This volume is the adjunct proceedings of the UbiComp 2002 international conference on
ubiquitous computing, collecting extended abstracts for posters, doctoral consortium, and
video submissions. At this point in time, we already know that this year’s conference will be
by far the biggest UbiComp yet, and the number of submissions in the different categories
reflected this.
Posters are a vital part of an academic conference, since they provide an opening for latebreaking and controversial work. They also provide an opportunity for researchers to
discuss and test new ideas in an informal setting. We accepted a total of 27 posters for
UbiComp 2002, spanning every imaginable area of UbiComp research and development,
from telematics to user studies, from protocols for music sharing to ubiquitous computing
in education. The poster abstracts are the first and by far the most substantial part of this
Doctoral students are important for the continued growth and development of the UbiComp
research field. This year, we arranged the first UbiComp Doctoral Consortium, chaired by
Anind Dey of Intel Research Berkley. The abstracts submitted by the doctoral consortium
students comprise the second part of the adjunct proceedings.
The video program was an innovative new part of this year’s conference, where we invited
researchers and practitioners to submit videos that represented UbiComp research, new and
old. We received a very high number of submissions and the video jury spent many hours
viewing and commenting the videos. While the video program is mostly a "live" event, in
the form of a screening of all selected videos at the UbiComp conference, several authors
also chose to supply written abstracts. These comprise the final part of this volume.
Göteborg, Sweden, September 2002
Peter Ljungstrand, Posters and Video program chair
Lars Erik Holmquist, General Chair
© Copyright for the extended abstracts is held by the respective author(s), as noted on each paper.
This volume is published by the Viktoria Institute, Göteborg, Sweden, September 2002.
Cover design by Sus Lundgren, PLAY Studio, Interactive Institute.
Printed by TeknologTryck, Elektroteknologsektionen Chalmers, Göteborg.
A Paper-Based Ubiquitous Computing Healthcare Environment………………………..……………………….…..… 3
Magnus Bång, Erik Berglund, Anders Larsson
Analysis of Optimized Micro-Generator Architectures for Self-Powered Ubiquitous Computers……………….….…. 5
Paul Mitcheson, T. C. Green, E. M. Yeatman, A. S. Holmes
BM3G: Innovative Business Models for 3G Mobile Applications and Services……………………………….………. 7
Avi Wasser, Maya Lincoln
Context, CC/PP, and P3P……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Patrik Osbakk, Nick Ryan
Controlling Your Environment Through Sketching…………………………………………………………………….. 11
Edward Lank, Richard Augustine, Shi Chen, Heather Kane, Sandy Ngo, Joy Tutt
Directed Information Harvesting………………………………………………………………………………………... 13
Geoff Lyon, John Grundbäck, Cyril Brignone, Salil Pradhan
Fingermouse: A Wearable Hand Tracking System……………………………………………………………………... 15
Patrick de la Hamette, P. Lukowicz, G. Tröster, T. Svoboda
FLAME: An Open Application Framework for Location-Aware Systems……………………………………………... 17
George Coulouris, Hani Naguib, Kam Sanmugalingam
Game Engines for Use in Context Aware Research…………………………………………………………………….. 19
Perry McDowell, Andrzej Kapolka, Michael Capps, Mike Zyda
Intelligent Ubiquitous Computing to Support Alzheimer's Patients: Enabling the Cognitively Disabled……………… 21
Don Patterson, Oren Etzioni, Dieter Fox, Henry Kautz
iStuff: A Scalable Architecture for Lightweight, Wireless Devices for Ubicomp User Interfaces…………………….. 23
Meredith Ringel, Joshua Tyler, Maureen Stone, Rafael Ballagas, Jan Borchers
Miniaturised Modular Wireless Sensor Networks……………………………………………………………………… 25
John Barton, Kieran Delaney, Cian O´Mathuna, Joe Paradiso
Mobile Bristol: A New Sense of Place…………………………………………………………………………………. 27
Constance Fleuriot, Owain Jones, Morris Williams, Keri Facer, Josephine Reid, Richard Hull
Optimized Maintenance and Inspection of Distributed Processes Based on Local Tracking and Messaging…….……. 29
M. Polaschegg, M. Schmid, Ch. Steger, R. Weiss
Parsimony & Transparency in Ubiquitous Interface Design ………………………………………………….……..… 31
Christopher Wren, Carson Reynolds
Principles of Context Inferences…………………………………………………………………………………….….. 33
Eleftheria Katsiri
Plan-Aware Behavioral Modeling………………………………………………………………………………….…... 35
Matthew Lease
SiSSy - Smart-Its child Supervision System……………………………………………………………………….…… 37
Henrik Jernström
SoundPryer: Joint Music Listening on the Road………………………………………………………………….……. 39
Fredrik Axelsson, Mattias Östergren
SpeakerPhone: a platform for dynamic human-navigable soundscapes…………………………………………….….. 41
Jonah Brucker-Cohen, Stefan Agamanolis
Teaching a practical Ubicomp course with Smart-Its………………………………………………………………..…. 43
Michael Beigl, Philip Robinson, Tobias Zimmer, Christian Decker
The Personality Analyzer……………………………………………………………………………………………… 45
Carola Gustavsson, Alireza Haghighi, Christina Wisser
The Sentient Car: Context-Aware Automotive Telematics……………………………………………………………. 47
Pablo Vidales, Frank Stajano
Thin Silicon in a Novel 3-D format for implementation in Distributed Autonomous Micro Modules………………... 49
Teresa Cussen, Bivragh Majeed, Kieran Delaney, Cian O’Mathuna
Toward A Better User Experience in Tele-education - Recent Advance in Smart Classroom Project………………… 51
Weikai Xie, Yuanchun Shi and Guanyou Xu
Transmission Frequency Optimization for Ultra-low Power Short Range Wireless Communications………………… 53
David Yates, A. S. Holmes, A. J Burdett
WebSign II: A Mobile Client for Location based Services…………………………………………………………….. 55
Geoff Lyon, Mehrban Jam, Cyril Brignone, Salil Pradhan
A Framework for Intelligent Instrumented Environments ………………………………………………………….….. 57
Christoph Stahl
Amplification of Reality: Computation as Material for Design ………………………………………………….…….. 59
Jennica Falk
Designing Pervasive Computing Technology - In a Nomadic Work Perspective ………………………………..……. 61
Jannie Friis Kristensen
Digital Communication through Touch ………………………………………………………………………….…….. 63
Kurt Partridge
Facilitating the Capture & Access of Everyday Activities …………………………………………………………….. 65
Khai Truong
Ubiquitous Computing: Transparency in Context-Aware Mobile Computing ………………………………………… 67
Louise Barkhuus
Using Autonomous Agents to Maintain a User Presence in Ubiquitous Collaborative Environments …………….….. 69
Marcela Rodríguez
Using Internet Services to Manage Massive Evolving Information for Ubiquitous Computing Systems ……….….…. 71
iClub, An Interactive Dance Club……………………………………………………………………………….…..….. 73
Joshua Samberg, Armando Fox, Maureen Stone
Private and Public Spaces – Video Mediated Communication in a Home Environment………………………….…… 75
Yngve Sundblad, Staffan Junestrand, Sören Lenman, Björn Thuresson, Konrad Tollmar
Roomware – The Second Generation………………………………………………………………………………..….. 77
Norbert Streitz, Thorsten Prante, Christian Müller-Tomfelde, Peter Tandler, Carsten Magerkurth
The Inspiration Watch: An Augmented Shopping Device............................................................................................... 79
Rachel Murphy, Abigail Sellen
UbiControl: Providing New and Easy Ways to Interact with Various Consumer Devices……………………….……. 81
Matthias Ringwald
List of reviewers……………..………………………………………………………………………………………….. 83
Author index…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 84
A Paper-Based Ubiquitous Computing Healthcare
Department of Computer and Information Science
Linköping University
S-581 83 Linköping, SWE
The specific aim of this paper is to illustrate how we can
develop paper-based systems that bridge the physical and
virtual worlds to support work practices.
Clinicians use material objects such as paper documents,
folders, and sticker notes to support cognitive and
collaborative tasks. In this paper, we draw design implications
from a medical workplace study and present a prototype for a
paper-based ubiquitous computing case management system.
LINDA2 and its digital pens provide a tangible paper interface
that allows clinicians to use traditional paper forms as input
devices. We discuss the pros and cons of paper-based input
and report on two distributed user-interface approaches that
are used to overcome problems of feedback in the paper
We studied how clinicians worked with material objects in a
middle-sized Swedish hospital [4]. Administrative work was
paper-based. For example, PATIENT FOLDERS were created for
each patient that contained forms used to accumulate
information such as which drugs that had been administered to
the patient. To coordinate collaborative activities in the
healthcare team, clinicians arranged spatially patient folders
on a desk. A folder’s position on the desk signified a patient’s
clinical status and her rank in the workflow.
Ubiquitous computing, collaborative work, distributed
cognition, paper interfaces, healthcare environments.
The arrangement of objects in space supported several
cognitive and collaborative functions in the workplace. For
example, the arrangement of folders on the desk aided the
team in maintaining a SHARED AWARENESS of the current clinical
situation (i.e., it displayed the current problem state). The
arrangement also functioned as a PHYSICAL MEMORY that clearly
offloaded individual memory tasks of clinicians. Additionally,
nurses placed laboratory results and sticker notes visible in the
folders for the team members; practices that DIRECTED ATTENTION
to important information and tasks. These practices are
difficult to support in a traditional computer system.
In recent years, it has become apparent that material objects
play important roles in supporting collaborative work [1]. For
example, studies of Air Traffic Control have shown that the
physical tools (e.g., flight strips) are crucial in coordinating
and aligning the efforts of a team of collaborating individuals.
environments to suit the cognitive demands of the work
situation. For example, they offload cognition to the
environment [2,3] by placing out things in space to track
work-in-progress (i.e., they form external memory systems).
It became clear that the paper-based work needed to be
maintained to support the different collaborative and cognitive
functions that they supported. We approached the problem by
augmenting paper with computing power, rather than replacing
Unfortunately, very few computer systems designs have been
presented that support and preserve the physicality of work
environments to support cognitive and collaborative practices.
Particularly interesting from a ubiquitous computing
standpoint is, consequently, how we can design tools that
maintain the physicality of work and also provide the
advantages of the computer.
We developed a paper interface on top of an existing
groupware system for case management in a distributed
healthcare team. The system is used to track a set of patients in
a workflow. For example, it is possible to create forms for
each patient that states what drugs that have been given to
them. Furthermore, forms can be placed in folders and stickernotes can be glued onto documents.
This paper presents LINDA2, a prototype of a case
management tool with a physical paper interface and the
underlying requirements that guided the design. The approach
enables clinicians to combine paper-based practices with the
advantages of digital media for data collection, storage and
processing of information.
In LINDA2, clinicians use digital pens, i.e., the Anoto system
[5], to record medical data directly into the computer domain
by writing on special paper forms. The digital pen scans paper
printed with a unique pattern to capture the pen stokes.
Figure 2: The paper form that constitutes part of the distributed userinterface.
For example, a clinician could write a medication on the form
and the system will send its interpretation of the text in the
earphone by means of an audio message. To confirm that it is
interpreted correctly users mark the Accept box and the system
verifies once again the selection in the earphone. To ‘scroll’ in
a list of items, users tick the up and down areas of the form.
We also added an option for cases when the system could not
interpret the text appropriately (i.e., a Fix later box). Figure 2
shows the paper interface.
Figure 1: LINDA2 provides a combined paper and walk-up display interface
that let clinicians stay with their paper-based practices to record data to the
medical computer system.
In the visual cue approach, feedback is provided by a walk-up
display. Users fill in a value on the paper form and directly see
how the system interpreted the text on the walk-up display. To
confirm the system’s suggestion, users simply tick the Accept
box, as in the auditory approach, and the display shows an
accept message.
Furthermore, the digital pen provides a Bluetooth transceiver
that sends the pen strokes to the computer domain.
In principle, the LINDA2 system enables users to have both
virtual and physical representations of the same document and
folder. Figure 1 illustrates the use of LINDA2.
We found that the auditory solution was cumbersome to use in
our prototype due to bad response time. Additionally, auditory
feedback could be difficult to use in a noisy clinical work
environment. The walk-up display scenario is more preferable
from an interaction standpoint. However, this solution is less
mobile than its auditory counterpart.
Our initial experiments with the digital pen revealed a
shortcoming of the paper-based approach. We found that the
digital pen provided limited user feedback. It was difficult to
know if the pen and the software applications captured and
interpreted correctly what was written. The prototype pen
provided only limited feedback through a system of light
emitting diodes and pen-vibrations which were useful mainly
to signal that the pen strokes was well-received by the
computer. Furthermore, normal paper is naturally limited in
providing feedback and memory aid, such as pop-up menus
with predefined values from the underlying software
This paper presented an approach to clinical computing that
provided a paper interface to a case management system. It let
clinicians stay with paper-based practices and allow them to
physically structure their workplace to deal with cognitive and
collaborative issues. Further work involves the full
implementation of the prototype systems to evaluate the
usefulness of the distributed user-interface approach.
To overcome the feedback problems, we experimented with
two distributed user-interface approaches. These provided
feedback by means of AUDITORY and VISUAL cues. A DISTRIBUTED
MENU was developed in which feedback was channelled
through external devices such as earphones and walk-up
1. Luff P, Heath C, and Greatbatch D. 1992. Tasks-ininteraction: paper and screen based documentation in
collaborative activity, in 0ROCEEDINGS OF #3#7 New
York: ACM Press, 163-170.
Both the auditory and the visual systems were written as thin
clients. These clients were responsible for sending feedback to
the appropriate devices, processing pen strokes and to access
the underlying system. A character recognition engine and a
set of string matching algorithms (i.e., Soundex and
Bestmatch) interpreted the pen strokes.
2. Kirsh D. 1995. The intelligent use of space !RTIFICIAL
)NTELLIGENCE, 72, 1-52.
Reading MA, 1993.
4. Bång M and Timpka T. Cognitive Tools in Medical
Teamwork: The Spatial Arrangement of Patient Records.
In the auditory approach, a Bluetooth-enabled mobile headset
provides the feedback. A special paper form was created with
areas where users could tick with the digital pen to interact
with the system.
5. Anoto AB, 2002.
Analysis of Optimized Micro-Generator Architectures for
Self-Powered Ubiquitous Computers
P D Mitcheson, T C Green, E M Yeatman and A S Holmes
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine
Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2BT,,,
It is advantageous for many types of ubiquitous computing
artifacts to be capable of extracting energy from their
environment, making them self-powered and selfsustaining. This paper presents a comparison of the two
recently proposed micro-power generator architectures;
the velocity damped resonant generator and the coulomb
damped resonant generator. Also presented and analyzed
is a new device, the parametric generator.
In order to convert an input mechanical motion into
electrical energy, some form of transducer is required.
For the purposes of modeling the mechanics of the
generator, the transducer can be realized as a damper with
a suitable characteristic. The energy dissipated in the
damper is the energy extracted from the mechanical
system and converted into electrical energy. A typical
inertial generator is shown in figure 1.
The analysis has shown that the parametric generator is
likely to be useful when the input vibration amplitude is
an order of magnitude greater than the dimensions of the
micro-generator. It has also shown that for resonant
generators, the efficiency of the technology used to realize
the energy conversion is likely to be of greater importance
in determining the output power than the architecture of
generator used. Equations have been developed to enable
the designer of a micro-generator to choose an optimal
Vibration-to-electrical energy conversion, Self Powered
Systems, Micro-power generators, Inertial-generators,
Microelectromechanical devices.
Figure 1: A Generic Resonant Inertial Generator
Types of Damping
In mechanical systems, damping is often modeled as one
of the following types:
In order to successfully realize fully ubiquitous
computing, it is necessary that each computing node is
capable of running without user intervention.
computing nodes that are required to be physically small
and mobile, a major obstacle to achieving this goal is the
requirement of a continuous power source. Although
there is continuing research into micro-batteries, this type
of power source will only ever contain finite energy.
Current thin-film micro-batteries can only achieve a
capacity (per unit area of silicon) of 65µAh/cm2 at around
4V [3]. A more attractive solution is for the node to
scavenge energy from its environment, forming a selfpowered system. This energy could be in the form of
solar energy [2], thermal gradients or some form of
movement [1], [4]. This paper presents a comparison of
the main types of micro-generator architectures based on
motion. These motion devices convert ambient
mechanical vibration into electrical energy for use by
ultra-low-power electronics, such as a computing artifact.
Velocity damping
Coulomb damping
Hysteretic damping
A typical example of velocity damping is air resistance.
An example of coulomb damping is dry friction of a body
sliding along a surface, and hysteretic damping is
normally used to model energy dissipated by the structural
deformation of materials.
Any micro generator is likely to have little effect on the
moving body that is providing the power. Thus, for the
given constraints on generator mass and volume, it is
important to choose the type of damping which allows
most mechanical power to be coupled into the generator,
dissipated in the damper and thus converted into electrical
energy. It should be noted that current materials may or
may not allow the chosen damping scheme to be sensibly
mapped onto a particular technology.
Implementing the Damper
darkest: Parametric Generator, Coulomb Damped
Generator and Velocity Damped Generator. As can be
seen, the parametric generator is optimal when the source
of motion has an order of magnitude greater than the
dimensions of the device. If a resonant device is used,
there is little to differentiate the coulomb and velocity
damped cases, and so a choice should be made depending
on the efficiency of the implementation of each.
The following phenomena can be used to convert kinetic
energy into electrical energy: Electrostatic field;
electromagnetic field; piezoelectric effect.
An electrostatic generator can be realized with a moving
plate capacitor. A parallel plate capacitor operated with a
constant charge and a comb capacitor operated in constant
voltage are both realizations of coulomb dampers. A
velocity damper can be realized with a moving magnet
whose flux is linked with a stationary coil. Piezo devices
are best modeled as hysteretic dampers.
The Parametric Generator
In order to maximize the work done against an electric
field, and thus maximize the electrical energy generated,
the force-distance product should be maximized. The
point of maximum force occurs when the acceleration of
the input motion is at its maximum. Consequently, with
the parametric generator, the moving plate of the capacitor
snaps from minimum separation to maximum separation
when the input acceleration is greatest. The relative plate
motion (Z(t)) is shown in figure 2.
Figure 3: Optimal Generator Configuration
A parametric generator has been fabricated on a quartz
wafer, to minimize parasitic capacitance, and is in the
process of being tested. In order to realize a successful
generator, the micro-power power-electronics and control
and synchronization of the generator are important. There
are trade-offs with the level of control used to ensure
optimal power generation for a given input, and the power
consumed by the control circuitry itself.
This project is funded by the EPSRC and the DC Initiative
(EU Framework IV) under the ORESTEIA project.
Figure 2: Optimal Parametric Motion
Electro-mechanical generators have many independent
variables associated with them. This means that assessing
and fairly comparing the performance metrics of different
generators is difficult. Analytic expressions for generator
performance have been developed and verified with time
domain simulation.
As an example, the analytic
expression for the optimal power generation by parametric
generator is:
P = 2β
1. Amirtharajah, R. and Chandrakasan, A.P., SelfPowered Signal Processing Using Vibration-Based
Power Generation. Solid State Circuits, IEEE Journal
of, Volume 33, Issue 5, May 1998, pages 687-695.
2. Lee, J.B., Chen, Z., Allen, M.G. and Rohatgi, A., A
High Voltage Solar Cell Array As An Electrostatic
MEMS Power Supply. Micro Electro Mechanical
Systems, 1994, MEMS '94, Proceedings, IEEE
Workshop on, pages 331-336.
ω 3 mY0 Z 0
3. West, W.C., Whitacre, J.F., Brandon, E.J. and
Development at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. IEEE
Aerospace and Electronics Systems Magazine,
Volume 16, Issue 8 , Aug. 2001, pages 31-33.
Where m is the proof mass, ω and Yo are the input
frequency and amplitude, β is the fraction of maximum
acceleration at which generation starts and ωc is the input
frequency normalized to the resonant frequency. It has
been found that when the force is optimized in order to
maximize the energy dissipated in the damper, it is
possible to plot the performance characteristics of all three
generators on normalized axes. Figure 3 shows the
optimal generator configuration for a set of normalized
operating conditions.
The types are, from lightest to
4. Williams, C.B. and Yates, R.B., Analysis of a MicroElectric Generator for Microsystems. Solid-State
Sensors and Actuators, 1995 and Eurosensors IX.
Transducers '95, The 8th International Conference on,
Volume 1, pages 369-372.
"BM3G": Innovative Business Models for 3G
Mobile Applications and Services
Avi Wasser
University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Israel
Graduate School of Business
Center for the Study of Organizations
Maya Lincoln
The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
Faculty of Industrial Engineering
Center for Dynamic Enterprise Modeling
given service.
A similarly confusing business
environme nt also subsisted between other participants
in the 2G wireless arena. This absence of adequate and
standardized business models was therefore reflected in
significant financial loses for wireless carriers and other
industry actors such as content and services providers.
Users were confused by the lack of satisfactory
business models, and reacted with suspicion to the
Mobile Internet suites that were publicly offered. It
could be possible to assume that an appropriate
business model is a compulsory condition for a
successful market penetration of any commercial
ubiquitous application.
The study's main objective is to research, structure and
plot Innovative Business Models for 3G Mobile
applications and s ervices. The generated business
models will suggest an optimized business framework
between the participants in the Mobile Internet value
chain, including Mobile network operators as well as
application providers, content providers, enterprise and
corporate users, private users, handset manufacturers
and infrastructure suppliers.
Ubiquitous Computing, Business Models, Billing,
Mobile Internet, UMTS.
BM3G solutions
The new generic business models aimed to be
developed in this research will involve Mobile operators,
applications / service / content providers as well as
handset manufacturers and network / infrastructure
suppliers as a research group. The arrowed lines in
Figure 1 (based on Cushnie, 2000) demonstrate the
relationships between the involved entities. The lines
represent the exchange of billing information, charging
requests and transfer of funds.
BM3G suggests an optimized business framework that
facilitates the business relationships between
participants in the Mobile Internet value chain, including
Mobile network operators as well as application
providers, content providers, enterprise and corporate
users, private users, handset manufacturers and network
and infrastructure suppliers. Each of BM3G's business
models supports different business environments,
taking into account a set of possible business
parameters describing the different types of
engagements and other related environmental variables
and constraints.
Mobile data takeoff concerns
One of the main reasons for the failure of 2G mobile data
technology was the lack of adequate and standardized
business models (Zoller et al., 2001). Players in the 2G
Mobile Internet arena developed and implemented
different business models , without considering any
collaboration with adjacent value chain entities. Let us
consider for example the range of business models
implemented by different Mobile network operators for
their end users: each operator suggested a different
business model to its customers, e.g., fixed price,
metered connection, packet charging, edge charging,
Paris metro charging, expected capacity charging, etc
(Cushnie , 2000) resulting in a confusing, fuzzy and
difficult-to-compare range of service packages. This
concern gets even more complicated when Mobile data
roaming issues are involved: in this case different
business models are implemented by the user’s home
and roaming Mobile operators, with regard to the same
Figure 1: Participants in the Mobile data value chain
For suppliers, implementation o f generic models can
boost the adoption of Mobile data services, reduce
customer churn, and generate new revenue streams. The
customers on the other hand, will benefit from simple,
consistent and reasonable pricing schemes that will help
them overcome the mishaps of the previous generations'
Mobile data offerings. The new generic business
methodologies will make it feasible to plan and adopt
lucrative business opportunities for the UMTS
technologies (infrastructure, gateways, portal types, and
existing services). The study offers the business basis
towards a successful commercial launch of any Mobile
service/application in UMTS.
under congested conditions. The subscriber pays an
agreed price for that level of service.
Edge Pricing: this model is based on the concept that
networks cross-charge each other for the usage at the
network ‘edges’ (Shenkar et al., 1997). The gathered
billing information can be used for the deployment of
metered, fixed, or expected capacity charging methods.
The research consists of three research stages that are
designed to facilitate the achievement of the final result:
a complete set of generic business models compatible
for the 3G environment, ready for implementation and
adoption by the commercial participants in the 3G
Metro (or QoS) Charging: assumes that subscribers
will be assigned with a preferred "travel class" that
indicates an associated cost for different network traffic
(Odlyzko, 1999).
The gathered information and knowledge have
contributed to the global understanding of the existing
and predicted Mobile Internet business models by
focusing on their different charging methods and cost
drivers , as well as on their advantages an d
disadvantages. This accumulated knowledge base laid
the foundation for further developments and
improvements. The comparative tests have shown a
significant difference between the business models that
were implemented in different business environments
along the value chain. It was also shown that different
business models were implemented in different parts of
Europe. Among existing 2.5G models, the research
identified fixed (flat rate) charging, metered connection
charging, and Metro (QoS) charging with numerous
variations and combinations. A significant difference
was also viewed in the planned 3G business models ,
where business models mostly involved packet
charging, edge charging, expected capacity charging,
and value (content) based charging. It should be noted
that the majority of the models that were developed by
BM3G's participants were dealing only with the
relationships between the end user (subscriber) and the
Mobile network operator. BM3G's future research will
include the generation of comprehensive generic
business models, and an actual simulation based on real
life business cases .
First Stage
Process and analyze data regarding existing business
models that are currently implemented in the 2.5G, and
review future 3G business models. The results are based
on a field research of Mobile operators, infrastructure
suppliers, ISPs, and content/applications providers .
Second Stage
Generate and consolidate new generic business models
between Mobile network operators and the other
participants in the 3G Mobile value chain.
Third Stage
Test and examine whether the generic business models
are applicable by simulating them using actual business
scenarios and business cases.
The field research was aimed to research
existing/planned business models of participants in the
Mobile data industry. It included processing and
analyzing data that was gathered from leading European
participants in the Mobile Internet value chain,
consisting of Mobile network operators, Mobile virtual
network operators, application providers, content
providers, enterprises, handset manufacturers and
infrastructure suppliers. The study identified the
following "meta-models" and a variety of their
Metered charging: charging the subscriber for the
connection to the service provider on a fixed basis and
then charging for metered usage of the service as a
function of use time or number of sessions.
Fixed price charging: assumes a lump sum payment for
a predefined set of services .
Volume Charging and Packet charging: packet
charging is specific to packet switching (Keshev, 1997).
This model requires the implementation of packet
counting systems in the network and the deployment of
billing systems that can process packet data. A variation
to this model is content (or value) based charging in
which content type is a parameter that has an effect on
the pricing.
Expected capacity charging: allows service providers
to determine the bandwidth that a subscriber receives
1. Cushnie J., Hutchison D. (2000): “Charging and Billing
Models for Future Mobile Internet Services”,
Distributed Multimedia Group, Lancaster University .
2. Keshav S. (1997): "An Engineering Approach to
Computer Networking", Addison-Wesley.
3. Odlyzko A. (1999): “Paris Metro Pricing: The
Minimalist Differentiated Services Solution”, AT&T
Laboratories Research, April .
4. Shenker S., Clark D., Estrin D., Herzog S. (1996):
“Pricing in Computer Networks: Reshaping the
Research Agenda”, ACM Computer Communication
Review, Vol. 26, pp 19-43.
5. Zoller E., Matthews J., Van Housen L., O'loughlin M.,
Davison J. (2001): "Wireless internet business models:
global perspective, regional focus", an Ovum report ,
Context, CC/PP, and P3P
Patrik Osbakk
Computing Laboratory
University of Kent
Canterbury, Kent
+44 1227 823824
Nick Ryan
Computing Laboratory
University of Kent
Canterbury, Kent
+44 1227 827699
vocabularies and the encoding format. A standardised
vocabulary and encoding format would give the greatest
interoperability between systems, but private vocabularies
may also be defined to suit application specific needs.
In this extended abstract we describe how CC/PP, a
framework for describing user preferences and device
capabilities, can be extended to support general contextual
information. Whilst there has been some concern for
privacy issues in the intended uses of CC/PP, this more
general use increases the need for protecting sensitive
contextual information. We describe how an additional
‘privacy profile’ can be used together with P3P, to
determine what information is revealed
CC/PP and Privacy
For some users, revealing even the basic device
information contained in a typical CC/PP profile may be a
cause for concern. When the profile contains more general
contextual information, privacy becomes a major issue. To
use a secure communication channel is not enough as the
profile content might be used without the users knowledge
and for purposes that they would not welcome. It is
therefore important to provide a way for users to protect
their privacy.
Several possible approaches to protecting a user’s privacy
might be taken when working with CC/PP. The whole
profile might be protected and disclosed only to trusted
parties. An initial ‘minimal profile’ might first be sent as
part of a process to determine whether a service can be
trusted [7]. Alternatively, the selection of which parts of the
profile are disclosed could be made dependent on
knowledge about the service. This latter approach has been
investigated in more detail because of its potential
To be able to make automatic decisions regarding which
parts of the profile to disclose or withhold, information
about the user’s privacy preferences needs to be available.
The idea of a classification and clearance scheme has been
used in this work to structure the privacy preferences. Each
part of the profile is given a classification level that
indicates the sensitivity of the information. For
experimental purposes, a level from 0 (public) to 5 (private)
has been used. Sites are then assigned a level of clearance
depending on how trusted they are and what profile
information they should be able to access. This scheme is
somewhat limited and we anticipate using a more formal
and flexible scheme, e.g. using a Role Based Access
Control (RBAC) model [4], in the future. Below, we
describe how the clearance level assignment can be
automated using P3P.
Just as context information can be represented in a CC/PP
profile by specifying a context vocabulary so also can
privacy information with a privacy vocabulary. The design
of the vocabulary would be dependent on what privacy
Context, Privacy, CC/PP, P3P
Composite Capabilities/Preference Profiles (CC/PP) [1]
provides a way for user agents, typically browsers, to
specify metadata about device capabilities and user
preferences. Using this information, services and content
might be adapted to the client’s capabilities and needs with
much greater flexibility than can be achieved using, for
example, the information in existing HTTP headers.
The information contained in a CC/PP profile can be
considered as contextual information in the sense that it
describes the environment in which the device operates and
the user desires to operate. As such, it represents just a
small part of the information domain of context-aware
systems [2]. By extending CC/PP beyond its original
limited base it can be used to specify different types of
context, such as user identity and contact details, location
and current activity, as well as information about their
environment, such as noise levels or weather conditions.
Indeed, one of the very few published examples of a CC/PP
profile that recognises a use beyond device description
includes location and weather conditions in a
“UserSituation” component [3]. Such information can be
used to improve the personalisation process, both for
content adaptation and as part of a user’s interaction with a
context-aware service. It can also provide a standardised
platform-independent structure that can be used to
communicate context information in a ubiquitous
computing environment.
Extending CC/PP to this role is straightforward. New
components and vocabularies may be defined for any
purpose. The context information that could be included in
a CC/PP profile will be limited only by available
scheme is used and how it is implemented. But, because the
privacy information is local to the client device and is never
disclosed, the vocabulary and its implementation may vary
from system to system.
Profile Filtering
A single CC/PP profile is used to combine device
capabilities, user preferences, context, and privacy
information. This combined profile is for local use only and
needs to be passed through a filter to produce the revealed
CC/PP profile, or profile differences, to be sent with a
request. The filtering process enforces the privacy
requirements by creating a profile that contains only the
information that the user desires to disclose to the recipient.
If a site has not been assigned a clearance level only public
level information is disclosed.
Com bined Local
CC/PP Profile
specify what a P3P policy must and must not declare for a
clearance level to be attained. If a rule set is not defined for
a clearance level it is assumed that it cannot be attained by
evaluating a P3P policy. The comparison in this
investigation has been done with a modified version of the
JRC P3P Appel Evaluator [8]. The comparison starts with
the rule set that grants the highest clearance level. If the
evaluation results in a positive result the site is assigned the
current clearance level temporarily. If the result is negative
the comparison continues with the next lower clearance
level rule set. The comparison continues until a clearance
level has been assigned or no more rule sets are available,
resulting in a clearance level of 0 being assigned.
We have described how CC/PP can be used to
communicate context, how the users’ privacy can be
protected and how this protection can be automated using
P3P. The use of P3P and CC/PP profile filtering has been
described in a typical user agent/web server scenario. Other
experiments have shown that this approach is also
applicable where the profile can be queried by a remote
system that can supply a P3P policy, either in a peer-topeer environment or through an intermediate context
service. It is hoped that technologies like CC/PP and P3P
may help to make context-aware personalisation services
more readily available.
1. Composite Capability/Preference Profiles (CC/PP):
Structure and Vocabularies [W3C Working Draft 15
March 2001], World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
CC/PP Profile
The Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) [5] is a
privacy-enhancing technology. It allows a privacy policy to
be described in a machine-readable standardised format.
The P3P policy is intended to be used to make informed
decisions about the interaction between a user and a remote
service. But P3P can also be used to protect a CC/PP
profile [6] [7].
The way P3P has been used to protect the users privacy in
this investigation has been to use it to establish the level of
clearance to assign to a site. This is important as not all
recipients of a CC/PP profile are likely to be known in
advance and so clearance levels cannot be pre-assigned. If a
RBAC model was used P3P could be used to establish what
role to assign instead. To establish the level of clearance, a
site’s P3P policy is retrieved and compared with defined
rule sets.
There can be one rule set defined for each clearance level,
except for the public level 0. In the rule sets a user can
2. B. Schilit, N. Adams and R. Want, ‘Context-Aware
Computing Applications’, IEEE Workshop on Mobile
Computing Systems and Applications, 85-90, 1994.
3. CC/PP Implementors Guide: Harmonization with
Existing Vocabularies and Content Transformation
Heuristics [W3C Note 20 December 2001], World Wide
Web Consortium (W3C).
4. Sandhu, R. S., Coyne E. J., et al. Role-Based Access
Control Models. IEEE Computer 29,2 (1996), 38-47.
5. The Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0 (P3P1.0)
Specification [W3C Recommendation 16 April 2002],
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
6. Nilsson, M., Lindskog, H., Fischer-Hübner, S. Privacy
Enhancements in the Mobile Internet. Proceedings of
the IFIP WG 9.6/11.7 working conference on Security
and Control of IT in Society. (Bratislava, June 2001).
7. CC/PP Implementors Guide: Privacy and Protocols
[W3C Working Draft 20 December 2001], World Wide
Web Consortium (W3C).
8. Hogben, G. JRC P3P Appel Evaluator Java Module.
Available at
Controlling Your Environment Through Sketching
Edward Lank, Richard Augustine, Shi Chen, Heather Kane, Sandy Ngo and Joy Tutt
San Francisco State University
Computer Science Department
1600 Holloway Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94122 USA
This paper describes a storyboarding study on using
unconstrained sketches by untrained users to control an
interactive room. One interesting result which we observe
is a similarity between a number of the sketches. This
result argues for the possibility of designing a sketch based
perceptive user interface which can interpret sketches
drawn by a new, untrained user of the interactive room.
The SFSU interactive room includes two electronic
whiteboards (touch sensitive plasma displays), a table with
individual interactive displays, two web cameras, and two
sketch application, a
web browser, a
PowerPoint viewer,
and a text editor are
managed by JINI
wireless network. Due to JINI’s ability to dynamically
incorporate devices, PDAs and laptop computers can be
added to the room.
Smart room, Sketch-based interfaces, Perceptual user
Sketch-based interfaces have been shown to be effective in
early-stage design tasks [3]. We propose using sketchbased interfaces to control an interactive room. There are
characteristics of sketching that are beneficial as a means
of expressing concepts in a computer interface. Sketching
is a natural means of communicating, commonly used in
discovery tasks.
As such, people are comfortable
sketching. Unlike voice interfaces, sketching is private. In
our interactive room, we try to preserve some aspect of
personal or private space. Finally sketching is flexible.
