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"i United States Patent

I ,"i United States Patent lllil ililil ()-r) vEHtcL!. KI_\DI'IC E\ERG! U1'ILIZ-{I'IO-\ TRA\S}flSSTON SYSTE}T (* ) Jr,, Delra-v Beach. FL (US) Subjecr ro any disclainer. the tem ofthis patctt is cxti:nded or adjtstcd rtnder -35 Notice lJ.S.C. t5.+(b) (21) ,4,pp1. (22) Filed l-.-v 0 days. 2010i0193273.{l (51 t -LLrg. 5. 2010 Pmvisional application No.611149.077. filed on Feb. 2.2449. Int. CI. (52) i58) B60K 6il0 U.S. (2006.01) Cl. .. . 180/16s !-ield of Classification Search .........,,....... iB0;'165. 180i6i.i1. _i-+.1.60 Scc application filc for complu'tc scarch historv. References Cited f,<6t U.S. P.{1 EN'f DOCUMEN] 2.1 1E..<EJ 3.6i ).244 4.i81.941 4.:8-j,505 4.615.8 23 A+ 5 S l9ls (hihun ........... .\ + 6ta-l * \asi]'tis us 7,931,rc7 UI Bl Bl * cited b."- B2 Apr.26,2011 * 8 3005 llooth. .lr. . . .. .... ..... ... 1';6 4 + l l 2005 Berbari ........... ...... ... , 180 t65 + 6'1009 Hu ..... . .. 1S0 165 exauriler P ri n art, F) tu n i ne r ---.1. .{llcn Shriver'l I .4ss;stdnt Ex.tntiner Jaures Tril:gs Stuart lvl. Goldsteiu {74) ,4ttornet. .{gent, or Finn t r .\BSTR{C:'T The kinetic energl' utilizationlransmission s-vstenr is installed on a vehicle having a primi-- movcr. a chassis rvith lclr w'hccl suspensior.r system. a gcirr diftbrential and opposilg pinron inpur shafts. lateral rvheel drire axles, drive rvheels. ancl braking mechanisn:. The sl,stcrn irrcludes a torqte nodulator eonfigured firr engagement alld disengagement 14.ith an overdrive Jan. 30, 201{) Related U.S, Application Data {60) 6.9-i-s.987 6.962.113 ?.540,346 {57j Prior Putrlication Data US us0079i 1 10782 - No.: 12/657,912 i6_-i ) iltil llilr lllil llllt ililil1il illilIilI illlll ilil 1ilililr (rot Patent No.: t+rr Date of Patent: Jones, Jr. i76) Inr.entor: John,Ionel til 4:< .....,..... 166 47i 3-i I l93l Kcrnper ........... .-....... t80 165 \ .\ + 4 1936 Franketal. ...... ,... lll19sF * \ 12 1936 Frml .............. ........ tE0 165 gear transmission operabll' connected to a flyu'heel or fl-1-'rvheel svstenr. Lipon application of the braking lrechamsm. the vehicle decelerates. the resultant vehicle generated kinetic e'nerg_v." beilg trarsnitted to the Hr,rrheel via the modulatt-rr and overdril,e fransmission. whichmultiplies the rotation. i.e. input RPIVl's. receir.ed tirur the modulator. In so iloing. the overilrive transmission mlrxinizcs available braking ellbct. ,\s the vehicle is decelerated by tlie tr.-rnsler of energy' to rhe fl1"N.[reel. the loss of speed is colupensated 1br by the propr-.rtionallf increasins torque demand throngh dre modulator rvhich. il conir.urction ivith the step-up from lhe overdrive' lralsntission. enables the continuatii.rn oI fly'rvheel accelerastor:rgc. This stored cncrgv is transmittcd tion arrd thi.rs "-ncrev back tluough the s;-stcm to thc drivc rvhecls. The overdrivc transmission also acts as a step-do1vn lransmissii-ru rvhen kiletic energy is ilrarvutromthe H-vrvheel tr-r pnrvitlepowerIo accele'rate the vefu cle. 8 Cllaims,2 Dra*'ing Shects us 7,931,107 82 2 \.ETII(]I,E KI\E'TT(' E\ERGY UT'ILIZ.