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NEW FROM LEXINGTON BOOKS AFRICA IN THE CONTEMPORARY SPANISH NOVEL, 1990–2010 By Mahan L. Ellison Ellison offers a sophisticated reading of Spanish and HispanoAfrican literature that acknowledges the dynamic and complex processes of mutual othering that characterize hybrid cultural production. His work highlights the multiple ways in which communities on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar struggle to find viable ways to position themselves in an increasingly global cultural field. Ellison's selection of texts and well-researched analysis provides an insightful chronicle of the evolving relations between Spain and Africa during the past seventy years. — Adolfo Campoy-Cubillo, Oakland University This groundbreaking study of authors writing Africa and the African Other offers a fresh way to think about Orientalism. Ellison's immensely readable book deftly analyzes the work of nine authors to identify a new and encouraging trend in (the undermining of) Orientalist discourse in contemporary Spanish fiction. Innovative in its focus on Hispano-African literature as well as in terms of its theoretical interventions, this book will be essential reading for scholars of Hispanic studies, postcolonial studies, and African cultural studies. — Joanna Allan, Northumbria University, Newcastle ABOUT THIS BOOK The time period of 1990-2010 marks a significant moment in Spanish literary publishing that emphasized a new focus on Africa and African voices and signaled the beginning of a publishing boom of Hispano-African authors and themes. Africa in the Contemporary Spanish Novel, 1990-2010 analyzes the strategies that Spanish and HispanoAfrican authors employ when writing about Africa in the contemporary Spanish novel. Focusing on the former Spanish colonial territories of Morocco, Western Sahara, and Equatorial Guinea, Mahan L. Ellison analyzes the post-colonial literary discourse about these regions at the turn of the twenty-first century. He examines the new ways of conceptualizing Africa that depart from an Orientalist framework as advanced by novelists such as Lorenzo Silva, Concha López Sarasúa, Ramón Mayrata, and others. Throughout, Ellison also places the novels i hin hei hi o ical con e , pecificall engaging i h he heo e ical idea of Ed a d Said Orientalism (1978), to determine to what extent his analysis of Orientalist discourse still holds value for a study of the Spanish novel of thirty years later. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mahan L. Ellison is associate professor of Spanish at Bridgewater College. Hardback: ebook: ISBN 978-1-7936-0742-3 ISBN 978-1-7936-0743-0 August 2021 Regular price: $100.00, £77.00 August 2021 Regular price: $45.00, £35.00 *eBooks can only be ordered online. 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For email or phone orders, provide the promo code LEX30AUTH21 for the 30% discount in your communication. Africa in the Contemporary Spanish Novel, 1990–2010 Mahan L. Ellison LEXINGTON BOOKS Lanham • Boulder • New York • London Published by Lexington Books An imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. 4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200, Lanham, Maryland 20706 www.rowman.com 86-90 Paul Street, London EC2A 4NE Copyright © 2021 by The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote passages in a review. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Information Available Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992. Contents Acknowledgments ix Introduction 1 Chapter 1: War, Diplomacy, Decolonization and the Other 21 Red a ing Line of Al e i in Lo en o Sil a El nombre de los nuestros 24 The E pa ia e and he O he in Concha L pe Sa a a La llamada del almuédano 35 The Legibili of he O he in Ram n Ma a a El imperio desierto 46 Chapter 2: Gender and the Other Re-fa hioning Self in Ma a D e a 73 El tiempo entre costuras Se , Vi gini , and Re i ance in G ille mina Mek Las tres vírgenes de Santo Tomás The O he Re pond in Mon e a Ab malham ¿Te acuerdas de Shahrazad? 77 88 99 Chapter 3: Travel and the Other 121 The To i in Ja ie Re e e s El medico de Ifni 127 The Nomad in Alberto Vázquez-Fig e oa Los ojos del Tuareg 140 The Mig an and Na a ion in Ahmed Dao di El diablo de Yudis 154 Conclusion 177 Bibliography 181 About the Author 193 Bibliography Abbeele, Georges Van den. Travel as Metaphor: From Montaigne to Rousseau. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1992. 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His research focuses on the literary and historical connections between Spain and Africa. He has published articles in Research in African Literatures, CELAAN (Review of the Center for the Study of Literatures and Arts of North Africa), the Vanderbilt e-Journal of Luso-Hispanic Studies, Confluencia, and other journals. He is a 2020–2021 Fulbright Scholar, and his research has been supported by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Virginia Foundation for Independent College Mednick Memorial Fellowship. More information can be found at www. mahanellison.com. 193