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Pittsburgh Technology Strategy

Pittsburgh Technology Strategy November 2006 by Perry Wong, Benjamin Yeo and Ross DeVol Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Research Report Presented to The Greater Oakland Keystone Innovation Zone Completed by Milken Institute By Perry Wong Benjamin Yeo Ross DeVol 1250 Fourth Street, Santa Monica, California 90401 www.milkeninstitute.org NOVEMBER 2006 Acknowledgements The Milken Institute would like to acknowledge the support of the Greater Oakland Keystone Innovation Zone in providing the assistance and support to this project, without which this project would not have become a reality. We are especially grateful to Don Smith and Timothy White for their comments and advice throughout the course of the project. In addition, we would like to thank our colleagues for their assistance in various ways. Of note, the contributions of Dinah McNichols, editor, and Armen Bedroussian, senior research analyst, deserve considerable recognition. Cover photographs of “New Technology,” “Point at Dusk,” and “Duquesne Incline” are reprinted with permission from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The cover photograph of the Mellon Institute is reprinted with permission from the Department of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University. The Milken Institute is an independent economic think tank whose mission is to improve the lives and economic conditions of diverse populations in the U.S. and around the world by helping business and public policy leaders identify and implement innovative ideas for creating broad-based prosperity. We put research to work with the goal of revitalizing regions and inding new ways to generate capital for people with original ideas. We do this by focusing on human capital – the talent, knowledge and experience of people, and their value to organizations, economies and society; financial capital – innovations that allocate inancial resources eficiently, especially to those who ordinarily would not have access to it, but who can best use it to build companies, create jobs and solve long-standing social and economic problems; and social capital – the bonds of society, including schools, health care, cultural institutions and government services, that underlie economic advancement. By creating ways to spread the beneits of human, inancial and social capital to as many people as possible – the democratization of capital – we hope to contribute to prosperity and freedom in all corners of the globe. We are nonproit, nonpartisan and publicly supported. © 2006 Milken Institute Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Table of Contents Executive Summary ...................................................................................................1 SWOT Analysis .........................................................................................................5 Introduction...........................................................................................................5 Pittsburgh MSA .....................................................................................................5 Project Objectives ..................................................................................................6 Summary of Analysis .................................................................................................6 Knowledge-Base Analysis .........................................................................................12 1. Innovation Pipeline ..........................................................................................12 2. Education Infrastructure..................................................................................23 3. Business Climate ..............................................................................................25 Industry Analysis .....................................................................................................30 1. Industry Development Capacity .......................................................................30 2. Industry Concentration....................................................................................37 3. Industry Productivity .......................................................................................39 Pittsburgh Industry Cuts..........................................................................................44 High-Tech Sector Strengths .................................................................................51 High-Tech Sector Weaknesses ..............................................................................51 High-Tech Sector Opportunities ..........................................................................52 High-Tech Sector Threats ....................................................................................52 Summary of Industry Cuts ..................................................................................53 Regional Economic Overview ..................................................................................56 Potential Areas of Focus for the Above Assessment ..............................................56 Kick-Start the Business Environment ...................................................................56 Attract and Retain Talent ....................................................................................60 Boost Knowledge-Base Incubation .......................................................................62 Assessment Summary ...........................................................................................64 Brief Recommendations .......................................................................................65 Appendix A: Definition of High-Tech Manufacturing .............................................67 Appendix B: Definition of High-Tech Services ........................................................68 Appendix C: Data Sources .......................................................................................69 Appendix D: Top 100 Performing Metros 1999–2001 .............................................70 Appendix D: Top 100 Performing Metros 2002–2003 ............................................72 Appendix D: Top 100 Performing Metros 2004–2005 ............................................74 Appendix E: Miscellaneous Charts ..........................................................................76 About the Authors....................................................................................................96 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute List of Tables Table 1: Tabulated Summary of High-Tech Economy — Human Resources ....................................7 Table 2: Tabulated Summary of High-Tech Economy — Performance .............................................7 Table 3: Milken Institute Tech Pole Index, 2003...............................................................................8 Table 4: Milken Institute Ranks of Best Performing MSAs, 1999–2005 ...........................................9 Table 5: Ranked MSAs by Job Growth Rate (Non-Farm Employment), 1990–2002 ...................... 10 Table 6: Fortune 500 Companies in Pittsburgh .............................................................................. 11 Table 7: Innovation Pipeline — Summary of Strengths and Weaknesses ........................................ 12 Table 8: Education Infrastructure — Summary of Strengths and Weaknesses ................................23 Table 9: Business Climate — Summary of Strengths and Weaknesses ............................................ 25 Table 10: Cost of Living and Cost of Doing Business by MSA........................................................ 25 Table 11: Industry Development Capacity — Summary of Strengths and Weaknesses ...................30 Table 12: Industry Concentration — Summary of Strengths and Weaknesses ................................ 37 Table 13: Industry Productivity — Summary of Strengths and Weaknesses ...................................40 Table 14: National Rankings of Overall GDP, 2004 .......................................................................40 Table 15: National Rankings of High-Tech GDP, 2004 .................................................................. 41 Table 16: National Rankings of Overall Productivity, 2004 ............................................................ 41 Table 17: National Rankings of High-Tech Productivity, 2004 .......................................................42 Table 18: Pittsburgh Industry Cuts SWOT Summary ....................................................................48 Table 19: Key Recommendations for High-Tech Manufacturing Sectors ........................................54 Table 20: Key Recommendations for High-Tech Services Sectors ................................................... 55 Table 21: Combined State and Local Tax Burden by State, 2005 .................................................... 58 Table 22: Qualitative SWOT Assessment — Strengths and Weaknesses.........................................64 Table 23: Qualitative SWOT Assessment — Opportunities and Threats........................................ 65 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute List of Figures Figure 1: MSA Total Publications, 1998–2002 ............................................................................... 13 Figure 2: Total Patents Filed and Issued at Universities, 1996–2003 ............................................... 13 Figure 3: Annual Patents Issuance Rate by Universities, 1996–2003 ............................................... 14 Figure 4: Annual Patents Filed by Universities ................................................................................ 14 Figure 5: Annual Patents Issued to Universities ............................................................................... 15 Figure 6: University R&D Expenditure, 1996–2003 ($Billions) ..................................................... 15 Figure 7: Average Patents Issued per $10 million R&D Expenditure ............................................... 16 Figure 8: Average Licenses Executed per $10 million R&D Expenditure ........................................ 16 Figure 9: University VC Startups, 1996–2003 ................................................................................ 17 Figure 10: Average University VC Startups per $10 million R&D Expenditure .............................. 17 Figure 11: University-Based and Corporate R&D Assets (Standardized Scores) .............................. 18 Figure 12: High-Tech Location Quotients, 2004 ............................................................................ 19 Figure 13: High-Tech LQ Trends, 1990–2004 ................................................................................ 19 Figure 14: Number of VC Investments, 1990–2005........................................................................20 Figure 15: Sum of VC Investments, 1990–2005 ($Billions).............................................................20 Figure 16: Average Investment Dollars per Initial Stage Deal ($Millions) ....................................... 21 Figure 17: Average VC Investment Size per Year, 1990-2005 ($Millions) ........................................ 21 Figure 18: Average Investment Dollars at Early Stages per Year ($Millions) ....................................22 Figure 19: Average VC Investment Dollars per Investor by Year ($Millions) ...................................22 Figure 20: Types of Sci./Eng. Degrees Awarded (Standardized) ......................................................23 Figure 21: Number of Accreditations, 2004 ....................................................................................24 Figure 22: Faculty per 100 Students, 2003–2004 ...........................................................................24 Figure 23: Total Wages Disbursed per Worker ($Thousands) .........................................................26 Figure 24: Total Wages per Worker Indexed Growth, 1990–2004 ..................................................26 Figure 25: High-Tech Wages Disbursed per High-Tech Worker ($Thousands) ...............................27 Figure 26: Adjusted High-Tech Wages Disbursed per High-Tech Worker, 2004 ($Ths) .................27 Figure 27: High-Tech Wages Disbursed per High-Tech Worker, Indexed Growth, 1990–2004 ......28 Figure 28: Corporate and Personal Income Tax Rates, 2005 ........................................................... 29 Figure 29: High-Tech GDP, 2004 ($Billions) .................................................................................. 29 Figure 30: High-Tech Productivity Levels, 2004 .............................................................................30 Figure 31: High-Tech Firm Sizes, 2004 ........................................................................................... 31 Figure 32: Percentage of High-Tech Manufacturing Firms, 2004 ................................................... 32 Figure 33: Percentage of High-Tech Services Firms, 2004 ............................................................... 33 Figure 34: Percentage of Clustered High-Tech Firms ......................................................................34 Figure 35: Sum of Investment Dollars and Number of VC Investments per Year, 1990–2005 ........34 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Figure 36: Current Status of Companies Receiving VC Support ..................................................... 35 Figure 37: Average VC Investment per Investment Round ($Millions), 1990–2005 ........................36 Figure 38: Percentage of Startups Receiving VC Dollars, 1990–2005 ............................................36 Figure 39: MSA Population, 1970–2004 (Millions) ........................................................................ 37 Figure 40: Adjusted Income of Inward and Outward Migrants ($Thousands) ................................38 Figure 41: Percentage of Total VC Investment Dollars by Industry Sub-Group ($Thousands), 1990–2005 .................................................................... 39 Figure 42: Overall GDP, 2004 ($Billions) .......................................................................................40 Figure 43: High-Tech GDP, 2004 ($Billions) .................................................................................. 41 Figure 44: Overall Productivity, 1990–2004 ($Thousands per Worker)..........................................42 Figure 45: High-Tech GDP, 1990–2004 ($Billions) ........................................................................43 Figure 46: High-Tech Productivity, 1990–2004 ($Thousands per High-Tech Worker) ...................43 Figure 47: Pittsburgh Benchmarked High-Tech Manufacturing (Standardized).............................. 45 Figure 48: Pittsburgh Benchmarked High-Tech Services (Standardized).........................................46 Figure 49: Degree Awards by Discipline, 2002–2003 .....................................................................50 Figure 50: High-Tech Degrees Awarded per High-Tech Worker (Standardized) .............................50 Figure 51: Non-High-Tech Wages per Non-High-Tech Worker, 1990–2004 ($Thousands) ............ 76 Figure 52 Non-High-Tech Wages per Non-High-Tech Worker, Indexed to 1990 ............................ 76 Figure 53: Communications Equipment Manufacturing LQ, 1990–2004 ......................................77 Figure 54: Manufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical Media LQ, 1990–2004 ..........77 Figure 55: Communications Equipment Productivity, Indexed Growth.......................................... 78 Figure 56: Magnetic and Optical Media Productivity, Indexed Growth ......................................... 78 Figure 57: Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component LQ, 1990–2004 ............................... 79 Figure 58: Nav/Measuring/Medical/Control Instruments LQ, 1990–2004 .................................... 79 Figure 59: Aerospace Products and Parts Manufacturing LQ, 1990–2004 ......................................80 Figure 60: Software Publishers LQ, 1990–2004 .............................................................................80 Figure 61: Satellite Telecomm LQ, 1990–2004 ............................................................................... 81 Figure 62: Data Processing, Hosting and Related Services LQ, 1990–2004.................................... 81 Figure 63: Semiconductor and Electronic Component Manufacturing Productivity, Indexed Growth .......................................................................................................................... 82 Figure 64: Nav/Measuring/Medical/Control Instruments Productivity, Indexed Growth ............... 82 Figure 65: Aerospace Products and Parts Manufacturing Productivity, Indexed Growth ................ 83 Figure 66: Software Publishers Productivity, Indexed Growth ........................................................ 83 Figure 67: Satellite Telecomm Productivity, Indexed Growth..........................................................84 Figure 68: Data Processing Services, Hosting and Services Productivity, Indexed Growth..............84 Figure 69: Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing LQ, 1990–2004 .......................... 85 Figure 70: Other Information Services LQ, 1990–2004 ................................................................. 85 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Figure 71: Computer and Peripheral Equipment Productivity, Indexed Growth .............................86 Figure 72: Other Information Services, Productivity Indexed Growth ............................................86 Figure 73: Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing LQ, 1990–2004 ......................................87 Figure 74: Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing LQ, 1990–2004 ................................87 Figure 75: Cable and Other Programs Distribution LQ, 1990–2004 ..............................................88 Figure 76: Other Telecomm LQ, 1990–2004..................................................................................88 Figure 77: Computer Systems Design and Related Services LQ, 1990–2004 .................................. 89 Figure 78: Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing Productivity, Indexed Growth ................. 89 Figure 79: Medical Equipment and Supplies Productivity, Indexed Growth ...................................90 Figure 80: Cable and Other Programs Distribution Productivity, Indexed Growth ........................90 Figure 81: Other Telecomm Productivity, Indexed Growth ............................................................ 91 Figure 82: Computer Systems Design and Services Productivity, Indexed Growth ......................... 91 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Executive Summary Look at the economic base of every advanced industrial nation, and you’ll ind lower manufacturing employment igures, but substantially higher production output. Over the past three decades, every region that has enjoyed economic growth anticipated the need to redirect its efforts toward the development of a knowledgebased economy comprising high-tech industries (with both manufacturing and service sectors) that recruit and retain the best human capital they can afford. The foundation for this new economy, based in knowledge (and information) and enriched with knowledge assets (colleges, universities and research centers), requires viable information systems, innovation facilitators, a supportive institutional regime and human capital.1 The demand for its high-tech “knowledge goods,” as well as monetary value of those goods and the salaries of the knowledge workers who produce them, relects the importance of high technology in today’s world.2 (In fact, income disparities are increasingly shaped by gaps in knowledge and information capacity.3) Therefore, leveraging human capital — talent, education, skills and experience — is crucial for planning and generating economic development. It was, of course, heavy manufacturing that made Pittsburgh prosperous for much of its modern history. And when the steel industry collapsed in the 1970s and the region’s manufacturing base deteriorated, Pittsburgh continued to be well served by Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh — the former strong in computing and engineering, the latter acclaimed for life-sciences research and its organ transplant institute. Yet even with such an established knowledge base, the Pittsburgh region has proved unable to achieve its aspirations and foster a high-tech economy that would rival the area’s previous economic achievements. In fact, the metropolitan-area economy has been in decline. In 2003, according to that year’s Milken Institute Tech Pole Index — the measure of a region’s high-tech industry concentration and growth in relation to other U.S. Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) — Pittsburgh ranked 39th in a ield of 100. The index also measures each MSA’s contribution to U.S. high-tech output, or real GDP. San Jose, California, in the heart of Silicon Valley and No. 1 on the index, scored a perfect score of 100. In contrast, Pittsburgh scored 4.28. Nor did Pittsburgh fare much better in the Milken Institute’s Best Performing Cities Index, an annual compilation based on such factors as job-, wage- and salary growth, and technology growth, over a ive-year period. From 1999 to 2005, Pittsburgh ranked low in overall economic performance; 2003 was the only year the region appeared in the top 100 MSAs for this index, and even that was at the 96th position. The region scored lowest in 2000, at 188. These rankings suggest that the region lacks the triggers to simulate growth, despite its boomtown legacy. For this study, we selected ive MSAs — Baltimore, Indianapolis, Phoenix, Seattle and St. Louis — with which to compare and contrast Pittsburgh’s high-tech employment and industry growth rate, for example, and local trends in venture capital investment and university spending in research and development. Each region has some similarity to Pittsburgh in economic makeup. They are all, for example, midsized metros in transition [1] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute that are competing in the global arena. The result of the study, which uses both quantitative and qualitative assessments, is a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis of Pittsburgh’s high-tech base. The quantitative analysis was broken down into seven components: the innovation pipeline, education infrastructure, business climate, industry development capacity, industry concentration, industry productivity and industry cuts (or sectors). We analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of Pittsburgh’s high-tech industry and compared the tech base with those of the ive other MSA cities. Our indings show that while Pittsburgh has great development potential, it lacks the energy to take the region to the next level of economic performance. This may be due to a number of factors: • • • • aversion to risk lack of productivity growth high corporate tax rates low high-tech wage-income base • • • • lack of anchor irms poor entrepreneurial environment low immigration low workforce development Finally, we break down Pittsburgh’s high-tech industry into 25 industry “cuts”, or sectors. Examining the cuts’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, we propose recommendations for ive of them. In brief, the recommendations are to: • develop policies that leverage the university talent by encouraging university startups and primary research and development; • develop policies that encourage venture capital investments at the corporate level; • maintain the status quo and develop policies to increase output; • aggressively support local high-tech development and make Pittsburgh a favorable destination for expansion or relocation; • increase enrollment for relevant programs at colleges and universities, and develop scholarship programs and local industry networks for relevant university programs. The qualitative analysis examines Pittsburgh’s leadership and business environment, and includes examples of best practices from other MSAs. A summary of the qualitative SWOT assessment follows: Strengths: Strong, university-based knowledge assets; active grassroots political leadership; active incubators; the presence of established high-tech irms; low personal state and local tax burdens. Weaknesses: High risk aversion, negative migration dynamics; no real policy for high-tech development from previous political leadership; lack of political collaboration; unfavorable corporate tax structure. Opportunities: Newly elected political leadership; scholarship programs in Pennsylvania; proximity to high-tech talent; university collaborations. [2] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Threats: Pittsburgh’s inancial deicit, competition from more economically favorable regions; drain of the knowledge base; aging population. In addition, we offer proposals as starting points for the implementation of strategies: • Initiate technology scholarship programs at leading Pittsburgh universities. • Develop and offer business services, targeted to opportunity areas, to help high-tech businesses connect with national venture capital irms and other companies. • Increase lobbying efforts so that the new regional leadership places industry development high on its agenda. A more aggressive shift toward the knowledge-based economy offers the potential for Pittsburgh to regain its growth of the Fifties. This SWOT analysis lays the groundwork for planning initiatives that have the potential to reinvigorate the area’s dampened economy. [] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute SWOT Analysis Introduction The world’s advanced industrial nations experienced a fundamental economic change three decades ago. In the 1970s, they began to shift their emphasis from manufacturing to service industries and increased their industrial dependency on technical information and knowledge.4 To remain viable, local governments and businesses, for example, found it necessary to use information and communications technologies, thus facilitating computerization and the so-called digital revolution.5 The current demand for technical knowledge, the monetary value placed on it and the salaries paid to knowledge workers all relect the immense societal value of the new knowledge industries.6 Income disparities, and regional economic growth, are increasingly shaped by gaps in knowledge and innovation capacities.7 Four factors, each of which must be sustainable, form the basis of the knowledge economy: information systems, innovation facilitators, a supportive institutional regime and human capital.8 Of these, human capital (ideas and innovation) lies at the center of every link and interdependence among irms and industries.9 However, just as important as the availability of human capital (high-tech workers) is the ability to attract and retain that capital and to generate an ongoing low of intellectual capital.10 Countries like Korea, Singapore and Taiwan, for example, are poor in natural resources but have fared better than their resource-rich neighbors Thailand, China, Malaysia and Indonesia. Their success is due to their ability to leverage human capital assets. They were quick to focus their economic policies on creating vibrant R&D environments for scientists and entrepreneurs.11 India, too, learned to leverage human capital to build a robust software industry: Seven India Institutes of Technology (administered overall by an ITT Council at whose head is the national Minister of Human Resource Development) provide a steady stream of engineers and entrepreneurs into the country’s work force.12 Across the United States, regional economies are feeling the effects of technological innovation and assimilation, making the leveraging of human capital assets a requisite among economic development initiatives.13 The process, however, requires analysis and collaboration among agencies, and between the private and public sectors. Pittsburgh MSA The Pittsburgh region’s economy has been dampened by a number of factors over the past 25 years. Global shifts in heavy industry and manufacturing affected both population and economic growth. Even with two world-class universities, Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh, that provide a well-established knowledge base, the population remains lat and the region’s economic performance lags behind the national economy in some sectors. Carnegie Mellon is ranked No. 14 worldwide in science and engineering by the U.K.’s Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) in its 2005 “World University Rankings.” In overall university rankings, THES rated Carnegie Mellon 21st in the United States. According to the university’s web site, U.S. News & World Report [5] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute ranked Carnegie Mellon second nationwide in management information systems and ifth in computer engineering. Also last year, The Wall Street Journal rated the graduate school of business second nationally for its information technology programs and ifth for its entrepreneurship academics. “More than 70 startup companies in the Pittsburgh region have emerged from research conducted by Carnegie Mellon faculty and students,” the university web site notes, “in ields such as computer science, software engineering and robotics.”14 The University of Pittsburgh, one of the country’s oldest universities, is renowned for its life-sciences research. This was where a young Jonas Salk, then director of the medical school’s Virus Research Lab, developed a vaccine for polio.15 This past December, the National Medal of Science, the nation’s highest scientiic honor, was awarded to Thomas Starzl, “the father of transplantation” and a Distinguished Service Professor of Surgery at the university’s medical school. It was Starzl who made Pittsburgh the organ transplant capital of the world.16 The two schools have a history of innovative collaboration. In 2000, the National Sciences Foundation awarded the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, a joint operation of the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University and Westinghouse Electric Company, a three-year, $45 million grant to create, with help from Compaq Computer Corp., an open-source Terascale Computing System (TCS), the world’s most powerful nonmilitary computer system. Despite these initiatives and assets, Pittsburgh scored 141st in the Milken Institute’s 2004-2005 Best Performing Metros Index, slightly ahead of St. Louis, which ranked 144th. Baltimore, which also has highly respected universities and enjoyed a strong economy in the 1950s, came in at 60th. Clearly, Pittsburgh’s economic performance is not in sync with its exceptional knowledge base. The region has failed to leverage its assets and potential. Project Objectives Our objectives are to provide an analysis of Pittsburgh’s high-tech industry and to recommend strategies to develop that industry for regional economic growth. The best strategy, of course, involves a clearly deined focus, and this research justiies key areas in which to formulate development initiatives. Summary of Analysis In Appendixes A and B, we provide a breakdown of the high-tech industry into numerous manufacturing and service sectors. Our analysis is based on these deinitions. Appendix C provides the data sources for the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis. [6] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute The following two tables offer key indicators we used for all six MSAs, including population, high-tech employment, the percentage of high-tech employment, wages for high-tech workers, university R&D activity, high-tech GDP and productivity, the cost of living and the cost of doing business. Table 1: Tabulated Summary of High-Tech Economy by MSA - Human Resources Population 2004 est. (mil) High-Tech Employment (ths) Percentage High-Tech Employment 2004 (%) High-Tech Wages per Worker (2004) ($ths) Baltimore 2.64 82.9 8.1 $65.40 Indianapolis Phoenix 1.62 3.72 58.1 117.7 7.8 8.4 $55.20 $71.80 Pittsburgh 2.4 62.7 6.4 $65.10 Carnegie Mellon U. U. of Pittsburgh 185.3 80.1 16.7 7.1 $79.50 $63.00 U. of Washington Washington U. MSA Seattle 3.17 St. Louis 2.79 Source: Economy.com, U.S. Census Bureau Key Univ. John Hopkins U. U. of Maryland Indiana U. Arizona State U. Table 2: Tabulated Summary of High-Tech Economy by MSA - Performance HT Productivity ($Ths) Baltimore $9.30 $112.39 Indianapolis $8.40 $144.16 Phoenix $19.20 $163.00 Pittsburgh $7.50 $118.84 Seattle $27.60 $148.75 St. Louis $8.90 $111.48 Source: Economy.com, U.S. Census Bureau, AUTM HT GDP ($Bil) HT Growth (I=1990) 80.75% 140.79% 210.47% 112.12% 101.11% 55.00% Overall Growth (I=1990) 44.50% 84.93% 146.09% 43.72% 69.04% 41.60% The Milken Institute Tech Pole Index illustrates the high-tech industry concentration and growth for MSAs, and their U.S. rankings. It is a composite measure, based on the percentage of national high-tech output, or GDP, multiplied by the high-tech location quotient (LQ). Location quotients are calculated as a measure of a region’s economic base in a speciic industry, with respect to a larger context. In this case, the larger region is the United States. Scoring in the tech pole index can range from 0.0 to 100.0. A high score means the region is exerting a strong technology gravitational pull. In 2003, the latest rankings compiled by the Milken Institute, all six MSAs ranked among the top 50 metros. In terms of high-tech industry growth and concentration, San Jose, in irst place here, scored a perfect 100.0. Note the difference between San Jose and Washington, D.C., which ranked second yet scored just 54.0; and the even greater disparity between San Jose and the remaining MSAs. Among those, Seattle and Phoenix led, at third and eighth, with scores of 42.1 and 18.8, respectively. Pittsburgh scored 39th, with a score of 4.3, slightly ahead of last-place St. Louis, which scored 4.1. Pittsburgh’s high-tech location quotient (LQ) and high-tech real GDP were lower than four of the benchmarked MSAs. The scores also show large differences in LQ and real GDP between Seattle (and San Jose) at the high end and Indianapolis, Baltimore, Pittsburgh and St. Louis, at the bottom. [] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Rank Score 1 100 Milken Institute Table 3 Milken Institute Tech Pole Index, 2003 Rank Score MSA 26 San Jose, CA MSA 9.469 Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI 2 54.027 Washington, DC-MD-VA-WV 27 3 42.061 Seattle-Bellevue-Everett, WA 28 7.681 Wichita, KS 8.36 Kansas City, MO-KS 7.367 Boise City, ID 4 40.049 Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA 29 5 32.87 Boston, MA 30 6.708 Huntsville, AL 6 32.445 Dallas, TX 31 7 26.906 Portland-Vancouver, OR-WA 32 6.481 Indianapolis, IN New Haven-Bridgeport6.437 Stamford, CT 8 18.82 Phoenix-Mesa, AZ 33 6.408 Baltimore, MD 9 16.05 Atlanta, GA 34 5.964 Fort Worth-Arlington, TX 10 15.93 Chicago, IL 35 11 15.148 Philadelphia, PA-NJ 36 5.57 Nassau-Suffolk, NY 5.278 Colorado Springs, CO Tampa-St. Petersburg5.192 Clearwater, FL 12 15.116 Orange County, CA 37 13 14.688 San Diego, CA 38 4.366 Rochester, NY 14 13.682 San Francisco, CA 39 4.283 Pittsburgh, PA 15 13.302 New York-Newark, NY-NJ-PA 40 4.174 Ventura, CA 16 13.302 Albuquerque, NM 41 4.102 St. Louis, MO-IL 17 12.686 Denver, CO 42 4.085 Tucson, AZ 18 12.146 Detroit, MI 43 3.919 Salt Lake City-Ogden, UT 19 12.105 Austin-San Marcos, TX 44 3.651 Sacramento, CA Melbourne-Titusville-Palm 3.22 Bay, FL 20 11.894 Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, NC 45 21 11.541 Oakland, CA 46 3.131 Bergen-Passaic, NJ 22 10.931 Houston, TX 47 3.051 Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN 23 10.661 Newark, NJ 48 3.005 San Antonio, TX 24 10.651 Middlesex-Somerset-Hunterdon, NJ 49 2.834 Orlando, FL 25 9.538 Boulder-Longmont, CO 50 2.801 Hartford, CT Source: Milken Institute To assess the tech pole in terms of a region’s overall economic performance, we turned to the Milken Institute’s Best Performing Cities Index. It measures growth in jobs, wages and salaries, and growth over a ive-year period. Such numbers are increasingly relevant in a knowledge-based economy; the best performing cities have top economic performance and create the most jobs.17 In the same year (2003), Phoenix performed well economically. It enjoyed a good rate of job growth, 2.80 percent (11th) and high-tech GDP growth (15th), and ranked 43rd among the best performing cities. However, even though Seattle rated third in the tech pole index, it ranked outside the top 100 in the index of best performing cities. Its high-tech GDP was dropping (80th), yet it enjoyed a very strong high-tech location quotient of 250 (sixth). It suffered a very low rate of wage growth (179th) and job growth (151st) yet still managed to inish at 138th. Seattle’s good location quotient and a solid percentage (17.32) of its work force in high-tech industry contributed to its economic performance. The workforce percentage dropped from 18.68 percent in the previous year, but Seattle’s other strengths remained a driving force. [] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Looking at its overall economic performance, Pittsburgh ranked consistently below Seattle, Phoenix and Baltimore. In fact, in indexes compiled by the Institute from 1999 to 2005, Pittsburgh was listed just once in the top 100 MSAs, in 2003, and then at 96th. That year, Pittsburgh experienced a strong GDP growth (indexed to 1997 and 2001). In all other years, the region performed below the other benchmarked MSAs, with the exception of St. Louis. A summary of ratings from 1999 to 2005 follows. Table 4: Milken Institute Ranks of Best Performing MSAs, 1999-2005 MSA/Ranks 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Pittsburgh 111 188 193 132 96 132 Baltimore 137 187 107 81 91 56 Indianapolis 41 40 52 74 101 60 Phoenix 20 24 28 17 43 3 Seattle 1 13 74 92 138 94 St Louis 77 202 217 170 186 151 Source: Milken Institute 2005 141 60 104 15 127 144 Pittsburgh’s low ranking, consistently within the bottom two MSAs, is largely attributable to the slow rate of job growth. As shown in the following table, the region ranked 41st nationally, with a rate of job growth reaching only 10 percent from 1990 to 2002. This was far below the 55 percent for Phoenix and 20 percent for Indianapolis. Pittsburgh’s rankings were lowest in 2000 and 2001. Ironically, during this period when the state was focusing efforts on regional economic development, the Pittsburgh ranking dropped from 40th to 44th.18 Based on reports from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the median family income for Pennsylvania’s metropolitan areas increased by just 40 percent between 1989 and 2001, or 20 percent below the national average.19 Thus, while the state was actively implementing efforts to boost the economy, it is clear that these efforts were not immediately effective. We explain this further in qualitative assessment. In contrast, Seattle’s ranking was very good, at No. 13, with its wage growth indexed to 1993. Of course, Seattle also has a large high-tech industry base. Pittsburgh’s position rose sharply in 2002, when Comcast Corp., the largest cable company in the United States, acquired AT&T’s broadband cable systems and entered the Pittsburgh market, where it acquired regional ofices through the acquisition.20 The following year, Pittsburgh again enjoyed marked GDP growth in its high-tech industry. Its growth, indexed to 1997, ranked 48th nationally; indexed to 2001, it ranked 32nd. In addition, the region enjoyed a high wage growth, indexed to 2000, at 72nd nationwide. Baltimore fared slightly better because of its high indexed growth in salaries, but its industry base remained moderately low, at 113. Then in 2004 and 2005, Pittsburgh’s position dropped to 167th, its rate of job growth having shrunk to -0.57 percent from 2003 to 2004. In 2004, the region suffered large-scale, high-proile job losses that lowered conidence in the area. This may have led to increased out-migration and a slight decrease in population.21 Phoenix, on the other hand, showed strong job growth and a robust tech industry base. [9] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Table 5: Ranked MSAs by Job Growth Rate (Non-Farm employment) 1990 to 2002 Rank MSA State Job Growth Rate 1 Las Vegas Nevada 90% 2 Austin Texas 70% 3 Mesa-Phoenix Arizona 55% 4 Colorado Springs Colorado 43% 5 San Antonio Texas 39% 6 Atlanta Georgia 38% 7 Dallas Texas 38% 8 Nashville-Davidson Tennessee 37% 9 Tucson Arizona 37% 10 Denver Colorado 36% 11 Charlotte North Carolina 35% 12 Jacksonville Florida 35% 13 Albuquerque New Mexico 34% 14 Fort Worth Texas 32% 15 Houston Texas 30% 16 Sacramento California 30% 17 San Diego California 28% 18 Oklahoma City Oklahoma 26% 19 Portland Oregon 26% 20 Tulsa Oklahoma 26% 21 Minneapolis Minnesota 25% 22 Columbus Ohio 25% 23 Omaha Nebraska 25% 24 Kansas City Missouri 24% 25 Fresno California 23% 26 El Paso Texas 21% 27 Indianapolis Indiana 20% 28 Memphis Tennessee 20% 29 Miami Florida 19% 30 Oakland California 19% 31 Seattle Washington 19% 32 San Jose California 18% 33 Washington, DC 18% 34 Virginia Beach Virginia 17% 35 Wichita Kansas 14% 36 Milwaukee Wisconsin 13% 37 New Orleans Louisiana 12% 38 Boston Massachusetts 11% 39 Chicago Illinois 11% 40 Detroit Michigan 10% 41 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 10% 42 Baltimore Maryland 9% 43 St. Louis Missouri 8% 44 San Francisco California 8% 45 Philadelphia Pennsylvania 7% 46 Cleveland Ohio 7% 47 New York New York 2% 48 Honolulu Hawaii 0% 49 Long Beach/Los Angeles California -0.90% Sources: US Department of Labor, The Allegheny Institute for Public Policy [ 10 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh is home to seven Fortune 500 companies, listed in the chart below with their corresponding 2003 revenues. On average, the 2005 rankings are down from 2004. Although Alcoa Inc. has revenue higher than the national average of $14.93 billion, just four companies earned revenues higher than the national median of $8.19 billion. From these, Pittsburgh shows potential for growth (with the seven companies) but fails to sustain it (declining ranks and low revenue). As our analyses in subsequent sections show, the region in fact has few facilitators for sustainability. This is clear from the charts: a sudden rise from 2001 to 2003, followed by a sharp decline that brought the region to a ranking lower than it held in 1999. Table 6: Fortune 500 Companies in Pittsburgh Company Alcoa Inc United States Steel Corp H J Heinz Co PPG Industries Inc PNC Financial Services Group Inc Mellon Financial Corp Wesco International Inc National Average National Median Source: USA Today Rank 2005 Rank 2004 86 82 209 264 213 194 236 233 309 277 385 350 490 461 Revenue 2003 ($Bil) 21.728 9.458 9.328 8.756 5.969 4.55 3.287 14.931 8.193 Baltimore is similar to Pittsburgh in several ways; both regions have renowned universities and underwent economic industrial booms in the 1950s. However, over the seven-year period, and with the exception of university R&D assets, Baltimore ranks higher overall. The tech pole and the best performing cities indexes summarize Pittsburgh’s national position. And while there are many areas to address for remedy, the high-tech industry deserves special attention for this reason: Regions with greater concentrations of high-tech industries perform better economically.22 More important, MSAs experiencing the best growth rates share a common characteristic: They attract and nurture high-tech clusters that can leverage knowledge assets for commercialization and expansion. This is the key to sustained economic health. Industry conditions can be improved for the short term with shrewd planning, but university-based assets cannot be changed overnight, and Pittsburgh’s greatest asset — and chief advantage over potential competitors — lies in the entrenched strength of its universities. We analyzed the 25 industry cuts, or sectors, within Pittsburgh’s high-tech industry. Using data that capture industry trends from 1990 to 2004 and tech-irm presence, we targeted speciic industries within those sectors and reduced the list further to those demonstrating clear strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. We recommend key focus areas for each cut in the shortlist. [ 11 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute The qualitative assessment of Pittsburgh also highlights key regional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The local knowledge base again shows up as a strength that is not being suficiently leveraged because of weaknesses in the industrial and political environment. At the same time, grassroots political leadership shows tremendous activity, and we see strengths in the availability of early risk capital and business coaching from the nonproit Innovation Works and other tech-based economic development providers. Knowledge-Base Analysis 1. Innovation Pipeline The following table provides a summary of strengths and weaknesses, and their corresponding ranks in Pittsburgh’s innovation pipeline. (The innovation pipeline consists of knowledge-base assets, such as universities and venture capital.) 1. A high strength among peers (strength) is an attribute where Pittsburgh ranks irst or second. 2. A low weakness among peers (weakness) is an attribute where Pittsburgh ranks ifth or sixth. 3. A moderate strength among peers (moderate strength) is an attribute where Pittsburgh ranks third. 