Suppressor of zeste 12, a Polycomb group gene in
Drosophila melanogaster;
one piece in the epigenetic puzzle
Anna Birve
Department of Molecular Biology
Umeå University, Sweden
Akademisk avhandling
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den 30 maj, klockan 10.00.
Prof. Anssi Saura
Prof. Allen Shearn, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, USA
Suppressor of zeste 12, a Polycomb group gene in Drosophila melanogaster;
one piece in the epigenetic puzzle
Anna Birve, Department of Molecular Biology, Umeå University, Sweden
In multicellular organisms all cells in one individual have an identical genotype, and
yet their bodies consist of many and very different tissues and thus many different
cell types. Somehow there must be a difference in how genes are interpreted. So,
there must be signals that tell the genes when and where to be active and inactive,
respectively. In some instances a specific an expression pattern (active or inactive) is
epigenetic; it is established and maintained throughout multiple rounds of cell
divisions. In the developing Drosophila embryo, the proper expression pattern of
e.g. the homeotic genes Abd-B and Ubx is to be kept active in the posterior part and
silenced in the anterior. Properly silenced homeotic genes are crucial for the correct
segmentation pattern of the fly and the Polycomb group (Pc-G) proteins are vital for
maintaining this type of stable repression.
As part of this thesis, Suppressor of zeste 12 (Su(z)12) is characterized as a
Drosophila Pc-G gene. Mutations in the gene cause widespread misexpression of
several homeotic genes in embryos and larvae. Results show that the silencing of the
homeotic genes Abd-B and Ubx, probably is mediated via physical binding of
SU(Z)12 to Polycomb Response Elements in the BX-C. Su(z)12 mutations are
strong suppressors of position-effect-variegation and the SU(Z)12 protein binds
weakly to the heterochromatic centromeric region. These results indicate that
SU(Z)12 has a function in heterochromatin-mediated repression, which is an
unusual feature for a Pc-G protein. The structure of the Su(z)12 gene was determined
and the deduced protein contains a C2-H2 zinc finger domain, several nuclear
localization signals, and a region, the VEFS box, with high homology to mammalian
and plant homologues. Su(z)12 was originally isolated in a screen for modifiers of
the zeste-white interaction and I present results that suggests that this effect is
mediated through an interaction between Su(z)12 and zeste. I also show that Su(z)12
interact genetically with other Pc-G mutants and that the SU(Z)12 protein binds
more than 100 euchromatic bands on polytene chromosomes. I also present results
showing that SU(Z)12 is a subunit of two different E(Z)/ESC embryonic silencing
complexes, one 1MDa and one 600 kDa complex, where the larger complex also
contains PCL and RPD3.
In conclusion, results presented in this thesis show that the recently identified Pc-G
gene, Su(z)12, is of vital importance for correct maintenance of silencing of the
developmentally important homeotic genes.
Keywords: Drosophila melanogaster, epigenetic, homeotic genes, Polycomb
group, PRE, heterochromatin, Suppressor of zeste 12, chromatin silencing
ISBN 91-7305-437-2
Till Grabbsen
Filip och Johan
Position effect variegation
Homeotic genes
Regulation of homeotic genes
The Polycomb-Group
The trithorax-Group
Mechanisms for Epigenetic Silencing
Epigenetic genes and disease
Antennapedia Complex
Absent and small homeotic discs 1
Absent and small homeotic discs 2
Additional sex combs
bipartite nuclear localization signal
Bithorax Complex
Enhancer of variegation
Enhancer of zeste
Embryonic flower 2
Enhancer of Polycomb
extra sex comb
Enhancers of trithorax and polycomb
Fertilization-independent-seed 2
yeast 2µm plasmid site-specific recombinase
FLP recombination target
Histone 3
Histone 4
histone acetyltransferase
histone deacetylase
heterochromatin associated proetein
Miscadastral pigmentation
nuclear localization signal
Position effect variegation
Polycomb Response Element
Posterior sex combs
Sex comb on midleg
Sex combs reduced
Suppressor of variegation
Suppressor of zeste
Vernalization 2
This thesis is based on the following published papers and manuscripts which will
be referred to by Roman numerals:
Birve, A., Sengupta, A.K., Beuchle, D., Larsson, J., Kennison, J. A.
Rasmuson-Lestander, Å. and Müller, J. (2001) Su(z)12, a novel Drosophila
Polycomb group gene that is conserved in vertebrates and plants. Development 128,
Tie, F., Prasad-Sinha, J., Birve,A., Rasmuson-Lestander, Å.,
and Harte, P.J. (2003) A 1 MDa ESC/E(Z) complex from Drosophila that contains
Polycomblike and RPD3. Molecular and Cellular Biology, May 2003, p. 3352–
Birve, A., Chen, S., and Rasmuson-Lestander, Å. (2003) Suppressor of
zeste12 mediates silencing through PREs, interacts genetically with other PcG genes
and and has a unique binding pattern on polytene chromosomes. Manuscript
Birve, A., Chen, S., and Rasmuson-Lestander, Å. (2003) Expression pattern
of the Drosophila polycomb group gene Suppressor of zeste 12.
Papers I and II are reproduced with the publishers’ permission.
*Copyright © 2003, the American Society for Microbiology. All rights reserved
Genetics is the study of inheritance, how traits are passed on from one generation to
the next. More specifically, genetics is the study of genes, the carriers of heredity,
the factors determining the traits we can observe. These observable traits are seen as
the phenotype which is the property of an organism that develops through the action
of genes and environment. In addition, genetics is also occupied with the elements
of the cells in which the genes reside, the chromosomes. For fifty years it has been
known that genes carry the necessary information about a trait in the shape of a
DNA sequence (Watson and Crick 1953). However, in mulitcellular organisms, like
humans and flies, all cells in one individual have the same set of DNA, an identical
genotype, and yet their bodies consist of many and very different tissues and thus
many different cell types. So, since one set of genes can give rise to a variety of
different phenotypes, there must be more to it than just the DNA sequence of a gene
to determine a trait. Somehow there must be a difference in how genes are
interpreted. One such difference is the way they are expressed; either they are active
or inactive. Some genes are turned on and off depending on circumstances and
environmental cues. Others are maintained in an active state, which means they are
constantly being expressed, while other are kept in an inactive state, i.e. they are
silenced. This maintained expression pattern is refered to as being epigenetic.
In 1942 C.H Waddington suggested the term epigenetics as ”the study of the
processes by which genotype give rise to phenotype”. More than 40 years later
Robin Holliday (1987) defined epigenetics as ”the study of the changes in gene
expression, which occur in organisms with differentiated cells, and the mitotic
inheritance of given patterns of gene expression” and he also added to this a
supplementary definition of epigenetics to include ”transmission of information
from one generation to the next, other than the DNA sequence itself” (reviewed in
(Morris 2001). Today the term epigenetics has a variety of definitions, one refers to
the forms of inheritance that do not follow Mendelian rules, and also disregards gene
expression. Another definition, and the one I will use in this thesis is: epigentics –
the study of mechanisms behind differences in gene expression that are mitotically
heritable and do not involve changes in DNA sequence.
There are several epigenetic examples that are related to each other and these have
been studied in many different organisms e.g. flies, yeast, plants and mammals.
What these phenomena all have in common is the maintenance of a given gene
expression profile through cell division and through development. One extensively
studied example in Drosophila is Position Effect Variegation (PEV), where a
translocation of a gene to a new position in the genome occasionally silences the
gene giving rise to a variegated expression of that gene. Another example of
maintained gene expression is the regulation of the homeotic genes. The homeotic
genes are activated or repressed in a well defined pattern in the early Drosophila
embryo. If initially activated, the gene is kept in an active state throughout
development but if repressed, the gene is maintained in an epigenetically repressed
state. An important and by now much studied epigenetic phenomenon in mammals
is imprinting, where the parental origin (i.e. if the chromosome comes from the
mother or the father) of an allele determines if it is going to be expressed or not. In
the dosage compensation system, differences in number of sex chromosomes
between the sexes is compensated for. In mammals this is done by inactivation of
one of the two X-chromosomes in females. Also in these last examples, the specific
gene expression pattern is in one way or the other remembered and maintained
through generations of cell divisions. In this thesis I shall try to explain some of
these phenomena and their underlying mechanisms and also to put our findings of
the Drosophila gene Su(z)12 in an epigenetic context.
Position effect variegation
Position effect variegation (PEV) is an epigentic phenomenon, in which the
expression pattern of a gene is altered when the gene is transposed from its original
position in the genome. A well studied example of PEV in Drosophila is whitemottled4
(wm4) where an inversion translocates the white gene (required for red eye
pigmentation) from its position close to the tip of the X-chromosome to a position
close to the centromere. Due to its new genomic position the intact but translocated
white gene will in some eye precursor cells be turned off and in others turned on and
this variegated expression will be maintained throughout development and give an
eye phenotype with patches of red and white ommatidia (Figure 1) (Muller 1930).