Because there is a many to one mapping of sketches to
action, users can sketch the same command in a variety of
Sketching to control interactive environments such as smart
rooms also makes intuitive sense. These rooms often
contain a number of pen interface devices such as
electronic whiteboards and touch sensitive tables [1, 4]. As
well, devices which users bring into the environment, for
example PDAs and tablet computers, also have pen
The ability to recognize arbitrary sketches (those sketches
which are not created using a pre-defined notation) is an
active area of research. Saund et al. and Sezgin et al.
describe systems which attempt to perform low-level
sketch recognition for the purpose of editing [2] and
beautification [3]. Our work seeks to extend this to higherlevel interpretation of arbitrary sketches. In order to
accomplish higher-level interpretation, the sketch must be
interpreted in the context of an application domain, which,
in this case, is the control of an interactive room.
A number of interactive workspaces have been designed,
including the iRoom of Fox et al [1], and the iLand system
of Streitz et al. [4]. Authors of these systems note that an
important concern in designing interactive workspaces is
the user interface. Users should be able to effortlessly see
how to interact with the interface, i.e. the user interface
should be transparent.
To allow users to orient themselves in the user interface,
we have designed an interface which mimics the layout of
the physical room (see figure on next page). At the left, a
simplified picture of the physical room is displayed. On
the right hand side, we have incorporated three panes. The
Applications pane contains software applications available
in the room, the File Server pane stores application data,
and the Portable Devices pane contains the devices which
people have carried into the environment. The purpose of
this interface is to permit users to freely sketch commands
in an interactive environment, so the use of three panes on
the right hand side was an arbitrary decision based on our
view of the difference between software applications,
application data, and physical devices.
We conducted an initial exploratory study using
storyboarding. The goal of this study was to determine
whether a sketch-based interface was usable, and to
determine commonality between sketches of different
orient themselves in the interface and/or chose not to draw
any diagram at all. Additionally, the verbal introduction
seemed to be of no benefit. The recognition rate was
actually higher – though not by a statistically significant
margin – for users with no verbal introduction to the
interface, 71% to 62%. Of the 15 subjects with no verbal
orientation, 13 drew connector/container diagrams, and two
drew connector/container diagrams with additional icons.
Of the 13 subjects with a verbal orientation to the interface,
nine drew connector container diagrams, one drew
connector/container with icons, and two drew icons.
Our initial study involved 28 subjects. The subjects
included employees in an industrial research lab, sales reps,
a multimedia designer, mathematics teachers, and students.
Each subject drew sketches of four different actions, drawn
from a list of twelve actions, on a paper mock-up of the
interface. Possible actions included connecting various
devices together, starting applications on devices, and
moving applications from one device to another.
Participants knew, from the consent form, that the interface
was of an interactive conference room, but were not in the
interactive room during the study. Thirteen subjects were
read a brief introduction to the user interface to orient them
in the interface and were told that text was not permitted;
the remaining fifteen had none.
Of our 28 subjects, 22 (79%) used only connectors (lines
and arrows) and containers (circles and rectangles) to
specify their task. Three subjects used a combination of
connectors/containers and symbols or icons. The final
three subjects used icons to describe their task. The use of
connectors and containers is significant, allowing easy
identification of the components involved in a command.
Education level had no discernable effect on users’
drawings, but we did note a possible correlation between
confidence with the experiment and the use of
connector/container diagrams vs. icons.
exception, those participants who used icons expressed a
concern as to whether or not they were drawing the
“correct” diagram.
They were eager to avoid
misrecognition. While a sample of three is too small to
draw strong conclusions, there is evidence that confident
users draw connector/container diagrams, and less
confident participants tend to draw more complex artifacts.
We had another participant recognize the sketches and
categorize them based on what actions they appeared to
The recognition rate of the participant
examining the diagrams was 67%. This recognition rate
includes obviously poor data where participants could not
In this paper, we describe the design and some early
implementation of a sketch-based interface for controlling
an interactive room. The results of an exploratory study
argue that users draw recognizable diagrams even when
provided with no guidance as to the diagrams that are
There are obvious limits to unconstrained sketching. We
are just beginning to examine the limitations and benefits
of sketching for control.
In the future, we plan to conduct a more ambitious wizard
of oz study. We are in the process of implementing the
sketch recognition engine and integrating the components
of our interactive room.
The authors would like to acknowledge the support of San
Francisco State University for initial project funding. We
thank Eric Cheng for designing icons in our user interface,
and Raj Gopal and Katie Everitt for valuable discussions.
Finally, we would like to thank the participants in our
1. A. Fox, B. Johanson, P. Hanrahan, and T. Winograd,
“Integrating Information Appliances into an Interactive
Space”, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
20:3 (May/June, 2000), 54-65.
2. E. Saund, J. Mahoney, D. Fleet, D. Larner, E. Lank,
“Perceptual Organization as a Foundation for Intelligent
Sketch Editing”, in Proceedings of the AAAI 2002
Spring Symposium (Sketch Understanding), Stanford,
March 25 - 27, 2002.
3. T. Sezgin, T. Stahovich, and R. Davis, “Sketch Based
Interfaces: Early Processing for Sketch Understanding”,
in Proceedings of the Workshop on Perceptive User
Interfaces, Orlando, Florida, November 15 – 16, 2001.
4. N.A. Streitz, J. Geibler, T. Holmer, S. Konomi, C.
Mller-Tomfelde, W. Reischl, P. Rexroth, P. Seitz, and
R. Steinmetz. “i-LAND: An Interactive Landscape for
Creativity and Innovation”. In Proceedings of CHI '99,
Directed Information Harvesting
Geoff Lyon, John Grundbäck, Cyril Brignone, Salil Pradhan
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
1501, Page Mill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
{gml, grundbac, cyrilb, salil}
linear and resembles ripples on a pond. This radial data
flooding can be enhanced by directed diffusion [5]. This
creates more direct routing for response messages returning
back towards the querying node. Such techniques require
that the network retains or re-establishes a direct return path
for any network query. This requirement is usually satisfied
in densely populated networks. However as the network
becomes more sparsely populated and the individual nodes
become more dynamic, the return path is more difficult to
establish. Gossip networks are characterized as possessing a
highly fragmented topology where the links between
adjacent nodes may only occur at sporadic intervals or
perhaps only once, for example when two strangers pass by
each other on a street. Under such network conditions, data
flooding is still possible, but finding a return path for
network queries becomes extremely difficult.
Directed information harvesting is a method for probing a
highly mobile ad-hoc network for data. This method is
designed to overcome certain shortcomings of normal data
diffusion, in particular how data responses are routed back
to the requesting node when the network topology is
sparsely populated, dynamic and fragmented.
Sensor networks, Ad Hoc, Context aware, Mobility
At Hewlett Packard Laboratories, we are developing
context aware appliances [1] with the ability to sense the
users location, surrounding environment and are able to
provide appropriate service links to local entities. These
devices are worn by the users and create a dynamic ad-hoc
network, containing a majority of people carrying nodes
[2]. Data queries and responses propagate from person to
person throughout the network via the casual proximity of
pairs or groups of device carrying users. Such networks
may also add to the quality of the data being exchanged as
the users unconsciously create the contexts for data
exchange and aggregation. We call this style of people
centric networking a gossip network.
At an abstract level, a gossip network has similar
characteristics to an ad-hoc sensor network. However many
of the existing ad-hoc sensor network routing solutions are
inappropriate as gossip networks, with much lower nodal
densities, communicate via sporadic connectivity. Also, the
high nodal mobility in gossip networks makes the creation
of persistent multi-hop routing connections extremely
difficult. Therefore we cannot be assured of consistent data
paths for data query and response routing. To overcome the
problems of network routing under such conditions we
propose a technique called directed information harvesting.
While a gossip type network may contain a large number
of mobile nodes, their localized density and connectivity
distributions will be quite low and subjected to continuous
dynamic change. Under such a fragmented network
topology, alternate techniques for message routing need to
be considered. Often a node responding to a query does not
have routing visibility back to the requestor, and may never
regain this within it’s local vicinity. Therefore an alternate
return route must be established. In addition, the query
messages may propagate to more than one matching node
and so multiple response messages maybe generated, each
requiring the establishment of a return path to the requestor.
To achieve this, we propose a technique called directed
information harvesting. This expands on the existing
methods for directed data diffusion by introducing the
notion of a more easily accessible repository to which
response messages are routed, in the absence of a return
path to the requesting node.
In directed information harvesting messages propagate
through the network by normal diffusion with the addition
of temporal storage on the forwarding nodes; we wish the
query to reach as many other nodes as possible, including
nodes that drift in and out of the network over time, not just
those present when the message was created. Each node
receiving the query will forward the message and, if a data
match is found, will append a response to this message, thus
continuing to propagate both the query any responses
through the network. We wish to direct any responses back
In a traditional ad-hoc sensor network, wireless battery
powered nodes sense their physical environment and
communicate with their neighbors. Nodes relay received
packets to other nodes in the network, enabling multi-hop
communications. Routing optimizations [3,4] are usually
effective in limiting data flooding and system energy
consumption. When one considers data propagation in
sensor networks the term diffusion is often used. In a
densely populated and stable network, data diffusion is
connectivity. Initially, users are likely to be skeptical of
allowing their devices to store and route information for
others, in an unconscious manner, and averse to too much
of their devices battery life being consumed for this
purpose. These concerns highlight the need for further work
on device privacy, security and utilization to ensure the
acceptance of gossip style networking solutions.
to the query originator, however this is difficult as the
network topology is likely to have experienced considerable
change since the query’s generation. Instead, responses are
routed towards an intermediate repository, which resides on
the Internet. The location of this intermediary is specified as
part of the query message, allowing any node with Internet
connectivity to route response messages using IP. This
creates a requirement for at least one, and more practically,
additional nodes to have Internet access. In reality we
envision gossip nodes to be embedded into user’s cell
phones or personal digital assistants, where the chance
coupling or grouping of these devices shapes the network.
Response messages are forwarded to the repository when
these devices open a connection to the Internet or an
Internet proxy, for example when synchronizing with an
Internet connected workstation or during a cellular call. The
repository harvests all the query responses and may
aggregate the resulting data for the query-generating node.
Once this node connects to the Internet, it can access the
query results.
Context Aware appliances at HP Laboratories.
Glance, Natalie and Snowdon, Dave. “Pollen: Virtual
networks that use people as carriers”, in Proceedings of
the International Symposium on Handheld and
Ubiquitous Computing, 1999.
IP Flooding in Adhoc Mobile Networks.
Mobile Adhoc Networks.
Directed diffusion: A scalable and robust
communication paradigm for sensor networks
Intanagonwiwat, Chalermek, Ramesh Govindan and
Deborah Estrin
In Proceedings of the Sixth Annual International
Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
(MobiCOM ’00), August 2000, Boston, Massachusetts.
We have shown that directed information harvesting is a
valuable addition to the existing techniques for data
message routing in ad-hoc networks. In particular peoplecarrier networks of personal devices can benefit from this
technique. However such devices are traditionally single
user centric, individually operated and only store highly
personalized data. The use of these devices to form a gossip
network requires a more communal approach to device
Fingermouse: A Wearable Hand Tracking System
P. de la Hamette, P. Lukowicz, G. Tröster
Wearable Computing Laboratory, ETH Zürich,,
In this paper, we describe a system that implements limited
hand tracking and gesture recognition capabilities in a
small low power module. A first application is a mouse
replacement, worn on the body, that captures the hand
movement and allows the user to control a mouse pointer.
The hardware is based on 2 image sensors, a distance
sensor and a low power DSP. The software consists of
different tracking algorithms supported by stereo vision
based background clutter removal. Our system proves that
computer vision can be useful even for mobile systems
with strictly limited computational and power resources.
Stereo vision, real-time hand finger/tracking, wearable
In many situations, in particular when referring to real
world objects, gesture and hand tracking are an attractive
input mode for wearable computers.
gesture recognition and hand tracking in a mobile
environment are tough challenges. In particular varying
lightning conditions and a moving, cluttered background
make a reliable recognition difficult.
Research on mobile gesture recognition has so far focused
on algorithmic improvements paying little attention to the
computation resources needed for their implementation.
As a consequence most recognition systems (e.g. [3,4])
have relied on high end, power hungry systems or even
stationary workstations connected to the wearable over a
wireless network. This greatly reduces the usefulness of
such systems as an input device for wearable computer.
Our approach addresses the computational resources
problem in three ways. First, we restrict the scope of the
recognition problem by requiring the hand to be in a certain
fixed distance from the camera and to start tracking in a
predefined position. Secondly we use a distance sensor
together with stereoscopic vision to get rid of the cluttered
background. Finally we have implemented a special
purpose hardware module that allows us to execute the
necessary algorithms with a fraction of the power
consumption of a general-purpose machine.
As a result we have a system that is small, low power but
nevertheless able to acquire images and compute them
independently, so that it acts as an autonomous peripheral
to a wearable computer.
T. Svoboda
Computer Vision Laboratory, ETH Zürich
computing unit and
the interfaces, as
shown in Figure 1.
camera 1
(12 mW)
(200 mW)
Interface to
Wearable PC
camera 2
(12 mW)
Flash RAM
System Power:
< 300 mW @
full operation
Figure 1: System architecture
The Sensors
The Fingermouse includes two low power CMOS cameras
that capture black and white images with resolution of 256
by 256 pixels and 10-bit depth. The optics are small, light
lenses with a very wide viewing
angle of approximately 100
degrees, so that the hand can be
close to the sensors.
Furthermore, a third sensor
measures the distance of the hand
from the Fingermouse. This can be
used in the stereo algorithms or as
a means to find out if a hand is
Figure 2: Fingermouse,
present at all.
The Computing Unit
top, cameras, dist.
The main computing unit has been
designed to execute computer vision algorithms efficiently.
We chose the Texas Instruments TMS320VC33 low power
DSP, running at 75MHz. It features a floating point unit
and enough internal RAM to store
an image. Both are needed for
most computer vision applications.
An additional flash RAM chip
stores the boot code and could also
be used to store images or any
other data. The complete power
supply for the Fingermouse is
included in the system as well, so
that it can run from a simple Figure 3: Fingermouse,
battery. Interfaces are RS-232, bottom, DSP, Flash RAM
JTAG and a 32-bit bus.
An important constraint in our system is that the
background moves, since the device is worn on the body.
In this special case, we want to determine the position of a
hand/finger in the captured image. This position is to be
determined absolutely (e.g. the coordinates of the fingertip)
or relatively, which would mean only relative movements
would be tracked. A standard PC mouse also tracks the
relative movement only.
Some algorithms are also able to determine the orientation
(angle) and the scale (relative size) of the recognized hand.
We will now briefly describe two of the algorithms that we
have implemented.
Figure 5a and 5b: Captured image by left and right camera
Tracking the Contour
The algorithm used
here [1], knows the
shape and initial
position of the hand.
Starting from that, a
prediction is made
for the position,
orientation and scale
of the hand in the
next captured picture.
A new measurement
in the predicted area
then has to update the Figure 4: Hand, predicted contour and
parameters. measured points (x) used for update
These allow again the
prediction for the next step.
The measurement is performed only at a few control points
along the shape of the hand. This has the advantage that the
algorithm needs less computation resources. Kalman
Filtering [1] is used to make the tracking robust against
false measurements (that arise), for example, from a
cluttered background.
Figure 6a and 6b: Difference image, idem with threshold
We have shown a system that implements simple but useful
computer vision algorithms in a compact low power
module. Our primary application is a gesture-based mouse
like input device for a wearable computer with limited
power and computational resources. However our hardware
platform is suitable for a variety of vision and signal
processing algorithms found in wearable applications,
which it can execute at a fraction of the cost (in terms of
power consumption) of a conventional computer system.
In the next stages of the project the performance of the
system as a wearable mouse will be evaluated
quantitatively and the implementation of more complex
gesture analysis will be investigated.
At a later point, an ASIC solution could reduce the
system’s power consumption by an order of magnitude.
Stereo Vision: Seeing the Foreground
Since the Fingermouse features two identical sensors in a
stereo configuration, the so-called disparity may be used
for the hand segmentation [2]. The optics of the sensors are
designed so that a far background is projected identically
on both image sensors. The hand is much closer to the
cameras and projects differently (Figure 5a, 5b). Thus, the
background vanishes in the difference image (Figure 6a).
Simple thresholding and morphology operations are used to
remove eventual noise (Figure 6b). Having a segmented
image, a number of parameters may be computed like
centroid, extremal boundary, the most significant
orientation and others.
The Fingermouse was co-designed by Pascal Flammant, as
a diploma thesis at the Swiss Federal Institute of
1. A. Blake and M. Isard, Active Contours. Springer, 1998
2. R. Hartley and A. Zisserman, Multiple View Geometry in
Computer Vision. Cambridge University Press, 2000
3. T. Starner, J. Weaver and A. Pentland. Real-Time American
Sign Language Recognition using Desk and Wearable Computer
Based Video, IEEE PAMI Vol. 20, No. 12, pp 1371-1375
4. T. A. Mysliwiec, FingerMouse: A Freehand Computer Pointing
Interface. VISLab Technical Report, University of Chicago, 1994
FLAME: An Open Application Framework
for Location-Aware Systems
George Coulouris, Hani Naguib, Kam Sanmugalingam
Laboratory for Communications Engineering
Department of Engineering, Cambridge University,
Cambridge, UK
Application-specific events
Event Adapter
Event Adapter
person overlap
Event Adapter
equip. overlap
New overlaps
passed to SRM
Overlap and region changed events
Requests for
static world state
Confidence evaluation
event generator
Location fusion
Changed regions
passed to RM
FLAME region events
Technology Adapter
Technology Adapter
locator sighting events
Event transmissions:
Figure 1- Location Management System
QoSDream [1] is a research platform and framework for the
construction and management of context-aware and
multimedia applications. QoSDream simplifies the task of
building applications by integrating the underlying device
technologies and raising the level at which they are handled
in applications. The platform is highly configurable
allowing researchers to experiment with different location
technologies and algorithms used to handle the information
being generated by these technologies.
Location-aware, middleware, sensor fusion, geometric
The aim of the QoSDream framework is to provide a
configurable, generic software framework that reduces the
effort required to develop location-aware applications to a
FLAME is an implementation of QoSDream, implemented
in Java. Its APIs are available as Java or Corba interfaces
and it employs the Corba’s Notification service for event
handling. It interfaces to a database containing information
about the physical world through the Java Data Objects
(JDO) standard, allowing the use of a wide range of
database systems.
Conceptual model
Applications are presented with events that provide
information relating to a simple model of the physical
world. This model contains the following abstractions:
Locators: Objects that can be sensed. (Active Badges/Bats,
GPS devices); the locators are sensed, typically at frequent
intervals, and each sensing generates a low-level,
technology-dependent event.
Locatables: Objects whose location we wish to track.
(people, equipment, …). Locatables are usually associated
with one or more locators. This association allows the
location of locatables to be inferred from the location of
their locators. Applications subscribe to event channels that
supply information about changes in the state of locatables
and or locators.
Regions: Static regions (buildings, rooms, areas in rooms);
dynamic regions associated with locatables (people’s
locations, their visual and auditory fields, …) The use of
(polygonal) regions as the only geometric construct
simplifies the architectural model and enables the inherent
imprecision of each location technology to be precisely
modelled (by associating an appropriately-sized region with
each locatable). It also assists in the filtering and reduction
of the event streams passed to applications.
Design concepts
• Raw location events filtered and abstracted to produce
smaller streams of application-relevant update events.
• State of the physical and logical world models updated
rapidly to reflect new location information as it arrives.
• Location and other state information stored persistently
in a consistent, queryable form in order to allow a wide
range of application services to be supported.
• Support for multiple sensor technologies;
• A simple spatial model for the representation of
locatable entities;
• Processing of heterogeneous sensor data and its
assimilation into a spatial model in real time;
• A simple event architecture for the presentation of
location information to applications;
• Extensibility via pluggable algorithms and standard
interfaces wherever possible.
Figure 1 shows the main components of QoSDream in a
typical application environment, the flow of events and the
stages of transformation of the wide streams of technologyspecific locator-generated events such as Badge: ID 123
sighted in Room: ID 44) into much narrower streams of
application-relevant events such as Dr. Smith is near
Computer XYZ.
Database: provides initial state (static regions, identities
and other attributes of locators and locatables). Also holds a
synopsis of the real-time location information.
Region manager (RM): Large numbers of static and
dynamic regions are generated in a typical application. The
region manager stores and retrieves regions according to
their identities and their physical locations. The choice of
data structure and the algorithms used for accessing regions
have a critical impact on system performance. The current
implementation uses a quadtree-organised data structure to
enable the rapid detection of overlapping regions.
Spatial relation manager (SRM): generates applicationrelated events in order to satisfy currently active
subscriptions. The SRM employs several procedures:
Location fusion: integrates the regions associated with the
(possibly several) locators associated with each locatable,
using their intersection if there is one, else it retains their
disjoint regions – representing an ambiguous location.
Application event generator: generates events giving the
regions and relations between regions required by
applications. For example, Dr. Smith entered Room A22.
Confidence evaluator: No sensor data is 100% reliable. The
confidence evaluator applies heuristics to associate a
confidence level with the regions passed to applications.
Event adapters: An example of such an adapter is the
‘Person Movement Adapter’ which listens on the SRM’s
Region Overlap Events and generates a Person Movement
Event whenever it notices that a person has moved from
one static region to another.
Preliminary evaluation and conclusions
As an indication of the impact the region manager can have
on performance, table 1 shows the number of region
sightings that can be handled by the SRM with each of the
two region managers. These measurements were obtained
by simulating sightings using actual sensor data that had
been logged previously. The world model used for this
represented an actual building with 52 rooms and 34
people. It is important to note that these results are only
useful as a measure of the impact a region manager can
have on the overall performance of FLAME. The number of
sightings per second that can be achieved by FLAME
depends on various other aspects including: the size of the
world model, the number of static regions in the world
model.the number and type of location sensing
Region Manager
QuadTree-based Region Manager
Set-based Region Manager
Table 1. Region Manager performance impact
Performance exceeding 1000 sightings per second has been
achieved with a version of FLAME that used a less
sophisticated database model than JDO; we anticipate that
similar or better performance can be achieved by
optimizations that have not yet been implemented following
the adoption of JDO.
Recent efforts have been focused on achieving simplicity,
modularity and clarity of interfaces. FLAME has emerged
from several iterations of design and evaluation of earlier
versions and is now available from us.
1. Naguib, H., Coulouris, G.
Location Information
Management, in Proceedings of UBICOMP 2001,
Atlanta , USA, Oct 2001, Springer
Game Engines for Use in Context Aware Research
Perry McDowell, Andrzej Kapolka, Michael Capps, Mike Zyda
MOVES Institute, Naval Postgraduate School
833 Dyer Road, Rm Sp-517
Monterey, CA 93943-5118 USA
+1 831 656 7591
{mcdowell, akapolk, capps, zyda}
One of the biggest difficulties to overcome in creating and
testing context aware applications is the interface with the
real world. This includes both inputting data from the real
world into a symbolic format and outputting the data to the
user in a useful fashion. In this poster, we describe how we
used a commercial game engine to overcome these
difficulties and take the place of the real world.
Context-aware, game engines, augmented cognition
Ubiquitous computing is at a similar point to that which
home computing was twenty-five years ago. Currently,
while the hardware is cheap enough to permit market
saturation, the applications have not yet reached the future
that Weiser envisioned nearly a decade ago1. The main
problem is that interfaces are lacking, and the only people
using such systems are small groups of enthusiasts who are
willing to endure a cumbersome interface. For ubiquitous
computing to gain widespread use, the equivalent of the
GUI must be created so novice users can use it easily.
We feel that creating context-aware applications are this
equivalent of the desktop GUI for ubiquitous computing.
By correctly determining the context of a situation, the
computer can provide much better and more personalized
assistance to the user. Building a system where the device
can intelligently use all that information without the user
having to input it will make it available to novice users.
Simple Context Aware Architecture
As part of our research, we have determined that, in order
to be effective, context-aware ubiquitous applications must
be able to perform three major actions, which are illustrated
in Figure 1:
on the left hand side, the application converts the
real world into a symbolic representation;
in the center, the application uses that
representation to determine the context of a
situation and a course of action for the user;
on the right side, the application informs the user
of the recommended course of action and/or
supply him with information he requires.
Figure 1 - Diagram of simple context-aware application
Notice that, of the three actions in Figure 1, only the center
one is actually concerned with determining context. The
left and right portions are concerned with issues secondary
to the core issue of context. Therefore, all the time spent
on those issues is time not spent on determining context.
Difficult Ancillary Problems
The left side of Figure 1 is a difficult problem because truly
context-aware systems must use a significant number of
real world attributes, some obvious such as location, time,
user’s schedule, or computing resources available, and
many not so obvious, such as the physiological status of the
user or environmental data. The difficulty lies in gleaning
this information from the real world. The sensors involved
in determining this information can be extremely difficult
to create and use, often requiring frequent and/or extensive
The right side of Figure 1, outputting information so that
the user can exploit it, is equally troublesome. While the
data can be output using a wide range of techniques, most
of these techniques involve emerging technologies. These
include text to speech, augmented reality, and mobile/
wearable computers. Like all emerging technology, each
of these can be difficult to use, and again much of the
researcher’s time is spent fixing secondary equipment.
Researchers who wish to limit their research strictly to
context find themselves spending a great deal of their time
on building, maintaining and using what should be only
supplemental equipment to their actual investigation into
context-aware computing. Additionally, much of this
equipment is quite expensive, which forms another barrier
to investigation.
Our Solution – A Commercial Game Engine
Dey approached the difficulty of dealing with several
different types of these inputs and outputs by creating the
Context Toolkit2. The Context Toolkit had widgets which
allowed designers to abstract the method of determining
information important for determining context.
method to perform context-aware research without having
to build the entire required infrastructure to support them
was to use a high end game engine to simulate the real
world for our context-aware application. The game engine
performs many tasks important, yet secondary, to the actual
building of the game itself. A game engine proved an
exceptional way to simulate both the left and right sides of
Figure 1, since its myriad of functions serves the same
purposes in the game world.
We decided to use the UNREAL Game Engine, by Epic
Games, because of its superb rendering, sophisticated
artificial intelligence, advanced physics, and ease of use.
This allowed us to test our context-aware applications
while removing all the distractions of building systems
which had to operate in the real world.
Many other researchers are using game engines to perform
research in a wide variety of fields. Starner et al used them
to create Augmented Reality applications3, while Manninen
also used the UNREAL engine to power a game which
demonstrated contextual issues of a mobile application.4
Our work is very similar to Bylund and Espinoza’s, who
used the Quake III engine to drive their context aware
GeoNotes system via Dey’s Context Toolkit.5, 6
Proof of Concept
In order to test our hypothesis as to the suitability of a
game engine as a vehicle for building context-aware
applications, we built a simple simulation of a Special
Forces mission which was demonstrated at the Augmented
Cognition Workshop in December 2001. While the
mission simulated is significantly simpler than an actual
mission would be, and the context-awareness of the
simulation does not approach the final expectations, it
serves as a proof of concept. Additionally, it effectively
demonstrates several of the features of our application.
In this simple scenario, as the soldier carries out his
mission, the context-sensing device helps him perform
tasks by giving him directional guidance in the form of
augmented reality arrows overlaid on the screen, pointing
out important information that is either hidden or is
difficult to notice, displaying the device’s “degree of
certainty” as to the identification of an object, and
automatically recording important information.
allows the user to apply all brainpower to the task at hand.
We were able to build an application with rudimentary
context sensing simulating a soldier on a mission in six
weeks using two programmers. The situations set up in the
simulation adequately tested the context-sensing ability of
the application. The information used to determine the
context of the soldier’s situation included his location and
that of his enemies, ammunition status, mission status, and
orders from higher authority.
We found that using a game engine has several of the
advantages we had anticipated. Because the game engine
keeps track of all information about every entity in the
world, the application only has to query the engine to get
any required information. Additionally, there were no
delays due to malfunctioning equipment, which would have
certainly been the case in a real world scenario.
However, there were some difficulties encountered while
building the system. We discovered it was necessary to
“dumb down” the information provided by the engine.
Since the engine can provide perfect information about any
object in the world, we found it necessary to limit the scope
and accuracy of the information the engine delivered to
more accurately reflect the information a soldier in the field
would have. For example, the game engine provided the
location of a hidden enemy, but that information was not
provided to the context module.
Additionally, using a game engine is akin to learning a new
programming language, and there was a learning curve
involved for the programmers.
Finally, game engines are continually in flux, with the
company often providing updates to their code. These
updates are not always fully backwards compliant, and it is
possible than an update will break existing code. When
this happens, the programmers are required to debug the
code, and many times these errors are not readily apparent.
1. Weiser, M., Some Computer Science Issues in
Ubiquitous Computing, CACM, Vol 36, Jul 1993.
2. Dey, A., Providing Architectural Support for Building
Context-Aware Applications, PhD Dissertation, Georgia
Institute of Technology, December 2000.
3. Starner, T. et al, Towards Augmented Reality Gaming,
Proceedings of IMAGINA 2000, Monaco.
4. Manninen, T., Towards Communicative, Collaborative
and Construtive Multi-Player Games, In Proceedings of
Computer Games and Digital Cultures Conference.
Mayra, F. (ed.), June 7-8, Tampere, Finland, 2002.
5. Espinoza, F., et al, GeoNotes: Social and Navigational
Aspects of Location-Based Information Systems,
Proceedings of Ubicomp 2001, Atlanta, Ga., 2001.
6. Bylund, M., & Espinoza, F., Testing and Demonstrating
Context-Aware Services with Quake III Arena, CACM,
Vol. 45, Jan 2002.
Intelligent Ubiquitous Computing to Support Alzheimer’s
Patients: Enabling the Cognitively Disabled
Donald J. Patterson, Oren Etzioni, Dieter Fox, and Henry Kautz
Dept. Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
Assisted Cognition systems provide active cognitive aids for
people with reduced memory and problem-solving abilities
due to Alzheimer’s Disease or other disorders. Two concrete
examples of the Assisted Cognition systems we are developing are an ACTIVITY C OMPASS that helps reduce spatial
disorientation both inside and outside the home, and an ADL
P ROMPTER that helps patients carry out multi-step everyday
medical applications, context-aware computing, aging in place,
artificial intelligence, proactive environments
To date computer systems designed to help people suffering
from cognitive disabilities due to aging, disease, or accidents
have been rare and of limited scope. Recently, however, researchers in ubiquitous computing and artificial intelligence
have come together to envision systems that can act as proactive partners in increasing the independence and security
of people who have problems of memory, planning, and carrying out tasks of everyday life[7, 1, 5, 4]. A major motivation for developing intelligent caretaking systems is that the
growing elderly population in many nations is leading to a
crisis of demographics that will bankrupt current human and
medical resources. The most common disease, Alzheimer’s,
currently affects four million Americans; by 2050, the number is expected to rise to 15 million, out of a world total of
80 million.
Both the physical and social environments greatly affect a
cognitively impaired person’s level of functioning. For example, an Alzheimer’s patient may come to rely on the memory, remindings, guidance, and prompts of a caregiver, such
as a spouse or other family member [6, 8]. Thus the social environment can provide active interventions that extend
the patient’s ability to handle the challenges of everyday life.
But there is a limit to any person’s capability to provide such
help: physical and emotional ‘burnout” of caregivers, often
with serious health consequences, is a common phenomena
The goal of Assisted Cognition is to develop computer sys-
tems that can provide such active assistance to an Alzheimer’s
patient. In brief, Assisted Cognition systems (i) sense aspects of an individual’s location and environment, both outdoors and at home, relying on a wide range of sensors such
as Global Positioning Systems (GPS), active badges, motion detectors, and other ubiquitous computing infrastructure; (ii) learn to interpret patterns of everyday behavior, and
recognize signs of distress, disorientation, or confusion, using techniques from state estimation, plan recognition, and
machine learning; and (iii) offer help to patients through various kinds of interventions, and alert human caregivers in case
of danger.
The Assisted Cognition Project is an interdisciplinary effort
between the University of Washington’s Dept. of Computer
Science Engineering, the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, and the UW Schools of Nursing and Medicine. Industrial
partners include Intel Research and Elite Care, whose Oatfield Estates are a living prototype of a ubiquitous-computing
enabled residential home for the elderly in Portland, Oregon.
The home senses and records nearly all activity going on in or
around its campus, including the movements of all residents
and staff, operation of all lights and appliances, movement
of all doors, etc. This enormous and detailed real-world sensor stream provides one of the primary data sources for our
A common problem in the early to middle stages of Alzheimer’s
is a difficulty in carrying out complex tasks, while the ability
to perform simple actions is relatively unimpaired [6]. For
example, an Alzheimer’s patient may be able to perform the
individual steps in dressing him or herself, but be unable to
recall the proper sequence of actions, e.g. that socks go on
before shoes.
The ADL P ROMPTER is a system that helps guide an impaired individual through the steps of such an “activitiy of
daily living” (ADL). Input to the system comes from a sensor
network embedded in the home environment. Data from the
network (see Fig. 1), together with a rich probabilistic model
of how activities are typically carried out, is integrated to
create a model that predicts what the patient is trying to do.
Decision Making
User Interface
(graphics, speech)
Plan Recognition
Data Fusion
Data Collection
Figure 1: Architecture of Assisted Cognition systems. The server module consists of layers of increasing levels of abstraction. Probabilistic
models of sensors and the environment are applied to process noisy sensor data. User activities are tracked using hierarchical Bayesian
models. Probabilistic descriptions of these activities help to determine the user’s plans and goals, which enable the system to choose which
interactions to trigger.
The sensors may include ones for sound, motion, position
of objects, movement of doors, operation of appliances, and
so on. For example, the system might note that it is morning, and that the patient entered the bathroom and turned on
the sink. Some time passes, and the patient remains motionless. The system predicts that the “morning toothbrushing
and bathing” activity has begun but become stalled. Finally,
the system decides to intervene by verbally prompting the
patient to pick up the toothbrush. Note that a prompt is not
given unless it is deemed necessary, and prompts are not preprogrammed for certain times of the time.
The ACTIVITY C OMPASS is a tool for helping a patient move
independently (and safely) throughout his or her community.
The compass is based on a client/server architecture where
the client handles interaction with the user, and the server
stores sensor readings, constructed models, and background
information. Our current ACTIVITY C OMPASS client is a
GPS and wireless-enabled Palm PDA.
The Assisted Cognition differs from an ordinary GPS guidance device in several crucial ways: (1) Instead of requiring
the user to manually enter a destination, the system attempts
to predict the user’s destination based on learned patterns of
behavior. (2) The Assisted Cognition can proactively engage
the user: for example, if it infers that the user is wandering
and may be lost, it may suggest that the patient head home
by a audible prompt and a simple graphic display (e.g., an
arrow pointing in an appropriate direction). (3) The Assisted
Cognition can link current data about the user’s movements
with external environmental information that is relevent to
the user’s goals.
that bus leaves in 5 minute, and next one is in an hour; 4. The
system predicts Don will miss bus at his current rate of walking; 5. The system decides to intervene by alerting Don to
walk faster.
based on a layered architecture (see Fig. 1) linking sensor
data to simple behaviors, behaviors to plans and goals, and
predictions of the success or failure of those plans to potential interventions. Each layer takes in noisy and uncertain
information, abstracts and fuses the data to reduce (but not
always eliminate) uncertainty, and passes this higher-level
view of the world to the next layer. Feedback from the effects of invention feed back down through the layers, in order
to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of the underlying
models. More detailed technical discussion appears in [3].
The Assisted Cognition project is supported by grants from
the Intel Corporation and the Intelligent Information Systems
Institute (ISII).
1. G. Baltus, D. Fox, F. Gemperle, J. Goetz, T. Hirsh, D. Magaritis,
M. Montemerlo, J. Pineau, N. Roy, J. Schulte, and S. Thrun. Towards
personal service robots for the elderly. In Proc. of the Workshop on
Interactive Robotics and Entertainment (WIRE-2000), 2000.
2. N. R. Hooyman and H. A. Kiyak. Social Gerontology: a Multidisciplinary Perspective (6th Edition). Allyn and Bacon, 2001.
