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Pour ceux qui veulent apprendre à analyser les textes bibliques selon la rhétorique biblique et sémitique
The formation of Vekerzug culture (further VC) remains debatable due to its complex formation process and heterogeneous character. The VC is significantly younger than the Western Podolian and Transilvanian Groups dated to the middle of the 7th century BC - first third of the 6th century BC. "Scythian invasion" into Central Europe was one of the reasons of the decline of these two groups. Participants of these campaigns were armed with arrowheads of the subsequent chronological horizon, i.e. the transitional period (570/560-540 BC), which are completely non-typical for the VC. "Scythian invasion" occured prior to the formation of the VC - the post-Kyjatice settlement of Dédestapolcsány – Verebce-tető and the Kalendenbergian Smolenice - "Molpir" were destroyed. Eastern Hallstatt culture, in particular, Kalendenberg group, can be considered as a substrate for the northwestern VC group. Ceramics, decorations and funerary rites of the oldest complexes of the Chotin necropolis, may not indicate that the VC and Eastern Hallstatt culture in this region existed side by side without any visible contacts. Instead, necropolis could be attributed to the Kalendenberg group of the HaD1 period, similar to Modrany. I agree with S. Stegmann-Rajtár that the appearance of the VC occurred after the Eastern Hallstatt culture disintegration at the end of the HaD1 period. The oldest materials from the reliable VC burials belong to the post-invasion horizon (540/530 – 520 ВС, HaD2). I argue that it would be reasonable to return to the dating of the beginning of the VC to not earlier than the HaD1/HaD2 boundary and to associate its emergence with the consequences of the "Scythian invasion" into Central Europe. Complexes of the HaD1 period, which the researchers attributed as oldest VC, should be considered as belonging to the VC cultural substrate, which was different for each of the groups.
The production of polychromy sculpture up to the 16th century
Cahiers du Centre de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage
LE. CHOIX DE L'IMAGE EROTIQUE comme terrain d'enquête relève d'une stratégie de recherche qui consiste à aborder un problème par l'étude d'un cas limite. Le pari heuristique qui est ainsi fait ·consiste à poser "hypothèse que le phénomène considéré n'est pas une anomalie, mais, au contraire, révèle des caractéristiques essentielles par une exagération naturelle de ses traits les plus importants. Le problème de la lecture de l'image vise en effet une expérience qui, pour être commune, triviale même, nlen est pas moins extrêmement complexe, et, à bien des égards, mystérieuse, magique presque, voilée de cette illusion q�'est la transparence ou la simplicité. Pour conceptualiser et problématiser ce mode particulier de l'existence quotidienne, il convient de construire l'interface qui unit pour le temps de la «lecture » d'une part un système neurophysiologique et cognitif et d'autre part un ou plusieurs objets doués de qualités sensibl...
Nord contro Sud, 2023
Nord e Sud: insieme o divisi? Per molti decenni la questione meridionale è considerata decisiva per lo sviluppo dell’Italia. Ma a partire dagli anni Novanta, il dibattito sul divario tra le due parti del paese si concentra soprattutto sulla crescita del Nord senza aver risolto le difficoltà del Mezzogiorno. Un cambiamento radicale, che trae origine dalla crescente contrapposizione delineatasi negli anni Settanta e Ottanta. Avvalendosi di documentazione in larga parte inedita, il libro ricostruisce come si è creata la frattura tra Nord e Sud. L’analisi interseca molteplici piani. Le dinamiche economiche: la crisi degli anni Settanta, le trasformazioni dell’apparato produttivo e i successivi mutamenti sociali, con il crepuscolo del movimento operaio e della mobilitazione collettiva. Le dinamiche politiche: l’inerzia della DC e del PCI, l’emergere della Lega Nord e di Forza Italia – movimenti politici fortemente legati agli interessi settentrionali –, il passaggio dalla Prima alla Seconda Repubblica. Si apre una stagione diversa, con protagonisti Umberto Bossi, Silvio Berlusconi e poi Matteo Salvini, in cui è centrale la “questione settentrionale”. Ma ancora oggi manca una visione pienamente condivisa sul futuro del paese, come attestano le recenti polemiche sull’autonomia differenziata, e il ritardo del Sud continua ad essere un serio problema per l’Italia intera. Maggiori informazioni sul sito dell'editore:
Applied Sciences
The field of fracture mechanics was developed during the throes of World War II, and since then, it has been a very active area of research [...]
a cura di Andrea Giardina con Amedeo Feniello, Maria Pia Donato, Emmanuel Betta, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2017
Calcified Tissue International, 2022
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 2017
Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia, 2004
South African Journal of Child Health, 2019
Rheumatology Advances in Practice, 2023
Seminar Nasional Teknik Elektro, 2021
Journal Of Agricultural And Biosystem Engineering Research, 2021