So what can explain this phenomenon? Although, in wm4, the white gene still reside
on the same chromosome there are differences in the environment at the different
locations. These differences lie in the configuration of the chromosomal structure, –
the chromatin, that consist of DNA and proteins. The original white locus is placed
in loosely packed chromatin, euchromatin, but in the wm4 mutant the white gene is
placed in the vicinity of tightly packed chromatin, heterochromatin. These are the
two types of chromatin in the eukaryotic genome. Heterochromatin is mostly found
near centromeres and, when observed cytologically, appears as a highly condensed
material throughout the cell cycle (Belyaeva et al. 1997). Euchromatin, on the other
hand, takes up the greatest part of the total genome and appears condensed during
mitosis but decondensed during interphase. Euchromatin contains the majority of
structural genes and the relaxed appearance during interphase is thought to be
necessary for the transcription machinery to be able to access DNA. The tightly
packed heterochromatin does not contain many genes but mostly consists of
repeated DNA sequences. Other typical features of heterochromatin are crossingover suppression, late replication in cell cycle and under-replication in polytene
chromosomes. Many genes affect PEV when mutated and are thought to be involved
in formation of chromatin. These are characterised as either Suppressors or
Enhancers of variegation (Figure 1).
Position Effect Variegation
Eye phenotype
Enhancer of variegation
Suppressor of variegation
Figure 1. Position effect variegation (PEV)
In wm4 the white gene is translocated by an inversion to centromeric
heterochromatin. This gives a variegated expression pattern of the white gene and a
mottled eye phenotype. Mutations in genes that affect this expression pattern can
either enhance the silencing of the white gene, enhancers of variegation, or suppress
it, suppressors of variegation.
There are several genes affected by PEV in Drosophila, for example, brown, rosy
and hsp70 (Slatis 1955a; Slatis 1955b; Henikoff 1981; Rushlow et al. 1984). Effects
on gene expression by neighbouring heterochromatin is also seen in other organisms
like yeast and mouse (Festenstein et al. 1996; Milot et al. 1996; Grunstein 1997).
Another example of gene silencing associated with heterochromatin is the
mammalian dose compensation system where one of the two female Xchromosomes gets inactivated by being totally heterochromatinized into a Barr
body. Heterochromatin can be divided into two types; facultative or constitutive.
PEV and X-chromosome inactivation are examples of facultative heterochromatin;
this chromatin is transiently condensed euchromatin, while pericentromeric and
telomeric heterochromatin are examples of constitutive heterochromatin; this
chromatin is permanently condensed and silenced. The constitutive heterochromatic
regions are shown to be rich in repetitive sequences, like satellite DNA and
transposable elements (Gatti and Pimpinelli 1992; Lohe et al. 1993; Pimpinelli et al.
1995). It has been proposed that tandemly repeated inserts of transgenes can induce
heterochromatinization and silencing and that this might be a defense mechanism
against transposons (Dorer and Henikoff 1994).
There are two major models to explain PEV. The heterochromatinization model and
the nuclear organization model. The former model suggests that the dense chromatin
structure keeps DNA inaccessible for transcription and in the PEV phenomena this
heterochromatin occasionally spreads along the chromosome and into a translocated
gene and silences it (reviewed in (Henikoff 1990; Wallrath 1998). It is shown that
chromatin close to the centromere is condensed and resistant to nucleases; thus the
DNA is probably less accessible to the transcription machinery (Wallrath and Elgin
1995). In the nuclear organization model it is suggested that the silenced
heterochromatic regions are localized in certain compartments in the nucleus and
that transcription factors don’t have access to these compartments (Marcand et al.
1996; Dorer and Henikoff 1997; Marshall et al. 1997). It has also been shown that
PEV can spread and inactivate genes in trans supported by findings of interactions
between topologiacal changes within the nucleus and heterochromatic regions (Slatis
1955a; Slatis 1955b; Dreesen et al. 1991; Belyaeva et al. 1997; Henikoff 1997).
In support of the heterochromatinization model it has been shown that mutations in
genes, that in various ways are involved in establishing chromatin structure, affect
PEV. Mutations in the gene Su(var)2-5, encoding the heterochromatin associated
protein, HP1, (Eissenberg et al. 1990; Eissenberg et al. 1992) and mutations in
Su(var)2-10, cause abnormal chromosome structure and also suppress PEV (Kellum
and Alberts 1995; Hari et al. 2001). Thus the proteins encoded by these genes are
needed for proper chromatin structure formation and this is critical for this type of
silencing. Mutations in trithorax and zeste, that encode transcription factors, can
enhance PEV. Accordingly, proteins that are involved in activation of gene
transcription maintain an open chromatin state (Farkas et al. 1994; Judd 1995). But
there are contradicting results regarding the accessibility of the chromatin. Some
studies could not reveal any differences in the accessibility of the chromatin fiber to
nucleases, between active and inactive genes, suggesting that the chromatin status is
not a major transcription regulator in PEV (Schloβherr et al. 1994).
Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon, where the expression pattern of a
certain allele depends on its parental origin. At imprinted loci, the two parental
alleles are treated differently in the zygote; one will be silenced and the other
expressed, and at each specific locus it is always the same parental origin of the
allele that is silenced, at some loci it is the maternal and at others it is the paternal.
This silencing effect is dependent on the sex of the parent, not on the sex of the
offspring and therefore the imprint must be reset in the germline for every
generation. The new sex-specific imprint is then established during gamete
development and maintained in the developing offspring.
Genetic imprinting has been reported in many different organisms for example
mammals, zebra fish, insects, yeast and plants (Crouse 1960; Kermicle 1970; Nur
1970; Sharman 1971; Chandra and Brown 1975; Takagi and Sasaki 1975; Mc Grath
and Solter 1984; Kuhn and Packert 1988; Martin and McGowan 1995b; Golic et al.
1998; Grossniklaus et al. 1998; Brannan and Bartolomei 1999; Lloyd et al. 1999;
Haller and Woodruff 2000; Nakayama et al. 2000). The term imprinting was first
used by Helen Crouse 1960 when she described a parent specific silencing of
chromosomes in the fungus gnat, Sciara. In Drosophila imprinting as a phenomenon
was described 60 years ago but under the term parental effects, however this term
also included maternal effects, that are caused by RNA deposition by the female into
the oocyte. The first description of imprinting in Drosophila concernes an Xchromosome inversion that translocates the scute gene and thus exposes it to PEV. It
was found that if In(1)sc8 was paternally inherited there was a greater frequency of
silenced offspring (Lloyd 2000). The imprinted effects in Drosophila are seen in
both male and female germ line and it is associated with chromosomal
rearrangements showing PEV and thus associated with heterochromatin (Singh
1994). So in these imprinting cases in Drosophila the wild type expression pattern of
the gene in question is not imprinted but when the gene is translocated to
heterochromatin and affected by PEV it acquires an imprinted expression pattern. It
seems like this pattern spreads from the heterochromatin into the juxtaposed genes.
Variegated silencing of imprinted genes is also seen in other organisms like zebra
fish, mammals and maize (Kermicle 1970; Martin and McGowan 1995b; Morgan et
al. 1999). In Drosophila mutations in genes known to modify PEV have been shown
to disturb the silencing of the imprinted genes (Lloyd et al. 1999; Lloyd 2000; Joanis
and Lloyd 2002). This is also supported by studies in mammals and fish (Bartolomei
et al. 1993; Koide et al. 1994; Martin and McGowan 1995a; Hark and Tilghman
1998). Taken together these results imply that heterochromatin may play an
important role in creating imprints.
Lloyd et al. (1999) showed that there is a gradient of the imprinting effect which is
dependent on the distance of the imprinted gene from heterochromatin, suggesting
that the imprinting originates within the heterochromatin and like PEV mediated
silencing spreads along the chromosome. This is comparable to imprinting in
mammals that spreads from “imprinting centers” (Nicholls et al. 1998; Frevel et al.
1999). Imprinting and heterochromatinization are phenomena that exists in a variety
of organisms so it seems likely that there are conserved mechanisms behind the
silencing effects. This is supported by studies done by Lyko et al. (1997,1998) who
showed that two different mammalian imprinting centers can induce silencing also
in Drosophila (Lyko et al. 1997; Lyko et al. 1998).
The homeotic genes
During development in Drosophila, as well as in mammals and other vertebrates, the
embryo is segmented along the anterior posterior body axis. Each segment
corresponds to certain parts of the adult organism. This spatially restricted patterns
of the embryo is regulated by the gap genes, and segmentation genes, followed by
homeotic genes (Kaufman 1980; reviewed in McGinnis and Krumlauf 1992; Prince
2002). The function of the homeotic genes are well conserved in evolution and have
the same mission in such diverse animals as flies and humans. In Drosophila the
homeotic genes were first characterized by E.B. Lewis (1978). He described a
complex of genes that was needed for proper segmentation of the embryo. In
mammals the homologous hox genes are organised in 4 clusters on different
chromosomes with a total of 39 genes (reviewed by McGinnis and Krumlauf 1992).
In Drosophila. the homeotic complex contains one set of 8 genes located on the
same chromosome but split into two clusters, the Antennapedia Complex (ANT-C)
and the Bithorax Complex (BX-C). The ANT-C consists of the genes lab, pb, Dfd,
Scr, Antp and controls segment identity in the anterior part of the fly e.g. head and
thorax structures. The BX-C consists of the genes Ubx, abd-A, Abd-B and controls
segment identity in the abdominal part of the fly (Duncan 1987; Kaufman et al.
1990). The homeotic genes are located in roughly the same linear order on the
chromosome as the order of their expression domains along the anterior to posterior
axis of the embryo (Lewis 1978; Karch et al. 1985; Kondo et al. 1998). So in
Drosophila the ANT-C gene lab, is expressed most anterior in the embryo and AbdB is expressed most posterior (Duboule 1998). See Figure 2 for the expression
pattern of the homeotic genes. To make a simplified model of how the homeotic
genes accomplishes the unique segment identity one can say that, the combination of
a certain set of homeotic genes expressed in a particular parasegment defines the
identity of that parasegment.