4. A moderate weakness among peers (moderate weakness) is an attribute where Pittsburgh ranks fourth. As in the previous MSA comparisons, it is clear that similar economic makeups do not result in similar performances. Overall, Pittsburgh does not leverage its knowledge-base assets as well as the other ive MSAs. Table 7: Innovation Pipeline – Summary of Strengths and Weaknesses Strength University startups University patents filed 96-03 University patents issued 96-03 University R&D assets Corporate R&D assets R&D expenditure University licenses executed 96-03 Students enrolled for credit High tech economic base No. of VC Investments 05 Sum of VC Investments 05 Average VC investment/investor 05 Maximum VC Investment 05 [ 12 ] Moderate Moderate Weakness Strength Weakness Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh does show considerable strengths in the academic side of its innovation pipeline, ranking third for publications (igure 1). This is a moderate strength, yet the number of publications is considerably greater than in Phoenix, Indianapolis and St. Louis. Figure 1: MSA Total Publications 1998-2002 Thousands 50 44.4 40 34.3 28.0 30 18.5 20 10 6.8 0 6.7 Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Seattle St. Louis Source: CEST In terms of patents iled and issued (igure 2), Pittsburgh again shows academic strengths. At about 40 percent, its rate of issued patents (patents issued per patent iled) was considerably higher than Baltimore’s (24 percent) and Phoenix’s (20 percent). Indianapolis scored 45 percent, St. Louis 66 percent and Seattle 38 percent. Figure 2: Patents Filed and Issued at Universities 1996-2003 4000 Patents Filed Patents Issued 3024 3000 2000 1000 917 342 0 874 717 512 154 Baltimore Indianapolis Source: AUTM 366 532 335 349 101 Phoenix Pittsburgh Seattle St. Louis The calculations are based on total patents iled and issued between 1996 and 2003; the cumulative total is more important than rates for speciic years because the number of patents issued in a given year may not include just the patents iled that year. (Although the computation of an annual patent issuing rate is problematic, it can be used to gauge relative R&D quality.) [ 1 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh shows considerable R&D activity, and the overall quality is veriied by its high patent issuing rate (igure 3). In fact, the rate surpassed the national average from 1999 to 2002. More important, the steady rates of Pittsburgh and Seattle show that these two cities have sustainable R&D. Figure 3: Annual Patents Issuance Rate by Univ. 1996-2003 1.6 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle U.S. Average 1.4 1.2 Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Source: AUTM From 1996 through 2003, all universities increased their patent ilings (igure 4); as of 2001, universities were iling on average more than 100 patents per year. As expected, Baltimore iled a high number of patents every year. Pittsburgh iled fewer, between 48 and 172, but showed a trend of increased patent iling. Overall, its iling rate is also slightly higher than the peer MSAs. Figure 4: Annual Patents Filed by Universities 1996-2003 200 150 Indianapolis (L) Pittsburgh (L) St. Louis (L) Baltimore (R) 700 Phoenix (L) Seattle (L) U.S. Average (L) 600 500 100 400 300 50 200 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Source: AUTM [ 14 ] 2001 2002 2003 100 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute In terms of patents issued (igure 5), Pittsburgh’s R&D strengths show up: Issued patents jumped in 1998 and remained higher than for the other benchmarked MSAs, except Baltimore, until 2003. Figure 5: Annual Patents Issued to Universities 1996-2003 160 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle U.S. Average 140 120 Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 100 80 60 40 20 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Source: AUTM Pittsburgh’s university R&D expenditure (igure 6) was a moderate strength for the years 1996 to 2003. At more than $4 billion, the metropolitan area trailed Seattle closely and scored substantially better than Phoenix, Indianapolis and St. Louis. However, Baltimore’s R&D expenditure was considerably greater. Figure 6: University R&D Expenditure 1996-2003 US $Billions 12 11.2 10 8 6 4.5 4.9 4 3.0 2.0 2 0.5 0 Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Source: AUTM [ 15 ] Seattle St. Louis Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute To determine the effectiveness of R&D expenditure, we look at the average number of patents issued per $10 million in R&D expenditure (igure 7). Pittsburgh exceeded the national average in 1999 but fell below in 2003. Phoenix and St. Louis performed better for the same period. Figure 7: Avg. Patents Issued per $10 mil. R&D Exp. 1996-2003 3.5 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle U.S.Average 3.0 Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Source: AUTM The average licensing of patent rights executed per $10 million in R&D expenditure (igure 8) shows the extent to which regions leverage the products of their R&D. Pittsburgh ranked below the national average. This inding is important. It may indicate that university patents do not see commercialization. On the other hand, between 1998 and 2001 (the peak and initial downturn of the dot-com boom), Seattle — which ranked consistently below the national average in terms of patents issued —executed more licenses than the national average. Seattle is quick to catch on to economic trends, and its research is eficient and cost-effective because of commercialization. Figure 8: Avg. Lic. Executed per $10 mil. R&D Exp. 1996 to 2003 4.0 3.0 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle U.S.Average Indianapolis Pittsburgh St.Louis 2.0 1.0 0.0 1996 1997 1998 1999 Source: AUTM [ 16 ] 2000 2001 2002 2003 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh led in university venture capital startups (AUTM data, igure 9). Despite spending $6.74 billion less than Baltimore in university R&D, Pittsburgh produced 25 percent more VC startups. Seattle and Pittsburgh spent roughly the same amount on university R&D, but again Pittsburgh produced 25 percent more VC startups. Local university-based growth potential could surpass Baltimore’s and even be better than that of Seattle, which led the six MSAs in economic growth. Figure 9: University VC Startups 1996-2003 70 64.0 60 51.0 50.0 50 40 30 20 17.0 14.0 13.0 10 0 Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Seattle St. Louis Source: AUTM Pittsburgh’s university VC startups (igure 10) were close to the national average of between 0.1 and 0.2 startup per $10 million expended in R&D. In fact, the region performed consistently well in this regard, compared to Baltimore, Indianapolis and St. Louis. Overall, the trend reinforces the argument that Pittsburgh’s R&D strengths are stable and not easily removed from the region. Figure 10: Avg. U. VC Starts per $10 mil. R&D Exp. 1996-2003 0.70 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle U.S. Average 0.60 Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 1996 1997 1998 1999 Source: AUTM [ 1 ] 2000 2001 2002 2003 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh’s university R&D assets ranked second among the MSAs, higher even than Baltimore’s. The measure of university R&D assets is computed by multiplying the rate of patents issued by the licensing revenue per patent and total R&D expenditure. The measurement of corporate R&D assets is not so straightforward. It is determined by a composite measure of sales and the number of R&D service workers. This method is limited, but research has shown that sales and employment are signiicant positive determinants of corporate R&D investment for the information technology (IT) industry.23 Because R&D investment of irms relects their respective knowledge capital, we used this measure as a proxy because of data limitations that do not allow as rigorous a computation as for university R&D assets. We used employment in the R&D service industry to compute corporate R&D, instead of employment in general. Figure 11 shows standardized scores of university-based and corporate R&D assets for the six MSAs. The university-based assets are based on cumulative data from 1996 and 2003; corporate assets are derived from 2004 data. Pittsburgh showed strengths in university R&D but lagged behind Baltimore, Seattle and St. Louis in corporate R&D. Again, despite the strong number of university VC startups, Pittsburgh’s licenses executed (with respect to research dollars expended) remained low. The sales and employment igures were also not on par. Again, Pittsburgh is not suficiently leveraging its university R&D assets. Figure 11: Univ.-Based and Corporate R&D Assets Standardized Scores 7 University-based Corporate 6.00 6.00 6 5 4 3.01 3 2.09 2 2.73 2.33 1.46 1.38 1.63 1.38 1.00 1.00 1 0 Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Source: AUTM, Selectoryonline.com, Economy.com [ 1 ] Seattle St. Louis Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute We use location quotients (LQs) to determine the economic base of a region’s high-tech industries relative to that of the United States in general. From igure 12, we see that Pittsburgh’s base fell below the national level and, in last place, constitutes a weakness. This is a major concern since the high-tech base is the key to sustained economic growth. To reiterate, MSAs experiencing the best growth rates attract and nurture high-tech clusters that can leverage knowledge assets for commercialization and expansion. This is the key to sustained economic health. Figure 12: High-Tech Location Quotients 2004 2.5 2.14 2.0 1.5 1.04 1.00 1.0 1.07 0.91 0.82 0.5 0.0 Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Seattle St. Louis Source: Milken Institute, Economy.com Figure 13 illustrates the high-tech location quotient trends from 1990 to 2004. Pittsburgh’s location quotients for the 14-year period remained consistently below the national average, set at 1.0. Baltimore, meanwhile, showed signs of growth as it intersected the national average in 2003 and hit 1.04 in 2004. Note that Pittsburgh’s high-tech LQ remained very weak among its peers throughout the period. Figure 13: High-Tech LQ Trends 1990-2004 3.0 2.5 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [ 19 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute For all MSAs, the numbers of VC investments (igure 14) follow a similar pattern. The numbers increased in the late 1990s and then dropped. This comes as no surprise since the IT boom led to increased investments and the dot-com crash resulted in a decline. The only exception is Indianapolis, which saw no sharp relative increase in VC investments. Figure 14: Number of VC Investments 1990-2005 80 Baltimore (L) Phoenix (L) St. Louis (L) Indianapolis (L) Pittsburgh (L) Seattle (R) 60 350 300 250 200 40 150 100 20 50 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 0 Source: Venture Economics Looking at the sum of VC investment dollars per year (igure 15), Pittsburgh was one of the slowest to pick up the growth momentum of the IT boom. In 1999, its total VC investments ranked No. 6. At its peak, in 2000, Pittsburgh ranked second, after Baltimore, which had a consistently higher amount of VC investment dollars during the period. In 2004, the sum of total VC investment dollars in Pittsburgh ranked No. 3. Although Pittsburgh’s VC investment dollars were slower to gain and to lose momentum, it ranked ifth in 2005, with a sharp decline from its No. 3 position in 2004. This could be the result of risk adversity in its investment climate and/or a low concentration of high technology. Figure 15: Sum of VC Investments 1990-2005 US$ Billions 4.0 Baltimore (L) Phoenix (L) Seattle (R) Indianapolis (L) Pittsburgh (L) St. Louis (L) 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 Source: Venture Economics [ 20 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Taking a closer look at initial-stage deals (i.e., early stage, seed and startup venture capital), Pittsburgh’s VC investment dollars were greatest in 2000 and 2003 (igure 16). In almost all years before 2000, Pittsburgh did not perform as well as the peer MSAs. After 2000, signs of growth emerged, but the decline afterward sent Pittsburgh far below Seattle. Still, in 2005 its performance in initial-stage deals was comparable to that of the other MSAs. Figure 16: Avg. Invest. Dollars per Initial Stage Deal 1990-2005 US$ Millions 400 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 300 200 100 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 Source: Venture Economics Pittsburgh’s average VC investment dollars showed a similar pattern as the sum of VC investment dollars for the same period (igure 17), with the exceptions of 1994 and 2004. This suggests outliers (anomalies) in those two years. Figure 17: Average VC Investment Size per Year 1990-2005 US$ Millions 35 30 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 25 20 15 10 5 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 Source: Venture Economics [ 21 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Looking at early-stage VC investments, which include seed, startup and early stage investments (igure 18), Pittsburgh showed signs of growth toward 2000, but decline afterward, a trend found across the benchmarked MSAs. In 2003 and 2004, however, Pittsburgh’s performance fell below that of most of the other MSAs. It picked up in 2005 but remained below Phoenix and Seattle. This suggests insuficient investment conidence in Pittsburgh. Figure 18: Avg. Invest. Dollars at Early Stages per Yr. 1990-2005 US$ Millions 16 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle 14 Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 Source: Venture Economics On average, VC investment per investor in Pittsburgh (igure 19) was lower than that for the other MSAs. This measure is a proxy to suggest the quality of VC investments in a region. A higher investment amount per investor suggests a higher quality of the deal. Trends in this measure for Pittsburgh were consistently low, again with the exception of 1994 and 2004 and their anomalies. Despite the IT boom in the late 1990s, increases in VC investment per investor were moderate, compared with increases in Indianapolis, Phoenix and St Louis. Baltimore’s trends were similar to Pittsburgh’s, but consistently higher. Again, exceptions occurred in 1994 and 2004. (Analysis of anchor irms and VC startups appears in later sections.) Figure 19: Average VC Investment per Investor by Yr. 1990-2005 US$ Millions 25 20 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 15 10 5 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 Source: Venture Economics [ 22 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute In 2004, NEP Broadcasting received a venture capital investment of $101 million ($30 million more than the next largest local VC investment that year). This single outlier pushed up the sum of VC investment dollars and average VC investment per investor. The investment qualiies as an outlier because NEP Broadcasting is in the communications industry, which does not show up as an industry strength in our examination of sectors. 2. Education Infrastructure Education infrastructure refers to university-related attributes, which are the foundation for the development of the knowledge base built on human capital. As we found for the innovation pipeline, Pittsburgh also exhibits strengths in its education infrastructure. Table 8 summarizes strengths and weaknesses. Table 8: Education Infrastructure – Strengths and Weaknesses Summary Strength Moderate Strength Moderate Weakness Weakness Sci/Engin BA degrees awarded Sci/Engin MA degrees awarded Sci/Engin Ph.D. degrees awarded Sci/Engin assoc degrees awarded National accreditation Full time instructional faculty Regional accreditation Faculty/Student ratio Pittsburgh awarded high numbers of science and engineering degrees, and the most doctorates among the six MSAs for the 2002-2003 academic year (igure 20). The scores were standardized due to data limitations. We scored the MSAs on a scale of 1.0 to 6.0, whereby a higher score indicates higher awards of the respective degrees. Figure 20: Sci./Eng. Associate Degrees Awarded Standardized, 2002-2003 7.5 Bachelor Doctorate Master Associate 5.6 3.8 1.9 0.0 Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Source: NCES [ 2 ] Seattle St. Louis Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh’s universities enjoyed high recognition from national and special accreditation agencies (igure 21) in 2004. Yet while Pittsburgh has strength in national/special accreditations, in the same year its accreditations from regional agencies were moderately weak. Figure 21: Number of Accreditations 2004 80 From National/Special Agencies From Regional Agencies 67 59 60 39 40 31 28 25 26 22 18 20 14 8 3 0 Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Seattle St. Louis Source: NCES Pittsburgh did have the highest number of faculty per 100 students in the group, yet the number of students enrolled for credit was comparatively low. One interpretation could be that Pittsburgh attracts solid numbers of full-time faculty members, but too few students. The situation was similar in Baltimore, which had 15 faculty members per 100 students but which also attracted more students. However, Pittsburgh’s leading universities are research universities. Hence having a larger faculty-student ratio is advantageous to transferring the region’s assets to a small group of high-quality students. Particularly, the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University are not inclined to expand their top departments so as to preserve the quality of their pedagogical practice. Figure 22: Faculty per 100 Students 2003-2004 18 16 15 14 12 9 7 5 5 5 0 Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Source: NCES [ 24 ] Seattle St. Louis Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute . Business Climate In order to examine Pittsburgh’s attractiveness as a destination for high-tech business, it is important to understand the region’s basic business conditions. The following assessments apply to the general business climate but are useful when looking at the high-tech industry, as well. Table 9: Business Climate – Strengths and Weaknesses Summary Strength Cost of living Cost of doing business Personal income tax rate Corporate income tax rate High-tech wage/High-tech worker 2004 High-tech GDP High-tech productivity Moderate Moderate Weakness Strength Weakness In 2004, Pittsburgh had a lower cost of living than four of the other MSAs. Table 10 summarizes that year’s cost of living and doing business. (The costs of living and doing business are measured relative to the national average; a score of 100 percent means the regional cost of living equals the national average.) Table 10: Cost of Living and Cost of Doing Business by MSA Cost of Living Cost of Doing Business Expressed as Percentage Standardized Expressed as Percentage Standardized MSA of U.S. Score of U.S. Score Pittsburgh 86% 1.38 102% 4.44 Baltimore 105% 5.04 106% 5.69 Phoenix 102% 4.46 94% 1.94 Indianapolis 84% 1.00 93% 1.63 St. Louis 87% 1.58 91% 1.00 Seattle 110% 6.00 107% 6.00 Source: Economy.com Pittsburgh’s cost of living was 14 percent below the national average in 2004. Given the area’s cultural and natural assets, this was a bargain. Phoenix and Baltimore cost more than average, and Seattle was much more expensive. In the irst quarter of 2005, the median price of a single-family home in Pittsburgh was about $106,000, far lower than the national average of $188,000, according to the National Association of Realtors. This constitutes a strength. However, Pittsburgh showed a moderate weakness in the cost of doing business, which was 2 percent higher than the 2004 national average. And among the six MSAs, Pittsburgh showed the greatest difference between the cost of living and the cost of doing business. The low cost of living may not be a suficiently motivating factor for industry development. [ 25 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute For all MSAs, the wages disbursed per worker from 1990 to 2004 (igure 23) were consistently higher than the national average. Figure 23: Total Wages Disbursed per Worker 1990-2004 US$ Thousands 70 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle U.S. Average 60 Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 50 40 30 20 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Sources: Milken Institute, Economy.com However, with the exception of St. Louis, the increments in total wages per worker, indexed to 1990, varied. Indexed-growth charts demonstrate the annual growth relative to a single year of reference. Given that most data went back to 1990, we use that as the reference year. The 14-year period from 1990 to 2004 captures the upswings and downturns of the high-tech industry nationwide. In 1994, the wage increment for Pittsburgh dropped below the average national increment, where it has remained. Baltimore and Phoenix picked up in 2002 to be on par with the national increment. However, Pittsburgh, Seattle and Indianapolis did not. Figure 24: Total Wages per Worker Indexed Growth 1990-2004 Percent Change, Index 1990=100 120 100 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle U.S. Average Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 80 60 40 20 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Sources: Milken Institute, Economy.com [ 26 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute From 1990 to 2004, high-tech wages stood considerably and consistently better than the national average for all six MSAs (with the exception of St. Louis, which came close in 1992). Although Pittsburgh’s disbursement of high-tech wages per high-tech worker is higher than the national average, and slightly higher than the average of the top 50 metros, it is lower than that in Baltimore, Indianapolis, Phoenix and Seattle. Between 1999 and 2000, when the IT boom peaked and declined, high-tech wages dropped slightly for Pittsburgh and Indianapolis. Given the relatively low high-tech wages in Pittsburgh, it will be a challenge to attract and retain talent, regardless of its exceptional knowledge base. Wages may also relect the output quality of the industry. The area’s low high-tech wages suggest the low-quality output, which leads to lower performance in industry. Figure 25: HT Wages Disbursed per HT Worker 1990-2004 US$ Thousands 90 80 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle U.S. Average Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis Top 50 Metros in 2005 70 60 50 40 30 20 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com Adjusting for the cost of living, Pittsburgh’s high-tech wages remained low (igure 26). Still, they appear comparable to nearby Baltimore and St. Louis, which are competitors despite their weaker R&D assets. Figure 26: Adj. HT Wages Disbursed per HT Worker 2004 US$ Thousands 79.45 80 75 71.77 70 65.36 65.10 65 63.04 60 55.20 55 50 Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Sources: Milken Institute, Economy.com [ 2 ] Seattle St. Louis Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh does show signs of growth (igure 27), albeit slow growth. Indexing the increase in high-tech wages to 1990, we see an overall positive and consistent trend (with the exception of 1999 to 2000, when wages dropped slightly below the national average). In 2002, the annual local increments rose