Planware has several types of knowledge, all encoded
through parameterizedtheories. The firstis knowledge
of the scheduling domain, including the constraints
on use of the different types of resources, such as reusable or sharable resources. Another type of knowledge
is algorithmknowledge, such as generate-and-test,
branch-and-bound, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, and hill-climbing (see ALGORITHMS,DESIGN
OF). By codifying them as parameterized theories, algorithms can be automatically
derivedfor a givenvery-high-level problem specification, given appropriate domain axioms.A third type
of knowledgeis implementationknowledge, which
defines how higher-levelconstructs such as sets can be
encoded as more implementation-level constructs such
as lists or bit-vectors.
SciNapse. http://www.scicomp.com/about/
Michael R. Lowry
All of these tools use advanced knowledge representation and automated reasoning capabilities. Although
research tools today, they represent thedegree of
programming automation that may become commercially available within a decade.
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for Applications. Boston: Kluwer Academic Press.
Automation is the conversion of a work process, a procedure, or equipment to automatic rather than human
operation or control. Automationdoesnot
transfer human functions to machines, but involves a
deep reorganization of the workprocess, during which
both the humanandthemachine
functions are
redefined. Early automation relied on mechanical and
electromechanical control devices; during the last 40
years, however, the computer gradually became the
leading vehicle of automation. Modern automation is
usually associated with computerization.
This article examines the major phases of historical
development and social and economic aspects of industrial automation, focusing on the computerization of production, engineering, and managerialtasks.
Other areas of computer-basedautomation include
administrative applications (4. v.), communication via
electronic mail (q.v.),banking applications, medical
applications (q.v.),and library automation (see DIGITAL
Phase I: Mechanization and
Rationalization of Labor
The mechanization of machine tools forproduction began during the Industrial Revolution at the endof the
18th century with the introduction of the Watt steam
engine, the Jacquard loom, the lathe, and the screw
machine. Mechanization replaced human or animal
power with machine power; those mechanisms, however, were not automaticbut controlled by factory
workers. The factory system, with its large-volume,
standardized production, and division of labor, replaced the old work organization, where broadly
skilled craftsmen and artisans produced small quantities of diverse products. Inthe late 19th century
Frederick W. Taylor rationalized the factory system by
introducing the principles of “scientificmanagement.
Heviewed the body of each worker as a machine
whose movements had to
beoptimizedin order to
minimize time required to complete each
task and thus
increase overall productivity. “Scientificmanagement”
strictly separated mental work frommanual labor:
Mastermind. http://ww.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/
think butto follow detailed
instructionsprepared for them by managers. The
rationalized factory system gave birth to a new managerial class and large clerical bureaucracies. The
Taylorist principles served as a basis for Henry Ford’s
system of mass production. In 1913 the Ford Motor
Company introduced a moving assembly line, drastically cutting assembly time. The assemblyline imposed
a strict order onproduction by forcing workers tokeep
pacewith the motion of the conveyor belt. Mass
production relied on the standardization of components and final products and routinization of manufacturing and assembly jobs. The Ford assembly line
became a symbol of efficiency of American manufacturing; for workersand social critics, however, it
epitomized the monotony and relentless pressure of
mechanized work.
Phase II: Automation of Production
In 1947 the Ford Company brought the term “automation” into wide circulation by establishing the first
Automation Department,
with designing
electromechanical, hydraulic, andpneumaticpartshandling, work-feeding, and work-removing mechanisms to connect standalone machines andincrease the
rate of production. In 1950 Fordput into operationthe
first “automated” engine plant. Although early automation was “hard,”or fixed in the hardware, and did
not involve automatic feedback control, this concept
provoked great public enthusiasm for “unmanned factories” controlled by “buttons that push themselves,
as well as causing growingconcern about the
of mass unemployment.
To meet US Air Force demands for a high-performance
fighter aircraft whosecomplex structuralmembers
could not be manufactured by traditional machining
methods, a technology of Numerical Control (NC) of
machine tools was developed in the early 1950s. NC
laid foundation for programmable, or “soft,” automation, in which the sequence of processing operations
was not fixedbut could be changedfor eachnew product style. Commercial NC machines for batch production appeared in the mid-1950s. Designed to military
specifications, early NC equipment proved too complex and therefore unreliable, as well as prohibitively
expensive, and was applied mostly in the state-subsidized aircraft industry.