3. H. Kautz, L. Arnstein, G. Borriello, O. Etzioni, and D. Fox. An
overview of the assisted cognition project. In Working Notes of the
AAAI-2002 Workshop on Automation as Caregiver: The Role of Intelligent Technology in Elder Care, 2002.
4. C. E. McCarthy and M. E. Pollack. A plan-based personalized cognitive orthotic. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on AI
Planning and Scheduling, 2002.
5. A. Pentland. Machine understanding of human action. In Proceedings
7th International Forum on Frontier of Telecom Technology, Tokyo,
Japan, 1995.
6. B. Reisberg, S. H. Ferris, J. J. Leon, and T. Crook. The global deterioration scale for the assessment of primary degenerative dementia.
American Journal of Psychiatry, 1982.
7. J. M. Sanders. Sensing the subtleties of everyday life. Research Horizons, Winter 2000.
8. D. Shenk. The Forgetting: Alzherimer’s: Portrait of an Epidemic. Doubleday, New York, NY, 2001.
An example of such external information are bus routes and
real-time bus locations (which are available in the Seattle
area). The following scenario illustrates how such information could be used: 1. Don is walking toward a bus stop;
2. The system notes that at this time of day Don frequently
catches the bus home; 3. Real-time bus information shows
iStuff: A Scalable Architecture for Lightweight, Wireless
Devices for Ubicomp User Interfaces
Meredith Ringel, Joshua Tyler, Maureen Stone, Rafael Ballagas, Jan Borchers
Stanford University Department of Computer Science
{merrie, jtyler},,{ballagas, borchers}
iStuff (“interactive stuff”) is an architecture for a toolkit of
lightweight, wireless, platform-independent, physical user
interface components. We present examples of several iStuff devices we have developed, and discuss the software
infrastructure that supports them and allows for easy configurability and extensibility.
User interface, tangible interface, physical interface, tuple
space, interactive workspaces, wireless devices.
iStuff is a toolbox of wireless, platform-independent, physical user interface components designed to leverage the tuple-space-based software infrastructure of Stanford’s
iRoom, a technology-augmented room used as a testbed for
ubiquitous computing and user interface research[4]. Application users can easily and dynamically configure iStuff
physical interface components to flexibly set up sensors and
actuators in a ubicomp environment without having to solder components, run wires, or write device drivers. As a
prototyping toolkit, iStuff aims to facilitate research at the
crossroads of ubiquitous computing and HCI.
In the past, Ishii’s Tangible Bits project [3] introduced the
notion of bridging the world between “bits and atoms” in
user interfaces. More recently, Greenberg’s Phidgets [2]
provide physical widgets, designed for rapid development
of physical interfaces that expand Desktop GUIs. In contrast, our approach assumes an entire interactive room as its
environment. Consequently, our devices must be dynamically retargetable to different applications and platforms.
Additionally, devices are lightweight because they can leverage the existing interactive room infrastructure.
Several criteria guided our design of the iStuff architecture.
We wanted our devices to have completely autonomous
packaging and battery-powered operation, the ability to
communicate wirelessly with existing applications in the
iRoom, and simple, affordable circuitry. We found that we
were able to use several different hardware technologies to
create iStuff devices that fulfilled these criteria; so far we
have working iStuff made from custom-built RFID components, from X10 components, and from standard FM radios
and transmitters. From these platforms we have built several different types of devices (see Figure 1) including buttons, sliders, LED’s, buzzers, and speakers. Schematics for
at Additionally, we
have integrated commercial products as iStuff devices, such
as MIDI controllers for 2D input, and portable microphones
with voice recognition software for speech input.
Ultimately, the specific communications medium (RFID,
X10, Bluetooth, 802.11b, etc.) employed is irrelevant, because of the iRoom’s underlying software infrastructure.
This infrastructure is based on the Event Heap—an eventbased communication mechanism that connects all of the
platforms, applications, and devices in the room. To add a
new physical hardware iStuff platform (such as Bluetooth),
one merely needs to write a glue layer that translates hardware input into an event or, conversely, translates events to
hardware output. Once the device driver is written for a
platform, each individual device can be uniquely mapped
and configured without modifying the driver.
Input devices (e.g., buttons, sliders) transmit device specific
data (e.g., device ID, position) via their wireless protocol to
a receiver which is connected to a proxy computer via a
parallel, serial, or USB port. This data is then packaged
into an event and placed on the Event Heap using a hardware glue layer. Applications or devices can be controlled
by iStuff by adding a listener notification method for specific events, which can be done with a few lines of Java
code. Output devices (e.g., LEDs, buzzers, speakers) work
in a complementary manner, with software listeners converting events with device-specific data to hardware output.
Device events can be translated to different application
events via a patch panel application that has user configurable, dynamic mappings. This allows the user to pick up an
iStuff device, go to a configuration webpage and change the
mapping of the device to control a running application on
any machine in the room in less than 30 seconds.
We are currently expanding the iStuff framework by including new types of discrete and continuous input and output
devices, and by experimenting with new technologies for
wireless transmission such as Bluetooth.
By embodying most of the “smarts” of iStuff in a computer
proxy which sends and receives IDs and handles the posting
and retrieving of event tuples, we were able to make the
physical devices themselves very lightweight (Figure 2).
They merely need the capability to send or receive their
device-specific data.
iStuff has proven its worth in our lab by allowing us to
quickly create experimental interfaces. For instance, we
have integrated iButtons into meeting capture software as a
way to provide customized annotations, and we have made
a videogame where iSliders can substitute for mouse input
(refer to our poster for more details on usage scenarios).
As technology continues to move beyond the desktop and
toward ubiquitous computing environments, we predict that
device architectures like iStuff will become increasingly
commonplace. By leveraging the infrastructure in its environment, iStuff enables rapid prototyping and configuration
of new and creative user interfaces for ubicomp settings.
Figure 1.Various iStuff. The iDog sends a button press event
when turned over. The iPen is an augmented SMARTBoard pen,
where the embedded button operates as a “right click” to the Windows OS. The X10 buttons are standard X10 hardware. All other
devices work through a simple RF receiver that plugs into the
USB port of the Proxy PC.
Utilizing the tuple-based event model of the Event Heap
has allowed us to create configurable devices which are
platform-independent. This architecture provides great
flexibility and rapid prototyping of input devices [1]. It has
allowed us to turn several commercially available items like
X10 controllers into iStuff, in addition to our own custombuilt hardware. The “patch panel” software increases the
flexibility of our toolkit by allowing for dynamically configuring mappings between events and devices, thus permitting exploration of the ramifications of having input devices
that are not tied to a specific machine or display.
We would like to thank Michael Champlin, Joyce Ho,
Robert Brydon, and Adam Rothschild for their contributions, and the NSF for graduate student fellowship support.
1. Borchers, J., Ringel, M., Tyler, J., and Fox, A. Stanford
Interactive Workspaces: A Framework for Physical and
Graphical User Interface Prototyping. IEEE Wireless
Communications. Special Issue on Smart Homes, 2002
(in press).
2. Greenberg, S. and Fitchett, C. Phidgets: Easy Development of Physical Interfaces Through Physical Widgets. Proceedings of UIST 2001, 209-218.
3. Ishii, H. and Ullmer, B. Tangible Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces Between People, Bits and Atoms. Proceedings of CHI 1997, 234-241.
4. Johanson, B., Fox A., and Winograd, T. The Interactive
Workspaces Project: Experiences with Ubiquitous
Computing Rooms. IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine, 1(2), April-June 2002.
PC proxy
RF Receiver
Conceptual iStuff Device
Radio Transmitter
PC daemon
Event Heap
Figure 2. The iStuff architecture – much of the functionality is handled by the computer proxy, allowing the actual physical
device to be quite simple and lightweight. The Event Heap mediates communication between disparate devices and applications – in the above diagram, the Application can receive events from the iSlider and send events to the iSpeaker via the Event
Heap; the slider and speaker could easily be replaced by other iStuff input and output devices.
Miniaturised Modular Wireless Sensor Networks.
John Barton, Kieran Delaney,
Cian O’ Mathuna,
National Microelectronic Research Centre
Lee Maltings, Prospect Row, Cork, Ireland
+353 021 4904088
{john.barton, kieran.delaney,
Joseph A. Paradiso
MIT Media Laboratory
20 Ames St. E15-351
Cambridge, MA 02139
This paper focuses on the development of miniaturised
modular wireless sensor networks that can be used to
realise distributed autonomous sensors for future ad-hoc
networks in the ambient systems and intelligent
environments arena. Such modular, mobile networks are
key enabling technologies in the field of ubiquitous
The modules are fabricated in a 3-D stackable form with a
novel modular PCB design which can be mounted on
artefacts or on parts of the body, can measure acceleration,
rotation, shock, elevation etc. and have a low-power RF
channel-shared link to a base station (for sports, exercise,
entertainment, health). The modular nature of the design
allows for extra panels to be developed and added easily.
Recent developments in wireless and micro-sensor [1,2]
technologies have provided foundation platforms for
considering the development of effective modular systems
(see figure 1). They offer the prospect of flexibility in use,
and network scalability. Currently, most sensor networks
are strongly integrated into the assembly process of their
target systems (E.g. the automobile, production line
equipment, aircraft, etc). Thus, they carry a high
infrastructural overhead. Emerging autonomous formats
include wireless units designed to collect data and transmit
to central (or distributed) hosts. Interesting examples
include passive/active tags, inertial measurement units
(IMU), the 1cm2 wireless integrated micro-sensors at
UCLA [3], and the “Smart Dust” project [4,5] at the
University of Berkeley.
Distributed Network
Modularity, wireless sensor networks, 3-D packaging.
Major research efforts are currently targeting the
“disappearance” of the computer into the fabric of our
environment. In the future, the spaces we live in will be
populated by many thousands of objects (often described
as “artefacts”) with the ability to sense and actuate in their
environment, to perform localised computation, and to
communicate, even collaborate with each other. Artefacts
are playing a large role in research towards intelligent
systems and ubiquitous computing. There are two prime
drivers: the smaller these objects are the more effective
they will be in providing opportunities for integrating the
physical and digital worlds, and the greater the number of
objects within these systems/networks the more valuable
the networks are. The main properties required to
maximise the capabilities of such networks are that it
should have, granularity (i.e. high resolution),
reconfigurability modularisation and mobility. The system
level implementation will be realised through concurrent
hardware and software engineering; innovation in software
should be matched by invention in hardware. It is
important that novel hardware technology platforms are
used for object and system development, incorporating 3-D
stacking, mu lti-chip and micro-sensor integration, thin and
flexible substrates, active polymeric materials, smart
materials, and ultimately micro-nano-systems. To do this,
new form factors for hardware need to be investigated,
optimizing performance. In this light, the key initial
considerations are interconnection and modularity of the
Figure 1: System Format with Modular Nodes.
The availability of modular systems will provide a
valuable research tool for ambient systems and ubiquitous
computing. Thus, a modular approach initially for a
wearable sensor network, including functionality as an
inertial measurement unit has been adopted by the NMRC.
The module comprises an ensemble of 16 sensors,
electronic interfaces, and a wireless transmitter
manufactured using a combination of current surface
mount techniques and multichip packaging (MCP). The
sensors included accelerometers, gyroscope, compass,
pressure sensors, bend sensors, electric field sensor and
sonar pinger The module includes; an integrated PIC
micro -controller with A/D converter, separate 256K
EEPROM memory for local data storage and a 433MHz
RF Transceiver with 20kbit/s data rate within a multi-chip
module (MCM). Current prototypes consist of miniature
sensor packages that can be worn on limbs and torso or
mounted within artefacts.
The miniaturised wireless sensor networks presented here
are the evolution of a project collaboration between
NMRC and MIT Media Lab with the aim of
miniaturisation and ruggedisation of the MIT Media Lab
“expressive footwear”[6]. Prof. Joe Paradiso and his team
at the MIT Media Lab have prototyped a sensor component
network of 16 sensors that are integrated with a wireless
transmitter and mounted onto a shoe (expressive footwear)
[7,8]. The sensors were located either in the insole or on a
PCB attached to the shoe. A dancer, equipped with a pair
of this footwear, has every movement monitored by an offstage computer. Although currently used to explore
applications in interactive dance, this system also has
applications in areas like sports training and medicine,
interactive exercise, and podiatry diagnosis and therapy.
The re-design of the module took place in 2 phases: the
development and ruggedisation of the wearable sensor
platform and the re-design of the circuits for the
miniaturised modularised form factor.
The ruggedisation was necessary to improve the module
reliability. This was done in two steps. Firstly, the
wearable sensor portion of the circuit was re-designed and
fabricated on Copper-clad flex. Sensors incorporated in the
flex circuit included bend sensors, dynamic pressure
sensors and force sensing resistors. Secondly, these circuits
were laminated between protective plastic sheets and
reliability tested through a series of non-standard reliability
tests with a high yield.
During the design phase of the module, a building block
technique for the autonomous wireless sensor network was
developed. The formal re-design of the module PCB was
completed with the aim of miniaturising and modularising
the circuit to allow it to be unobtrusively worn anywhere
on the body. The final design was realised as a 90mm x 30
mm two layer PCB which could be mounted as is or
separated into three 30mm x 30mm panels which can be
positioned on any portion of the body. Figure 2(a) shows
the module before segmentation while 2(b) shows a
separated module.
transceiver panel. The modular format of the PCB allows
for extra panels to be designed and manufactured as and
when required. Though stacked in 3-D in Figure 2(b),
miniature flex cable connectors on each panel allow the
modules to be connected in a variety of different ways and
in an unobtrusive manner. Preliminary versions of this
module have been utilised in projects including a wearable
network, interactive glove and a localisation system.
This paper has presented the work done in evolving a
module for a miniaturised wireless sensor network. The
implementation of this form factor is useful in numerous
applications, including for sports, exercise, entertainment,
and health; in addition, the imaginative use of flex circuitry
may provide for further form factors to be evaluated (for
example, connected panels could be wrapped around the
wrist). The current size is too large to expand the
application potential of the form beyond niche level; the
realistic number of stackable panels is currently four. To
expand the viability of the format, it is appropriate to look
at the potential for further miniaturisation of this module
with an initial target volume of 1 cm3 .
The continuation of the project will focus on challenges,
which are key to bringing the intelligent environments
concept to reality: 1) The further development of high
density, (3-dimensional) packaging technology platforms
to enable increased miniaturisation of micro -sensor
modules incorporating application-specific sensors, data
acquisition, signal processing and wireless communication
2) Applications in a mobile/wearable domain with
emphasis on context , and design 3) The realisation of a
distributed system of micro -sensor modules. There will be
an increased focus upon design and development of
appropriate form factors for mobile/wearable applications
and realisation of the target dimensions.
This project was funded by the Irish Government Higher
Education Authority (HEA).
Figure 2: Autonomous Sensor Network Node with
Modular Design Format (a) before, and (b) after
The 3 panels visible are 1) the inertial measurement panel
2) the force sensors interface panel and 3) the wireless
[1] Estrin et al, “Next Century Challenges: Scalable Coordination
in Sensor Networks”, Proc. Of ACM MOBICOM, 1999.
[2] S. Meguerdichian et al, “Coverage Problems in Wireless AdHoc Sensor Networks”, Proc. Of IEEE INFOCOM, 2001.
[3] G. Pottie, W. Kaiser, "Wireless integrated network sensors,"
Communications of the ACM, vol. 43, pp. 51--58, May 2000
[4] J. M. Kahn, R. H. Katz and K. S. J. Pister “Mobile
Networking for Smart Dust”, ACM/IEEE Intl. Conf. on Mobile
Computing and Networking (MobiCom 99), Seattle, WA, August
17-19, 1999.
[5] Warneke, B, Last, M, Leibowitz, B, Pister , K S J, “Smart
Dust: Communicating with a Cubic-M illimeter Computer”, IEEE
Computer Society, vol. 34 no. 1, p. 43-51, January 2001.
[6] J. Paradiso, K. Hsiao, A. Benbasat, Z. Teegarden, “Design
and Implementation of Expressive Footwear,” IBM Systems
Journal, Volume 39, Nos. 3 & 4, October 2000, pp. 511-529.
[8] J. Paradiso, K. Hsiao and E. Hu, "Interactive Music for
Instrumented Dancing Shoes", Proc. of the 1999 International
Computer Music Conference, October 1999, pp. 453-456.
Mobile Bristol: A New Sense Of Place
Morris Williams
University of the West of
Faculty of Computing and
Mathematical Sciences
Constance Fleuriot*
University of Bristol
Mobile and Wearables Research
Josephine Reid, Richard Hull
HPlabs Bristol, UK,
Keri Facer
Futurelab, Bristol UK
Owain Jones
University of Bristol
Geographical Sciences
have often "driven children from the street into their
bedrooms" [6]. Children however need to play and to use the
outdoor environment as a key part of their development [4],
exploring, developing routes and short-cuts, and negotiating
‘ranges’ with parents and carers. De Certeau [1] argues that
"the childhood experience that determines spatial practice
later develops its effects, proliferates, floods private and
public spaces, undoes their readable surfaces and creates
within the planned city a "metaphorical" or mobile city...a
great city". Those opportunities for walking have been
eroded; A New Sense of Place is then very much concerned
with urban childhood and the implications wearable
technologies may have in urban settings. As Ward [7] said,
"I want a city where children live in the same world as I do".
Wearables, soundscapes, augmented reality, children,
mobile technologies
This poster describes a two day workshop conducted with
children aged 11-12 in which they designed and created
soundscapes. This was a first stage in examining the
potential of wearable computing devices to extend
children’s mobility and play opportunities within the urban
environment. Such opportunities are a crucial part of child
development but are often curtailed by real and perceived
threats. The creation of the soundscapes was followed by a
brainstorm session in which the children suggest directions
for application and technology development that would
augment their experience of outdoor environments.
This poster describes a two day workshop held during June
2002 at Hewlett Packard Labs, Bristol. The workshop was
the first step for a project called ‘A New Sense of Place’,
which brings together researchers from a variety of
disciplines to explore the impact of pervasive computing
and mobile technologies on children’s play, learning,
mobility and interaction with the outdoor environment. We
are interested in asking if there are ways in which these
technologies can facilitate children’s fuller, freer, safer yet
adventurous use of the urban environment. The objectives
of the workshop were to explore whether young people
would engage with the technology and wearable devices that
we are developing for a wider project, Mobile Bristol1 .
Our research questions relate to the longer term nature of our
work and are:
• How can we develop technologies to empower children and
young people to explore their environments, and to play
safely without adult control and intervention?
• Can wearable devices overcome parental concerns about
child safety and mobility?
• How does a real space become an important place through
familiarity of use or the feelings associated with it?
• What landmarks will people choose to augment, with
what will they augment them and what routes will they
create between those landmarks?
• For whom will they design the personal landscapes they
are creating and how will they be used?
In the UK (as elsewhere) concerns for the conditions of
modern childhood are particularly articulated through
visions of the child in problematic relations with urban
environments [3]. The urban is the site of issues of
considerable concern in relation to childhood, such as
traffic, rises in levels of asthma, fears for the safety of
children, particularly ‘stranger danger’, and fear of other
crime against, or even by children. These perceived dangers
The current technology is comprised of a bag containing a
small portable computer (HP Jornada) interfaced to an
ultrasonic location system, headphones, batteries and
networking hardware (to access a wireless 802.11).
We have used the term 'soundscape' to describe the work that
is created; the overlaying of a physical landscape with
digital audio [2]. The client device detects its location within
the physical space using an ultrasonic positioning system
[5]. A directory on the server contains the information
which defines each 'aura'. This consists of an unique
identifier, a location, a radius of applicability and the url of
the audio file associated with that aura. Each soundscape is
built from a number of such auras. When the user enters an
aura the client device uses the url, to play the associated
audio file to the user.
Workshop Objectives
The inter-disciplinary research group came together after a
Mobile Bristol conference in January 2002. The objectives
of the workshop were:
• to introduce the idea of wearables and demonstrate the
technology to the children
• to teach the children how to use the technology and
enable them to build their own soundscapes
• to allow the children (and others) to experience their own
and their colleagues soundscapes
• to brainstorm about the future use of the technology
Workshop Content
Ten 11-12 year old school students (6 girls and 4 boys)
from John Cabot City Technology College were selected
by the school to participate in the two-day workshop. The
children were introduced to the technology, the idea of the
soundscapes and the process of production.
Working in pairs with an adult enabler, the children were
encouraged to plan their soundscapes working on
whiteboards, paper, or straight onto the system. They soon
engaged with the process and clearly enjoyed working with
the headsets and handheld computers. The adult enablers
took a hands-off approach as the children worked on their
soundscapes. The five pairs easily completed and fine-tuned
their designs, which they had the opportunity 'to sleep on'
between day one and two.
On the second day we held a brainstorm to elicit the
children’s thoughts on the technology, if it was of any
value to them and whether it might be developed to have an
impact on their lives. From a general perspective, the
response of the children (and the many teachers who visited)
was overwhelmingly positive.
Thy reflected on the ways in which the technology could be
used to improve their local areas - providing information
reports to police, giving instructions on how to behave in
those sites, playing music and sound-based games that
would enhance the experiences in those areas.
The children commented on the potential of the technology
to keep their parents informed of their locations - if only to
ensure that they would come to collect them. They also
suggested applications of the technology for people with a
range of disabilities. The children thought it could provide a
useful additional 'layer' of experience on entering unfamiliar
environments. Importantly, they seemed to see the
potential for people to use this technology to produce
soundscapes for each other - very different from a broadcast
• Children are valuable, adaptive and creative users in the
participative design of ubiquitous computing experiences
and the devices that might enable them.
• Children are able to articulate potential wider uses after
experimental use in a confined environment. These
preliminary responses indicate a positive role for wearables
in extending children's mobility.
• Gender differences in the potential usage of such devices
emerged - girls appear to be driven by the social potential
of such devices e.g proposing personalised soundscapes
for friends, boys appear to focus on pragmatic uses e.g.
communicating class information in school.
The research group aims to work with young people as
creative collaborators. The workshop was an exciting first
step in the development of the project, bringing young
people and these emerging technologies together, and we
aim to build on this. Future workshops are planned that will
take place in the outdoor space, developing the project
outside the protected environment of HP labs. Full scale
trials are envisaged for the technology in public spaces
around Bristol and a dedicated workshop for young people in
one of Bristol's large parks is being discussed. A major
research project focused specifically on young people,
education and mobile technologies is currently under
consideration by the ESRC. Future projects also involve
developing the soundscape creation tools, and identifying the
capabilities needed for the software and hardware.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the staff and pupils of
John Cabot Technology College.
1. Certeau, M. de The Practice of Everyday Life. University
of California Press, Berkeley 1984
2. Hull, R., Reid, J.,and Kidd, A. Delivering Compelling
Experiences through Wearable Computing. Submitted to:
Pervasive Computing
3. Jones, O. Melting Geography: Purity, Disorder,
Childhood, Space in Holloway, S. and Valentine, G. (eds.)
Children's Geography : Living, Playing, Learning, 29-47.
Routledge, London, 2000.
4. Moore, R.C. Childhood's Domain: Play and Place in
Child Development. Croom Helm, Beckenham, 1986.
5. Randell C. , H. Muller. Low Cost Indoor Positioning
System. in UbiComp 2001 Atlanta: ACM.
6. Summers, D. A modern child's home appears to be its
refuge. Financial Times. London 25 April 1995.
7. Ward, C. The Child in the City. Architechural Press,
London, 1978
*funded by Equator see
Optimized Maintenance and Inspection of Distributed
Processes Based on Local Tracking and Messaging
M. Polaschegg, M. Schmid, Ch. Steger, R. Weiss
Institute for Technical Informatics
Graz University of Technology
{polaschegg, schmid, steger, weiss}
Inspection and maintenance in large industrial plants with a
large number of distributed processes are essential tasks to
guarantee trouble-free production performance. However,
finding an optimal schedule for these maintenance jobs is
very tedious. Minimizing the time for job execution can
save costs and can increase the efficiency of a plant
enormously. We propose an environment for the
optimization of job performance with object tracking and
location based messaging. Allocation of jobs to human
service agents and local scheduling are automatically
generated using the combinatorial optimization algorithm
Simulated Annealing. A messaging service automatically
guides each service agent to the jobs to be performed and
to the necessary tools.
Figure 1 denotes a basic example for distributed processes
with human service agents and tools in a given
Process 1
Process 2
Process 3
Bluetooth, RF tags, Object tracking, Location based
messaging, Optimization, PDA, Simulated Annealing
The efficiency of tuned production processes in industrial
plants mainly depends on the performance of their
inspection and maintenance jobs during life cycle. Service
jobs always have to be executed during runtime,
providently or because of actual failures of components.
Additionally, revisions, were plants are offline, allow to
perform extended maintenance and inspection, i.e., in
power plants.
However, finding an optimal partitioning and scheduling
for these service jobs is very tedious. For a human service
agent the problems are (i) to find an optimal schedule for a
given number of jobs, (ii) to find the right location of the
process to be inspected, and (iii) to find the location of the
appropriate tools, which are often shared between agents.
Jobs may also have dependencies, i.e., a process may only
be inspected after fulfillment of other jobs, or new jobs
have to be dynamically scheduled during inspection
because of actual failures.
Therefore, we propose an optimization system, which is
based on our LOMOT, a Location based Messaging and
Object Tracking environment. Our system tries to optimize
the schedule of service jobs with the aim to minimize the
time for the fulfillment of all service activities.
Process 4
Tag reader
Person with BT
enabled PDA
Tool with
RF transponder
Fig. 1: Example of distributed processes with the
installation of LOMOT devices for object tracking and
LOMOT is intended to track objects and to support
location based messaging of objects within a predefined
surrounding. Basically, LOMOT takes two types of objects
into account. First, there are passive objects which can only
be tracked. The tracking mechanism is based on RF tags.
Appropriate tag reader gates with a width of about 2 meters
detect the passage of such tags, which are attached to the
objects (tools). The granularity of this object localization
depends on the maximum distance between the reader
gates. Second, active objects are persons (human service
agents), who wear Bluetooth (BT) enabled personal digital
assistants (PDAs). Tracking is performed by detecting their
entry and leaving of reception areas of one or more BT
access point (AP). This mechanism provides an accuracy of
about 10 meters. During BT access, location based
information is automatically transmitted from a message
server to the PDA.
Structure of LOMOT
Figure 2 denotes the client-server structure of our LOMOT
Active object tracking and
Passive object tracking
Objects with RF Tags
RF Tag
front ends
front ends
Local area network
Authentication server
human agents. Human agents also can ignore instructions
from the optimizer by mistake. Our system solves these
problems by transmitting the current state of job execution
to the central optimizer, which immediately calculates a
new schedule for each agent. To avoid conflicts when
accessing tools a semaphore mechanism has also been
Location server
Tracking server
Messaging server
Other local services
(Email, W W W etc.)
Fig. 2: Overview of our location based messaging and
object tracking system LOMOT.
A main goal of LOMOT is to provide a secure
environment. BT APs and tag readers are connected by
front ends to the LAN. The front ends connecting the BT
APs to the LAN contain router, firewall and a local DHCP
server. This mechanism avoids direct connections of PDAs
to the LAN and possible attacks to the infrastructure of
LOMOT. All active objects are identified by an
authentication server with their BT address, a user ID and a
PIN code. Transmissions of data between BT APs and
PDAs are encrypted, too. The tracking server annotates
each pass of an object through a tag reader gate and each
access of a PDA to a BT AP. The location server contains
positions of all tag readers, BT APs and the topology and
boundaries of the surrounding. This server also provides
the service to locate all persons/objects by combining the
location information with tracking events originating from
the object to be searched. The messaging server stores
location and user dependent information to be transmitted
to the PDAs.
Allocation and scheduling of jobs is optimized using
Simulates Annealing (SA) [4]. This central optimizer
collects information about each job, its predicted execution
time, its priority and the dependencies of jobs among
themselves. First, an initial allocation of jobs to human
service agents is performed and an initial schedule is
calculated. Necessary tools are allocated to agents and jobs,
too. Finally, the optimization result is transmitted to the
PDAs and all agents can start with their job execution.
Nevertheless, some fuzziness in job execution has always
to be taken into account. Duration of jobs can differ from
predicted values due to the changing performance of
Similar problems for job scheduling can be found in
literature. W. Shen [1] proposes an agent-based approach.
Resources like machines, operators, robots etc. can be
treated as intelligent agents connected by a LAN. Such a
system supports distributed local scheduling instead of a
centralized scheduling mechanism.
Bluetooth and RF tags for location aware computing are
topics of interest of the following two projects. R. Kraemer
[2] demonstrates a successful system for location based
messaging with BT. The implemented fairguide for the
CeBIT 2001 consisted of 130 LAN APs in a hall of
25000m2 with 200 BT enabled PDAs. Moschgath et al. [3]
introduce a Sm@artLibrary to demonstrate localization and
location management technologies, mainly based on RF
tags. Tag readers are integrated in shelves, door frames and
freely available web pads to localize and identify books
containing RF tags.
We have presented an environment for object tracking and
messaging based on BT and RF tag technology. The goal
of this system is to optimize inspection and maintenance in
large industrial plants with a large number of distributed
processes. A distributed optimization scheme using SA
provides near-optimal schedules with the ability to handle
dynamic changes in the schedule.
We would like to acknowledge the support from Texas
1. Shen, W. Distributed Manufacturing Scheduling Using
Intelligent Agents, IEEE Intelligent Systems, pp 88-94,
2. Kraemer, R. Bluetooth Based Wireless Internet
Applications for Indoor Hotspots: Experience of a
Proceedings of IEEE LCN 2001 (Tampa FL, Nov.
2001), 518-524.
3. Moschgath, M.-L. Hahner, J. Reinema, R.
Sm@rtLibrary – An Infrastructure for Ubiquitous
Technologies and Applications. Conference on
Distributed Computing Systems (Mesa AZ, April 2001),
4. Kirkpatrick S. Gelatt Jr. C. D. Vecchi M.P.
Optimization by simulated annealing. Science,
220(4598):671-680, 1
Parsimony & Transparency in Ubiquitous Interface Design
Christopher R. Wren
Cambridge Research Laboratory
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
201 Broadway - 8th floor
Cambridge MA USA 02139
Carson J. Reynolds
Media Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
20 Ames Street
Cambridge MA USA 02139
Minimalism in ubiquitous interface design allows computational augmentations to seamlessly coexist with existing artifacts and the constellations of task behaviors surrounding
them. Specifically, parsimony and transparency contribute to
improved learnability and user acceptance of novel interfaces.
parsimony, transparency, minimalism, design, tangible,
ubiquitous computing, learnability
We present a design philosophy for ubiquitous computing centered on parsimony and transparency. By transparently integrating aspects of the digital world into real artifacts, we
strive to provide ubiquitous interfaces to computation that do
not obscure or destroy the highly refined interaction modalities of the host artifact in the physical world. We believe that
carefully crafted coexistence of the physical and the digital,
based on minimalism, leads to more learnable interfaces.
Figure 1: Left: The system. Right: A sequence of moves
shows the visual annotation. The red box indicates the
last move. The red × indicates a white stone that should
be removed.
We also present a system that demonstrates this design philosophy: an augmented go board. The game of go is a demanding test case because it is surrounded by a set of behaviors
and aesthetic concerns that have been refined over the course
of thousands of years. Our system provides a flexible, modeless augmentation of go by adhering to minimalism.
An overview of the physical configuration of the system, as
implemented, is shown on the left side of Figure 1. The right
side of Figure 1 shows examples of the projected patterns used
to augment the board.
Minimalism doesn’t necessarily imply limited functionality.
Transparent design means minimizing cognitive demands on
the user by limiting the changes to the pre-existing constellation of behaviors surrounding the artifact being augmented.
For example, the augmented go system transparently adds
game recording and an automatic move clock to traditional
face-to-face play with no change to the traditional experience.
The system we implemented is governed by the design philosophies of parsimony and transparency articulated above.
The system itself consists of a light-table comprised of a video
camera and projector situated above a go board on normal table. The system projects visual annotations that form a superset of the traditional board functionality: a game clock, a
remote or artificial opponent’s moves, and a minimal interface for exploring game variations. The vision system explicitly supports our design philosophy by accommodating the
traditional style of game play. Unlike some other tangible
user interface (TUI) light tables, like Underkoffer and Ishii’s
URP[3], our system relies solely on unmodified, traditional
artifacts. Moreover the system is adaptive to various light-
Furthermore, parsimony means minimizing the introduction
of interface elements and inappropriate metaphors that could
lead to clutter. The traditional activities of solitary review,
study, and problem solving are enhanced by the addition of
minimal visual augmentations that are appropriate to the game
context and therefore preserve the game aesthetics. The traditional experience is actually improved because the user is free
not only from distractions in the interface, but also from the
usual distractions of notes, reference books, and newspapers.
ing and geometrical arrangements of the go board. What this
means is that users interact with the light table-enhanced go
board as they traditionally would, but are also provided useful
augmentations. Consequently, players already familiar with
go can learn to use the interface quickly because we’ve minimized the behavioral adjustments needed to use our interface.
We verified our assertions about learnability by conducting a
user study that we will briefly detail here. The experiment
had two conditions: a well designed graphical user interface
(GUI), and our augmented physical board. The experiment
compared these conditions within subject (over 10 subjects).
The independent variable was the choice of condition. The
dependent variable was time on task. The task for both conditions was to play out a game and explore a variation of that
game. The ordering of which condition subjects first encountered was randomized. We infer that our system is more learnable because the time on task for users with no experience
with the game was less with our system, than with the GUI.
Given the null hypothesis that the mean times are the same
for the two conditions, but with unequal variances, the twotailed probability that this data represents the null hypothesis
is p = 3.3817 × 10−6 . Our system was also subjectively
reported by subjects as preferable.
Table 1: Time on task data (in minutes) and select answers
from the questionnaire.
This focus on existing artifacts demands tranparency and parsimony. Transparency seeks to minimize the impact on the
constellation of existing human behavior that surrounds the
host artifact. Parsimony supports transparency by minimizing
the clutter that distracts attention, and avoiding inappropriate
metaphors that add cognitive load. Parsimony is also important for preserving the aethetics of the host artifact. This minimization, avoidance of complexity, and preservations of traditional aesthetics all contribute to the increased learnability
of our interface.
Table 1 shows the data from the experiment. The prefix on the
subject number indicates which condition was experienced
first: 0 for TUI, 1 for GUI. The † denotes that the participant
failed to complete the task before the time limit (n.b. this only
happened in the GUI condition), and µ and σ give the mean
and 95% confidence interval for the data. Questions 1 and 2
asked the subject the difficulty of using our system and the
GUI, respectively (with 1 indicating easy). Question 4 asked
the subjects their preferred system (with 1 indicating a preference for our system). Answers were given on a five point
scale. The remaining questions established the subjects’ familiarity with go and with computers in general. Our thesis is
that transparent, parsimonious TUIs are more learnable, and
we have shown this to be true in a limited domain of comparison (with respect to a representative GUI).
The go board is a particularly challenging artifact because of
its highly refined aesthetic and behavioral constellation. We
have presented an augmented go board that sucessfully showcases a minimalist ubiquitous computing design approach
based on parsimony and transparency.
1. M. Johnson, A. Wilson, B. Blumberg, C. Kline, and
A. Bobick. Sympathethic interfaces: using a plush toy to
direct synthetic characters. In Proceedings of CHI. ACM
Press, 1999.
2. B. Ullmer and H. Ishii. Emerging frameworks for tangible user interfaces. IBM Systems Journal, 39(3&4):915–
931, 2000.
One aspect of this work is the constructive coexistence of the
physical and the virtual. In this respect this work is similar to
the work of Wellner on the DigitalDesk[4] and is informed by
Ishii’s pioneering efforts in tangible user interfaces[3, 2].
3. J. Underkoffler and H. Ishii. Urp: A luminous-tangible
workbench for urban planning and design. In CHI, pages
386–393, 1999.
Another aspect of this work is the desire for transparency and
minimal cognitive demands on the user. In this respect it is
inspired by work on sympathetic interfaces[1] and supported
by the prior literature on perceptual interfaces[5].