above the national average again. Still, the igures suggest that while high-tech workers are becoming increasingly valued, local wages aren’t suficient to attract or keep them, given the rate of inlation. Note that although Pittsburgh’s hightech wages disbursed per high-tech worker are slightly higher than the average of the top 50 metros, its growth falls behind. This explains its relatively poorer performance as captured by the institute’s best performing cities indexes. Figure 27: HT Wages per HT Worker Indexed Growth 1990-2004 Percent Change, Index 1990=100 140 120 100 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle U.S. Average Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis Top 50 Metros in 2005 80 60 40 20 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com In other industry jobs, Pittsburgh wages scored higher than the national average, but consistently below the other MSAs (see Appendix E). Indexed to 1990, wages are dropping for non-high-tech workers. Since 1993, the annual increments have shrunk and show no obvious signs of recovering. In 2004, Pittsburgh was among four MSAs whose non-tech industry annual wage disbursements increments stood below the national average. Pittsburgh, Phoenix and St. Louis are all increasing their value placed on the high-tech industries. Baltimore, on the other hand, appears to be valuing its non-high-tech industries more than its high-tech industries (see Appendix E). It bodes well that Pittsburgh’s indexed growth in high-tech wages is higher than both the national average and the wages disbursed to non-high-tech workers. [ 2 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Although Pittsburgh had the lowest average personal state income tax rate of the MSAs last year, it also had the highest corporate tax rate, a discouraging sign for startups and spin-offs (igure 28). This may be detrimental to the development of anchor irms too. Figure 28: Corporate & Personal Income Tax Rates 2005 Percent 14 State Corporate Tax Rate State Personal Income Tax Rate 12 10 9.99 8.50 8 7.00 6.97 6.25 6 4 3.07 3.38 3.96 3.40 3.75 2 0.00 0.00 0 PA MD AZ IN MI WA Source: Federation tax Administration The rankings of the real GDP in high-tech sectors (Figure 29) show that Pittsburgh rated last among the six MSAs in 2004. We used nominal numbers for NAICS codes 3341, 3342 and 3344 in computing GDP, to account for the decline in prices for computer-related products. Given that the region ranked No. 4 in terms of high-tech productivity, there would seem to be a fairly low number of people working in the high-tech sector. Figure 29: High-Tech GDP 2004 US$ Billions 30 27.56 25 19.19 20 15 10 5 9.32 8.92 8.37 7.45 Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Sources: Milken Institute, Economy.com [ 29 ] Seattle St. Louis Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Productivity was computed by dividing the total real high-tech GDP (with corresponding adjustments made to the three NAICS codes) by total high-tech employment. In 2004, Pittsburgh ranked second in tech sector productivity and ifth in terms of overall productivity. As with the other MSAs, Pittsburgh’s high-tech sector was considerably more productive than its overall productivity, suggesting that the sector is a potential strength (igure 30). We provide a closer national comparison of tech productivity trends under Pittsburgh Industry Cuts. Figure 30: High-Tech Productivity Levels 2004 US$ Thousands per Worker 180 High Tech Productivity 162.98 Overall Productivity 160 148.74 144.13 140 120 119.02 118.83 112.37 111.49 101.38 100 79.50 80 60 78.47 82.45 77.83 Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Sources: Milken Institute, Eocnomy.com 74.62 Seattle 72.89 St. Louis U.S. Average Pittsburgh’s low high-tech GDP and productivity fuels the low value of work in its high-tech industry. This is relected in their low wage-income base. Without a competitive wage-income base, it is not surprising that Pittsburgh has a declining population since 1970 (see the section on Industry Concentration). It becomes critical therefore, to develop measures to attract and retain its human capital, which constitutes its most valuable asset for its high-tech industry. Industry Analysis 1. Industry Development Capacity Table 11 illustrates how regional conditions affect the growth of high-tech industries. Table 11: Industry Development Capacity – Strengths and Weaknesses Summary Strength University startups University R&D assets Corporate R&D assets High-tech anchors High-tech establishments Percentage of high-tech anchors Entrepreneurial environment [ 0 ] Moderate Moderate Weakness Strength Weakness Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh leads its peer MSAs in university startups and university R&D assets. However, to have a robust regional economy, private-sector growth needs to be more developed to absorb university startups and spawn corporate spin-offs. Anchor irms, companies with 500 employees or more, play important roles in a region, sparking latent entrepreneurship and providing credibility and inspiration.24 But in 2004, Pittsburgh showed a weakness in hightech anchor irms. With only 17 anchor irms, it stood below all peer MSAs except Indianapolis. Figure 31: High-Tech Firm Sizes 2004 300 HT Firms (>100 Employees) HT Firms (>300 Employees) HT Firms (>500 Employees) 250 HT Firms (>200 Employees) HT Firms (>400 Employees) 235 199 200 167 139 150 119 111 100 83 56 50 0 32 2317 46 3226 Pittsburgh Baltimore 94 90 63 49 36 68 32 161412 44 3329 Phoenix Indianapolis St. Louis 71 45 37 Seattle Source: Selectoryonline.com Pittsburgh again showed a weakness in the number of smaller high-tech businesses in 2004. Looking at numbers of both small and anchor irms, we see that Seattle and Baltimore both scored very well, though most of their high-tech irms were not anchors. Phoenix, meanwhile, was home to both anchors and smaller irms. The results suggest that Pittsburgh currently lacks suficient anchor and small irms to support a high-tech industry base, the driver of sustained economic growth. Figures 32 and 33 compare the percentages of high-tech manufacturing and service irms in 2004. The bar for each NAICS code is broken up into colored segments, each representing one MSA. Each MSA segment includes its percentage of high-tech industries for that NAICS code and shows how it compares with the other cities. St. Louis, for example, had the greatest share of Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing (NAICS code 3391), with 4.43 percent of its high-tech industries in that sector. The percentages show the portfolio composition for each MSA for each NAICS code. In igure 32, Pittsburgh beats the other MSAs in its percentage of Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing (NAICS code 3341) and Nav/Measuring/Medical/Control Instruments Manufacturing irms (NAICS code 3345). Yet the number of these irms among all local high-tech irms stood at just 0.53 percent and 2.66 percent. Although Pittsburgh led other cities in these speciic manufacturing areas, the local hightech industry didn’t relect this. [ 1 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Figure 32: Percentage of High-Tech Manufacturing Firms, 2004 3.46% 3391 3364 2.70% 1.87% 0.13% 0.23% 3346 3.35% 0.74% 0.34% 0.07% 3343 0.50% 3342 0.30% 3254 0% 0.64% 0.43% 10% 0.44% 20% Pittsburgh MSA 1.27% 0.05% 0.30% 0.37% 0.73% 3333 0.39% 0.91% 0.22% 0.53% 3341 2.65% 1.52% 0.36% 0.48% Phoenix MSA 40% 0.69% 1.93% 0.71% 0.32% 0.20% 0.20% 0.39% 0.85% Indianapolis MSA 60% Baltimore MSA 0.40% 0.44% 1.41% 50% 0.94% 0.27% 0.64% 0.13% 0.23% 1.04% 0.08% 0.61% 30% 3.53% 0.65% 2.17% 0.16% 4.43% 0.42% 1.48% 1.40% 3344 0.32% 0.17% 2.66% 3345 1.98% 0.42% 0.64% 70% 80% St Louis MSA 90% 100% Seattle MSA Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Pittsburgh also led (igure 33) in Other Information Services (NAICS code 5191) and Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories (NAICS code 6215). Other Information Services include news syndicates, libraries and archives, as well as various information services that cannot be classiied under existing information services categories. Again, however, the percentages of local high-tech irms focused in this area were just 2.96 percent and 4.22 percent, respectively. On a positive note, Pittsburgh had a fairly high percentage of tech irms working in Architectural, Engineering and Related Services (NAICS code 5413) and Computer Systems Design and Related Services (NAICS code 5415). Nonetheless, Pittsburgh can do better, considering its strong engineering and computer science knowledge base. [ 2 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Figure 33: Percentage of High-Tech Services Firms, 2004 4.49% 5417 5415 25.13% 5413 5191 0.93% 2.96% 5182 3.16% 5181 1.83% 5179 5175 0.83% 5174 0.13% 5173 1.23% 5172 5171 5121 5112 1.99% 0% 10% 1.76% 20% Pittsburgh MSA 1.52% Phoenix MSA 40% 50% Indianapolis MSA 0.32% 0.10% 1.89% 1.74% 2.06% 2.86% 6.43% 3.48% 3.38% 6.96% 3.53% 1.18% 30% 0.08% 1.47% 3.33% 3.96% 2.53% 3.46% 0.07% 0.99% 4.29% 6.31% 3.70% 1.51% 1.86% 1.71% 1.78% 2.08% 2.18% 4.15% 0.06% 1.67% 2.18% 0.55% 0.59% 0.17% 0.66% 0.05% 0.00% 0.23% 6.18% 28.33% 0.44% 0.78% 0.37% 1.83% 27.69% 0.37% 0.00% 0.84% 29.65% 1.89% 1.91% 2.65% 31.22% 2.50% 2.13% 5.28% 0.12% 0.07% 28.20% 29.24% 34.78% 32.48% 38.29% 35.55% 29.67% 7.25% 3.92% 6.42% 3.57% 2.28% 1.67% 2.62% 2.33% 2.61% 2.26% 4.22% 6215 60% Baltimore MSA 70% 80% St Louis MSA 90% 100% Seattle MSA Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics In igure 34, Pittsburgh shows its strength in bioscience irms, but a comparatively low percentage of advanced manufacturing and IT irms. With a heavier emphasis on biosciences, Pittsburgh may be able to leverage its concentration of bioscience irms. On the same note, the low concentration of advanced manufacturing and IT irms shows that Pittsburgh is not suficiently leveraging its assets in science and technology. [  ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Figure 34: Percentage of Clustered High-Tech Firms 2004 Percent 60 Advanced communication and IT Bioscience Mass media and telecomm 50 Advanced manufacturing and materials Internet specific 48 44 42 41 40 43 41 41 39 39 36 35 30 30 20 15 10 0 4 1 1 10 9 10 5 14 14 12 8 7 3 3 4 1 Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Seattle 1 St. Louis Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics The capacity for development depends also on the environment for venture capital. As igure 35 shows, between 1990 and 2005 Pittsburgh’s VC investment climate was comparable to that of the other MSAs, with the exception of Seattle. Indeed, Seattle scored far better on average than the remaining MSAs. (Seattle had six investment years, and Phoenix one investment year, in which some VC investments fell outside the range of the graph. These have been excluded to show more clearly the distribution of investment dollars and number of investments.) This indicates a fairly optimistic situation for Pittsburgh. The sum of its VC investment dollars and number of its companies receiving VC investments are quite similar to igures for Baltimore, Indianapolis, Phoenix and St. Louis. We must note, however, that Pittsburgh experienced a single year (2004), in which investments were substantially larger. Figure 35: Sum of Investment Dollars and No. of VC Investments Per Year 1990-2005 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 $0 $1 Billions Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Source: Venture Economics [ 4 ] Pittsburgh Seattle St Louis Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Figure 36 shows the breakdown of the current status of companies receiving VC support. The length of the colored bars relects the breakdown of each status, such as going public, pending acquisition, etc., among the six MSAs. The percentages in the bars show the breakdown of companies in each status category within Pittsburgh. In Pittsburgh, 62 percent of companies that received VC funding are in “active investment,” as shown in igure 36. Of the region’s companies receiving VC investment, 23 percent have been acquired. These numbers, while positive, remain quite low compared to the totals in Seattle, which again scores better than the other ive MSAs. On the negative side, a high percentage of VC startups in Pittsburgh have iled for bankruptcy (both Chapters 7 and 11), in comparison to its peer MSAs. These percentages are far lower than Seattle’s, but higher than Baltimore’s. Companies receiving VC investments in Pittsburgh tend to have substantially short life cycles. While the absolute numbers are small, the numbers for the other MSAs are smaller. Figure 36: Current Status of Companies Receiving VC Support 3.49% Went Public Pending Acquisition 0.58% 0.00% Other 2.33% Merger 0.00% LBO In Registration 0.00% 5.23% Defunct 1.74% Bankruptcy - Chapter 7 1.16% Bankruptcy - Chapter 11 62.21% Active Investment 23.26% Acquisition 0% 20% Baltimore 40% Indianapolis Phoenix 60% Pittsburgh Seattle 80% 100% St Louis Source: Venture Economics Venture capital can be an indicator for entrepreneurial environment.25 By taking ratios of the sum of investment dollars to the sum of VC investment rounds per company, we can compute the potential for entrepreneurial activity. Figure 37 shows the trends of average VC investment per round from 1990 to 2005. Pittsburgh’s growth in VC investments per investment round luctuates considerably. Similar to earlier indings, Pittsburgh’s sum of VC investment dollars in 2004 was exceptional, resulting in a positive upturn for the [ 5 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute year (and hence an anomaly). Overall, it seems that entrepreneurial environment based on VC investment per round in Pittsburgh is not stable. From igure 37, the momentum dropped in 2005. Baltimore, too, shows a slowdown in growth. Seattle and Phoenix were on the decline but now show signs of recovery. St. Louis has fallen since 1998 without recovery. From igure 37, Pittsburgh’s peak in 2000 was lower than that of the other MSAs, and its performance was optimistic only in 2004. Its average VC investment per round each year was lower than most of its peer MSAs despite its knowledge resources. Its companies are surviving, but an entrepreneurial climate does not exist that would enable them to grow. The mechanism to transform its resources to commercial value appears to be lacking. Figure 37: Avg. VC Investment per Investment Rnd 1990 to 2005 US$ Millions 25 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle 20 Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 15 10 5 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 Source: Venture Economics From 2000, all the MSAs scored low for the percentage of startups receiving VC support (igure 38). Only Baltimore and Seattle have enjoyed some recovery in subsequent years. Figure 38: Percent. of Startups Receiving VC Dollars 1990-2005 Percent 35 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle 30 Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 25 20 15 10 5 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 Source: Venture Economics [ 6 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute 2. Industry Concentration Industry concentration shows the makeup of the economy (table 12). In a knowledge-based economy, hightech industries rely on human resources, which then become the fundamental basis for development. Pittsburgh shows its weakness in its high-tech economic base, as shown earlier in its innovation pipeline. From 1990 to 2004, its location quotient (relative to the U.S. location quotient) ranked last among the six MSAs, and it was the only region whose population continued to decline (igure 39). This weak demographic trend limited job growth and demand for housing and services, which in turn contributed to general economic slowdown and sluggishness in high-tech industry growth.26 Figure 39: MSA Population 1970-2004 Millions 4.0 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle 3.5 Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 Source: Economy.com If we compare adjusted income levels between those moving away from Pittsburgh and those moving to the region (igure 40), we see that between 1993 and 2004, the median income of those leaving Pittsburgh was higher than that of those arriving. Pittsburgh and Seattle are the only two MSAs with a lower median income of inward than outward migrants. Note that the median income of inward migrants of Seattle is similar to the median income of outward migrants from Pittsburgh. Coupled with low high-tech GDP and productivity, this migration fuels a downward spiral which inhibits the region in leveraging its human capital assets for long-term growth. [  ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute To adjust for the different costs of living in different MSAs, median income values were divided by the cost of living percentage. Pittsburgh and Seattle are the only two MSAs with a lower average median income of inward migrants compared to outward migrants. The low income relects the lower value of production by the inward migrants to Pittsburgh. Figure 40: Adj. Income of Inward / Outward Migrants 2004 US$ Thousands 55 Median Income of Inward Migrants Median Income of All Workers 50 Median Income of Outward Migrants 50.1 47.7 44.7 45 44.2 41.6 39.9 40 35 32.2 32.0 30.2 30.4 30 25 20 28.6 24.8 25.5 26.5 26.4 26.4 26.5 24.0 Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Seattle St. Louis Source:Economy.com The following chart (igure 41) shows Pittsburgh’s VC investment portfolio broken down by industry subgroups. The length of the bars relects percentage share of VC investment dollars in comparison with other benchmarked MSAs in each subgroup — utilities, transportation, etc. The number in the bars shows the VC investment dollars in Pittsburgh from 1990 to 2005. From the chart, Pittsburgh leads its peer MSAs in investments in the “computer/other” subgroup. Yet this amounts to just $16 million. Meanwhile, the $264 million Pittsburgh received in the “computer and software” subgroup leaves it no stronger than fourth among MSAs. Given its strong knowledge base in computer science, Pittsburgh should theoretically draw a higher amount of VC investments in this area. Pittsburgh’s VC investment portfolio shows that money is invested in areas where the benchmarked MSAs are not focusing their efforts on. Consider Internet-speciic investments, whereby Pittsburgh’s VCs showed an investment of more than $778 million. However, this was less than one third of Seattle’s investment in this area. The same applies to medical and health investments. [  ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Figure 41: Percentage of Total VC Investment Dollars by Industry Sub-Group 1990-2005 US$Thousands, 1990-2005 Utilities Transportation $4,960 Semiconductor/Electr $39,080 Other Medical/Health $230,566 Manufact. $8,500 Internet Specific $778,940 Industrial/Energy $35,694 Financial Services $122,214 Consumer Related $62,061 Construction $20,340 Computer Software $264,007 Computer Other $16,200 Computer Hardware $75,250 Communications $336,788 Business Serv. $63,830 Biotechnology $171,585 Agr/Forestr/Fish $3,737 0% Baltimore 10% 20% Indianapolis 30% 40% Phoenix 50% 60% Pittsburgh 70% 80% Seattle 90% 100% St Louis Source: Venture Economics . Industry Productivity The output of a high-tech economy shows how much it produces. And the value of this production is relected in the wages disbursed. In addition, the ratio of output to input illustrates how productive the economy is. We use industry GDP as the output measure, and employment as the input measure. We use real GDP for all industry cuts, and adjusted GDP for NAICS codes 3341, 3342 and 3344. Given the industry reliance on human capital, we use high-tech employment as the input measure. [ 9 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Table 13: Industry Productivity – Strengths and Weaknesses Summary Strength Moderate Strength Moderate Weakness Weakness Overall GDP High-tech GDP GDP contribution from high-tech Overall productivity High-tech productivity The overall GDPs of the MSAs in 2004 are given in igure 42. Pittsburgh had a weakness in this measure, despite the sharp increase in VC investments for the year. The region rated far below Phoenix and Seattle, whose GDPs totaled more than $110 billion. Baltimore again draws very close to Pittsburgh in overall GDP. Figure 42: Overall GDP 2004 US$ Billions 130 116.22 112.40 111 93 84.20 81.04 76.58 74 58.58 56 37 21.35 19 0 Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Seattle St. Louis U.S. Average Sources: Milken Institute, Economy.com Looking at national rankings (table 14), Pittsburgh rated a strong 27th among 379 MSAs. Still, it held the next-to-last position among the benchmarked MSAs. Table 14: National Rankings of Overall GDP, 2004 Overall GDP ($Millions) Phoenix 116,221.18 Seattle 112,395.33 St Louis 84,196.53 Baltimore 81,043.42 Pittsburgh 76,579.88 Indianapolis 58,584.04 Source: Economy.com [ 40 ] Ranks 2004 11 12 23 25 27 39 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Despite its VC investment dollars, knowledge assets and high overall GDP, Pittsburgh’s high-tech GDP also scored low, last among the six MSAs (igure 43). This again suggests that the region is not fully leveraging its knowledge assets and that the local economy is not suficiently driven by its high-tech industry. The effects of VC investments in 2004, however, remain to be seen. Figure 43: High-Tech GDP 2004 US$ Billions 30 27.56 25 19.19 20 15 10 9.32 8.92 8.37 7.45 5 0 2.58 Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Seattle St. Louis U.S. Average Sources: Milken Institute, Economy.com Though it rates above the national average of $3 billion, Pittsburgh’s $7 billion high-tech GDP is not a promising number, despite its position at 33rd. Table 15: National Rankings of High Tech GDP, 2004 MSA High-Tech GDP 2004 ($Millions) Rank Seattle $27,558.90 5 Phoenix $19,187.70 13 Baltimore $9,321.03 25 St. Louis $8,923.49 27 Indianapolis $8,368.18 30 Pittsburgh $7,450.85 33 Source: Economy.com Productivity values were computed by dividing GDP by the number of workers for the same period. Table 16 and igure 44 illustrate overall productivity levels. Pittsburgh’s overall productivity is only $5,000 above the U.S. average. Looking at national rankings, Pittsburgh occupies 124th place. Still, among the peer MSAs, only Seattle made the top 100. Table 16: National Rankings of Overall Productivity, 2004 Overall Productivity ($Thousands per worker) Ranks 2004 Seattle 93.88 26 Phoenix 79.31 109 Pittsburgh 77.54 124 Baltimore 77.37 128 Indianapolis 75.89 146 St. Louis 69.78 209 Source: Economy.com [ 41 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh did perform considerably and consistently better than the national average from 1990 to 2004, in terms of its overall productivity. Figure 44: Overall Productivity 1990 to 2004 US$ Thousands per Worker 100 90 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle U.S. Average Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 80 70 60 50 40 