The abstract, formal approach of NC, based on mathematical modeling of the machining process, superseded
the record-playback technique of direct machine imitation of workers’ actions. While the record-playback
approach relied on the skill and discretion of the
worker, NC technology allowed engineers and managers to exercise greater control over the production
Phase Ill: Computer-Aided Manufacturing
The first industrial applications of digital computers
occurred in the electrical power, dairy, chemical, and
petroleum refinery industries for automatic process
control. In 1959, TRW installed the first digital computer designed specifically for plant process control at
Texaco’s Port Arthur refinery. Early applications were
open-loop control systems: gathering data from measuring devices and sensors throughout the plant, the
computers monitored technological processes, performed calculations, and printed out “operator guides”;
subsequent adjustments were made by human operators. In the 1960s closed-loopfeedback control systems
appeared. These computers were connecteddirectly to
servo-control valves and made adjustments automatically (see CYBERNETICS).
1960s, with the development of time
sharing ( 4 . v . ) on large mainframe computers ( q . ~ . ) ,
standalone NC machines were brought under Direct
Numerical Control (DNC)of a central computer.DNC
systems proved vulnerable to frequent failures due to
malfunctioning of the central computer and theinterference of factory power cables with the data transmission cables of the DNC system.
With the introduction of microprocessors ( q . v . ) in the
1970s, centralized DNC systems in manufacturing
were largely replaced by Computer Numerical Control (CNC) systems with distributed control, in which
each NC machine was controlled by its own microcomputer. This blending of information and production technologies produced a new breed of machinistprogrammer who could operate CNC equipment by
generating and debugging NC programs, thus breaking down the traditional distinction between whitecollar and blue-collar jobs.
Robotics combined the techniques of NC and remote
control to replace human workers with numerically
controlled mechanical manipulators. The first commercial robots appeared in the early 1960s.Robots
proved very efficient in performing specialized tasks
that demanded high precision or had to be done in
hazardous environments. To approach the human
of flexibility, robots were supplied with sophisticated
techniques of feedback, vision and tactile sensors, reasoning capabilities, and adaptive control. In the 1980s
industrial applications of robots slowed down, as their
increasing complexity resulted in growing costs and
insufficient reliability.
Hierarchical NumericalControlSystemscombined
DNC and CNC features: they linked each standalone
computer controller to a central computer that maintained a large library of CNC programs andmonitored
production. This approach aspired to replace the
human operator’sexpertise by engineering knowledge
formalized in CNC programs. In suchsystems, human
operators generally no longer programmed CNC
floor, andproductionwas
brought under remotesupervision of a central management-controlled computer.
Flexible Manufacturing
(FMS) combined
DNC equipment with machines
for automated loading,
unloading, and transfer of workpieces. These systems
permitted varying process routes andsequences of
operations, allowing automatic machining of different
products insmall batches in the same system. Centralized FMS have often proved too complex, however,
and they are increasinglysubdivided
into smaller
flexible manufacturing cells (FMC)that include several
CNC machines, robots, and transfer devices controlled
by a single computer, the “cell controller.”
processed huge amounts of data generated in mass
production and mass marketing, became
target of automation and job reduction in the 1960s and
1970s. By 1970 the profession of bookkeeperwas
almost completely eliminated in the USA. In the mid1960s the first management-informationsystems (MIS)
appeared, providing management withdata, models of
analysis, and algorithms for decision-making; eventually they became a standard tool for operation control, management control, and strategic planning.
Phase VI: Computer-Integrated
Manufacturing (CIM)
In the late 1980s an integration of the automated factory
and the electronic office ( 4 . v . ) began. CIM combines
flexible automation(robots, numerically controlled
machines, and flexible manufacturing systems), CAD/
CAM systems, and management-information systems
to build integrated production systems that cover the
complete operations of a manufacturing
firm, including
purchasing, logistics, maintenance, engineering, and
business operations. CIM emphasizes horizontal links
between different organizational units of a firm and
provides the possibility of sharing data and computing
resources, making it possible to break the traditional
institutional barriers between departments andcreate
flexible functional groups to perform
tasks more speedily and efficiently.