The expression pattern of the homeotic genes that is established during early
embryogenesis must be maintained in an epigenetic manner throughout
development. Mutations in the homeotic genes will have consequences for the
segment identity, segments where the homeotic genes are misexpressed will posses
the identity of segments anterior or posterior. and this will give rise to homeotic
transformations in the embryo. If the mutation is not lethal at the early embryonal or
larval stages the adult fly will acquire abnormal phenotypes where for example the
antennae will be transformed into legs or the halters into wings.
T3 A1 A2 A3
Figure 2. Approximate extents of the expression domains of the homeotic genes
(modified from Kaufman et al. 1990). md, mx and la indicate mandibulary,
maxillary and labial segments respectivelly. T1, T2 and T3 indicate thoracic
segments 1 to 3. A1 to A8 indicate abdominal segments.
Regulation of homeotic genes
The homeotic genes are first transcribed in the blastoderm stage embryos, at around
two hours of development. This first expression pattern of the homeotic genes is
controlled by the gap gene products like hunchback, knirps and Krüppel (White and
Lehmann 1986; Harding and Levine 1988; Irish et al. 1989). However, these cues
are transient and after the initial regulation two major groups of genes are
responsible for maintaining the right expression patterns of the homeotic genes
throughout the life of the fly, the Polycomb-group (Pc-G) and the trithorax-group
(trx-G). The Pc-G and the trx-G are responsible for maintaining the repressed and
active status, respectively, of the homeotic genes (Gerd 1985; Simon et al. 1992)
(Review in (Bienz and Müller 1995; Kennison 1995; Pirrotta 1997). Mutations in
repressive Pc-G genes will cause derepression of the homeotic genes in the anterior
part thus giving these segments a more posterior identity. This will give rise to
homeotic transformations similar to those of mutations in homeotic genes. Several
mutations in Pc-G genes in Drosophila will cause transformation of T2 and T3
identity into T1 identity. In male flies this will be visible, since they will have
sexcombs not only on the most anterior leg pair but also on the posterior pairs of
legs. Because of their characteristic phenotypes the Drosophila Pc-G genes have
names like Polycomb, extra sex comb, Posterior sex combs, Sexcombs on midleg,
Additional sex comb etc (Lindsley and Zimm 1992). Mutations in the genes
belonging to the trx-G counteract the phenotypes caused by mutations in Pc-G
genes implying that trx-G proteins promote activation of homeotic genes (reviewed
by Pirrotta 1997).
Together the BX-C genes, Ubx, abd-A and Abd-B are responsible for the identities
of the posterior segments of the fly. These, proper identities, are achieved by a
specific expression pattern where Ubx is expressed in PS 5-13 (corresponding to
segment T3-A7), abd-A is expressed in PS 7-13 (corresponding to segment A2-A7)
and Abd-B is expressed in PS 5-15 (segment A5-A8) (Figure 2) (White and Wilcox
1985; Celniker et al. 1989; Karch et al. 1990). To keep the proper developmental
expression pattern of these important genes, the BX-C has a large and complex
regulatory region of around 300 kb that include nine domains, the infra-abdominal
(iab) regions, that restrict the expression of the different genes to their right
parasegments (Karch et al. 1985; Duncan 1987; Sanchez-Herrero 1991). In this
control region there are also several domains that have been shown to be targets for
the Pc-G and trx-G and are necessary for maintaining the initiated expression pattern
(Gindhart and Kaufman 1995; Hagstrom et al. 1997). Three such domains identified
in the BX-C regulatory region are Ubx PRE (Polycomb response element), Fab-7
(Frontabdominal-7) and Mcp (Miscadastral pigmentation) (Figure 3)(Busturia and
Bienz 1993;Chan et al. 1994; Chiang et al. 1995). These domains are needed for
maintaining repression of the homeotic genes in the parasegments where they should
not be expressed, therefore they were initially identified as targets for Pc-G mediated
repression and thus named Polycomb Response Elements (Busturia and Bienz 1993;
Simon et al. 1993; Chiang et al. 1995; Hagstrom et al. 1996; Zhou et al. 1996;
Mihaly et al. 1997; Cavalli and Paro 1998).
Mcp Fab-7
Figure 3. The regulatory region of the BX-C contains Polycomb response elements,
PREs, necessary for repression of the homeotic genes.
The Polycomb-Group
Polycomb group (Pc-G) proteins are responsible for the epigenetic silencing of the
homeotic genes. The Pc-G genes, just like the homeotic genes, are well conserved in
evolution and homologues exist between mammals (Muller et al. 1995; van
Lohuizen 1998), flies, and sometimes even plants (paper I; Springer et al. 2002).
There are different models for how the Pc-G mediates its repression of the homeotic
genes. The proteins encoded by these genes are chromatin binding and it has been
suggested that the Pc-G proteins package the chromatin into a tight structure similar
to heterochromatin (Zink and Paro 1995; Pirrotta 1997). Pc-G proteins are found to
interact genetically and to colocalize on polytene chromosomes (Jürgens 1985; Zink
and Paro 1989; van Lohuizen 1998). Therefore, it was early suggested that Pc-G
proteins act synergistically to mediate their action by forming multimeric protein
complexes (Franke et al. 1992; Alkema et al. 1997a; Gunster et al. 1997; Jones et al.
1998). Indeed two such complexes have now been identified, the PRC1 and the
E(Z)/ESC complex (Shao et al. 1999; Ng et al. 2000). The PRC1 (Polycomb
repressive complex 1), contains the Pc-G proteins PC, PSC, PH, SCM (Shao et al.
1999), but also the trx-G protein ZESTE (Saurin et al. 2001). The other Pc-G
complex, ESC/E(Z) contains the proteins ESC, E(Z), p55, SU(Z)12, PCL and RPD3
(Ng et al. 2000; Tie et al. 2001; Czermin et al. 2002; Kuzmichev et al. 2002; Müller
et al. 2002; paper II).
Analyses of the genetic interactions concerning the proteins in the different
complexes suggests that they may act sequentially. For example it has been shown
that ESC is needed early but only transiently for repression (Struhl and Brower
1982; Simon et al. 1995). It has also been shown that an interaction between the two
Pc-G complexes early in development is necessary for establishment of Pc-G
mediated silencing (Poux et al. 2001b). According to these findings it has been
proposed that the ESC-E(Z) complex initiate the Pc-G mediated repression while the
PRC1 complex is required continuously to maintain the initiated repression of the
target genes (reviewed in Bienz and Müller 1995; van Lohuizen 1999; Francis and
Kingston 2001). Some results indicate that Pc-G mediated repression does not
involve general changes in the chromatin fiber, which suggests that the mechanisms
for Pc-G mediated silencing and heterochromatinization mediated silencing in PEV
differ (Schloβherr et al. 1994; McCall and Bender 1996). Two members of the ESCE(Z) complex, RPD3 and SU(Z)12, are modifiers of PEV (Table 1). It is possible
that the ESC-E(Z) complex plays an initiating role in both types of silencing (van
Lohuizen 1999). Recently it was shown that the ESC-E(Z) complex exists in two
different sizes with slightly different protein compositions, the already characterized
600 kDa complex and another 1 MDa complex also containing PCL (Tie et al. 2001;
paper II). Still, several of the known Pc-G members are not identified in either
complex so it is probable that further Pc-G complexes will be found. These
complexes might interact transiently and might also be flexible in their protein
In addition to the regulation of homeotic genes, the Pc-G proteins probably also
regulates many other genes. In Drosophila they bind around 100 sites on polytene
chromosomes suggesting several potential target genes (Zink and Paro 1989; van
Lohuizen 1998). One such additional target, the INK 4a locus, has been identified
for the mouse Pc-G gene, bmi-1 (Jacobs et al. 1999).
The trithorax-Group
The trx-G of genes were first defined for their counteractions of Pc-G mutant
phenotypes (reviewed in Kennison 1995). In contrast to the Pc-G, that mediate
repression, they are needed for activation of the homeotic genes and for maintaining
of this active state (reviewed in Francis and Kingston 2001). Like the Pc-G proteins,
the trx-G proteins also function in protein complexes. It has been shown that several
such complexes exist; for example the Drosophila trithorax group proteins BRM,
ASH1 and ASH2 are subunits of three different protein complexes (Papoulas et al.
1998). The brahma protein in Drosophila is homologous to the yeast SWI2/SNF2
gene. The encoded protein is part of a highly conserved protein complex, required
for transcription activation, the SWI/SNF complex (Tamkun et al. 1992; Peterson
1996; Kadonaga 1998; Rozenblatt-Rosen et al. 1998; Struhl 1998). In Drosophila
Kal et al. (2000) showed that the BRM complex also contains products of the trx-G
genes osa and moira and that the ZESTE can recruit this complex to specific
chromosomal target sites (Kal et al. 2000). Another trx-G complex, TAC1, has been
shown to containing the TRX and the CBP proteins (Petruk et al. 2001). TRX
interacts with components of the BRM complex and with ASH1 (Rozenblatt-Rosen
et al. 1998; Rozovskaia et al. 1999). In addition ASH1 interacts with CBP
suggesting that sevareal trx-G complexes cooperate in achieving an epigenetic activ
transcription state (Bantignies et al. 2000).