{TTO\ TIT.I\S}TISSTO\ SYSTF]U This appiication clair.ns rhe benefit oi parent rpplicatirrrl Ser. Ntr. 61, i-i!).077 liled r-.1 Feb. j.1009. be inrerscl;- proportiorial to tlut lvluch is lo>i b-v thc'lr'hicle. For this lo be accon-iplishecl. as ihe speed o Ithe energl source decreases. sorre lrartsmission ne'chanism has to trrnctitlu lo i crtutirlr.rl)uslv increase rhe input speed to the tlvwheel. even tht)LLqh the source spei-d coutiltues tri decrease. This conr.rn- tlnrm also exists rvhcn the t11'r.vireel becr-.mes the pow er source FIET,D OF IHEI IN\ENTION iurd its speed is draining ofl rvhile con\:efiitls its kiuetic energ]' iutr) acceleration olthe vehicle. Jn this case as rvell. ihe The present inr ention relates to alt etficieni. intrlitel,v r urivehicle is speeding up while the roraiilrn r'i.f tire ff1'u.heel i'] ablL- trrnsmission s)-st.'rn for the canture. clrnseri,iltiott. an(J decreases. Siinilari;'. a transrnission rnechanisrn must be rc-Lltil i /ati',n \rf $ ;r5te kinetic energr'. empkrled in this Fhase r:f the operatit-rn Rr. in el]ect. convert a deceleraiing iiurctitu into an accelerating furLction, B-\CK(;FJ)[.ND Ot- TI'IE IN-"ENTION -[ir accontplish tlrc.sc objectivcs. thc s]stem olthc pre-scnt inve.utit-.n is tcr be installe'cl on a vehicle h:u'ins rut electnc or 1i ri.heele-d vehicl.'s lvlotorized wound bascd capahle of sutrhie-l puu'erprirte mot'er. a chassis with iorrrx.heel ir.lsFensir.,tl stanliJl |e|rcih- accumLrlate sig:rihcant- !'sscrltialiv linear. -fhe s)'stem. a gear diI-i-erential rvith opposing pinion iripr.rt shalts. kiletic r'nergl ditrirg their opcraiion. achieveneni rt lthis l:rtcml whccl drive :xlcs. drive w,hcc.ls. ancl braking mccirirkinetic energv requires the erpendilure of comparativeiv nisur. The sy stem inclrtdes a torque mrldulator configtrred lirr energ]. rurits ol hrel in order to overcome inertial -sreater I'orces *h.ich tend to restrain the' mass oi'the uehicle. Ccn- l{ engagenlerlt anil disengagernent n iih an or,ercirive gear lralsmissir)n tiperabll'connected tt-. a lightweight l11.rvheel t:r fly,verselli the rittained energv clthe urass-r'elocih is lotalh iost $:heel s)'stem. Upon initiatiotr ol the hraking c1'cle. thc te the heat ,:,1' brai<ing :urd trthc'r uruecoverable retardaut .;ehrcle deceler:ates b1. the' resulhllt vehicle gcner:rte.J kincric lorc:cs in eaqh veloci!v deceleration c1'cle, (iapture r:l linear kinetic euergv resultins li'oru deceler:renerg;' being transmitted l.r the [l]'iiheei Via the modulator tion sources. b1' trse ol absorbed flvrvheel energl'. has beeu and r'r.,'erdrive trnnsrnissi('n. \rhich mrrltiplies thL. rl)t{rtiol. i.e. attempted rvith lirnited success. fhere have- been svstems inpr,rt RPNI's- rr-cciv'cd liom thc n]odulaior. [n so doinq. thc rvhicir attempt to ol:ercome the prt-rblems ol utilizing a rl orki.rvcrilrir.e transnrission tlarimizcs availatrle braking elfect. able tllavheel energ-v conser.latir-rn svstenl by fhL'introductirirr .