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com In overall economy, Pittsburgh still faces a big threat from a population downturn. Given its relatively high overall GDP and low productivity, the metropolitan area appears to have a comparatively high number of employees who add little value to the high-tech industry. Thus, as employee numbers decline, the quantity or value of output may be reduced even more. At this point, we turn to the high-tech industries (see again, igure 30). In Phoenix, the high-tech industry is substantially driving its economy because of its greater productivity. In Pittsburgh, as well, high-tech productivity surpasses overall productivity. Just the same, its high-tech productivity is comparable to the national average of $119 per worker. Nor does Pittsburgh’s high-tech productivity rank within the top 100 MSAs (table 17). At just $119,000, it ranks lower than national overall productivity but still surpasses Baltimore on both measures. Phoenix tops the high-tech productivity rankings. Given that Pittsburgh’s high-tech GDP is substantially higher than its overall GDP, its high-tech industry is clearly driving its economy. However, the comparatively low high-tech GDP is a cause for concern for the region. This goes beyond its high-tech industry and applies to its overall economy. Table 17: National Rankings of High-Tech Productivity, 2004 High-Tech Productivity ($Thousands per high-tech worker) Ranks 2004 Phoenix $163.00 41 Seattle $148.75 74 Indianapolis $144.16 81 Pittsburgh $118.84 174 Baltimore $112.39 199 St Louis $111.48 202 Source: Economy.com [ 42 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh’s high-tech GDP remained consistently low from 1990 to 2004 (Figure 45). In fact, it ranked last among the MSAs throughout the period, exhibiting few signs of growth during the IT boom. On the other hand, it did not show signs of sharp decline after the IT crash in 2000. Figure 45: High-Tech GDP 1990-2004 US$ Billions 30 25 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle U.S. Average Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 20 15 10 5 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com Pittsburgh’s high-tech productivity also ranked consistently last until 2003, when it moved up to fourth (igure 46). The region still has substantial room for high-tech growth if it can attract more high-tech workers. Worker retention and the reversal of outward migration are of paramount importance. Figure 46: High-Tech Productivity 1990-2004 US$ Thousands per High Tech Worker 180 160 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle U.S. Average Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 140 120 100 80 60 40 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com From 1999 to 2001, growth in local high-tech productivity stagnated but remained relatively unharmed by the IT crash. However, that productivity remains far below productivity in Phoenix, Indianapolis and Seattle. And while Pittsburgh’s productivity picked up sharply in 2002, it still could not match the top three MSAs. [ 4 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute In sum, Pittsburgh’s high-tech industry is a key driver of its economy because of the high GDP from its hightech industry compared to its overall GDP. However, its low high-tech productivity suggests that the industry does not produce high-value, high-tech products and services comparatively. This is relected in its comparatively low high-tech wages. Without a vibrant industry base that produces high-value products and services, wages will be low. Hence, it becomes dificult to attract and retain quality talent, even those produced by Pittsburgh’s renowned institutions. Pittsburgh Industry Cuts Looking at individual industry sectors, Pittsburgh is strong in two manufacturing sectors, “manufacturing and reproducing optical media” and “communications equipment manufacturing.” Among high-tech services sectors, Pittsburgh showed no signs of a clear leadership among its peer MSAs. The next two charts summarize manufacturing and service industry cuts in 2004. The two axes depict standardized scores of the number of establishments and the employment numbers for each of the 25 industry categories. The scores were computed by standardizing and comparing the number of establishments and employment numbers for the six MSAs. This method accounts for ordinal differences, as well as the magnitude of the differences. The scores for employment and establishments were obtained by ranking the absolute numbers of each attribute against the ive peer MSAs. The magnitude of differences in ranks were taken into consideration and mapped into a scale of 1 to 6. The resulting scores were then used to plot the following two scatter grams to illustrate Pittsburgh’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in its high-tech industry sectors. Deinitions A strength is deined as a sector that scores > = 4.5 in both number of establishments and employment. A weakness is deined as a sector that scores < = 2.5 in both number of establishments and employment. An opportunity is deined as a sector that has a score of > = 4.5 in one of the two axes and a moderate score (2.5 < = x < = 4.5) in the other. Boosting the moderate scores, Pittsburgh could potentially gain another strength. A threat is deined as a sector with a score of > = 2.5 in one of the two axes and < = 5 in the other. The lowranking axis may result in the loss of the strength in the corresponding axis without intervention. [ 44 ] 7 6 Audio & Vide o Equipm e nt M anufacturing 5 [ 45 ] Employment Employment M anufacturing & Re producing M agne tic & Optical M e dia M e dical Equipm e nt & Supplie s M anufacturing Com m unications Equipm e nt M anufacturing Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Figure 47: Pittsburgh Benchmarked High-Tech Manufacturing (Standardized) Com pute r & Pe riphe ral Equipm e nt M anufacturing Com m e rcial & Se rvice Indus try M achine ry M anufacturing 4 3 Se m iconductor & Othe r Ele ctronic Com pone nt M anufacturing 2 Nav/M e as uring/M e dical/ Control Ins trum e nts M anufacturing Pharm ace utical & M e dicine M anufacturing 1 Ae ros pace Products & Parts M anufacturing 0 1 Source: Economy.com, Bureau of Labor Statistics 2 3 4 Establishments Establishments 5 6 7 Milken Institute 0 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Figure 48: Pittsburgh Benchmarked High-Tech Services (Standardized) 7 Othe r Infor m ation Se r vice s Cable and Othe r Progr am s Dis tr ibution 6 [ 46 ] Employment Employment 5 Archite ctur al, Engine e r ing & Re late d Se rvice s Inte r ne t Se r vice Pr ovide r s and We b Se ar ch Por tals 4 Te le com m Re s e lle r s Scie ntific R&D Se r vice s 3 Sate llite Te le com m M otion Pictur e & Vide o Indus trie s 2 Data Proce s s ing Se r vice s , Hos ting, and Re late d Se r vice s M e dical & Diagnos tic Labor ator ie s Othe r Te le com m Wir e le s s Te le com m Car rie rs (e xce pt Sate llite ) 1 Softw ar e Publis he rs Wir e d Te le com m Car rie r s Com pute r Sys te m s De s ign & Re late d Se r vice s 0 1 2 3 4 Establishments Establishments Establishments 5 6 7 Milken Institute 0 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute A summary of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats is given in table 18. These sectors deserve special attention. Four sectors were added to the advanced manufacturing and materials cluster for more indepth analysis. These four additional sectors—“basic chemical manufacturing,” “resin, synthetic rubber and artiicial synthetic ibers and ilaments manufacturing,” “paint, coating, and adhesive manufacturing,” and “other chemical product and preparation manufacturing”—are not classiied under the Milken Institute’s high-tech deinition. Pittsburgh’s strong clusters are its bioscience and internet-speciic clusters, with location quotients around 1.0. However, only 7.95 percent of its high-tech irms are in the internet-speciic cluster. Its irm location quotients for the bioscience and internet-speciic clusters are 0.57 and 0.78 respectively, a marked difference from its employment location quotients. Although the region’s advanced communication and IT cluster showed low location quotients by employment and irms, “communications equipment manufacturing” showed up as a strength in the region, with an employment location of 1.25. However, its location quotient by irms was only 0.12. This means the sector is dominated by a small number of companies. Looking at other location quotients by irms for the region, Pittsburgh’s high-tech clusters do not seem to have a large irm base to match the high-tech employment in the region. A closer look at the individual industry sectors is given in the subsequent section. [ 4 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Table 18: Pittsburgh Industry Cuts SWOT Summary NAICS Cluster 3342 3343 3344 3346 5112 Advanced Communication and IT 3341 3333 3364 3351* 3352* 3355* Advanced Manufacturing and Materials 5415 3359* 3254 3391 5413 Bioscience 3345 Industry 2004 SWOT Emp LQ Cluster Cluster Firm LQ Firm LQ Emp LQ O 0.46 0.13 S 1.25 0.12 T 4.27 0.15 W 0.46 S 1.5 0.26 W 0.49 0.33 T 0.66 0.80 1.17 0.28 0.04 0.01 Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing Communications equipment manufacturing Audio and video equipment manufacturing Semi-conductor and other electronic component Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media Software publishers Computer systems design and related services Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing Aerospace products and parts manufacturing W 0.37 0.83 Basic chemical manufacturing Resin, synthetic rubber & artificial synthetic fibers & filaments mfg Paint, coating, & adhesive manufacturing Other chemical product & preparation manufacturing Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing Nav/measuring/medical/control instruments manufacturing Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing Architectural, engineering and related services 0.17 0.35 0.70 0.48 2.09 0.23 1.99 0.41 1.10 0.59 0.45 0.04 W 0.54 0.22 T 1.53 0.50 1.01 0.57 1.2 0.87 Scientific r&d services 0.89 0.29 6215 Medical and diagnostic laboratories 1.23 0.81 0.93 0.78 5191 5121 5171 5172 5173 5174 5175 5179 Mass Media and Telecommunications 5182 Internet-Specific 5417 5181 Internet service providers and web search portals Data processing services, hosting, and related services 0.99 W 0.76 O 2.63 2.54 Motion picture and video industries 0.45 0.66 Wired telecomm carriers 0.95 0.39 Wireless telecomm carriers (except satellite) 0.93 0.36 Telecomm resellers 0.51 Other information services 0.79 0.47 0.41 Satellite telecom W 0.23 0.47 Cable and other programs distribution T 1.76 0.35 Other telecomm T 0.37 0.86 Source: Milken Institute, Economy.com, Bureau of Labor Statistics *Additional industries not classified under the Milken Institute's high-tech definition [ 4 ] 0.54 0.78 0.43 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute On the manufacturing side, Pittsburgh has strengths in both “communications and equipment manufacturing,” and “manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media.” “Aerospace products and parts manufacturing,” “nav/measuring/medical/control instruments manufacturing” and “semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing” show up as weaknesses. “Audio and video equipment manufacturing” constitutes a sector threat. While the sector is very strong in terms of employment, its number of establishments is very low. Sony and Robicon are the only two irms in this sector with a presence. The same can be said of “medical equipment and supplies manufacturing.” Cook Vascular Inc. alone accounts for 1,790 employees. The dominating presence of these large establishments is advantageous, in terms of sales and employment, and as potential anchor irms that could bring in subsidiary companies. But the corresponding low number of total establishments in this industry shows a vulnerability considering the strong dependency on these few establishments. “Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing” shows up as an opportunity, but not a clear opportunity because of its moderately high employment numbers. On the services side, Pittsburgh shows no strengths in any sector. The “software publishers,” “satellite telecom” and “data processing services, hosting and related services” sectors show up as weaknesses. This inding appears to reinforce the argument that Pittsburgh is lacking the infrastructure to commercialize university R&D. Three sectors amount to threats: “cable and other programs distribution,” “computer systems design and related services,” and “other telecomm.” In “computer systems design and related services,” iGate Corp. accounts for 500 employees. Multiple companies in the other two sectors employ very few workers. On a positive note, “other information services” is a sector on which Pittsburgh can capitalize. Sector examples include news syndication (NAICS code 51911) and library archives (NAICS code 51912). Currently, the sector has high employment, but only a moderate number of establishments. Pittsburgh can exploit its sector “opportunities” by encouraging greater expansion and development to utilize the high numbers of people trained in these ields. Figure 49 illustrates the distribution of degrees awarded by discipline. The primary degree disciplines were aggregated to show their direct support for the ive clusters used in our analysis. Degrees awarded in biosciences support the bioscience cluster, those awarded in information technology and communications support the advanced communication and IT, telecommunications, and internet-speciic clusters, and inally, degrees awarded in engineering and manufacturing disciplines support the advanced manufacturing and materials cluster. It must be noted that a direct match is dificult to obtain, because degree awards are not organized by NAICS codes. Also, some disciplines allow the degree holder to cross over to other industries. However, aggregating the NAICS codes and degree-award disciplines, it is possible to gauge the degree of support given to the ive major clusters. [ 49 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Figure 49: Degree Awards by Discipline 2002-2003 10000 Supporting BioSciences Supporting Engineering and Manufacturing Supporting IT & Communications 7676 8000 6000 4000 3181 3087 2757 2159 2000 1405 1165 944 311 0 Baltimore Indianapolis 1081 904 642 560 Phoenix Pittsburgh 1318 1115 Seattle Source: NCES Here, Pittsburgh shows obvious strengths in its university assets. Although the number of information technology degrees lagged far behind Phoenix’s in academic year 2002–2003, Pittsburgh’s rankings were comparable to the other four MSAs in life science, natural science and engineering/technician degrees. Of note, Pittsburgh ranks second in the number of information technology degrees. The Pittsburgh metropolitan area is large, but its population ranked ifth in 2004. Given the decline in population since the 1970s, we must interpret the number of degrees relative to the number of local high-tech workers. Pittsburgh ranks second for all three categories of high-tech degrees awarded. Phoenix awards the most information technology and engineering/technician degrees, most likely attributable to its fast-growing optics industry. Although Pittsburgh’s high-tech industry does not exhibit the same strengths, its universities produce many technical degrees. Given that these are consistent across the three categories, the key to develop the high-tech sectors in Pittsburgh is to provide employment opportunities that leverage the knowledge assets and retain technical talent. Figure 50: HT Degrees Awarded per HT Worker Standardized 8 Supporting Biosciences Supporting Engineering and Manufacturing Supporting IT and Communications 6.006.00 6 6 5 4.82 4.15 4 3.38 2.95 3 2.59 2 2 1.85 1.62 1 1.57 1 1.001.00 0 Baltimore Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Sources: Milken Institute, NCES, Economy.com [ 50 ] Seattle St. Louis Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute High-Tech Sector Strengths Pittsburgh shows strengths in two sectors: “communications and equipment manufacturing,” and “manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media.” The igures in Appendix E show the LQ trends for these two sectors from 1990 to 2004. We use LQs to show the employment levels relative to the national employment average. In this and the following three sections, we attach the relevant igures in Appendix E. This “communications and equipment manufacturing” sector is a strength in terms of LQ (see Appendix E, igure 53) but nevertheless shows poor productivity (Figure 55). Indexed to productivity levels in 1990, the sector was lower in 2004 than at the start of the measure. Still, the other ive MSAs show growth in productivity for this sector, even though the indexed growth of the U.S. average (1.0) is not promising. Pittsburgh ranked below both the national average and the other MSAs in 2004. Thus, while the region has a large economic base for this sector, it is not leveraging human resources as well, which makes this sector a conditional strength. Pittsburgh’s “manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media” sector picked up in 1996 and continued to beat the benchmarked MSAs through 1998 (see Appendix E, igure 54). That year, it crossed the national average of 1.00. Since then, it has remained a sector strength. Local productivity dropped below the national average in 1997, however, as did the rate of productivity. In 2004, productivity remained below the national average (which had itself declined sharply in 2003). Compared to Baltimore, Indianapolis and Phoenix, Pittsburgh did not fare well in productivity growth but managed, in 2004, to rank third among the benchmarked MSAs. As such, this strength again, becomes a conditional strength, dependent on whether or not Pittsburgh can leverage human resources to maintain its position. Neither manufacturing sector had a strong base in 1990, but both showed rapidly increasing employment with the advent of the dot-com boom and remained strong in 2004, this despite Pittsburgh’s comparatively lower performance in sector productivity. Their strengths lie in the availability of irms to employ large numbers of tech graduates. It is therefore vitally important to retain these industries and provide a steady low of graduates for them. High-Tech Sector Weaknesses In high-tech manufacturing, Pittsburgh exhibits three weak sectors: “semi-conductor and other electronic component manufacturing,” “nav/measuring/medical/control instruments manufacturing” and “aerospace products and parts manufacturing” (see Appendix E). Pittsburgh has not shown strengths in these sectors over the 14-year period, and they remain undeveloped with low employment. While these sectors may be addressed in the long run, we do not recommend a focus on them for Pittsburgh’s high-tech strategy, especially since the weaknesses are entrenched. [ 51 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute As expected, productivity growth was lower than the national average and most of the benchmarked MSAs. As shown in Appendix E, these trends resemble those in the weak high-tech manufacturing sectors. Surprisingly, the “software publishers” sector does not leverage longstanding local university R&D assets. In contrast, Seattle, which does not produce the same numbers of high-tech graduates per high-tech worker, clearly leverages its R&D assets, not just in “software publishers” but also in “data processing services, hosting and related services.” Pittsburgh has failed to boost employment in these sectors, despite the proximity of renowned universities. The reason may be attributed to the lower wages paid to workers in these sectors. While the metropolitan area produces qualiied graduates, it seems unable to keep them from moving elsewhere. A strategy to develop and attract irms in these three sectors is important. It is interesting to note that existing software publishing companies themselves fail to exploit their proximity to Pittsburgh’s graduates. The data processing services sector, in fact, seems not to have exploited it throughout the 14-year period. It is plausible that the existing companies in these sectors are not suficiently focused on high value-added activities, resulting in a mismatch between their operations and the region’s leading university talents. For the medium- to long term, Pittsburgh might promote its leading information technology and engineering tertiary programs. In the short term, the area may experience dificulty in addressing these weaknesses, given the longstanding low employment trends. High-Tech Sector Opportunities Appendix E shows the LQ opportunity trends in Pittsburgh’s high-tech sectors from 1990 to 2004. The economic base for “computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing” and “other information services” has been strong and fairly consistent. Again in Appendix E, the indexed productivity growth for the two sectors shows that Pittsburgh has not performed as well as the other MSAs, but does show room for growth. Intervention to develop or attract new businesses could bolster these sectors. As the data show, there are high numbers of workers, but a relatively moderate number of businesses. In the short term, this leaves a strong possibility for development through venture capital support to leverage knowledge assets. Equally important is the effective leveraging of human resources. High-Tech Sector Threats “Audio and video equipment manufacturing,” “medical equipment and supplies manufacturing,” and “cable and other programs distribution” are three sectors where Pittsburgh shows strengths in employment numbers, but weaknesses in the number of irms. As explained with the case of “audio and video equipment manufacturing” (see Appendix E, igure 73), it is risky to rely on a few anchor irms to support the entire sector. [ 52 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute The “other telecom” and “computer systems design and related services” sectors feature a low number of high-tech workers and a high number of businesses. “Other telecom” sectors refer to sectors that do not fall into the existing telecom categories. With insuficient workers, irms may pull out and trigger a decline in the sector base. The indexed productivity growth for these ive sectors are shown in Appendix E. Pittsburgh performed better than the national average, and potential exists for development. Still, sectors with high numbers of tech irms lack trained employees; and sectors with high numbers of trained employees lack the irms to hire them. Leveraging Pittsburgh’s knowledge assets becomes the key to averting threat. In the short term, of course, it is dificult to boost either employment or the number of irms, but it is possible to avert the threats with planning. Pittsburgh stands to lose workers and businesses, both of which are mobile, if they are suficiently motivated by economic opportunity elsewhere. Knowledge assets, however, are the result of a cumulative process over long periods of R&D