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First edition 2018-05 ISO 21001 © ISO 2018 Reference number ISO 21001:2018(E) Organismes d'éducation/formation — Systèmes de management des organismes d'éducation/formation — Exigences et recommandations pour leur application Educational organizations — Management systems for educational organizations — Requirements with guidance for use INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. University of Toronto User. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) University of Toronto User. COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2018 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva Phone: +41 22 749 01 11 Fax: +41 22 749 09 47 Email: copyright@iso.org Website: www.iso.org Published in Switzerland ii © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved Contents Page Foreword ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ vi 1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 4 Context of the organization ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7 4.1 Understanding the organization and its context ....................................................................................................... 7 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties .............................................................. 7 4.3 Determining the scope of the management system for educational organizations .................... 8 4.4 Management system for educational organizations (EOMS).......................................................................... 8 5 6 7 Planning...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities ................................................................................................................ 11 6.2 Educational organization objectives and planning to achieve them ..................................................... 12 6.3 Planning of changes ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Support ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 7.1 Resources.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 7.1.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 7.1.2 Human resources.......................................................................................................................................................... 13 7.1.3 Facilities................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 7.1.4 Environment for the operation of educational processes ......................................................... 14 7.1.5 Monitoring and measuring resources ........................................................................................................ 14 7.1.6 Organizational knowledge.................................................................................................................................... 15 7.2 Competence ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 7.2.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 7.2.2 Additional requirements for special needs education ................................................................. 16 7.3 Awareness ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 7.4 Communication ................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 7.4.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 7.4.2 Communication purposes ..................................................................................................................................... 17 7.4.3 Communication arrangements ......................................................................................................................... 17 7.5 Documented information............................................................................................................................................................ 18 7.5.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 7.5.2 Creating and updating .............................................................................................................................................. 18 7.5.3 Control of documented information ............................................................................................................ 18 Operation .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 8.1 Operational planning and control ....................................................................................................................................... 19 8.1.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 8.1.2 Specific operational planning and control of educational products and services 20 8.1.3 Additional requirements for special needs education ................................................................. 20 8.2 Requirements for the educational products and services .............................................................................. 20 8.2.1 Determining the requirements for the educational products and services............... 20 8.2.2 Communicating the requirements for the educational products and services....... 21 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved iii University of Toronto User. 8 Leadership .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 5.1 Leadership and commitment ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 5.1.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 5.1.2 Focus on learners and other beneficiaries ................................................................................................ 9 5.1.3 Additional requirements for special needs education ................................................................. 10 5.2 Policy ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10 5.2.1 Developing the policy ............................................................................................................................................... 10 5.2.2 Communicating the policy .................................................................................................................................... 10 5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities....................................................................................... 10 Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) 8.3 8.4 8.5 9 Performance evaluation ............................................................................................................................................................................30 9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation ............................................................................................ 30 9.1.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 9.1.2 Satisfaction of learners, other beneficiaries and staff .................................................................. 31 9.1.3 Other monitoring and measuring needs .................................................................................................. 31 9.1.4 Methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation ...................................... 32 9.1.5 Analysis and evaluation .......................................................................................................................................... 32 9.2 Internal audit ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 9.3 Management review ........................................................................................................................................................................ 33 9.3.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 9.3.2 Management review inputs ................................................................................................................................. 33 9.3.3 Management review outputs ............................................................................................................................. 34 Improvement .........................................................................................................................................................................................................34 10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action .............................................................................................................................. 34 10.2 Continual improvement ............................................................................................................................................................... 35 10.3 Opportunities for improvement ............................................................................................................................................ 35 Annex A (normative) Additional requirements for early childhood education ...................................................36 Annex B (informative) Principles for an EOMS .......................................................................................................................................39 Annex C (informative) Classification of interested parties in educational organizations .........................49 Annex D (informative) Guidelines for communication with interested parties ..................................................51 Annex E (informative) Processes, measures and tools in educational organizations ....................................56 Annex F (informative) Example of mapping to regional standards...................................................................................59 Annex G (informative) Health and safety considerations for educational organizations ..........................62 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 63 iv © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. 10 8.6 8.7 8.2.3 Changes to requirements for the educational products and services............................. 21 Design and development of the educational products and services ..................................................... 21 8.3.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 8.3.2 Design and development planning................................................................................................................ 22 8.3.3 Design and development inputs ...................................................................................................................... 22 8.3.4 Design and development controls ................................................................................................................. 22 8.3.5 Design and development outputs .................................................................................................................. 24 8.3.6 Design and development changes.................................................................................................................. 24 Control of externally provided processes, products and services ........................................................... 24 8.4.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 24 8.4.2 Type and extent of control.................................................................................................................................... 25 8.4.3 Information for external providers............................................................................................................... 25 Delivery of the educational products and services ............................................................................................... 26 8.5.1 Control of delivery of the educational products and services ............................................... 26 8.5.2 Identification and traceability ........................................................................................................................... 28 8.5.3 Property belonging to interested parties ................................................................................................ 29 8.5.4 Preservation...................................................................................................................................................................... 29 8.5.5 Protection and transparency of learners’ data ................................................................................... 29 8.5.6 Control of changes in the educational products and services ............................................... 29 Release of the educational products and services................................................................................................. 29 Control of the educational nonconforming outputs ............................................................................................ 30 Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives). Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents). Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement. For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: www.iso.org/iso/foreword.html. This document was prepared by Project Committee PC/288, Educational organizations management systems - Requirements with guidance for use. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) University of Toronto User. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved v Introduction 0.1 General This document provides a common management tool for organizations providing educational products and services capable of meeting learners' and other beneficiaries' requirements. 0.2 Relevance There is a critical and continuous need for educational organizations to evaluate the degree to which they meet the requirements of learners and other beneficiaries, as well as other relevant interested parties and to improve their ability to continue to do so. NOTE A classification of interested parties in educational organizations is provided in Annex C. Although educational organizations and learners worldwide are the main beneficiaries of this document, all interested parties will benefit from standardized management systems in educational organizations. EXAMPLE Employers who sponsor and encourage staff to participate in educational services can also benefit from this document. The potential benefits to an organization of implementing a management system for educational organizations (EOMS) based on this document are: better alignment of objectives and activities with policy (including mission and vision); c) more personalized learning and effective response to all learners and particularly to learners with special education needs, distance learners and lifelong learning opportunities; e) increased credibility of the organization; b) enhanced social responsibility by providing inclusive and equitable quality education for all; d) consistent processes and evaluation tools to demonstrate and increase effectiveness and efficiency; f) a means that enables educational organizations to demonstrate their commitment to effective educational management practices; g) a culture for organizational improvement; h) harmonization of regional, national, open, proprietary, and other standards within an international framework; i) j) widened participation of interested parties; stimulation of excellence and innovation. 0.3 Relationship between this document and other International Standards This document is a stand-alone management system standard, aligned with ISO 9001. It focuses on the management systems of educational organizations as well as the impact of these on learners and other relevant interested parties. This document conforms to ISO’s requirements for management system standards. These requirements include a high level structure, identical core text, and common terms with core definitions, designed to benefit users implementing multiple ISO management system standards. This document can be implemented alongside regional, national, open, proprietary and other standards or related documents. Annex F provides an example of how to implement this document alongside the European Quality NOTE Assurance Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET). vi © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. a) Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) 0.4 Principles for an EOMS This EOMS entails the following management principles: a) focus on learners and other beneficiaries; c) engagement of people; e) improvement; b) visionary leadership; d) process approach; f) evidence-based decisions; g) relationship management; h) social responsibility; i) j) accessibility and equity; ethical conduct in education; k) data security and protection. NOTE The details of these principles are analysed in Annex B. 0.5 Process approach 0.5.1 General Understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its intended results. This approach enables the organization to control the interrelationships and interdependencies among the processes of the system, so that the overall performance of the organization can be enhanced. The process approach involves the systematic definition and management of processes, and their interactions, so as to achieve the intended results in accordance with the policy, objectives and strategic plan of the organization. Management of the processes and the system as a whole can be achieved using the PDCA cycle (see 0.5.2) with an overall focus on risk-based thinking (see 0.5.3) aimed at taking advantage of opportunities and preventing undesirable results. The application of the process approach in an EOMS enables: — understanding and consistency in meeting requirements; — the consideration of processes in terms of added value; — the achievement of effective process performance; — improvement of processes based on evaluation of data and information. Figure 1 gives a schematic representation of any process and shows the interaction of its elements. The monitoring and measuring check points, which are necessary for control, are specific to each process and will vary depending on the related risks. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved vii University of Toronto User. This document promotes the adoption of a process approach when developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of an EOMS, to enhance learner and other beneficiary satisfaction by meeting learner and other beneficiary requirements. Specific requirements considered essential to the adoption of a process approach are included in 4.4. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) Figure 1 — Schematic representation of the elements of a single process (assessment of the educational effectiveness process) 0.5.2 Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle can be applied to all processes and to the EOMS as a whole. Figure 2 illustrates how Clauses 4 to 10 can be grouped in relation to the PDCA cycle. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) University of Toronto User. viii © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved Numbers in brackets refer to clauses in this document. Figure 2 — Representation of the structure of this document in the PDCA cycle The PDCA cycle can be briefly described as follows: — Plan: establish the objectives of the system and its processes, and the resources needed to deliver results in accordance with learners' and other beneficiaries' requirements and the organization’s policies, and identify and address risks and opportunities; — Do: implement what was planned; — Check: monitor and (where applicable) measure processes and the resulting products and services against policies, objectives, requirements and planned activities, and report the results; — Act: take actions to improve performance, as necessary. 0.5.3 Risk-based thinking Risk-based thinking is essential for achieving an effective EOMS. To conform to the requirements of this document, an organization needs to plan and implement actions to address risks and opportunities. Addressing both risks and opportunities establishes a basis for increasing the effectiveness of the quality management system, achieving improved results and preventing negative effects. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved ix University of Toronto User. NOTE Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) Opportunities can arise as a result of a situation favourable to achieving an intended result, e.g. a set of circumstances that allow the organization to attract learners and other beneficiaries, develop new products and services, reduce waste or improve productivity. Actions to address opportunities can also include consideration of associated risks. Risk is the effect of uncertainty and any such uncertainty can have positive or negative effects. A positive deviation arising from a risk can provide an opportunity, but not all positive effects of risk result in opportunities. 0.6 Organizational mission, vision and strategy Figure 3 illustrates EOMS strategy as related to mission and vision. Figure 3 — EOMS strategy as related to mission and vision 0.7 Additional requirements and guidance Annex A specifies additional requirements for early childhood education for organizations that provide this service. Annex B outlines the principles for an EOMS. Annex C provides a classification of interested parties. Annex D provides guidelines for communication with interested parties. Annex E provides guidance on processes, measures and tools in educational organizations. Annex F gives an example of mapping to regional standards. Annex G outlines health and safety considerations for educational organizations. x © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. The EOMS policy statements are framed by the organization’s culture (the complete set of beliefs and values that condition its behaviour) and by the EOMS principles. In turn, the EOMS policy statements provide the framework for the establishment of the EOMS objectives, which are periodically revised to ensure the organization’s mission is effectively and efficiently accomplished while walking the continuous path towards the achievement of the organization’s vision. The articulation of these elements is usually called a strategy. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) ISO 21001:2018(E) Educational organizations — Management systems for educational organizations — Requirements with guidance for use 1 Scope This document specifies requirements for a management system for educational organizations (EOMS) when such an organization: a) needs to demonstrate its ability to support the acquisition and development of competence through teaching, learning or research; b) aims to enhance satisfaction of learners, other beneficiaries and staff through the effective application of its EOMS, including processes for improvement of the system and assurance of conformity to the requirements of learners and other beneficiaries. All requirements of this document are generic and intended to be applicable to any organization that uses a curriculum to support the development of competence through teaching, learning or research, regardless of the type, size or method of delivery. This document can be applied to educational organizations within larger organizations whose core business is not education, such as professional training departments. This document does not apply to organizations that only produce or manufacture educational products. 2 Normative references University of Toronto User. There are no normative references in this document. 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso.org/obp — IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/ 3.1 organization person (3.35) or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationships to achieve its objectives (3.8) Note 1 to entry: The concept of organization includes, but is not limited to sole-trader, company, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority, partnership, charity or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated or not, public or private. 3.2 interested party stakeholder person (3.35) or organization (3.1) that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision or activity Note 1 to entry: Annex C gives a classification of interested parties in educational organizations (3.22). © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 1 3.3 requirement need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory Note 1 to entry: “Generally implied” means that it is custom or common practice for the organization (3.1) and interested parties (3.2) that the need or expectation under consideration is implied. Note 2 to entry: A specified requirement is one that is stated, for example in documented information (3.11). 3.4 management system set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization (3.1) to establish policies (3.7) and objectives (3.8) and processes (3.12) to achieve those objectives Note 1 to entry: A management system can address a single discipline or several disciplines. Note 2 to entry: The system elements include the organization’s structure, roles and responsibilities, planning and operation. Note 3 to entry: The scope of a management system may include the whole of the organization, specific and identified functions of the organization, specific and identified sections of the organization, or one or more functions across a group of organizations. 3.5 top management person (3.35) or group of people who directs and controls an organization (3.1) at the highest level Note 1 to entry: Top management has the power to delegate authority and provide resources within the organization. Note 2 to entry: If the scope of the management system (3.4) covers only part of an organization, then top management refers to those who direct and control that part of the organization. 3.7 policy intentions and direction of an organization (3.1), as formally expressed by its top management (3.5) 3.8 objective result to be achieved Note 1 to entry: An objective can be strategic, tactical, or operational. Note 2 to entry: Objectives can relate to different disciplines (such as educational, financial, health and safety, and environmental goals) and can apply at different levels (such as strategic, organization-wide, project, product and process (3.12)). Note 3 to entry: An objective can be expressed in other ways, e.g. as an intended outcome, a purpose, an operational criterion, as an EOMS objective, or by the use of other words with similar meaning (e.g. aim, goal, or target). Note 4 to entry: In the context of EOMS, EOMS objectives are set by the organization, consistent with the EOMS policy (3.7), to achieve specific results. 3.9 risk effect of uncertainty Note 1 to entry: An effect is a deviation from the expected — positive or negative. 2 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. 3.6 effectiveness extent to which planned activities are realized and planned results achieved Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) Note 2 to entry: Uncertainty is the state, even partial, of deficiency of information related to, understanding or knowledge (3.42) of, an event, its consequence, or likelihood. Note 3 to entry: Risk is often characterized by reference to potential “events” (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2009, and “consequences” (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2009,, or a combination of these. Note 4 to entry: Risk is often expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of an event (including changes in circumstances) and the associated “likelihood” (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2009, of occurrence. 3.10 competence ability to apply knowledge (3.42) and skills (3.41) to achieve intended results Note 1 to entry: The ability to apply knowledge and skills means that the learner (3.25) demonstrates appropriate attitudes and behaviour in different contexts or situations with responsibility and autonomy. 3.11 documented information information required to be controlled and maintained by an organization (3.1) and the medium on which it is contained Note 1 to entry: Documented information can be in any format and media, and from any source. Note 2 to entry: Documented information can refer to: — — — the management system (3.4), including related processes (3.12); information created in order for the organization to operate (documentation); evidence of results achieved (records). 3.12 process set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs Note 1 to entry: Performance can relate either to quantitative or qualitative findings. Note 2 to entry: Performance can relate to the management of activities, processes (3.12), products (including services), systems or organizations (3.1). 3.14 outsource (verb) make an arrangement where an external organization (3.1) performs part of an organization’s function or process (3.12) Note 1 to entry: An external organization is outside the scope of the management system (3.4), although the outsourced function or process is within the scope. 3.15 monitoring determining the status of a system, a process (3.12) or an activity Note 1 to entry: To determine the status, there may be a need to check, supervise or critically observe. 3.16 measurement process (3.12) to determine a value © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 3 University of Toronto User. 3.13 performance measurable result Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) 3.17 audit systematic, independent and documented process (3.12) for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled Note 1 to entry: An audit can be an internal audit (first party) or an external audit (second party or third party), and it can be a combined audit (combining two or more disciplines). Note 2 to entry: An internal audit is conducted by the organization (3.1) itself, or by an external party on its behalf. Note 3 to entry: “Audit evidence” and “audit criteria” are defined in ISO 19011. 3.18 conformity fulfilment of a requirement (3.3) 3.19 nonconformity non-fulfilment of a requirement (3.3) 3.20 corrective action action to eliminate the cause of a nonconformity (3.19) and to prevent recurrence 3.21 continual improvement recurring activity to enhance performance (3.13) 3.22 educational organization organization (3.1) whose core business is the provision of educational products (3.24) and educational services (3.23) 3.23 educational service process (3.12) that supports acquisition and development of learners' (3.25) competence (3.10) through teaching (3.39), learning or research 3.24 educational product learning resource tangible or intangible goods used in pedagogical support of an educational service (3.23) Note 1 to entry: Educational products can be either physical or digital and can include textbooks, workbooks, worksheets, manipulatives (e.g. blocks, beads), flashcards, educator (3.27) workshops, non-fiction, books, posters, educational games, applications, websites, software, online courses (3.33), activity books, graphic novels, reference books, DVDs, CDs, magazines and periodicals, study guides, educator guides, laboratories, models, movies, televisions shows, webcasts, podcasts, maps and atlases, standards, technical specifications and case studies. Note 2 to entry: Educational products can be produced by any parties, including learners (3.25). 3.25 learner beneficiary (3.26) acquiring and developing competence (3.10) using an educational service (3.23) 4 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. Note 1 to entry: This can include an educational organization within a larger organization whose core business is not education, such as a professional training department. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) 3.26 beneficiary person (3.35) or group of people benefiting from the products and services of an educational organization (3.22) and whom the educational organization is obliged to serve by virtue of its mission (3.31) Note 1 to entry: Annex D includes a list of beneficiaries. 3.27 educator person (3.35) who performs teaching (3.39) activities Note 1 to entry: In different contexts, an educator is sometimes referred to as a teacher, a trainer, a coach, a facilitator, a tutor, a consultant, an instructor, a lecturer or a mentor. 3.28 curriculum documented information (3.11) of what, why, how and how well learners (3.25) should learn in a systematic and intentional way Note 1 to entry: A curriculum can include, but is not limited to, the learning aims or objectives (3.8), content, learning outcomes, teaching (3.39) and learning methods, performance (3.13) indicators, assessment methods or research plan that are related to learning. It can also be referred to as a competence (3.10) profile, competence referential, study programme (3.34) or teaching plan. 3.29 social responsibility responsibility of an organization (3.1) for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, through transparent and ethical behaviour that — contributes to sustainable development, including health and the welfare of society; — takes into account the expectations of interested parties (3.2); — is in compliance with applicable law and consistent with international norms of behaviour; and Note 1 to entry: Activities include products, services and processes (3.12). Note 2 to entry: Relationships refer to an organization's activities within its sphere of influence. [SOURCE: ISO 26000:2010, 2.18, modified — The word “stakeholders” has been replaced by “interested parties”.] 3.30 vision aspirations of an organization (3.1) in relation to its desired future condition and duly aligned with its mission (3.31) 3.31 mission reason for being, mandate and scope of an organization (3.1), translated into the context in which it operates 3.32 strategy plan to accomplish the organization’s (3.1) mission (3.31) and achieve the organization’s vision (3.30) © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 5 University of Toronto User. — is integrated throughout the organization and practised in its relationships Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) 3.33 course distinct set of teaching (3.39) and learning activities, designed to meet defined learning objectives (3.8) or learning outcomes Note 1 to entry: A course is sometimes referred to as a credit-unit or a subject. 3.34 programme consistent set of courses (3.33) designed to meet defined learning objectives (3.8) or learning outcomes, and leading to recognition Note 1 to entry: Recognition can take the form of a degree, a certificate of completion, participation or achievement, a badge, diploma and other forms. 3.35 person individual human being, i.e. a natural person, who acts as a distinct indivisible entity or is considered as such [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15944-1:2011, 3.28, modified — The preferred term “person” has been added above the admitted term “individual”, and the words “person who is a” have been removed before “human being” at the start of the definition.] 3.36 staff persons (3.35) who work for and within an organization (3.1) 3.37 usability extent to which a product, service, environment or facility can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness (3.6), efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use 3.38 accessibility usability (3.37) of a product, service, environment, or facility by people within the widest range of capabilities [SOURCE: ISO/TS 13131:2014, 3.1.1, modified — The example has been removed.] 3.39 teaching working with learners (3.25) to assist and support them with learning Note 1 to entry: Working with learners implies designing, leading and following up learning activities. Note 2 to entry: Teaching can combine different roles: content delivery, facilitation, mentorship, community builder and, to a certain extent, counsellor and academic guidance provider. 3.40 lifelong learning provision or use of learning opportunities throughout people's lives in order to foster their continuous development 3.41 skill set of know-how that allows a person (3.35) to master an activity and succeed in accomplishing a task Note 1 to entry: Skill can be cognitive, emotional, social or psychomotor 6 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. [SOURCE: ISO 9241-11:1998, 3.1, modified — The words “service, environment or facility” have been added after “product”.] Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) 3.42 knowledge facts, information, principles or understanding acquired through experience, research or education [SOURCE: ISO/IEC TS 17027:2014, 2.56, modified — The word “truths” has been removed after “information” and the word “research” has been added after “experience”.] 3.43 verification confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have been fulfilled [SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.8.12, modified — Notes to entry have been removed.] 3.44 validation confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that the requirements for a specific intended use or application have been fulfilled [SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.8.13, modified — Notes to entry have been removed.] 4 Context of the organization 4.1 Understanding the organization and its context The organization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose, its social responsibility and its strategic direction, and that affect its ability to achieve the intended outcomes of its EOMS. The organization shall monitor and review information about these external and internal issues. NOTE 1 Issues can include positive and negative factors or conditions for consideration. NOTE 3 Understanding the internal context can be facilitated by considering issues related to values, culture, knowledge and performance of the organization. NOTE 4 Strategic direction can be expressed through documented information such as the organizational mission or vision statement. 