Phase IV: Automated Engineering
In the 1960s large aerospace manufacturers, such as
McDonnell-Douglas and Boeing, developedproprietary
computer-aided design (CAD) systems, which provided
computer graphics (q.v.) tools for drafting, analyzing,
and modifying aircraft designs. In 1970 ComputerVision Corporation introduced thefirst complete turnkey commercial CAD system for industrial designers,
which provided all the necessary hardware and software in one package. In the 1970s, combined CAD/
CAM systems emerged which used the parameters of
a geometrical model created with the help of CAD to
generate programs for CNC machine tools and develop
manufacturing plans and schedules. While CAD
systems are often packaged and standardized, CAM
(Computer-Aided Manufacturing)applications tend to
be industry-specificand proprietary. With the introduction of Computer-Aided Engineering
(CAE) systems for
standard techniquesof engineering analysis, the whole
range of engineering tasks-from conceptual design to
analysis to detailed design to drafting and documentation to manufacturingdesign-became automated. The
distinction between blue-collar and white-collar jobs
was further blurred, as engineers, clerks, and managers
became integrated in an automatedoffice.
Phase V: Automated Management
Social and Economic Dimensions
of Automation
Views of automation range between two extremesunabashed optimism and utmost pessimism. The optimists believe in a technological utopia, an imagined
bright future in which machines will relieve people of
all hard work and bring prosperity to humankind. The
pessimists view machines as instruments of subjugation and control by a ruling elite, argue that automation leads to the degradation of human beings, and
depict the future as a grim technological dystopia. Both
sidesview automatic technologyas an autonomous
force determiningthe direction of human history.
Automation itself, however, is a social process shaped
by various social and economic forces. This process
may take various directions and mayhavediverse
organizational choices made during automation.
Among the earliest applications of information technology was the automation of information-processing
tasks. The first stored-program digital computer purchased by a nongovernment customer was UNIVAC
( q . v . ) , installed by GE in 1954 to automate basic transaction processing: payroll, inventory control and material scheduling, billing and order service, and general
cost accounting. Large clerical bureaucracies, which
The Productivity Paradox
While productivity in major industries in the USA rose
sharply duringproductionautomation in the 1950s
and 60s, its growth has slowed significantly since the
1970s, precisely at the time of widespread computerization of the factory and the office. The link between
computerizationand productivity remainsproblematic. The advantages most
with computer-aided manufacturinginclude increased
production rates,better product quality, more efficient
use of materials, shorter lead times, reduced work
hours, and improved work safety-all factors leading
to higher productivity. Among its main disadvantages,
analysts usually cite the high cost of designing, building, and maintaining computerized equipment;
vulnerability to downtime;relatively low flexibilitycompared
with humans; and worker displacement and emotional
stress-all leading to lower productivity. It is particularly difficult to compare directly productivity before
and after computerization, since it brings with it not
merely technological, but also organizational change
which transforms theentire nature of production and
brings with it the most benefits and losses.
As manufacturerswhointroducedcomputer-aided
manufacturing systems
the largest payoff
from computerizationcomesnotfrom
speeding up
old operations butfrommaking work organization
more flexible and efficient. On theotherhand,
computers are used toconserve old inefficient organization, computerization can only accelerate negative
trends. As John Bessant has remarked, “When
you put
a computerinto a chaotic factory the only thing you get
is computerized chaos” (quotedin Ayres, 199 1-1 992,
Vol. 4, p. 94). Most successful manufacturers streamline operations before computerization, following the
dictum, “Simplify, then automate!” Efficient computerization takes far morethan merelyinstalling a
computer: it requires changes in the entire workstyle.
Worker Displacement, Skill, and Working
A leading concern among workers, labor leaders, and
social critics has been the issue of worker displacement-a loss of work, transfer to a different job, or
geographic dislocation-due to automation. Such
categories as welders, carpenters, insulators, machinists,
and clerical staff have been most heavily affected. At
the same time, automation creates new highly-skilled
jobs in programming, operating, and maintaining computerized production machinery. Workers needextensive retraining programs, however, to prepare
for such
Another risk isthe dangerof employees losing essential
working skills as work becomes increasingly mediated
by the computer. With automation, the worker has
gone through a series of transformations-from a direct producer of goods and services to the operator of
of the
computer that operates and controls that equipment.