using excellent human capital. Summary of Industry Cuts Pittsburgh’s high-tech industry shows overall signs of weakness that can chiely be attributed to the fact that it fails to leverage the area’s strong knowledge base. With the exception of two sectors with manufacturing strength — “computers and peripheral equipment” and “other information services” — that weakness has been in evidence since 1990. We also found opportunities, but the entire industry shows threats, including low productivity and insuficient human capital, that must be addressed in order to avoid decline. We propose key strategies that target speciic sectors: For sector strengths, maintaining the status quo will allow Pittsburgh to retain its assets and potentially strengthen these sectors. At the same time, policies may be introduced that encourage practices to maximize the human resource potential. For sector weaknesses, we recommend focusing on primary university R&D as a way to encourage university-based startups and venture capital support. Pittsburgh remains strong in R&D assets and awards a large number of relevant degrees, and further leveraging could address weaknesses, even in the short term. For sector opportunities, business expansion will increase employment and the potential for startups and spin-offs. Increasing both employees and businesses will boost these sectors and offer short-term beneits. For sector threats, an effective strategy must increase either the number of irms or the number of workers. This depends on whether the targeted sector has a comparatively low number of irms or workers. [ 5 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute The following table provides a summary of recommendations. Table 19: Key Recommendations for High-Tech Manufacturing Industry High-Tech Manufacturing Industry 3254 Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing 3333 Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing 3341 Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing 3342 Communications and equipment manufacturing 3343 Audio and video equipment manufacturing 3344 Semi-conductor and other electronic component manufacturing 3345 Nav/Measuring/Medical/Control instruments manufacturing 3346 Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media 3364 Aerospace products and parts manufacturing 3391 Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing Key Strategy for Short-Term Development Develop policies that will encourage VC investments at corporate level Maintain status quo and develop policies to increase output Encourage the development or inward migration of companies in these industries Develop policies to benefit relevant university startups and encourage primary R&D Develop policies to benefit relevant university startups and encourage primary R&D Maintain status quo and develop policies to increase output Develop policies to benefit university startups and encourage primary R&D Encourage the development or inward migration of companies in these industries [ 54 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Table 20: Key Recommendations for High-Tech Services Sectors High-Tech Services Industry 5112 Software publishers Key Strategy for Short-Term Development Develop policies to benefit relevant university startups and encourage primary R&D 5121 Motion picture and video industries 5171 Wired telecomm carriers 5172 Wireless telecomm carriers (except satellite) 5173 Telecomm resellers 5174 Satellite telecom 5175 Cable and other programs distribution 5179 Other telecomm Develop policies to benefit relevant university startups and encourage primary R&D Encourage the development or inward migration of companies in these industries Increase intake for relevant programs at universities. Develop scholarship programs and local industry linkages in relevant university programs 5181 Internet service providers and web search portals 5182 Data processing services, hosting, and Develop policies to benefit relevant university related services startups and encourage primary R&D 5191 Other information services Develop policies that will encourage VC investments at corporate level 5413 Architectural, engineering and related services 5415 Computer systems design & related Increase the intake for relevant programs at services universities. Develop scholarship programs and local industry linkages in relevant university programs 5417 Scientific R&D services 6215 Medical and diagnostic laboratories [ 55 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Regional Economic Overview Pittsburgh has a strong knowledge base but lacks the necessary industry conditions to exploit it. Development potential certainly exists, but the region appears to lack the conditions to take the region to the next level of economic performance. This can be attributed to several factors: • Aversion to risk: Pittsburgh’s investment climate is slow to gain momentum, relative to other cities in this analysis. A comparable number of companies may receive venture capital, but the investment dollars are lower. This is surprising, considering the strong knowledge assets in its innovation pipeline. • High corporate tax rates: The standard of living in Pittsburgh makes it a favorable region for business and professional development. However, the high state corporate tax rates may deter business development and expansion. Baltimore and Indianapolis offer lower corporate taxes. • Low high-tech wage-income base: The low high-tech industry base does not involve a suficiently high level of high-tech production and is coupled with low high-tech productivity levels. Without a suficient industry base to engage in high-value production, it becomes dificult to offer high wages to high-level high-tech workers. Taken together, the comparatively lower wage-income in the high-tech industry presents challenges. Without competitive wages, Pittsburgh may be unable to attract and retain the talent that is concentrated in its renowned academic institutions and research base. • Lack of anchor irms: A dearth of anchor irms means less potential for spin-offs and clusters. Some established high-tech clusters do exist, but with just a few anchor irms, the short- to medium-term business climate is vulnerable. This also makes Pittsburgh less desirable for high-tech talent. • Insuficiently developed entrepreneurial environment: Pittsburgh is not strategically positioned to attract large VC investments. The absence of entrepreneurial capacity, coupled with risk aversion, places the area in a highly disadvantaged position for tech development. • Lack of immigration: As explained before, the low wage-income base, the smaller high-tech industry base and lower productivity are weakening the high-tech industry base. As such, the region cannot attract and retain the labor force that can leverage its strong R&D base. Although Pittsburgh’s leading institutions produce a quality work force (i.e., the student body), retaining these talents and attracting others become the most critical elements to ensure commercial success in building a high-tech industry. • Low workforce development: Again, while Pittsburgh remains strong in the quality of its work force (i.e., the student body), their numbers in the industry remain low. The good news is that Pittsburgh’s high-tech industry productivity remained consistent during the IT crash. Potential Areas of Focus for the Above Assessment Kick-Start the Business Environment Taxation impact is an economic factor that affects decisions of large corporations to locate their headquarters and startups beyond the seeding stage. An unfavorable tax environment therefore, hinders the business development for both large and small companies, and hence entrepreneurial activities. Workers’ decision to select safer wage jobs versus risky self-employment is dependent on the differential taxation between these two choices.27 [ 56 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pennsylvania has the third highest corporate net income tax rate in the United States, at 9.99 percent, and the highest lat tax, as well.28 The high corporate tax rate is disadvantageous to business development on large and small scales. With the understanding that this tax structure is obsolete, members of the Greater Oakland Greater Innovation Zone (GO KIZ) have been pushing for change. But in December 2005, Gov. Edward Rendell vetoed House Bill 515, aimed at corporate tax reform.29 Still, Pennsylvania’s tax burden, as a percentage of personal income, is relatively low. The state ranks 35th (Table 21) nationwide, and 5th among the six benchmarked MSAs, making it an inexpensive state in which to live. The tax burden includes business taxes because businesses pass on their costs to consumers.30 The average U.S. tax burden in 2005 is 10.1 percent; the average U.S. tax burden per capita is more than $3,000.31 Among the six MSAs, Maryland and Indiana rank highest, with 10.3 percent each. Arizona and Washington come close, at 10.2 percent and 10.0 percent. Pennsylvania follows, with 9.7 percent, and Missouri comes in last, with a state tax burden of 9.4 percent. Though the percentages do not differ substantially, Pennsylvania’s tax burden per capita in 2005 was $3,700 compared to Maryland’s at $4,500. Pennsylvania’s tax burden is comparable to the U.S. average. Considering the cost of living in Baltimore and Pittsburgh, these numbers are not surprising. Baltimore’s cost of living in 2004 was 105 percent of the national average, compared to the national average, while Pittsburgh’s was only 86 percent. However, in December 2005, the state House of Representatives passed an increase in the state personal income tax and an expansion of state sales tax to new items and services. These were initiated to make up for property tax reductions.32 Currently there are proposals submitted that are pushing for ways to shift the property tax. Missouri: Tax Incentives for the Life Science Industry  The state of Missouri has a comprehensive biotech initiative that is poised to boost its high-tech industry. The Equipment Tax Credit brings beneits to both the industry and distressed communities by means of a three-year, 40 percent tax credit (capped at $75,000). Meanwhile, the Research and Development Tax Credit allows companies to claim up to 6.5 percent of incremental increases over a starting base period of three years. To develop its life sciences work force, Missouri provides reimbursements to students who work in biotechnology for the irst two years of their higher education. In addition, trade organizations—such as the Missouri Biotechnology Industry Organization, Technology Gateway Organization and the American Soybean Association—provide a supply of labor, as well as various services to support projected growth. The tax incentives are coupled with VC support from Prolog Ventures, RiverVest Venture Partners, Oakwood Medical Investors and Ascension Health Ventures, which raised more than $284 million from 2002 to 2005. Other St. Louis venture capital funds are expected to raise another $250 million. [ 5 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Table 21: Combined State and Local Tax Burden by State, 2005 Maine New York Hawaii Rhode Island Wisconsin Vermont Ohio Nebraska Utah Minnesota Arkansas Connecticut West Virginia New Jersey Kansas Louisiana Maryland Indiana Kentucky California Arizona Michigan Wyoming Washington Iowa Mississippi Idaho North Carolina New Mexico Illinois Georgia Massachusetts South Carolina Virginia Pennsylvania Oregon Colorado Nevada Montana Oklahoma Missouri North Dakota Texas Florida South Dakota Alabama Tennessee Delaware New Hampshire Alaska Tax Burden Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Tax Burden as a Percentage of Income 13.00% 12.00% 11.50% 11.40% 11.40% 11.10% 11.00% 10.90% 10.90% 10.70% 10.50% 10.50% 10.50% 10.40% 10.40% 10.40% 10.30% 10.30% 10.30% 10.30% 10.20% 10.10% 10.10% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 9.90% 9.80% 9.80% 9.80% 9.70% 9.70% 9.70% 9.60% 9.50% 9.50% 9.50% 9.40% 9.40% 9.40% 9.30% 9.20% 8.80% 8.70% 8.30% 8.00% 7.40% 6.40% Sources: Tax Foundation and Bureau of Economic Analysis. [ 5 ] Tax Burden Per Capita $4,390 $5,170 $4,161 $4,327 $4,141 $4,005 $3,906 $3,984 $3,122 $4,409 $2,993 $5,400 $2,996 $4,971 $3,629 $3,200 $4,501 $3,503 $3,199 $4,078 $3,184 $3,686 $3,802 $3,990 $3,479 $2,739 $3,014 $3,268 $2,882 $3,920 $3,377 $4,608 $2,976 $3,820 $3,747 $3,271 $3,758 $3,423 $2,878 $2,876 $3,282 $3,170 $3,167 $3,271 $2,976 $2,656 $2,757 $3,128 $3,040 $2,452 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Tax reform efforts in the state House indicate the realization by some politicians that Pennsylvania’s business taxes are hurting the state’s competitiveness. Currently, Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato is focusing on three economic development goals: Brownields Economic Redevelopment, the airport corridor, and university-based expansion to fuel the high-tech sector. Of note, the airport corridor is deemed as central to the economic growth of the region. 34 At the municipal agenda-setting level, however, Pittsburgh’s leadership has not been stellar. Former Mayor Tom Murphy targeted real estate focused towards amenities and tourism rather than high-tech, a focus out of sync with the best strategy for economic development: leveraging the region’s knowledge assets to build up the high-tech industry. The 2005 real estate market, understandably, did not perform well under conditions of low job growth and stagnant population igures.35 And the region’s plans to promote Pittsburgh as a tourist and entertainment attraction may also prove ineffectual for economic growth, including growth in the high-tech industry.36 Worse, despite the high corporate tax rates (and outdated tax structure) and sluggish job growth, Mayor Murphy proposed tax hikes, modeling his plan after San Francisco and Philadelphia, both of which had even lower job growth than Pittsburgh from 1990 to 2002.37 In November 2005, newly elected Mayor Bob O’Connor proposed a new plan for restoring the area’s economic health, among them more cooperation among regional leadership and across different levels. His approach appears to be far less confrontational.38 The collaboration of Dan Onorato and Bob O’Connor in setting the regional agenda was a good irst step for developing the region’s high-tech industry. Seattle’s Leadership and Development of High-Tech Industries 9 We cannot overstate the importance of coordinated leadership in the area of high-tech development. Local governments and agencies often have resources to nurture organizations and industry associations that develop entrepreneurship. Some cities have established special funds to invest in startups, “smart” buildings and incubators. In Seattle, the Washington Software Alliance was created with support from a state economic development agency, and the local chamber of commerce brought together entrepreneurs from several tech sectors to create the Technology Alliance. Public agencies have hosted meetings and offered support services, including a personal computer user group, activities of the MIT Enterprise Forum, an artiicial intelligence Forum and a science-and-technology roundtable within the Technology Alliance. Legal guidelines address the city’s for-proit investments. Using those guidelines, the city’s Ofice of Economic Development initiated a revolving loan fund to assist in the creation of a biotech incubator, using lab space made available when the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center moved to a new site. Because the city could not legally establish venture capital funds, the local chamber organized a network of “angel” investors among area residents with training in high-tech disciplines and vested interests in these areas. [ 59 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute The region’s business climate remains quite conservative. Many companies remain small, with just 10 to 20 employees over years, and exhibit little propensity for expansion. Business expansion, of course, implies sharing control with external parties, an anathema to those accustomed to conservative operational methods. But reticence only hinders progress in an economy where innovation and industry linkages are key drivers of growth. To capture a favorable economic position and technology leadership, rapid expansion of irms and production becomes critical to the transfer of innovation to markets that yield high economic wealth and jobs. Without this transfer or commercialization on a large scale, the region cannot beneit from the high-tech innovation in R&D institutions, regardless of their quality. Regional leaders may consider initiatives that would boost access to venture capital. Local companies have not received competitive VC funding, and the region could help them gain access to national VCs to sustain initial growth.40 Changes in the state corporate tax environment, as well as entrepreneurial culture issues, will serve the region well. These issues inhibit Pittsburgh’s ability to leverage its R&D assets. It becomes crucial therefore to initiate these changes at the state level. Attract and Retain Talent High-tech companies depend on talented developers and entrepreneurial thinkers, and they reward them with high salaries and sometimes with stock options. High-tech leaders also recognize that rival companies may try to lure away their workers, and that it is crucial to keep them from leaving. An appealing urban environment is one carrot companies use to attract and retain employees.41 Migration patterns are largely determined by unfavorable employment and career prospects.42 These are push factors because people tend to move to places that have more employment and career advantages. Pittsburgh is not immune to this: Since 1990, economic opportunities across all local industries have shrunk, and so has the region’s population. People leaving Pittsburgh tend to have higher incomes than do those moving into the area. While the income gap is smaller than it was in the 1980s,43 it does suggest that the quality of outward migrants remains higher than that of inward migrants. The area’s high-tech industry has experienced longstanding weakness, but successive administrations have failed to address the problems of low employment and sluggish growth. All the while, comparatively attractive regions are not so far away (such as Baltimore and Indianapolis) and pose potential threats to local high-tech development. Pittsburgh’s strength lies in its human capital and its R&D base. The region cannot risk under-utilizing these assets and eventually losing them. But when companies decide to expand or relocate elsewhere, the human capital will move. Spinnaker and Seagate are based in Pittsburgh precisely to exploit the local talent in data storage. Seagate, originally based in California, relocated some of its operations for the express purpose of being close to Carnegie Mellon University.44 Other high proile companies attempting to exploit Pittsburgh’s university assets are Intel and Apple. More recently, Google expanded its operations to Pittsburgh to leverage [ 60 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute the local expertise at Carnegie Mellon University with the aim to create more than 100 high-paying jobs.45 With low employment numbers, however, and fewer skilled workers, companies such as these may see less economic motivation to stay in Pittsburgh. Indeed, the data show few signs of potential for employment, so Pittsburgh would do well to take full advantage of existing opportunities, such as the presence of Spinnaker and Seagate, and work quickly to enhance their sustainability. Spinnaker was acquired by Network Appliance for $300 million.46 It is actively enhancing their presence in Pittsburgh. One way to do this is to attract foreign talent while retaining local graduates. Again, there is the competitive threat from regions that offer more employment opportunities. A 1999 survey of students majoring in business, computer science and engineering at Carnegie Mellon University showed that half wanted to start their own companies but preferred other regions, such as Boston or California.47 Also in 1999, the Pennsylvania High Education Assistance Agency introduced two scholarship programs designed to keep students in the area.48 To qualify for aid, students must agree to work for a full year in Pennsylvania after they graduate. The scholarships could serve as an attractive lure for companies seeking a steady stream of local talent.49 That same year, the state launched it Sci-Tech scholarships, targeting residents enrolled full time in science or technology disciplines.50 Sci-Tech recipients must complete internships with Pennsylvanian companies as part of their degree requirements. The 1999 GI Bill for the New Economy offers inancial aid to Pennsylvania high school graduates who don’t plan to attend a college or university, but do want technical training.51 While Pittsburgh may stand to beneit from these scholarship programs, the region faces in-state competition for graduates from Philadelphia. More incentives are crucial to attract and retain high-tech workers. Among which, better wage income packages coupled with the low cost of living in Pittsburgh may work very well to the region’s advantages. Arizona: Commercialization of the Optics Industry 52 The optics industry in Phoenix (and Arizona) provides a good example of industry linkages; it cuts across the biotech, aerospace, automotive, semiconductor and telecommunications industries, and represents a milestone in local high-tech industry development. The early 1990s saw scientists and entrepreneurs leaving universities to form their own startups, and the state’s economic base began to shift from defense and aerospace to optics. Today the optics industry is thriving in Phoenix and elsewhere in the state. Key to this was the fact that R&D originating from area universities remained local. And the high-tech industry grew through linkages with the optics ield. Arizona can, of course, beneit from further collaboration and increased leverage of its knowledge base, but the existing synergy of high-tech talent in optics R&D has created strong commercialization links. This research infrastructure remains one of the internal drivers of the high-tech industry. [ 61 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute The most successful technology companies build near their talent pools. Hence, Pittsburgh might ind that tax-free zones work as strong incentives to leverage the region’s knowledge assets in attracting new business.53 In addition, tax-free zones can feed into smart zones, such as the Michigan SmartZones. SmartZones constitute partnerships among universities, industry, research organizations, government, and various community institutions to facilitate the development of clusters to fuel the growth of high-tech businesses and jobs. Primarily, these are oriented around idea commercialization, patents, and other R&D efforts.54 Just as the new economy requires companies to be lexible, so too must local governments, universities and businesses think creatively