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties Due to their effect or potential effect on the organization’s ability to consistently and sustainably provide educational products and services, the organization shall determine: a) the interested parties that are relevant to the EOMS; b) the relevant requirements of these interested parties. These interested parties shall include: — learners; — other beneficiaries; — staff of the organization. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 7 University of Toronto User. NOTE 2 Understanding the external context can be facilitated by considering issues arising from technological, competitive, market, cultural, social, political, economic and environmental factors, whether international, national, regional or local. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) The organization shall monitor and review information about these interested parties and their relevant requirements. NOTE Annex C gives a classification of interested parties in educational organizations. 4.3 Determining the scope of the management system for educational organizations The organization shall determine the boundaries and applicability of the EOMS to establish its scope. When determining this scope, the organization shall consider: a) the external and internal issues referred to in 4.1; c) the products and services of the organization. b) the requirements of relevant interested parties referred to in 4.2; The organization shall apply all the requirements of this document if they are applicable within the determined scope of its EOMS. The scope of the EOMS shall be available and be maintained as documented information. The scope shall state the types of products and services covered, and provide justification for any requirement of this document that the organization determines is not applicable to its EOMS. Conformity to this document may only be claimed if the requirements determined as not being applicable do not affect the organization’s ability or responsibility to ensure the conformity of its products and services and the enhancement of learners' and other beneficiaries' satisfaction. All products and services provided to learners by an educational organization shall be included within the scope of this EOMS. 4.4 Management system for educational organizations (EOMS) The organization shall determine processes for the EOMS and their application throughout the organization and shall: a) determine the inputs required and the outputs expected from these processes; c) determine and apply the criteria and methods (including monitoring, measurement and related performance indicators) needed to ensure the effective operation and control of these processes; e) assign the responsibilities and authorities for these processes; b) determine the sequence and interaction of these processes; d) determine the resources needed for these processes and ensure their availability; f) address the risks and opportunities as determined in accordance with the requirements of 6.1; g) evaluate these processes and implement any changes needed to ensure that these processes achieve their intended results; h) improve the processes and the EOMS. 4.4.2 a) 8 To the extent necessary, the organization shall: maintain documented information to support the operation of its processes; © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. 4.4.1 The organization shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an EOMS, including the processes needed and their interactions, in accordance with the requirements of this document. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) b) retain documented information to have confidence that the processes are being carried out as planned. 5 Leadership 5.1 Leadership and commitment 5.1.1 General Top management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the EOMS by: a) being accountable for the effectiveness of the EOMS; c) ensuring the integration of the EOMS requirements into the organization’s business processes; e) ensuring that the resources needed for the EOMS are available; b) ensuring that the educational organization policy and educational organization objectives are established and are compatible with the context and strategic direction of the organization; d) promoting the use of the process approach and risk-based thinking; f) communicating the importance of effective educational organization management and of conforming to the EOMS requirements; g) ensuring that the EOMS achieves its intended outcome(s); h) engaging, directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the EOMS; i) promoting continual improvement; supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility; l) establishing, developing and maintaining a strategic plan for the organization; k) supporting the sustainable implementation of the educational vision and related educational concepts; m) ensuring that learners' educational requirements, including special needs, are identified and addressed; n) considering principles of social responsibility. NOTE Reference to “business” in this document can be interpreted broadly to mean those activities that are core to the purposes of the organization’s existence, whether the organization is public, private, voluntary, for profit or non-profit. 5.1.2 Focus on learners and other beneficiaries Top management shall be directly responsible for ensuring that: a) the needs and expectations of learners and other beneficiaries are determined, understood and consistently met, as evidenced by monitoring their satisfaction and educational progress; b) the risks and opportunities that can affect conformity of products and services and the ability to enhance learner and other beneficiary satisfaction are determined and addressed. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 9 University of Toronto User. j) Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) 5.1.3 Additional requirements for special needs education A special needs learner is someone who might have educational needs that cannot be met through regular instruction and assessment practices (e.g. exceptionalities such as behavioural, communicational, intellectual, physical, giftedness, or other learner needs for special education; learners can have more than one exceptionality). This implies the need to ensure the existence of communication channels so the interested parties can receive the information they need for their activity. Top management shall ensure that: — resources and training are in place to support accessibility in learning environments; — reasonable accommodation is provided for learners with special needs to promote an equitable access to facilities and the educational environments as other learners. 5.2 Policy 5.2.1 Developing the policy Top management shall establish, review and maintain an educational organization policy that: a) supports the educational organization mission and vision; c) provides a framework for setting educational organization objectives; e) includes a commitment to continual improvement of the EOMS; b) is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization; d) includes a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements; f) takes into account relevant educational, scientific and technical developments; h) describes and includes a commitment towards managing intellectual property; i) considers the needs and expectations of relevant interested parties. 5.2.2 Communicating the policy The educational organization policy shall: a) be available and be maintained as documented information; c) be available to relevant interested parties, as appropriate. b) be communicated, understood and applied within the organization; NOTE Guidelines for communication with interested parties are provided in Annex D. 5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities Top management shall ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned and communicated within the organization. Top management shall assign the responsibility and authority for: a) ensuring that the EOMS conforms to the requirements of this document; b) ensuring that the educational organization policy is understood and implemented; 10 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. g) includes a commitment to satisfy the organization's social responsibility; Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) c) ensuring that the processes of the EOMS deliver their intended outputs; e) ensuring the promotion of a focus on learners and other beneficiaries throughout the organization; d) reporting on the performance of the EOMS and on opportunities for improvement (see 10.1) to top management (see 9.3.2); f) ensuring that the integrity of the EOMS is maintained when changes to the EOMS are planned and implemented; g) managing the organization's communications (see 7.4); h) ensuring that all learning processes are integrated, regardless of method of delivery; i) j) control of documented information (see 7.5); managing the requirements of learners with special needs. 6 Planning 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities 6.1.1 When planning for the EOMS, the organization shall consider the issues referred to in 4.1 and the requirements referred to in 4.2 and 4.4 and determine the risks and opportunities that need to be addressed to: a) give assurance that the EOMS can achieve its intended outcome(s); c) prevent, mitigate or reduce, undesired effects; b) enhance desirable effects; d) achieve continual improvement. a) The organization shall plan: University of Toronto User. 6.1.2 actions to address these risks and opportunities; b) how to: — integrate and implement the actions into its EOMS processes (see Clause 8); — evaluate the effectiveness of these actions. Actions taken to address risks and opportunities shall be proportionate to the probability of occurrence and potential impact on the conformity of products and services. NOTE 1 Options to address risks can include avoiding risk, taking risk in order to pursue an opportunity, eliminating the risk source, changing the likelihood or consequences, sharing the risk, or retaining risk by informed decision. NOTE 2 Opportunities can lead to the adoption of new practices, launching new educational products or educational services, opening new markets, addressing new learners and other beneficiaries, building partnerships, using new technology and other desirable and viable possibilities to address the needs of the organization or of its learners or of other beneficiaries. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) 11 6.2 Educational organization objectives and planning to achieve them 6.2.1 The organization shall establish educational organization objectives at relevant functions, levels and processes needed for the EOMS. The educational organization objectives shall: a) be consistent with the educational organization policy; c) take into account applicable requirements; e) be continually monitored; b) be measurable (if practicable); d) be relevant to conformity of products and services and to the enhancement of learner, staff and other beneficiary satisfaction; f) be communicated; g) be updated as appropriate. The organization shall maintain and retain documented information on the educational organization objectives and the achievement of them. 6.2.2 When planning how to achieve its educational organization objectives, the organization shall determine, and outline in its strategic plan: what will be done; c) who will be responsible; e) how the results will be evaluated. b) what resources will be required; d) when it will be completed; 6.3 Planning of changes Where the organization determines the need for changes to the EOMS, the changes shall be carried out in a planned manner (see 4.4). The organization shall consider: a) the purpose of the changes and their potential consequences; c) the availability and readiness of internal resources; e) the availability and readiness of external providers needed to implement the change. b) the integrity of the EOMS; d) the allocation or reallocation of responsibilities and authorities; 12 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. a) Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) 7 Support 7.1 Resources 7.1.1 General The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the EOMS, in such a way that they sustainably enhance: a) learner engagement and satisfaction through activities that improve learning and promote the achievement of learning outcomes; c) other beneficiary satisfaction, through activities that contribute to the social benefits of learning. a) the organization; b) staff engagement and satisfaction through activities to improve staff competences to facilitate learning; The organization shall determine and monitor which resources shall be provided by: b) external providers. The organization shall take into account the needs of learners with special needs and shall ensure that a variety of accessibility requirements are anticipated. 7.1.2 Human resources Human resources shall include as applicable: staff employed by the organization; c) staff of external providers working with or contributing to the organization. a) determine and provide the human resources necessary for the effective implementation of its EOMS and for the operation and control of its processes; c) maintain documented information on the process used for recruitment or selection, and retain documented information on the results of the recruitment. b) volunteers and interns working with or contributing to the organization; The organization shall: b) determine, implement and publish recruitment or selection criteria, which shall be available to relevant interested parties; 7.1.3 Facilities The facilities shall include, as applicable, the following facilities that meet learner requirements: a) buildings, and grounds; c) utilities. b) equipment including hardware and software; © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 13 University of Toronto User. a) Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) a) The organization shall: determine, provide and maintain safe facilities: 1) that are suitable for human resources to support learners’ development of competence; 2) that enhance learners’ development of competence; b) ensure that the dimensions of the facilities are adequate to the requirements of those using them. As appropriate, there shall be facilities for: a) teaching; c) implementing knowledge; e) subsistence. b) self-learning; d) rest and recreation; NOTE 1 NOTE 2 7.1.4 Facilities can include digital spaces. Facilities can be indoor or outdoor. Environment for the operation of educational processes The organization shall determine, provide and maintain a suitable environment to promote the overall wellbeing of relevant interested parties, by considering: a) psychosocial factors; b) physical factors. NOTE 2 Within an environment, physical factors can include temperature, heat, humidity, light, airflow, hygiene and noise, as well as the ergonomics of equipment and furniture. 7.1.5 Monitoring and measuring resources General The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed to ensure valid and reliable results when monitoring or measuring is used to verify the conformity of products and services to requirements. The organization shall ensure that the resources provided: a) are suitable for the specific type of monitoring and measurement activities being undertaken, i.e. adequate to the target, the type, method of educational delivery and duration of the educational service; b) are maintained to ensure their continued fitness for their purpose. 14 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. NOTE 1 Within an environment, psychosocial factors can include work demands, influence at work, possibilities for development, meaning of work, commitment to the workplace, predictability, rewards, role clarity, quality of leadership, social support from supervisors, satisfaction with work, work family conflict/ balance, values in the workplace, stress, burnout, offensive behaviour (e.g. bullying). Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) The organization shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of fitness for purpose of monitoring and measurement resources. NOTE Methods of educational delivery can include spoken communication in a physical space, online communication, physical or digital distribution of material, communication using broadcast media, or a combination of these. Measurement traceability When measurement traceability is a requirement, or is considered by the organization to be an essential part of providing confidence in the validity of measurement results, measuring resources shall be: a) verified or calibrated, or both, at specified intervals, or prior to use, against measurement standards traceable to international or national measurement standards; when no such standards exist, the basis used for calibration or verification shall be retained as documented information; b) identified in order to determine their status; c) safeguarded from adjustments, damage or deterioration that would invalidate the calibration status and subsequent measurement results. The organization shall determine if the validity of previous measurement results has been adversely affected when measuring equipment is found to be unfit for its intended purpose, and shall take appropriate action as necessary. 7.1.6 Organizational knowledge General The organization shall determine the knowledge necessary for the operation of its processes and to achieve conformity of products and services. When addressing changing needs and trends, the organization shall consider its current knowledge and determine how to acquire or access any necessary additional knowledge and required updates. The organization shall encourage exchange of knowledge between all educators and staff, particularly amongst peers. NOTE 1 Organizational knowledge is knowledge specific to the organization and is generally gained by experience. It is information that is used and shared to achieve the organization’s objectives. NOTE 2 — — Organizational knowledge can be based on: internal sources (e.g. intellectual property; knowledge gained from experience; lessons learned from failures and successful projects; capturing and sharing undocumented knowledge and experience; the results of improvements in processes, products and services); external sources (e.g. standards, academia, conferences, gathering knowledge from learners, other beneficiaries or providers). Learning resources The organization shall provide learning resources, as appropriate, and shall make them available where and when needed. The learning resources shall: a) reflect the needs and requirements of learners, other beneficiaries and educators; b) be reviewed at planned intervals to ensure they are up to date; © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 15 University of Toronto User. This knowledge shall be maintained, and made available to the extent necessary. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) c) be catalogued and referenced. The organization shall respect intellectual property requirements and should encourage reusability of resources. NOTE Where appropriate, a meta-data standard (e.g. ISO 15836 or ISO/IEC 19788) can be used for referencing. 7.2 Competence 7.2.1 General The organization shall: a) determine the necessary competence of person(s) doing work under its control that affects its educational organization performance; c) establish and implement methods for evaluating the performance of staff; e) take actions to support and ensure the continual development of relevant staff competence; b) ensure that these persons are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, or experience; d) where applicable, take actions to acquire the necessary up to date competence, and evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken; f) retain appropriate documented information as evidence of competence. NOTE Applicable actions can include, for example, the provision of training to, the mentoring of, or the reassignment of currently employed persons; or the hiring or contracting of competent persons. 7.2.2 Additional requirements for special needs education a) ensuring that all educators and staff having contact with learners with special needs have appropriate specialized training, which can include: 1) meeting the learning needs of learners who have different requirements; 2) differentiated instruction and assessment; 3) instructional scaffolding; b) providing access to a network of specialists. NOTE 1 Specialized training can include training in differentiated instruction so as to meet the needs of learners with different requirements. NOTE 2 Specialists can include psychologists, learning and development specialists and speech therapists. 7.3 Awareness The organization shall ensure that relevant persons doing work under the organization’s control shall be aware of: a) the educational organization policy and strategy, and relevant EOMS objectives; b) their contribution to the effectiveness of the EOMS, including the benefits of improved educational organization performance; 16 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. The organization shall supply resources to support educators by: Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) c) the implications of not conforming with the EOMS requirements. 7.4 Communication 7.4.1 General The organization shall determine the internal and external communications relevant to the EOMS, including: a) on what it will communicate; c) when to communicate; b) why to communicate; d) with whom to communicate; d) how to communicate; e) who communicates. 7.4.2 Communication purposes Internal and external communication shall have the purpose of: a) seeking the opinion or consent of relevant interested parties; c) collaborating and coordinating activities and processes with relevant interested parties within the organization. b) conveying to interested parties relevant, accurate and timely information, consistent with the organization's mission, vision, strategy and policy; 7.4.3 Communication arrangements The organization shall determine and implement effective arrangements for communicating with learners and other interested parties in relation to: a) organizational policy and strategic plan; c) enquiries, application, admission, or registration; e) learner and interested parties’ feedback, including learner complaints and learners/interested parties’ satisfaction surveys. b) design, content and delivery of educational products and services; d) learners' performance data, including results of formative and summative assessment; The organization shall inform their learners and other beneficiaries about external contact points in case of unresolved issues. a) At planned intervals, the organization shall: monitor the implementation of its communication efforts; b) analyse and improve the communication plan based on the results of monitoring. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 17 University of Toronto User. NOTE The information conveyed can include information about the delivery of educational programmes, intended learning outcomes, qualifications, innovations, new ideas, as well as scientific results, methods, approaches and the underlying learning products and services. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) The organization shall retain documented information of the communication process. NOTE 1 The organization can document communication plans and arrangements within the processes they form part of. NOTE 2 The organization can implement methods to ensure traceability of communications, where appropriate. NOTE 3 The external contact points can be persons or organizations such as mediators, litigators, governmental bodies, ombudsmen, protectors, learner representatives or other third parties. 7.5 Documented information 7.5.1 General The organization’s EOMS shall include: a) documented information required by this document; b) documented information determined by the organization as being necessary for the effectiveness of the EOMS. NOTE 1 The extent of documented information for an EOMS can differ from one organization to another due to: — the size of organization and its type of activities, processes, products and services, — the competence of persons. — the complexity of processes and their interactions; NOTE 2 NOTE 3 The documentation can be in any form or type of medium. Documented information can include: academic calendar, access to records; — grades, scoring and evaluation; — — core curriculum, course catalogue; code of conduct and code of ethics. 7.5.2 Creating and updating When creating and updating documented information, the organization shall ensure appropriate: a) identification and description (e.g. a title, date, author, or reference number); c) review and approval for suitability and adequacy. b) format (e.g. language, software version, graphics) and media (e.g. paper, electronic), taking into account the accessibility requirements of persons with special needs; 7.5.3 Control of documented information Documented information required by the EOMS and by this document shall be controlled to ensure: a) it is available and suitable for use, where and when it is needed; b) it is adequately protected (e.g. from loss of confidentiality, improper use, or loss of integrity, or unintended alterations). 18 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. — Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) For the control of documented information, the organization shall address the following activities, as applicable: a) distribution, access, retrieval and use; c) storage and preservation, including preservation of legibility; e) retention and disposition; b) protection and security, including redundancy; d) control of changes (e.g. version control); f) ensuring confidentiality; g) prevention of the unintended use of obsolete documented information. Documented information of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary for the planning and effective operation of the EOMS shall be identified, as appropriate, and controlled. The controls established shall be maintained as documented information. NOTE 1 Access can imply a decision regarding the permission to view the documented information only, or the permission and authority to view and change the documented information. NOTE 2 formats. The preservation of legibility includes ensuring integrity during transfer of data between media or 8 Operation 8.1 Operational planning and control 8.1.1 General a) determining requirements for the educational products and services; c) determining the resources needed to achieve conformity to the educational product and service requirements; e) determining and keeping documented information to the extent necessary: b) establishing criteria for the processes; d) implementing control of the processes in accordance with the criteria; 1) to have confidence that the processes have been carried out as planned; 2) to demonstrate the conformity of educational products and services to their requirements. NOTE “Keeping” implies both the maintaining and the retaining of documented information for specified time periods. The output of this planning shall be suitable for the organization's operations. The organization shall control planned changes and review the consequences of unintended changes, taking action to mitigate any adverse effects, as necessary. The organization shall ensure that outsourced processes are controlled (see 8.4). © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 19 University of Toronto User. The organization shall plan, implement and control the processes (see 4.4) needed to meet requirements for the provision of educational products and services, and to implement the actions determined in 6.1, by: Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) 8.1.2 Specific operational planning and control of educational products and services The organization shall plan the design, development and expected outcomes of the educational products and services, including: a) learning outcomes; c) defining criteria for learning assessment; e) defining and conducting improvement methods; b) ensuring appropriate and accessible teaching methods and learning environments; d) conducting learning assessment; f) providing support services. If an organization provides early childhood education, the additional requirements specified in Annex A shall apply. 8.1.3 Additional requirements for special needs education The organization should: a) show flexibility to support the learner co-construction of the learning process based on skills, abilities and interest, including approaches such as: 1) adaptive instruction; 2) accelerated or enriched content; 3) allowing enrolment in two distinct programmes or educational organizations; 4) individually tailored measures; 6) recognition of prior learning and experience; b) facilitate a team environment with adequate resources to support individual learners to meet their optimal potential; c) provide linkages to workplace opportunities; d) ensure the provision of healthy and nutritious meals as necessary. 8.2 Requirements for the educational products and services 8.2.1 Determining the requirements for the educational products and services When determining the requirements for the educational products and services to be offered to learners and other beneficiaries, the organization shall ensure that the requirements for the educational products and services are defined, including: a) those considered necessary by the organization due to its policy and strategic plan; c) those resulting from international demands and developments; b) those resulting from needs analysis that is performed to determine requirements of (current and potential future) learners and other beneficiaries, in particular those with special needs; 20 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. 5) curriculum adjustment or modification of the education programme to match the learner specific profile, above or below the default age-appropriate grade or level expectations for a particular subject or course; Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) d) those resulting from the labour market; e) f) those resulting from research; applicable health and safety requirements. The organization shall ensure it can meet the claims made for the educational products and services it offers. NOTE 1 Needs analysis involves a comprehensive assessment of learning abilities of learners, and can include prior knowledge and skills, preferred learning strategies, social and emotional needs, special nutrition needs and biological learning rhythms. NOTE 2 In an educational context, the requirements for educational products and services can be determined in several parts distributed in different stages of the operational process flow. For example, requirements such as learning outcomes defined by law are identified before the educational service is delivered, whereas requirements regarding the specific needs of a given learner can only be determined after the service delivery has started and the cohort of learners is known. NOTE 3 Needs analysis for learners with special needs can include analysis of reading disorders, disorder of written expression, maths disability, motor impairment, auditive impairment and visual impairment. For gifted learners, needs analysis can include analysis of levels of giftedness, hyperlexia and preliminary assessment for areas of giftedness (e.g. general intellectual ability, specific academic aptitude, leadership ability, creative and productive thinking, psychomotor ability, visual and performing arts). 8.2.2 Communicating the requirements for the educational products and services Commencing with, or prior to the delivery of the educational products and services, the organization shall notify the learners and other relevant interested parties, and where appropriate, check their understanding of: the purpose(s), format and content of the educational products and services being provided, including the instruments and criteria to be used for evaluation; c) the means by which the learning achieved and assessed will be recognized and retained as documented information; e) who will support learning and evaluation, and how it will be supported; b) the commitments, responsibilities and expectations placed on the learners and other beneficiaries; d) the methods to be used in case of interested party dissatisfaction or disagreement between any interested party and the EOMS; f) any costs involved, such as tuition fees, examination fees, and the purchase of learning materials; g) any prerequisites, such as required skills (including ICT skills), qualifications and professional experience. 8.2.3 Changes to requirements for the educational products and services The organization shall ensure that relevant documented information is amended, and that relevant interested parties are made aware of the changed requirements, when the requirements for educational products and services are changed. 8.3 Design and development of the educational products and services 8.3.1 General The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a design and development process that is appropriate to ensure the subsequent provision of educational products and services. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 21 University of Toronto User. a) Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) 8.3.2 Design and development planning In determining the stages and controls for design and development, the organization shall consider: a) the requirements defined in 8.2; c) the required process stages, including applicable design and development reviews; e) the responsibilities and authorities involved in the design and development process; b) the nature, duration and complexity of the design and development activities; d) the required design and development verification and validation activities; f) the internal and external resource needs for the design and development of educational products and services; g) the need to control interfaces between persons involved in the design and development process; h) the need for involvement of learners and other beneficiaries in the design and development process; i) the requirements for subsequent provision of educational products and services; j) the level of control expected for the design and development process by learners, other beneficiaries and other relevant interested parties; l) the evidence-based approach; k) the documented information needed to demonstrate that design and development requirements have been met; m) the extent to which learners require individualized learning pathways, based on their skills, interests and aptitudes; 8.3.3 Design and development inputs The organization shall determine the requirements essential for the specific types of educational products and services to be designed and developed. The organization shall consider: a) functional and performance requirements; c) standards or codes of practice that the organization has committed to implement; b) information derived from previous similar design and development activities; d) potential consequences of failure due to the nature of the educational products and services. Inputs shall be complete, unambiguous and adequate for design and development purposes. Conflicting design and development inputs shall be resolved. The organization shall retain documented information on design and development inputs. 8.3.4 Design and development controls a) 22 General The organization shall apply controls to the design and development process to ensure that: the results to be achieved are defined; © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. n) the need for reusability, accessibility, interchangeability and durability in course authoring, production and delivery tools. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) b) reviews are conducted to evaluate the ability of the results of design and development to meet requirements; c) verification and validation activities are conducted to ensure that the resulting educational products and services meet the requirements for the specified application or intended use; d) any necessary actions are taken on problems determined during the reviews, or verification and validation activities. a) The organization shall retain documented information, as applicable, on: the results of any reviews, verification and validation activities; b) any new requirements for the educational products and services. NOTE Design and development reviews, verification and validation have distinct purposes. They can be conducted separately or in any combination, as is suitable for the processes, products and services of the organization. Educational service design and development controls The controls applied to the design and development process shall ensure that: the purpose and scope of the course or programme is defined with a view to learners’ requirements for further study or work; c) the characteristics of the learners are defined; e) the educational service can meet the requirements of the purpose and scope, taking into account the characteristics of the learners; b) the prerequisites (if any) are specified; d) the requirements of further study or work are known; f) the characteristics of the graduate profile are defined. NOTE In an educational context, the design and development process can be iterative. For example, a base curriculum can be designed before the educational service is delivered, but the educational methods might need to be adapted to the specific needs of each given cohort of learners during each educational service delivery. Curriculum design and development controls The controls applied to the design and development process shall ensure that: a) learning outcomes: 1) are consistent with the scope of the course or programme; 2) are described in terms of the competences learners should acquire by completing the curriculum; 3) include an indication of the level to which the competences will be achieved; 4) are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound; b) learning activities: 1) are suitable to the method of educational delivery; 2) are appropriate for ensuring achievement of the learning outcomes; © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 23 University of Toronto User. a) Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) c) 3) are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound; all resources necessary to successfully complete the learning activities are defined; d) adequate opportunities are included in the learning design: 1) for learners to take an active role in creating the learning process; 2) for formative assessment and feedback. Summative assessment design and development controls The controls applied to the design and development process of summative assessment shall ensure that: a) a clear link can be demonstrated between the assessment design and the learning outcomes it is intended to assess, and where appropriate, the learning activities it is based on; c) the grading system is defined and validated. b) activities are conducted taking into account the principles of transparency, accessibility, respect to the learner, and fairness, especially with respect to grading; 8.3.5 Design and development outputs The organization shall ensure that design and development outputs: meet the input requirements; c) include or reference monitoring and measuring requirements (as appropriate) and acceptance criteria; e) are retained as documented information. b) are adequate for the subsequent processes for the provision of educational products and services; d) specify the characteristics of the educational products and services that are essential for their intended purpose and their safe and proper provision; 8.3.6 Design and development changes The organization shall identify, review and control changes made during, or subsequent to, the design and development of educational products and services, to the extent necessary to ensure that there is no adverse impact on conformity to requirements or results. The organization shall retain documented information on: a) design and development changes; c) the authorization of the changes; b) the outcomes of reviews; d) the actions taken to prevent adverse impacts. 8.4 Control of externally provided processes, products and services 8.4.1 General The organization shall ensure that externally provided processes, products and services conform to requirements. 24 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. a) Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) The organization shall determine the controls to be applied to externally provided processes, products and services when: a) products and services from external providers are intended for incorporation into the organization’s own products and services; c) a process, or part of a process, is provided by an external provider as an outcome of a decision by the organization. b) products and services are provided directly to the learners or other beneficiaries by external providers on behalf of the organization; The organization shall determine and apply criteria for the evaluation, selection, monitoring of performance, and re-evaluation of external providers, based on their ability to provide processes or products and services in accordance with requirements. The organization shall retain documented information of these activities and any necessary actions arising from the evaluations. 8.4.2 Type and extent of control The organization shall ensure that externally provided processes, products and services do not adversely affect the organization’s ability to consistently deliver conforming products and services to its learners and other beneficiaries. The organization shall: a) ensure that externally provided processes remain within the control of its EOMS; c) take into consideration: b) define both the controls that it intends to apply to an external provider and those it intends to apply to the resulting output; 2) the effectiveness of the controls applied by the external provider; d) determine the verification or other activities necessary to ensure that the externally provided processes, products and services meet requirements. 8.4.3 Information for external providers The organization shall ensure the adequacy of requirements prior to their communication to the external provider. The organization shall communicate to external providers its requirements for: a) the processes, products and services to be provided; b) the approval of: 1) products and services; 2) methods, processes and equipment; c) 3) the release of products and services; competence, including any required qualification of persons; d) the external provider’s interactions with the organization; e) control and monitoring of the external provider’s performance to be applied by the organization; © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 25 University of Toronto User. 1) the potential impact of the externally provided processes, products and services on the organization’s ability to consistently meet learner and other beneficiary requirements; Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) f) verification or validation activities that the organization, or its learners and other beneficiaries, intend to perform at the external provider’s premises. 8.5 Delivery of the educational products and services 8.5.1 Control of delivery of the educational products and services General The organization shall implement production and service provision under controlled conditions. Controlled conditions shall include, as applicable: a) the availability of documented information that defines: 1) the characteristics of the educational products to be produced, the educational services to be provided, or the activities to be performed; 2) the results to be achieved; b) the availability and use of suitable and validated monitoring and measuring resources; c) the implementation of monitoring and measurement activities, including the consideration of complaints, other feedback and the results of formative assessment at appropriate stages, in order to verify that criteria for control of processes or outputs and acceptance criteria for educational products and services have been met; d) the use of suitable infrastructure and environment for the operation of processes; e) f) the appointment of competent persons, including any required qualification (see 7.2); g) the implementation of actions to prevent human error; h) the implementation of release, delivery and post-delivery activities. Admission of learners Pre-admission information The educational organization shall ensure that before learners are admitted, they are provided with: a) adequate information that takes into account organizational requirements and professional requirements, as well as the organization’s commitment to social responsibility; b) adequate and clear information about: 1) the intended learning outcomes, career perspectives, educational approach; 2) the participation of learners, and other beneficiaries as appropriate, in their educational process; 3) the admission criteria and costs of the educational product or service. 26 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. the validation, and periodic revalidation, of the ability to achieve planned results of the processes for production and service provision, where the resulting output cannot be verified by subsequent monitoring or measurement; Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) Conditions for admission The organization shall establish a process for the admission of learners. In addition to the requirements in 4.4.1, the process shall: a) establish admission criteria that conform to: 1) organizational requirements; 2) requirements from the professional field; 3) requirements due to the content of the programme and/or pedagogical approach; b) ensure that admission criteria and processes are applied uniformly for all learners; c) be maintained as documented information; e) ensure the traceability of each admission decision; d) be publicly available; f) retain documented information as evidence of admission decisions. Delivery of educational products and services The organization shall establish processes for: a) teaching; c) administrative support of learning. b) facilitation of learning; Summative assessment a) ensure that methods to detect plagiarism and other malpractices are in place and are communicated to learners; c) retain documented information of the assessment as evidence of the grades assigned; b) ensure the traceability of grades, such that an objective connection can be identified between learner work presented and the grade assigned; d) make the retention period of such documented information publicly available. Recognition of assessed learning Organizations shall ensure that, after summative assessments: a) learners are informed of the outcomes of the assessment activity and grade; c) learners have full access to their work and its detailed assessment, as well as opportunities for feedback; e) the reasons for the decision on grading and final assessment are retained as documented information; b) learners are given the opportunity to appeal or ask for rectification of the outcomes of the assessment activity and grade; d) evidence of the outcomes of the assessment is issued to the learner as documented information; © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 27 University of Toronto User. The organization shall: Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) f) the documented information is retained for a specified retention period; g) the retention period of such documented information is publicly available. Additional requirements for special needs education With input from learners and other interested parties, an organization’s management, teaching and support staff can identify steps to improve accessibility of educational services. The organization shall apply reasonable judgment as to what might be possible during a specific time frame. With respect to delivery of learning, the organization should: a) employ differentiated instruction strategies that are targeted to learners in the classroom; c) balance the needs of the learner, the educator, the requirements of the course, the context (environment) within larger frameworks (e.g. curricular requirements, national values); b) use approaches recommended for learners with special needs to encourage development of selfawareness, self-regulation and metacognition; d) flexibly implement individualized measures, as applicable, including: 1) curriculum modification; 2) fostering self-directedness and independence; 3) tutor and mentorships. With respect to assessment of learning, the organization should: provide multiple and diverse opportunities for learners to demonstrate their mastery of the topics of instruction; c) flexibly implement individualized measures, as applicable, including adequate evaluation methods. b) ensure instruction provides scaffolded activities and assessments that allow learners to build and demonstrate their learning; Individual learners who require specific assistance with learning in order to achieve the agreed upon learning outcomes, shall be accommodated in a manner that balances learner requirements, the integrity of the learning outcomes, and capacity of the educational organization. 8.5.2 Identification and traceability The educational organization shall ensure identification and traceability with respect to: a) the progress of learners through the organization; c) output from the work of staff in terms of: b) the study and employment paths of those who graduate or complete a course or programme of study, where applicable; 1) what was done; 2) when; 3) by whom. 28 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. a) Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) 8.5.3 Property belonging to interested parties The educational organization shall exercise care with property belonging to any interested party while it is under the control of, or being used by, the educational organization. The educational organization shall identify, verify, protect and safeguard any property provided for use and obtain consent, where required, if the property is incorporated into educational products and services. When the property of an interested party is lost, damaged or otherwise found to be unsuitable for use, the organization shall report this to the relevant interested party and take appropriate corrective actions (see 8.5.5 and 10.2) and retain documented information on what has occurred. NOTE An interested party's property can include material, components, tools and equipment, beneficiary premises, intellectual property and personal data, certificates, diplomas and other relevant documents. 8.5.4 Preservation The organization shall preserve the outputs during production and service provision, to the extent necessary to ensure conformity to requirements. 8.5.5 Protection and transparency of learners’ data The organization shall establish a method to deal with the protection and transparency of learners’ data and maintain it as documented information. The method shall establish: a) what learner data are collected, and how and where they are processed and stored; c) under which conditions learner data may be shared with third parties; b) who has access to the data; d) how long the data are stored for. The organization shall only collect and share learners’ data with their explicit consent. The organization shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that learners' data can only be accessed by authorized persons. Technological protection measures shall be validated. The organization shall give learners and other interested parties access to their own data. 8.5.6 Control of changes in the educational products and services The organization shall review and control changes for production or service provision, to the extent necessary to ensure continuing conformity with the requirements. The organization shall retain documented information describing the results of the review of changes, the person(s) authorizing the change, and any necessary actions arising from the review. 8.6 Release of the educational products and services The release of products and services to learners and other beneficiaries shall not proceed until the planned arrangements have been satisfactorily completed, unless otherwise approved by a relevant authority and, as applicable, by the learner and other beneficiaries. The organization shall retain documented information on the release of products and services. The documented information shall include: a) evidence of conformity with the acceptance criteria; © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 29 University of Toronto User. The organization should give learners and other interested parties access to their own data, and the ability to correct or update their own data. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) b) traceability to the person(s) authorizing the release. NOTE In an educational context, the release of products and services can occur during different phases. For example, a book to support the educational service can be released before the delivery of the service; a class, an assessment or a grade can be provided during the service delivery; the re-issue of a diploma can occur long after the service was delivered. 8.7 Control of the educational nonconforming outputs 8.7.1 The organization shall ensure that outputs that do not conform to their requirements are identified and controlled to prevent their unintended use or delivery. The organization shall take appropriate action based on the nature of the nonconformity and its effect on the conformity of educational products and services. This shall also apply to nonconforming educational products and services detected after delivery of products, during or after the provision of services. 8.7.2 The organization shall deal with nonconforming outputs in one or more of the following ways: a) correction; c) informing the learners or other beneficiaries; b) segregation, containment, return or suspension of provision of products and services; d) obtaining authorization for acceptance under concession. Conformity to the requirements shall be verified when nonconforming outputs are corrected. 8.7.3 The organization shall retain documented information that: describes the delivery of the programmes; c) describes the actions taken; e) identifies the authority deciding the action in respect of the nonconformity. b) describes any non-conforming outputs; d) describes the concessions obtained; 9 Performance evaluation 9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation 9.1.1 General The organization shall determine: a) what needs to be monitored and measured; c) the acceptance criteria to be used; e) when the results from monitoring and measurement shall be analysed and evaluated. b) the methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation, as applicable, to ensure valid outcomes; d) when the monitoring and measuring shall be performed; 30 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. a) Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) The organization shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of the monitoring, measurement, analysis, evaluation and their results. The organization shall evaluate the educational organization performance and the effectiveness of the EOMS. People should be given an opportunity to critically review their own work in a reflective and constructive manner, as a contribution to their improvement. 