It has become evident that the division of the homeotic gene regulators into two
distinct groups, Pc-G and trx-G, is a simplification. Some of these genes have both
Pc-G an trx-G phenotypes (LaJeunesse and Shearn 1996; Gildea et al. 2000). In a
screen for new trx-G genes, several genes already characterised as Pc-G genes, were
identified. This suggests that several Pc-G genes are required for both activation and
suppression of genes and have therefore been suggest to be called ETPs; enhancers
of trithorax and Polycomb (Table 1) (Gildea et al. 2000). As I mentioned earlier, in
addition to mediating Pc-G repression, PREs also function in trx-G mediated
activation, thus they are simultaneously both PREs and TREs (thrithorax response
elements) (Farkas et al. 1994; Strutt et al. 1997). So what factors mediate the
contact between these DNA regions and the Pc-G and trx-G complexes? This far
only four DNA binding proteins have been identified, the two trx-G proteins,
GAGAfactor and ZESTE and the Pc-G proteins PHO and PHOL, encoded by a
recently characterized gene that is redundant with pho (Benson and Pirrotta 1988;
Farkas et al. 1994; Brown et al. 1998; Brown et al. 2003).
It has been shown that the Mcp element need both PHO and GAGA factor for
maintaining repression and in vitro studies show that a GAGA containing complex
containing binds the Ubx PRE ( Busturia et al. 2001; Horard et al. 2000 But on the
other hand Poux et al. Showed that PHO was not able to recruit any major Pc-G
complex (Poux et al. 2001). It is still not clear how the Pc-G complexes are targeted
to the PREs. It is possible that this process needs something else than DNA binding
proteins i.e. certain modifications or marks of the surrounding chromatin (van
Lohuizen 1999).
modifier of
indicated system
trx-G /PEV
Trl/GAGA factor trx-G/PEV/Imp
Su(var)2-5/HP1 PEV/Imp
Identified in
Protein features
Zinc finger
SET-domain, HMT
DNA binding
DNA binding domain
SET-domain, HMT
Ash1 Complex
Ash2 Complex
SET-domain, HMT
SNF2/SWI2 Bromodomain
S-adenosyl-methionin synthetase
associates with HP1
Chromodomain, SET-domain, HMT
Protein phosphatase 1
binds DNA and RNA
transcription factor acts on Su(z)12
ubiquitin-specific protease
putative HDAC
HAT, CREBbinding protein
A selection of genes involved in epigenetic phenomena. Their classification as either Pc-G,
trx-G or ETP genes is indicated as well as if they are modifiers of PEV or imprinting. If is
also indicated if the protein has been identified in any know complex and if it has any
particular feature or domain. (Gould 1997; Papoulas et al. 1998; Ng et al. 2000; Saurin et al.
2001; paper II; Czermin et al. 2002; Müller et al. 2002; Kuzmichev et al. 2002; Francis and
Kingston 2001; Rozenblatt-Rosen et al. 1998; Brock and van Lohuizen 2001 and references
One fascinating phenomenon in Drosophila and other insects is that the expression
of a gene can be influenced by pairing of the homologous chromosomes. This
phenomenon of inter-allelic complementation, where one allele can control the
expression of the other homologous allele, was first described by E.B. Lewis (1954).
He named the phenomenon transvection. Thus enhancers on one gene-homolog can
mediate an effect, positive or negative, on the transcription of the encoding sequence
on the other homolog. In Drosophila transvection effects are found at several loci
(Lewis 1954; Lewis 1978; Gelbart 1982; Leiserson et al. 1994; Morris et al. 1999).
When studying the transvection effects at the bithorax locus Lewis found one gene
necessary for bringing about these effects. This was a X-linked gene that he named
enhancer of bithorax, e(bx).
Another transvection-like phenomenon in Drosophila is the zeste-white interaction.
This is also pairing dependent phenomenon, first characterized by Madeleine Gans
in 1953. She found a X-linked mutation that cause a yellow eye phenotype in
homozygous females but not in hemizygous males. Due to the lemon-like yellow
eye color of the mutant flies, she named the gene zeste (Gans 1953). The mutation
represseses the transcription of the white gene but only if the there are two copies of
the white gene, and these must be able to pair (Gans 1953; Jack and Judd 1979;
Zachar et al. 1985) (Hazelrigg 1987). Later it was shown that zeste and e(bx) are
alleles, so this gene is involved in chromosome pairing effects at both the white and
the bithorax loci. In addition to the bithorax locus, the zeste protein is required for
transvection at many other loci for instance at dpp and y (Kaufman et al. 1973;
Babu and Bhat 1981; Gelbart and Wu 1982; Geyer et al. 1990).
What properties of the protein encoded by this gene can explain its involvement in
gene pairing? The zeste gene encodes protein with the ability to bind DNA, to bind
other proteins and also to self-aggregate (Pirrotta et al. 1987; Mansukhani et al.
1988; Chen et al. 1992). The protein consists of a N-terminal DNA binding region
and C-terminal hydrophobic repeats that are required for the aggregation of proteins,
and these have been shown to be necessary for transvection, and zeste-white
repression (Mansukhani et al. 1988; Bickel and Pirrotta 1990; Chen et al. 1992). It
has been shown that the multimerization of ZESTE proteins can crosslink two DNA
molecules (Benson and Pirrotta 1988) and that this multimerization actually
increases the efficiency of the DNA binding (Chen 1993). These properties may
explain how zeste mediates its action in this pairing dependent phenomenon. In
transvection it is proposed that ZESTE proteins, by binding both homologous genes
connect them and make it possible for the enhancer on one of the homologous to act
on the promoter on the other homologue (Bickel and Pirrotta 1990). In zeste-white
interaction the mutated ZESTE1 protein, that has a stronger aggregation capacity can
connect two white alleles and hyperaggregation of the mutated protein causes
silencing of the white genes (Chen and Pirrotta 1993).
Due to its potential to connect different DNA strands zeste probably has a function
in normal gene regulation, to bring distant enhancers closer to promotors and
activate transcriptipon in cis (Benson and Pirrotta 1988). zeste has been shown to be
involved in normal gene expression of several genes. It is an activating transcription
factor involved in Ubx, dpp and w expression (Laney and Biggin 1992) and
therefore classified as a trx-G gene. ZESTE binds to specific target sequences in
regulatory elements located close to the promoter in regions upstream of the genes
Ubx, dpp, w, Antp and en (Benson and Pirrotta 1988). One could expect that a gene
involved in the activation of these developmantally important genes would be of
great importance. Therefore the fact that zeste is nonessential for viability has been a
bit puzzeling (Goldberg et al. 1989). However it has been suggested that there is a
redundant control of Ubx activation by zeste and the GAGA factor (Laney and
Biggin 1992; Laney and Biggin 1996).
Although zeste has a role in activating gene expression it is also suggested to have a
function in epigenetic repression of genes. There is a great overlap of polytene
chromosomes binding sites between zeste and Pc-G proteins and it has been shown
that zeste is needed in Polycomb maintained repression of Ubx (Rastelli et al. 1993;
Hur et al. 2002). It is also interesting to note that ZESTE interacts with the
activating brahma complex and is also part of the repressing Polycomb complex,
PRC1 (Kal et al.2000; Saurin et al. 2001). As discussed above, the border between
the activating trx-G factors and repressing Pc-G factors is not sharp.
Many modifiers of zeste, for example Su(z)2, E(z), Psc, and scm are involved in
various types of epigenetic phenomena. They have been characterized as either Pc-G
genes, trx-G genes or modifiers of PEV (Wu et al. 1989; Judd 1995; Bornemann
1996). Therefore the zeste-white system can be used as a model system, suitable for
identifying genes important in epigenetic gene regulation. Suppressor of zeste 12
was isolated in such a P-element mutagenesis screen for modifiers of zeste.
Mechanisms for epigenetic silencing
Gene expression is regulated at many levels. In the previous sections I have
reviewed different epigenetic phenomena were genes are silenced in a manner
inheritable through mitosis. So what are the mechanisms that accomplish this?
Epigenetic silencing is thought to be established and regulated by alterations in
chromatin structure but it has also been suggested that the spatial organisation in the
nucleus has an impact on gene activity.
The eukaryotic nucleus appears to be strictly ordered
with sub-nuclear
compartments, where factors involved in common pathways are concentrated. One
well known example is the nucleolus, a visible compartment in the nucleus, where
rRNA transcription is intense. There is also a compartmentalization of chromatin in
the nuclues. Chromosomes with low gene density, and silenced regions are
localized to the pheriphery of the nucleus while active chromatin and chromosomes
with high density of genes, reside in the interior (Mahy et al. 2002a; Mahy et al.
2002b; Parada and Misteli 2002). It is not yet clear how significant these nuclear
compartments are for nuclear functions. It has been shown that nuclear reactions can
proceed in the absence of their compartments and there are some results suggesting
that it is actually the nuclear functions that establishes the compartment (Gang Wang
et al. 1998; Hediger et al. 2002; Sirri et al. 2002; Chubb and Bickmore 2003). Even
if the chromatin compartments are an effect of transcription, still, it is possible that
the local concentration of different factors may have great impact on the efficiency
of a process. Localization of a gene at the nuclear periphery or proximal to
heterochromatin might expose it to elevated concentrations of silencing proteins or
to decreased concentration of transcription activators. Chubb and Bickmore (2003)
suggests that “Transcription may drive the establishment of nuclear order but the
order itself may facilitate the control of transcription”.
