ^ J y . ’Üç ffJ tf' Picture-I: BOA, Mühimme Defteri No: 52, p. 291/775. (The Integration of Akkerman and Bender sanjaks) We also leam from a decree submitted to Dervish Bey, the govemor (bey) of Segendin (Szeged), that is, from muhimme books, that Rustem Pasha was appointed instead of Budin (Buda) governor (beylerbeyi) Toygun Pasha when the latter deceased in June 19, 1559 (See, Picture-II)17. Picture-II: BOA, MD 3, hüküm (decision): 9 (Rüstem Pasha’s appointment as the beylerbeyi (governor) of Budin/Buda). 17 BOA, MD 3, hüküm (decision): 9. 267 Concepts, Sources andMethodologyin Eastarn EuropBan StudİEs 4- The Books of Divan-i Humayun Ruus and Nishan/Tahvil Kalemi The Ottoman Archives section of the Department of Presidential State Archives host the books of Divan-i Humayun Ruus and Nishan Kalemi coded as RSK d. and A. NST d. These books provide the appointment records of government officials as well as small military classes, timar amendments and new assignments (tevcih). Why these books are significant in terms of administrative division is that they contain governor (bey) and pasha appointments to states and sanjaks subject to administrative division, their dismissals and extensions of their offices. Hence, it can be inferred whether the states and provinces survived or under which principles relevant administrative division units were governed. It is also possible to have an opinion by studying the ruus records of the books of Ruus and Nishan Kalemi when static administrative division lists and sanjak tevcih books are not available. The records in these books were maintained only for the new appointments and the extensions of offices (ibka) (See Figure 2). These books that were usually kept for a year did not mention any record if no appointment is made to a state or sanjak during their use. Therefore, these books cannot allow an administrative division profile with the information therein. However, the data from such books can only help to complete some missing information. Ruus books are only found in the two aforementioned reserves. Kamil Kepeci Tasnifi (Kamil Kepeci Classification) hosts many ruus books. Besides, some of the books in muhimme books are actually ruus books18. Pıcture-III: BOA, A. RSK d. 1455, p. 23 (Assignments to Sılıstra and Yanya/Ioannına sanjaks). 18 For example; 2, 4 ve 8 numbered books one is a ruus book see: BOA, Mühimme Defteri No: 2, 4, 8. 268 CIEES 2018, KIEV-UKRAINE Occasionally, a part of the appointments to states and sanjaks were made collectively on the same date and were issued as a separate document. For example; the appointments and extensions of offices (ibka) on May 1, 1824 were issued by Nishan Kalemi as a separate document19. Appointments and extensions generally took place in the first 5 days of Sevval month (the 10th month according to Islamic calendar). It is possible obtain from the Ottoman Archives many documents concerning the collective appointment records of various years which took place on the same days and month. 5- O th er Resources There was a radical change in conceptual and institutional terms incurred by the administrative division in the Ottoman Empire after the publication of Vilayet Nizamnamesi in 1864. The collective information concerning the administrative division during the process after the effect of such law could be acquired not with sanjak-tevcih books or other aforementioned resources anymore but with annuals called salname. Even though the state salnames were resources that annually and regularly reflected the administrative division of the Ottoman Empire, they also lacked certain qualities such as failure to clearly narrate the changes that occurred between two salnames. Therefore, the administrative division information in salnames must be supported and confirmed with updated resources. It is also possible to see the administrative division of the Ottoman Empire in organizational laws (Teskilat kanunnameleri). These resources are not included in this study since they cannot be evaluated as archival resources. Because they are considered as semiformal documents and generally repeat the information occurred before their publication. Therefore, like salnames, the information provided by the laws (kanunname) should be availed of after subjected to a review (See, ADDITION-XI, XII). It is yet unknown who inscribed a part of these laws20. However, the laws that cannot be ascribed to a certain author can be regarded as anonymous21. 