\s the ve'hicle is dec;eleratecl bv t.he transt'er ttf energ!'to ihe rr f u turiiruous l)' l aria ble-ratio transmissio[s fu ttr] thL' pc]$er flr.rvireel. the loss o1'speed. or RPlvl's. is compensated lor bv tlo* path. !f irile norking nodcls cxist olsucir sl stcms. t.hc-v thi,' plopottiouallv increasing torclue deurand tluaug.h the have- stt.crc limitaticns as to sizc. drag. e1licie-1c1. durability. modulato. rvhich. in cclniunction rrith the step-up lit-.m the' and complexiry-. That such transurissierns are needed is predioverdrive triursmissii-rn. cnables tire contiuuatirrn o t' li_vri.heei cated upolr the iact that in either Flrrrier flo$' direction. the acceleration and rhLrs eilerg)- siorulle. Iit the retun c1'cle. ihis sr-rttrce of etterg: is caLISed tr-r lttse speecl as it transters euergl storecl crlcrgv is transrnitted back tluough the sy'siem to the to ihe r-rppr)sing br--d-v. either rire flvrvheei trr \iehicle ol lir.e r.i drive *lreels. The overdrive transmissiL)n alst-r acts as a sie!]lehicle- tLl the fl.vrvheel. In order to rvork. tlte systeitl rnusl douir transmissirrn rrhett kinetic ene-ru1 is dra*n tiom ihe o\''ercome tiris ph1'sic:rl rc-alin,. that is ir first mass trirr.elins at fl,lrlheel tr) provide pc'$er tr) accelerate the rehicle. -l-ire al inirial veloci$'. l'irile beinrz drained of energl' and thrrs nor.el ieatrrres rvhich iLre considered as chamcterisLic -Ihis slonirrg. urust conlinue IL) accelerrte a secr.rlt1 mirss. rrf the invention are set tbrrh in paniculff in the appended result mLrst be accr-.mplished ivhile the mass relociq ol the 4i, c1:rims.'I-he irtr'.'ntion. itsell. horvever. bt-.th as to its design. tlrst nrass. ihe ve]rie,le. is beiug Liset.i ttl accelenric ihe secold crlllstrirctioll zurd use. ttrgeiher $'ith adclititrnal leatLrres irnd nlass. the t1.,,* hc'el. and .r')nverselv while the nass vc-lociiv 0l' ad\.artasc:i thcrctli-. are hcst Llndcrst(-rod uporl rcvicw Lli thc the flf ivl:eel is treins usert to accelerate the',eliicie. Jillr'rrving dctailed description rvith ri-'Lrrcncc to thc acct'nrpan)'ing drarvings. -]i SlJlvt-\L\RY Ot l I llr lN\ LN I ION BRIL,F DESCRI])TION OF TIIE DR.\IVINGS It is thus the ob-ject ot tir'- present inr "-ntitrlr t(r FrLrvide ir svstem rvhich elables the conversion of linear kinetic cnerqy FICi. I is ;r basic. schs-rnatic rcprc-scnlation o fthc slstcrrr of ol a velicle irrto nr{.ational krnetic enery1' lbr slnrrt period the preserll invention incorporated inar a veiricle rsith ur storase: ald the rL'capnlre ol much of tlis energy bl its :,, cngir re and L-('n\,cnt io rr;ll trlnsrn issir' n. recr-rNJersion back ilto linear velc.cin of the veliicie. With [:lli. 2 shou's the torque rr- odnlaior-overdr-ive tri]nsnlissioil l'espect to automoti\e applications. lhis system is applicable flr.rvheel c{-)n1p(tnents oi tlte present inl er)Ii(ra. in partial to I'lorrt r.vheel. rear wheel. tirur wheel. and all w'heel drive cross-secti()11. svslerls. I\,It-.rc specitically. thc ub-jcctive olthc sl.stcm of tbe prcsent 5-; DEI-{LED DI:SCRIPI ION OF TFIE INVENnON irn.cntir.rn is to first ctlicicntly absorb kinctic eue-rg1' fiom an The kinetic elle€:. utilizatir)lr rrlnsmissi(rn )\'ster'n (rt the alread.v nn'rvinq r,ehicle. presening tiri,; ..trerg;- rvhile tlre vehicle is siorvecl or str-.pped- anrl tL-Len elficientlv le'tumins it prcsent invention. schematicalh' represented ill IrI{i. l. is to the vchicle [r]" causing it to reaccelemte. [n operation. ir.hen readil;'adapiable to :l-r existing urotor vehicle tnrnsrnissirrn this energ_r- is absorbed it becomes stt'rred in.t mass. hcre a 5,, slstem crrmprising prime movc'r (eugine) 2. conventional gear-change transmissitlt and clutch 4. drive shafi rvith ffvrvheel. 