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This paper highlight the orign and different concept of international trade. How the origin of internatioanl trade took place, what was the believe of merchantallists, classical, and neo classical economists view about international trade. This is a project study where i have tried to combine different economists view about international trade. i have try to completly find out the short comings and strong points of the different economists related to international trade.
International Trade and Its Impact on the Global Economy, 2019
Abstract With regard to the theories of growth, the flow of trade has a significance in determination of the rate of economic growth because trade allows the progress of technology in a region that ends up playing a crucial role in productions and gains of competition. This eventually fosters both the development and growth of a given economy. However, there are several arguments that claim that only trade cannot bring about economic growth and development and thus there are other factors like the political stability, the extent to which the rule of law is enforced, the population growth rate and the level of secondary and tertiary enrolment among other critical issues. The main goal of this Dissertation is to provide an extensive study of international trade and also ascertain the impact that it exerts on the global economy by narrowing down to regional, multilateral and bilateral trade agreements and their effects. The study also provides current data and information about the trends in international trade like the Brexit and the US-China trade war that are all affecting the economic growth of respective regions. Key words: International trade, economic growth, trade openness, global economy
The undertaking of this study is to analyze the different benefits and problems of international trade and how this industry is affected by the global crisis. The advancement of information technology in terms of communication has changed the business environment and trade industry. Numerous benefits can be obtained by participating in the international trade industry and the WTO extends their policies and implementation of the agreement to fairly accommodate all participating countries. This article intends to investigate the three major factors affecting the trend in the marketing and trade industry over the years due to the changes in business environment. These changes are mainly caused by the development of information technology, globalization and power concentration of power among countries. The problem however, arises when the top players in the trade industry control these policies and misunderstandings from critics give in to the argument of fairness in trade transactions. This article also discusses the prediction of global exchange rate in the following years and the cause of the global financial crisis. The different losses and bailouts for US and European countries is analyzed and its effect on the international trade industry and the author suggests possible solutions for the betterment of the trade industry in general. Keywords: international trade, global crisis, developing countries
The role of international trade in the globalized world has been the consequences of many studies in various issues. It is a strategic activity exercised by a country in the development process of developing its economy. Moreover, international trade discusses primarily the exchange of goods and services across the perimeter of a country. Multinational corporations play an important role in the development of international trade, among other factors such as globalization and outsourcing. Due to international trade, various sectors of a domestic economy can change drastically. Against this plethora of competitive advantage provided by international trade, what is its role in the globalized world today? It is important however, to clarify the lantern of readers in highlighting the difference between keywords. International trade is the main elements of the global integration promoted by economists and business leaders of our century. Globalized world is the growing interdependence of countries momentous from the aggregate integration of trade, finance, people, and ideas in one global marketplace.
Recent decades have seen fast growth of the world economy. This growth has been driven in part by the even faster rise in international trade. The growth in trade is in turn the result of both technological developments and determined efforts to reduce trade barriers. Some developing countries have opened their own economies to take full improvement of the opportunities for economic development through trade, but many have not. outstanding trade barriers in industrial countries are determined in the agricultural products and manual manufactures in which developing countries have a proportional advantage. Further trade liberalization in these areas mainly, by both industrial and developing countries, would help the poorest get away from extreme poverty while also benefiting the industrial countries themselves .With the dawn of globalization, international business is becoming increasingly popular. Multinational organizations are among the most profitable in the world. A company needs...
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