Even if nuclear localization has an influence on gene expression and on chromatin
structure, there is clearly a connection between the state of chromatin and the
expression pattern of the genes residing in it. In the eukaryotic cell the large amount
of DNA is packed into a small volume by wrapping the DNA double helix around
proteins. Approximately 200bp of DNA associates with a histone octamer consisting
of two copies of each of the histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4. Together this
organisation of DNA and proteins forms the basic unit of the chromosome, the
nucleosome. Nucleosomes are differently packed in euchromatin and in
heterochromatin. In heterochromatin it is packed in regular arrays while in
euchromatin it can exhibit an irregular spacing. This wrapping of DNA around
nucleosomes compacts and protects the DNA, but it also has repressive effects on
transcription of genes, since the DNA becomes less accessible for the transcription
machinery (Cremer and Cremer 2001). As discussed in the previous sections, many
genes involved in epigenetic systems, encode proteins that affect chromatin structure
(Table 1). Among these proteins we can find; SET domain proteins, shown to be
histone methyltransferases (HMTs), encoded by Su(var)3-9, E(z) and trithorax
(from which this domain got its name) (Briggs et al. 2001; Roguev et al. 2001;
Bannister et al. 2002), Su(var)3-64E encoding an ubiquitin specific protease, and
RPD3 a histone deacetylase (Henchoz et al. 1996; Kadosh and Struhl 1998). So
what are the molecular mechanisms behind these acetyl, ubiquitin and methyl
associated proteins, how can they affect chromatin structure and regulation of gene
expression? It has recently become clear that histones have a function, not only to
protect and compact DNA but also in epigentic gene regulation.
The N-terminal tails of histones are external to the core structure and are therefore
accessible for protein-protein interaction (Luger et al. 97?). They can thus be
exposed to different covalent modifications, e.g. acetylation, methylation,
phoshorylation and ubiquitination. These modifications can modulate the
compaction of chromatin and thus the accessability of DNA (Strahl and Allis 2000).
It has been proposed that these histone tail modifications serve as a code so that
chromatin proteins can interpret the expression status of the particular chromatin
sequence (Jenuwein and Allis 2001; Li et al. 2003). Acetylation and phosphorylation
of histones are reversible processes but since no histone-demethylases have been
identified yet, it is possible that histone metylation could be a stable mark for an
epigenetic status. On the histone tails of each nucleosome there is 18 residues that
are possible to methylate, on H3; there are three arginine residues (R2, R17, R26)
and four lysine residues (K4, K9, K27, K36); on H4; there is one arginine residue
(R3) and one lysine residue (K20). lysine can be mono-, di, or tri methylated and
arginine can be mono-, or dimethylated (reviewed in (Bannister et al. 2002). Taken
together this will give 15x106 different combinations on one nucleosome, which
gives a great potential of specifying the transcriptional state, of a particular area of
Connections between acetylation and methylation of histones and transcriptional
activity have indeed been found. Several studies in various organisms show a positiv
correlation between acetylation of H3 and H4, in promoter regions, and
transcriptional activity. It is also found that these histones are methylated in the
coding regions of active genes (Bernstein et al. 2002). This is consistent with other
findings showing that heterochromatin, that is transcriptionally inactive, is both
hypoacetylated and hypomethylated (Braunstein et al. 1993; reviewed by Jenuwein
and Allis 2001, and Richards and Elgin 2002; Bernstein et al. 2002).
In PEV, where silencing is mediated by heterochromatin, histone methylation has
been shown to have clear impact on the silencing effects. The heterochromatin
associated protein HP1 encoded by Su(var)205 (Table 1), has been found to
associate with heterochromatin on polytene chromosomes and is needed for
heterochromatin formation (Eissenberg and Elgin 2000). Li et al. (2003) found that
tethering of HP1 to euchromatic regions causes silencing in that region and induces
formations of ectopic fibers between the site of tethered HP1 and other
chromosomal locations. This might bring distal chromosomal regions together and
in this way influence the packing of chromatin (Li et al. 2003). It has been shown
that the chromatin association of HP1 is due to an interaction of its chromodomain
with methylated K9 on H3 (Bannister et al. 2001; Lachner et al. 2001; Jacobs and
Khorasanizadeh 2002). Among the modifiers of PEV we find Su(var)3-9 (Table 1),
that encodes a SET domain protein, and this HMT protein, is responsible for the
methylation of K9 on H3 (Lachner et al. 2001; Nielsen et al. 2001; Schotta et al.
2002). In mammals loss of Su(var)3-9 function disrupts heterochromatin formation
(Peters et al. 2001). So, it can be concluded that methylation of H3 has an important
role in heterochromatin mediated silencing.
In addition to its implications in PEV, histone methylation is also important in Pc-G
mediated silencing. The HMT protein E(Z) is found in the E(Z)/ESC Pc-G
complex, and the histone methylation mediated by this complex influences the
transcriptional state of certain genes and also the maintenance of both the repressed
and active expression states (Beisel et al. 2002; Cao et al. 2002; Czermin et al.
2002; Müller et al. 2002). It has been shown that the E(Z)/ESC complex possesses
HMT activity with specificity for K9 and K27 on H3, to be more specific, E(Z) trimethylates K9 and K27 (Czermin et al. 2002; Kuzmichev et al. 2002; Müller et al.
2002). PC a member of the other Pc-G complex, PRC1, binds chromatin and has a
high affinity for H3 methylated at K27 (Cao et al. 2002; Czermin et al. 2002; Müller
et al. 2002). It is postulated that the E(Z)/ESC complex makes a methyl mark on
the K27 of histone H3 and this mark is recognised by PRC1. This all fits in with a
model were the E(Z)/ESC complex initiates the silencing and a subsequent
interaction between the two complexes is needed for PRC1 to be able to maintain
the silenced state (Poux et al. 2001b; Petruk et al. 2001; Breiling and Orlando 2002)
Histone methylation is also correlated to trx-G mediated activation. The HMT
protein, TRX, is found in the TAC1 complex (Petruk et al. 2001). It has been shown
that TRX interacts with components of the BRM complex and with ASH1
(Rozenblatt-Rosen et al. 1998; Rozovskaia et al. 1999). ASH 1, yet another SET
domain protein (Table 1), which is found to methylate H3 at K4 and K9, and H4 at
K20 and this action has been shown to be necessary for trx-G activation (Beisel et
al. 2002). ASH1 also interacts with another component in the TAC1 complex, the
protein CBP (Bantignies et al. 2000). Together, this implies that ASH1 makes a
methylation mark that recruits other trx-G complexes e.g. BRM, ASH2 or TAC1
and that several trx-G complexes cooperate in initiating and maintaining an active
chromatin status.
In yeast, active genes have been found to be marked by a tri-methylated K4 of H3
(Santos-Rosa et al. 2002). Both ASH1 and TRX methylates K4 of H3 (RozenblattRosen et al. 1998), thus it is possible that both ASH 1 and TAC1 are needed for
accomplishing a tri-methylated K4 mark in epigenetic activation. It has also been
shown that tri-methylated K9 of H3 overlaps with Pc-G binding in Drosophila,
while dimethylated K9 does not (Czermin et al. 2002). Therefore, it has been
suggested that tri-methylated K4 of H3 marks an active transcription state while a
tri-methylated K9 of H3 marks a repressed state (Breiling and Orlando 2002).
In addition to methylation of histones also acetylation of these seem to be linked to
Pc-G and trx-G function (van der Vlag and Otte 1999; Tie et al. 2001). One member
of the E(Z)/ESC complex in Drosophila, RPD3 is a histone deacetylase (HDAC)
and in the TAC 1 complex we find CBP, a histone acetyltrasferase (HAT) (se Table
1). Even though the results concerning the potential HDAC activity of the
E(Z)/ESC complex are contradicting (van der Vlag and Otte 1999; Tie et al. 2001;
Cao et al. 2002; Czermin et al. 2002; Müller et al. 2002), the finding of HDAC in a
Pc-G complex and a HAT in the a Trx-G complex implies that histone acetylation
may play an important role in epigenetic gene regulation (Santos-Rosa et al. 2002)
There is also a correlation with histone deacetylation and silenced heterochromatin.
For example Drosophila mutants in Rpd3, a gene encoding a HDAC in yeast,
enhance PEV, but, on the other hand, mutations in Sir2, encoding a putative HDAC,
are suppressors of PEV (De Rubertis et al. 1996; Newman et al. 2002; Astrom et al.
2003). In yeast, both histone acetylation and deacetylation are required for proper
heterochromatin formation and transcriptional silencing (Braunstein et al. 1996).
Heterochromatin is shown to be relatively hypoacetylated and histone deacetylation
has been correlated with regions of the chromatin that are transcriptionally inactive
(Laurenson and Rine 1992; Turner et al. 1992; Braunstein et al. 1993; Braunstein et
al. 1996). It has been proposed that histone acetylation might open up the chromatin
structure. In this model neutrally charged acetyl groups sitting on histone tails are
predicted to have lower affinity for the negatively charged DNA causing chromatin
to relax and thus making it more accessible for the transcription machinery (Pennisi
Acetylation is a reversible processes while several studies conclude that methylation
is not (Byvoet 1972; Zhang and Reinberg 2001). No histone-demethylases have
been identified yet and as discussed earlier this would nominate histone metylation
as a good candidate for a stable mark stating a long term epigenetic status
(Eissenberg and Elgin 2000). But on the other hand there are studies proposing that
the methylated pattern of histones can be reversed. For example studies in yeast
shown that when promoters are derepressed their methylation pattern changes from
tri-methylated to di-methylated K4 on histone 3 (Santos-Rosa et al. 2002). In flies
silencing mediated by the Pc-G can be derepressed (Beuchle et al. 2001; Breiling et
al. 2001), so if this silencing is marked by a methylated pattern there must be a
mechanism that can remove this mark. In addition to a histone-demethylase
mechanism, alternative models are suggested for demethylation. Two models that
have been suggested are; histone replacement, where a methylated H3 is replaced by
an unmetylated variant and clipping, where the tail on histone 3 is proteolytically
cleaved and the metylated K4 removed (Bannister et al. 2002).