1,.-v causing tlie fllrvheel to accelerate in rotation. 'I appropriate corulecficrns 6. dillbrertial pinion shatting ll. gear here is realized in the initiating phase of the process less and dil'lerential assc"mbl_v 10. drive axles 12 and 14 und clri'cn less enersv in tbe tbrm of veltrcit)' remaining iu the urass ol rvheels l6 and 18. Bi-dire'ctiolal clutch rvith reverse drire the vehicle. as it is car.rsed to slo* lioLn irs initial velocin by the tralsl'er oienergy lrtrm it to the corurected ilvrvh.'el. 55 lockup 20 is pmrided in tlie s.r'stem beirveeri drive shati 6 and diili:reniial pinion shafting I to corltrol the rtrtational output In acct-.rdance ivith the la* of consenaLir-rn of rnomenlutn. of the prime rnt..ver 2. zrs described in ftlnher cletail hereinaf'the increase in ihc'kinetic energ,v of the llyrvheei is required to us 7,931,147 B2 3 4 \-eiricle speed coutroi. i.e. accelerating and braking. is represellted at 2l and 22 respectivell'. in FIG. l. S;-stcm l cr.rmpdsss torquc modlilator 24 comccted lr gcar ditli:rential assentbll' l0 bv mrrJLrlator dit'terential pinii-rrr shaftins 26. Ol'erdrive tmnsurission 28 is connected to mtrdLrIator 24 via overdrive transulissil-ln shilli 30 and ultimately tr-r il-vrvheci 32 r'ia flpvheel shalting 34 and 36. Bi-directitual clutcir "18 intercorlrlects this shahing, N,lodrrlator 2,1 is proviciecl tlr engage and disengage over' drire Imnsntission 2ll and hence fl1'n'heel 32. Lrpon inpur reseiled iiom braking mechanisrn 22. It is couteurplated th:rt uoduiator 24 rvill bc a der.ice capable of iriJititell, slipping or tluougJrputting nrtalional spee<l to shali 30. ^b exanrple o[ eSectir.el)'to speed. althou*eh the oveiddve transrnissiou pre- tc-r'. this t;-pe of rlevice is the drive selection unit clescribed in L.i.S. Pat. Nrr. :.116.321 . -\s Jeen iu FIG. 2. nodulator 2-1 is basical11'art inductitu mechanisrl consistin.q of nvr- independent co-axial burring rllorulted rr)tatirlg interlaced sections rr.hich clpera{e on the principals r:f mag.netic inducti011. These tn,cr elements. electromagnei nulti-poie rc'ttrr 25 and steel dnrni amraturi-'rotor 27. arc separatcd by mt'rrurtin_u shaft br.anngs 29 and -11 $hich maiutain a constant air gap 33 bcn\!.ctl tlie two eielnenti. l'here is no phvsical corlnectit'ln tretr.veert electrolrxsnet 25 and nrttrr 27. When current is appiied to the ct-.il oi the electrrtrnagliel 25. lr prrlarized field is produccd. magnetical l"'- cerLrp l ing both e lerrents. tlle el ectrollagnet .rrrcl K-rtr)r 27. and causutg the rrtrtpui elentent tr) tLrfl in the same ilir-ecli\)r as the i[put shatt. t'.g. pinion shattirlg 26. the ct-.rure'ctiou l3 ofrvirich goes to *'heels l6 and 18. Outprlt torque exteucled olr the outpr.rt sirali is dependent olr tlte stren_qth of the naEretic iield. rvhich is pn-rportionallv cuntrolled bl rarl,ing tlte amoLrut olcurent applicd rr) elecirornagret 25. f hus trtll slip. zerL) torqlle rhrougiFut. tc- near 100o.'o tt'rrque. tiuoughput is variable in tirll,v controllable' infi- nite.lv ld-justable increments. Importantll'. porver fio\\ is revenible in that the torque nlput shali nrtrl' bc-corne the torque outpr.rt sl-raft and the t(-.rque orrtput shaft mav cr)ncrurr-ntl)" bccolrlc the torquc inpr,ri shall. In this mauncr. mr:dulatt-.r 2.1 establish.