9.1.2 Satisfaction of learners, other beneficiaries and staff Monitoring of satisfaction The organization shall monitor the satisfaction of learners, other beneficiaries and staff, as well as their perceptions of the degree to which their needs and expectations have been fulfilled. The organization shall determine the methods for obtaining, monitoring and reviewing, this information. NOTE 1 Examples of monitoring perceptions of learners, other beneficiaries and staff can include beneficiary surveys, beneficiary feedback on delivered products or services, meetings with beneficiaries, market-share analysis and responses. NOTE 2 When evaluating satisfaction, it is important to consider both negative (e.g. complaints, appeals) and positive (e.g. compliments) feedback. Handling of complaints and appeals The educational organization shall establish and maintain as documented information a method for handling complaints and appeals, and shall make this known to its interested parties (see 10.2). The method shall include specifications for: a) communicating the method to all relevant interested parties; c) tracking complaints and appeals; e) performing initial assessment of complaints and appeals; University of Toronto User. b) receiving complaints and appeals; d) acknowledging complaints and appeals; f) investigating the complaint and appeals; g) responding to the complaints and appeals; h) communicating the decision; i) closing complaints and appeals. The method shall ensure confidentiality of complainants and appellants and objectivity of investigators. The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of the complaints or appeals received, as well as of their resolution. NOTE 9.1.3 ISO 10002 provides guidelines for complaints handling in organizations. Other monitoring and measuring needs The organization shall ensure that the following feedback is requested from and made available as appropriate to relevant interested parties: a) feedback on the educational products and services; © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) 31 b) feedback on their effectiveness in achieving the agreed learning outcomes; c) feedback on the organization's influence on the community. The organization shall monitor the level of feedback obtained and take actions to increase it where it is not sufficient. NOTE Monitoring and measuring can include: — the content of the programme in the given discipline, ensuring that programme is up to date; — effectiveness of evaluation; — — — the workload, progression of learner and completion rates; learners' and other beneficiaries’ satisfaction in relation to the programme; learning environment and support services and their fitness for purpose. 9.1.4 a) Methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation The organization shall determine: the methods for obtaining, monitoring and reviewing information on performance; b) targets against which this performance will be measured. Annex E provides a list of methods and measures which can be used to measure performance. NOTE Performance targets can be expressed as key performance indicators The organization shall ensure that: the interested parties involved in or affected by the evaluation are identified; c) evaluation reports are transparent and clearly describe the educational products and services and their objectives, the findings, as well as the perspectives, methods and rationale used to interpret the findings; b) the persons conducting the evaluation are competent and objective; d) the context (e.g. learning environment) in which the educational service is provided is examined in enough detail to enable influences on the educational service to be identified. 9.1.5 Analysis and evaluation The organization shall analyse and evaluate appropriate data and information arising from monitoring and measurement. The results of analysis shall be used to evaluate: a) conformity of products and services; c) the degree of staff satisfaction; e) if planning has been implemented effectively; b) the degree of beneficiary satisfaction; d) the performance and effectiveness of the EOMS; f) the effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities; g) the performance of external providers; 32 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. a) Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) h) the need for improvements to the educational organization management system. NOTE Methods to analyse data can include qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed-method techniques. 9.2 Internal audit 9.2.1 The organization shall conduct internal audits at planned intervals to provide information on whether the EOMS: a) conforms to: 1) the organization’s own requirements for its EOMS; 2) the requirements of this document; b) is effectively implemented and maintained. 9.2.2 a) The organization shall: plan, establish, implement and maintain an audit programme(s), including the frequency, methods, responsibilities, planning requirements and reporting, which shall take into consideration the EOMS's objectives, the importance of the processes concerned, feedback from relevant interested parties, and the results of previous audits; b) define the audit criteria and scope for each audit; c) select auditors and conduct audits to ensure objectivity and the impartiality of the audit process; e) identify opportunities for improvement; d) ensure that the results of the audits are reported to relevant management; f) take appropriate correction and corrective actions without undue delay; Auditors shall not audit their own work. NOTE ISO 19011 provides further guidance. 9.3 Management review 9.3.1 General Top management shall review the organization's EOMS and the strategy, at planned intervals, at least once per year, and update them accordingly to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 9.3.2 Management review inputs The management review shall include consideration of: a) the status of actions from previous management reviews; c) information on the EOMS performance and effectiveness, including trends in: b) changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the EOMS; 1) learner and other beneficiary satisfaction and feedback related to learner and other beneficiary requirements; © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 33 University of Toronto User. g) retain documented information as evidence of the planning and implementation of the audit programme and the audit results. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) 2) the extent to which objectives have been met; 3) process performance and conformity of products and services; 4) nonconformities and corrective actions; 5) monitoring and measurement results; 6) audit results; 7) the performance of external providers; 8) formative and summative assessment outcomes; d) the adequacy of resources; e) f) the effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities (see 6.1); opportunities for continual improvement; g) staff feedback related to activities to enhance their competence. 9.3.3 Management review outputs The outputs of the management review shall include decisions related to: a) continual improvement opportunities; c) resource needs. b) any need for changes to the EOMS; The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of the results of management reviews. 10 Improvement University of Toronto User. 10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action 10.1.1 When a nonconformity occurs, the organization shall: a) react to the nonconformity, and as applicable: 1) take action to control and correct it; 2) deal with the consequences; b) evaluate the need for action to eliminate the causes of the nonconformity, in order that it does not recur or occur elsewhere, by: 1) reviewing the nonconformity; 2) determining the causes of the nonconformity; c) 3) determining if similar nonconformities exist, or could potentially occur; implement any action needed; d) review the effectiveness of any corrective action taken; e) 34 Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) make changes to the EOMS, if necessary. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved Corrective actions shall be appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities encountered. 10.1.2 The educational organization shall retain documented information as evidence of: a) the nature of the nonconformities and any subsequent actions taken, and b) the results of any corrective action. 10.2 Continual improvement The organization shall continually improve the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the EOMS, taking into account relevant research and best practices. The organization shall consider the results of analysis and evaluation, and the outputs from management review, to determine if there are needs or opportunities that shall be addressed as part of continual improvement. 10.3 Opportunities for improvement The organization shall determine and select opportunities for improvement and implement any necessary actions to meet learner and other beneficiary requirements and enhance satisfaction of learners, other beneficiaries, staff and other relevant interested parties, including external providers. These shall include: a) improving products and services to meet requirements as well as to address future needs and expectations; c) improving the performance and effectiveness of the EOMS. b) correcting, preventing or reducing undesired effects; © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 35 University of Toronto User. NOTE Improvements can include correction, corrective action, continuous improvement, sudden change, innovation and reorganization. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) Annex A (normative) Additional requirements for early childhood education A.1 General In this document, early childhood education (ECE) is understood to be education occurring at Level 0 of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED). ECE is an educational level with its own identity. The main objective in this educational level is to contribute to the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of children. A.2 Principles The organization should respect children’s rights in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The organization shall foster play, autonomy, affection, cooperation, creativity, joy and self-confidence amongst ECE children. A.3 Facilities Facilities established by the organization shall include: learning resources for ECE; c) facilities for day care. b) facilities for play; Where an educational organization offers education at ISCED 1 or higher as well as ECE, it should provide a separate space, dedicated educator, teaching and learning resources for ECE. A.4 Competence The organization shall provide educators specialized training in ECE, as appropriate. A.5 Communication The organization shall establish a method for communication with parents, educators and guardians where the flow of information and control of child safety are ensured. A.6 Individual learning plans The organization shall elaborate individual plans in accordance with the evaluation of needs and expectations of the child and its family, and considering the group of children as a whole. These plans shall be elaborated at regular intervals and be maintained as documented information. The organization shall appoint responsible people for the elaboration, implementation, coordination, evaluation and review of individual plans. 36 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. a) Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) The individual plans shall include: a) general and specific objectives and respective indicators; c) identification, scope of participation and responsibility of everyone involved in the implementation of the individual plans (e.g. child, family, staff, partners); e) identification of the associated risks and actions to address them; b) identification of activities, strategies and resources needed for the learner to achieve the defined objectives; d) deadline for the implementation of the activities defined; f) identification of evaluation/review intervals of the individual plans. The organization shall involve the child and its family in the elaboration of the individual plan. The results of the evaluation and review of individual plans shall be retained as documented information. A.7 Reception and delivery of the child The organization shall establish and implement a process for the reception and delivery of the child and retain documented information regarding these activities. A.7.1 Reception of the child The organization shall: a) appoint a person responsible for the reception of the child and a location for this activity to take place; b) promote the exchange of information between the appointed person and the family of the child. A.7.2 Delivery of the child a) appoint a person responsible for the delivery of the child and a location for this activity to take place; c) ensure that the child is only delivered to authorized people; e) define the hygiene conditions in which the child should be delivered to authorized people. b) promote the exchange of information between the appointed person and the family of the child; d) define the rules for exceptional situations where the child needs to be delivered to people not identified as authorized to do so on the child’s individual file; A.8 Hygiene care The organization shall: a) define the hygiene care adequate to each child’s individual needs; c) ensure each child has individual resources for personal hygiene; b) promote the progressive autonomy of the child regarding personal hygiene; d) retain documented information regarding personal hygiene and care activities of each child. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 37 University of Toronto User. The organization shall: Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) A.9 Care in situation of illness or accident The organization shall define the way of acting in situations of child illness or accident and shall retain documented information regarding these situations. The educational organization shall define the rules for administration of medicine to the child. This activity shall be supported by a mandate signed by the child’s parents or other authorized persons, and with a physician’s prescription where required. Any medicines shall be identified and safely handled and stored. The organization shall retain documented information regarding the medicines administered, including dose, presentation, administration route and time of administration. A.10 Pedagogical-playful materials, equipment and spaces The pedagogical-playful materials, equipment and spaces shall be suitable to the children’s age and situation. The organization shall define the frequency, method and people adequate to ensure the hygiene of each of these materials, equipment and spaces. The organization shall maintain documented information regarding hygiene activities regarding materials, equipment and spaces. A.11 Behaviour management and prevention of child abuse and negligence The educational organization shall establish and maintain documented information on how to manage child behaviour and to promote the child’s overall wellbeing, including: actions to prevent child abuse and negligence, either by staff or peers; c) actions to deal with the identified issues on child abuse or negligence, either within the educational organization or at home, including a methodology to report to the relevant authorities. b) identification of issues related with child abuse and negligence; NOTE 1 NOTE 2 38 Child abuse and negligence can include physical or psychological violence. The EOMS can promote awareness on the prevention of child abuse and negligence. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. a) Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) Annex B (informative) Principles for an EOMS B.1 Focus on learners and other beneficiaries B.1.1 Statement The primary focus of the EOMS is to meet learner and other beneficiary requirements and to exceed their expectations. Educational organizations should actively engage learners in their own learning, with consideration of the community needs, educational organization vision and mission, and course objectives and outcomes. B.1.2 Rationale Sustained success is achieved when an educational organization can address the requirements of every learner, while at the same time attracting and retaining the confidence of other beneficiaries such as employers, parents and governments. Successful organizations work to ensure that every learner performs to their highest potential. Every activity conducted with an educational organization provides an opportunity to create more value for learners and the other beneficiaries. Understanding current and future needs of learners and other beneficiaries contributes to the sustained success of the organization. B.1.3 Key benefits University of Toronto User. Some potential key benefits are: — increased value for learners and other beneficiaries; — increased ability to respond to demands of interested parties; — increased satisfaction of learners and other beneficiaries; — enhanced reputation of the organization; — improved learner motivation and engagement; — improved acquisition and development of competences; — wider access to education for learners with different learning styles, with different needs, and from different backgrounds; — enhanced learner personal development, initiatives and creativity. B.1.4 Possible actions Possible actions include: — understand the current and future needs and expectations of learners and other beneficiaries; — link the organization’s objectives to the needs and expectations of learners and other beneficiaries; © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) 39 — communicate needs and expectations of learners and other beneficiaries throughout the organization; — plan, design, develop, produce, deliver and support educational products and services to meet the needs and expectations of learners and other beneficiaries; — measure and monitor learner and other beneficiary satisfaction and take appropriate actions; — actively manage relationships with beneficiaries to achieve sustained success; — breakdown educational services into modular offerings, with the learner being able to choose their own path; — offer courses in a number of different modalities, such as full-time, part-time and via e-learning; — create an organizational curricular policy that emphasizes active-learning; — create collaborative spaces in facilities; — train staff in learning centred learning; — create a structure for experimenting with and implementing new curricular techniques. B.2 Visionary leadership B.2.1 Statement Visionary leadership is to engage all learners and other beneficiaries in creating, writing, and implementing the organization mission, vision and objectives. B.2.2 Rationale B.2.3 Key benefits Some potential key benefits are: — increased effectiveness and efficiency in meeting the educational organization objectives; — better coordination of the organization’s processes; — improved communication between levels and functions of the organization; — alignment between the requirements of the people engaged by the organization and those served by it; — development and improvement of the capability of the organization and its people to deliver desired results. B.2.4 Possible actions Possible actions include: — communicate the organization’s mission, vision, strategy, policies and processes throughout the organization; 40 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. Creation of unity of purpose and the direction and engagement of people enable an organization to align its strategies, policies, processes and resources to achieve its objectives. Involvement of learners and other beneficiaries in the leadership ensures a continuous focus on their needs, and avoids a disconnect between people engaged by the organization and those served by it. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) — create and sustain shared values, fairness and ethical models for behaviour at all levels of the organization; — establish a culture of trust and integrity; — encourage an organization-wide commitment to quality; — ensure that leaders at all levels are positive examples to people in the organization; — provide people with the required resources, training and authority to act with accountability; — inspire, encourage and recognize the contribution of people; — ensure leaders have the competence to manage change. B.3 Engagement of people B.3.1 Statement It is essential for the organization that all involved people are competent, empowered and engaged in delivering value. B.3.2 Rationale In order to manage an organization effectively and efficiently, it is important to respect and involve all people at all levels. Recognition, empowerment and enhancement of competence facilitate the engagement of people in achieving the organization’s objectives. B.3.3 Key benefits Some potential key benefits are: — enhanced involvement of people in improvement activities; — enhanced personal development, initiatives and creativity; — enhanced people satisfaction; — enhanced trust and collaboration throughout the organization; — increased attention to shared values and culture throughout the organization. B.3.4 Possible actions Possible actions include: — communicate with people to promote understanding of the importance of their individual contribution; — promote collaboration throughout the organization; — facilitate open discussion and sharing of knowledge and experience; — empower people to determine constraints to performance and to take initiatives without fear; — recognize and acknowledge people’s contributions; — allocate resources for people to learn, improve and keep themselves updated; © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 41 University of Toronto User. — improved understanding of the organization’s objectives by people in the organization and increased motivation to achieve them; Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) — enable self-evaluation of performance against personal objectives; — conduct surveys to assess people’s satisfaction, communicate the results and take appropriate actions. B.4 Process approach B.4.1 Statement Consistent and predictable results are achieved more effectively and efficiently when activities are understood and managed as interrelated processes that function as a coherent system, including input and output. B.4.2 Rationale The EOMS consists of interrelated processes. Understanding how results are produced by this system enables an organization to optimize the system and its performance. B.4.3 Key benefits Some potential key benefits are: — enhanced ability to focus effort on key processes and opportunities for improvement; — consistent and predictable results through a system of aligned processes; — optimized performance through effective process management, efficient use of resources and reduced cross-functional barriers; — enabling the organization to provide confidence to interested parties related to its consistency, effectiveness and efficiency; B.4.4 Possible actions Possible actions include: — define objectives of the system and processes necessary to achieve them; — establish authority, responsibility and accountability for managing processes; — understand the organization’s capabilities and determine resource constraints prior to action; — determine process interdependencies and analyse the effect of modifications to individual processes on the system as a whole; — manage processes and their interrelations as a system to achieve the organization’s quality objectives effectively and efficiently; — ensure the necessary information is available to operate and improve the processes and to monitor, analyse and evaluate the performance of the overall system; — manage risks which can affect outputs of the processes and overall results of the EOMS. B.5 Improvement B.5.1 Statement Successful organizations have an ongoing focus on improvement. 42 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. — allowing the organization to demonstrate its compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) B.5.2 Rationale Improvement is essential for an organization to maintain current levels of performance, to react to changes in its internal and external conditions and to create new opportunities. B.5.3 Key benefits Some potential key benefits are: — improved process performance, organizational capability and customer satisfaction; — enhanced focus on root cause investigation and determination, followed by prevention and corrective actions; — enhanced ability to anticipate and react to internal and external risks and opportunities; — enhanced consideration of both incremental and breakthrough improvement; — improved use of learning for improvement; — enhanced drive for innovation. B.5.4 Possible actions Possible actions include: — promote establishment of improvement objectives at all levels of the organization; — educate and train people at all levels on how to apply basic tools and methodologies to achieve improvement objectives; — ensure people are competent to successfully promote and complete improvement projects; — develop and deploy processes to implement improvement projects throughout the organization; — integrate improvement considerations into development of new or modified products and services and processes; — recognize and acknowledge improvement. B.6 Evidence-based decisions B.6.1 Statement Decisions and curricula based on the analysis and evaluation of data and information are more likely to produce desired results. B.6.2 Rationale Decision-making can be a complex process and it always involves some uncertainty. It often involves multiple types and sources of inputs, as well as their interpretation, which can be subjective. It is important to understand cause and effect relationships and potential unintended consequences. Facts, evidence and data analysis lead to greater objectivity and confidence in decision making. In particular, decisions on which facts to teach have lasting consequences on learners and society. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 43 University of Toronto User. — track, review and audit the planning, implementation, completion and results of improvement projects; Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) B.6.3 Key benefits Some potential key benefits are: — improved decision-making processes; — improved assessment of process performance and ability to achieve objectives; — improved operational effectiveness and efficiency; — increased ability to review, challenge and change opinions and decisions; — increased ability to demonstrate the effectiveness of past decisions. B.6.4 Possible actions Possible actions include: — determine, measure and monitor key indicators to demonstrate the organization’s performance; — make all data needed available to the relevant people; — ensure data, information and learning resources are sufficiently accurate, reliable and secure; — analyse and evaluate data and information using suitable methods; — ensure people are competent to analyse and evaluate data as needed; — make decisions and take actions based on evidence, balanced with experience and intuition. B.7 Relationship management B.7.1 Statement B.7.2 Rationale Relevant interested parties influence the performance of an organization. Sustained success is more likely to be achieved when the organization manages relationships with all of its interested parties to optimize their impact on its performance. Relationship management with its provider and partner networks is of particular importance. B.7.3 Key benefits Some potential key benefits are: — enhanced performance of the organization and its relevant interested parties through responding to the opportunities and constraints related to each interested party; — common understanding of objectives and values among interested parties; — increased capability to create value for interested parties by sharing resources and competence and managing quality related risks; — a well-managed supply chain that provides a stable flow of products and services. 44 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. For sustained success, organizations manage their relationships with interested parties, such as providers. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) B.7.4 Possible actions Possible actions include: — determine relevant interested parties (see Annex C) and their relationship with the organization; — determine and prioritize interested party relationships that need to be managed; — establish relationships that balance short-term gains with long-term considerations; — gather and share information, expertise and resources with relevant interested parties; — measure performance and provide performance feedback to interested parties, as appropriate, to enhance improvement initiatives; — establish collaborative development and improvement activities with providers, partners and other interested parties; — encourage and recognize improvements and achievements by providers and partners. B.8 Social responsibility B.8.1 Statement Socially responsible organizations are sustainable and ensure long-term success. B.8.2 Rationale Based on the definition of social responsibility in ISO 26000, an educational organization is responsible for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society, economy and the environment, through transparency and ethical behaviour that: — takes into account the expectation of interested parties; — is in compliance with applicable law and consistent with international norms of behaviour; — is integrated throughout the organization and practices in its relationship. This implies the willing inclusion by business of social and environmental concerns in the commercial (economic) activities and their relation with their interested parties. B.8.3 Key benefits Some potential key benefits are: — improved reputation across society; — enhanced relationships with all interested parties; — cost-savings due to more responsible and efficient resource use; — improved risk-management due to sustainable practices; — ability to attract, retain and maintain satisfied staff. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 45 University of Toronto User. — contributes to sustainable development, including quality education for all, health and safety, as well as the welfare of society; Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) B.8.4 Possible actions Possible actions include: — raising awareness and building competence for social responsibility; — including in the organization's strategy a reference to the way in which it intends to apply social responsibility; — adopting written codes of conduct or ethics that specify the organization's commitment to social responsibility by translating the principles and values into statements on appropriate behaviour; — ensuring established management practices reflect and address the organization's social responsibility; — identifying the ways in which the principles of social responsibility and the core subjects and issues apply to the various parts of the organization; — taking account of social responsibility when conducting operations for the organization; — incorporating social responsibility into organizational functions and processes, such as purchasing and investment practices, human resources management. B.9 Accessibility and equity B.9.1 Statement Successful organizations are inclusive, flexible, transparent and accountable, in order to address learners’ individual and special needs, interests, abilities and backgrounds. B.9.2 Rationale B.9.3 Key benefits Some potential key benefits are: — wider pool of potential learners; — increased satisfaction from learners with special needs; — enhanced ability to meet the requirements of other beneficiaries; — a diverse learner population which through cross-fertilization of ideas improves innovation and learning. B.9.4 Possible actions Possible actions include: — introducing learning and learner-centred learning and teaching; — working with community organizations to improve attractiveness of educational products and services; — collecting data on access, participation and completion of learners with different backgrounds, and using this to empower decision-making; 46 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. Educational organizations need to ensure that the widest possible pool of people can have access to their educational products and services, subject to their constraints and resources. They also need to ensure that all learners can use and benefit from those products and services in an equitable manner. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) — providing cultural, linguistic, psychological, educational and other support to learners as necessary to aid their performance. NOTE Access to educational products and services implies that the same conditions will be applied to all persons seeking access to those products and services, even though not all persons who seek access will be granted it. B.10 Ethical conduct in education B.10.1 Statement Ethical conduct relates to the ability of the organization to create an ethical professional environment where all interested parties are dealt with equitably, conflicts of interest are avoided, and activities are conducted for the benefit of society. B.10.2 Rationale For sustained success, organizations need to project an image of integrity (honesty and fairness) in dealing with all interested parties. Staff of the organization should hold themselves up to the highest standards of professionalism in all their dealings. B.10.3 Key benefits Some potential key benefits are: — reduced losses from corrupt activities; — enhanced image of the organization; — improved staff motivation and morale; — enhanced relationships with all interested parties; B.10.4 Possible actions Possible actions include: — institute an organizational ethical conduct policy, to which all members of the organization subscribe; — align all policies with ethical principles; — include ethics as a management review input; — follow ethical guidelines for research and implement appropriate structures to do so; — awareness sessions on benefits of ethical conduct; — institute a system of discipline for breaking ethical conduct rules; — encourage staff to report unethical conduct to managers; — institute measures for avoiding bribery and conflicts of interest. NOTE ISO 37001 provides further information on anti-bribery. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 47 University of Toronto User. — ensure integrity of research process and results. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) B.11 Data security and protection B.11.1 Statement The organization creates an environment where all interested parties can interact with the educational organization in full confidence that they maintain control over the use of their own data, and that the educational organization will treat their data with appropriate care and confidentiality. B.11.2 Rationale Successful organizations will create confidence by ensuring confidentiality, integrity and availability of data by identifying threats and vulnerabilities of their activities, and setting controls to prevent and mitigate those threats and vulnerabilities. B.11.3 Key benefits Some potential key benefits are: — protecting documented information from deletion or unauthorized modification or deletion; — preventing losses due to need to reinstate deleted data; — gaining confidence from learners and other interested parties, due to clear disclosure policies; — enhanced evidence-based decision making, due to confidence in data sources; — ease of retrieval of information when needed; — improved response to emergency situations. B.11.4 Possible actions Possible actions include: — establishing, implementing and maintaining rules regarding confidentiality, integrity and availability of data; — publish clear policies to interested parties as to how the organization handles their data; — establish multi-stage backup systems, continued availability systems and recovery systems for data; — identify threats and vulnerabilities regarding data security and establish controls to mitigate them; — educate learners, staff and other interested parties as to how to ensure data privacy and security, as well as on how to avoid potential threats to data security and how to mitigate these. NOTE 48 ISO/IEC 20000 and ISO/IEC 27001 provide further guidance on data security. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. — establishing, implementing and maintaining a data security policy which outlines roles, responsibilities and authorities with respect to data security; Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved Figure C.1 — Typology of interested parties Figure C.1 gives a classification of interested parties in educational organizations. 