4. P. Wellner. The digitaldesk calculator: Tangible manipulation on a desk top display. In Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH
Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology,
pages 107–115., 1991.
5. C. Wren, F. Sparacino, A. Azarbayejani, T. Darrell,
T. Starner, Kotani A, C. Chao, M. Hlavac, K. Russell, and
Pentland A. Perceptive spaces for peformance and entertainment. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 11(4):267–284,
June 1997.
This work focuses on a design principle for augmenting the
traditional, physical tasks that consume a large part of everyday life. This is in contrast with much of the tangible interface
literature that focuses instead on the useful, but different task
of giving graspable manifestation to digital information [2].
Principles of Context Inferences
Eleftheria Katsiri
Laboratory for Communications Engineering
University of Cambridge
Statistical models
This paper discusses the principles of making inferences
about a user’s context from location time-series. These
principles have been implemented and embedded in a
statistical model, used in a Sentient [1] Notification Service. This model makes estimates about the probability of a
situation occurring in the future, based on users’ locations
and past behavior and using methods such as Bayesian
inference [2] and Hidden Markov models [3]. It is also used
for modeling user activities, such as making coffee. This
information is then used by a Context-Aware Notification
Service [9], to notify all registered users who are interested
in the particular activity.
An analysis of sightings in the Laboratory for
Communications Engineering (LCE) [8] over a period of 72
hours has produced a set of predictions of people's
movements. In this experiment, the data were produced by
the Active Bat system [4]. The following figure depicts a
prediction of where Person M is more likely to be “seen”.
Room 11 is Person M’s office and Room 10 is the office he
was moving into at the time of the experiment. The next
section discusses the methodology of this experiment.
Context-Aware, notification service, activity modeling,
Bayesian inference, Hidden Markov models
Success of
Classes Alcove Coffee-Area Corridor Meeting-Room Room-10 Room-11 Room-9
Imagine the following scenario: at 8.15 am, on a Thursday
morning, in an IT company, a visitor wishes to meet the
Director of Finance. The director’s secretary, queries the
system for the probability that the Director will be in his
office shortly. Receiving an encouraging answer, she asks
the visitor to wait and types in her PDA “notify me as soon
as the Director of Finance appears anywhere on the
premises” Meanwhile, the Director has just arrived and
enters the building by the garage. Immediately a
notification is sent to his secretary of his arrival. While he is
still in the elevator he receives notification that “It is 98%
certain that someone is making coffee”. He can't resist
stopping by the coffee-room for cup of coffee on his way to
his office.
Figure 1: Probability of Person M's sightings during the day
Bayesian Predictive Discriminant analysis
Discriminant analysis is a tool that aims to construct a
model for predicting the value of one discrete variable
using other variables. The predictions use infinitively many
models weighted by their probabilities to do the prediction.
The following figure depicts a prediction of the probability
of people’s sightings in the coffee area during morning
Success of classification
Activity modeling and likelihood estimations
Current location platforms [4], [7] and context-aware
systems [5], [6] do not provide ways of inferring useractivity over quantitative data. E.g. a notification such as
“notify me when someone is making coffee” is impossible
with state of the art systems. Similarly, contemporary
systems do not provide any likelihood estimation of a
situation of interest that allows decision making. E.g.
requests similar to “I want to be registered for notification
about whether Person X is in his office, only if there is a
strong possibility that Person X will come in the office
today” are unfeasible.
Classes Person-A Person-D Person-G Person-J Person-L
Prediction count
Figure 2: Probability of morning sightings in the coffee-area
In this case, while doing the cross validation, it was
predicted 58 times that data item should belong to the class
"Person-A" and 67.2% of these classifications were correct.
So it is estimated that if the system predicts previously
unseen data item to belong to the class "Person-A", there is
67.2% chance that this prediction is right. The reliability of
this estimate can be rated by stating the fact that the
estimate is based on classifying 58 items (11% of the
sample) as members of the class "Person-A". Below each
estimate (fig2) a bar chart indicates the percentage of the
sample size used to calculate this estimate.
correctly detected to be making coffee in a total 4 times
within 72 hours. Two of these people (Person L and Person
A), are regular coffee-makers as can be inferred by the
predictability of their movements in the coffee area in the
morning, when the coffee is usually prepared. (fig2) Person
D, although is frequently seen in the coffee area in the
morning, does not drink coffee, and therefore never makes
any. Person P also admitted to her having prepared coffee,
during the duration of the experiment.
Preliminary Evaluation
We asked the people who were picked up by the system if
they are frequently in the coffee area in the morning and
both Person A and Person L confirmed to their regularly
making coffee there in the morning. Person D, confirmed
that he makes tea regularly, and therefore is also often in
the coffee area in the morning. This observation led us
towards looking into the following problem. Can we detect
a user making coffee just by his movements? The following section explains how we solved this problem
I am grateful to Professor Andy Hopper for his precious
guidance and support throughout this work. I would like to
thank the University of Cambridge for supporting the
funding of my PhD.
1. Andy Hopper. The Royal Society Clifford Paterson
Lecture: Sentient Computing,
Activity modeling using a Hidden Markov Model :
Detecting the coffee-making process
2. http://www.cs.Helsinki.FI/research/cosco/Projects/NON
E/SW/. BAYDA 1.31 – Bayesian Predictive Discriminant Analysis.
We have designed a coffee-making detector, using a Hidden Markov Model with four states. We noticed that the
coffee-making process in our lab requires a person to first
approach the coffee machine and remove the jar. Next, one
must go to the sink, empty the jar and fill it with fresh water
from the tap. Then, one has to re-approach the coffee
machine fill it with the water, and ground and press the start
button. We furthermore assumed that if the user completes
the coffee machine-sink-coffee machine cycle without
leaving the combined area of the coffee machine and the
sink, then there is very strong possibility that he is making
coffee. The Hidden Markov model for modeling the coffee
making process, is depicted in the following figure.
is at the coffee-machine
has not exited
the room
is at the sink
3. Rakesh Dugad. A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models.
Technical Report, Signal Processing and Neural
Networks Laboratory, Department of Electrical
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay,
4. Andy Harter, Andy Hopper, Pete Steggles, Andy Ward
and Paul Webster. The Anatomy of a Context-Aware
Application. In Proceedings of the fifth annual
ACM/IEEE international conference on Mobile
Computing and Networking August 15-19, Seattle, 1999
5. Location-Aware Information Delivery with ComMotion,
Springer-Verlag, 2000
6. Dey K. Anind and Gregory D. Abowd. CyberMinder: A
Context-Aware System for Supporting Reminders. In
CHI ,2000
Quality of Service for Distributed Reconfigurable
Adaptive Multimedia
is at the coffee machine
for more than 40 sec.
8. Laboratory for Communications Engineering
Figure 3: A Hidden Markov Model that detects coffee-making
9. D. Ipina and E. Katsiri. A Rule-Matching Service for
Simpler Development of Reactive Applications. In
The outcome of the above experiment has been 4 inferences
and corresponding notifications all of which were correct.
Three people (Person L, Person A and Person P) have been
Plan-Aware Behavioral Modeling
Matthew Lease
Intel Research Lab @ Seattle
One exciting promise of ubiquitous computing is that
increased fidelity in natural world sensing will enable
computers to better serve people via responsive or
anticipatory behavior. We believe better behavioral
modeling of users can play an important role in helping to
make this possible. We propose the technique of planaware behavioral modeling to reason about deviations
between a user’s intended plan of behavior and behavior
actually observed. We have been investigating this general
technique in the context of supporting a specific activity:
musical rehearsal and performance. Preliminary evaluation
suggests the technique merits further investigation.
Behavior modeling, Bayesian network, proactive
The advent of ubiquitous computing has introduced
exciting new opportunities for computers to both become
significantly more aware of their physical environments
and to actualize tangible behavior within these
environments. A common hope is that these new
capabilities will enable computers to better serve people via
responsive or anticipatory behavior. In order to achieve this
goal, better behavioral modeling of users is necessary.
Fortunately, continuing improvements in sensing
technologies provide increasing opportunities for
computers to monitor user behavior more accurately and in
new ways. By analyzing the data collected from this
monitoring, detailed behavioral models may be
constructed. For example, when a user performs a certain
action, a computer could consult that user’s behavioral
model to reason about what caused the user behave in that
way (i.e. diagnosis). Such a model could also be leveraged
to help predict a user’s future actions, enabling the
computer to provide proactive assistance appropriate to the
expected behavior. Finally, such models can be studied to
improve our own understandings of human behavior.
We have been exploring behavioral modeling for situations
where a computer knows a user is trying to perform some
given task and can monitor the user’s progress towards
completing the task. More specifically, the user has a plan
of successive steps he intends to perform but may deviate
from it due to limitations in execution accuracy. In order to
restrict our focus to reasoning about plan-execution
inaccuracies, we assume any deviations are accidental and
rely on the user to clearly communicate intentional changes
to the plan. We believe there are many interesting
scenarios in which these conditions are met. Our goal is to
enable ubiquitous assistance in such scenarios in order to
improve user accuracy in executing a desired plan.
To provide a real-world example, consider in-vehicle route
planning assistance [1]. In this scenario, a driver asks his
vehicle’s telematics system for driving directions to a given
destination address. The system determines the vehicle’s
current location via GPS and plots an appropriate route,
automatically updating the directions whenever the driver
makes a wrong turn, etc. While such automated route replanning is obviously a valuable feature, the driver would
probably prefer to have not made the wrong turn at all. By
real-time monitoring of such mistakes and recognizing
patterns of their occurrence, we believe it might be possible
to predict an upcoming wrong turn and proactively tailor
interaction with the driver, providing sufficient assistance
to prevent the mistake’s occurrence.
We have been investigating the application of plan-aware
behavioral modeling to providing ubiquitous assistance for
musical rehearsal and performance. We chose this
application because it provided a real, existing activity to
support and a novel environment for evaluating ubiquitous
computing techniques. In this application, the user is a
musician and the plan of behavior is represented by a
composer’s score, which indicates a sequence of notes to
be performed. While others have studied musician mistake
patterns relevant to cognitive planning [2], our interest is in
exploring those mistake patterns which allow an
opportunity for providing automated assistance. Other
work has shown one can estimate in real-time a musician’s
position within a given score [3], though the estimate
produced will contain a degree of uncertainty which must
be accounted for when using the estimate. We propose
augmenting existing estimation techniques with plan-aware
behavioral modeling in order to predict whether an
upcoming note will be performed correctly and to automate
diagnosing the cause of detected mistakes. In the first case,
if the model suggests the musician will have difficulty
performing a given note, we would like to offer proactive
assistance to prevent the mistake’s occurrence. The success
of a solution to this problem may be evaluated by
comparing a musician’s performance accuracy with and
without the assistance enabled. In the second case, we
would like to offer responsive assistance to prevent the
mistake from reoccurring. The success of a solution to this
problem may be evaluated similarly.
We have focused our initial analysis on solo piano
performances. Such performance data may be readily
acquired due to the commercial availability of pianos
supporting real-time output of MIDI events describing
performer-piano interaction. Given a tolerance for
additional sensing uncertainty, existing techniques may
also be employed to extract similar data in real-time from
ensembles of arbitrary instruments [3].
We will be using a Bayesian network [4] to exploit
knowledge of the plan in addition to musical context and
historical observations of behavior. Bayesian Networks
make it practical to perform inference under uncertainty by
expressing independence assumptions between parameters.
As the musician plays, any mistakes made and the musical
context of those mistakes will be used to update the
network’s prior and conditional probabilities. We expect
these probabilities and the structure of the network can
incrementally gain complexity as automated learning and
domain expertise iteratively influence and inform one
another. Model accuracy will be evaluated using standard
model validation techniques.
In order to provide the musician with ubiquitous assistance,
we will ask him to read the score from an electronic
display. As he performs, we will automatically generate
digital annotations consistent with how the musician would
manually annotate a paper copy of the score during
rehearsal (Figure 1). These annotations will be created
both proactively, to prevent mistake occurrence, and
retroactively, to prevent mistake re-occurrence.
Figure 2: A musical
excerpt shown in piano
roll notation
Figure 3: Modified staff
timings in a familiar format
notion of time which can only coarsely describe the actual
timing of performance events. After unsuccessfully trying
to find an existing tool which addressed this mismatch, we
adapted a spreadsheet program to create our own modified
version of staff notation (Figure 3). As with the piano roll
notation viewer, we were able to zoom in on regions of
interest to better visualize precise timing of performance
events. Use of these complementary approaches has begun
to reveal some interesting mistake patterns for analysis. For
example, one performer tended to be late with his middle
finger when playing chords with his right hand (Figure 3).
In addition to the applications mentioned thus far, we
would also like to investigate how plan-aware behavioral
monitoring could enhance ubiquitous computing support
for several other scenarios: distance and self-education,
fabrication and maintenance, laboratory work, and assisting
the elderly and disabled.
We would like to thank Ron Patterson and Henry Kautz for
their assistance with this work.
Figure 1: Annotations denoting articulation & chord
structure used in a performance of Mendelssohn’s Elijah
Our results thus far consist of analyzing an existing data set
we were able to obtain from another researcher [5].
Previous analysis of this data set was restricted to
evaluating methods for estimating score position. In
contrast, our interest was to study musician behavior and to
begin developing tools for analyzing the data in this light.
The data set consists of both MIDI data and a subjective
coding of mistakes as identified by a domain expert. We
began our analysis by exploring the many existing tools
which support interactive MIDI playback and visualization.
After surveying the visualization options available, we
found piano roll notation (see Figure 2) to be the most
valuable in examining precise details of note onsets and
durations. However, we also found it necessary to
complement our use of piano roll notation with a format
more closely resembling the familiar, traditional Western
staff notation in which the original score was written.
Unfortunately, traditional staff notation presents an abstract
1. M. Ness and M. Herbert. A prototype low cost invehicle navigation system. Vehicle Navigation and
Information Systems Conference, 1993, 56-59.
2. C. Drake and C. Palmer. Skill acquisition in music
performance. Cognition 72 (2000), 1-33.
3. L. Grubb et al. Automated Accompaniment of Musical
Ensembles. Proc. of 12th National AAAI (1994), 94-99.
4. E. Charniak. Bayesian networks without tears. AI
Magazine 12 (1991), 4, 50-63.
5. H. Heijink et al. Data processing in music performance
research: Using structural information to improve scoreperformance matching. Behavioral Research Methods,
Instruments & Computers 32 (2000), 4, 546-554.
SiSSy – Smart-its child Surveillance System
Henrik Jernström
PLAY Studio, Interactive Institute
Hugo Grauers gata 3
41133 Göteborg, Sweden
In this paper I describe what functions are necessary to
support people responsible for children by using computeraugmented artifacts. The suggested solution, SiSSy, is based
on using input from Smart-It devices to prevent children
from finding themselves in danger by alerting parents of the
situation. To collect information of how the system should
be designed I gathered a group of possible future users to
participate in a brainstorming workshop. I report the results
from the workshop and how these have influenced the
design of SiSSy.
Children disappear from their parents in shopping malls,
crowded places and sometimes children even get lost from
daycare. It is impossible for parents and daycare personnel
to always have full control over what children are up to,
where they are going, and if there is more than one child who is doing what. The Smart-its child Surveillance
System, SiSSy, is an approach to tag children and parents
with Smart-Its devices which can sense the environment and
determine whether a situation is dangerous or if the child is
engaged in something hazardous. The idea is to make SiSSy
easy to use without requiring any specific infrastructure
such as large transmitting equipment or satellites
communication. The system is by its nature primarily suited
for children between ages two and five and will,
implemented and ready, be tested on children of that age.
Smart-Its, Ubiquitous Computing, Context Awareness
The vision of Ubiquitous Computing has the ambition to
relieve us from the demanding and intruding properties of
the computer, get it out of sight - out in the periphery of our
lives, while still being able to reap the benefits of
computational services. Computers should conform to
humans and humans’ needs, rather than the other way
around. One solution for this is to attach computers to
objects in the real world and connect them to each other to
make them support people’s requirements whenever and
wherever they need it [2]. Ubiquitous Computing now
seems within our grasp by the increasing growth of
computer power, smaller and more accurate sensors, greater
communication bandwidth and less power consuming
devices. One research project that tries to realize some of
the possibilities of Ubiquitous Computing is Smart-Its.
From the parents point of view
To ground my research and find the relevant functionality
for SiSSy I chose to engage possible future users by
arranging a brainstorming workshop. Five parents took part
in the workshop, which lasted for three hours including
introduction and scenario presentations. The comic striplike scenarios were used to illustrate the intention of SiSSy
and give the participants a notion of the Smart-Its
capabilities. To make the discussion easier and give it a
more concrete form a map over a playground was used with
small toy figures exemplifying children and parents. The
session was recorded with a video camera.
The Smart-Its project
The Smart-Its project [3] is collaboration between TecO
Karlsruhe, ETH Zürich, VTT Finland, University of
Lancaster, PLAY Interactive Institute and FAL Viktoria
Institute and is funded by the European Union’s
Disappearing Computer Initiative. The goal is to make
computational augmentation of everyday things. Smart-Its
are devices that perceive their environment with various
sensors, communicate with peers, and have adaptable and
modifiable behaviors. The vision of these devices is for
them to be as cheap, non-intrusive and common as modern
radio-tags so that they can be used to build and test
ubiquitous computing scenarios by augmenting a great
number of everyday objects and places with Smart-Its.
Figure 1: Parents discussing different scenarios using a map
and toy figures
The participants’ opinions are summarized as follows:
MHz radio transceiver and a sensor board that can detect
sound (using a microphone), touch pressure, light level, 2dimensional acceleration and temperature. An I2C bus
connects the boards together and both boards are equipped
with a microchip PIC microcontroller running at 20MHz.
The system allows for ad-hoc networks to be formed
spontaneously, and has support for sensor data processing
and context recognition.
• It is important that SiSSy warns before anything has
happened. It has to sense sudden and rapid movement
away from other devices, which should trigger an alarm.
• SiSSy must be totally reliable to have parents’ complete
trust. However, they also recognized that if this is well
accomplished, there might be a risk of parents becoming
inattentive to what their children are doing.
• SiSSy should be able to sense moisture to prevent
accidents in water, altitude to detect dangers of falling,
and car exhausts and traffic noise to make it possible to
decide whether the child is near traffic or not.
My work will progress in order to satisfy the user
requirements as far as it is technically possible using the
current Smart-Its platform (making absolute positioning
unfeasible). The physical characteristics of SiSSy devices
are shown in my design prototype (figure 2) with the
intention to attach the box to children’s belts. Parents’
devices are connected to a wristwatch with a cable, used for
attracting attention when an alarm is triggered (cf. [1]),
using vibration and colored LEDs. In addition, several
stand-alone devices have been constructed. SiSSy’s
behavior will adapt to the situation and decrease or increase
the broadcast radius whether the situation is dangerous or
not (as one of the requirements for initiating an alarm is the
loss of contact between the devices). The system will also
be able to route information through intermediate devices to
make the functionality more flexible. The first SiSSy ready
for use will be evaluated by the same parents who took part
in the above described workshop. The test will be carried
out on a playground similar to what the workshop map
• The behavior of SiSSy should be easy to modify. Different
sensors can be used for different purposes in different
situation and SiSSy should support this. It is more likely
that SiSSy will be used if it works in more than one place.
• Smart-Its could also be used for tagging the surroundings
and not just for tagging children and adults. The benefits
would be to create secure and non-secure areas when a
family is temporarily at a location e.g. at a playground, on
a picnic, etc.
• There were also arguments for making SiSSy absolute
position aware, motivated by that if you can’t find a
missing child there is really no point with using SiSSy.
• Wristwatch-like device for the parents with a vibrator
alarm with preferably text messages that calls for the
parent’s attention [1] and informs about the situation, who,
were and what.
The perfect SiSSy application has to be completely reliable
for it to help parents and personnel working with children.
Complex contexts should be detected and understood by the
combination of different sensors, their input and
appropriate algorithms and the system should determine
whether it is dangerous for children or not (falling, traffic,
crying etc). Because of the inherent complexity of the
problem, it is most likely that SiSSy will primarily be an
experiment to explore the Smart-Its concept and bring up
important questions for the use of Smart-Its in a wider
sense. The goal is to demonstrate a complex application
based on ad-hoc networking and real-time information from
distributed and mobile devices.
• The child device should be attached properly on the
child’s belt and must be silent. This to prevent any risk
that SiSSy could cause disturbance in the psychological
development for a child from being under surveillance.
The Smart-Its project is funded by the Commission of the
European Union as part of the research initiative “The
Disappearing Computer” (contract IST-2000-25428).
1. Hansson, R., Ljungstrand, P. and Redström, J. Subtle
and Public Notification Cues for Mobile Devices. In:
Proceedings of UbiComp 2001. Springer.
Figure 2: Smart-Its assembled in a cassette box.
Smart-Its description
The Smart-Its prototype used for SiSSy is designed and
manufactured by TecO, University of Karlsruhe. It consists
of two main boards: an RF-board equipped with a 868.35
2. Weiser, M. "The world is not a desktop". Interactions;
January 1994; pp. 7-8. ACM Press.
3., (14 September 2002)
SoundPryer: Joint Music Listening on the Road
Fredrik Axelsson, Mattias Östergren
Interactive Institute Mobility Studio
Karlavägen 108, 104 50 Stockholm
+46 (0)8 783 24 80
{ fredrik.axelsson, mattias.ostergren }
The roads become increasingly congested. People in cars
need more entertainment. Eavesdropping the music played
in other vehicles is an interesting alternative. We introduce
the SoundPryer prototype, which is a mobile music-sharing
tool. It is an application for handheld devices equipped
with wireless LAN adapters and thus provides sharing in a
wide variety of mobile settings. The application accommodates situations ranging from walking to driving a vehicle,
but specifically adapted for the latter. Meetings in traffic
are highly contingent and therefore SoundPryer is designed
as a peer-to-peer application over ad hoc networks. Sharing
is accomplished by streaming MP3 files.
Music sharing, Mobile Computing, Ad hoc Networking
We believe jointly listening to music shared between cars
on the road would be an entertaining addition to the experience of car driving. Sharing music is an important activity
in the everyday handling with music. It is a major factor
when establishing the identity of a person or a group. It
also increases a person's musical appetite [1, 2]. Recently,
sharing of digitally encoded music, such as MP3 files, has
gained a lot of attention. Through the use of Internet peerto-peer applications, such as Napster and Gnutella, a large
body of people gained access to each other's files. When
spending time in a vehicle, listening to music is a popular
entertainment. In a recent report [1] it is found that, in a
group of music enthusiasts, on average, 82 % of the time in
a car, is spent listening to music. However, in a car the only
possibility to share music is to play it loud to other passengers. In traffic there is plenty of people around, and it is
likely that they listen to music, but there are no means to
share music experiences. We believe a tool to enable sharing of digitally encoded music among people in vehicles
would be interesting for two reasons. First it will expand
the benefits of sharing to mobile situations. Second, it will
make road use more enjoyable. A user will hear new music
and associate its source with vehicles in the immediate surrounding. Imagine he or she is passed by a pick-up truck
and thinking: "Sigh. Another country fan." When hearing
the music being played in that vehicle, the user is surprised:
"That driver is listening to Disco!" Napster and Gnutella
are instead designed to share files among users connected
to the Internet and doing it anonymously. These applica-
tions are focused on searching and retrieving files and the
music experience of playing a downloaded file, is unbounded in time and place. SoundPryer aims at sharing
music experiences when co-located in traffic. It tackles the
challenge to facilitate sharing in order to provide joint music experiences, during brief and opportunistic meetings,
where Internet access is not available. We are investigating
handheld computers equipped with wireless LAN (WLAN)
interface cards as the platform for sharing music in traffic.
We are currently collecting requirements and experimenting with various designs in order to ultimately craft and
evaluate a prototype application for the PocketPC operating
system. It will use IEEE 802.11 compatible WLAN cards.
Sharing is accomplished by streaming MP3 files over ad
hoc connections.
Music sharing has received some attention by the research
community, since it yields some collaborative properties.
The principal systems suggestions are: Music Books, Music Buddy [2] and ShoutCar [3]. Music Books, explores the
fact that music encoded on tapes, CDs etc. possesses tangible properties. By coupling a small book with music resources on the Internet, tangibility and the flexibility of
digitally encoded music is combined. Sharing is accomplished by handing someone one of these books. Music
Buddy aims at stimulating sharing and the socializing that
occurs around it. The user uploads a listing of his or her
music collection to a web server. He or she is then clustered together to other users according to musical taste. By
browsing this cluster or clusters related to it, the user learns
about new music and new acquaintances. ShoutCar lets the
user listen to samples of music while driving. The samples
are stored in servers and they are accessed through a web
interface. First, a user assembles a selection of samples and
later, in the car, they may be played.
We believe that handheld devices equipped with WLAN
cards will enjoy widespread usage in the future. Such devices will become personal accessories and be present in
many different situations in life. Today many networked
applications for these devices assume some properties of
the mobile situation in order to work, such as connectivity
with an office LAN for Internet access. However, we believe applications should accommodate use in a much
wider spectrum of situations. In our case mobile music
sharing will be available irrespective of the mobile setting
at hand; may it be walking by a road, or driving in traffic.
Traffic is a highly mobile situation. High speed makes
meetings among people very contingent and a sharing application must be able to act promptly on them. Such application requires three properties of the network. Besides a
high and predictable bandwidth, the networking must also
be of low delay and the range of the wireless network must
be at least 100 meters. This is an ideal situation for mobile
ad hoc connections over WLAN in contrast to current and
future mobile telephony and Bluetooth networks. The transient nature of ad hoc networks implies that distributed
applications cannot rely on infrastructure, such as routers
or servers; however, a peer-to-peer software architecture is
The functionality of SoundPryer is dependant of the number of co-located peers. When co-located, all receivers are
dependant of the number users actually actively providing
music. In order to maximize the possibility that there is
something to listen to, SoundPryer requires the user to assemble a play-list before he or she may activate the playback mechanism. Each item in this list is then immediately
and always available for other peers, through streaming,
whenever they are selected for local playback.
There must be a balance in playing for others and listening
to what others play. The playback mechanism in SoundPryer is provided through two modes: manual and automatic. The manual mode is useful when the user wants to
control the music selection. It is ideal for situations when
being interested to listen to local files. Still, it supports toggling to a remote source. This provides quickly checking
out what someone else in the vicinity is listening to. In the
automatic mode SoundPryer provides an experience for the
user. This mode plays a mix of local and remotely sourced
files however it always strives at playing music from remote sources. We suggest a rule to prevent a situation
where, for instance, two peers are in automatic mode and
repeatedly attempt to select each other. A user may only
manually select and the application may only automatically
select, a peer that plays a local file. Now, if all peers are in
automatic mode, all users but one will be able to select a
remote peer.
When in a sharing situation it is essential to be aware from
whom you are receiving music. The challenge is to obtain
clear and concise coupling between real-world properties
relevant to tell who you are and how they are reflected by
the application. In SoundPryer, a user is represented by
three properties: a nickname, a silhouette of a vehicle, and
the color of it. When choosing a silhouette, a user will select among a predefined set of stylized shapes. The choices
correspond to, for instance, a convertible, a pick-up truck, a
motorcycle, a bike etc. There is also a humanoid figure, to
accommodate usage when not driving.
Supporting activities related to music-sharing experiences
is important. The SoundPryer logs the date, time, silhouette, color, nickname, the title and artist of all the remote
streams received and played. A user may also add such
entry to a "favorites" database. Having these logs is helpful, when later trying to find a track at a retailer.
In many situations the user of SoundPryer will be occupied
with other cognitive demanding tasks, such as driving in
intense traffic. The GUI is designed to mostly be in the
fringe of the user's attention and not interfere with the
situation at hand. To effectively display the status at a
glance, it uses large controls of high-contrast colors. Making use of the touch sensitive screen and large interface
controls will accommodate easy finger-based interaction.
Internally the playback mechanism is represented by four
states. The states represent the four combinations of mode
and the source of music. The states are: manual/local,
manual/remote, automatic/local and automatic/remote. In
manual/local, SoundPryer plays and broadcasts a file in the
play-list. In this state, the user may manually select a peer
present in the list of available remote peers. Then the playback switches to the manual/remote state. In manual/remote, the application receives and plays the broadcast
stream from a remote peer. When connectivity is lost, or
deliberately terminated, the application resumes to manual/local state. The automatic/local state is similar to the
manual/local state. However, when a remote peer appears,
the playback and broadcasting of a local file is stopped.
The source of playback is then automatically changed from
local to remote and the application enters the automatic/remote state. In the automatic/remote state, when
connectivity is lost, a new remote peer is selected automatically. As long as there are at least two peers present,
after a fixed interval, SoundPryer terminates the current
connection and randomly selects a new peer. If no peers are
present, operation resumes to the automatic/local state.
We would like to thank our colleagues for valuable comments on our work. SITI funded this project.
1. Brown, B. Geelhoed, E., and Sellen A. The Use of
Conventional New Music Media: Implications for Future Technologies. In Proc. of INTERACT'01, pp. 6775, Tokyo, Japan.
2. Brown, B. Geelhoed, E., and Sellen A. Music Sharing
as a Computer Supported Collaborative Application, In
Proc. of ECSCW'01, pp. 179-198, Bonn, Germany.
3. Åkesson, K-P., and Nilsson, A., Designing Leisure Applications. To appear in Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 6, 2002, Springer-Verlag.
SpeakerPhone: a platform for dynamic
human-navigable soundscapes
Jonah Brucker-Cohen and Stefan Agamanolis
Human Connectedness group
Media Lab Europe
Sugar House Lane, Bellevue, Dublin 8, Ireland
{jonah, stefan}
SpeakerPhone is a high-density array of speakers for
presence applications. Scenarios for its use include
networked soundscapes, data visualization and
spatialization, interactive location-based narratives, and
customizable sound landscapes. SpeakerPhone is an
enabling technology that focuses on the opportunity to
provide rich immersive experiences through highly tailored
spatial sound environments. It differs from past research in
its modular structure for realizing a diverse range of
applications and its emphasis on revealing the physical
pathways of data through spatialized audio. The project
attempts to contribute to an overall infrastructure for
human-navigable technology-mediated spaces.
Spatialized audio, data visualization, location-based
storytelling, responsive audio, telepresence
SpeakerPhone is a framework for creating hybrid spaces
combining audio spatialization, data visualization,
telepresence, narrative environments, and audience
participation. Unlike traditional audio spatialization
techniques in which listeners must be passive,
SpeakerPhone enables the creation of multi-layered,
architecturally integrated, physically-navigable audio
soundscapes. These dynamic soundscapes can be
controlled telematically or through direct sensor feedback.
SpeakerPhone also enables modes of data visualization for
information moving across networks as a way of increasing
awareness of these concealed information pathways.
audio transmissions between remote locations. VisualRoute
[3] and the Unix traceroute utility illustrate methods of
accessing and visualizing the physical path of information
across international networks. Finally, the interactive
Argentina-based performance De La Guarda [5]
demonstrates the power of a mobile audience mediated by
Benefits of SpeakerPhone
SpeakerPhone’s approach differentiates itself from past
research by both using sound as a medium to reveal the
path of data in a physical space as well as by focusing on
scenarios for the capture, transmission, and precise layering
of spatial audio information from one architectural
environment into another.
The SpeakerPhone prototype consists of a high-density
array of 24 miniature speakers installed in a room at our
laboratory [Fig. 1]. These speakers can be controlled via a
computer interface to a microcontroller that instantaneously
switches between relays that address different speakers in
the array [Fig. 2]. The SpeakerPhone architecture provides
the ability to create customized effects, such as making a
sound travel around the room in various directions and
rates of speed, or having a sound follow someone moving
through the room.
SpeakerPhone’s focus on ubiquitous spatialized audio, data
visualization, telematic systems, and narrative spaces
uncovers a diverse amount of related work. Projects range
from Perry Cook’s NBody musical instrument modeling
project [1], which recreated instrumental sound through
specifically arranged speaker arrays, to Interval Research’s
ThunderWire [2], an audio-only media space for networked
Figure 1. 3D model of the speaker arrangement in a
room at our laboratory
5. Telematic Audio Control: Remote networked control of
audio placement would allow for collaborative audio
environments created across distance by multiple
performers or participants.
6. Pathways of Data: SpeakerPhone’s node-based
architecture enables users of the system not only to
dictate the final location of audio but also the path it
travels to a specific destination. In this way, the system
suggests the ability to customize the routes taken by
other kinds of data in communications networks.
Figure 2. SpeakerPhone technical system
SpeakerPhone provides an inexpensive modular platform
for the realization of a diverse range of potential
applications such as networked soundscapes, data
spatialization, interactive narrative environments, and
customizable sound landscapes. Below are a few specific
scenarios in which the system might be employed.
1. Data Spatialization: Speakerphone uses sound as a
means of exposing data moving through physical
spaces. SpeakerPhone attempts to free information
from the hidden pathways of wires. The movement of
sound becomes an audible illustration of the information
overload infiltrating our daily connected lives.
2. Networked Audio Mapping: When various necessities
dictate our being separated from our friends, family, and
colleagues, the need to maintain some kind of contact
becomes more urgent. By creating a continuous twoway ambient auditory link between a pair of similar
spaces through accurate sound layering, we can create a
hybrid “connected” space. Such a scenario would
require mirror arrays of microphones and sophisticated
echo-cancellation technology.
3. Narrative Audio Targeting: Escaping the passive
audience model, SpeakerPhone enables dynamic
narrative sound applications and allows for a mobile
relationship between audience and content in a story,
presentation, or performance. The audience can help
drive the narrative because their investment in the
narrative becomes both physical and mental.
4. Smart Speakers: Like the Audio Spotlight [4],
SpeakerPhone can focus audio on specific locations in a
space and transform the audio landscape based on
sensor feedback of various kinds. With further
enhancement to the technology, individual speakers in
the array could be made to sense their surroundings and
create dynamic soundscapes based on their proximity to
each other or other objects.
Future research on SpeakerPhone will include building a
new type of speaker architecture that provides independent
computational capability within each speaker node, and
forming a self-organizing ad-hoc networking protocol for
controlling playback and movement of audio from node to
node. Other improvements include equipping each speaker
with its own audio processing circuitry and adding a
wireless transceiver for collecting new audio data or
broadcasting the audio source or stored sound in each
speaker to other nodes. This would simplify deployment of
the system in new environments and enable it to be
controlled via standard wireless networking protocols.
SpeakerPhone enables the creation of dynamic, physicallynavigable audio spaces in which listeners do not have to
wear headphones or remain still in one location. The
scenarios presented illustrate a variety of application
possibilities that relate to interactive narrative, data
visualization, spatial audio mapping, collaborative live
performance, and ambient communication. The project
emphasizes the integration of audio with architectural
environments both as an enabling technology for presence
applications and as a way of enhancing our understanding
of how we interact with digital information in the physical
spaces we inhabit.
This research has been supported by sponsors and partners
of Media Lab Europe.
1. Cook, P. R., Essl, G., Tzanetakis, G., Trueman D. N >>
2: Multi-speaker Display Systems for Virtual Reality
and Spatial Audio Projection, ICAD ’98, Glasgow, UK.
2. Hindus, D., Ackerman, M., Mainwaring, S., Starr, B.
Thunderwire: A Field Study of an Audio-Only Media
Space, in Proc. CSCW ’96, ACM Press, 238-247.
3. Visual Route, (last visited
12 June 2002).
4. Pompei, F. J. The Use of Airborne Ultrasonics for
Generating Audible Sound Beams, in Journal of the
AES 47, 9 (September 1999), 726-731.
5. De La Guarda, (last visited
12 June 2002).
Teaching a practical Ubicomp course with Smart-Its
Michael Beigl, Philip Robinson,Tobias Zimmer, Christian Decker
TecO, University of Karlsruhe
Karlsruhe, Germany
Email {michael, philip, zimmer, cdecker}
We propose the Smart-Its platform as a platform for teaching
Ubicomp in practical student courses. We present four experiments that were undertaken during summer term 2002 along with
the outcome. Applications, context, sensor and Wireless ad-hoc
communication were the key issues in these experiments. We also
introduced the use of the Smart-Its hardware and development
platform as tools for such teaching activities.
