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IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS THROUGH YOUTUBE VIDEOS Agung Hidayat, M. Mu’zul Ikhwan, Riski Nurhidayati, Saskia Indana Zulfa, Siti Hidayati, Siti Rif’atul Hasanah English Department of Tarbiyah and Teaching Education Faculty of UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung 2021 E-mail: agunghidayat854@gmail.com, cowboy.asoy99@gmail.com, riskinurhidayati03@gmail.com, saskia.indana02@gmail.com, sitihida72@gmail.com, hasanahrifatul20@gmail.com BIODATA Agung Hidayat is a student of English department of UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung. He started his study at UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung in 2018 and now he is sixth semester. Email: agunghidayat854@gmail.com M. Mu’zul Ikhwan is a student of English department of UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung. He started his study at UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung in 2018 and now he is sixth semester. Email: cowboy.asoy99@gmail.com Riski Nurhidayati is a student of English department of UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung. She started her study at UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung in 2018 and now she is sixth semester. Email: riskinurhidayati03@gmail.com Saskia Indana Zulfa is a student of English department of UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung. She started her study at UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung in 2018 and now she is sixth semester. Email: saskia.indana02@gmail.com Siti Hidayati is a student of English department of UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung. She started her study at UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung in 2018 and now she is sixth semester. Email: sitihida72@gmail.com Siti Rif’atul Hasanah is a student of English department of UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung. She started her study at UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung in 2018 and now she is sixth semester. Email: hasanahrifatul20@gmail.com ABSTRACT During the COVID-19 pandemic, many schools implemented online learning systems. There are many students who become bored easily with mediocre lesson as a result, students become less interested in learning therefore, so that to make students grow curiosity and not feel bored, the teacher must provide interesting material that fosters student curiosity, and videos are a necessary one. Audiovisuals that portray the actual circumstances of the issue can offer pupils with a realistic perspective. This study purpose to describing improving students’ speaking skills through YouTube videos. The purpose of this article is that YouTube videos are an interesting medium that allows students to better access all aspects of oral skills. In addition, previous studies have also shown that using YouTube videos can improve employees’ spoken language skills in many areas such as fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. YouTube is an easy-toaccess and easy-to-access platform. Keywords: Students’ speaking skill, YouTube video INTRODUCTION In this pandemic era, of course, there are many obstacles in carrying out daily life activities, especially regarding education. For the smooth running of education and teaching and learning activities, of course, teachers are required to make learning strategies that are appropriate and not boring. However, they must continue to apply the rules that have been determined by national educational institutions to realize this learning goal. “The relationship between teacher and learners and the approach applied by the teacher are some factors that can affect students’ motivation in learning second language” (D. I Herminingsih, 2016). In addition, teacher must be smart in choosing teaching strategies and media that they will use to improve students' abilities and motivate them to be more active in the learning process. English is a global language that is used for various relations between countries. according to (Alzeebaree & Yavuz, 2017, as cited in Alzeebaree & Hasan, 2020). For this reason, students are expected to be able to master English well and correctly. Therefore, teachers must be able to provide material in the right way so that students can easily achieve learning objectives. Teachers can use various learning media such as the internet, visuals, audio visuals, social media and various platforms that can support the ongoing learning process. Especially in this pandemic era, teachers must choose the right internet media to connect all of them in teaching and learning activities to achieve learning goals. The 2 implementation of technology has “reorganized how we live, how we comminucate, and how we learn” according to (Siemens, 2005). In learning English, students are taught four main skills that they must master, namely speaking, reading, writing, and listening. In this pandemic condition, students of course will not be able to easily understand and even master these four skills. For this reason, teachers need to use their teaching creativity by using media that can support the process of teaching and learning activities. Especially in teaching English, students must master good and correct speaking techniques, as we know that language is a tool for communicating with people from other cultures. Besides, language can also be used to receive and provide information between individuals, individuals with groups, and between groups and groups according to (Nunan, 1991; Solikhah & Budiharso, 2019). “The main reason for learning English speaking is that it should act as an instrument for conducting interactions” according to (Kayi, 2006). There are so many options for the teaching and learning process using the internet that can be used by teachers in learning speaking, the platform is Youtube. Youtube is one of the best options for learning speaking activities because this media can provide wide access to us, then this media also displays learning in the form of visual media