Apart from histone modifications there is yet another player causing epigentic
molecular marks, namely DNA methylation. In mammals and plants it is known that
methylation of the cytosine residues in DNA plays an important role in imprinting
and X-chromosome inactivation (Jaenisch 1997; Feil and Khosla 1999; Holliday and
Ho 2002). Interestingly it has now been shown that cytosine methylation and
cytosine methyltransferases interact with HDAC complexes and results from studies
in Arabidopsis and Neurospora show that there is a connection between DNA
methylation and HMTs (Dobosy and Selker 2001; Tamaru and Selker 2001; Jackson
et al. 2002; Malagnac et al. 2002). In studies of X-chromosome inactivation in
mice, H3 methylation of K9 preceeds cytosine methylation suggesting that
methylated H3 acts upstream of DNA methylation in creating an epigenetic mark
(Heard et al. 2001; reviewed in Richards 2002).
Until a few years ago DNA methylation was not believed to occur in Drosophila.
Today we know that methylation of DNA exists in the early Drosophila embryo
(Lyko 2001). However, it is not known if it has any implications on epigenetic gene
regulation in the fly. It is interesting to note that Su(var)3-9 that affects methylation
in Neurospora crassa and Arabidopsis (Tamaru and Selker 2001; Malagnac et al.
2002), also affects DNA methylation in flies (F. Lyko personal communication). In
mammals there is a tight connection between imprinting and DNA methylation.
Even if there are evident differences between imprinting in mammals and in
Drosophila it is appealing to speculate about a common mechanism in these two
systems. DNA methylation in Drosophila seems to be restricted to the centromeres
(F Lyko personal communication) and Drosophila imprinting is exclusively
associated with centromeric heterochromatin. In addition, Su(var)3-9, affects both
methylation and imprinting in Drosophila (Joanis and Lloyd 2002). Taken together,
this might imply a role for DNA methylation also in imprinting in flies.
Finally, RNA seems to play a role in regulation of gene expression and chromatin
status. It has been shown that RNA is involved in the formation of heterochromatin
(Maison et al. 2002). The Pc-G protein PC and the heterochromatin protein HP1
both contain chromodomains (Table 1), that are found to be protein–RNA
interaction modules (Akhtar et al. 2000). It has been known for quite a few years
that non-coding RNAs play important roles in imprinting and X-chromosome
inactivation in mammals (Panning et al. 1997; Sleutels et al. 2002), and the
Drosophila dosage compensation system also involves RNA components (Meller et
al. 1997; Franke and Baker 1999). Thus, RNA could play an important role in
heterchromatin silencing as well as Pc-G mediated silencing.
Epigenetic genes and disease
The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster have been studied for almost a hundred years
and is, therefore, very well characterised genetically (reviewed by Rubin 2000).
Three years ago the genome project also added the complete Drosophila genome
sequence to the previous knowledge (Adams et al. 2000). Thus the fly provides us
with a good model organism for understanding genetic and basic biological
functions as well as molecular mechanisms. The comparative analysis during the
past decades has curiously shown that many genes and basic cellular mechanisms
are conserved between organisms as diverse as flies, worms and mammals.
Therefore, studies in Drosophila can contribute to understanding human diseases.
Actually, of around one thousand studied genes implicated in human diseases,
approximately 77% have one or more Drosophila homologue (Reiter et al. 2001).
The great bulk of information about Drosophila genes and many useful molecular
methods provides excellent tools for studies of biological phenomena or diseases.
By inducing mutations, that affect a particular disease or phenomenon, new genes
involved in the system can be identified. If genes, already identified and
characterised in certain diseases in human, have homologues in Drosophila, these
can be mutated and their function studied. Examples of phenomena or “diseases”
studied in flies are ageing, neurodegeneration, immune response, and control of
behaviour and physiology (O'Kane 2003).
As mentioned earlier the homeotic genes and their function to control the body plan
are well conserved between Drosophila and humans (reviewed by Gellon 1998 and
Prince 2002). Misexpression of these genes and the genes controlling them, (like the
Pc-G and trx-G genes), are associated with disease and malformations. For instance
mutations in Pc-G or homeotic genes in mice and humans can give rise to skeletal
defects (Muragaki et al. 1996). Like homeotic transformations in Drosophila these
effects are characteristic for faulty segmentation identity (Gould 1997; Schumacher
and Magnuson 1997; van Lohuizen 1998). These mutations can also cause
neurological defects and affect the sex-determining pathway (Yuko Katoh-Fukui
1998). In humans misregulation of Hox genes can also cause various forms of
leukaemia (Borrow et al. 1996).
Drosophila has homologues of many human oncogenes and tumour suppressor
genes and studies of these have contributed to understanding the basic function of
many of these genes (Simon et al. 1991; Bilder et al. 2000). The normal function of
tumour suppressor genes is to control the cell cycle by suppressing cell division.
Loss of function mutations in such genes would cause a loss of suppressing control
of cell division leading to uncontrolled cellproliferation. Proto-oncogenes, has a
normal function in cell cycle control by promoting cell division. Mutations that
cause a permanent expression of these genes are called oncogenes since this leads to
uncontrolled cell division.
Several of the positive regulators of homeotic genes the, trx-G, are associated with
cancer. The human homologue of the Drosophila trx gene, MLL is frequently
associated with translocations in leukaemia’s (Javier Corral 1996; Look 1997). The
two human homologues of Drosophila brahma, brm and BRG-1 encode proteins that
can bind Rb (retinoblastoma) protein (Dunaief et al. 1994) and reduction of brm is
associated with facilitated transformation of rodent fibroblast by the ras oncogene
(Muchardt et al. 1998). Another trx-G gene, little imaginal discs, is the Drosophila
homologue of the human Retinoblastoma Binding Protein 2 (Gildea et al. 2000).
Also genes in the repressive Pc-G are associated with cancer. The murine bmi-1
gene, that encodes a protein with homology to Drosophila PSC and SU(Z)2, is a
proto-oncogene (Brunk et al. 1991). Apart from the normal targets, the homeotic
genes, there is an additional target locus for Bmi-1 identified in mice, the INK 4a
locus. This locus encodes two tumour suppressor proteins p16 and p19Arf and these
are shown to be overexpressed in Pc-G mutant cells (Jacobs et al. 1999). Over
expression of bmi-1 in transgenic mice, induces lymphomas (Alkema et al. 1997b)
possibly by downregulation of p16 and p19Arf. Taken together these results indicate
that there is a connection between Pc-G genes and control of cell proliferation.
Recently it has been shown that two members of the E(Z)/ESC complex are
upregulated in different cancers. The human homologue of E(Z), EZH2, is
upregulated in metastatic prostate cancer (Varambally et al. 2002) and the human
homologue to Su(z)12 is overexpressed in colon and liver tumours (Weinmann et al.
2001). Furthermore, aberrations in hSu(z)12 is found in endometrial stromal tumours
(Koontz et al. 2001). This might suggest that Su(z)12 is a proto-oncogene that have a
function in cell cycle regulation. Su(z)12 has therefore been suggested to be a
potential target for an antitumour agent in cancer therapy (Kirmizis et al. 2003).
The overall aim of my PhD studies has been to clone and characterize the gene
Suppressor of zeste 12 in Drosophila melanogaster and to gather some
understanding about its function.
More specifically, my aims have been;
To clone and characterize the Suppressor of zeste 12 gene (paper I and IV).
To analyse the expression pattern of Su(z)12 (paper IV).
To phenotypically and molecularly characterize the Su(z)12 mutations
(paper I and III).
To characterize the SU(Z)12 protein (paper II and III).
Isolation of Suppressor of zeste 12
Su(z)12 was identified in a P-element screen for modifiers of zeste-white interaction.
The induced mutation caused a dominant suppression of the zeste1 mediated
repression of white. In a parallel screen for zygotic lethal mutations in the 76D
region, a complementation group with four lethal alleles was identified: l(3)76BDo1,
l(3)76BDo2, l(3)76BDo4 and l(3)76BDo5 (Kehle et al. 1998). Complementation tests
showed that these were alleles to the P-element mutation Su(z)12. We therefore
decided to call the locus Su(z)12, the four EMS-induced alleles Su(z)122, Su(z)123,
Su(z)124, and Su(z)125, respectively and the P-element induced mutation Su(z)121
(paper I).
Su(z)12 mutations are dominant suppressors of zeste
Su(z)12 was isolated as a dominant suppressor of the zeste1. All Su(z)12 mutations
have a more or less strong suppressing effect on the zeste-white interaction. Analysis
of genetic interaction with Su(z)12 and different alleles of white and zeste suggests
that Su(z)12 mediates this effect by interaction with zeste and not with white (Table
2; paper III) and that the suppressing effect of zeste1 on the expression of the white
gene is dependent on the Su(z)12+ gene product. However, as shown below, there is
no binding of SU(Z)12 protein to the white locus on polytene chromosomes in
salivary glands.
Su(z)12 mutations are homozygous lethals
The four EMS-induced alleles Su(z)122-5 were isolated as recessive lethals and
Su(z)121 is also a homozygous lethal mutation. Animals that are homozygous or
hemizygous for alleles 1, 3, 4 or 5 die during embryogenesis or the first larval instar.
This suggested that Su(z)12 is important during embryonic development. However,
several transheterozygous combinations with Su(z)125 can develop into pharate
adults with strong homeotic transformations (Fig. 1; paper I). No mutation has been
identified in the open reading frame of Su(z)125, it is therefore tempting to speculate
about interallelic complementation, like transvection or trans-splicing.