Teaching, smart devices, context, sensors, communication.
Teaching Ubiquitous computing topics in a practical student
course requires a platform that is easily used yet provides a realistic environment for students to solve real-world problems, while
experimenting. This paper therefore presents Smart-Its as a platform for conducting such experiments in student courses. SmartIts [1] are small devices (1.5x4 cm) containing sensing (various),
computing (5 MIPS) and communication (via RF) capabilities.
These Smart-Its are intended to be attached to everyday objects so
as to enhance the functionality of the object, deliver information
(collected through sensors) to other devices and to produce acoustic or visual output. The Smart-Its platform also includes a software library and development support that is simple to program
when implementing Ubiquitous Computing scenarios. The platform is powerful enough to allow programmers to implement
algorithms and rather complex context detection. Smart-Its provide access to functionality like sensors and communication
through libraries and operating system functions. For our practical
course we identified four main topics where Smart-Its are helpful.
Smart-Its are used in the experiments as Smart-Its nodes for
sensing data in the environment, for computing context out of
these sensor data, for communicating these data to other nodes,
and for building and testing applications. For the experiments,
Smart-Its nodes had to be attached to everyday objects by students and then had to be programmed. The paper briefly describes
the content of the course held first in summer term 2002, experience collected and also the development environment and technical parameters.
Related Work
Up to now there are only a few platforms available that can serve
as a basis for a practical course. One of them is the Berkley Mots
[2] system and the TinyOS. In contrast to the Mots Smart-Its provide some better performance values (e.g. faster communication)
and also a development environment including wireless programming with systems in place over the RF channel. Smart-its
also support analysis of context and sensor data via backend systems. First ideas for tools for building ubiquitous computing systems were presented in the first workshop on Ubicomp Tools at
Ubicomp 2001 [3]. However, only a minority is available for use
now, e.g. the CoolBase or the Phidget system. The drawback of
these systems is their reliance on a wired or simple IR-base communication architecture, which restricts their application range.
Teaching a practical course in Ubicomp
In an example practical course we identified four main topics to
be taught; the premier topic was based on building and testing
applications in the area of ubiquitous computing, while the remaining three topics demonstrated Ubicomp-enabling technologies. The second dealt with context and sensor technology, the
third with context communication between different nodes in a
network and the fourth with basic communication and energy
issues. The students conducted general experiments for topics 2-4,
followed by a more detailed experiment based on topic 1. The
motivation to use the Smart-Its platform and the expected outcome of these topics are described in the paragraphs below:
Ad-hoc application experiments
This part of the course was dedicated to collecting practical experiences with applying technology into the everyday environment. In the experiment students were faced with a complex and
distributed application, where multiple nodes worked together to
fulfill a task. The major outcomes were that students learnt to
develop distributed applications, how to address security and
privacy issues and where to implement Smart-Its nodes. The student also had to solve practical problems associated with attaching Smart-its nodes to objects and collecting information. A definite advantage of using Smart-Its is the short implementation time
for small and medium-sized application settings. Such settings
require nodes that are not fixed to wired sensor structures (with
long set-up times) and are not reliant on a complicated infrastructure. Furthermore, as Smart-Its computation is processed onboard, applications and experiments are not confined to the lab,
plus they can be implemented within a restricted time frame, having no previous knowledge of the technology.
Context and sensors
In this experiment students learnt about the available sensors,
which sensors or combination of sensors can be used to retrieve a
context and what algorithms are appropriate for use in small sensor nodes. They also became familiar with the characteristics of
sensors, e.g. their required sampling rate, the energy consumption
and their error rate. The Smart-Its sensor board provides a general
set of sensors that can be used for sensor-based applications and
for experiments on deriving context from sensor data. Such experiments always require information retrieval yet, due to the data
transmission deficiencies of wireless networks, they often require
processing of data at the sensors‘ location. Smart-its support this
by providing a complete computing and sensor infrastructure
integrated into the boards.
Abstract context aware communication
The outcome of this experiment was a general understanding of
how to express context information for use in other applications,
how to filter and combine them into new (richer) types of contexts
and how to communicate them between applications. Smart-Its
support this through a context protocol layer and an application
programming interface (API). This layer is intended to be extended by new types of contexts that may result from previous
work on contexts retrieval with Smart-Its.
Network and energy issues
As most of the energy in a node is spent on communication, another consideration in the experiment was the implementation of
energy saving and energy aware protocol extensions. A major
outcome of the experiment was the understanding of communication issues for ubiquitous computing networks, their characteristics and solution strategies. Smart-Its support access to different
layers of communication; In Smart-Its the network layer can be
accessed through a simple API providing all functionality to implement various types of algorithms including energy aware protocol enhancements.
trieved and communicated to a second Smart-It attached to the
body of the user for output status (Figure 2). In a third experiment
a protocol enhancement for energy aware communication of context had to be implemented. The fourth and last experiment,
spaces of trust, was about using context collected in a room to
generate areas of trust and keys for exchanging documents among
those present.
For many of the technologies in Ubicomp students had no previous knowledge. Although we thought this would be a major problem, we found out it was not. E.g. the programming language for
Smart-Its is plain C. None of the students were familiar with C,
yet all were able to run programs successfully after 2 weeks. The
provided example code and code-parts were enough to have a
quick start into the environment. Also, although there was no
previous knowledge of dealing with hardware, the students managed to acquire this skill, e.g. built cables for connecting sensors
and batteries to Smart-Its, soldered additional piezos for acoustic
output etc. Instead, the major problems appeared when implementing Smart-Its in the physical world. Cable deterioration and
inappropriate housings without damping were found as the major
sources of error during the run of the course.
Figure 1. Smart-Its Development Infrastructure.
Smart-Its Development and Technology
The Smart-Its hardware consists of a generic RF communication
board connected over I²C to a sensor board (total size: 4x1.5x1
cm), on which application development is done. Wireless broadcast communication facilitates interact with other Smart-Its in
their vicinity (at 125kbit/s), and optionally with servers over a
RF-Ethernet/IP bridge. The backend is used for analyzing sensor
data through a tool running on a Web-Server (figure 1) while the
experimentation process is running. The programming environment (also connected via Internet) consists of the Smart-Its Software Development Toolkit (SDK), compiler and program
download utility. The latter one allows you to download compiled
programs directly onto a Smart-Its from the development PC.
Smart-Its provide sensors for collecting light, pressure, temperature, acceleration and audio information. The freely programmable microprocessor on the Smart-Its provides about 12kbyte space
for programs and about 8kbyte for data. Sensor values can be
accessed by simple functions using the SDK. To share information with other Smart-Its, programs can communicate and express
sensor values and contexts via APIs. A subscription mechanism of
the communication subsystem allows one to watch for selected or
all information on the communication channel.
Figure 2. Practical Course Experiment
Before the next course held in 2003 we will especially improve
these parts of the system. We will also look into using Smart-Its
as a platform for other Ubicomp topics like network routing and
HCI studies.
The Smart-Its project is funded by the Commission of the European
Union as part of the research initiative “The Disappearing Computer”
(contract IST-2000-25428). General information about the Smart-Its
platform is available at
[1] L. E. Holmquist, F. Mattern, B. Schiele, P. Alahuhta, M.
Beigl and H.-W. Gellersen. Smart-Its Friends: A Technique
for Users to Easily Establish Connections between Smart Artefacts, Ubicomp, pp. 116-122, 2001
[2] J. Hill, R. Szewczyk, A. Woo, S. Hollar, D.E.. Culler, K. S.
J. Pister. System Architecture Directions for Networked Sensors in Architectural Support for Programming Languages
and Operating Systems, pp 93-104, 2000
Experiences with Experiments and outlook
During the practical course 4 experiments were carried out. In
“Night&Day” students automatically adjusted the time-of-day
setting of the Smart-It by observing the environment through the
sensors and deriving the context. In “F1 Skates” Smart-Its were
attached to inline skates and a kickboard; context had to be re-
[3] Ubitools workshop
The Personality Analyzer
Carola Gustavsson, Alireza Haghighi, Christina Wisser
HCI/Interaction Design program, IT-university of Göteborg
Box 8718, SE-40275 Göteborg, Sweden,,
In this paper, we describe the Personality Analyzer. It is an
artifact that analyses the users personality. The motivation
for the project was to enter deeply in the aesthetics of
interaction design with a physical artifact as an outcome.
Focus for the project has been on aesthetics and expressions
rather than functionality. The primary target group was girls
from 8 years and up. During development we used,
brainstorming, mind maps, sketches and interviews and we
also made mock-ups for initial testing. The result was an
artifact that analyses the users personality. The most unique
aspect of the artifact is the input device. A user describes
her personality to the system by selecting clothes used to
dress a paper doll. All technology is hidden from the user.
Figure 1. The paper doll wardrobe with clothes and the dressing mirror.
The project was inspired by other studies in the area of
interaction with physical objects [2]. We were also inspired
by how other researchers had used RFID tags to augment
everyday objects (e.g. [5]). The main inspiration however
came from paper dolls, popular among young girls. These
dolls can be dressed with various paper ‘clothes’, by
placing them on top of the paper doll and gently folding the
clothes around the doll (cf. [3]).
Ubiquitous computing, physical input devices, RFID-tags,
aesthetics, tangible interface
In the Interaction Design master’s program at the IT
university of Göteborg, we had an assignment focusing on
expressions and aesthetics in information technology rather
than on functionality [1]. One of the results of this course
was an exhibition at Universeum, Sweden’s national
science discovery center [4]. We decided to create
something physical, that a lot of people could interact with.
The target group for Universeum is teenagers and
particularly girls, and that became the target group for this
project as well. Different kinds of tests are popular amongst
the target group, and that was a major reason for concept
we chose. Another goal was to make something that
appealed to the visitors and arouse their curiosity. One of
the main goals from the aesthetics point of view was to
make the technology transparent or hidden for the user. All
this taken together resulted in a personality analyzer idea.
The Personality Analyzer consists of three interconnected
parts – the wardrobe with clothes, the mirror with the paper
doll and the drawers below the dressing mirror, containing
pieces of paper describing a certain personality type.
A large female doll figure was made of plywood, ca 40 cm
high. Suitable clothes were made of textiles glued onto
plywood. RFID-tags were hidden inside the clothes, and an
RFID reader with three multiplexed antenna coils were
hidden behind the large mirror (Fig. 1, right). The doll was
attached directly onto the mirror. The clothes were attached
to the wardrobe wall using Velcro, and similar Velcro
pieces were placed on the doll, to allow for the clothes to be
fastened to the doll. Below the mirror are four drawers
containing pieces of
paper. The drawers
cannot be opened
manually since they
have no knobs. The
artifact was designed
to attract the visitors.
This was done using
bright colors and a
Figure 2. The rear side of a clothes piece
wave-like shape.
showing the RFID tag and Velcro.
Idea generation
To develop our ideas, we used brainstorming, mind maps
and sketches in our early works as well as exploring
aesthetics on different websites. A small cardboard model
of the personality analyzer was made and tried out with test
users to evaluate the concept. Interviews were carried out to
collect data about personalities and trends. We also
performed a survey on various ways to get input and output
to the artifact.
garment A
garment B
Computer system
A Basic-X 24 microcontroller, containing an Atmel
AT90S8535 RISC core, controls the entire setup, including
door detectors on the wardrobe, the multiplexed RFID
reader circuitry and the four servo motors behind the
drawers. The personality analysis subprogram is executed
when the wardrobe is closed. The program reads the ID
numbers from the tags and an algorithm translates this into
one of four personality types.
garment C
During an early stage a small, non-functional cardboard
model was made and tested at the university. The final
artifact was exhibited at Universeum between May 15-22,
2002. More than 800 people used the system and in general
they understood the interaction with the system well and
enjoyed using it. The procedure including opening the
wardrobe, dressing the paper doll, closing the wardrobe and
waiting for the result appeared to be a natural way to
interact with the artifact. The way of passing input to the
system by dressing the paper doll was highly appreciated by
the visitors.
Figure 3. Program and system structure overview.
When using the artifact, you start with opening the
wardrobe doors, in order to pick a set of clothes that
appeals to your personality (Fig. 1, left). Next, you dress
the paper doll on the mirror with the chosen clothes, thus
implicitly expressing your personality type. After dressing
the doll, you close the wardrobe doors and the analysis
process starts. The result depends on the mix of clothes that
was selected. After a short delay, one of the drawers is
automatically opened, showing the analysis result on a sheet
of paper inside the box. The personality is represented as an
animal (cat, dog, horse, polar bear) accompanied by a short
descriptive text.
Further development of the technical part of the artifact is
needed. The servomotors behind the drawers used at the
moment are too weak, and one of them broke down during
the exhibition. During the tests done at the exhibition we
realized that many men found dressing a girl a bit awkward,
and it would have been easier to have a male doll as well.
The shoes were too small to be able to have RFID-tags on
in the current setup. That was a pity because we think shoes
are important in a persons personality. We did not design
all clothes ourselves, nor did we do deep analyses of
clothing styles. That was something we would like to put
more time into. We also wanted to have a light effect on the
drawers to show and emphasize that the analysis is done.
The Wardrobe
The wardrobe, 120 cm high, has two doors. Each door has
an electronic magnet mounted at the bottom. It registers if
the wardrobe doors are closed or open (Fig. 1, left).
The clothes
The wardrobe contains the clothes, held to the wall using
Velcro. The mix of clothes is designed to fit different
personalities. On the rear side of each clothes item an
RFID-tag is placed (Fig. 1, left).
This project was sponsored by the PLAY Studio,
Interactive Institute and the IT-University of Göteborg.
Thanks to Peter Ljungstrand for all help.
The dressing mirror
Next to the wardrobe is the oval dressing mirror, with the
doll placed in the middle. Velcro pieces are mounted on the
doll so the clothes can stick on it (Fig. 1, right). Behind the
doll and the mirror, three antenna coils are placed,
receiving the signal from the RFID-tags. The ID numbers,
unique for each clothes piece, are used as input to the
personality analysis algorithm.
Ishii, H and Ullmer, B. (1997). Tangible bits: Towards
Seamless Interfaces between People, Bits and Atoms. In
Proceedings of CHI’97. ACM Press.
Paper Doll.
Want, R., Fishkin, K., Gujar, A. and Harrison, B. (1999).
Bridging Physical and Virtual Worlds with Electronic Tags. In
Proceedings of CHI 99, pp. 370–377. ACM Press.
Below the dressing mirror there are four drawers with rails
on the sides. Behind each drawer a small servomotor is
placed. The motor has a drop shaped arm that can open the
drawer. Each drawer contains a personality analysis result
on paper. It describes a personality type by comparing you
to an animal and its characteristics.
Hallnäs, L. and Redström, J. (2002). From Use to Presence; On
the Expressions and Aesthetics of Everyday Computational
Things. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human
Interaction (ToCHI), Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2002, pp. 106-124.
The Sentient Car: Context-Aware Automotive Telematics
Pablo Vidales and Frank Stajano
Laboratory for Communications Engineering
University of Cambridge
{pav25, fms27}
We consider the implementation of a vehicle-based
sentient space, which enables context-aware on-board
systems with the ability to cooperate and adapt to
changing conditions and events. This paper also describes
the Sentient Car as a testbed, and the Adaptive Pollution
Map as the first application that uses this platform.
Keywords: Telematics, vehicle, context, mobility.
In-vehicle information systems of non-trivial complexity
are already commonplace for electronic engine
management, entertainment, voice communications and
safety systems. GPS-based mapping and guidance
systems have made their commercial debut and are
already widely deployed in other markets such as Japan.
Figure 1 Sentient car dashboard
These subsystems will increase their usefulness once they
cooperate with each other to form an integrated system,
and once they adapt their behaviour to suit the situation.
For example, the cellular telephone that is already present
in many cars might be used by the mapping and safety
subsystems as a long-range data communications channel
for sending out traffic and pollution information about the
area currently visited by the car, and for receiving such
information for the area that the car plans to visit next.
The route finder might then choose to avoid an otherwise
convenient-looking route in favour of another that uses a
less congested road. Similarly, monitoring driver
behaviour (steering, braking, accelerating) and
atmospheric conditions may allow the safety subsystem to
give early warning of dangerous driving situations.
Aircraft-style cockpit recorders ("black boxes"), the hightech evolution of today's truck tachographs, are another
plausible development, and their non-trivial implications
on personal privacy are well worth investigating.
We have equipped our experimental vehicle, a Ford
minivan, with two dashboard LCD displays (figure 1),
one for the driver and a larger one for the navigator, and
with the following subsystems.
Sensing. We measure various air pollutants with
sophisticated sensing equipment (figure 2). We also have
a tap into the Electronic Control Unit of the vehicle to
extract velocity, acceleration, temperature, steering wheel
position etc. A GPS receiver gives the geographical
position of the car to 10 m accuracy.
We are exploring the above scenarios in the field. We
have equipped a vehicle with several sensing, computing
and communicating subsystems, all interconnected to
form an integrated sentient car system, and we are
building a framework to allow each of these subsystems
to act as a supplier or a consumer of contextual
information about the car, the driver and the environment.
In future experiments, a central server will also collate
and redistribute the information from several cars. We are
also interested in seamless context-driven handover
between communication channels of different capacity,
coverage and cost, such as GSM and 802.11b.
Figure 2 Pollution Sensors
On the software front we also sense the availability of the
computing and communication resources: network
connectivity, communication
bandwidth etc.
context, which right now consists primarily of the car's
location and velocity as reported by the on-board GPS.
However the channel capacity (which goes up when the
car is in an area of 802.11 coverage as opposed to just
GSM) is another interesting input. As the car moves, we
request a new bitmap to cover the relevant area, but we
do so taking into account the time it will take to download
it over the available channel.
For example, using 8 cm x 10 cm map tiles of 176 kb
each, the time it takes to download one tile over the 9.6
kb/s GSM modem is 18.3 seconds. If we are travelling at
100 km/h heading NE, which tile should we request from
the server, and at what scale, so that we are still in the
middle of it when we have finished downloading and
displaying it, 18.3 seconds later? This is a contextdependent calculation which is affected by position,
velocity and channel capacity.
We are interested in the architectural issues of managing
such updates in real time and with a pool of several
cooperating cars all uploading and downloading
information into a collective map database.
Computing. A full-size tower PC in the back of the van
has interfaces to all the sensing and communicating
devices, as well as ample storage and computing capacity.
Communication. A GSM cellphone and modem
respectively provide voice and low-speed data connection
with almost universal coverage. An 802.11b network card
provides a much higher speed data link but with limited
The conceptual model of the sentient car system sees each
of the sensors as an input to a “context server” that
delivers context information to the on-board systems and
to the communication resources manager. Each activity
can then be optimally adapted to the current situation.
One of the first applications we have developed on this
platform senses the air quality around the car and
overlays it on a map of the area that the car is visiting. In
due course, multiple cars will upload such pollution data
to a server that will then redistribute more complete and
more up-to-date maps to all of them.
The client-server application is split into a client-side map
viewer, running in the car, and a server-side map
repository running at the fixed base station. We wish to
explore the architectural issues that arise when maps have
to be delivered over a channel of varying capacity and
therefore we pretend that the whole map won't fit on the
in-car computer's hard disk. This is not true for our
current experimental setup, but it might be once we move
to richer media including for example real time video
footage of highway traffic (figure 3).
Figure 4 Adaptive Pollution Map
Maps server
system reply
Sentient spaces are increasingly popular in building
environments such as the office and home. The use of
sentient spaces in cars will enhance the capacity of onboard systems dramatically, and will allow them to
cooperate to provide and consume context information
and adapt to frequently changing conditions. On-board
systems must deal with more hostile heterogeneous
conditions than apparent in sentient buildings, therefore
knowing the context is even more important.
map viewer
vel, lat / lon
The Adaptive Pollution Map application shows the utility
of sensing space around the vehicle in order to deliver
service with different resources available.
Figure 3 Application overview
The map viewer is arranged into layers. We currently
have two: a bitmap layer showing the actual map and a
pollution layer showing our air quality measurements.
Many other layers could be added: for example a
waypoints layer, a vector map layer, a traffic layer and so
on (figure 4).
The portion of map that the viewer displays is affected by
user input (scroll, zoom in, zoom out) and by the current
Pablo Vidales has a scholarship from the Mexican
government through the National Council of Science and
Technology (CONACYT). The Sentient Car is funded by
the Cambridge-MIT Institute (CMI).
Thin Silicon in a Novel 3-D Format for Implementation in
Distributed Autonomous Micro Modules
Teresa Cussen, Bivragh Majeed, Kieran Delaney and Cian O’Mathuna
National Microelectronics Research Centre
Lee Maltings, Prospect Row, Cork, Ireland
353 21 4904088
{tcussen, bmajeed, kdelaney, cian.omathuna}
of the wire connects between the die thus reducing noise,
increasing speed and reducing power. Many of the benefits
of thin silicon packages contribute to the viability of
distributed autonomous systems, such as those needed in
ubiquitous computing, as these thin packages allow for
easier integration of intelligent modules into artefacts.
Since standard silicon die thickness is in the order of 500
microns, reducing the height of a stacked package can be
achieved by thinning the individual layers of the package
[3]. Also, when silicon is thinned to below 50 microns it
becomes flexible [1], [4], combined with a flexible
substrate it can be a major advantage in the areas of
wearable computing and embedded artefacts. One of the
biggest advantages of 3-D packaging technology is that it
increases silicon efficiency, which is the ratio of active
silicon area to footprint area, an efficiency of greater than
100% is possible.
One of the earliest stacked chip scale packages consisted of
bare die Flash memory and SRAM for use in mobile
phones [3]. Today however industry has advanced to the
point where it is considered feasible to stack 48 layers
containing a total of 52 chips. The finished product would
contain a processor, interface chips, DRAM, and 32 layers
of flash memory [2].
There are three methods of 3-D stacking, which can be
classified as follows: 1) wafer level stacking, which
involves stacking thinned wafers on top of each other and
interconnection is made through wafers via-holes, 2) chip
level stacking, which involves stacking chips on top of
each other and 3) package level stacking where packaged
IC’s are stacked to increase the silicon efficiency.
Silicon thinning, interconnection and packaging are key
innovative hardware technologies that can be used to
realise distributed autonomous micro-modules (DAMM)
for future ad-hoc networks in ambient systems and
intelligent environments. These would interact, respond
and learn from their surroundings making integration of
engineering, computer science and human intelligence a
reality. This paper investigates thinning silicon sensors and
packaging these sensors in a tetrahedral format. This form
was chosen because it is vastly expandable and when
miniaturised can be used as a building block for DAMM’s,
which can be designed to physically integrate into
materials from which artefacts are fabricated.
Thin silicon, 3-D packaging, flip chip, micro-modules.
Ubiquitous computing represents the continuous trend in
computing and communication technology towards smaller
and more integrated information technology devices. The
demand for smaller size, higher performance and increased
functionality, means that interconnection and packaging
technology has to improve significantly. The success of
this integrated technology is dependent on the ability to
embed DAMM’s into our everyday surroundings. The
optimal approach is to integrate DAMM’s into an artifact
in a manner coherent with its manufacture rather than
adding it on after manufacture. These DAMM’s will have
computational power along with sensing and actuating
abilities. The interface between the “real world” and the
micro-nodes is established through sensor data.
Interconnection and packaging technology has a key role
to play in making these systems a reality. Advances in the
packaging of sensors, in particular, strengthens this “real
world” interface and facilitates the realisation of these
The most recent development in packaging to meet the
growing demand for small highly integrated system has
been chip scale packaging. These miniaturised packages
combined the benefits of flip chip technology, i.e. shorter
interconnection and area connection, with the considerable
benefits of the package itself i.e. physical protection and
easier assembly. But these technologies have lagged
behind the growing demand for smaller and higher
functionality devices. 3-D packaging has now emerged, as
an innovative way to meet market requirements for the
next generation of electronic products [5].
By using stacked thin chip packages it is possible to
increase system integration while also reducing the length
Figure1: Chip level stacking, showing three chips stacked
and interconnected via wire bonding
This project deals with innovative chip level packaging. It
employs thin silicon micro-sensors, which are packaged
into a new shape using a flexible substrate. The aim is to
produce the most efficient surface to volume ratio package,
which can then be integrated with other similar packages to
build DAMM’s. The concept of packaging micro-sensors
into tetrahedral shapes is very novel and has not been
investigated before. This work has been done as a
feasibility study for DAMM’s at millimetre scale before
moving to a highly miniaturised level.
their robustness and reliability. Repeatability at high
volume is in question as nature of assembly technique will
not scale easily, however, it is speculated that at the target
level of miniaturisation, techniques such as self-assembly
could solve the problem. Table 1 shows some of the
important properties of a tetrahedron in comparison with
other regular polyhedrons and some shapes into which
tetrahedrons can be formed. Four tetrahedrons form
another tetrahedron with a central space occupied by an
octahedron, 5 tetrahedrons make a flying saucer structure
and 20 tetrahedrons form a complex near spherical
structure. These shapes are investigated for possible
physical integration into an artefact. The most important
property is surface to volume ratio, which this project
plans to exploit in 3-dimensional packaging.
There are three main techniques used to thin silicon: wet
etching, plasma etching and back grinding. For this
experiment back grinding was chosen, as it is the most
efficient method of removing the bulk of unwanted silicon.
Back grinding refers to a mechanical process of removing
silicon using an aluminium oxide powder (Al2O3). Al2O3
powder is mixed with water to make a slurry, which is
released onto a grinding plate. Pressure is applied to the
sample as it rotates on the surface of the grinding plate and
the Al2O3 and H20 slurry removes the excess silicon.
The test chip used consists of a heating element and
diodes. The diodes act as temperature sensors where their
forward voltage drop varies with changes in temperature.
These changes in temperature are produced by applying a
voltage to the on-chip heating element [6].
The electrical properties of a 225micron and an 80micron
chip were compared to those of a regular 525micron chip
to determine the effect of the thinning process. The result
of this experiment is shown in figure2.
Surface Area
Volume (vol)
SA/Vol ratio
1.73 a 2
8.660 a 2
2.357 a 3
6 a2
12.5 a 2
4.2 a3
Shapes into which tetrahedron can be formed
Voltage Drop \ mV
Surface Area
Volume (vol)
SA/Vol ratio
Tetra with an Octa centre Flying saucer
1.73 a 2
4.330 a 2
0.5890 a3
8.660 a 2
2.357 a 3
Table 1:Compartive properties of different polyhedrons
Temperature \ C
In order to develop and integrate DAMM’s into every day
surroundings a novel packaging technique is being
explored in this current work. Future investigation will be
directed at thinning and reducing the chip dimensions of
more complex sensors including accelerometers. A
comparative investigation will be carried out into heat
transfer, connectivity reliability and stress analysis on
different shapes and the effect on these properties, when
thinned chips are packaged. The ultimate goal will be to
miniaturize the dimensions of the DAMM to micron level
so that they blend into typical materials used for
manufacturing artifacts.
Figure 2: Forward voltage drop across diodes of varying
substrate thickness as a function of temperature.
As the silicon substrate is reduced, figure3, so too is the
chips ability to dissipate heat. This means that for the same
heater voltage the thinner chips are much hotter than the
regular chips. However, as shown in figure2, the voltage
drop across each of the diodes is the same for the same
temperature. This means that the thinning process does not
adversely affect the operation of these temperature sensors.
[1] Chen, K. Y. Ultra-Thin Electronic Device Package
IEEE Trans. on Adv Pack, Vol. 23, No. 1, Feb. 2000.
[2] Gann, K. D. Neo-Stacking Technology HDI Magazine,
Dec 1999.
[3] Goldstein, H. Packages Go Vertical IEEE Spectrum,
August 2000, pages 46-51.
[4] Landesberger, C. New Dicing and Thinning Concept
Improves Mechanical Reliability of Ultra Thin Silicon
Adv. Pack. Mat. Proc. Prop. & Interf., Proc. IEEE
[5] Morihiro, K. The Dawn of 3D Packaging as a systemin-package Sharp Publication.
[6] O’Mathuna, S.C. Test chips, test systems and thermal
test data for multi-chip modules in the ESPRITAPACHIP project IEEE Trans. Comp. Pack. Manu.
Tech., A. 1994; Vol. 17: Sept. 1994.
[7] Wenninger, J. M. Polyhedron Models Cambridge
University Press, 1996.
Figure 3: Comparative profile of thin chip to regular chip.
The packaging step starts with thinned silicon bonded onto
a flexible substrate (flex). After etching of single sided flex
the thin die are attached to the substrate using flip chip
technology. Through holes, made by mechanical drilling,
are necessary to access both sides of the flex. These holes
are filled either with isotropic conductive paste or solder to
obtain the connections. After testing, the packaging step is
completed by forming the flexible substrate into a shape of
a tetrahedron.
The tetrahedron is the simplest of the polyhedrons with
four equilateral triangles for faces. This is the least number
of faces required to enclose a portion of three-dimensional
space. The tetrahedron is the most stable structure when
force is applied [7]. At the current size, it is possible to
assemble tetrahedrons at a prototype level, and to validate
Toward A Better User Experience in Tele-education
– Recent Advance in Smart Classroom Project
Weikai Xie, Yuanchun Shi and Guanyou Xu
Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084
{xwk@media.cs, shiyc@, xgy-dcs@}
Smart Classroom is an augmented classroom in which
Tele-education functions can be seamlessly integrated with
the face-to-face education environment. Some recent
achievements of this project is described here. The first is
the development of the Virtual Assistant module, which
can enhance the speech interaction between the teacher and
the system. Following is the integration of a SmartBoard
screen and the development of a laser pointer tracking
module, which replaces the former Virtual Mouse. Finally,
a module called Smart Cameraman is developed. This
module can automatically select the video to send to the
remote students, from the cameras in the classroom that is
most appropriate to the current context of the class
software. 3) The Studentboard facility, which is another
wall-size project screen functioning as the window to the
remote students. The teacher and local students become
aware of the presence of remote students through this facility. 4) The Virtual Mouse facility. Through a hand-tracking
module, the system allows the teacher using his finger to
drive the cursor on the Mediaboard. 5) The speech interface. The teacher can use voice commands to control some
functions of the room, and the room will inform the
teacher the occurrence of some events with synthesized
voice. Fig. 1 is a snapshot of a prototype system deployed
in our lab. Further information and a demo video can be
found on our website [3]. In this paper, we present some
recent achievements of this project.
Remote Students
Smart Space, Tele-education, Intelligent Environment
Among the promising application domains of UbiComp is
the education. The Classroom 2000 project [1] at GIT has
been devoted to the automated capturing of the classroom
experience. Likewise, the Smart Classroom project at our
institute is focused on Tele-education. Most currently deployed real-time Tele-education systems are desktop-based,
in which the teacher’s experience is totally different from
teaching in a real classroom. For example, he/she should
remain stationary in front of a desktop computer instead of
moving freely in the classroom. The goal of Smart Classroom project is to narrow the gap between the teacher’s
experience in Tele-education and that in the traditional
classroom education, by means of integrating these two
currently separated education environments together. Our
approach was to move the user interface of a real-time
Tele-education system from the desktop into the 3D space
of an augmented classroom (called Smart Classroom) so
that in this classroom the teacher could interact with the
remote students with multiple natural modalities just like
interacting with the local students.
An overview of the project and the description of the first
phase work can be found in [2]. To summarize, the following features have been implemented in the first phase of the
Smart Classroom: 1) A Biometric characteristic based authentication mechanism. The teacher is authorized to use
the classroom if and only if he/she passes the face and
speaker identification process. 2) The Mediaboard facility,
whose interface is a wall-size project screen. The teacher
can display slides on it to the students. Remote students can
view the content of this board with the corresponding client
Fig. 1 A snapshot of the Smart Classroom
As mentioned above, the teacher in the Smart Classroom
could use speech to interact with the system. However,
after some evaluation, we found it seems somewhat strange
for teachers to speak and listen to a lifeless room, so we
introduced a Virtual Assistant role into the room to embody
the speech interaction with the teacher on behalf of the
room. The Virtual Assistant encompasses a face-animation
engine as well as the former stand-alone Speech Recognition module and Text-to-Speech module. It is represented
as an animated human head displayed on the Studentboard
(as showed in Fig. 1) with its face and lip animation synchronized with the synthesized voice. Through this facility,
the metaphor of speech interaction for teachers was turned
from speaking with a room to speaking with an assistant.
At the beginning of the project, we intended to develop a
mechanism that functions as a mouse but without the need
of approaching to a desktop computer. Therefore we developed the Virtual Mouse module, which is based on a hand-
tracking algorithm. The teacher’s hand movement along the
vertical plane was tracked when he standing steps away
from the Mediaboard, and could be turned into the movement of the cursor on the board or strokes on the slides.
However, the user experience turned out to be frustrating
for two reasons: 1) The skin-color modal and appearance
modal of hand used to locate the teacher’s hand are intrinsically un-robust in a setting like Smart Classroom where
illumination is variable due to the use of front-projection
projector, The case is even worse when the light of the projector irradiates on the teacher’s hand directly. 2) While the
metaphor here, using teacher’s finger as an extended
pointer device, is natural for driving the cursor, but not for
draw scribbles on the slides, for one is difficult to keep
his/her hand movement smooth without a firm support
point of his/her arm.
According to this lesson, we gave up the idea of Virtual
Mouse and developed other two mechanisms instead,
which together can achieve the same goal but more reliable. First, to allow the teacher to stably draw scribbles on
the slides, we adopted a commercial touch-sensitive projector screen called SmartBoard as the screen for Mediaboard,
which can digitalize the strokes drawn on that. This way
the teacher can directly write or scribbles on the board with
provided stylus pens and the strokes will be overlapped on
the slides. The Second mechanism is as follows
Magic LaserPointer
It is a laser pointer tracking module through which the
teacher can interact with the Mediaboard or Studentboard
at a distance. It is reasonable to develop an interactive tool
based on a laser pointer because it has been used widely in
presentations and the spot of the laser pointer is relatively
easy to track. We use a combination of following clues to
locate the spot: 1) its intensity in red channel is high 2) it
has a small appearance 3)it has a continuous movement
trajectory. Fortunately, The developed algorithm has
shown its reliability in practice. The located spot of laser
pointer is interpreted differently, depending on whether it is
on the Mediaboard or Studentboard. If on the Mediaboard,
it is interpreted as the mouse movement events on the local
Mediaboard, and at the same time, a red spot will be displayed on the remote students’ screen, to indicate the position the teacher is currently pointing to. While if on the
Studentboard, it is used to select a remote student when the
spot moves onto the icon representing this remote student.
If successfully selected, the icon will be highlighted as an
indication (see Fig 2). Together with the speech interface
of the system, the teacher can carry out a rich set of tasks
with only a laser pointer. For example, the teacher can
point at a hyperlink on the slides on the Mediaboard and
says “Jump to this page”. Then the Mediaboard will load
this page. Or the teacher can point at a remote student’s
icon on the Studentboard and says, “Please give your answer”. Then the system will switch the floor to this remote
Go ahead
Fig. 2 Select a remote student with a laser pointer
In our real world, when attending in a classroom, a student
can adjust the focus of his/her sight from time to time as
the context of the class changes. For example, when the
teacher is writing a formula on the blackboard, the student
will focus on the formula. Or while the teacher is showing
a model of DNA, the student will focus on the model on
the teacher’s hand. To provide the remote students with the
same experience, we developed a facility called Smart
Cameraman, which could infer the current focus in a classroom based on perceived information, then from the video
output of the cameras in the classroom, automatically selects the most appropriate one in the current scenario, and
transmits it to the remote students. The context in the classroom is modeled as an enhanced Finite Sate Machine, each
state representing a possible context of the classroom, including TeacherWritingOnBoard, TeacherShowingAModel, RemoteStudentSpeaking and Others (Their names
reflect their intended meanings). The state transition is
trigged by events perceived in the system, typical events
include : 1) the SmartBoard detects a contact on it. 2) the
teacher picks up a model from a table or put it back, which
is recognized by a gesture-recognition module. 3) the floor
is given to a remote student. In order to prevent the state
from changing o frequently (it may results from either the
temporary disturb in the system or the indeterminate nature
of some events), we associate each state with an inertia
value that decreased as time passing and associate each
event a probability value. Whether the state transition will
take place depends on a weighted consideration of the remnant inertia of the current state and the probability of the
occurred event.