such as video and is equipped with audio visuals. This is reinforced by the statement from (Bustan & Alakrash 2020; Medriano & Bautista, 2020). They says “Online media is mostly mechanical or conventional, for instance, local newspapers, television, and films because they are accessible on any platform quite easily and efficiently”. LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Speaking Skill English is an international language that needs to be learned both in English as a second language and English as a foreign language are also option. In English there are four skills, namely speaking, reading, listening, and writing. While speaking is English skills that must to be mastered language learners. To find out more clearly about speaking, here are some definitions of speaking according to several experts. The first definition is speaking according to Chaney & Bark (1998) in Yulfi & Syaprizal (2020, p. 154) mentions speaking as a process of imparting meaning both verbally and non-verbally. Beside that according to Cameron (2001) in Pratiwi (2013, p. 9) speaking is a language that is used actively, which aims to express meaning so that someone can understand what other people want to convey in a foreign language. This statement in line with Burns 3 & Joyce (1997) and Louma (2004: 2) in Torky (2006, p. 32) define speaking as the process of taking action to build meaning, which includes the act of processing information, receiving information and processing that information. In simple terms, English speaking skill can be defined as someone's ability to communicate in English. The important thing in English speaking is that the listener must understand what the speaker is saying. By speaking we can communicate, interact, express opinions and express our feelings towards people from other countries. Brown & Yule (1983) in Pratiwi (2013, p. 10), revealed that according to its function, speaking is divided into two types of genres, namely: a. Transactional. The function of this genre is to provide information to others and can also be used to promote something. b. Interpersonal or interactional. The function of this genre is for interaction between two people to maintain their good relationship. In English, speaking is the important role. Sometimes someone wants to say something in English, but they are confused about how to say it. Therefore, good speaking skills are needed. In addition, for language learners, learning speaking skills is very important. This is states by Iman (2017, p. 4) who says that for language learners who use speaking for education, discussion, and argument presenting play significant role. Even so, Kayi (2006) revealed that the primarly purpose for studying English that it will serve as a tool for conducting contact (Herminingsih & Jazeri: 2020 p.192), through the language, we can share and receive information, opinion, suggestion and the people can knowing feeling each other and easily to communication we can sharing and telling about the culture it is definitely desirable to be fluent in speaking (Nunan: 1991 in Solikhah & Budiharso: 2019 in Herminingsih & Jazeri: 2020 p.192). Therefore, it can be concluded that with speaking, someone can interact with people from other countries and with good speaking what speaker will convey will be easily understood by listeners and speaking is also important for instruction, discussion, and argument. It is known that speaking is important skill in English language. But in fact, to master speaking is a difficult thing for most learners. There are many aspects involved in speaking to communicate with others, namely ideas, vocabulary, listening, pronunciation, therefore, Astute and Pollard (2007) argue that speaking is a very hard skill to master. Therefore, to master speaking skills, learners need to pay attention to the component of speaking. According to Harahap, Antoni & Rasyidah (2015, p. 3) which states that in 4 speaking there are five components that must be considered, namely vocabulary, grammar, fluency, pronunciation and also comprehension. This statement is based on the theory from Hormailis and Perdana. Hormailis (2003: 6) in Harahap, Antoni & Rasyidah (2015, p. 2) stated that in speaking skills there are aspects that have good influence: a. Vocabulary. Vocabulary can support good speaking skills. Vocabulary is one of the most important aspects of learning speaking. Knowing the vocabulary means we know what words we want to convey and we can also choose the appropriate word according to the context of the conversation. Therefore, knowing a lot of vocabulary will make it easier to express what you want to convey. b. Grammar. According Warriner in Harahap, Antoni & Rasyidah (2015, p. 2) with good and understandable grammar, communication in speaking will be easier. c. Fluency. Fluency is also very necessary in speaking. With good fluency, we will be comfortable when speaking in English, someone can respond quickly in conversation and what we are talking about can be easily understood. d. Pronunciation. Pronunciation is how a word is pronounced in English, because there are different words but have similar pronunciations. To avoid misunderstandings in communication, good pronunciation is needed. So if the pronunciation is good, then what is said in speaking can be understood. Different from Hormaililis that said the aspects were only grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency, while Perdana (2009, p. 9) added one more aspect, namely comprehension. Comprehension itself according to Longman in Perdana (2009, p. 10) is except for very colloquial or low frequency phrases, or exceptionally quick or slurred items in regular educated conversation (Harahap, Antoni & Rasyidah: 2015 p.2). In addition, there are several things that are often the reason behind the lack of students' speaking is their lack of confidence. Most of the students will feel worried if they make mistakes in speaking English, for example they are worried about using the wrong Vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. Therefore, to master this skill, students need consistency and routine in learning and practicing, with regular speaking practice, students will get used to speaking in English so that it will be easier for them to express their opinions and express their feelings. 