to commercialize innovations. Regions prosper if they develop a human infrastructure of knowledge workers in economic production.55 For Pittsburgh, the challenge is to broaden the focus of university R&D spending — the R&D pipeline — from primary innovation toward commercialization.56 Nurturing an eficient center for R&D partnerships with universities might serve as a useful strategy to attract anchors to boost the high-tech industry. Boost Knowledge-Base Incubation Incubators boost business growth.57 They provide support to skilled entrepreneurs who need inancial backing. Successful incubation increases the potential to produce high-tech industry leaders. And the success of the U.S. high-tech industry is at least partly attributable to linkages made easier because universities, government agencies and businesses all share proximity.58 Successful incubation requires support services, including VC investments. In Pittsburgh, nonproits like Innovation Works provide such inancial and strategic assistance to budding technology companies, and work with universities to boost business opportunities. These kinds of organizations are crucial to the region’s growth and, in particular, to growth in high-tech. According to a study by Innovation Works, links to large, national venture capital is necessary for sustained growth.59 In its number of VC investments, Pittsburgh is similar to the other MSAs in our analysis but demonstrates little momentum for increasing the investments or the dollar amounts invested. As a result, its entrepreneurial environment remains bleak. With few anchor irms, it may be dificult to establish ties with national VCs and corporations whose investments sustain local development. [ 62 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Indiana: Incubation, Development Initiatives and Tax Incentives 60 Indiana University’s Advanced Research and Technology Institute (ARTI) has more than a hundred technologies available for licensing and recently established its own life-science incubator in Indianapolis. Statewide, Lilly BioVentures (part of the venture capital division of Eli Lilly and Company) is a $75 million VC fund targeting biotechnology research. The Training Skills Enhancement Fund reimburses up to 50 percent of employee training costs (capped at $200,000) with grants from the Indiana Department of Commerce. The state also offers two 10-year inancial incentives to boost the life sciences industry. In 2003, the governor signed into law Energize Indiana, a $1.25 billion plan to create 200,000 high-wage, highly-skilled jobs in the life sciences and other high-tech ields. Energize Indiana’s Indiana Venture Fund is a $144 million investment that allows companies to leverage state money for startups. The Pittsburgh Life Sciences Greenhouse can serve as an impetus for additional collaborative efforts. In addition, two non-proit organizations, the Pittsburgh Digital Greenhouse—comprising members from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, member irms and three leading universities in Pennsylvania, and The Robotics Foundry—an organization aimed at accelerating the robotics industry, merged to become The Technology Collaborative (TTC), whose aim is to develop collaborative industry clusters in advanced electronics, cyber security, and robotics.61 Overall, Pittsburgh will need VC support to help leverage its knowledge base so efforts to create incubators can succeed. Local universities have high national, but low regional accreditation, suggesting that the market demand is largely foreign. Innovation Works and similar organizations can work even more closely with universities and companies. A successful strategy will result in long-term collaborations between the universities and businesses in receipt of venture capital support. Tax incentives may also be advantageous to Pittsburgh’s high-tech incubation. [ 6 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Assessment Summary A summary of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats from the qualitative assessment is given in the following tables. Table 22: Qualitative SWOT Assessment—Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths SWOT Assessment Strong university-based knowledge assets: Pittsburgh’s strengths in its universities come as no surprise. However, the transference of these assets to the high-tech industry is another issue altogether. Active incubators: As with any industry anywhere, the presence of incubators is important for creating active mechanisms to transfer the knowledge base to commercialization. Pittsburgh’s active incubators strengthen the region’s high-tech development. Presence of established high-tech firms: Pittsburgh’s regional talent have attracted world-class technology companies. Among which, Seagate has established operations in Pittsburgh to leverage the local talent. Weaknesses Low state and local individual tax burden: Pittsburgh’s relatively low cost of living and tax burdens constitute an attraction for individuals. High risk aversion: This is reflected in the VC lag. This cultural characteristic has major effects on the entrepreneurial capacity in the region. Negative migration dynamics: Migration patterns for Pittsburgh show that inward migrants have lower income than outward migrants. These patterns suggest that the quality of the population is decreasing. Furthermore, there is a challenge of talent retention, despite CMU being a net importer of students. Lack of clear political focus for high-tech development at the state level In the existing political leadership, there is a lack of a focused direction on high-tech development. Given the region’s insufficiently leveraged knowledge base, leadership is important in establishing the institutional infrastructure, such as effective policies, to enable businesses to capitalize on the region’s strengths. Unfavorable corporate tax structure: The high corporate net income and CSFI tax structures make Pittsburgh a less attractive region for entrepreneurial activities, as does recent legislation to increase individual income tax. [ 64 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Table 23: Qualitative SWOT Assessment—Opportunities and Threats Opportunities SWOT Qualitative Assessment Scholarship programs in Pennsylvania: The state’s scholarship programs provide opportunities to attract and retain talent in Pennsylvania, though not necessarily Pittsburgh. Given the region’s knowledge base, however, similar programs can be developed locally. Proximity to high-tech talent: Major firms prefer to be close to major talent. The University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University can provide a steady stream of skilled graduates. University collaborations: Current R&D collaborations often inspire further collaborations. As we have stated, the knowledge assets in Pittsburgh are not well leveraged. Collaborative efforts are opportunities to increase that leverage and boost the high-tech industry. Threats Competition from economically favorable neighboring regions: The limitations of the tech industry in Pittsburgh make neighboring regions a draw for Pittsburgh’s local talent and for companies in search of a relocation or expansion. Knowledge base drain: There is tremendous local talent, but not enough for the high-tech industry. Pittsburgh risks losing its graduates to regions offering greater economic opportunity. Aging population: Migration patterns place Pittsburgh at the risk of losing its young talent, without attracting them from various regions. A high-tech industry needs a continuous supply of young and entrepreneurial people. The quality of life in Pittsburgh appears to be more attractive to an older population. Since migration patterns are largely determined by economic opportunities, Pittsburgh’s relative lack of these deters inward migration and retention of younger talent. Brief Recommendations We propose three recommendations to spur Pittsburgh’s high-tech development, each aimed at creating the economic environment Pittsburgh must have if it is to leverage its knowledge base and boost industry performance. Ultimately, this will feed medium- and long-term strategies. • Initiate scholarship programs at Pittsburgh universities. Given that Pittsburgh lacks the necessary value in the high-tech workforce, the region will beneit from aggressive promotion of scholarship programs for its young people. Pittsburgh’s universities can develop more assistance for students entering the technology ields. Considering the competition in Philadelphia for outstanding students, Pittsburgh’s high-tech industry might fund scholarships, and anchors such as Seagate Corp. could serve as industry links within the scholarship programs. The maintenance of such industry linkages through scholarship programs facilitates value adding to its high-tech workforce to boost its high-tech industry base. [ 65 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute • Develop and offer business services to help new and smaller high-tech businesses connect with national VCs and irms. These must be targeted at industry opportunity areas. Pittsburgh boasts a number of active companies in receipt of VC investment. These businesses will need to connect with national VCs and corporations if they wish to expand. Likewise, incubators and business development organizations, such as Innovation Works, while helpful, can do more to create sustainable development. Perhaps they can offer more services and develop ways to connect small and new businesses to national players. The presence of seven key incubators in and around Baltimore indicates the emphasis it places on R&D and commercialization. In 2001, irms in six of Maryland’s incubators generated between $184 million and $530 million in gross state product; they also paid an average of more than $36,000 per worker.62 This was higher than the 2002 state average wage of $35,000. Pittsburgh covers a larger geographic region and has excellent incubator facilities, but has not had comparable success with the commercialization of its R&D. The area has both for- and nonproit business incubators,63 but their effectiveness remains to be seen. Its university assets — its knowledge base — show strengths and opportunities in key industry areas. • Increase lobbying efforts to push the high-tech industry on the agenda of the new government. Last year’s mayoral election brings opportunities to Pittsburgh, although the deicit crisis may divert attention from the equally pressing problem of sluggish economic growth. A high-tech agenda is a regional and state issue and should be taken up to the state government. However, effective representation from the local level is an initial step the region can take to elevate the agenda to the regional and state level. It is not unreasonable to suggest that Pittsburgh may ind a short-term solution to the budget crisis by looking at its high-tech industry and the extensive knowledge base found in its universities. [ 66 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Appendix A: Deinition of High-Tech Manufacturing 3254 3333 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing 325411 Medicinal and Botanical Manufacturing 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing 325413 In-Vitro Diagnostic Substance Manufacturing 325414 Biological Product (except diagnostic) Manufacturing Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing 333311 Automatic Vending Machine Manufacturing 333313 Ofice Machinery Manufacturing 333314 Optical Instrument and Lens Manufacturing Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing 334111 Electronic Computer Manufacturing 334112 Computer Storage Device Manufacturing 334113 Computer Terminal Manufacturing 334119 Other Computer Peripheral Equip Manufacturing Communications Equipment Manufacturing 33421 Telephone Apparatus Manufacturing 33422 Radio and TV Broadcasting and Wireless Comm Equip Mfg 33429 Other Comm Equip Manufacturing Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing 33431 Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing 334411 Electron Tube Manufacturing 334412 Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing 334413 Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing 334414 Electronic Capacitor Manufacturing 334415 Electronic Resistor Manufacturing 334416 Electronic Coil, Transformer, and Other Inductor Mfg 334417 Electronic Connector Manufacturing 334418 Printed Circuitry Assembly 334419 Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Nav/Measuring/Medical/Control Instruments Manufacturing 334510 Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus Manufacturing 334511 Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical Instruments 334512 Automatic Environmental Control Mfg for Residential, Comm, and Appliance 334513 Instruments and Related Products Mfg for Measuring Displaying 334514 Totalizing Fluid Meter and Counting Device Manufacturing 334515 Instrument Mfg for Measuring and Testing Electricity and Electric Signals 334516 Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing 334517 Irradiation Apparatus Manufacturing 334518 Watch, Clock and Part Manufacturing 334519 Other Measuring and Controlling Device Manufacturing [ 6 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy 3346 3364 3391 Milken Institute Manufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical Media 334611 Software Reproduction 334612 Prerecorded Compact Disc (Except Software), Tape, and Record Mfg 334613 Magnetic and Optical Recording Media Manufacturing Aerospace Products and Parts Manufacturing 336411 Aircraft Manufacturing 336412 Aircraft Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing 336413 Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing 336414 Guided Missiles and Space Vehicle Manufacturing 336415 Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Propulsion Unit and Parts Mfg 336419 Other Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Parts and Auxiliary Equip Mfg Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing 339111 Laboratory Apparatus and Furniture Manufacturing 339112 Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing 339113 Surgical Appliance and Supplies Manufacturing 339114 Dental Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing Appendix B: Deinition of High-Tech Services 5112 5121 517 518 5191 5413 Software Publishers 51121 Software Publishers Motion Picture and Video Industries 51211 Motion Picture and Video Production 512191 Teleproduction and Other Postproduction Services 512199 Other Motion Picture and Video Industries Telecommunications 5171 Wired Telecomm Carriers 5172 Wireless Telecomm Carriers (except Satellite) 5173 Telecomm Resellers 5174 Satellite Telecomm 5175 Cable and Other Programs Distribution 5179 Other Telecomm Internet Service Providers, Web Search Portals, and Data Processing Services 5181 Internet Service Providers and Web Search Portals 5182 Data Processing Services, Hosting, and Related Services Other Information Services Architectural, Engineering and Related Services 54131 Architectural Services 54133 Engineering Services 54136 Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services 54137 Surveying and Mapping (except geophysical) Services 54138 Testing Laboratories [ 6 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy 5415 5417 6215 9271 Milken Institute Computer Systems Design and Related Services 541511 Custom Computer Programming Services 541512 Computer Systems Design Services 541513 Computer Facilities Management Services 541519 Other Computer Related Services Scientiic R&D Services 54171 R&D in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences 54172 R&D in the Social Sciences and Humanities Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories Space Research and Technology Appendix C: Data Sources The following databases were used extensively for analysis: Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) http://www.autm.net Selectoryonline.com http://www.selectoryonline.com National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) http://nces.ed.gov/ PriceWaterHouse Coopers (PWC) Money Tree, Venture Economics http://www.pwcmoneytree.com/moneytree/ http://ventureeconomics.com/ U.S. Census Bureau http://www.census.gov/ Economy.com http://www.economy.com Internal Revenue Service http://www.irs.gov Bureau of Labor Statistics http://www.bls.gov Bureau of Economic Analysis http://www.bea.gov Federation of Tax Administrators http://www.taxadmin.org Tax Foundation http://www.taxfoundation.org/ [ 69 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Appendix D: Top 100 Performing Metros 1999-2001 1999 1 Seattle WA 2000 1 Austin TX 2001 1 San Diego CA 2 Austin TX 2 Atlanta GA 2 Dallas TX 3 Dallas TX 3 Santa Rosa CA 3 Las Vegas NV-AZ 4 Ventura CA 4 Boulder CO 4 Santa Rosa CA 5 Oakland CA 5 Boise City ID 5 Boise City ID 6 Middlesex NJ 6 San Diego CA 6 McAllen TX 7 Denver CO 7 Orange County CA 7 Oakland CA 8 San Jose CA 8 San Antonio TX 8 Ventura CA 9 Houston TX 9 West Palm Beach FL 9 San Luis Obispo CA 10 Atlanta GA 10 Colorado Springs CO 10 Brownsville TX 11 Orange County CA 11 Fort Collins CO 11 Austin TX 12 San Diego CA 12 Oakland CA 12 Laredo TX 13 Omaha NE 13 Seattle WA 13 Orange County CA 14 Santa Rosa CA 14 Charlotte NC-SC 14 West Palm Beach FL 15 Tampa FL 15 Fort Worth TX 15 Riverside CA 16 San Francisco CA 16 Decatur IL 16 Boulder CO 17 Boulder CO 17 Cedar Rapids IA 17 Fort Worth TX 18 Raleigh NC 18 Portland OR-WA 18 Vallejo CA 19 Ann Arbor MI 19 Provo UT 19 Raleigh NC 20 Phoenix AZ 20 Sacramento CA 20 Orlando FL 21 Washington DC 21 Salt Lake City UT 21 Reno NV 22 Sioux Falls ND 22 Raleigh NC 22 Tampa FL 23 Portland OR 23 Sioux Falls SD 23 Sacramento CA 24 Wilmington DE 24 Phoenix AZ 24 Houston TX 25 Minneapolis MN 25 Dallas TX 25 Washington DC-MD-VA-WV 26 Columbus GA 26 Wilmington DE-MD 26 Fayetteville AR 27 Madison WA 27 Omaha NE-IA 27 Stockton CA 28 Sacramento CA 28 San Luis Obispo CA 28 Phoenix AZ 29 Boston MA 29 Tucson AZ 29 San Francisco CA 30 Albuquerque NM 30 Iowa City IA 30 Naples FL 31 Chicago IL 31 San Jose CA 31 Las Cruces NM 32 Tulsa OK 32 Las Vegas NV-AZ 32 Kansas City MO-KS 33 Wichita KS 33 Tampa FL 33 Houma LA 34 Cincinnati OH 34 Ventura CA 34 Santa Barbara CA 35 Ft Worth TX 35 Brownsville TX 35 San Antonio TX 36 San Antonio TX 36 Riverside CA 36 Jacksonville FL 37 Nashville TN 37 Wilmington NC 37 Albuquerque NM 38 Salt Lake City UT 38 McAllen TX 38 Fort Lauderdale FL 39 Columbus OH 39 Tallahassee FL 39 Lubbock TX 40 Baton Rouge CA 40 Indianapolis IN 40 Denver CO 41 Indianapolis IN 41 Houston TX 41 Colorado Springs CO 42 Kansas City MO 42 Kansas City MO-KS 42 Chico CA 43 Jackson MS 43 Columbia SC 43 Santa Cruz CA 44 Lafayette IN 44 San Francisco CA 44 Sarasota FL 45 Lubbock TX 45 Washington DC-MD-VA-WV 45 Iowa City IA 46 Tucson AZ 46 Yuma AZ 46 Tyler TX 47 New Haven CT 47 Minneapolis MN-WI 47 Melbourne FL 48 New York City NY 48 Naples FL 48 Fort Myers FL [ 0 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute 1999 49 Vallejo CA 2000 49 Eau Claire WI 2001 49 Punta Gorda FL 50 Riverside CA 50 Chico CA 50 Sioux Falls SD 51 Boise City ID 51 Columbus GA-AL 51 Modesto CA 52 Milwaukee WA 52 Sarasota FL 52 Indianapolis IN 53 Eugene OR 53 Greenville NC 53 Fort Walton Beach FL 54 Grand Rapids MI 54 Orlando FL 54 Boston MA 55 Fresno CA 55 Salinas CA 55 Salt Lake City UT 56 Tallahassee FL 56 St. Cloud MN 56 Greenville NC 57 Trenton NJ 57 Boston MA 57 Charleston SC 58 Santa Barbara CA 58 Vallejo CA 58 Asheville NC 59 Orlando FL 59 Santa Cruz CA 59 Green Bay WI 60 Stockton CA 60 Nashville TN 60 Brazoria TX 61 Beaumont TX 61 Greeley CO 61 Fort Collins CO 62 Los Angeles CA 62 Myrtle Beach SC 62 Dutchess County NY 63 Pensacola FL 63 Dutchess County NY 63 Provo UT 64 Tacoma WA 64 Waco TX 64 San Jose CA 65 Anchorage AK 65 Baton Rouge LA 65 Anchorage AK 66 Columbia MO 66 Pueblo CO 66 Tallahassee FL 67 Newark NJ 67 Fort Walton Beach FL 67 Tucson AZ 68 Louisville KY 68 Salem OR 68 Myrtle Beach SC 69 Burlington VT 69 Eugene OR 69 Bakersfield CA 70 Memphis TN 70 Lawrence KS 70 Charlotte NC-SC 71 Lexington NE 71 Fargo ND-MN 71 Columbus OH 72 Provo UT 72 Fort Myers FL 72 Pocatello ID 73 Charlotte NC 73 Lincoln NE 73 Wilmington DE-MD 74 Detroit MI 74 Rochester MN 74 Seattle WA 75 Des Moines IA 75 Ann Arbor MI 75 Springfield MO 76 El Paso TX 76 Nassau NY 76 Nassau NY 77 St Louis MO 77 Fort Lauderdale FL 77 Rochester MN 78 Charleston SC 78 Greenville SC 78 Tulsa OK 79 Nassau NY 79 Bloomington IL 79 Portland OR-WA 80 Chattanooga TN 80 Monroe LA 80 Monmouth NJ 81 Fort Lauderdale FL 81 Philadelphia PA-NJ 81 Greeley CO 82 Monmouth NJ 82 Reno NV 82 Atlanta GA 83 Jersey City NJ 83 Denver CO 83 Yuba City CA 84 Philadelphia PA 84 Gainesville FL 84 Billings MT 85 Melbourne FL 85 Tyler TX 85 Trenton NJ 86 Canton OH 86 Lexington KY 86 Bryan TX 87 Birmingham AL 87 Bryan TX 87 Middlesex NJ 88 Cedar Rapids IA 88 Hamilton OH 88 Fresno CA 89 Daytona Beach FL 89 Richland WA 89 Wilmington NC 90 Charleston WV 90 Green Bay WI 90 Nashville TN 91 Elkhart IN 91 Wichita KS 91 Monroe LA 92 Little Rock AR 92 Grand Rapids MI 92 Lancaster PA 93 Gainesville FL 93 Laredo TX 93 Lafayette LA 94 West Palm Beach FL 94 Olympia WA 94 Charlottesville VA 95 Jacksonville FL 95 Tulsa OK 95 Richland WA 96 South Bend IN 96 Springfield MO 96 Medford OR 97 Richmond VA 97 Biloxi MS 97 Visalia CA 98 Appleton WI 98 Lancaster PA 98 Madison WI [ 1 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Top 100 Performing Metros 1999-2001, cont. 1999 2000 99 Modesto CA 2001 99 La Crosse WI-MN 100 Davenport WA 99 Louisville KY-IN 100 Tacoma WA 100 Huntsville AL Source: Milken Institute Appendix D: Top 100 Performing Metros 2002-200 2002 1 San Diego CA 2003 1 Fayetteville AR 2 Santa Rosa CA 2 Las Vegas NV-AZ 3 Las Vegas NV-AZ 3 Fort Myers FL 4 Ventura CA 4 West Palm Beach FL 5 McAllen TX 5 San Diego CA 6 Boise City ID 6 San Luis Obispo CA 7 San Luis Obispo CA 7 Laredo TX 8 Oakland CA 8 Brownsville TX 9 Brownsville TX 9 McAllen TX 10 Orange County CA 10 Monmouth NJ 11 Riverside CA 11 Anchorage AK 12 West Palm Beach FL 12 Raleigh NC 13 Boulder CO 13 Chico CA 14 Dallas TX 14 Ventura CA 15 Vallejo CA 15 Sacramento CA 16 Laredo TX 16 Houma LA 17 Phoenix AZ 17 Vallejo CA 18 Sacramento CA 18 San Antonio TX 19 Austin TX 19 Washington DC-MD-VA-WV 20 Raleigh NC 20 Riverside CA 21 Houston TX 21 Madison WI 22 Reno NV 22 Reno NV 23 Fayetteville AR 23 Naples FL 24 Stockton CA 24 Modesto CA 25 Tampa FL 25 Houston TX 26 Fort Worth TX 26 Stockton CA 27 Lubbock TX 27 Tampa FL 28 Washington DC-MD-VA-WV 28 Tallahassee FL 29 Colorado Springs CO 29 Fort Lauderdale FL 30 Fort Lauderdale FL 30 Oakland CA 31 Santa Barbara CA 31 Orange County CA 32 Naples FL 32 Fresno CA 33 Houma LA 33 Fort Worth TX 34 Albuquerque NM 34 Dutchess County NY 35 Orlando FL 35 Charleston SC 36 San Antonio TX 36 Colorado Springs CO 37 Fort Myers FL 37 Albany NY 38 Santa Cruz CA 38 Lancaster PA 39 Sarasota FL 39 Albuquerque NM 40 Modesto CA 40 Tucson AZ 41 Chico CA 41 Sarasota FL 42 Kansas City MO-KS 42 Bakersfield CA 43 Dutchess County NY 43 Phoenix AZ 44 Jacksonville FL 44 Middlesex NJ [ 2 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute 2002 2003 45 Boston MA 45 Orlando FL 46 Middlesex NJ 46 Charlotte NC-SC 47 Melbourne FL 47 Jacksonville FL 48 Anchorage AK 48 Knoxville TN 49 Fort Collins CO 49 Wilmington NC 50 Monmouth NJ 50 Lincoln NE 51 Denver CO 51 Green Bay WI 52 Myrtle Beach SC 52 Santa Rosa CA 53 Bakersfield CA 53 Nashville TN 54 San Francisco CA 54 Myrtle Beach SC 55 Portland OR-WA 55 Miami FL 56 Provo UT 56 Brazoria TX 57 Tucson AZ 57 Lubbock TX 58 Wilmington DE-MD 58 Tacoma WA 59 Tulsa OK 59 Austin TX 60 Salt Lake City UT 60 Visalia CA 61 San Jose CA 61 Kansas City MO-KS 62 Brazoria TX 62 Lafayette LA 63 Atlanta GA 63 Olympia WA 64 Allentown PA 64 Newburgh NY-PA 65 Trenton NJ 65 Wilmington DE-MD 66 Columbus OH 66 Nassau NY 67 Fresno CA 67 Norfolk VA-NC 68 Lancaster PA 68 Springfield MO 69 Tallahassee FL 69 Richland WA 70 Lafayette LA 70 Melbourne FL 71 Huntsville AL 71 Merced CA 72 Nassau NY 72 Boise City ID 73 Wilmington NC 73 Tulsa OK 74 Indianapolis IN 74 Corpus Christi TX 75 Richland WA 75 Savannah GA 76 Nashville TN 76 Lexington KY 77 Green Bay WI 77 Atlanta GA 78 Olympia WA 78 Dallas TX 79 Minneapolis MN-WI 79 Odessa TX 80 Madison WI 80 Fort Collins CO 81 Baltimore MD 81 Waco TX 82 Visalia CA 82 Ann Arbor MI 83 Odessa TX 83 Longview TX 84 Oklahoma City OK 84 Atlantic NJ 85 Miami FL 85 Eugene OR 86 Charlotte NC-SC 86 Baton Rouge LA 87 Charleston SC 87 Des Moines IA 88 Asheville NC 88 Asheville NC 89 Omaha NE-IA 89 Denver CO 90 Newark NJ 90 Killeen TX 91 Ann Arbor MI 91 Baltimore MD 92 Seattle WA 92 Boulder CO 93 Gainesville FL 93 Salinas CA 94 Hamilton OH 94 Lakeland FL [  ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Top 100 Performing Metros 2002-200, cont. 2002 95 Salinas CA 2003 95 Birmingham AL 96 Albany NY 96 Pittsburgh PA 97 Springfield MO 97 Jackson MS 98 Spokane WA 98 Appleton WI 99 Longview TX 99 Minneapolis MN-WI 100 Los Angeles CA 100 Santa Barbara CA Source: Milken Institute Appendix D: Top 100 Performing Metros 2004-2005 2005 2004 1 Fort Myers Coral FL 1 Palm Bay FL 2 Las Vegas NV 2 Cape Coral Myers FL 3 Phoenix AZ 3 Naples Island FL 4 West Palm Beach Raton FL 4 McAllen TX 5 Daytona Beach FL 5 Deltona Beach FL 6 Sarasota FL 6 Orlando FL 7 Fayetteville AR 7 Washington DC Metropolitan Division 8 Riverside Bernardino CA 8 Fayetteville AR-MO 9 Fort Lauderdale FL 9 Fort Lauderdale Beach FL 10 Monmouth NJ 10 Riverside Bernardino CA 11 Washington DC 11 Las Vegas NV 12 Tampa Petersburg FL 12 Port St. Lucie Pierce FL 13 Boise City ID 13 Ocala FL 14 Portland ME 14 Tucson AZ 15 Naples FL 15 Phoenix AZ 16 San Diego CA 16 Santa Barbara Maria CA 17 Tucson AZ 17 Santa Ana CA 18 McAllen TX 18 Bremerton WA 19 Trenton NJ 19 Camden NJ 20 Albuquerque NM 20 Clarksville TN-KY 21 Anchorage AK 21 Reno NV 22 Sacramento CA 22 Charleston SC 23 Vallejo CA 23 Provo UT 24 Brownsville Benito TX 24 Sarasota FL 25 Merced CA 25 Tampa Petersburg FL 26 Reno NV 26 Gainesville FL 27 Huntsville AL 27 West Palm Beach Raton Beach FL 28 Laredo TX 28 Huntsville AL 29 Orlando FL 29 San Diego Marcos CA 30 Ventura CA 30 Bakersfield CA 31 Melbourne Bay FL 31 Stockton CA 32 Tacoma WA 32 Boise City ID 33 Green Bay WI 33 Lakeland FL 34 Raleigh Hill NC 34 Sacramento CA 35 Orange County CA 35 Madison WI 36 Knoxville TN 36 Trenton NJ 37 Provo UT 37 Tacoma WA 38 New London CT 38 Oxnard Oaks CA 39 Newark NJ 39 Ogden UT [ 4 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute 2004 40 Stockton CA 2005 40 Fresno CA 41 Gainesville FL 41 Vallejo CA 42 Pensacola FL 42 Portland ME 43 Madison WI 43 Albuquerque NM 44 Des Moines IA 44 Killeen Hood TX 45 Norfolk Beach News VA 45 Raleigh NC 46 Providence RI 46 Fort Collins CO 47 Fresno CA 47 Modesto CA 48 Jacksonville FL 48 Poughkeepsie NY 49 Visalia CA 49 Anchorage AK 50 Charlotte Hill NC 50 Manchester NH 51 Barnstable MA 51 Jacksonville FL 52 Savannah GA 52 Nashville TN 53 Santa Barbara Maria CA 53 Bethesda MD 54 Newburgh NY 54 Knoxville TN 55 Spokane WA 55 Pensacola Pass FL 56 Baltimore MD 56 Honolulu HI 57 Charleston SC 57 San Antonio TX 58 Olympia WA 58 Austin Rock TX 59 Tallahassee FL 59 Wilmington NC 60 Indianapolis IN 60 Baltimore MD 61 Dutchess County NY 61 San Luis Obispo Robles CA 62 Springfield MO 62 Des Moines IA 63 Honolulu HI 63 Richmond VA 64 Austin Marcos TX 64 Virginia Beach News VA-NC 65 Lancaster PA 65 Oklahoma City OK 66 Jackson MS 66 Albany NY 67 Lakeland Haven FL 67 Visalia CA 68 Nashville TN 68 Amarillo TX 69 Hamilton OH 69 Charlotte NC-SC 70 Salem OR 70 Allentown PA-NJ 71 Amarillo TX 71 Colorado Springs CO 72 Atlanta GA 72 Lincoln NE 73 Modesto CA 73 Miami Beach FL 74 San Luis Obispo Robles CA 74 Norwich London CT 75 Wilmington DE 75 Providence Bedford River RI-MA 76 Waco TX 76 Nassau NY 77 Miami FL 77 Springfield MO 78 San Antonio TX 78 Savannah GA 79 Fort Pierce St. Lucie FL 79 Hagerstown MD-WV 80 Lincoln NE 80 Fort Worth TX 81 Eugene OR 81 Fayetteville NC 82 Minneapolis/St. Paul MN 82 Tallahassee FL 83 Chattanooga TN 83 Minneapolis Paul MN-WI 84 Philadelphia PA 84 Jackson MS 85 Odessa TX 85 Lubbock TX 86 Montgomery AL 86 Lake County County IL 87 Colorado Springs CO 87 Salt Lake City UT 88 Atlantic May NJ 88 Edison NJ 89 Harrisburg PA 89 Oakland CA [ 5 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Top 100 Performing Metros 2004-2005, cont. 2004 2005 90 Bakersfield CA 90 Merced CA 91 Baton Rouge LA 91 Wilmington DE 92 Asheville NC 92 Boulder CO 93 Allentown PA 93 Spokane WA 94 Seattle WA 94 Little Rock Little Rock AR 95 Fort Worth TX 95 Portland OR-WA 96 Nassau NY 96 Eugene OR 97 South Bend IN 97 Lexington KY 98 Ocala FL 98 Brownsville TX 99 Boulder CO 99 Green Bay WI 100 Longview TX 100 Salem OR Source: Milken Institute Appendix E: Miscellaneous Charts Non-High-Tech Wages Figure 51: Non-HT Wages per Non-HT Worker 1990-2004 US$ Thousands 80 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle U.S. Average 70 Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 60 50 40 30 20 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com Figure 52: Non-HT Wages per Non-HT Worker Indexed Growth, 1990-2004 US$ Index 100=1990 100 80 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle U.S. Average Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 60 40 20 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [ 6 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh’s Sector Strengths Figure 53: Comms. Equipment Manufacturing LQs 1990-2004 1.4 1.2 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com Figure 54: Mfg./Reproducing Mag./Optic. Media LQs 1990-2004 3.0 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle 2.5 Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [  ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh’s Sector Strengths Figure 55: Communications Equipment Productivity Indexed Growth Percent, Index 100=1990 500 Percent USA (R) St. Louis (R) Indianapolis (L) Phoenix (L) 400 Pittsburgh (R) Seattle (L) Baltimore (L) 300 200 300 100 200 0 100 -100 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 -200 Source: Economy.com Figure 56: Magnetic & Optical Media Productivity Indexed Growth Percent, Index 100=1990 600 500 400 USA (L) St. Louis (L) Indianapolis (R) Phoenix (R) Percent Pittsburgh (L) Seattle (L) Baltimore (R) 5000 4000 300 3000 200 2000 100 1000 0 -100 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [  ] 0 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh’s Sector Weaknesses Figure 57: Semiconductor & Other Elec. Comp. LQs 1990-2004 0.80 0.70 Baltimore (L) Pittsburgh (L) St. Louis (L) 6.0 Indianapolis (L) Seattle (L) Phoenix (R) 5.5 0.60 5.0 0.50 0.40 4.5 0.30 4.0 0.20 0.10 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 3.5 Source: Economy.com Figure 58: Nav/Measuring/Med./Ctrl. Instr. LQs 1990-2004 2.5 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle 2.0 Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [ 9 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh’s Sector Weaknesses Figure 59: Aerospace Products & Parts Mfg. LQs 1990-2004 4.0 Baltimore (L) Phoenix (L) St. Louis (L) 16 Indianapolis (L) Pittsburgh (L) Seattle (R) 15 3.0 14 2.0 13 12 1.0 11 0.0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 10 Source: Economy.com Figure 60: Software Publishers LQs 1990-2004 1.00 Baltimore (L) Phoenix (L) St. Louis (L) 0.80 Indianapolis (L) Pittsburgh (L) Seattle (R) 14 12 0.60 10 0.40 8 0.20 6 0.00 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [ 0 ] 4 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Figure 61: Satellite Telecomm LQs 1990-2004 1.4 1.2 Baltimore (L) Pittsburgh (L) St. Louis (L) Indianapolis (L) Seattle (L) Phoenix (R) 10 8 1.0 6 0.8 0.6 4 0.4 2 0.2 0 0.0 -0.2 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 -2 Source: Economy.com Figure 62: Data Pro., Hosting & Related Serv. LQs 1990-2004 1.8 1.6 1.4 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [ 1 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh’s Sector Weaknesses Figure 63: Semiconductor & Elec. Comp. Productivity Indexed Growth Percent, Index 100=1990 Percent 200 150 300 USA (L) St. Louis (L) Indianapolis (R) Phoenix (R) Pittsburgh (L) Seattle (R) Baltimore (L) 250 200 100 150 50 100 0 50 -50 -100 0 -50 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com Figure 64: Nav/Meas./Med./Ctrl. Instr. Productivity Indexed Growth Percent, Index 100=1990 800 600 USA (L) Indianapolis (L) Pittsburgh (R) St. Louis (R) Percent Seattle (L) Baltimore (L) Phoenix (R) 2000 1500 400 1000 200 500 0 -200 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [ 2 ] 0 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Figure 65: Aero. Products & Parts Mfg. Productivity Indexed Growth Percent, Index 100=1990 350 300 250 USA St. Louis Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Seattle Baltimore 200 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com Figure 66: Software Publishers Productivity Indexed Growth Percent, Index 100=1990 Percent 100 50 0 USA (L) St. Louis (L) Indianapolis (L) Phoenix (L) Pittsburgh (L) Seattle (L) Baltimore (R) -20 -40 0 -60 -50 -100 -80 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [  ] -100 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh’s Sector Weaknesses Figure 67: Satellite Telecomm Productivity Indexed Growth Percent, Index 100=1990 Percent 8500 2000 1500 USA (L) St. Louis (L) Indianapolis (L) Phoenix (R) Pittsburgh (L) Seattle (L) Baltimore (L) 7067 5633 1000 4200 500 2767 0 -500 1333 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 -100 Source: Economy.com Figure 68: Data Pro., Hosting & Serv. Productivity Indexed Growth Percent, Index 100=1990 300 200 USA (R) St. Louis (L) Indianapolis (L) Phoenix (L) Pittsburgh (L) Seattle (R) Baltimore (R) 100 0 -100 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [ 4 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh’s Sector Opportunities Figure 69: Comp. & Peripheral Equip. Mfg. LQs 1990-2004 1.00 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle 0.80 Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com Figure 70: Other Information Services LQs 1990-2004 1.6 Baltimore (L) Phoenix (L) St. Louis (L) Indianapolis (L) Seattle (L) Pittsburgh (R) 3.8 1.2 3.3 0.8 2.9 0.4 2.4 0.0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [ 5 ] 2.0 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh’s Sector Opportunities Figure 71: Comp. & Peripheral Equip. Productivity Indexed Growth Percent, Index 100=1990 Percent 300 USA (R) Indianapolis (L) Pittsburgh (L) St. Louis (L) 200 Baltimore (L) Phoenix (L) Seattle (L) 800 600 400 100 200 0 -100 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 -200 Source: Economy.com Figure 72: Other Info. Serv. Productivity Indexed Growth Percent Change, Index 100=1990 250 200 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle U.S. Average Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [ 6 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh’s Sector Threats Figure 73: Audio & Video Equipment Mfg. LQs 1990-2004 6 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle 5 Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 4 3 2 1 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com Figure 74: Med. Equip. & Supplies Mfg. LQs 1990-2004 2.0 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [  ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh’s Sector Threats Figure 75: Cable & Other Programs Distribution LQs 1990-2004 2.0 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com Figure 76: Other Telecomm LQs 1990-2004 12 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle 10 Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 8 6 4 2 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [  ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Figure 77: Comp. Sys. Design & Related Serv. LQs 1990-2004 1.8 Baltimore Phoenix Seattle 1.6 Indianapolis Pittsburgh St. Louis 1.4 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com Figure 78: Audio & Video Equip. Mfg. Productivity Indexed Growth Percent, I=1990 600 Percent USA (L) St. Louis (L) Indianapolis (R) Phoenix (R) 400 Pittsburgh (L) Seattle (R) Baltimore (L) 1200 1000 800 600 200 400 200 0 0 -200 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [ 9 ] -200 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Pittsburgh’s Sector Threats Figure 79: Med. Equipment & Supplies Productivity Indexed Growth Percent, Index 100=1990 150 100 USA St. Louis Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Seattle Baltimore 50 0 -50 -100 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com Figure 80: Cable & Other Prog. Distri. Productivity Indexed Growth Percent, Index 100=1990 Percent 400 4000 USA (L) St. Louis (L) Indianapolis (L) Phoenix (R) 308 Pittsburgh (L) Seattle (L) Baltimore (L) 3000 217 2000 125 1000 33 0 -58 -150 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [ 90 ] -1000 Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Figure 81: Other Telecomm Productivity Indexed Growth Percent, Index 100=1990 Percent 20000 1200 USA (R) St. Louis (L) Indianapolis (L) Phoenix (L) 15000 Pittsburgh (L) Seattle (R) Baltimore (R) 1000 800 10000 600 400 5000 200 0 0 -5000 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 -200 Source: Economy.com Figure 82: Comp. Sys. Design & Serv. Productivity Indexed Growth Percent, I=1990 80 60 USA St. Louis Indianapolis Phoenix Pittsburgh Seattle Baltimore 40 20 0 -20 -40 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Source: Economy.com [ 91 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute Endnotes 1 Porter, Michael, E. 2002. Pittsburgh. Clusters of Innovation. Harvard University. Clusters on Competitiveness. 2 Drucker, P. 1993. Post-Capitalist Society. New York: Harper Business. 3 Rincon, M. & R. Kadi. 2004. Strategies Towards the Knowledge Society: Case Study from a Developing Country. Working Paper. 4 Bell, D. 1973. The Coming of the Post-Industrial Society. A Venture in Social Forecasting. New York: Basic Books. 5 Schiller, D. 1999. Digital capitalism: Networking the Global Market System. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 6 Drucker, P. 1993. Post-Capitalist Society. New York: Harper Business. 7 Rincon, M. & R. Kadi. 2004. Strategies Towards the Knowledge Society: Case Study from a Developing Country. Working Paper. 8 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. 2002. Concept, Outline, Benchmarking and Indicators. New York. Geneva: United Nations Publications. 9 DeVol, R., Perry Wong, Junghoon Ki, Armen Bedroussian & Rob Koepp. 2004. America’s Biotech and Life Science Clusters. San Diego’s Position and Economic Contributions. Santa Monica: Milken Institute. 10 DeVol, R., Rob Koepp, John Ki, and Frank Fogelback. 2004. California’s Position in Technology and Science. Santa Monica: Milken Institute. 11 Saxenian, A. 1999. Reversed Brain Drain. 12 DeVol, R., Perry Wong, Junghoon Ki, Armen Bedroussian & Rob Koepp. 2004. America’s Biotech and Life Science Clusters. San Diego’s Position and Economic Contributions. Santa Monica: Milken Institute. 13 DeVol. Ross. 1999. America’s High-Tech Economy. Growth, Development, and Risks for Metropolitan Areas. Santa Monica: Milken Institute. 14 http://www.cmu.edu/home/about/about_history.html. 15 http://www.salk.edu/jonassalk/. 16 http://members.tripod.com/~MitchellBrown/samples/CNET_java.html. 17 Devol, R. and Frank Fogelbach. 2003. Milken Institute Best Performing Cities. Santa Monica: Milken Institute. 18 Haulk, Jake, Paul F. Stiflemire 2002. Pittsburgh’s Job Growth Rate has been Dismal. The Allegheny Institute for Public Policy. [ 92 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute 19 Haulk, Jake, Paul F. Stiflemire 2002. Pittsburgh’s Job Growth Rate has been Dismal. The Allegheny Institute for Public Policy. 20 http://www.bizjournals.com/pittsburgh/stories/2003/07/28/daily42.html. 21 Pittsburgh. Economics Division, PNC Financial Services Group. 22 DeVol, Ross. America’s High-Tech Economy: growth, Development and Risks for Metropolitan Areas. Santa Monica: Milken Institute. 23 Lee, Myeong-Ho & In Jeong Hwang. 2003. Determinants of Corporate R&D Investment: An Empirical Study Comparing Korea’s IT Industry with its Non-IT Industry. ETRI Journal, 25: 4. Aug 2003. 24 Gertler, Meric S., Uyen Quach & Tara Vinodrai. 2005. Life Science Innovation Systems: Lessons from ISRN. http://www.utoronto.ca/onris/pdf/ONRIS%20Fall%20Workshop%202005%20%20Life%20Sciences%20v3.ppt. 25 Entrepreneurial Vitality Scorecard, Carnegie Mellon University. 1998. 26 Pittsburgh. 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Stiflemire 2002. Pittsburgh’s Job Growth Rate has been Dismal. The Allegheny Institute for Public Policy. [ 9 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute 38 http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/05313/603160.stm. 39 Sommers, Paul, Daniel Carlson, Michael Stanger, Saijun Xue, Mika Miyasato. 2000. Ten Steps to a High Tech Future: The New Economy in Metropolitan Seattle. Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy. The Brookings Institution. 40 Innovation Works. 2005. 41 Sommers, Paul, Daniel Carlson, Michael Stanger, Saijun Xue, Mika Miyasato. 2000. Ten Steps to a HighTech Future: The New Economy in Metropolitan Seattle. Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy. The Brookings Institution. 42 Gradeck, R. and Jerry Paytas. 2000. Migration and Regional Growth. Center for Economic Development, Carnegie Mellon University. 43 Center for Economic Development, Carnegie Mellon University. 2003. The Root of Pittsburgh’s Population Drain. 44 H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management. 2000. Entrepreneurial Pittsburgh: Uncovering the New Economy. Key Findings and Policy Recommendations. 45 http://pittsburghlive.com/x/tribune-review/business/s_404601.html. 46 http://www.netapp.com/news/press/news_rel_20040218. 47 Survey of 104 students pursuing degrees in Business, Engineering, and Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon. 1999. 48 http://www.pheaa.org/specialprograms/nets/New_Economy_Technology_Scholarship.shtml. 49 http://www.pahouse.com/youngblood/pr/198102199. 50 http://www.pheaa.org. 51 H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management. 2000. Entrepreneurial Pittsburgh: Uncovering the New Economy. Key Findings and Policy Recommendations. 52 The Emerging Cluster of Arizona. Collaborative Economics. 53 H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management. 2000. Entrepreneurial Pittsburgh: Uncovering the New Economy. Key Findings and Policy Recommendations. 54 http://medc.michigan.org/smartzones/program/. 55 Florida, Richard, “Toward the Learning Region,” Futures 27, 5 (June 1995): 527-536. 56 H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy & Management. 2000. Entrepreneurial Pittsburgh: Uncovering the New Economy. Key Findings and Policy Recommendations. [ 94 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute 57 Gonzalez, Marisela, & Rafael Lucea. 2001. The Evolution of Business Incubation. Center for Economic Development, Carnegie Mellon University. 58 RESI Research nd Consulting. 2001. Maryland Incubator Impact Analysis. 59 Innovation Works. 2005. 60 http://www.bio-itworld.com/archive/061503/insights_midwest.html. 61 http://www.techcollaborative.org/default.aspx?id=about_ttc. 62 Feldman, Maryann and Francis Johana. “Fortune Favors the Prepared Region.” Forthcoming in European Planning Studies. http://www.rotman.utoronto.ca/feldman/papers/MDBiotechCluster2.0.pdf. Accessed on Feb 28, 2006. 63 Gonzalez, Marisela, and Rafael Lucea. 2001. Pittsburgh’s Business Incubators. http://www.smartpolicy.org/pdf/incproiles.pdf. [ 95 ] Pittsburgh Technology Strategy Milken Institute About the Authors Ross DeVol is Director of Regional Economics at the Milken Institute. He oversees the Institute’s research on the dynamics of comparative regional growth and performance, and technology and its impact on regional and national economies. DeVol is an expert on the intangible economy and how regions can prepare themselves to compete in it. He authored the study America’s High-Tech Economy: Growth, Development, and Risks for Metropolitan Areas, an examination of how clusters of high-technology industries across the country affect economic growth in those regions, and America’s Biotech and Life Science Clusters, among many others. He also created the Best Performing Cities Index, and annual ranking of U.S. metropolitan areas that shows where jobs are being created and economies are growing. Prior to joining the Institute, DeVol was senior vice president of global Insight, Inc. (formerly Wharton Econometric Forecasting), where he supervised the Regional Economic Services group. DeVol earned an M.A. in economics at Ohio University. Perry Wong is a Senior Managing Research Economist in Regional Economics at the Milken Institute. He is an expert on regional economics, development and econometric forecasting and specializes in analyzing the structure, industry mix, development, and public policies of a regional economy. He designs, manages, and performs research on labor and workforce issues, the relationship between technology and economic development, trade and industry, with a focus on economic policy development and implementation in both leading and disadvantaged regions. Prior to joining the Institute, Wong was a senior economist and director of regional forecasting at Global Insight, Inc. (formerly Wharton Econometric Forecasting), where he managed regional, state, and metropolitan area forecasts and provided consultation. Wong earned a master’s degree in economics at Temple University in 1990 and completed all course requirements for his Ph.D. Benjamin Yeo is a Research Analyst in Regional Economics at the Milken Institute and a Ph.D. candidate at Pennsylvania State University. Yeo’s doctoral dissertation is aimed at developing a theory of sustainability for the knowledge economy. His expertise comprises information technology, planning and knowledge management for e-business and economic development, information systems/process management, and national information policy studies. Yeo obtained his undergraduate and graduate degrees at the School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. 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