1. Gregory D. Abowd. Classroom 2000: An Experiment
with the Instrumentation of a Living Educational Environment. IBM Systems Journal, Special issue on Pervasive Computing, Volume 38, Number 4, 508-530,
2. Weikai Xie, Yuanchun Shi and Guanyou Xu. Smart
Classroom - an Intelligent Environment for Teleeducation. In Proceedings of The Second Pacific-Rim
Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2001), Beijing, China.
Springer LNCS2195, 662-668.
Transmission Frequency Optimization for Ultra-low Power
Short Range Wireless Communications
D C Yates, A S Holmes and A J Burdett
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Exhibition Road, London SW7 2BT,,
Analysis is introduced which determines the optimal
transmission frequency for maximum power transfer across
a short-range wireless link. This essentially consists of a
comparison between two transmission methods known as
near-field and far-field transmission. Constraints on antenna
dimensions and the required transmission distance strongly
influence the choice of frequency. Preliminary results for
coil antennas of varying dimensions have been presented in
the form of a surface plot. This illustrates the regions of
superior power transfer for the two transmission methods
depending on application parameters, thus enabling an
optimal frequency to be chosen.
Wireless, ultra-low power, near-field, far-field, antennas
The ubiquitous computing paradigm envisages dense
wireless networks connecting nodes of varying
computational power. Central to this vision is the apparent
invisibility of many of these devices to the user, who is
aware of, but is not inconvenienced by their presence. This
requirement places stringent limits on the acceptable size
and weight of devices and encourages the embedding of
network nodes into everyday objects. Even more
challenging is that apparent invisibility demands minimal
power consumption. A short battery lifetime for the nodes
of a dense wireless network is completely impractical for
the user, yet the battery capacity is limited by the size
restrictions. Ultimately these devices should be selfpowered, perhaps using either solar cells or vibration-toelectrical energy converters. This becomes conceivable
when nodes begin to consume less than 100 microwatts [4].
For those nodes that act as sensors, have limited
computational power, or whose main function is simply to
relay the incoming data to the following node it is the RF
communications that will likely dominate the power
consumption. Equally the main limitation to size reduction
will be the required antenna dimensions. Electrically small
antennas (that is antennas, whose dimensions are much
smaller than the wavelength) have exceptionally poor
efficiency, inferring that small antenna dimensions require a
high transmission frequency. It must be realized however
that the power dissipated by the electronics increases with
frequency [6]. The optimization of the above factors to
minimize power consumption is thus necessary in the
pursuit of an ultra-low power radio link for ubiquitous
computing networks.
Three field regions surround a transmitting antenna [3], two
of which need to be considered here. The reactive near-field
contains stored energy in either an electric or magnetic field
depending on antenna type. Conversely the propagation of
energy as electromagnetic waves takes place in the far-field.
The field region in which the receiver lies is essentially
determined by the transmission frequency for a particular
transmission distance. The relationships governing the
power transfer from transmitter to receiver differ
substantially depending upon the field region. These must
be fully analyzed to determine the application parameters
for which low frequency near-field transmission
outperforms high frequency far-field transmission in terms
of transmitter to receiver power transfer.
Far-field transmission can be modelled using the wellknown Friis transmission formula [2] [3]:
(4πx) 2
x is the transmission distance, λ the wavelength and p is the
relative antenna polarization factor. Ș and D represent the
standard antenna parameters of radiation efficiency and
directivity respectively. Subscripts TX and RX distinguish
between transmitter and receiver parameters.
A similar power transfer relationship (shown below) has
been derived for the near-field case. The validity of this
equation requires poor coupling between transmitter and
receiver, which is generally the case since the transmission
distance is significantly larger than the antenna dimensions
for most applications.
ω 2 µ 02
N 2 N 2 π 2 rTX4 rRX
= p TX RX
16 RTX R RX x 6
for two antenna coils of NTX and NRX turns with radius rTX
and rRX respectively. ω is the angular frequency and µ0 is
the permeability of free space.
Antenna Modelling
To evaluate these two expressions the antenna parameters
for the two transmission methods have to be modelled.
Preliminary analysis has concentrated mainly on loop (coil)
antennas due to their benefit in the design of ultra-low
power transmitter architectures [7]. Of great importance are
the two dissipative elements in the coil - the loss resistance,
RLOSS, and the radiation resistance, RRAD, which combine to
from RTX and RRX in (2). Antenna efficiency, Ș, and
directivity, D, depend on these parameters as follows:
E 2 L2e (4)
where E is the incident Electric field strength and Le is the
effective antenna length.
The radiation resistance determines the amount of power
transferred to the far field for a particular antenna input
current. This has been modelled in MATLAB using an
analytic equation derived in [1]. The loss resistance must
be modelled by taking into account the proximity and skin
effects, which explain how increasing frequency causes the
cross section of the conductor, in which the current flows,
to reduce. These effects have been modelled by utilizing
equations and tables of parameters, derived and computed
by S Butterworth and summarized in [5].
Determining the regions in which a particular transmission
method outperforms the other is a complicated process and
depends upon the interaction of many parameters. Thus,
only a brief overview can be given here.
dimensions (shortened to NF and FF respectively on the
axis labels). The black region represents the area for which
near-field transmission is superior. The darker gray area
denotes the region where far-field transmission operates
more efficiently than near-field transmission by a margin of
10dB or less. The use of near-field transmission should be
strongly considered in this region since the lower operating
frequency results in reduced power dissipation in the
electronics [6]. To a first order approximation the power
consumed by an analogue circuit can be considered to be
directly proportional to frequency [6]. Depending upon the
dominance of the electronics in the equations governing
transmitter power consumption, the far field case could
perform worse than illustrated in figure 1 by up to about
10dB for the frequencies used in this comparison.
lighter gray represents the area where far-field transmission
is superior by a margin of 10dB or more.
The above surface plot (figure 1) suggests that near-field
transmission should be employed once the allowable
antenna radius exceeds 0.05m. Such graphs must be treated
with caution, because the conclusions can alter sharply
depending on other parameters. Distance is of particular
importance, since near-field transmission decreases with
1/x6 compared to 1/x2 in the far-field case. It is also
imperative that the optimal frequency within the two
transmission methods for particular antenna dimensions is
first evaluated in order that the correct comparison is made.
This can also be achieved using the modelling introduced
This project is funded by the DC-Initiative as part of the
ORESTEIA project.
1. Adachi, S., Kasahara, T., Mushiake, Y. A Loop Antenna
in a Compressible Plasma. IEEE Trans. Antennas and
Propagation, May 1969, AP-17, 396-398
Power Transfer Comparison /dB
2. Friis, H. T. A Note on a Simple Transmission Formula.
Proc. IRE Waves Electrons, May 1946, vol 34, 254-256
3. Johnson, R. C. Antenna Engineering Handbook, Third
Edition, McGraw-Hill 1993
NF Radius/m
FF Antenna Radius/m
Fig 1: Power transfer comparison between near and far
field transmission for varying antenna radius
Figure 1 is a comparison of near-field transmission (at
50MHz) with far- field transmission (470MHz) for a
distance of 50cm, varying the near and far-field antenna
4. Rabaey, J. M. et al. Design Methodology for PicoRadio.
Design. Automation and Test in Europe, 2001.
Conference and Exhibition, Proc. 314 -323
5. Terman, F. E. Radio Engineers Handbook, McGrawHill 1943
6. Vittoz, E. A. Low Power Design: Ways to Approach the
Limits. International Solid State Circuits Conference,
1994. Digest of Technical Papers, 14-18
7. Ziaie, B., Najafi, K., Anderson, D. J. A Low-power
Miniature Transmitter Using a Low-loss Silicon
Platform for Biotelemetry. Proc., 19th Int. Conf.,
IEEE/EMBS, 1997, vol. 5, 2221 - 2224
Websign II: A Mobile Client for Location based Services
Geoff Lyon, Mehrban Jam, Cyril Brignone, Salil Pradhan
Hewlett Packard Laboratories
1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
{gml, jam, cyrilb, salil}
type of interaction is suitable for outdoor use and where the
user is still some distance from the points of interest (with
respect to the accuracy available with GPS). Use of the
system indoors and where objects are very close together is
still challenging. To assist in these situations, WebsignII
adds barcode and RF-ID reader technology to the expansion
module. This allows the user to scan physical objects or
reference labels and then resolve these to the appropriate
online information or service [2,3].
The WebsignII mobile client device has been designed to
allow nomadic users to interact with localized services.
Implemented as an expansion pack for a personal digital
assistant, the client provides a looking glass linking users to
web based services at their current location. The client is
also able to identify and resolve physical objects within
close proximity of the user.
Mobile Client, Location Awareness, Service Discovery
The client side hardware consists of a PDA and a prototype
expansion pack; solutions have been developed for the both
the HP Jornada and the HP iPAQ. Figure 2 shows a block
diagram of the Jornada based design.
The Websign concept contains both systems infrastructure
and client access devices, and is designed to unite physical
and virtual spaces by binding physical locations and objects
to virtual information services [1]. This augments the
nomadic user’s reality with pointers to websites and
services that are specific to the users immediate location
and surroundings.
Figure 2: Main components of the client device
Control of the various sensor modules (GPS, Compass,
Barcode and RFID) is performed by an embedded
microprocessor; an ARM7 based device with integrated
memory and peripheral circuitry, resulting in a single chip
solution. Communications with the PDA uses its serial port
interface. Embedded software in the expansion pack parses
command requests from the PDA, performs the required
device operations then returns the resulting data. Power
management is a key feature of the expansion pack design
and is crucial to user acceptance of the client. Independent
power control of each sub-system is provided to minimize
operational power consumption together with power
sensing circuitry to match the expansion packs state to that
of the PDA. When the PDA is in power suspend mode or is
powered down by the user, the expansion pack goes into a
similar state with a current consumption of less than 1uA.
Table 1 shows the current consumption under various
Figure 1: Jornada 568 based Websign Client
Users interact with the Websign client, a personal digital
assistant (PDA) equipped with a custom expansion module
as shown in figure 1. This expansion module contains
global positioning system (GPS) and compass circuitry that
determine the location and orientation of the PDA. The
client retrieves hyperlinks to services in proximity to the
user using a wireless data link; these hyperlinks are
typically filtered against the user’s profile or immediate
interests to present the most appropriate data set for their
present context. As the user rotates, hyperlinks to the
various services in the directional vicinity are highlighted
on the device. By clicking on one of these, a link to the
appropriate website or local service is established. This
operational conditions,
microprocessor circuitry.
Operating condition
Base + Compass
Base + GPS
Base + Barcode-RFID
Standby / Switch Off
compass value alters and the list of associated hyperlinks to
places of interest changes based on the orientation of the
device. Once the Websign device has obtained a GPS fix, it
downloads the appropriate Websigns for that area. To avoid
overloading the user with information, two forms of
filtering are applied to the pointers. A profile or interest
filter reduces the data set to those matching the user’s
needs. A vector filtering operation reduces the displayed
pointers to the device’s immediate location and orientation,
producing a set of pointers that are close to the user and in
the direction that the Websign device is being held.
Current consumption
Table 1: expansion pack operational current consumption
The client’s software has been written to simplify
application development under the WinCE operating
system. All of the functionality has been encapsulated into
an ActiveX Control. User applications (developed using
Visual Basic, Visual C++ or as a sequence of web pages)
all invoke the client functions through a generic ActiveX
API. Once invoked, the client software manages local
device interactions, local data storage and wireless
communications with the Websign infrastructure.
The positioning and directivity attributes of the WebsignII
client allow it to augment the users present environment and
establish associations between physical locations and online
information or services. Barcode and RFID reader
technologies allow additional associations with physical
objects. This combination of features enables the creation
of Websign based applications, targeting both ubiquitous
computing scenarios and enterprise system solutions.
The client device provides dependable outdoor use and a
limited degree of indoor operation. A number of indoor
positioning systems based on RF and optionally ultrasound
have been suggested [4] and the addition a more ubiquitous
solution would enhance Websign’s utilization for indoor
service discovery. We are also working to develop adaptive
horizon filtering algorithms to automate the acceptance
range of service links based on the client’s context.
Pradhan S. (etal): Websigns - Hyperlinking physical
locations to the Web, IEEE Computer vol.34 no.8
(2001) 42-48.
Kindberg T.: Implementing physical hyperlinks using
ubiquitous identifier resolution. HP Labs Technical
Report, 95R1 (2001).
Want R. (et al): Bridging Physical and Virtual Worlds
with Electronic Tags, Proc. ACM Conf. Human
Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press (1999)
Hightower J. & Borriello G.: Location systems for
ubiquitous computing, IEEE Computer vol.34 no.8
(2001) 57-66.
Figure 3: Client user interface example
Figure 3 shows an example user interface, implemented as a
web page using HTML. As the device is rotated the
A Framework for Intelligent Instrumented Environments
Christoph Stahl
Dept. of Computer Science
Saarland University
Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
In this paper, I will present an abstract of my doctoral
research activity towards a framework for intelligent
instrumented environments that provides abstract layers for
sensor input, knowledge representation and humancomputer interaction. I will motivate my research by an
illustrated example, identify core features of the framework
and describe the components of an intelligent environment.
Besides the framework itself, my doctoral work is focused
on the sensor and mobile assistance components.
Pedestrian Navigation, Intelligent Environment
The research activity in the AI-Lab of Prof. Wahlster is
focused on the design of intelligent human-computer
interfaces and user modeling. Intelligence stems from the
dynamic adaptation of graphical presentations according to
a user model and the display capabilities of the outputdevice. The graphical presentations are combined with
speech output and allow the user to interact with the
appli-cation using pointing gestures. Recently our group
has developed the hybrid ressource adaptive navigation
assis-tance system REAL [1]. The prototype was designed
to pro-vide travelers in the rather complex Frankfurt airport
with navigational instructions, either by a 3D route
visualization on large public displays or by guiding them
through incre-mental descriptions using a mobile PDA.
Future research aims to develop a multimodal dialogue
manager, allowing the user to ask the system for assistance
to solve higher-level tasks, like shopping or arranging
appointments. Besides providing avigational assistance, the
components have to offer access to location based services
knowledge and keep track of the user’s goals and schedule.
Mobile and stationary components are to be integrated to
form an intelligent environment, which is instrumented by
various sensors to locate people and objects. In the
background, a plan recognition process will constantly
monitor and reason about all user activities to proactively
remind the user of their goals and to offer assistance.
This section will give an example on how a mobile collaborative pedestrian assistance system, embedded in an intelligent environment, could help you in the near future to
successfully explore a complex environment like the CeBit
fair in Hannover, Germany.
Suppose that you and some colleagues have been assigned
to present your research. This requires one of your group to
attend the booth all day. Your secondary, contradictory
goals are to gather information, meet business partners and
attend to events at certain times and locations. These goals
can only be achieved by efficient collaboration.
On arrival, your mobile PDA guides you to your booth
using the IR beacons deployed all around the hall. You
agree with your colleagues to attend to the booth in the
afternoon and for now to enjoy your surroundings. You use
your PDA to explore the nearby halls for their exhibitions,
and visit some well known companies to see their new products. Instead of collecting paper material to memorize the
exhibits, you simply bookmark the location and enter some
comments. Meanwhile your colleague occasionally checks
your items and copies points of interest to her agenda.
At 10:33 your PDA alarms you of an incoming phonecall
from a dotcom CEO who wants to discuss a common project. Since he has no organizer, you ask him to use the public information displays instead. He identifies himself with
his ticket, which contains an radio tag, and you see his location. Now you ask the intelligent environment to suggest
a restaurant close to both of you, and your personal electronic assistant does the reservation for three persons, since
you will need some technical advice from your colleague at
the meeting. The assistant puts the appointment goal, including the occasion, time and destination, to all agendas.
Around 11 AM your PDA alerts you that its power is low.
You have 15 minutes left, enough to query the environment
where to buy AA batteries. The system suggests a nearby
shop and puts the shopping goal in your agenda.
On the run you stop to take part in a sweepstake. Unfortunately the prizes are given out at 5 PM. Since you have an
agreement with your colleagues to mind the booth in the
afternoon, one of your friends will have to act in your
place. You enter a localized event with an alarm set to 5
PM into your agenda and direct it to you and your friends.
Now you hurry to buy the batteries, but your PDA alarms
you again. It has recognized from the goals outlined in your
agenda that you’re heading in the wrong direction, and so
directs you to the shop. Meanwhile the environment found
a shopping goal in your colleagues agenda. “Would you
mind buying some chewing-gum for Tom ?” Since you will
meet him soon at lunch, the environment found a
reasonable plan to ask you to buy it for him. You agree on
this and continue to explore the hall.
In the background, your assistant is aware of your appointment. At 11:40 it’s convinced that you aren’t and reminds
you. The visualization of your estimated walking range in
the next 10 minutes makes you think about catching a bus,
but you can see from the PDA that it’s behind schedule.
You check the driver’s online camera and see a crowd
blocking the bus, so you request a shuttle service. At 12
PM you hand over your colleague’s chewing-gum, enjoy
your meal and agree on the dotcom’s project.
The previous example introduced manifold services which
one might expect from an intelligent environment. In order
to realize such a large distributed system, we need to
decompose it into components and we have to design and
develop a representation framework which allows for the
integration of many different components and sensors. The
environment’s intelligence is based on knowledge about
the spatial structure in the surroundings , the location of
people and objects within, the user’s goals, their possible
actions and their plans. Therefore the framework has to
provide an ontology and knowledge representation layer as
a common ‘language’ among the environment’s entities. It
also has to provide a sensor input layer to feed the
knowledge base with observations. In turn, the gained
knowledge has to be distributed to various dialog-,
planning- and reasoning pro-cesses. To avoid a data
avalanche, it seems reasonable to use temporal,spatial and
semantic scopes to constrain the information, which has to
be communicated.
In addition, the framework has to represent the humancomputer interaction layer. All available hardware devices
in the environment are listed and classified into
- input (speech, touch, vision) and output (audio, video)
- public (shared by many users) and personal
channels. This approach allows dialogue sessions across
multiple devices. For example, a PDA may be used as an
input channel and a large public display as an output
channel. We will adopt the Context Toolkit [2] as the sensor input layer. Since it is typical for a complex and changing environment to have multiple dialogue and reasoning
sessions and PDAs entering and leaving, we need further
knowledge representation and distribution concepts.
Stationary Public Displays
Our current information kiosk RANA[1] provides navigational assistance using 3D animations, which adapt to
the users time pressure by applying different presentation
styles to provide navigational guidance. In order to gain
access the knowledge stored in the user’s profile, the
display should be able to identify the user. To solve this
problem various techniques are proposed in the sensors
Location-Aware Mobile Assistants
The environment may also be accessed by PDAs. The
combination of indoor and outdoor localization capabilities
using infrared-transmitters and GPS for incremental
navigational guidance have already been demonstrated in
[1] and an adaptive route planning mechanism is in development. Additionally, the mobile assistant should allow
the user to represent their goals through the use of templates. This has the advantage of a common semantic
framework for agenda representation and plan recognition.
It is also desired to support location-stamped memos.
Sharing this information within the environment allows for
many different collaboration features.
To act and respond ‘intelligently’, the environment has to
know about the location of persons and objects, the user
might be interested in, so we will utilize various technologies. Audio volume gives a cue of a persons presence, and
dialogue speaker-clustering allows user classification into
stereotypes. Vision systems may allow face recognition or
user tracking. Persons will be equiped with radio tags for
reliable identification. All these sensors produce a vast
amount of information, therefore the analysis and evaluation of the data should be done at sensor locations, using
embedded hardware, so that only abstract facts will be sent
to the environment’s knowledge base.
Plan Recognition
The dialogue manager is the core component for humancomputer interaction. It will handle requests to:
User actions will be monitored by a plan recognition process, which also has access to the environments knowledge
base. The user’s behaviour is matched against the goals
known from their profile, thus the system will be able to
proactively help to complete plans by providing selected
x Provide navigational assistance (How do I get there ?)
x Solve different tasks (I need..!, where can I get. ?)
1. Baus, Krüger, Wahlster: A ressource-adaptive mobile
navigation system. Proccedings of IUI2002:
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
2002, ACM Press, 2002.
Now, that we have explained the framework, we will
identi-fy the environment’s components and their features.
Dialogue Manager
It is designed to parse multimodal user requests and allows
for the combined use of natural language and pointing gestures on a touchscreen. In response, the system will
dynami-cally create multimedia output including text,
speech and graphics and adapt it to fit the interface’s
capabilities. On large displays 3D presentations will be
shown, whereas on PDA’s
automatically generated
sketches are used [3]. The content is also adapted to the
user’s language and know-ledge, which is represented in a
2. Salber, Dey and Abowd: The Context Toolkit: Aiding
the development of context-enabled applications. In
Proceedings of CHI’99, pp. 434-441
3. Stahl, Krüger, Baus: Location Dependent Generation of
Sketches for Mobile Indoor Route Descriptions. To
appear in ECAI 2002 workshop notes on Artificial
Intelligence in Mobile Systems (AIMS).
Amplification of Reality: Computation as Material for Design
Jennica Falk
Story Networks group, Media Lab Europe
Sugar House Lane, Bellevue, Dublin 8, Ireland
As our physical environment becomes saturated with computational technology, our perception of and interaction
within the tangible domain will inevitably alter. Computation is shifting from being a tool to a material for designing
not only digital worlds, but also the physical world, a transformation I refer to the amplification of reality. An applied
and speculative approach reveals the interaction design
implications, and I am currently using an interactive narratives and games domain, live action role-playing, as area for
exploring and informing my ideas and prototypes. One of
the challenges I am currently facing relates to evaluations of
my ideas and implementations.
In our interaction with, and within, the world, the properties
of our physical environment and objects around us play
important roles to enhance and aid communication. Objects
and locations are also integral to our perception and understanding of the physical space, and we have developed very
sophisticated skills for manipulating and organizing the
physical world. These premises form the foundation for
much of the research in areas such as tangible user interfaces, context-aware applications, and ubiquitous computing, where the primary objective is to move computation
beyond the confining desktop computer, and provide a
seamless interfaces between users, everyday objects, and
the surrounding environment. Although the mappings
between physical and digital media are somewhat trivial to
accomplish technologically, at least on a coarse scale, a
more difficult task is to form an understanding of the social
and cultural implications of such a design practice. How
will an increasingly computational physical world, affect
our social and cultural environment? What kinds of new
interaction paradigms can be designed? How is the physical
world designed as an interface that effectively communicates functionality within these paradigms?
I have taken a speculative and applied approach with the
purpose of negotiating these questions. Through the design
of functional prototypes, which are informed by existing
theories and principles of interaction design, and through
contextual studies of human-world interactions, the philosophical and theoretical lens of my research is reduced to
practice. I propose three areas of inquiry that will provide a
foundation for my doctoral thesis, where the main area
focuses on interaction design theory, particularly emphasizing the design of interfaces that span both the digital and the
physical worlds. The supporting technical area provides a
practical focus, specifically on the design of prototypes. The
supporting contextual area provides a parallel focal point on
Fig 1. The intersecting research areas
a specific human engagement with the physical world,
physically interactive narratives and game play. Figure 1
shows a diagram outlining the intersecting areas. The following sections will examine them in detail.
As a student of New Informatics [2], which roughly translates into an applied computer science field, I am in the area
of the design and use of information technology. Of particular interest is how computers are changing the way we interact with each other as well as how they change our
perception of and relationship with the world. I aim to study
and contribute to the transformation of computing from
being a tool with which we accomplish tasks, to a material
for designing the physical world. I refer to this transformation as the amplification of reality, which emphasizes
expressive and embedded computational properties [3]. To
tackle this research problem, I have divided the task into
three areas of investigation and an additional three areas of
application, each described below (this model is an adaptation of the general examinations proposals that are practiced
at many universities, for instance in North America).
Theoretical area: Interaction design theories
The theoretical area is primarily a literature review of existing theories of interaction design. Of particular relevance is
ubiquitous computing with its attempt to move computation
into the comfortable attention space of our everyday environment, and tangible user interfaces, which explores how
computation can be rendered graspable and embodied in
physical forms. A variety of related areas, such as contextaware computing, location-based story-telling, ad-hoc net-
working, wireless computing, etc., are additional topics of
interest in this literature review.
Technical area: Prototyping and implementing
Prototypes facilitate communicating and verifying ideas.
The supporting technical area has an implementational
focus, specifically on the design of interfaces that take computing beyond the desktop application. The technical area
offers me opportunity for hands-on experience with
enabling technologies such as sensors, actuators, and microcontrollers, as well as opportunity to experiment with the
design of form and function.
Contextual area: Interactive narratives and games
I have chosen the specific area of physically interactive narratives and games to inspire and inform the prototyping process. What I mean by physically interactive narratives and
games are activities in which intimate relationships emerge
in the interaction between participants, artefacts, and the
variety of contexts that the story or game provides. Of particular interest to me is live action role-play (LARP), which
in its basic definition and purpose, is a dramatic narrative
form in which participants portray fictional characters to
create a web of stories that emerge in their situated and
improvised interaction. LARP games suggest a number of
interesting relationships from which to extrapolate, between
players, plot, locations, and objects in the game. Parallel
observations may be made from for instance improvisational theatre or children’s play.
The intersections of the three research areas outlined,
present opportunities for applied and speculative investigations. In the relationships between theory, practice, and
application, a clearer understanding of amplified reality
takes form. The following sections suggests the direction of
such a discussion.
Computation as a material for design
In the shift from desktop computing to ubiquitous and tangible computing, the computer changes from being a metaphor of interaction, to a medium of interaction. In other
words, computation is transformed from being a material
for designing not only the digital domain, but also the physical world. Much like wood or steel or paint are used as
materials in the design of certain artifacts or effects, computation can be viewed as a material for design. With computation, new expressions and functionality can be
superimposed on, and embedded in, the physical world.This
is a philosophical as a practical subject, where This notion
has been previously explored by Redström in his doctoral
thesis [4].
Social and cultural studies
A closer look at objects and the fictitious functionality
assigned to them in role-playing games, confirms their
importance to the progress of the game as well as to the
interaction between players. By studying and participating
in LARP games, I am hoping to make a number of observations, e.g.:
• How do physical objects serve as mediators and facilitators of game plot and progress?
• How are different physical locations serving as context
for interaction and how do they affect interaction?
• How are abstract and imaginative concepts, such as
magic, immortal interventions, death, ghostly presences,
etc., communicated within a LARP setting?
Of specific interest to me is to look at how players are interacting through rather than with this game world and the
objects within it, and to reveal design implications for when
we in a similar way assign computational functionality to
(or amplify) our physical world.
Tangible narrative spaces
Where the contextual and the technical areas meet, specific
applications and prototypes emerge. Tangible narrative
spaces are story or game spaces in which users interact with
the physical environment and tangible interfaces in order to
interact with narrative content. There environments will
employ novel input and output channels, new ways of interacting with and manipulating digital content, and interfaces
that are distributed over a large physical space.
I have explored the notion of tangible narrative spaces in
some previous projects. Pirates!, a collaboration project
between the PLAY research group and Nokia Research
Center, is a multi-player game for handheld computers,
which requires players to explore the physical space in order
to explore the virtual game space [1]. The Tangible MUD
project illustrates how tangible user interfaces can extend a
virtual game world, allowing everyday physical objects to
function as both input mechanisms as well as displays of
game output. I am currently working on a prototype that
combines these two projects, creating a physically distributed interactive and tangible story space.
Of specific concern to me at this point, is how to evaluate
and verify my ideas and implementations. I am not convinced that metrics and quantitative methods are appropriate
for evaluating a mainly speculative approach to designing
computational technology. To me, and indeed many others
who address their work in a similar way, such an approach
is very subjective. How do we know when we have made a
real contribution? My feeling is that while it is important to
frame our work in the context of other’s work, what is more
valuable is to challenge it by articulating the questions that
emerge, rather than solely focusing on the replicable
answers, and that we therein may find the contributing factors of this research.
To my advisors, Professor Bo Dahlbom, Glorianna Davenport, and Hiroshi Ishii, thanks for challenging me and
inspiring me. To Johan Redström, and colleagues at PLAY
and Media Lab Europe, thanks for all encouragement.
1. Björk, S., Falk, J., Hansson, R., and Ljungstrand, P. (2001).
Pirates!: Using the Physical World as a Game Board. In Proceedings of Interact’01, Tokyo, Japan.
2. Dahlbom, B. (1997) The New Informatics, In Scandinavian
Journal of Information Systems, vol. 8, nr 2.
3. Falk, J., Redström, J., and Björk, S. (1999). Amplified Reality.
In Proceedings of HUC’99, Karlsruhe, Germany.
4. Redström, J. (2001) Designing Everyday Computational
Things, Gothenburg studies in Informatics, (Report 20).
Designing Pervasive Computing Technology
– In a Nomadic Work Perspective
Jannie Friis Kristensen
Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Aabogade 34, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
The nomadic and mobile work context has been a central
concern for parts of the research communities in HCI and
CSCW for the last ten years. Many projects and research
groups are focusing on conceptualizing and describing
nomadic work through empirical studies and theoretical
distinctions, others have focused on concrete design work
on services and devices supporting mobile and nomadic
work. Examples are Luff and Heath [5], Belotti and Bly
[1], Kristoffersen and Ljungberg [4] and Fagrell et al [3].
In parallel we have seen a range of workshops and
conferences relating to technical, methodological and
social implications of relating to nomadic and mobile
In my thesis work I am investigating how the design of
pervasive/ubiquitous computing technology, relate to the
flexible and individual work practice of nomadic workers.
Through empirical studies and with an experimental
systems development approach, the work is focused on:
a) Supporting interpretation and inclusion of implicit and
invisible as well as explicit and visible characteristics of
artifacts, users and use practices. b) Identifying
breakdowns in human-computer interaction situations,
with particular emphasis on the computation that happens
"behind the scenes" in the pervasive computing
environment, and how that computational process at a
sufficient level is made intelligible, visible, accountable
and negotiable to the human participant.
Mark Weiser [7] introduced the notion of ”ubiquitous
computing”, describing the vision of the disappearing
computer. He was advocating for the computer
technology to become part of our existing environments
and tools, away from the stationary and personal desktop
computer. Also Alan Kay and Don Normann [6] have in
different forms followed this line of thought. Alan Kay
introduced the notion of transparency, and was an
advocate for introducing more natural interaction modes
in relation to computers. Also Don Normann has
participated in this discourse for decades, and has
recently in his book “The Invisible Computer, contributed
by introducing the concept of ”Information appliances”.
He argues to concentrate on the tools and the tasks at
hand, and ”hide the motor” and the computational
processes inside.
Nomadic work, HCI, pervasive computing.
Studying modern lifestyle and work organization in the
light of the vision of creating ubiquitous/pervasive computing environments, has inspired me to focus at specific
design challenges posed by the combination of disappearing/invisible computation processes, human computer
interaction and specific context issues posed by nomadic
and mobile work. The objectives of the visions serve as
the general perspective through which I approach
technological development and qualitative assessment of
supporting nomadic and mobile work.
I begin with an introduction of the research areas of
nomadic work and ubiquitous/pervasive computing,
second I introduce the empirical studies of my research,
and conclude with a presentation of work and results so
Nomadic Work and Pervasive Computing
A central concern in supporting mobile and nomadic
work is creating an information infrastructure that can
support the nomadic/mobile work practice. A reliable
communication network through which information is
transferable and accessible, is only one component of
such system, further components are a network of reliable
access points, tools and services. Such a comprehensive
network should constitute the link between the physical
and social sphere of work activities, and the information
sphere in which data is stored, processed, uploaded and
downloaded. The visions of ubiquitous and pervasive
computing, presents alternative ideas and discussions in
this area. In these visions, computing is no longer a
discrete activity bound to a desktop, it is an environment
where we expect all the “known” computing devices to
access information and work together in one seamless,
integrated system. The pervasive computing environment
is envisioned to help us manage information quickly,
efficiently and effortlessly.
For much of the 20th century, the available
communication technologies, construction practices and
business processes dictated a world of industrial work
mainly confined to scientifically managed office and
production buildings. As a result of the general socioeconomic and technological development in recent years,
we have witnessed radical changes in work-tasks and
work organization. These changes are partly
characterized by an increasing uncoupling between work
and a specific workplace, creating a new generation of socalled ’nomadic workers’, characterized by much more
flexible, transforming and individual patterns of work,
than seen in the early days of the industrial society.
Another result of this development is a redefinition of the
relationships between work, home and public spaces.
I have developed the concept of “situated interpretation”
to describe the complex and multifaceted task of acting a
situational context, an understanding that defines the
initial basis for acting, secondary for negotiating and thus
forms the basis for meaningful interaction. The concept is
currently being developed and introduced in the design
process of pervasive computing environments. It is the
goal that analysis and evaluation of the situated
interpretation processes underlying the concrete humancomputer interactions in a given situation, can help form
the basis for creating easy-to-use interfaces that are
intelligible, accountable and sufficiently negotiable for
the human user.
Empirical studies form the imperative background of my
thesis work, based on work in two different large-scale
projects: The EU project WorkSPACE [2] and a project
for the county of Aarhus, in relation to Center for New
Ways of Working. These studies form the imperative
background for describing, discussing and understanding
challenges in relation to designing pervasive technology
environments for nomadic work contexts. I have studied
the work of landscape architects, architects and engineers,
focusing on the use of objects and tools, special aspects
of nomadic and mobile work, environments and rooms, as
well as collaboration and distributed work. Material has
been collected over a period of one year so far, through
interviews, workshops and “fly on the wall” studies,
documented by still-pictures, video, transcripts of
selected material, workshop material and notes.
Experimental Systems Development
In the projects we have performed numerous
experimental design sessions together with end-users,
including evaluations and modifications of prototypes.
The methods chosen and developed for these sessions
have been focused at developing a useful translation from
highly flexible, creative and individual work praxis’ to
the design of general technological environments and
artifacts. Collecting empirical material through the use of
pictures diaries, and analyzing empirical material in terms
of “abstractions of actions” are examples of methods
developed in the project, based on concerns about
preserving creativity and individuality, and the balance
between understanding and taking into account the
present work situation on one side, and creating
something new on the other. Due to space limitations I
will not refer these methods in detail in the present paper.
The pervasive computing visions are perfectly focused on
supporting mobile and nomadic work practices, but this
combination also introduces a number of new challenges
and problems. The challenges emphasized in the
empirical studies and analysis of the thesis work, has led
to a focus in three areas:
Empirical Translation & Design Context
Interface and Interaction Design
Experimental Systems Development
Future work of the project will be focused on 2 and 3.
Empirical Translation & Design Context
The empirical studies highlight two important shifts to
address in the design process: 1) From some-place to
some-where; Computers have moved from the workplace
to home use, onto the streets and into our everyday lives.
This also means that the computer – or rather the
computing power - has moved from the desktop PC and a
fixed context, to a range of old and new devices and
environments, working in constantly transforming and
largely unpredictable contexts. This shift invokes a
second design shift from focus on computers or single
devices to a broader focus on computing. 2) From visible
to embedded; Hiding more of the computation certainly
gives apparent advantages, but it also introduces new
complexities in relation to human-computer interaction.
This shift also invokes a second shift in relation to
analysis and gathering of empirical material, in placing
attention on the challenges posed in describing and
translating implicit and invisible characteristics of the use
1. Bellotti, V. and S. Bly (1996) Walking away from the
desktop computer: Distributed collaboration and
mobility in a product design team. I Proceedings of
CSCW'96, K. Ehrlich & C. Schmandt (Eds.), ACM
Press, pp. 209-218.