2. YouTube Videos 5 In teaching English, there are many media as a means that used for the teacher. Video media is one of them. Teacher can use video as tool for teaching and learning English in the class and can make communicative between students (Syafiq et al 2021. P. 52). There are several video media that can be used, the one is YouTube Video. YouTube is one of the amount of audiovisual media (Rachmawati & Cahyani. 2020. P. 86). According to (Binmahboob, T. 2020) YouTube is one of the compelling internet resources in language learning. YouTube can make interactive, interest and motivate students for studying language. Based on (Deng & Yuen. 2011) from (Binmahboob, T. 2020) in International Journal that the titled “YouTube as a Learning Tool to Improve Students’ Speaking Skills as Perceived by EFL Teachers in Secondary School” argued that YouTube is an internet academic tool which can make trainees to easily manage the content and prompt them in learning with videos that have been shown by the trainers. Silviyanti, Tengku Maya. (2014, p. 45-46) listed the several measure of applying video for language teaching which learners can make feel motivate to boost up their proficiencies: (1) Progressive perceive, the students’ joining will be increased to realize the mean of the videos, (2) Guess and chill cultivation (where the trainers can hitch the video and getting the attention of the students by asking several problems or examine the suitable object), (3) Mute perceive (sound off), (4) Playing with sound and vision that the sound can be on and the vision can be off, (5) Repeat and practice, (6) Remake action (an action which required for learners to remember what was said), (7) Giving sound action, and (8) reexamination actions. (Burke & Synder, 2008) YouTube videos can motivate and employ learners and help the digital learning style of the Net Generation (point out to Ilyas, Muhammad1 & Putri, Miranti Eka2. 2020, p. 81). In this era, there are many people that used a smart phone. Now, YouTube can easily access, it can be accessed on it. According to (Silviyanti, 2014) that has been cited from (Binmahboob, T. 2020) defined that YouTube is possible more than sixty languages and many countries in the world not except English language. YouTube can improve students’ English skills. According to (Alkathiri, L. A. 2019) YouTube used as a device that for the meaning is boosting students’ English skills. YouTube can more effective media for learning because people spent their time by using their smartphone. Sherman (2003) (according to Jalaluddin, Mohammad. (2016) pointed out that watching videos is intermediate, and people more spend their rest with online 6 object than with printed object. With seeing videos, people can know the two feelings at the same time, looking and listening and also boost up the enthusiasm in meaning of words. Hopefully it can make the students more motivate in study and reach the comfortable for it. In this era YouTube is the largest website in the world, and each month there are many visitors. YouTube have an anything channel not except he dedicated the education channel for lecturers and also learners. For the lecturers it is good because lecturer can upload their materials or tutorial videos and share it with other educator. Beside that, for the students it is helpful for enhance their ability. Recite to (Elhadi Mustafa, Elhadi Nasr. (2018), p. 20-21), there are few evidences in education that YouTube has been used for the following purposes:  Class video have been implemented for flexible learning.  Use video as visual support to help the students enhancing their dialogue ability.  Use video as the quotation of the experiment.  The students can make the video for their work. So, the video selection to helping the students’ ability is should happen. There are types of the videos that can help the students’ skill. Hammer (2001) consist that there are three main variety of the videos which can be implemented the activity in the class (adopted from Meilinda, Nabella Dwi. (2018), p. 116). First, off-air program. The program which documented from television should be interesting for students, and of a rational section. Some off-air videos are also very hard to understanding by the students. We can use the programs and the channels for a range of counting guess action, cultural awareness, learning language, or as inspiration for the learners. The teachers have to remember that all television programs have copyright controls which diversify from the country to country. It is crucial to understand what the case and recognize that collapsing it can lead the solemn impacts. Second, the real world videos. Lecturers and students should not use the personally pronounced videotape materials like the face of films, drill textbook, animal broadcasts, or funny videos which no copyright. Third, videos of the language learning. It called to escort the material’s book. The videos should be coherent, designed to call the interest topic for the students and not only applied for language learning but also for a part of another activities too. 7 The advantages by using YouTube is very abundant. Picked from Jalaluddin, Muhammad (2016) there are some advantages of YouTube that used in the class:  YouTube is effective means because it can be used in class or out.  It is vulnerability to accurate English proficiency.  Audio visual have fascinating function in language class.  YouTube advertise a learning form that free and focused on the learners.  YouTube can inspire the learners and can for a long time delay in class.  YouTube is fun for learners.  It is advantageous online reference for teaching process.  YouTube can make the learners thinking more also interactive in the language learning class.  It also make the students more active because students can criticism on the videos and asking what the problems.  