19 BOA, A. NŞT d. 1448, p. 2-3. 20 For some organization law (teskilat kanunames), see: Ayn Ali Efendi, Kavanin-i Al-i Osman der Hülasâ-i Mezamin-i Defter-i Divân, 1018, Marmara Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Kütüphanesi No: 4616 (printed arabic alphabet text); Hezarfen Hüseyin Efendi, Telhisü ’l-Beyân fı Kavanin-i Al-i Osman, Hazırlayan: Sevim İlgürel, TTK pub., Ankara, 1988; Sofyalı Ali Çavuş Kanunnâmesi, Hazırlayan: Midhat Sertoğlu, Marmara Üniversitesi pub., Istanbul, 1992. 21 For example see: Kanunnâme-i Sultan Süleyman Han, Beyazit National Library, Veliyüddin Efendi No: 1369. 269 Concepts, Sources andMethodologyin Eastarn EuropBan StudİEs Conclusion Archival resources are of great value to correctly determine what kind of an administrative division was applied to the territories of the Ottoman Empire that took place in the Eastern European geography. Unfortunately, there is no document to reflect the administrative division of the empire in full until the 16th century. The administrative developments up to such period can be learned by clues to be acquired from various resources such as census books, the reference books issued during and before such period and foundation endowments. The first and the most comprehensive books in this regard is sanjak tevcih books which were issued as of the early 16th century and, in particular, during the later years of the reign of Selim I. Though not uninterrupted, sanjak tevcih books became the most significant archival resources to illuminate the administrative division of the Ottoman Empire until the first quarter of the 19th century. These books were kept in various formats during their use. However, the resources must be examined very carefully while determining the administrative division of Eastern Europe. It should be remembered that especially pamphlets (risale) and laws (kanunname) can reflect the periods previous to their publication. The resources in Ottoman Archives enable us to determine the administrative division of Eastern Europe by providing partial information with some resources while providing complete information with the other. BIB LIO G R A PH Y 1- A rchive Resources a- Presidency of the R epublic of T urkey, Presidency of State A rchives, O ttoım an Archives (BOA) Bâb-ı AsafîRuûs Kalemi Books (A. RSK d.) Number: 1452, 1551, 1572 Bâb-ı AsafîNişâncı (Tahvil) Kalemi Books (A. NŞTd.) Number: 1355, 1448 Divân-ı Hümâyûn Nişân Kalemi Books (A. DVNSNŞTd.) Number: 16, 53 Kâmil Kepeci Divân-ı Hümâyûn Ruûs Kalemi Books Number: 262, 266 Maliyeden Müdevver Books (MAD) Number: 563 270 CIEES 2018, KIEV-UKRAINE Mühimme Books (MD) Number: 2, 3, 4, 8, 52 b- T opkapı Palace M useum A rchive (TSMA) D. 5246, 8303, 9772, 10057. E. 12321. 2- Published A rchive Resources 167 Numaralı Muhâsebe-i Vilâyet-i Rûm-ili Defteri (937/1530) I, Yayına hazırlayanlar: Ali Coşkun, Ahmet Özkılınç, Abdullah Sivridağ, Murat Yüzbaşıoğlu, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı pub., Ankara, 2003. 167 Numaralı Muhâsebe-i Vilâyet-i Rûm-ili Defteri (937/1530) I, Yayına hazırlayanlar: Murat Yüzbaşıoğlu, Abdullah Sivridağ, Ahmet Özkılınç, Ali Coşkun, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı Pub. Nu: 69, Ankara, 2004. 174 Numaralı Hersek Livâsı İcmâl Eflakân ve Voynugân Tahrîr Defteri (939/1533), Yayına hazırlayanlar: Abdullah Sivridağ, Ahmet Özkılınç, Ali Coşkun, Murat Yüzbaşıoğlu, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı Pub. Nu: 105, Ankara, 2009. 367 Numaralı Muhâsebe-i Vilâyet-i Rûm-ili Defteri ile 94 ve 1078 Numaralı Avlonya Livası Tahrir Defterleri (926-1520/937-1530), III-IV, Yayına hazırlayanlar: Ahmet Özkılınç, Ali Coşkun, Abdullah Sivridağ, Murat Yüzbaşıoğlu, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı pub., Ankara, 2008. 370 Numaralı Muhâsebe-i Vilâyet-İ Rûm-ili Defteri (937 /1530) I, Yayına hazırlayanlar: Ahmet Özkılınç, Ali Coşkun, Abdullah Sivridağ, Murat Yüzbaşıoğlu, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı Pub. Nu: 55, Ankara, 2001. 