2. Büscher, M., Krogh, P., Mogensen, P., & Shapiro, D.
(2001) Vision on the move - technologies for the
footloose. Appliance Design. Vol 1 (1), pp 11-14.
3. Fagrell, H., Kristoffersen, S. and Ljungberg, F. (1999)
Exploring Support for Knowledge Management in
Mobile Work. I Proceedings of ECSCW'99, S.
Bødker, M. Kyng & K. Schmidt (Eds.), Klüwer, pp.
277 - 290
4. Kristoffersen, S., Ljungberg, F. (2000) Mobile Use of
IT. Proceedings of IRIS 22, T.K. Kakola (ed.),
Jyvaskyla University Printing House.
5. Luff, P. and C. Heath (1998) Mobility in Collaboration. In Proceedings of CSCW'98, S. Poltrock and J.
Grudin (Eds.), ACM Press, pp. 305-314.
Interface and Interaction Design
The central focus of my investigations in this area, are
interaction and control issues introduced in relation to the
implementation of embedded, invisible and intelligent
computation. The central questions addressed are; how do
the actors, (human/non-human) access knowledge about a
situational context, transform that into an interpretation of
the situation, convey this interpretation into actions, and
finally how do they make negotiation of that
understanding and the corresponding action possible?
6. Norman, D. (1998) The Invisible Computer. MIT
Press, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambrigde.
7. Weiser, M. (1991) The Computer for the 21’st
Century. In Scientific American, September 1991, pp.
Digital Communication through Touch
Kurt Partridge
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA 98195 USA
+1 206 543 5143
Touch-mediation communication is a local communication
technology in which a user directly controls the
transmission of information between a wearable device and
a ubiquitous device by his or her touch. Based upon
intrabody communication, touch-mediated communication
naturally limits the zone of communication to devices of
interest and does not require conscious attention from the
user. Implementations are power-efficient compared to
other local communication mechanisms. I plan to construct
two touch-mediated communication devices: a shoe and a
bracelet. Each device will be evaluated on how well it
correlates touch and communication.
Touch-mediated communication offers benefits that other
local communication media lack:
Communication, Bluetooth, IrDA, RFID,
Communication, Personal Area Networks
The zone of communication is limited to the devices of
interest. Other devices that happen to be nearby but are
not touched cannot, in theory, interfere with or participate
in the communication. If Alice operates device D, and D
wants to communicate with Alice’s PDA, there is no
chance of accidentally mistaking Bob’s PDA for Alice’s.
Media that enable communication between all nearby
parties, such as radio waves, cannot distinguish Alice and
Bob. Such media are also more easily snooped.
Touch-mediated communication is not physically
imposing. Some mechanisms, like barcode scanners,
fingerprint readers, IrDA, and RFID require the user to
hold a device or click an activation button. Touchmediated communication leaves users’ hands free to
move easily between devices.
Touch-mediated communication is also not mentally
imposing. Touch is something that users would “have to
do anyway” [1]. To borrow Weiser’s terminology, touch
easily “disappears.”
Touch’s invisibility enables
applications that would otherwise take too much user
effort. For example, a wearable could keep a database of
all touched objects. The user could query the database to
determine how his or her usage of time, or an application
could use the database to predict future context. If
collecting the data required a conscious action on the part
of the user, the database would be less complete and less
accurate because of the overhead to add an entry.
Many applications require local exchange of digital
information between a wearable device and a device in the
environment. Everyday examples include electronic access
cards and remote control devices. Ubiquitous computing
applications will need local communication to identify
users, transmit commands, and collect data.
Many communication media and technologies have been
used for local communication, such as visible light for
barcodes, infrared signals for IrDA, radio frequencies for
Bluetooth, magnetic fields for RFID, and physical contact
for smartcards and iButtons.
This work concerns a different approach: the transmission
of imperceptible low-power electrical signals through the
human body.
The feasibility of “intrabody
communication” (IBC) has already been demonstrated [5,
2]. I hope to show how to make IBC touch-mediated. That
is, communication should be possible if and only if the
same person simultaneously touches both IBC transceivers.
There are also disadvantages to touch-mediated
communication. First, data rates for IBC are low—our
current prototype operates at 44kbps. The theoretical
maximum speed is higher, but still under a megabit per
second. Data rate issues are minor, however, because
vertical handoffs can easily increase transmission capacity.
Second, touch-mediated communication is inappropriate
for devices beyond arm’s reach. While some applications
do need across-the-room communication, many others do
not. And third, unintended actions may occur if a user
unintentionally touches an object. If the object is another
person, an unexpectedly long communication channel may
be possible since the signal can flow through multiple
people that are all touching each other.
An IBC system is best understood as a single circuit that
includes the person, transmitter, and receiver. The person
behaves like a moderately high-valued resistor in series
with small capacitors. The transmitter generates a signal
with a frequency between 10kHz and 10MHz and a peakto-peak amplitude from 5V to 50V. The receiver sees a
greatly attenuated version of the transmitted signal, which
it amplifies and otherwise processes before passing it up to
the application.
The signal attenuation arises mostly not from dissipation of
power inside the person’s body, but rather from the lack of
a common ground for the transmitter and receiver. The
two circuits’ grounds are coupled capacitively through the
environment, using either nearby conductors or the
miniscule capacitance of the surrounding air. As the user
moves, the impedance of the ground connection varies.
Consequently, the strength of the received signal varies.
Variations in received signal strength cause problems for
touch-mediated communication. Ideally, a touch-mediated
communication receiver would pick up a strong signal if
the user touched another transceiver, and no signal
otherwise. But if the grounding connection is too weak,
the receiver may not detect the signal. Conversely, if the
grounding connection is too strong the receiver may detect
the signal when it should not. We have observed these
effects in both informal experiences and formal
experiments [3]. Poor connections are common with
portable devices, which must couple circuit grounds
through the air around the person. Undesired connections
are common when two transceivers come within a few tens
of centimeters of each other.
Although these techniques should improve the correlation
between touch and communication, problems may still
arise, particularly if multiple people are present. For
example, if a user without an IBC transceiver touches an
IBC-enabled device, and another user with an IBC
transceiver stands nearby, the device may believe that the
nearby user is touching it. Even more pathologically, the
user with the transceiver may touch the user without one.
Technical solutions to these problems are challenging.
However, if signal analysis cannot distinguish these
situations from genuine touch, feedback to the user may
provide enough warning to avoid problems in a practical
I plan to construct a shoe and a bracelet to explore these
ideas. Prior work [5, 3] has shown that transceivers located
in shoes usually produce the greatest received signal
strength, because the signal can couple through conductive
surfaces in the floor. But couplers in shoes have
particularly low signal strengths when communicating with
portable devices. Bracelets have fewer problems with
portables, but the overall weaker signal strength and
potential for transceiver proximity makes them more
susceptible to communication without touch.
I also plan to write software to simplify the construction of
touch-mediated applications. An initial code base has
already been developed.
I will evaluate the proposed techniques for both devices in
a setting where conditions can be reproduced, and in a
practical setting where users are likely to perform
unpredictable actions.
Bret Sherman and Boris Startsev assisted with the
application code base.
I plan to investigate two techniques to address these
shortcomings of IBC as a mechanism to support touchmediated communication. Both techniques amplify the
signal so it can be received even with a poor grounding
connection. The signal is then ignored if touch is deemed
not to have occurred.
The first approach uses more sophisticated signal analysis.
The rate of change of signal strength, rather than a fixed
threshold, may indicate when a user touches and stops
touching a device. A low-frequency component may be
produced from user “fidgeting,” which changes the system
geometry and therefore the received signal strength.
3. Partridge, K., Dahlquist, D., Veiseh, A., Cain, A.,
Goldberg, J., Foreman, A., and Borriello, G.. Empirical
Performance under Varied Physical Configurations.
UIST 2001.
The second approach uses additional sensors to provide
sufficient information to detect touch.
We have
constructed a vibration sensor [4], although other sensors
would also work, such as electrical power-line noise, or the
controls on a device’s physical user interface.
1. Hinckley, K., and Sinclair, M. Touch-Sensing Input
Devices. CHI 1999.
2. Matsushita, N., Tajima, S., Ayatsuka, Y., Rekimoto, J.
Wearable Key: Device for Personalizing nearby
Environment. ISWC 2000.
4. Partridge, K., and Borriello, G. A Hybrid Sensor
Approach to Touch-Aware Communication. UW CSE
Technical Report 02-07-02, 2002.
5. Zimmerman, T. Personal area networks: Near-field
intrabody communication.
IBM Systems Journal,
35(3):609—617, 1996.
Facilitating the Capture & Access of Everyday Activities
Khai N. Truong
College of Computing & GVU Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
801 Atlantic Drive
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280 USA
+1 404 545 1036
There are situations in life when people need to recall
specific details from previous experiences. To complement
what can naturally be remembered, people will use tools to
help create artifacts that preserve information pertaining to
an experience. Unfortunately, the act of generating these
records can sometimes conflict with people’s abilities to
fully appreciate the experiences. To assist in this process,
many automated capture and access applications have been
developed to relieve us from the burden of manually
documenting these experiences. In this research, we
develop an infrastructure to facilitate the construction of
this class of applications for a variety of situations and
Ubiquitous computing, capture and access application,
infrastructure, application development.
Ubiquitous computing is a vision of technology seamlessly
integrated into the environment to assist humans in their
everyday lives [7]. One of the services envisioned is the
automated capture of everyday experiences made available
for future access.
Automated capture and access
applications leverage what computers do best – record
information. In return, humans are free to fully engage in
the activity and to synthesize the experience, without
having to worry about tediously exerting effort to preserve
specific details for later perusal.
As ubiquitous computing becomes more and more
pervasive, it is important to understand instances where
capture and access services are desirable and when it is
inappropriate. One way of learning how people can benefit
and use automated capture and access services is by
actually evaluating its authentic use in these environments.
Over the years, researchers have constructed capture and
access applications for classrooms [1], [4] and meeting
rooms [3], [5]. However, there still exist many more
domains that could potentially benefit from the same kinds
of services, such as the home and the car.
To facilitate research in ubiquitous computing, advances
are necessary to improve the tools available for those with
creative applications to realize their visions. Toolkits and
infrastructures can provide levels of abstractions as well as
reusable building block that can aide in the development
process of a system. In this research, we have developed
INCA (an infrastructure for capture and access
applications) aimed:
to lower the barrier for building capture and access
to make complex applications more evolvable, or
capable of being fine tuned to meet the users’ true
needs, and
to support the construction of a wider variety of
applications previously unexplored.
In his 1945 Atlantic Monthly article, Vannevar Bush
described his vision of the memex, a generalized capture
and access application [2]. He noted that a “record … must
be continuously extended, it must be stored, and above all it
must be consulted.” The point of every capture and access
application is to preserve some portion of an experience so
that it can be accessed in the future. While the specifics of
why users want capture and access services are domain
dependent, from the users’ perspective, all capture and
access applications need to support:
the preservation of details from an experience,
the marking of associations between these captured
artifacts, and
the availability of all information on a topic from
previous experiences when needed.
To meet these broad goals, application developers need to
provide support:
for ensuring that information is captured,
for associating and aggregating related information,
for keeping information available for later use, and
for providing information when users want it.
Capture and access applications are typically comprised of
a confederation of heterogeneous components that must
work seamlessly together.
As a result, application
developers are often forced to exert large amounts of effort
and time at tediously creating the “glue” that allows these
independent, distributed, and heterogeneous systems to
work together. However, these are accidental tasks – tasks
not directly related to the developer’s primary goals in the
development of the application. This points out the
potential for lower level support to aid in the construction
of capture and access applications.
Many capture and access applications have been built as
one-off prototype demonstration vehicles, not meant to be
extensible over time.
However, the architectural
similarities that exist across these applications point to the
potential creation of reusable components to reduce future
development time and effort. An examination of this class
of applications reveals similarities in functionality, where
some part of the system is responsible for:
the capture of information,
the storage of the information,
the transduction of information into different formats,
the access of the information, and
the integration and synchronization of related
information when multiple streams of information are
INCA can support the development of a wider variety
of applications previously unexplored.
Our research is aimed at providing application developers
with an infrastructure that makes it easier to build capture
and access systems. We have completed the first version of
the capture and access infrastructure and have made this
distribution publicly available. We have provided the
infrastructure to members of our research group as well as
several other research institutes. We will investigate the
Feedback from the developers will be elicited to understand
the kinds of applications that they are actually able to build
and the difficulties they encounter.
We have developed an infrastructure to leverage on these
natural separation of concerns common across capture and
access applications, while abstracting away some of the
complexities that arise in the development of this class of
applications, such as:
Additionally, we have done an extensive study of related
work, and have described a set of dimensions for capture
and access applications [6]. Using the results from this
study we are able to identify the design space for capture
and access applications and the holes in this design space.
We will re-implement several applications from the
literature to demonstrate INCA’s support for aiding in the
construction of existing applications. We will demonstrate
INCA’s support for building a wide range of applications
by varying the extremes for all dimensions of the design
space; thereby proving its potential support for all possible
Networking: providing developers with a single,
repeatable design process for building both networked
or stand-alone applications in the same fashion.
Information management:
generically capturing,
storing, and delivering all information streams as raw
bytes tagged with contextual metadata attributes.
Additional features include support for observing the
capture and access system’s run-time state as well as the
ability to control capture and access allowing end-users and
application developers to address privacy concerns.
Through these separations of concerns, key architectural
abstractions, a toolkit of reusable services, and other
additional features, this infrastructure addresses the
accidental tasks in the development process of the
applications themselves. As a result, developers can then
focus on solely building applications to meet the users’
As part of this research, we will use the infrastructure to
evaluate the following hypotheses:
I would like to thank my advisor, Gregory D. Abowd, for
all his support, encouragement and guidance.
1. Abowd, G.D., Classroom 2000: An experiment with the
instrumentation of a living educational environment.
IBM Systems Journal. 38(4) (1999), 508-530.
2. Bush, V. As We May Think, in Atlantic Monthly.
3. Chiu, P., et al. NoteLook: Taking Notes in Meetings
with Digital Video and Ink. In Proceedings of ACM
Multimedia’99 (Orlando FL, 1999), 149-158.
4. Davis, R.C., et al. NotePals: Lightweight Note Sharing
by the Group, for the Group. In Proceedings of CHI’99
(Pittsburgh PA, 1999), 338-345.
5. Minneman, S., et al. A confederation of tools for
capturing and accessing collaborative activity. In
Proceedings of ACM Multimedia’95. (San Francisco
CA, 1995), 523-534.
The infrastructure will allow application developers to
more easily build and evolve capture and access
6. Truong, K.N., Abowd, G.D., and Brotherton, J.A. Who,
What, When, Where, How: Design Issues of Capture &
Access Applications. In Proceedings of UBICOMP
2001 (Atlanta GA, 2001).
Designers can build solutions that are reusable by other
application developers.
7. Weiser, M., The computing for the 21st century.
Scientific American. 265(3) (1991), 94-104.
Ubiquitous Computing: Transparency in
Context-Aware Mobile Computing
Louise Barkhuus, Ph.d. student
Department of Design and Use of IT
The IT University of Copenhagen, Glentevej 67, DK-2400 Copenhagen, Denmark
June 30, 2002
Ubiquitous Computing
With the increasingly distributed use of computers
and the wide range of available computing devices,
our society is experiencing a previously unknown
level of mobile computing. The adoption of mobile
communication technologies such as mobile phones
and PDAs is an example of the mobility that constitute our society today and the pervasiveness that
mobility contribute with, is evidence of a changing
computing paradigm.
Ubiquitous computing describes a widely networked infrastructure of a multitude of computing devices. It moves the interaction beyond the
desktop and into the real world with a special attention to activities of everyday life. According
to Mark Weiser the vision is to get the computer
“out of the way, allowing people to just go about
their lives” [5]. The criteria of transparency is then
fundamental to the paradigm of ubiquitous computing. The transparency imply more than just a
user-friendly interface; the technology should facilitate the task in a non-intrusive way and in this
way ”hide” the underlying technology for the user.
The questions to pose however, is how this transparency is acquired and if mobile devices at their
present state are to any degree transparent?
In order to study the transparency within mobile devices I introduce the concept of contextawareness, a central aspect of ubiquitous computing. The context-aware computing describes a scenario where the computing device knows its own
present context and acts accordingly. This scenario, however, is highly complex since it requires
a closed community where the computing takes
place, contrasting mobile computing that requires
a high level of mobility. The solution at the present
state of consumer information appliances and mobile devices is that of context-dependent devices, devices that let the user define the context and then
act accordingly. One example is the mobile phone
that offers profiles for high, low and soundless settings. The two concepts of context-awareness and
context-dependency are close and often overlapping
however, in my research they will be defined separately in order to be comparable.
Problem Statement
The main question within my research is how the
user experience of transparency within a ubiquitous
computing environment can be affected by contextaware mobility compared to context-dependent mobility. Context-aware mobility is defined as mobile applications that change according to context where context-dependent mobility just requires some alteration by the user. The area of
ubiquitous computing in question will be limited
to mobile devices and their use in a consumer context.
What I hope to accomplish with my research is to
contribute to a theoretical framework of how mobile technology can acquire the status of ”transparent” as people use the technology as tools for
specific tasks. I will attempt to provide further
knowledge into the area of user centered ubiquitous
computing by demonstrating how transparency is
acquired or perhaps not acquired in relation to use
There are two case studies that I intend to carry
of mobile technology. The theoretical framework
will consider the aspect of context as one attempt out. First, I will attempt to find if the present mobile devices are to any degree transparent in their
to acquire transparency.
use. The study will rely on user logs, interviews
and observation in order to determine the users
perception of their devices. The user group will
Theoretical Background
include mobile phone user, PDA users and comDrawing on Weiser’s definition of ubiquitous com- bined users. The goal of the study is to compare
puting [4], [5], I intend to use a conceptual frame- the perceived transparency (defined according to
work that includes his definition of transparency in trends in ubiquitous computing) in mobile phones
combination with other research conducted in the with that of PDAs and by this attempting to define
area. As for context-aware applications, there are their present level of transparency according to my
still few, if any, outside research laboratories at the definition. Second, I plan to do a large-scale case
present state and moreover, most research falls into study within ”Crossroads Copenhagen”, a newly
the category of location-based services [1]. The the- formed research collaboration, which includes a
oretical framework of context-awareness is there- project of location-based mobile services and techfore limited but researchers such as Dey, Abowd, nologies. Here, the aspect of context-awareness is
Salber [1] as well as Schilit and Theimer [2] have essential and actual large-scale implemented appliall made extensive work within the area. Finally, cations are candidates for further study. The colthe situated actions as defined by Lucy Suchman [3] laboration is presently in its initial phase and I am
is an area that I base my research on. The concept currently attempting to structure a case study that
is relevant to the use of mobile devices in that the takes place in this context.
situations of use are difficult to specify in opposition to plans and fluctuate according to context.
Thereby they create a flow of different situations References
where the necessary actions are not interrelated.
[1] A.K. Dey, G.D. Abowd and D. Salber: “A
Conceptual Framework and a Toolkit for Supporting the Rapid Prototyping of ContextPlanned Research
Aware Applications”, Human-Computer Interaction vol.16, 2001, pp. 97–166.
To study the transparency of context-aware and
context-dependent technology, the level of trans- [2] B. Schilit and M. Theimer: “Disseminating acparency within specific applications should be meative map information to mobile hosts”. IEEE
sured. Both context-aware and context-dependent
Network 8(5), 22–32.
applications should be considered in order to compare these. Here, the method of a case study is [3] L. Suchman: Plans and Situated Actions.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
proposed as one way of acquiring empirical data.
The case study will provide data of the actual use
of mobile devices and applications in real settings.
[4] M. Weiser: “The Computer for the 21st cenI am currently doing a preliminary, literary study
tury”, Scientific American, 265(3), 1991, pp.
of the two concepts transparency and context66–75.
awareness/dependency. The study will conclude on
the past and current use of the terms in relation [5] M. Weiser: “Some Computer Science Issues
to mobile computing and an operational definition
in Ubiquitous Computing, Communications of
is to be developed as a foundation for my further
the ACM, 36(7), 1993, pp. 74–84.
research. I am defining the concepts in regard to
other researchers’ definitions as well as my own considerations, in order to define usable concepts that
can be measured and thereby studied as part of my
Using Autonomous Agents to Maintain a User Presence in
Ubiquitous Collaborative Environments
Marcela Rodríguez
Computer Science Department, CICESE, Ensenada, México
Handheld computers are becoming a natural medium to tap
into an ubiquitous computing infrastructure. Handhelds,
however, most often operate disconnected from the network
thus reducing the opportunities for computer-mediated
collaboration with colleagues or computational resources.
We propose the use of autonomous agents that represent the
user and are able to make decisions on his behalf while he
is disconnected or inactive. We present an extension to the
COMAL handheld collaborative development framework to
support autonomous agents that can act on behalf of the
user in pervasive computing environments.
Ubiquitous computing, autonomous agents, CSCW.
Due to the personal nature of handheld computers, most of
its applications today are oriented to single users and
require limited or no connectivity at all. However, the users
of these devices work in collaborative environments in
which the need to exchange information and share ideas
with others is very clear. Thus, as these devices become
more pervasive and support network connectivity, we
expect them to become major players in future ubiquitous
collaborative environments [5]. Furthermore, the
interconnected infrastructure as a whole should be able to
sense the context in which a specific situation is taking
place and adapt to it according to its location of use, the
people and objects that are around, and changes of those
entities over time [4].
Increasingly, handhelds provide alternatives for network
connectivity, yet they are most of the time inactive or
disconnected from the network, which severely limits their
use for ubiquitous collaboration. In these circumstances,
autonomous agents that act on behalf of the user and reside
on a desktop computer or trusted server, might be able to
maintain a limited user presence and execute actions on his
behalf. To explore the potential of such an approach, we
have extended COMAL (Collaborative Mobile Application
Library) [1], a handheld collaborative development
framework, to support the development of autonomous
agents in ubiquitous collaborative environments.
We analyzed use scenarios of autonomous agents in
ubiquitous collaborative environments, which helped us
determine key issues to be addressed in the development of
the framework. Some of these use scenarios are presented
A user is co-authoring a research paper with a colleague
and he needs to incorporate his final contributions.
However, the latest version of the paper is currently locked
by his co-author who is attending a conference. The user
sends a message to his co-author’s agent who will decide,
based on the context, whether or not to liberate the
When the user arrives at a conference with multiple
simultaneous tracks, he fills a form on his PDA in which he
specifies his main interests. He connects his handheld to a
point of presence to send his profile, which will launch an
agent in the conference server to build for him a
recommended personalized schedule. The schedule is
stored in a server to be downloaded to the handheld the
next time he is connected to the network.
Finally, at the attendee’s handheld may appear agents which
represent devices available in the private network of the
conference site, such as, a public printer. The attendee can
become aware of the printer status and send a paper that he
wants to share with a colleague he met at the conference.
Based on the scenarios just presented, we identified the
following requirements for the application development
1. Support for disconnected mode of operation
2. A consistent development API
3. Support for different communication modes
4. Agents are created automatically or explicitly by the user
5. Agents should be able to communicate with its user and
with other agents in other desktops.
6. Additionally, agents may represent users as well as
devices or services available on ad-hoc networks.
The first three requirements are satisfied by COMAL [1],
an architecture and a set of application libraries designed to
build Shared Objects for Portable Environments, or SOPE
applications. COMAL libraries exist only in the desktop
and handhelds computers. Developers using this framework
can then concentrate more on building the ubiquitous
collaborative solution itself, rather than doing low level
programming. To satisfy the last three requirements, we
have extended COMAL with SALSA (Simple Agent
Library for Sope Applications). This extension allows users
to implement simple agents on top of SOPE's to act on
behalf of the user while he is disconnected, or for
representing devices that are within reach of the user.
COMAL currently supports the Palm Computing Platform
with PalmOS.
SALSA is located on top of the Desktop COMAL library.
An agent programmed using SALSA includes components
for perception, action and reasoning as illustrated in Figure
1. The perception module accesses the Application
Database, and feeds the reasoning subsystem, which
governs the actions, including deciding what to perceive
next. The application database is a component of the
COMAL framework and includes information synchronized
with the handheld. The actions that can be triggered by an
agent include sending a message to the user or creating a
new agent with a predefined subgoal that can be
automatically launched or sent to the user for him to decide
whether and when to execute it. The reasoning component
can be implemented as a simple action/perception rule or
with a more sophisticated algorithm. This is left to the user
based on his application’s logic.
SALSA also provides the set of infrastructure services to
support agent interaction, as well as conventions that allow
them to understand and communicate with each other and
with the user. To implement an agent, SALSA defines an
abstract Agent class, which controls the life cycle of an
agent. The library provides a set of primitives through
which the desktop application can create and kill an agent,
communicate with other agents residing on another desktop
through XML messages, evaluate user’s interests and
execute tasks. Once the
Components for reasoning
agent is created, it is
Components for
registered in an Agent Componentes
Directory which provides
a yellow-page service that
allows the application to
identify which agents
Figure 1. SALSA’s Agent
provide what services; a
white-page services that
allow agents to locate each other.
Figure 2 illustrates the use of the SALSA primitives and the
COMAL library to implement a Personal Conference
Scheduling Application based on the use scenario described
previously. We can :PalmApp :DesktopApp user:Agent
appreciate how the
agent interacts with
messages shown in
bold correspond to
the agent library
while the others are
Figure 2. Behaviour of the
part of COMAL.
scheduling agent.
When the user has
connected his handheld to an access point to send his
profile (see Figure 3), an agent is
created and activated in the
conference server. The agent
evaluates this information to
generate a schedule, which is store
in the application database and will
be integrated in the calendar
application of the handheld the
Figure 3. PDA’s
next time it is synchronized using a Form to specify user
point of access.
The proliferation of different computing devices such as
handhelds is stimulating the development of frameworks
that allow developing mobile collaborative systems for
wireless or ad-hoc networks. Moreover, there is a migration
of technologies originally developed for PC’s to the realm
of handhelds and wireless networks. Collaborative Systems
Development APIs and Agent technology is following this
downsizing trend, and many projects are under way to
enable these systems on handheld devices. One of these
projects is the LEAP [2] project, which implements an
agent platform that runs seamlessly on both mobile and
fixed devices. Nevertheless, this platform does not provide
any means for implementing service-level interoperability
or agent autonomy.
The DACIA [5] and Ycab [3] projects proposed
frameworks that allow developers to create collaborative
applications that can run on both mobile and fixed devices.
YCab’s architecture avoids a single point of failure by
distributing the control over multiple nodes of the ad-hoc
network. In DACIA, while the user is disconnected, a
mobile application can be parked, which can continue to
interact with other parties on behalf of the user. In contrast,
our project allows the creation of autonomous agents that
represent the user while he is disconnected.
The projects just described, do not contemplate the need to
write data on the featured applications of the mobile device,
such as the Calendar or Date Book applications. Also, they
do not support communication via the PDA’s infrared port
as allowed under our approach.
1. Alba, M., Favela, J. (2000). Supporting Handheld
Collaboration through COMAL Proc. of CRIWG’2000, 52-59
2. Bergenti, F, and Poggi, A. (2001). LEAP:A FIPA Platform for
Handheld and Mobile Devices. Proc. of ATAL’2001,436-446
3. Buzko, D. et al. (2001). Decentralized Ad-Hoc Groupware
API and Framework for Mobile Collaboration. Proc. of
Group’2001, 5-14.
4. Dey, A. (2001). Understanding and Using Context. Personal
and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 5, No. 1,.4-7.
5. Litiu, R., Prakash, A. (2000). Developing Adaptive
Groupware Applications Using a Mobile Computing
Framework. Proc. of CSCW'2000, 107-116.
Using Internet Services to Manage Massive Evolving
Information for Ubiquitous Computing Systems
Emre Kıcıman
Stanford University
A major challenge in building ubiquitous computing systems
is the large variety of heterogeneous devices. Building applications that cope with this heterogeneity requires managing
massive amounts of quickly evolving information, mapping
among the various semantically-equivalent functionalities of
devices. We advocate using Internet services to store and collect these mappings. We are implementing this hypothesis in
the IMHome project, focusing on the spontaneous interaction
of media creation, storage, and playback devices. To evaluate
IMHome, we are developing metrics to measure the dependability of IMHome-based applications.
2. A solution in a general, dynamic environment is theoretically achievable. Practically however, the information required is too massive and/or changes too rapidly to be feasibly stored and managed in a local environment.
Other MEI problems include associating annotations (such as
product reviews) with physical artifacts, and mapping machinelevel identifiers to human-understandable names.
To create a general solution to an MEI problem, we must either reduce the amount of information that must be known
(such as through standardization) or we must find a way to
store and manage large, dynamic data sets in ubicomp environments. Standardization efforts have been made for years,
but have so far failed to stabilize due to changing requirements and technologies. And though we can store increasingly large data sets in ubicomp environments, we still have
issues distributing updates at the scale required by many MEI
Internet services, Ubiquitous computing, Massive evolving
information, Heterogeneity, Dependability
One of the major challenges in building a ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) system is ensuring that it can scale to the
large degree of heterogeneity present in ubicomp environments [3, 1]. The difficulty is that an application must explicitly know how to interoperate with the massive variety
of devices in real-world ubicomp environments. Even more
challenging, new devices are being developed every day.
In contrast to our ability to store and update massive evolving information in ubicomp environments, there are wellknown techniques for scaling Internet services to manage
large amounts of data, large numbers of queries, and rapid
updates. Today’s Internet services routinely manage massive
amounts of data.
For example, consider a ubiquitous computing application
that plays the first thirty seconds of every song in a user’s music collection—perhaps as part of a “name that tune” game.
This is not complicated functionality and seems quite easy
to build—except that this application must be able to control
everything from CD players to MP3 players to tomorrow’s
next-generation audio player, all with slightly different capabilities and potentially significantly different control interfaces. And while it is easy to build an ad hoc application
for any specific stereo system, it is practically impossible to
extend the same ad hoc application to support an open-ended
and evolving variety of audio players. The application simply
has to know too much.
By building an Internet service to manage our massive and
evolving information and accessing it remotely from our ubicomp environments, we reduce the particular MEI problem
to a domain-specific issue of how to generate the large data
set and keep it up-to-date. Though this is potentially still a
difficult issue, it is generally more tractable.
One example that illustrates how Internet services can be
used to solve MEI problems is found in today’s Internet CD
databases. The problem of linking a music CD to its album
information and related music is an MEI problem, since 1) it
is trivial to build a system which stores related information
for a static set of albums; and 2) the rapid rate at which new
CDs are published makes it difficult to build a local system
with knowledge of all CDs.
This heterogeneity problem is a member of a small but important class of ubicomp challenges we call massive evolving
information (MEI) problems. We characterize this class of
problems with two properties:
At the extreme, the Internet Archive ( manages over 100TB
of data. Major search engines routinely manage multiple terabytes of data.
Popular versions of this service include and
1. For any specific, static scenario, a simple ad hoc solution
exists, based on a priori knowledge about the scenario.
A partial solution is to embed this information in the CD itself, but that precludes linking, say, an artist’s first releases to
their later albums. Instead, the solution used today is to use
an always-accessible Internet service to store and manage information related to CDs, and distribute the work of entering
new CD information across the users of the service.
a dynamic and fragile environment poses unique challenges
to building robust systems [5].
We believe that an important axis for measuring systems software contributions to ubicomp is whether they improve the
dependability of ubicomp applications. Contributions which
enable new functionality should ideally improve dependability as well; any contribution that compromises dependability
should be met with skepticism.
We hypothesize that by using Internet services to manage
massive, evolving data sets, we can build a useful solution
for solving the semantic heterogeneity problem in ubiquitous computing. Specifically, we propose to use an alwaysaccessible Internet service to manage approximate-equivalence
mappings among the functionalities of and control commands
for various heterogeneous devices.
By enabling applications to more robustly adapt to ubicomp’s
heterogeneous environment, we expect our framework to improve the overall dependability of ubicomp applications. To
verify this hypothesis, we are developing metrics for measuring the dependability of IMHome applications based on its
task and control abstractions.
Using Internet services to logically centralize the storage of
this mapping information leaves us with two subproblems.
First, to use approximate-equivalence mappings among devices’ functionalities, there must be agreement on the mechanics of accessing those functions. Current trends in selfdescribing data formats and communication protocols such
as XML and tuplespaces are providing these standard mechanisms. Additionally, their clean separation of syntax from
semantics makes it easier to apply mediation techniques to
transform among formats [2].
The goal of our research is to provide a useful solution for
spontaneously using heterogeneous devices together. We are
focusing our efforts on media devices in the home environment and are completing a first prototype of the IMHome
system. We are currently integrating multimedia devices into
this system and developing sample applications. We have
recognized that the management of massive evolving information is key to practically solving issues of semantic heterogeneity, and are beginning to build a prototype Internet
service for managing the equivalence-mappings of IMHome
device functionalities. We plan to evaluate our system based
on how much it improves the dependability of ubicomp applications.
Secondly, as new devices are built and new classes of functionalities are developed, we must update the equivalence
mappings in our Internet service. The simplest method for
doing this is to provide the end-user of the system with the
option of manually providing a mapping when one is missing. To help willing users determine the correct mappings,
we can provide them with human-language descriptions of
devices and functionalities as extra context. Once a new mapping is created, it can be pushed back to our Internet service
to be used by others.
I would like to thank Atsushi Shionozaki for his feedback
on the IMHome project. This work has been supported by a
Stanford Graduate Fellowship, an NSF Graduate Fellowship,
and a gift from the Sony Corporation.
1. W. Edwards and R. Grinter, At Home with Ubiquitous Computing: Seven Challenges. In Third Intl. Conference on Ubiquitous
Computing (Ubicomp2001), 2001.
We are testing our hypothesis in the context of IMHome, a
project focusing spontaneous interoperation of devices for
media creation, storage and playback in the home. Relevant
details of the IMHome architecture include its use of a task
abstraction to organize cooperating devices and services; a
simple, self-describing property-based control interfaces for
devices and tasks; and property mapping services, deployed
as Internet services, to programmatically transform the control interfaces of devices and tasks.
2. E. Kıcıman and A. Fox, Using Dynamic Mediation to Integrate
COTS Entities in a Ubiquitous Computing Environment. Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Handheld
and Ubiquitous Computing 2000.
3. T. Kindberg and A. Fox, System Software for Ubiquitous Computing. IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine 1(1):7081, January 2002.
The problem of evaluating systems software in ubiquitous
computing environments extends well beyond the scope of
this thesis summary. However, since our community has not
yet settled on specific evaluation methods, we believe it is
worth discussing.
4. D. Patterson, et al. Recovery Oriented Computing: Motivation, Definition, Principles, and Examples. UC Berkeley Computer Science Technical Report UCB//CSD-02-1175, March
15, 2002.
5. S. Ponnekanti, B. Johanson, E. Kıcıman and A. Fox. Design-
Though researchers in the systems software community have
traditionally concentrated on the performance aspects of systems, their focus is now moving towards dependability [4].
This new focus has special significance for ubicomp, where
ing for Maintainability, Failure Resilience, and Evolvability in
Ubiquitous Computing Software. In Submission to Operating
Systems Design and Implementation 2002.
iClub, An Interactive Dance Club
Maureen Stone
StoneSoup Consulting
Joshua Samberg and Armando Fox
Computer Science Dept., Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-9040 USA
+1 650 723 9558,
properties of a tuple space [2] with the semantics of
publish/subscribe. Entities retrieve or subscribe to events
using templates that contain precise values for fields to be
matched and wildcards elsewhere. The Event Heap thus
provides referential decoupling: the intended recipients of
an event are determined by the contents of the event itself
rather than being directly named. This single property
enables both application-level multicast (“this event is for
all display controllers managing Bubbles”) and locationindependent naming (“this event is for the DJ, whichever
machine it may be running on”).
We describe iClub, an interactive dance club application
developed to run in Stanford University’s Interactive
Workspace (“iRoom”) environment.