It is not one for cause but also motivates for learners.  YouTube also can be used by students for present what they receive by making some videos and share it with their classmate.  If the students can find lovely and useful videos for language learning on YouTube, they can find another easily.  Videos on YouTube can be examples for spoken English everyday by the people. 3. Practicing Speaking English Through YouTube Video YouTube is the particular famous online sites in the world (Alexa, 2011). It is considered a cause of networked component which has a compelling aspect in learning of the language. Many research have attended in applying automation in learning. Hismanoglu (2021) determined sharing automation in class can help lecturers and learners to enhance learning situation well to build up teaching and learning process. Withaus and Neff (2006) argued lecturers can apply videos as online material for teaching and provide learners of using audio visual for learning individually. Naturally, some researhers tested to focused on the critical character in YouTube in the class. Teaching by using YouTube is more applied by lecturers to train English because it is interesting and easily access. Furthermore, Alhamami (2013) analyze in operating YouTube LLVS as the last education of language that do not lack of ancillary dialect goods. Sunardi, et. al (2018) declared storytelling can frequently demonstrated the build 8 up in learners’ schooling and skill in storytelling, and occupied training exemplary by applying legitimate motif that seized certain experiences from learners that more suitable for trainees’ surroundings, necessary activities also skills. The conclusion that learning is more impressive and useful. YouTube was selected as being able to prepare for speaking. In classrooms via YouTube, awareness is common and learners become more segregated in their literature and affect effectiveness threats such as generally avoiding them speaking openly about the case (Zhang, 2010). Other studies accept the assimilation of YouTube videos in language learning and speaking (eg Alhamami, 2013: Silviyanti, 2014) and promoting critical proficiency (Watkins & Wikins, 2011). In addition, Youtube is also building pronunciation skills (Alhamami, 2013). YouTube was announced as a useful cause in teaching speaking (Silviyanti, 2014:Watkins &Wikins, 2010). Expected to the meaningful character of YouTube in condition of videos, visuals, and animation. YouTube can become a means to advice trainerr catch they listen, speak openly without delay and reduce their panic in speaking lessons. Youtube is the meaningful approach that become used to increase students’ speaking proficiency (Silviyanti, 2014: Watkins &Wikins, 2011). as well as being inspiring and interesting, Youtube grants the students to listen obviously to the words and sentences from its motive, speak the words and sentences from its motive, say the words well, and manage their ideas while orally. In addition, Youtube was noted to bring a stress-free situation where the students can collaborate with their teacher and friends without trouble and despair. Teaching and learning English can be increased by using YouTube as a media which is in YouTube people can find numerous videos to develop their English skill. The main direction of the YouTube channel are to upload, view, and share videos. Immediately, the channel has achieve the reputation and many people subscribed it. People just need to write the keywords on the searching machine, and let it bargain the videos automatically that suitable with what the written before. About all studies concentrated on the YouTube as one of actual cause in the applying YouTube videos and their efficiency in developing student’s knowledge in speaking proficiency (Gunada, 2017: Riswandi, 2016: Watkins & Wilikins, 2011), listening proficiency (Ayu, 2016:Alqahtani, 2014), dictionary enhancement (Kabooha & Elyas, 2018: Abidin, Pour-Mohammad, Singh, Azman, & Souriyavongsa, 2011), and writing proficiency (Styati, 2016). The total of those studies 9 very appropriate videos from YouTube means as the component of the cause in their EFL class. However, none of the researchers investigated the advantages of transferring student’s assignment video to the YouTube channnel as one option of collecting student’s asssigment. In case, the measure of collecting students’ assignment (sharing in YouTube channnels or directly collecting to the lecturers) would give serious impacts on student’s motivation in making their videos. Besides that, to whom the video sent would also determine student’s creativity and seriousness in creating a video. It will be contrasting if students knew that their videos would be patrolled by many people. They would have good encouragement to make videos as perfect as possible to present that they were experienced to do so. Thus, considering to applying YouTube as the channel to collect any student’s works in the shape of video was a compelling object to do. Applying YouTube channel as a floor to collect student’s works takes some advantages such as easier anytime and anywhere, life time to see since it will be forever stored in the platform, and accessible to transfer without using any gadget storage. Digital citizen are higher excited to study things for online. The interesting pressure made by applying YouTube to inspire the students to study (Alwehabaibi, 2015). The advantages of collecting video work in YouTube channel are not only for lecturers but also for learners. By collecting their video work in YouTube platform, the learners will have more inspire to create perfect videos. They are comprehend if English has been announced universally in the world (Crystal, 2003), and YouTube is easier for people, thus it is achievable if their videos are watched by many people in the world (Alhamami, 2015). So, they must making effort to make their perfect videos. Furthermore, learners can have convenience to make appearance via YouTube considering an elementary means for making and revising videos (Terantino, 2011). It is commonly accepted that classroom