370 Numaralı Muhâsebe-i Vilâyet-i Rûm-ili Defteri (937/1530) II, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı Pub. Nu: 59, Ankara, 2002. 91, 164, MAD 540 ve 173 Numaralı Hersek, Bosna ve İzvornik Livaları İcmal Tahrir Defterleri (926-939/1520-1533), I-II, Yayına hazırlayanlar: Ahmet Özkılınç, Ali Coşkun, Abdullah Sivridağ, Murat Yüzbaşıoğlu, Ali Toköz, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı pub., Ankara, 2006. MAD 506 Numaralı Semendire Livâsı İcmâl Tahrîr Defteri (925/1519), Yayına hazırlayanlar: Murat Yüzbaşıoğlu, Ahmet Özkılınç, Ali Coşkun, Abdullah Sivridağ, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı pub., Ankara, 2009. 271 Concepts, Sources andMethodologyin Eastarn EuropBan StudİEs Topkapı Sarayı Arşivi H. 951-952 Tarihli ve E-12321 Numaralı Mühimme Defteri, Hazırlayan: Halil Sahillioğlu, IRCICA pub., İstanbul 2002. ÜLKER, Hikmet, Sultanın Emir Defteri (51 Nolu Mühimme), Tatav-Tarih ve Tabiat Vakfı Yayınları, Istanbul, 2003. 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Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi Rehberi, Hazırlayanlar: Yusuf İhsan Genç, Mustafa Küçük, Dr. Raşit Gündoğdu, Sinan Satar, İbrahim Karaca, Hacı Osman Yıldırım, Nazım Yılmaz, Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı Yayın Nu: 108, Üçüncü Baskı, Istanbul, 2010. 5- Digital Resources https://tez.yok.gov.tr/UlusalTezMerkezi/ (Access: 09.09.2018). 272 CIEES 2018, KIEV-UKRAINE ADDITIONS records Karlı-ili Sanjak). 273 Concepts, Sources andMEthodologyin Eastarn EuropBan StudİEs Rumelia Province). 274 CIEES 2018, KIEV-UKRAINE A D D ITIO N -III: BOA, MAD No: 563, p. 24-25 (The Records of Buda/Budin Province) 275 Concepts, Sources andMEthodologyin Eastarn EuropBan StudİEs ADD ITION -IV : BOA, A. DVNSNŞTd. 16, p. 2 (Index page). 276 CIEES 2018, KIEV-UKRAINE •Lo i.t f>iX i. V f-$ r\S.'■*?>: s. ÎV s'- i' ■#.«. *5 - - i t i * ? , t .S' k5 L #*>„* 3$\ 3*\î. $ ö üy Ts'«* % r-.H £mz - f i i ı İ ît i nh. .& & &-M. ı ,t .k 5£F *Jh& m * * k 1 - i t . f e i î i 8 î i Ş3& , Jî t*.rf , •w* İA ----- ■" » ija .'V'Vfl N V v . " ii v ^ M- « M •İ .İS >• K i ** \fi*& •Sj JP f i ■* V$ ;5. \.i . }>*• S-/‘A . 4* t ItJ I & .&& 5S~zfS^Z7i~?7*r*£î’ r *V- ÎM f| “W I .' •reifr * u ^«-0 T *«« ■**\t«*rt^> - r - '^ , A v> V*3 m J) f e- »v V. ^ r > "= < f t â İr^ m i î iâ - f} k 't â jd i/ '***• A*«* *<Ae>* /.i7 .% « ^ ,, .. 0,: ADDITION-V: BOA, A. DVNSNŞTd. 16, p. 34-35 (Ozı/Ochakıv Provınce records). 277 Concepts, Sources andMEthodologyin Eastarn EuropBan StudİEs ry < s ?0 \ - w c % > . t < . * > M b b ^ r (& <s. sj» y j) b ^ y ^ y j <- y ^ )do W iy j y l , o* f y jj s t f r° r ' j j y y y v t n b j o j u b . v S s jj * y s y > jjs ju b y ^ / ( v U u J l r 's lj J A i b ^ y i r , X s ,j / b </aJjUo! , * . • :.4<j V J j i n f j . ,) / / "/ - • /. b r z /b lr *'i '^ s jy b '& g b * p ,$ ? b « fa fy b ^ y tjr i) p S y ^ J y /y * 'S * J i \^ o V j c/p V v-> ^ y y Cs*ı!jj, /y,\s c>>i y ^ y y r ^ j y y - • / » I *i ts jb y I r * j \ t f i / E E ' O b i M ( b i '/ **.I / u V j s ^ s J jJ / < 0/^4^ rfJ s b /V* * A * V ’/ * Ü jo J / j u A y * ] /• i u 'V j' d 0 ^ S * V /v y A H A ji> J +6)*1 S j+ y / s & AD D ITION -VI: TSMA, E. 12321, leaf 81/b (Common hukum (decision) written to Sancakbegs). 278 CIEES 2018, KIEV-UKRAINE 279 Concepts, Sources andMEthodologyin Eastarn EuropBan StudİEs A D D ITIO N -V III: TSMA, E. 12321, leaf 81/b (The Records of Budin/Buda Province). 280 CIEES 2018, KIEV-UKRAINE S A <\ s ıj!)j Ö »Jj'doir* “ i j . ^ H J ^ ■ & j J j 'a [ iL û l tijip ^ Je> t'\ ,L /. • ! • * ı \ V • / .W^ < fâj£/Sl2y lt> <1J Ö Ş O jü ) ( jr j^ < & $ '•1  J^ ! . » ı - O . t . .1 t Is&J-y'ş* J A 1V 'f i ^ V-» v İkJ J / / J * f A ;J > 1 . ^ ' _• . . »u t**>J*J\ y t u 'J l i , i 4 ADD ITION -IX : BOA, MD 52, p. 289/768, 769 (The Records of Cankermân (Özi), Akkermân, Bender and Kili Sanjaks). 281 Concepts, Sources andMEthodologyin Eastarn EuropBan StudİEs ADDITION-X: BOA, A. NŞTd. 1448, p. 2-3 (The Designations to province and sanjaks). 282 CIEES 2018, KIEV-UKRAINE AD D ITION -XI: Sofyalı Ali Çavuş Kanunnâmesi, Ed.: Mithad Sertoğlu, Marmara University pub., İstanbul, 1992. facsimile text (The Ottoman Provinces-17. century) A D D ITION -XII: Kanunnâme-i Sultan Süleyman Han, Beyazit National Library, Veliyüddin Efendi No: 1369, leaf 111/b- 112/a (The Records of Rumeli Province). 283