49 Classification of interested parties in educational organizations Annex C (informative) ISO 21001:2018(E) Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. University of Toronto User. In the examples in Figure C.1: — students/pupils include any learner building and developing competence at the educational organization; — apprentices include learners receiving instruction in the context of the workplace; — government include ministries of education, public regulatory authorities and regional authorities; — labour market includes employers, employer-representatives and unions; — parents and guardians include all persons who can make decisions on behalf of learners; — employees include permanent, temporary staff and externally contracted persons who hold a position within the organization; — volunteers include persons who provide a service to the educational organization without monetary recompense (e.g. persons serving on committees, visiting speakers); — educational organizations include both competitors as well as collaborating organizations; — media and society include those with a tangential interest in the educational organization; — external providers include suppliers and other external organizations providing outsourced services; — shareholders include owners of shares in organizations and sole owners; — commercial partners include sponsors and enterprises who jointly offer a course; — alumni include former students or pupils of an educational organization. Educators can be employees, volunteers or external providers. Interested parties can hold more than one type of relationship with an educational organization. 50 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. EXAMPLE A doctoral student within an organization can be a beneficiary of that organization as a learner, while at the same time be an employee as a teaching-assistant or researcher. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) Annex D (informative) Guidelines for communication with interested parties D.1 General This annex provides guidance on the implementation of 7.4 in organizations. D.2 Levels of engagement In determining what to communicate, with whom, the organization may embark upon an analysis of interested parties, so as to determine the level of interest of various interested parties in the activity of the organization, as well as the organization's interest in communicating with them, in line with its policy. Table D.1 presents an example of an analysis of interested parties based upon several different types of educational organizations. Table D.1 — Sample analysis of levels of interest and participation of interested parties in different types of educational organizations Categories Interested parties Learners Secondary University/college Vocational, including professional higher education and apprenticeships Continuing education (adult education) Tutoring, coaching and mentoring Parents Govern- Exter- Suppliand ment nal proers guardividers ans HC HR HI HI HC HR HI HI HI HR HR HI HI HI LC HR HR N MI HC HI N N HC HC MC Level of interest: High (H); Medium (M); Low(L); None (N) MC M Ch Labour Competmarket itors LC H Ch LC H Ch M Ch HC H Ch HI H Ch MC M Ch M Ch H1 M Ch N N N N N L Ch MC L H Ch M Ch MC MC MC M Ch Level of participation: Involved (I); Consulted (C); Represented (R); Checked (Ch) These categories can be interpreted differently in different national contexts. D.3 Methods of engagement and communications D.3.1 General The method of communication depends on the objective of communication. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 51 University of Toronto User. Pre-primary Primary Staff Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) D.3.2 Communications for obtaining the position, opinion or consent of interested parties The organization can establish different levels of participation for different interested parties. These can include, as appropriate: a) involvement: the interested parties participate in the process directly; EXAMPLE 1 Parents and guardians can participate directly in the delivery of pre-primary activities within the organization. EXAMPLE 2 Industry organizations can be involved directly in the provision of higher education through the supply of places for internships. b) representation: nominated or appointed representatives of the interested parties participate in the process directly; EXAMPLE 1 c) EXAMPLE 2 organization. Representatives of learners can be elected to university governing boards by the learner body. Staff can be chosen by a union to represent the interests on the board of an educational consultation: interested parties are consulted on the process, but do not participate in it; EXAMPLE 1 EXAMPLE 2 a course. External providers can be consulted on the design of books, other educational materials. Employers can be consulted as to their skill requirements, before the organization designs d) checking: the organization takes note of the position of the interested parties, but does not consult, represent or involve them. EXAMPLE 1 Competitors can be checked before announcing a new programme or amending an existing one. EXAMPLE 2 The prices of various suppliers can be checked before deciding on a fee structure by the educational organization. 52 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. Methods of communication can include, but are not limited to, those indicated in Figure D.1. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) Figure D.1 — Potential methods of communication for obtaining the position, opinion or consent of interested parties D.3.3 Communications for conveying relevant, accurate and timely information to interested parties a) generic communications: the communications are directed at all interested parties and/or the general public; c) personalized communications: communication happens as a two-way process between the organization and specific interested parties. b) targeted communications: the communications are directed at specific groups of interested parties; Methods of communication can include, but are not limited to, those indicated in Figure D.2. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 53 University of Toronto User. The organization can establish different communication methodologies depending upon the interested parties being targeted. These should include, as appropriate: Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) Figure D.2 — Potential methods of communication for conveying relevant, accurate and timely information to interested parties D.4 Frequency of communication with interested parties a) before introducing any new programmes or new products and services; c) on a regular basis as agreed with interested parties or as set by the communication method; b) immediately after any changes are approved or issued that can have an impact on the interested parties; d) following any complaints by interested parties. D.5 Receipt and handling feedback from interested parties The organization should assign a function to receive and record communication from interested parties. The method of recording should indicate: — the identity of the sender (unless anonymous); — the date of receipt of the communication; — the subject of the feedback; — the need to act or not on the feedback; 54 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. The organization can define the frequency of communication with the interested parties. Consideration can be given to the following factors when determining the frequency of communication: Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) — the concerned person(s) in the organization that needs to act on the feedback; — the deadline for answering the interested parties, if needed. D.6 Review of impact of feedback from interested parties on the management system Following a review of the feedback, the person(s) concerned should take action as required and make any necessary improvements to the EOMS. Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) University of Toronto User. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 55 Annex E (informative) Processes, measures and tools in educational organizations E.1 Processes Processes in educational organizations can include those for: — providing adequate resources; — recruiting, selecting and registering applicants; — managing and maintaining the necessary educational infrastructure (including classrooms, laboratories, study-spaces, libraries); — scheduling, designing, managing and evaluating courses; — evaluation of staff performance; — evaluation of learners' performance; — internal and external communications; — corrective and preventive actions; — recruitment of staff; — continuing professional development of staff; University of Toronto User. — management review; — security, health and safety compliance; — publication of educational materials (including books, journal articles); — conforming to requirements for accreditation; — informing relevant parties of changes to policy, strategy or instruction; — retaining documented information; — issuing and securing recognition of learning achieved and accessed as documented information; — responding to feedback, queries and complaints from interested parties; — operating learner support and orientation systems; — complaints appeals and anti-discrimination; — information collection and analysis on: — learner demographics; — course participation, retention, completion; — destination of learners after studies; 56 — learner satisfaction; Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved — learner performance; — publication of course information. E.2 Measures Educational organizations can implement measures for: — dropout rate; — literacy rate; — learner satisfaction; — attendance and/or engagement rate of learners; — satisfaction of other beneficiaries; — graduation rate (as percentage of original admissions); — length of time for completion of programme; — job placement rate at specified intervals after graduations; — overall level of qualification of staff; — publication and research output of staff; — number of hours of continuing professional development; — percentage of accredited programmes; — number of complaints; — assessment pass rate; University of Toronto User. — ratio of administrative to research to teaching staff; — overall inward investment (by source); — degree of achievement of learning outcomes. E.3 Tools Tools for evaluation in educational organizations can include: — cost analysis; — satisfaction surveys; — suggestion schemes; — complaint and appeal systems; — impact evaluation; — needs analysis; — statistical data analysis; — focus groups; — self-assessment; © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) 57 University of Toronto User. 58 — quality methodologies (e.g. TQM, Lean Six Sigma, Kaizen). — brainstorming; — SWOT; — boards and committees to analyse performance; — peer assessment; ISO 21001:2018(E) © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. Annex F (informative) Example of mapping to regional standards Tables F.1 and F.2 illustrate how to map this document to other regional standards in the field of education, taking as an example a mapping to the European Quality Assurance Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET). Table F.1 — Requirements matrix: EQAVET – ISO 21001 EQAVET ISO 21001 P1 4.1; 5.1.1 b); 5.2.1 b); 8.2.1 c) P2 4.2 b); 4.3; 5.2.1 i); 7.4.2 a); 8.2.1 a); 8.2.2; 9.1. 4 P5 7.1.6; 7.4.2 a) P3 P4 P6 4.4.1 c); 6.2.1;; 8.1.1 4.4.1 e); 5.3; 7.1.2; 8.3.2 e) 5.2.2; 5.3; 6.2.1 f); 7.3; 7.4.2 b) P7 4.2 b); 4.3; 5.1.1 h); 5.2.1 i); 7.4.2 a); 8.2.2; 9.1.4 P10; 8.1.1; 8.3.2 j); 9.1.4; 9.1.5 P8 P9 I1 I2 I4 I5 I6 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 R1 R2 R3 R4 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 4.4.1 g); 9.3.2; 9.3.3; 10.2; 10.3 4.4.1 d); 5.1.1 e); 6.2.2 b); 7.1.1; 7.1.2; 7.1.3; 7.1.4; 8.3.2 f); c); 8.2.2 e); 8.5.1 b); 9.3.2 d); 9.3.3 c) b); 7.2 b); 7.2 7.1.6 6.3; 9.3.3; 10.2; 10.3; 8.1.1; 8.5.1 c); 9.1.4; 9.1.5 6.1.1 c);; 8.1.1;;; 8.3.5; 8.5.1; 8.7; 8.4.1; 8.4.2; 9.1.1 9.1.3; 9.1.4; 9.1.5 9.1.1; 9.1.3 9.1.1; 9.3.2 c)1); 9.3.2 g) 7.4 9.1.1;; 9.2.2 a) 8.5.6 9.2.2 a); 9.3.2; 9.3.3; 10.2; 10.3 8.5.6; 9.3.1 59 University of Toronto User. I3 4.2 b); 4.3; 7.4.2 a); 8.3.2 h); 8.2.2 Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) Table F.2 — Requirements matrix: ISO 21001 - EQAVET ISO 21001 EQAVET 4.1 P1 4.2 b) 4.3 P2, P7, P8 4.4.1 e) P4 4.4.1 c) 4.4.1 d) P3 I1 4.4.1 g) P9 5.1.1 h) P7 5.1.1 b) 5.1.1 e) 5.2.1 b) 5.2.1 i) 5.2.2 5.3 6.1.1 c) 6.2.1 6.2.1 f) 6.2.2 b) 6.3 7.1.1 b) P1 I1 P1 P2, P7 P6 P4, P6 A1 P3 P6 I1 I5 I1 I2, I3 P4, I1 P3, P10, I6, A1 7.3 P6 7.1.4 7.1.6 7.2 7.4 7.4.2 a) 7.4.2 b) 8.1.1 8.2.1 a) 8.2.1 c) 8.2.2 8.2.2 e) 8.3.2 e) 8.3.2 f) 8.3.2 h) I1 I1 P5, I4 I2, I3 R1 P2, P5, P7, P8 P6 P3, P10, I6, A1 P2 P1 P2, P7, P8 I1 P4 I1 P8 8.3.2 j) P10 c) I1 8.3.5 A1 A1 A1 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. 7.1.2 7.1.3 60 P2, P7, P8 Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) Table F.2 (continued) ISO 21001 8.4.1 8.4.2 EQAVET A1 A1 8.5.1 A1 8.5.1 b) I1 8.5.1 c) I6 8.5.6 R3, R4 8.7 A1 9.1.1 A1, A3, A4, R2 9.1.4 P2, P7, P10, I6, A2 9.3.1 R4 9.1.3 9.1.5 9.2.2 a) 9.3.2 9.3.2 c)1) 9.3.2 d) 9.3.2 g) A5, R2 A2, A3 P10, I6, A2 R2, R3 P9, R3 A5 I1 A5 9.3.3 P9, I5, R3 10.3 P9, I5, R3 9.3.3 c) 10.2 I1 P9, I5, R3 Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) University of Toronto User. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 61 Annex G (informative) Health and safety considerations for educational organizations The issue of health and safety is particularly relevant as more and more educational organizations are developing partnerships with industry and government to provide experiential learning, internships, service learning, study abroad, and work-related experiences. These are important learning experiences that broaden and deepen learning and help to bridge theory and practice. Educational organizations can consider: — communicating with and providing opportunities for the staff, learners and other beneficiaries to exercise their rights and to assume their responsibilities with respect to health and safety; — adopting safe working, teaching and learning methods and techniques that take hazards and risks into account by setting up prevention measures to eliminate or mitigate them; — monitoring and adapting by encouraging the participation of interested parties in the various prevention strategies that are put in place. Educational organizations can also consider how they will ensure the health and safety (including physical and psychological integrity) of educational organization staff, learners, and other beneficiaries during teaching and learning activities through: — adoption of safe working methods and techniques; — identification of sources of hazards, assessment of risks and use of prevention measures to eliminate or mitigate them; — allowing opportunities for employers, as well as for staff, learners, and other beneficiaries, to exercise their rights and to assume their responsibilities with respect to health and safety; — providing control mechanisms to ensure the proper assessment of health and safety processes; — provision of opportunities for involvement in, and feedback regarding, the various prevention strategies implemented. 62 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. — adoption of practices that reduce health and safety risks for educational organization work, learning and teaching situations; Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) Bibliography [1] ISO 9000:2015, Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary [3] ISO 9241-11:19981), Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) — Part 11: Guidance on usability [5] ISO/TS 13131:2014, Health informatics — Telehealth services — Quality planning guidelines [2] [4] [6] [7] ISO 9001, Quality management systems — Requirements ISO 10002, Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations ISO/IEC 15944-1:2011, Information technology — Business operational view — Part 1: Operational aspects of open-edi for implementation ISO 15836 (all parts), Information and documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element set ISO/IEC/TS 17027:2014, Conformity assessment — Vocabulary related to competence of persons used for certification of persons [10] ISO/IEC 19788 (all parts), Information technology — Learning, education and training — Metadata for learning resources [12] ISO 26000:2010, Guidance on social responsibility [14] ISO 29990, Learning services for non-formal education and training — Basic requirements for service providers [9] [11] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] ISO 19011, Guidelines for auditing management systems ISO/IEC 20000 (all parts), Information technology — Service management ISO/IEC 27001, Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Requirements ISO 37001, Anti-bribery management systems — Requirements with guidance for use Casey K.M.A., & Shore B.M. Roeper Review, 2000, Mentors' Contributions to Gifted Adolescents' Affective, Social, and Vocational Development. Vol. 22 Issue 4, pp. 227-230 https://help.ebsco.com/ http://education.jhu.edu/ UNESCO. 2011, International Standard Classification for Education. Retrieved 2018 February 20 from http://uis.unesco.org/en/topic/international-standard-classification-education-isced [20] UNIQUE Guidelines, 2011 [22] Ministry of Education. 2013, An introduction to special needs education in Ontario. Retrieved 2018 February 20 from http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/general/elemsec/speced/ontario.html [21] [23] University of Guelph, 2003, Universal Instructional Design. Retrieved 2018 February 20 from http://opened.uoguelph.ca/student-resources/universal-instructional-design W3C, 2008, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. Retrieved 2015 September 21 from http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/ 1) Cancelled and replaced by ISO 9241-11:2018. © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved 63 University of Toronto User. [8] Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted. ISO 21001:2018(E) Price based on 63 pages © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved University of Toronto User. ICS 03.100.70; 03.180 ISO 21001:2018(E) Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2019-06-29 10:39:39 +0000 by No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.