language life should accommodate higher fascinating, effective and interest enterprise (Parker, 2000). So, making assignments in the shape of video appearance and sharing their videos in YouTube channel may turn into an innovative things for students and take a more interest situation to them. Sharing work video in YouTube channel can boost students’ inspire in getting good speaking. With making video, students got an opportunity to assume cleverly, remake on their study, work with friends, and learn through interactive donations (Aksel & Gurman-Kahraman, 2014). YouTube is adept to advise English speaking proficiency. The previous study 10 present that the application of YouTube-based videos in advising speaking can increase the students’ speaking proficiency and their inspire (Riswandi, 2016). YouTube as an alternative approach to develop students’ speaking proficiency. The absolute portrait of speaking English can be gained from YouTube videos. Cited from Alimemaj (2010), YouTube can aid students analyze the object ability in a collection of step, and it can help students increase their freedom of learning by encouraging students to watch video clips on a regular basis. So, YouTube videos can become one result to motivate students' to speak. From the students’ attention, YouTube videos is also an exciting material of studying (Singkhacorn, 2014), and the studying condition becomes higher enjoyable since they realize that YouTube is a new tendency and modernization in learning. Furthermore, students with motivation to study will more focused in their study and will not easily bored. It appear because students like videos because they are imposing and inspiring, for videos present how people perform in the culture of the object language learning (Cakir, 2006, cited in Argawati, 2014). Accordingly, lecturers can more focus on separating applicable videos that are suitable to students’ right. It definite that teachers have to seeing a video earlier and then check even if the video is relevant for students or not and also check that it can improve their inspire in study (Woo, Herrington, Agostinho & Reeves, 2007). Moreover, videos that have been chosen should be gift many talkative situations as well as emphasize different ability and the speaker has a life situation. As there is affluence of videos accessible on the internet, trainers have to determine many of them which are in conformity with the students’ right, their tendency, and the learning objective. According to Berk (2009), lecturers are given three common principle of videos that accessible on YouTube, there are: 1. Students’ tendency that consist of arresting socio-demographic aspects: age or category level, common, nationality, and main language. 2. The probable of abusive videos, which materials of the videos that include graphic attack, horrible language, bareness, sexuality, slaughter, genetic and ethnic group, and narcotic use and this aspect have not to be applied in teaching. 3. Structure of the video which is about its technological content along with its duration, context, ocular, and the total of character in the video. 11 DISCUSSION Based on the results described above, language learning for students is important because from language we can interact, discussion, and arguments with other people. The one of learning language is learning English language. English language has four basic skills that should be mastered by every student there are listening, reading, writing, speaking. In this paper we focused discuss on speaking skills. Speaking is an important component that occurs in learning activities, especially when learning activities are carried out directly in the classroom. In learning activities there are many kinds of media to explain the materials. Nowadays, teacher used media electronic to deliver the materials, such as computer, laptop, and mobile phone. One of the examples of utilizing learning media through electronic media by applying speaking skills is making videos. From the video, we can upload and share it through an application called YouTube. YouTube is one of the compelling internet resources in language learning (Binmahboob,T. 2020). It can be motivated students to improve their English language skills. One way to develop students’ abilities to be more interested in learning English is to apply YouTube as a channel for collecting students’ speaking assignments, for example the students’ record when telling their experiences, students record when they have a dialogue with other people, or record for describing an object. In addition, students can also watch English videos that have been shared on the YouTube application, and then the teacher can ask students to repeat and memorizing some of the vocabulary that has been determined by the teacher. Therefore, by using YouTube videos or uploading videos of students’ speaking assignments via YouTube, it is an effective way to improve the students’ speaking skills in English. CONCLUSION English is a global language that must be learnt as a second language as well as a foreign language. There are four skills in English, are listening, reading, writing and speaking. In four skills speaking is the skills that must be mastered and one of skills important. Speaking is the active use of language to express in a way meaning so that the students can understand easily. Speaking a foreign language to share understanding with others requires paying close attention to linguistic intricacies. The important thing to learn speaking in English the student must understand what the speakers said. By speaking we can get communicate, interaction, expression opinion and express feelings towards people from many countries. At this time 12 there are a lot of student still have problem with their speaking. To solve the problems teacher can use one of application it is YouTube as media learning. YouTube is a media audiovisual for students’ to improve their speaking. YouTube is an interactive, interesting and motivating platform for students to learn languages. 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