Cloning of Suppressor of zeste 12
To verify that the phenotypes of Su(z)121 were due to the insertion of the P-element,
revertants were induced by secondary P-element mutagenesis and the loss of the Pelement was confirmed with Southern blot analysis. The obtained revertants lost the
suppression phenotype and were also viable with Su(z)121. This proved that the
phenotype was due to the P-element insertion, so I went ahead and cloned the gene
using the P-element as a tag. I then mapped Su(z)12 to 76E-77A by in situ
hybridisation using a cloned genomic fragment as a probe (see picture on the cover).
According to Flybase, where the location is computationally determined from the
genome sequence, the cytological position is at 76D4.
The Su(z)12 gene spans approximately 5 kb and encodes at least four different
transcripts (Fig. 1C; paper IV). Two of the four Su(z)12 transcripts have been
sequenced, one cDNA, is 4,041 nucleotides long and the other cDNA, LD02025 is
3,637 bases long (Fig.2; paper IV). The 4.0 kb transcript has an extra exon, and due
to a stop codon in this exon, the deduced protein is shorter than the one encoded by
the 3.6 kb transcript. The other two transcripts have not been cloned. The 3.6 kb
transcript encodes a protein that contains a C2-H2 zinc finger domain, two bipartite
nuclear localization signals (BNLS), several nuclear localization (NLS) signals, and
a region, the VEFS box (VRN2, EMF2, FIS2 and SU(Z)12) with high homology to
the human and Arabidopsis homologues, (Fig. 5; paper I). The 4.0 kb transcript
encodes a 95 kDa protein that differs in content in the C terminal region compared
with the 100 kDa protein, where it lacks the second BNLS (Fig. 2; paper IV). Both
transcripts also encode an aspargine rich region, located between the zinc finger and
the VEFS box, and a serine rich region, located C-terminally to the VEFS box.
Molecular Characterization of mutant alleles
Of the EMS induced mutations, allele 2, 3 and 4, have a single base substitutions in
the open reading frame at positions corresponding to codons 274, 298 and 218,
respectively. The first leads to an amino acid substitution and the two latter to stop
codons. No lesion has yet been identified in the Su(z)125 allele. The P-element in
Su(z)121 is inserted in the VEFS box encoding region (Fig. 5; paper I). The predicted
protein products encoded by Su(z)123 and Su(z)124 will be truncated, lacking both
the zinc finger and the VEFS box. These probably represent null alleles. Su(z)121 on
the other hand encodes a 560 amino acid protein contain the zinc finger and one
BNLS but lack the major part of the VEFS box. This potential protein might have a
dominant negative effect, which could explain its sometimes differing properties. In
Su(z)122 a single amino-acid substitution, from a neutrally charged Gly to a
negatively charged Asp, at codon 274, N-terminal to both the VEFS box and the
zinc finger, causes lethality at the pupal stage, which implies that this part of the
protein also is of major importance for its function.
Expression pattern of Su(z)12
Northern blot analyses reveal that Su(z)12 is expressed throughout the entire life of
the fly. The mRNA is highly expressed in oocytes and during early development
and the transcripts found during these stages are of four different sizes, determined
to be approximately; 4.0, 3.7, 3.4 and 3.2 kb (Fig. 1A-C; paper IV). All four
transcripts are expressed in ovaries and sustain for 2 hours of embryonic
development until stage 4 of embryogenesis. After this, only the largest transcript
continues to be expressed. The SU(Z)12 protein is expressed ubiquitously in the
embryo (Fig. 4A; paper IV) and also in wing imaginal discs and larval brain.
SU(Z)12 was found in nuclei of ovaries and salivary glands, which is not
surprising, due to the NLS and BNLS found the protein (Fig. 4 and C; paper IV).
Developmental Western blots have corroborated the existence of the 100 and
95kDa proteins (not shown).
Su(z)12 mutations are dominant suppressors of PEV
All mutant Su(z)12 alleles have been shown to be dominant suppressors of the PEV
mediated silencing on the white+ gene in wm4 (Fig.4; paper I). Su(z)121 is a weaker
suppressor than the other mutant alleles, suggesting Su(z)121 has a different effect
from the other mutant alleles. However, these results imply that Su(z)12+ also has a
function in heterochromatin mediated repression which is an unusual characteristic
for a Pc-G gene. The Pc-G repressors usually do not affect PEV, with the exceptions
of E(Pc), that is a suppressor of PEV, and Asx and E(z), in which mutations have
been reported to be weak modifiers of PEV (Laible et al. 1997; Sinclair et al.1998a;
Sinclair et al. 1998b). However, neither E(PC) nor ASX have so far been included in
any of the purified Pc-G complexes. Intriguingly, Su(z)121 is a weaker suppressor of
PEV than the other mutant alleles while it has a stronger effect as a Pc-G mutant
(see below). This might suggest that loss of function and dominant-negative
mutations have different effects in the two silencing systems; repression of homeotic
genes and repression via heterochromatin.
Su(z)121 interacts genetically with other Pc-G genes
Su(z)121 has in itself a weak extra sex comb phenotype. After out-crossing the
balanced strain to wild-type, around 30% of the male offspring will have a T2 leg
with a sex comb consisting of 1-2 teeth. These transformations are not seen in the
other Su(z)12 alleles. This phenotype indicates a weak haploinsufficiency, which is
not overcome by the maternally deposited gene products. We screened for genetic
interactions with Su(z)121 and Su(z)124 with other Pc-G mutations and showed
significant enhancement of the sex comb trait with Pc11, Pcl7, esc9, and E(Pc)1
(Table 1; paper III). The potential null allele Su(z)124 did not give these effects,
supporting the hypothesis that Su(z)121 is a dominant negative protein that can
interfere with the wild-type protein and its function.
Su(z)12 mutations cause misexpression of homeotic genes
The early embryonic lethality of strong Su(z)12 alleles suggests that the gene has a
function in development. Still the embryos die without any obvious phenotypes,
such as homeotic transformations. However, the genetic interaction with other Pc-G
genes prompted us to investigate if Su(z)12 could be a Pc-G gene and thus affect
regulation of the homeotic genes. Therefore Su(z)12 mutant embryos were analyzed
for misexpression of the homeotic genes Abd-B and Ubx (Fig. 2; paper I). Embryos,
homozygous for any of the four EMS-induced Su(z)12 alleles 2-5 show very subtle
misexpression of Ubx. However Su(z)121 homozygotes show substantially more
misexpression, again suggesting that Su(z)121 is not a simple loss-of-function allele
but is an antimorphic allele that encodes a product that interferes with the function
of maternally deposited, wild-type SU(Z)12.
A likely explanation for the lack of derepression of homeotic genes would be that
maternally deposited wild-type Su(z)12 product partly rescues these mutant
embryos. We therefore generated Su(z)12 mutant germ cells by using FLP/FRT
recombinase. Females with clones of Su(z)12 mutant germ cells were crossed to
males heterozygous for Df(3L)kto2. Embryos derived from Su(z)122 and Su(z)125,
lacking both maternal and zygotic Su(z)12+ showed extensive misexpression of Ubx
(Fig. 2B; paper I and data not shown). When developed further the early larvae
showed severe homeotic transformations with phenotypes where all abdominal,
thoracic and several head segments were transformed into copies of the eight
abdominal segment (Fig. 2C; paper I). Furthermore, germ line mutants for any of the
other three Su(z)12 alleles (1,3,4) failed to develop or developed into highly
abnormal eggs (paper I). These results propose a role for Su(z)12 in germ line
development. In contrast, germ cells mutant for many other Pc-G members are able
to complete oogenesis (Breen and Duncan, 1986; Soto et al. 1995) although E(z),
crm and mxc seem to be required for germ cell development (Phillips and Shearn,
1990; Yamamoto et al.1997; Saget et al. 1998).
We also assayed for silencing of the homeotic genes Ubx and Abd-B in wing
imaginal disc clones, made homozygous for the different Su(z)12 mutations.
Su(z)121 and Su(z)124 mutant clones showed strong misexpression of both Ubx and
Abd-B in most mutant cells (Fig.3A; paper I). Su(z)123 mutant clones don’t show
this misexpression but we found that these clones were much smaller than those
obtained with the other Su(z)12 alleles (data not shown) implying a role for Su(z)12+
in cell proliferation. However, it is puzzling that the two potential null alleles,
Su(z)123 and Su(z)124, show such differences in this aspect. One can speculate that
the 80 amino acid difference in the respective proteins has an important function in
the wild-type protein and that this extra motif in the SU(Z)123 can exhibit
antimorphic interfering functions with its targets or co-workers, compared to the
SU(Z)124 protein. The position of the lesion in the Su(z)122 allele right in this region
supports its importance. However, the differences in phenotype could also be due to
a second site mutation.
The strong misexpression of homeotic genes in embryos and in larval tissues
homozygous for Su(z)12 mutations clearly classifies Su(z)12 as a Pc-G gene.
Su(z)12 mediates silencing via PREs
We found that Su(z)121 dominantly suppresses the PRE mediated silencing of a
mini-white gene in four different transgenic lines. The PREs used in these lines
where either Fab-7 or Mcp originating from the BX-C (Fig.1; paper III). Some of
the constructs used had previously been shown to be sensitive either to Pc-G
mutants, PEV modifiers or in their pairing requirements (M. Muller, personal
communication; Muller et al. 1999; Hagstrom et al. 1997). Su(z)121 modifies all
these transgenes, which supports our previous findings that Su(z)12 acts both as a
Pc-G gene and as a suppressor of PEV (paper I).