-s a mc-chanical corn!-ction tbllou ing receipt b_u.. eleclrornirsnet 25 ol an electrical signal. llpon actuati()n olbraking mechanism 22 r*,hcn the drivertrf n.rt-.ior r.ehicle steps r,-n the brake pedal). the eiectrical siglal is sent to modrrlator 2.1 ivhicir calses it trt cornect or ensase shati 30 :rnil u I timatell' rx-erdi\€ tra nsmi s s iorr 2 8. \\htle al electrically actuirted moduiator 2-{ is pret'erred. a meciranicalll operaied device cirn also be r-rtilizexl- ln this cirse. ;lctu:rting brake mechanisnr 22 will act against:r spring or sinilar pressrre tll c[-rsc the lrvo norurallv separatc r(ridtable elements ivhich crrmprise mtrtiulirtor 2.1. thereb;- prci'iding elgagemert with sh:rft -31). Shaft 30 is engaged bv nt'rdnlaior 24 li-.r rotation based on the krnetic energy resulting lirrrn the deceleratiol of thc' vehicle. Orc-rddve tralsmission 28. tbrougli rhaft 30. is provided to impact rotational speed step-up inpul to flyrvheel 32 and a speed step-dorvn iransmission when drawing stored kinr-tic enen-:1.' from thc fly'rvhcc'l to providL' turqu!' or po$;L-r tL') zrcccleratc tltc vehiclc. Thus. overdrive tmusmission 28 acts as an over-dri\.'e speed increaser lvhen porver tlt-:rvs lrtrm the vehiclc t,-r i'lyr,heel J2 ald ir reduction-sear speecl redrrcer rvhen prrrver flLrvs lr()m the flvw'heel tt-. the veliicle. In this lnode. uptrn vehicle acce.leration vizr crrntrol 21. energ)'flows to bi-directional clutch 2t). rvhich controls power output ol prine m01.er 2. 'lhe irpplication of variable torque to an or.erdrive trans- rnissiuu lacilitates the achievement cf incre;rsed RPII to the output shalting. fuis nrLrltipliecl I{P}l cal be used to siore considcrable energg' in tirc attached fl-v-'"vheel. The df ivheel. being rr'lativcll' lightrveight ald rninor in orass. c.rn be dd!err sents il r]recliallical disadvantase to the s-vstem rvhen charuiug ; t'r thc tilthccl u,'ith cnergl'. On rhc uthcr hand. q,lrcn thc t-ncrg-v-. flt'rrv is in the opposite dir.-ction. lhat is. tnrnr the fllriheei ar the r eiricle. tire sLrbject olerdrive transr.nissiln olters signihcant mtrhaniciil ad\,anfase. enabling the accelerar'ion of the velriclc aqJinsi ;t) silperiLrr ruasi. lli-directir.nal clLrtch 38 permits lhe speed-up input enerlrl to be absorbed b1' tlryteel 32 and also allou's it to be tral.ri- mitled back throngli to trverdrive transmissitrn 28 to provide torqLle L)r po*er to accelerate the vehicle. In summarl. upt'rn application o1'braking urgchanisur 22. the vehicle decelerates and thjs resuit:rnt vehicle gelerated kinetic energ--v is transrniltecl tcl ll.vlvheel 32 r.ia torrlue contru I L: b1.' modulatcr 2,1 and or erdrire transmissii,.n 28. q hich multiplies the rLriati(x1. i.e. input RPI\.I's. rerceivecl lion-i the mt-rdulator. ll so doiltg. r-.r'erdrive transmissi,u 28 nuxirr izes alailable enr-rgl absorption and brakilg elTect. fherelbre. as the vehicle is deceleratec{ b1' the transler oienergl' tr-r flvu heel -?2. llr thL- lLrss sf spccd. or RPVI's. is ccmpcnsaicd lirr b;- thc pr,rprrrtion:rIlf incrcrasing torquc demand tluc.ugh nodulator 2J rrhich. in conjuuctittn u ith the step-lrp troni or,erdrir.e iransnission 28. enahles the continuation i'rlflr"rvheel acceleration and thus enercv storage. I1ris