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Grupo: 23-CR-211 Equipo: 7 Tema : Procedimientos y Metodos de investigación en fraudes y robos INTRODUCCION El presente trabajo fue realizado con el fin de dar a conocer de manera muy exacta que e sun fraude que e sun robo asi como tambien los pasos con los que se deben identificar y que hacer en caso de que ocurra.
skandhāvāra m. 'a king's camp or palace' MBh. [skandhá-, āvāra-]Pa. khandhāvāra- m. 'stockade, fortified camp'; KharI. kadhavara- m. 'encampment', Pk. khaṁdhāvāra-, °dhavāra-, °dhāra- m., OAw. khaṁdhārū m.; Si. kan̆dayura 'fortification outside a city, fort’.(CDIAL 13635) Ta. eyil fortress, wall, fortification, city, town. Ma. eyil fortress, wall, city, town (DEDR 808) எயில் eyil -- திருந்தெயிற் குடபாற் சிறுபுழை போகி (மணி. 6, 22) kanthā¹ f. 'wall, town' lex., -kántha- n. in cmpd. 'town' Pāṇ. [← Ir. EWA i 151 with lit. Coincides with kaṇṭhá- in meanings 'wall, border, bank'] Wg. kō̃t, kū̃t 'wall'; S. kandhī f. 'wattle fence, railing, bank of river', kandho m. 'edge, border'; L. kaddh, kandh, pl. °dhã f. 'wall', kaddhī, kandhī f. 'river-bank', awāṇ. kadh 'wall', khet. khand; P. kandh f. 'wall', (Kangra) ghãdārā m. 'ruins of a house'; WPah. bhad. kanth 'wall', khaś. kant; B. kā̃th, kā̃t 'wall, ruin of a wall', kā̃thi 'low wall, high bank of a river', kā̃tṛā, °trā 'ruins'; Or. kāntha 'wall of a house', °thi 'small wall', kānthaṛā 'ruins of a house’.(CDIAL 2720) Mundigak stone seal signifies a town enclosing a mint of the Bronze Age.
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