Anti-SU(Z)12 stainings on polytene chromosomes show that SU(Z)12 physically
binds to PREs in vivo. Binding is shown to both Mcp (Fig. 2; paper III) and
UbxPRE (Fig. 6C and D; paper II). SU(Z)12 also binds to the original BX-C locus at
89D/E (Table 4; paper III). Together, these results strongly indicate that wild-type
SU(Z)12 protein physically binds to the regulatory regions of Abd-B and Ubx and
mediates its silencing function on these target genes through PREs.
SU(Z)12 has a unique binding pattern on polytene chromosomes
Given that SU(Z)12 is a nuclear protein and interacts with Pc-G and PEV we wanted
to investigate if this was a chromatin binding protein. Anti-SU(Z)12 stainings of
polytene chromosomes show that SU(Z)12 like other Pc-G proteins binds to more
than 100 euchromatic bands and around 50% of these overlap with other Pc-G
proteins, or the trx-G proteins, ZESTE or TRX (Table 4; paper III). We also find
that SU(Z)12 binds weakly to the heterochromatic centromeric region (Fig. 3; paper
III) consistent with the suppressor of PEV phenotype. Furthermore, we found that
SU(Z)12 binds to the BX-C at 89 D/E, which is consistent with the fact that Su(z)12
is needed for silencing of Ubx and Abd-B.
These stainings where carried out with four different antibodies, and these show big
differences in target site recognition. This suggests that SU(Z)12 is present in
several silencing complexes with different protein compositions
divergent affinities for the different antibodies.
resulting in
SU(Z)12 is part of Pc-G complexes
SU(Z)12 has been identified in a 600kDa ESC/E(Z) Pc-G complex (Ng et al. 2000;
Czermin et al. 2002; Kuzmichev et al. 2002; Müller et al. 2002; Tie et al. 2003).
Recently, we have shown that it is also a subunit of a 1MDa ESC/E(Z) complex
distinguished from the 600 kDa complex by the presence of the Pc-G protein PCL
and the histone deacetylase RPD3 (Fig.2; paper II). This is consistent with the
observed genetic interactions between Su(z)12 and Pcl and esc. Surprisingly, no
interaction was found with either E(z) or Rpd3 ( Table 1; paper III) in spite of the
biochemical proofs of protein interactions. The fact that SU(Z)12 is found in an
embryonic silencing complex with E(Z)/ESC and PCL, but also show interactions
with Pc and E(Pc) supports an hypothesis that the SU(Z)12 protein is present in
several silencing complexes in different temporally and spatially regulated patterns.
Su(z)12 in other organisms
As discussed previously SU(Z)12 has protein homologues in humans and plants, but
also other organisms, for example Anopheles gambiae, Fugu rubripes and mouse
have homologues. However, the gene is not found in C. elegans or yeast.
The zinc finger motif and the VEFS box are well conserved in the proteins in
humans and Arabidopsis (Nagase et al. 1995; Grossniklaus et al. 1998; Gendall et al.
2001; Yoshida, 2001) (Fig. 5; paper I). The three SU(Z)12-related proteins in
Arabidopsis, have been identified as regulators in plant development (Grossniklaus
et al. 1998; Gendall et al. 2001; Yoshida 2001). Of the other Drosophila Pc-G genes,
only E(z) and esc are also conserved in plants and the E(Z) homologue is needed for
repression of floral homeotic genes in leaves (Goodrich et al. 1997). Therefore it
seems likely that at least some of the regulatory machinery that controls homeotic
gene expression is conserved between animals and plants. It is interesting to note
that, the partners in the ESC/E(Z) Pc-G complex; SU(Z)12, E(Z) and ESC, all have
homologues in plants while most other Pc-G proteins do not. This suggests that
ESC/E(Z) might represent a more ancient repressor system.
Many Drosophila Pc-G genes have homologues in mice and these have been shown
to be needed for repression of homeotic genes (reviewed by van Lohuizen, 1998)
and it seems likely that vertebrate SU(Z)12 also have this function. However, recent
publications concerning the human homologue of Su(z)12 have shown that the gene
is associated to various tumours suggesting it might be involved in regulation of cell
proliferation. A certain type of translocation with a breakpoint in the human Su(z)12
gene is found in endometrial stromal tumours and it has also been shown to be overexpressed in various tumours (Weinmann et al. 2001; Koontz et al. 2001). This
suggests that Su(z)12 is a proto-oncogene that might have a function in cell cycle
regulation and therefore Su(z)12 has been suggested to be a potential target for an
antitumour agent in cancer therapy (Kirmizis et al. 2003).
The role of Suppressor of zeste 12 in epigenetics;
Su(z)12 is a Polycomb group gene, since it is needed for silencing of the
homeotic genes Abd-B and Ubx.
Su(z)12 mediates this silencing via PREs. SU(Z)12 binds to the BX-C
locus and also to at least two transgenic PREs in vivo.
Su(z)12 is required for germ cell development. Mutations in Su(z)12
causes abnormal eggs or absence of egg development.
Su(z)12 affects heterochromatin. Mutations in Su(z)12 are suppressors of
PEV and SU(Z)12 binds to heterochromatic regions in the chromocenter of
polytene chromosomes.
SU(Z)12 is found in E(Z)/ESC embryonic silencing complexes. Coimmunoprecipitations and protein fractionations have shown that SU(Z)12
is a subunit in two ESC/E(Z) complexes.
Su(z)12 interact genetically with other Pc-G genes. Significant
enhancement of an extra sex comb phenotype was shown in combination
with Pc, Pcl, esc, and E(Pc).
SU(Z)12 has a unique binding pattern on polytene chromosomes.
SU(Z)12 binds to 145 specific sites on polytene chromosomes, of these
50% are unique for SU(Z)12 when compared to a group of Pc-G or trx-G
proteins. Different antibodies directed against separate parts of SU(Z)12
give diverse patterns.
In summary, SU(Z)12 is part of two different E(Z)/ESC silencing complexes,
interacts with PC and E(PC), effects heterochromatin and has a unique binding
pattern on polytene chromosomes. Taken together these results support an
hypothesis that the SU(Z)12 protein is present in several silencing complexes and
has functions both in silencing of the homeotic genes and in formation of
I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all those who in different ways
have helped me to finally put together this thesis. In particular I would
like to thank;
My supervisor Åsa Rasmuson-Lestander, for support and encouragement and
excellent guidance in the scientific world, for always having time for my
questions and thus sharing her knowledge about zeste, white, polycomb and all
the others.
Jan Larsson, for great support and excellent supervision in lab and theory,
for valuable advise concerning this thesis and for understanding the absolute
beauty of polytene chromosomes.
Stefan Andersson Escher, who talked me into starting these studies and with
his enthusiasm made me believe I could do it, thanks for support and ”Lingon”
Anssi Saura, for his great knowledge in Genetics and geneticists, and in all
historical and religious genres, and for support (especially the warm coffee
bread) and advise concerning this thesis.
Anja Saura, for her excellent guidance in mapping polytene chromosomes.
David Roberts, for honouring our Department with his visits and always being
encouraging and inspiring.
Helena Östbye, for always being helpful with all administrative
arrangements and not being angry with me when I lose my keys or entrance card
for the Xth time.
Kerstin Kristiansson, for excellent help with the lab work.
Karin Ekström, for her knowledge about flies and fly stocks.
Marianne Rasmuson, for good statistical advise.
Anna-Sara, Gunilla, Maggan, for countless tubes and bottles with fly food.
My PhD student colleagues;
Sa , for being a great and helpful friend and ambitious and skilled coworker, I am really glad she joined me in the Su(z)12 project.
Jesper, for good company in the fly room and for opening my ears to radio P1.
Elisabeth, for being a great room mate and for good advise concerning life
and health.
Per, for introducing movie making, translocating and partying at the
Magnus, for being very helpful and kind in spite of his efforts to be evil.
Marcus, for believing I could understand some clatsdisdtics.
Mikael, for not abandoning his old colleagues when they need his acting
Malin, for appreciating good British music.
Ammie, for nice interesting chats during her, too few, visits to Umeå.
Thanks to all of you, the (now previous) Department of Genetics have been a
joyful and happy place and it has always (well, maybe a few exceptions) been
a pleasure to go to work.
I am also grateful to Jurg Müller and Peter Harte and their co-workers.
Thanks for good collaboration !
I would also like to thank all the helpful people at BMG that make teaching
smooth and pleasant. In particular I would like to thank Birgitta, who has
full control of all administrative stuff and always helps out when things
don’t work as you expected, Gun and Carola who even at short notice prepare
solutions and arrange for the student labs and Björn for taking care of the
Many people outside the University have also supported and encouraged me
during these yaers, theefore I would also like to thank;
my dear dear family, my parents Ewa and John, my sister Linda, my cousin
Johan, my grandmother Birgit and all the others. Thanks for all love and
support and for always being there for me. A special thank to my mother, who
has done a great job taking care of my sons and my home when I wrote this
thesis. A special thank also to my sons Filip and Johan for having confidence
in their mum who ”doesn’t come home until it’s night” since ”she is sort of
building a moon rocket,” and to their father Simon for carrying the heavier
burden of child care during these “thesis writing” months.
all my wonderful friends. Thanks for all support and care, for feeding me
excellent food and home baked bread, for moral advise and support, for
spelling and grammar suggestions, for listening to my complains, and lots
lots more…..
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