stt-.rt'd rneref is tralsmitted rj back tluousir the sy.sien to drive rvheels 16 anil 18. -\s:ut aclciitirrnal benefit of svstern l. q'hen the iehicle is being accelerated. i.e. bl, stepping on accelerator 21. enerqr stored b1 ll1vhc"-l 32 is redrected. r'ia bi-directionll clutch 3ll. to prol ide porrer tlr rrisisl prirne firor er 2. trr For s;-stem l oi the present ilrvelltiorl t() rrork slrccesstirlll'. prime lrrlver 2 rnusl liruclion indepe[deriLl1, to porver the vehicle without interf'err-tce. clrag. t-rr loading by' other svitemj. tiut rnust also. if optionallr' elccted. tirnction cLallcurredall" \iith fl1*.heel 32 rvheu iile s).stem is in operation ro t; acceleratethe vehiclc. Tiris sitltatiL-\u is addressed b,v bi-directional clr.rtcli 20 rvirich permits porver to flcil tL-. gear difli:rerti.ll asscmbly 10 lvhcr-r thc spccd of drivc shalt 6 orhcru is"csce.cds thc- spccd of diff'etcntial pinic.n shalting 8. ln othcr rvords. bi-clirectir-.nal cir.rtclT 2{} is intencled to lock and thus -!ii connect prinle lnover 2 and traulnissitrn ,l ttr ditl'erentiai assellrbl), ltl tlrlousih shali I onlv when the trallsrrissilrrr i: iil a lirntard drive gear and L-.nlv i\.hel ihe I1PNI of shati 6 erceerls that ol shati 8. l hus bi-directir-.nal clutch 20 lviil :rttttrmai ical h di sctrtttinue the urec hanical pr)wer ctlnltLt ilLro +j rvhener.cr shali I RPN{ eqirals r:rr exceeds that of shalt 6. l'his pre!'enls shalt 6- trals[rissit,n 4. and prine mc.r'er 2 ticrr. sapping kinetic etergr tiour tl1'r'heei 32. In addition. Uv*lieel .12 is ellbctivell discomrected tir.rr:r rnodulator dill'ereutial pinion siraliing 26 and modtrlator 2.1 j{r rrhen the urodlriator is nrmed otl-. lvleclianicaliv alil"or electronicallv sensed ard lriggered. this disc.rnnected staie resuhs rvlrenever tire ctrmrected piniorr sirali speeds nratch or exceed the speed (-1f modulator 2.1. lvloreol'ei, fl;,uheel 32 ald its operatioilal cpillFollenis i -; necd to hrncti o n *, i thc.ut intcrl'crclce irotn prime trrovcr 2 aod its cr)mponents to cnablu- thc absorption anil stclrage of elrergy. .\s previtrr-rsl1' stated. bi-directirrnal clutch 20 autorn:lticall-v severs thc rcmainder of the drive train svstern lit-rnr prirue mover 2 *,henever tlre speecl of prirne mor.er shalt 6 is 6ri less thim t.he comecteil dillirential pinitx speed. Flrq,heel 3? alsrr must operate rvithottt interlerence l'rom prime mtrr,er 2 in older to indepeldenth. c'rr concnrrentiv rvork in coniunction rrith thc- pdme mover to reenergize the- vehicle(Jlcre ag.air. bi-directiontrl clutch 20 allorvs prime tttor,'er 2 to r: idle rvithtrut drag r.ln 0.vri heel 32 or. if porver is applied by the r.ehicle oper:rtor. drive its dilferential pinitu in qoncert with the [.vrr heel. us 7,93 I,lA7 82 5 Prirne mlrver 2 ruList be irleveutijd tilrm oltering energl' rr asting drag durilg r.ehicle deceleratiOn. rvhen tire maxinlun l-.ossiblc cncr-u-'- is stu.rctl by thc flyrvhccl. Dillcri.'ntial pinion shafting 8 is thu:r ciluse lc "tieervhc-el" u,ith respe'ct to prinre : mover 2. l-.r' bi-directional clutch 20l:rrndameltalll'. fll'u,l1c-el 32. in trrder tlr aitail reasonable levels ot'enery]'storase- mirst be ercited tr.r ever ir-Lcreasntq speed durur-u charuing. i.e. i.ehicle deceleriition. As previousb' described. q,hile the vehicle is being skrireci b;- the ener!l)-transt'er to t-lvrvheel -12. the llvrvheel mnst be urade to t,r inr,crseiv aL:celerilte to e\jer laster speeds. Alsrr as discussed. this is acconrpiished b,v nodnlattrr 24 iicting tltrou-uh rrrerdrile transmission 28. Nlodul:rtor 24 inputs rclatiorral speed. 