Ottoman Empire
Recent papers in Ottoman Empire
Women travellers from Great Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria and America explored, visited, worked and resided in regions of the East that were considered “proper and safe for dynamic men only” (Smith, 1887). The... more
This study concerns itself with the first Imperial Envoy Gerard Veltwijck (ca. 1500—1555), who negotiated with the Ottoman Sultan Süleymān. Using newly discovered as well as recently published sources, it will focus on the part this... more
‘Based on exhaustive work in numerous archives and in several languages, Lorenzo Kamel has produced what I think is one of the most definitive works on the transition from empire to nation-state. It is impressively ambitious and does what... more
Scopo dichiarato dell’ordine dei cavalieri di Santo Stefano, fondato nel 1561 da Cosimo I de’ Medici anche per motivi di legittimazione dinastica, fu la difesa della cristianità dalla minaccia ottomana. La politica aggressiva nei... more
During the early modern era foodways were an important signifier of identity. This is evident in the extensive body of literature produced by the growing number of Europeans who ventured into the Mediterranean, especially the lands of the... more
The monograph From Ambivalence to Hostility focuses on writings on Zionism published in the Arabic newspaper Filasṭīn (ʻPalestineʼ) in the pre-WWI period (1911–1914). It covers a broad range of subjects treated by the periodical including... more
The First of the Modern Ottomans blends biography with intellectual history. On the one hand, it is the story of an Ottoman life – the life of the scribe, ambassador, and prolific historian Ahmed Vâsıf (ca. 1735-1806), a man who... more
Diplomatic and economic relations during the reign of Leopold I (1831-1865)
Hz. Süleyman'ın krallığı vefatının akabinde İsrail ve Yahuda olarak ikiye ayrılmıştır. Önce İsrail'in tarih sahnesinden çekilmesi ve ardından da Yahuda krallığının yıkılması sonucu, Yahudilerin bazıları Mezopotamya bölgesine sürgün olarak... more
The subject researched and discussed in this thesis hereby is the influence of Italian architecture (architects of Italian origin including Levantines) on Ottoman - Turkish (Muslim) architecture. It is aimed to follow-up the traces of... more
Albanian version of "Hicri 835 tarihli suret-i defter-i sancak-i Arvanid", published in Ankara by Halil Inalcik and transtlated into albanian language by Mykerem Janina. Albanian translation of register edited by Eduart Caka
Mémoire préparé par : KAYA, Halil Sous la direction de : EL ASRI, Farid Sous la co-direction de : MOREAU, Odile
Research in progress in the light of a diplomatic editio princeps of Lamii Çelebi's MS 2465/2, Konya Mevlânâ Müzesi İhtisas Kütüphanesi, on Sultan Bayezid II's conquest of Lepanto, Modon and Coron (1500).
A 2017 Choice Outstanding Academic Title In this volume, Elisabeth Fraser shows that artists and the works they created in the Mediterranean during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were informed by mutual dependence... more
Tarihsel derinlikleriyle Türkiye’de ayrı bir konumu bulunan KOBİ’lerin kurumsal geçmişi Ahiliğe, fütüvvetnamelere, loncalara kadar uzanıyor. Türkiye’nin dünü -ister gezici olsun, ister çarşıda ya da mahallede dükkan açmış bulunsun- esnaf,... more
Articles on a variety of Ottoman Jewish communities and rabbis
Cihan Harbi Avrupa’yı karanlık bir evreye sokuyor, 19. yüzyılın refah ortamını sonlandırırken kararsızlıklarla dolu bir dönemi başlatıyordu. Türkiye insanının bu gelişmelerden etkilenmemesi düşünülemezdi. Üstelik Cumhuriyet Türkiyesi... more
Osmanlı Devleti’nin askeri ve idari düzlemde başlayan modernleşme serüveni, toplumsal yaşamda yeni anlayışlar şekillendirdiği gibi yeni alışkanlıkların ve beğenilerin gelişmesine de yol açmıştır. Batı modeline göre yapılandırılmış eğitim... more
ÖZET Bu tez çalışmasında, Sultan 2.Abdülhamid dönemi İstanbul’unda Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin sefir olarak vazifelendirdiği Samuel Cox’un gözlem ve anıları paylaşılmış olup dönemin Osmanlı-Amerikan ilişkileri ele alınmıştır. İki ana... more
As a sophisticated intellectual, one of the least known aspects of İbrahim Müteferrika, the founder of Turkish printing press, is his service as a diplomat. İbrahim Müteferrika went to Poland and undertook negotiations during a time when... more
The paper focuses upon the Ottoman registers, constituting significant part of the fond of Belogradchik, of Berkovitsa, of Kula, of Lom, of Oryahovo, of Vidin and of Vratsa. All they are kept at the Oriental Department of the Bulgarian... more
Aca’ib: Occasional papers on the Ottoman perceptions of the supernatural 2 (2021). Available at