Engineering changedfromhands-on tinkering with
machinery to the use of standard design and analysis
procedures that tell the computer how to design and
build a needed part. Management evolved from direct
supervision of labor to “management by numbers,”
based on numericaldata reports and pre-programmed
computer algorithms for decision-making. When
operators must step in and take control in case of an
emergency at an automatically controlled nuclear
power plant, would they possess the necessary skills
if their training and daily experience mainly concerned
work with a computerizedcontrol system?
Because of the high cost of downtime, efficient maintenance and fast repairs become crucial in automated
production, which places a great burden of responsibility and tight time constraints on maintenance and
repair crews. Computerized equipment can be
used to
enhance the flexibility of work organization, leaving
one in charge of planning one’s work time, but it may
also be used to impose a strict and inflexiblework
factory and office workers by
monitoring their performance. As a result, automation
can make work either easier or more exhausting and
stressful, depending onthe type of work organization.
Technocentric vs. Human-Centered
Historically thepredominantapproachtoautomation has beentechnocentric: a goal of automation is to
reduce and ultimately entirely eliminate human participation in production and eventually arrive at an
unmanned factory. From this standpoint, workers are
seen as a source of potential errors, disturbance, and
unreliability; on the other hand, automatic machinery
inherently more precise, reliable, and
controllable. The technocentric approach extends the
principles of Taylorist work organization to modern
information-processing and production systems. It is
based on further subdivision of labor, with more complex and intelligent tasks trusted to flexible computer
systems and simpler tasks left to low-skilled workers
who assume aresidual role. Skill gradually passesfrom
people tomachines,and
control functions are also
transferred in the same direction.
The technocentric approach faces a fundamental paradox: it aspires to replace human skill with highly flexible computerizedmachinery,but
this machinery
requires even more human skill to operate, maintain,
and repair it. Instead of “freeing” production from
the “human element,” automation only increases the
importance of highly qualified, versatile, and motivated
workers. Accidents at the nuclear power plants at Three
Mile Island and Chernobyl testifythat automationdoes
not eliminate the possibility of human error; itonly
makes this error morecostly.
The Taylorist logic of seeking productivity by accelerating the pace of work may not apply in a computerized workplace. With computerization, companies
do not simply automate, but “informate” their operations. Computer-based control of production becomes
an information-processing task; workersturn
analyzers of information rather than simple machine
minders. Improving thequality of this analysis, instead
of speeding up workers’ movements, becomes
a crucial
problem of automation.
nical systems” approach, elaborated in Britain. Based
on group assembly instead of a conventional assembly
line, this new
initiative, flexibility, and control over product quality. In the
1980s major American manufacturers began experimenting with workerinvolvement in decision-making,
a recent example being GM’s Saturn project. The
human-centered approachfinds a source of productivity inmore efficient utilizationof human abilities, rather
than in the utopian efforts to eliminate people from
An alternative approach aspires to change the workforce from being part of the manufacturing problem
into part of the solution. Instead of taking skills,
responsibility, and control away from the worker and
absorbingthem into themachine,human-centered
CIM systems mobilize the intellectual resources of all
employees. Leading Japanesecompanies,such
Matsushita and Toyota, achieved much greater productivity gains from automation than their American
competitors by decentralizing control and reorganizing
the factory layout into production islands controlled by
semi-autonomous multi-skilled teams responsible for
all operations. Reversing the Taylorist trend of subdivision of labor, the human-centered approachintegrates
functions and skills in flexible teams, where workers
can rotatejobs and choose the optimal order and pace
of work. Instead of being forced to follow instructions
handed to themfrom above, workers are motivated to
play a greater role indecision-makingby programming
CNC equipment on the shop
floor. In thelate 1960s and
early1970sonly a handful of American companies,
such as Procter & Gamble,Cummins Engine, and
Gaines Foods, realized that greater productivity did not
come automatically withmore sophisticated equipment but required profound organizational change.
Volvo built a highly productive plant at
Kalmar, Sweden, which implemented the “sociotech-
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Slava Gerovitch