6 receiviLrg said decL'lL'ra{iori dara. lor erlgaging and r(-rtating the shaiiilg and li-rr producing zero lirll slip torque tluougiprit to substantiall-v 100% mrquc tlxoughput trr the shatiins in conlrollzrhle infinitely' :rdjustable incre- rnJnts. said r11()(iulating nreans cornprising dria I rotatable elertrents separated bv tr catrstantl! maintained irrr gap i.rtich separates the elemenls. sai(l retatable elements receivilg said clata ald causing the ellgagemert and rotation of tire shalling frrrm saicl zero hril sirp torque tlrruughput to said l(X-)9'i, torque tlrrtrr"rghput: and or!'rdrive tlansmission m.'arts connected to the uroduliilllB rueaus tlrough said shaliing tir providing the absorptiou und storage olkinetic eleruy' 1o ihe t'11.wheel rne:rns -fhe b1. rotaticinal speed step-up to an :rcc!'leralion of the R.PIvI. to overdrivc transrnission 28. resulting or-rtptii Ilpvheel means. u,hereb]'the accelerated rotation ofthe spc'ed is the product of the percentage ol RP\I tluor-rgJrput of t r tl1'r.r'heel tneans is transrnirted as anplified torque to the rnodulatLrr 24. tirtres the up-gearing ratio of L,.r'erdri"'e transgear <litTerential as auxiliar-r'pLr\ler to rr'-accelerate the missicn 28. -\s al exanple. if'modtrhtorpinion shatiins. 26 is vehicle. nrrning at 500 RPlvl's and modulatr:rr 24 is allo$ in-s a slippage l.'fhe kinetic ener!+ ulilizatiun trirnjnliiii(rn slstenr irs irt o1 5rj'%. ald the gear ratio is h1'potheticalll' 1:6. ther:e is a potential rrf l50 tirncs 6 or I j00 IiPN'l into tirc fl1''r..hcul. to :r, claim l n hcrcin thc modulating nlcatis is clectricailv .rcnlatcd u!r)n Cccclcrati(rn of thc veiriclcrvhich it is ct.rrurcctcrl in liuc htrther u.n. Nlodulatr-r 2d. as -lh-'kinetie ctrnceiled. is capatrle of trom 0'l'o to nominallv l00l.'o torque 3. energv ulili/ali\'n tranimisiii.n j)stenr irs ill claim l rvherein the mocitrlating nlearls is mechanicalll acruthrr.lrghput and is instzlntaireouslv :rnd continuonsll r.ariable u'ith respect t{) fhis ciramcteristic. Thus. in this examp}e- the ated Lrpon deceleration r-. f the vehicle. .1. fhe kiDe.tie erlerg) uiili/uti{)lt tmnslllissi(-rrr sr stenr as irr. r.-alized output to I11'*heei 32 can be rnodulated betlvecl [.t :i claim l liLrther comprising clutctr meals for controlling lhcr RPN{ aud a sir fold multiplicatitu oi tlie pinion shatring 26 rotational pt-.n er li'om the prime mover drive shatt ro the geirr input speed. ditlbrcntial. .\s i11u.heel J2 carurt-.t inJtantaueousl-v respond to RPlvl 5. Tlre kiiretic cn!'r,J.i r.Ltililrtr\,n transr'Ilisiirl]:\sl.elli ils ill input. uioduill.rr 24 seraes as l variable tlrrque tlriire tr:urstrlission te tl)'uhec'l 32. causing it to accelerate \ritholit the -rrr ciaigr ,l q.irerein the gpposinu rptating sfiafiLlg ctrmpris.-s ilill-erential piniou sbaliing means tbr tnursmitting rotationilI need l-irr ccn',eniitrnul gear rrr other such tlpe ratic churges. 'lherelttre. svstern is a cortli[Lttrusl"u- rariabl"' pou er iitxn rhe cluich means tLr the'eea.r dillbrential. $'hereb) I ftttiit t1r1q1ls drir.e trlnsmission. In t:peration. to ellbct the reslilts reqriirecl. the clutch means allorvs rotational po\l,er to the gear dil'l'erils the source ipeed decreeses, mcdLrlator 2{ increases the ential 'rhs'n fhe ()tatioral ;peed of the prinre lnoler drivc percentage lorque rlrrt-rughpul tirerebl realiziI]g. via overdrive : : shati erceeds the rotaLional speed of the diflbrerrtial piruon trattsmission 28. I continuous inrrrease L.1' resuliant ouipr.rt shaliilg means. arrtl the clutch ureans disc{-)onects rot lti(rnal pow r-r liom thc prime moscr drirc shalt rr-i the s!'ar dil'fbrcnspccd to flvrvliccl 32. and. nithin linuts. contrar.cmr.is thc probleili. ofdcclirring i nput sourcc spcL'd. In a sitrilar contcrt. tial rvhen the- rotational ipL-L-d of thc prilne nto\'!'r'shail is [L-ss than the rotational speed ot'the ditierential pinion shatting dunng cnergv trarlstbr$ hen the ! eh icle is being reaccelerated and increasing in speed. fl1'rvheel .12 * ill be ksing sl-.eed. bnt i,r melltls. 6. Ilrc liinetic el)cr€T l.llilizilii,rrt trrrtsrtriiii,rn ;rslenr rrs iu musl cL)lllirrrle tL) {.)t'ter frlerg!' tt'r the rehicle to htrdrer rccclclairl I wherein the opposing ()latinlz shalting conprises erilte it. as previr-.usl1' .1escribecl, overdrive transmission shafting me:urs ibr trans[ritting rL)taf'erlain fltxel lbairres and c{=lruponents of this irwe ntiru are tional prlver tronl the nodulating means to the geiu'difGrendiscli--se'd il detail in ordc-r to lrake the iuvent.ir:n clear in at ieirst one'lirrm the-retrt. Florver,er- it is to be clc'arly understilod -ri tial u,her the braking nrc'chanism is actuated urd the rehicle cleceleraies. that thg- irr.r.ntic.n as disclo'ed is utrt necessarilv limited to the 7. Tbe kinetic enelgl utilization transurissiorr 5\stcrrr us ur e\acr li)rm and details as disclt-rsetl. silce it is apparrnt that. claim 5 wherein tlie r-rpposing rotating sha.liilg conrFrises r':rioLrs modillcati(ns :urd ch:rnges may bc made r^.iihottt rrrerilrivc tmnsrnission shaliing meutrs lbr tmnsnlittirc rotaof the iur ention. depurting liorn the "pirit 'lhe ii) tional porver l'rom the modnlaiing mears to the ge:r dilferelinventir-u claime'd is: tial rvhen the clutch meuns cliscorulects rotatio[al pr.-.rver frc-r.u l. .\ kinr'tic energy Lltilizrtion iransmission svitelrl fi)r proviiling ar-rxiiiary prr\\:ril te a mottrr vehicle having a priue the prime mover drive shaft ro the sear dif-erential. 8. 1 lre kinetic cner!+ rrtilizrlion iransnrissiol ststertt ris irt mover rvith rotating drive shatt. a ge:u dill'erential rliih cierim l rvhercin the irverdrive tmn-smissiorr means thrther opposing shaltilg. and a breking urechanism. said svstem ii providc5 tbr speed step-dorln tr:rnsinission r-rl itr)red kinctic crrnrprisirrg.: ercrs.'- ltonl the l1;- whecl fircans to provide rcaccele-ration t-rl' flv*hccl means tbr 1hg n[sq-rrption and itoragc ol kinctic the vehicleenerp' causcd bv lehicle decelemtion : modulating means lirr receiving vehicle dtrelecrtilrn data upr)n actui]ti(-.n ol the braking mecllanisru alld. nptln U.S. Patent Apr.26,2011 Sheet 1 of 2 us 7,931,107 B? (} tr U.S. Patent Apr.26,2011 Sheet 2 of2 us 7.,931,107 82 3 I C{ C' tr