Because of the
properties of iROS, the Interactive Workspace Operating
System on which iClub is built, it is easy to extend iClub
with new A/V modules, integrate new physical input
devices such as those being developed by iStuff, and
tolerate transient failures of hardware or software during an
iClub session.
entertainment, music
The DJ
The iClub is implemented using OpenGL and the iROS
client libraries, in C++ with a few portions in Java. The
iClub architecture is centered around the DJ, a process that
selects MP3 files to play based on recent input from the
Voting modules. Voting can be done from handheld or
pocket PC’s with Web browsers or at fixed kiosks in an
iClub. The DJ extracts and broadcasts a beat clock event
synchronized to the song currently playing; visuals such as
the Disco Ball and Dancing Dolls use this to synchronize
their displays to the music. The DJ also broadcasts
periodic frequency histogram events, used by other visuals
such as the Ring of Fire and Graphic Equalizer Display.
This architecture makes it easy to extend the iClub with
new visuals that respond to the same events.
iClub is an attempt to experiment with some of the ways
Interactive Workspace technology might be used in an
entertainment setting in the near future. The iClub is an
application developed to run in Stanford University’s
Interactive Workspace (“iRoom”) environment [5] and is
built using iROS, the open-source Interactive Room
Operating System [4] developed as part of the Interactive
Workspaces research agenda. As shown in the video, iClub
combines a computer-controlled DJ with visuals
synchronized to the music, the ability for guests to influence
music playback (speed, low pass audio filter, interactivelytriggered sound effects, and voting on which song to play
next), and the ability to integrate physical UI devices such
as sliders and wands (no wands in the video) into the
Guest Interaction
Each touch-sensitive display screen is managed by a
Display Controller process that subscribes to any event
having that display as a target. The Controllers manage the
Dancing Dolls and Bubbles associated with each display.
When a guest touches a Bubble, a BubblePop event is
published. The DJ picks up this event and uses it to play a
sound effect, while the Mermaid picks it up to help her
keep track of the total number of Bubbles in the iClub. A
guest can also touch the Turntable to change the speed of
the currently playing song. If a Bubble is about to move
off the edge of a display, that display’s Controller
publishes a BubbleExit event, which is picked up by the
Controller of the display the bubble should reappear on.
(The Controllers all read the display interconnection
geometry from the same file at startup.) New guestcontrollable behaviors can be added to iClub just by
making each behavior emit the appropriate event for
Because of the properties of iROS, it is easy to extend
iClub with new A/V modules, integrate new physical input
devices such as those being developed by iStuff [1,7], and
tolerate transient failures of hardware or software during an
iClub session.
iROS was specifically designed to
accommodate legacy and COTS (commercial off-the-shelf)
devices, so everything in iClub runs at user-level on
unmodified Windows 2000 or Linux PC’s.
The programming model for iROS is one of ensembles of
independent software entities that communicate by passing
messages called events. Events are passed using a
substrate called the Event Heap [3], which combines the
consumption by other modules in the room, such as the DJ
or visuals. .
use and expressiveness for application developers, has been
Integration of physical UI using event interposition
The original iClub design allowed guests to control the
Low Pass Filter using a software slider widget. We wanted
to integrate the physical iSlider, a prototype from the iStuff
project [1] that generates its own event type. The
referential decoupling supported by the Event Heap
allows us to write a simple Listener that listens to iSlider
events and emits the corresponding Low Pass Filter events
for the DJ.
Partial failure semantics
A main goal of iROS was to provide robustness against
transient failures [6]. Since each iClub module is an
autonomous process, the failure of any module has no
effect on others, and when the failed module is restarted it
will resynchronize to the beat. (Automatic restarting will
be a feature of iROS by the end of 2002.) If the DJ or the
Event Heap crashes, the other modules “freeze” until the
DJ or Event Heap is restarted, then continue where they
left off.
The iClub demonstrates that Interactive Workspace
technology and iROS can serve as the basis of
entertainment-based applications; although iROS was
designed to be quite general, it is safe to say its designers
did not foresee its use in this application domain. iClub
demonstrates the effectiveness of several key iROS design
goals: the ability to integrate heterogeneous hardware and
software modules to create new behaviors; the ability to
rapidly integrate new UI’s (including physical UI’s) to
control existing behaviors; robustness to transient failures;
and extensibility via incremental integration of new
iClub was implemented in about ten weeks by
undergraduates Joshua Samberg, Xiaowei Li, Yeon Jin Lee,
and Kabir Vadera as part of a senior programming project
course. This suggests that iROS’s other major goal, ease of
1. Borchers, J., Ringel, M., Tyler, J., and Fox, A. Stanford
Interactive Workspaces: A Framework for Physical and
Graphical User Interface Prototyping. IEEE Wireless
Communications, Special Issue on Smart Homes, 2002
(in press).
2. Gelernter, D., and Carriero, N., Coordination Languages
and their Significance, Commun. of the ACM 32(2),
February, 1992.
3. Johanson, B. and Fox, A. The Event Heap: A
Coordination Infrastructure For Interactive Workspaces.
In Proceedings of Fourth IEEE Workshop on Mobile
Computing Systems and Applications (WMCSA 02),
Callicoon, NY, June 2002.
4. Johanson, B., Ponnekanti, S., Kiciman, E., Sengupta, C.,
and Fox, A. System Support for Interactive Workspaces.
Stanford Computer Science Technical Report CS-200101.
5. Johanson, B., Fox, A., and Winograd, T.
Interactive Workspaces Project: Experiences with
Ubiquitous Computing Rooms.
IEEE Pervasive
Computing Magazine 1(2), April-June 2002.
6. Ponnekanti, S., Johanson, B., Kiciman, E., and Fox, A.
Designing for Maintainability and Failure Resilience in
Ubiquitous Computing System Software. Submitted for
7. Ringel, M., Tyler, J., Stone, M., Ballagas, R., and
Borchers, J.
iStuff: A Scalable Architecture for
Lightweight, Wireless Devices for Ubicomp User
Interfaces. Poster in adjunct proceedings of Ubicomp
Private and Public Spaces –
Video Mediated Communication in a Home Environment
Yngve Sundblad, Staffan Junestrand, Sören Lenman, Björn Thuresson, Konrad Tollmar
CID – Centre for User Oriented IT Design
S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
{yngve, stefanju, lenman, thure, konrad}
the home environment [3]. The comZONEs have the
following characteristics:
• In an inner, public zone, one can be both seen and heard.
• In a middle, semi-public zone, one can be seen but not
• In an outer, private zone, one can neither be seen nor
These spatial characteristics may also vary over time,
depending on the scenario of use.
The principal architectural issue was the establishment of
the mental and physical boundaries between the public and
the private in the comZONES, i.e., to uphold the demand of
neither being seen nor heard - when so desired. The
comZONES are expressed by technical solutions such as
screens and cameras, but also through the use of
architecture - spatial forms, colours, light and materials.
Thus, the architectural space in combination with ICT
solutions forms an interface to the digital world.
The creation of the different comZONES in the rooms of
comHOME is a major technical undertaking, needing
control of focus depth and field of view for video space and
the control of the audio space, which is more complex,
however. The fairly precise video space cannot be matched
with equally well-defined boundaries in audio space.
New technology that might solve part of this problem is
array- microphones, spatially directed loudspeakers, and
real-time image and audio manipulation that can filter
background actions and sounds.
An additional means of protecting privacy while
maintaining continual contact is to, in some situations,
replace VMC with a shared 3D digital environment. Here,
rendered user representations provide an abstraction of
information that can act as a filter for what is kept private or
made public, [4].
This video demonstration is based on scenarios of a
family’s everyday activities supported by video mediated
communication (VMC). It was recorded in 1999 at
comHOME, a concept dwelling of the future, built at and
with Telia Network in Stockholm. The principal issue
explored in the comHOME project, and in the video,
concerns various aspects of private and public spaces using
VMC. The design concept is based on the integration of
different comZONES (communication zones), where the
resident can be seen and/or heard.
The architectural space, then, in combination with
information and communication technology (ICT) solutions
forms an interface to the digital world. A main observation
from the making of the video is that it is a very good
complementary method in a complex design-process
because of the focus on the user perspective.
Video mediated communication,
privacy, boundaries, design methods
Several trends indicate that VMC (video mediated
communication) will become an important part of
communication in our homes, [1]. VMC can support and
complement a wide range of activities in that context, e.g.,
studies, care of the elderly, professional work and leisure
activities. However, dwellings are ill suited for VMC due
to, e.g., unsatisfactory lighting conditions, floorplan layout
and spatial design. Also, current VMC solutions for
collaborative work are not well adapted for the home.
Other concerns are social and emotional aspects of
communication, which is a requirement for a domestic
The comHOME dwelling at Telia Networks in Stockholm,
which was used for recording the video, is a laboratory and
a showroom for a dwelling of the future, [2]. The
comHOME project covers several aspects of future
dwellings, such as making the apartment smart, but the
primary goal has been to develop and integrate VMC
solutions into a home. The design of the dwelling is based
on the idea of creating different comZONES to support the
demands for both private and public digital spaces within
The video shows four scenarios, each one demonstrating the
idea and some functions of a comZONE.
The workPLACE is a place for professional
communication, located in the combined home office and
bedroom. A table with two sideboards and a lowered ceiling
with integrated lighting spatially defines the inner public
zone, where the resident can be seen and heard. In the video
Christine moves in and out of this public zone illustrating
the function of not being heard and seen when in the private
zone. The use of a shared 3D digital environment for
communication (DE) is also illustrated at the workPLACE.
Problems of privacy intrusion while a participant is in the
public zone are dealt with by abstraction of information,
while still providing pertinent information. The DE also
serves as a vehicle for initiating richer forms of
communication, such as VMC.
integrated into one wall. Thus, this comZONE creates a
larger social space. The mediaSPACE is primarily a public
zone and is limited by a curtain on its back wall. The fact
that this room is a public space when VMC is active creates
a different set of problems. It becomes a challenge to both
keep an overview and to provide close-ups within the scene.
The video illustrates how Christine and Tony participate in
a public event and then simply shut the system off for
returning to their private sphere.
The videoTORSO, a flat screen that can be twisted between
vertical and horizontal position by voice command, is a
setup for informal everyday communication in the kitchen.
The public zone is normally located in a defined area
around the videoTORSO and the user must step up to it in
order to be heard. But the public space could also be
tracking a user who moves around in the room. The
scenario in the movie shows Tony giving a voice command
to the videoTORSO to establish a call and then moving up
to the public zone. The presence of Christine and the
daughter illustrates the semi-public zone along the kitchen
The most interesting experience from making the video is
that it has been a very good complementary method in the
design of the comZONES because of the focus on the user
perspective. Also, writing the script helped us realize
alternative, often better, ways to use the systems than the
ones we had imagined during design. E.g., that the
arrangement of the multiple screens in the workPLACE is a
very complex issue that has to be studied further, and that
more flexibility is needed, e.g., to choose portrait or
landscape formats when using the videoTORSO, the
comTABLE or the workPLACE.
This work has been performed in collaboration between
three partners:
• CID, supported by NUTEK/Vinnova, KTH, Telia and 15
other industrial and user organisation partners, [5]
• S-lab at Telia Networks in Stockholm, whose director,
Lars Lindblad, and personel have contributed with building
the comHOME dwelling and paving the way for this study
• The Smart Things and Environments for Art and Daily
Life Group at the Interactive Institute, whose director,
Ingvar Sjöberg, has given guidance and financial support to
making the video.
Emanuel Hägglund at Gluggen Production has given advice
and produced the video.
1. Kraut and Fish, Prospects for Videotelephony. In Finn,
E.K., Sellen, A.J. and Wilbur, B.W. (Eds.) Video-Mediated
Communications, New Jersey: LEA, 1997.
2. Junestrand, S. and Tollmar, K. Video Mediated
Communication for Domestic Environments – Architectural
and Technological Design. In Streitz, N. et al. (Eds.)
CoBuild’99. Proceedings LNCS 1670, Springer,
Heidelberg, Germany, 1999.
3. Hall, E. T., The Hidden Dimension, Man’s use of Space
in Public and Private, The Bodley Head Ltd, London, 1966.
4. Lenman, S. 3D Digital Environments for Social Contact
in Distance Work. In Electronic Proceedings of Webnet'99
World Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct. 24-30, 1999.
5. Sundblad, Y. and Lenman, S. Five Years' Experience
from CID - an Interdisciplinary Competence Centre for
Design of Usable IT Applications. BIT, Behaviour &
Information Technology, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 81-89, MarchApril 2001.
Upper left: workPLACE, upper right: videoTORSO,
lower left: comTABLE, lower right: mediaSPACE.
The comTABLE in the kitchen contains a computer as well
as a touch screen, a camera, a microphone and loudspeakers
in a mobile frame at the rear end of the table. The use of
this table is two-fold. In an upright position, it enables a
virtual guest to participate in a dinner through VMC.
Secondly it could be used for, e.g., reading a digital
morning paper, or doing online ordering of groceries. By
placing the camera in the frame the syntax for adjusting the
comZONE becomes clear – fold up the display for a camera
view around the table – fold down the display, and the
camera will be turned off, although the image appears, as
shown in the scenario.
The mediaSPACE in the living room extends the physical
room by connecting to a distant space, presented on two
80–inch screens, mounted side by side and seamlessly
Roomware – The Second Generation
Norbert Streitz, Thorsten Prante, Christian Müller-Tomfelde, Peter Tandler, Carsten Magerkurth
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft für angewandte Forschung e.V.
IPSI – Integrated Publication and Information Systems Institute
AMBIENTE – Workspaces of the Future
Dolivostr. 15, D- 64293 Darmstadt, Germany
+49-6151- 869 {919, 924, 863, 997}
{streitz, prante, tandler, magerkur}
In this paper, we provide background information on the
video shown at UbiComp’02. This video is a revised
version of the one shown at CHI’02 [3] and provides an
extensive presentation of the second generation of
roomware® components. Compared to the first generation,
the redesign, resp. new design and implementation resulted
in a comprehensive environment consisting of several
different roomware components and software facilitating
new forms of human computer interaction and cooperation.
The second generation consisting of: DynaWall,
InteracTable, CommChairs, ConnecTable, and the Passage
mechanism, together with the corresponding software
BEACH, PalmBeach, and MagNets.
Figure 1: The Second Generation of Roomware
We define roomware as the result of integrating information
and communication technology in room elements such as
doors, walls, and furniture [1,2]. It is part of our general
approach that the “world around us” is the interface to
information and for the cooperation of people. It requires an
integrated design of real and virtual worlds. In this
approach, the computer as a device disappears and is almost
“invisible” but its functionality is ubiquitously available via
new forms of interacting with information. Thus, the
roomware approach moves beyond the limits of standard
desktop environments on several dimensions.
Roomware, human-computer interaction, gesture-based
interaction, pen-based systems, CSCW, shared workspaces,
ubiquitous computing, wireless networks, interactive walls,
tables, and chairs, mobile devices.
At CHI’99, we presented i-LAND - an interactive landscape
for creativity and innovation [1]. It is an environment that
provides a set of artifacts (roomware components) in
combination with software for supporting individual as well
as group work (asynchronous and synchronous cooperation)
in meeting room scenarios. i-LAND was the first generation
of roomware. Now, three years later, we present the second
generation of roomware and software. The second
generation is the result of a redesign of our previous
roomware (DynaWall, InteracTable, CommChairs) and
software (new BEACH user interface), and of the design of
new roomware (ConnecTable) and new software
(PalmBeach, MagNets). The new set of roomware
components was built in cooperation with partners in the
R&D consortium “Future Office Dynamics” (FOD).
This approach has a wide range of implications for
designing the workspaces of the future and for the future
role of office buildings in general as we see it changing to
what we call “cooperative buildings” [1,2]. There is no
space to describe the implications here in detail but we are
addressing them in the presentation.
The DynaWall is an interactive electronic wall, representing
a touch-sensitive vertical information display and
interaction device that is 4.50 m wide and 1.10 m high. The
availability of sufficient display space enables teams to
display and to interact with large information structures
collaboratively in new ways. Two or more persons can
either work individually in parallel or they share the entire
display space. The size of the DynaWall opens a new
FOD was founded by us in order to meet the high interest
resulting from the exhibition of and reports about the first
generation roomware and software. Fig. 1 shows an
overview of the second generation of roomware.
dimension in human-computer interaction: information
objects can be taken from one position and put elsewhere
on the display („take and put“) or thrown from one side to
the opposite side (“shuffle”) - in analogy to using physical
objects - even with different accelerations.
the Passenger object on the physical part of the Bridge. No
electronic tagging is needed. Passengers can be viewed as
"physical bookmarks" connected to the virtual world.
The innovative functionality of the roomware components
results from the combination of hardware features and
software features enabling new types of interactions and
The InteracTable is an interactive table for informal group
discussion and planned cooperation. It is 90 cm high with a
display size of 63 cm x 110 cm. The horizontal workspace
is realized with a touch-sensitive plasma-display (PDP) that
is integrated into the tabletop. People can use pens and
fingers for gesture-based interaction with information
objects. They can create and annotate information objects
that can also be shuffled and rotated in order to
accommodate different view orientations that cause
problems when working on horizontal interaction areas.
The cooperative hypermedia environment BEACH
provides new forms of very intuitive human-computer
interaction based on using only fingers and pens and new
ways of cooperative sharing for multiple device interaction.
It provides a modeless user-interface allowing to scribble
and to gesture (for commands) without having to switch
modes. The incremental gesture recognition detects the type
of input and provides feedback via different colors or
sounds. Although the DynaWall is composed by three
separate displays, people can work cooperatively on it
because BEACH makes the physical borders disappear by
providing one seamless shared workspace.
The CommChair combines the mobility and comfort of
armchairs with the functionality of a pen-based computer.
It has an independent power supply and is connected to all
other roomware components via a wireless network. The
BEACH software provides a private workspace for personal
notes and a public workspace that allows moving them to
other roomware components, for example to the DynaWall.
Using the CommChair, one can interact remotely with all
objects displayed on the DynaWall.
MagNets is a special application of BEACH providing a
creativity tool where information objects are represented by
cards that are “magnetic” in the sense that they are repelling
or attracting in order to structure networks of ideas.
PalmBeach supports mobile work on the road by providing
a card-based creativity tool on personal digital assistants
(PDAs). Information created on the PDA can be intuitively
“beamed” to the DynaWall thus integrating small handheld
devices into our suite of roomware components.
The ConnecTable is a modular version of the CommChair
but with new functionality. It is a mobile, networked and
context-aware information appliance that provides
affordances for pen-based individual and cooperative work.
In order to dynamically enlarge an interaction area for the
purpose of shared use and vice versa, a flexible coupling of
displays has been realized that overcomes the restrictions of
display sizes and borders. Two ConnecTable displays
dynamically form a homogenous display area when moved
close to each other. The appropriate triggering signal comes
from built-in sensors allowing users to temporally combine
their individual workspaces to a larger shared one by a
simple physical movement in space. No additional login is
needed. Connected ConnecTables allow their users to work
in parallel on an ad-hoc created shared workspace as well as
exchanging information by simply shuffling it from one
display to the other. Correct view perspectives are
facilitated in the same way as at the InteracTable.
We thank our partners, in the R&D consortium “Future
especially Wilkhahn and Wiege, for their substantial
contributions to the development of the second generation
of roomware components. We also thank all students of the
AMBIENTE division (
for their contributions to the implementation of the
1. Streitz, N. et al. (1999). i-LAND: an interactive
landscape for creativity and innovation. In Proceedings
of CHI’99 (Pittsburgh, May 15-20, 1999). ACM Press,
2. Streitz, N., Tandler, P., Müller-Tomfelde, C., Konomi,
S. (2001). Roomware: Towards the Next Generation of
Human-Computer Interaction based on an Integrated
Design of Real and Virtual Worlds. In: J. Carroll (Ed.),
Human-Computer Interaction in the New Millennium.
Addison-Wesley, 553-578.
The "Passage" mechanism provides an intuitive way for the
physical transportation of virtual information structures
using arbitrary physical objects, so called "Passengers". The
assignment is done via a simple gesture moving the
information object to (and for retrieval from) the "virtual"
part of the so called "Bridge" that is activated by placing
3. Streitz, N., Prante, T., Müller-Tomfelde, C., Tandler, P.,
Magerkurth, C. Roomware: The Second Generation. In:
Video Proceedings and Extended Abstracts of ACM
CHI’02. ACM Press, New York, NY, 506-507, 2002.
The Inspiration Watch: An Augmented Shopping Device
Abigail Sellen
Hewlett Packard Laboratories Bristol
Filton Road, Stoke Gifford,
Bristol BS34 8QZ, UK
Rachel Murphy
Hewlett Packard Laboratories Bristol
Filton Road, Stoke Gifford,
Bristol BS34 8QZ, UK
The “Inspiration Watch” is a conceptual design for a
wirelessly connected watch that displays images on a small,
colour LCD screen. The watch is intended to aid shoppers
in deciding on gifts to buy for friends and family. The
concept was inspired by observations made during a study
of consumer’s shopping behaviour. After generating an
explanatory animation of the concept, a short study was
conducted to gain user feedback.
Wish-lists, shopping, images, display, consumers.
Conventional approaches to gift buying often require
consumers either to ask for ideas from the person that they
are buying for, or to ask a friend or family member for
suggestions. These approaches can have shortcomings in
terms of getting it wrong or “spoiling the surprise”.
Alternatively, gift buying can be aided by accessing on-line
“wish-lists” or using wedding list type services to find out
exactly what people want. However, these methods are
usually only linked to one shop or support one type of gift
buying. They also leave little to the shopper’s own
imagination in thinking through gift ideas.
In this paper, we develop an alternative approach to gift
buying which attempts to address these issues. In a recent
investigation [1], we explored the value of shopping in
physical shops compared with online shopping. For
example, we found that people quite naturally browsed
shops to get ideas of what to buy a person as a gift:
“… I might ask people what they want for Christmas.
Well.. I wouldn’t ask them directly. I might ask another
member of my family what they want. Other than that I just
spend a day or something having a look around…”
Taken together, these insights helped highlight an area that
we felt would benefit from a technological solution
The aim of this new design idea was to exploit the
accessibility, adaptability and storage capabilities of the
Internet, whilst recognizing the good reasons why people
still enjoy shopping within a physical environment. The
“Inspiration Watch” is a wirelessly connected wearable
device that allows the wearer to view visual images
representing the interests of friends and family. This is
intended to inspire the wearer to think of appropriate gifts to
buy whilst shopping. Images could also be accompanied by
appropriate text, sounds, or meta-data, to provide richer
The idea behind this concept is that shoppers access friend’s
or family’s information from an online image database
similar to HP’s “” photo archive website [2].
An image library for the Inspiration Watch allows people to
set up a personal database by either letting them place their
own pictures in the database or by allowing them to select
images they like from an existing database. Adding to one’s
own image database could be done through the Inspiration
Watch itself. A wearer would be presented with a series of
random images. The wearer clicks on the images he likes,
adding them to his own database. This might be easily done
whilst on the move, taking advantage of “dead-time” (for
example time wasted waiting for a bus or standing in a
Gift buyers are then able to access each individual’s image
database through their own Inspiration Watches by clicking
through photos of their friends and family, selecting the
image of the chosen person and scrolling through their set
of images.
A quotation from another interview in the same study
helped describe these thought processes in a bit more detail:
“Well at Christmas in my head I would have a list of
people and I would be thinking about possible things for
each person and then I might just see something and I
might think oh I’ll buy that for that person if it was
something I’d think they’d like”.
In order to carry out some initial evaluation of this concept,
a short photo animation was generated using Macromedia
Director to help communicate the idea of the Inspiration
Watch (Figure 1). This movie was shown to 12 participants:
4 women and 8 men ranging in age from 20 to 50 years old.
After showing the movie, participants were asked a series of
questions about what aspects they liked or didn’t like about
the concept, what they would change and how useful they
might find such a device. Responses were recorded and
main findings were summarised.
Form Factor
The watch form factor received a mixed reaction. For
example, some people did not routinely wear a watch and
wanted access through a mobile phone instead. In fact,
almost all participants felt that a mobile phone would be a
more convenient, easy, and realistic way to access an image
database whilst shopping.
Additional Information
Figure 1. Still image from the Inspiration Watch animation
The concept appealed in general terms both to men and
women. Men in particular were enthusiastic due to the
difficulties they said they had with gift buying. Many
different suggestions were made for improving the concept,
however. The main comments were as follows:
Adding a Reminding Feature
The most frequent comment was that people said they
would like to be reminded of forthcoming special events for
which gift buying would be necessary. For example, they
wanted to be reminded when a birthday was coming up by
an alert on their watch:
“You could customise it for a birthday kind of thing or have
some sort of alarm system [telling you] you need to buy a
birthday present for this person or a card for that person.”
One suggestion was that a person’s picture would appear on
the watch a few days before her birthday (or other event).
This would allow the wearer to go directly to that person’s
image database and plan a shopping trip by selecting that
Enhanced Browsing
In terms of browsing through people’s image databases,
some participants said they wanted images not at random,
but rather categorised in a simple way: i.e. jewellery,
animals, hobbies or holidays. They felt this would be
valuable especially for navigating through large numbers of
“If you happen to be in a department store or happen to be
in a record shop, what type of music… a drill down menu I
suppose, would be useful”
However, other participants were averse to any changes that
would complicate the interface for the most simple form of
the watch idea.
When asked what additional information they would like to
have access to on the watch, almost all participants felt that
text would give deeper meaning to the images. Also, in
support of the mobile phone form factor, adding text to a
picture via a mobile phone would be easier than adding text
via a watch. Suggestions were also made about having
access to information such as what a person might not want,
what a person already has, what the gift buyer might have
bought this person in the past, and other relevant details
such as the size of clothing the person wears. A suggestion
was also made about the value of the gift buyer being able
to input images into other people’s databases as ideas
occurred to them.
Casual Capture
A final issue that was raised was in relation to the creation
of image databases and whether or not people would be
happy to spend the time setting one up. One solution to this
could be by having an embedded camera in the viewing
device that would allow users to capture images of things
that they like. These images could then be sent directly to
their image database.
This paper has shown how animation of new design
concepts can be used as a quick way of gaining user
feedback about ideas still in their initial stages of
conceptualization. In this case, this idea points to ways in
which new and existing mobile devices and services (such
as the Nokia 9210 colour screen GPRS mobile phone and
third-generation cell phone networks) might be used for a
new class of application to augment “bricks and mortar”
Next steps for this project are to create a number of
inspiration image databases using real image databases
created by users. These can then be tested in a real shopping
environment to find out exactly how useful they actually
could be.
Many thanks to Kate Shaw who conducted the initial
shopping study, and to Sarah Beech who starred in the
1. Shaw, K. & Murphy, R. (2001). Dot.Com shopping in
the real world: Opportunities for integrating digital and
physical marketplaces. HP Tech Report.
UbiControl: Providing New and Easy Ways to Interact
with Various Consumer Devices*
Matthias Ringwald
Distributed Systems Group,
Department of Computer Science,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich,
8092 Zurich, Switzerland
This paper describes a system for using a PDA to easily
control consumer devices found in our environment. By
attaching a laser-pointer to the PDA, the user can simply
point to a device in sight and request a user interface
description. The user can then control the selected device
in a web browser like fashion that facilitates spontaneous
interaction with consumer devices.
Interaction with a previously unknown device requires
finding this device first. This might seem simple at first,
but much has been done in recent years to provide a
middleware that allows device discovery like Jini [8] or
Salutation [7]. In those systems, devices have to register
with a central lookup service to allow other devices to be
When the user enters a new room, her PDA could register
with the discovery system and get a list of all available
devices that provide some kind of service. But for the
user to control any of them, she mentally needs to
connect the physical device to its virtual representation.
This is not an easy task as the list doesn't contain any
location information, so even finding out what devices
are in the same room as the user is usually not possible.
Even if the physical location is known to the devices,
and the list of available devices could then be reduced to
all devices in the same room, this approach still leads to
problems if there are multiple instances of the same type
(e.g. two TV sets) in one room, requiring the user to
figure out what symbolic name belongs to which device
to access it through the PDA.
Using a laser-pointer to point to the surface of a device is
a straightforward and out-of-band solution to the device
discovery problem, allowing us to do without a
discovery service.
Interaction, consumer devices, user interface description,
virtual counterparts, home-automation, X10, Slink-e,
selection by pointing, laser-pointer, solar panel
We assume that most consumer devices like TV sets,
VCRs and stereos will still exist as separate devices in
the near future. Each of those devices comes with its very
own remote control that in principle requires reading the
manual or spending some time to figure out how to
operate the device. A standard PDA could often provide a
better and user-friendly interface to those devices [3].
In this paper we want to show how a PDA can be used to
interact with consumer devices in our environments as
depicted in Figure 1. The user points with an attached
laser-pointer to a device she wants to control. By doing
this, the device is selected for further interaction.
The concept of device selection by pointing was proposed
before in [2]. We used that concept to build a homeautomation system that allows the integration of various
different consumer devices that are controlled over a
central server through a PDA. The real world device the
user points to with the laser-pointer is used as a reference
for the server to know which device to control.
Figure 1: Selection and interaction with a consumer
device by use of a PDA
* The work presented in this paper was supported (in part) b y
the National Competence Center in Research on Mobile
Information and Communication Systems (NCCR-MICS), a
center supported by the Swiss National Science
Foundation under grant number 5005-67322.
To allow interaction with new consumer devices without
any previous setup of the PDA, a user interface
description for every device is stored on the server. After
device selection through the laser-pointer, the interface
description is downloaded to the PDA.
Much work has been done on how to specify a user
interface that abstracts from the presentation device [1].
Common to those is the separation of functionality and
For the user interface description, we have used a
structured text file to describe the attributes of the actual
device and its control widgets to get started. The
attributes for a TV set could be power mode, volume,
current channel number and current channel name. The
control widget should then be a power button, channel
number label, channel name label, volume plus/minus
buttons and channel plus/minus buttons. In those files,
the layout is fixed for a PDA form-factor. The graphical
user interface is rendered using the current state of the
device on the PDA.
Interaction with the device happens in a web-applicationlike fashion. If the user presses a button on the PDA, a
request with the encoded command is sent to the server.
This command is processed and a result is sent back to
the PDA that triggers an update of the displayed
interface. The current state of the device is always
displayed on the PDA as an indirect feedback to the user
line. We used it to control the lighting. The Slink-e
device can record and play back infrared signals like those
used for consumer devices like TV sets, VCRs, DVD
players and stereos, so we installed infrared transmitters
in all rooms to control those devices.
To allow the selection of the consumer devices, we
attached a solar panel as a receiver for the laser beam to
every device and connected them to the server.
For the virtual counterparts, we used the Context Toolkit
[6] and implemented them as Context Widgets.
For a more detailed version of the UbiControl system see
We have shown that a PDA with an attached laser-pointer
is well suited to select and control existent consumer
devices. To achieve this functionality we used a server
and provided virtual counterparts for the consumer
devices. Those counterparts run on the server and can
control the real devices over several proprietary homeautomation systems. We further demonstrated a way to
utilize a user interface markup language to provide a user
interface on the mobile device.
As this approach requires a server and the wiring of those
devices, we will investigate ways to build a distributed
system wherein the PDA can communicate directly with
the devices and no server installation is necessary.
Figure 2: The Visor prototype
As most consumer devices do not have a network
connection, we chose a server based approach to control
them using existent home-automation systems. This
allows the PDA to communicate with the server instead
of the real devices.
To abstract from the used home automations system, we
used virtual counterparts for all consumer devices. Those
virtual counterparts live on the server. As the real devices
do not provide any status information by themselves, we
used the virtual counterparts also to keep track of the real
device’s state and to integrate some control logic. For
example, a TV set counterpart could support symbolic
station names in addition to the actual channel number.
For the control PDA we used a Handspring Visor and
added a Xircom 802.11 card for wireless connectivity. A
standard 802.11 base station was used in infrastructure
mode to provide TCP/IP access to the Visor. We used
HTTP for the communication between the PDA and the
server. The laser-pointer is connected over a one transistor
driver to the serial transmit pin on the HotSync
connector. The power supply of the 802.11 card was used
to power the laser-pointer. Figure 2 shows our extended
We used a Dell PC with a 800 MHz Pentium 3 processor
and 256 MB memory running Windows 2000 for the
server. To control the consumer devices, we connected
the PC to a X-10 system [9] and a Slink-E device [4].
The X-10 system is a home-automation system that is
able to send on/off commands to a device over the power-
The video was recorded with the help and the narration of
Peter Jensen from Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, USA and was edited by Firas Awais of 4as
Grafix, Magstadt, Germany.
1 . Marc Abrams, Constantinos Phanouriou, Alan L.
Batongbacal, Stephen M. Williams und Jonathan E.
Shuster. UIML: An Appliance-Independent XML
User Interface Language. WWW8/Computer Networks
31(11-16), 1999, p. 1695–1708.
2. Michael Beigl. Point & Click - Interaction in Smart
Environments. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Volume 1707, Springer-Verlag, 1999, p. 311–314.
3. Jeffrey W. Nichols. Using Handhelds as Controls for
Everyday Appliances: A Paper Prototype Study. In
ACM CHI’2001 Student Posters, 2001, p. 443–444.
4. Nirvis Systems Inc. Slink-e home automation device., 1999.
5. Matthias Ringwald. Kontrolle von Alltagsgegenständen mit einem PDA. Diploma thesis,
University of Karlsruhe, November 2001. mringwal/publ/diplom.pdf.
6. Daniel Salber, Anind K. Dey und Gregory D. Abowd.
The Context Toolkit: Aiding the Development of
Context-Enabled Applications. In ACM CHI 1999,
1999, p. 434–441.
7. Salutation Consortium. Salutation., 2002.
8. Sun Microsystems, Inc. Jini Connection Technology., 2000.
9. X-10.ORG. X-10 Technology and Resource Forum., 1997.
Stavros Antifakos, ETH Zürich
Michael Beigl, TecO, University of Karlsruhe
Staffan Björk, PLAY, Interactive Institute & Chalmers University of Technology
Christian Decker, TecO, University of Karlsruhe
Jennica Falk, Medialab Europe
Lalya Gaye, Future Applications Lab, Viktoria Institute
Jussi Holopainen, Nokia Research Center
Jan Humble, Swedish Institute of Computer Science
Henrik Jernström, PLAY, Interactive Institute
Magnus Johansson, IT University of Göteborg
Rikard Lindgren, Telematics Group, Viktoria Institute
Sara Ljungblad, Future Applications Lab, Viktoria Institute
Peter Ljungstrand, PLAY, Interactive Institute & Chalmers University of Technology
Sus Lundgren, PLAY, Interactive Institute
Peter Lönnqvist, FUSE Group, KTH
Florian Michahelles, ETH Zürich
Magnus Nilsson, IT University of Göteborg
Claudio Pinhanez, Pervasing Computing Group, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Johan Redström, PLAY, Interactive Institute & Chalmers University of Technology
Dimitris Riggas, Computer Technology Institute
Matthias Ringwald, ETH Zürich
Tobias Rydenhag, IT University of Göteborg
Johan Sanneblad, Future Applications Lab, Viktoria Institute
Martin Strohbach, University of Lancaster
Tobias Zimmer, TecO, University of Karlsruhe
Karl-Petter Åkesson, Swedish Institute of Computer Science
Marcus Bernander, Allgon AB
Staffan Björk, PLAY, Interactive Institute & Chalmers University of Technology
Lalya Gaye, Future Applications Lab, Viktoria Institute
Lars Erik Holmquist, Future Applications Lab, Viktoria Institute
Maria Håkansson, Future Applications Lab, Viktoria Institute
Peter Ljungstrand, PLAY, Interactive Institute & Chalmers University of Technology
Magnus Nilsson, IT University of Göteborg
Tobias Rydenhag, IT University of Göteborg
McDowell, Perry........................... 19
Mitcheson, Paul............................. 5
Müller-Tomfelde, Christian........... 77
Murphy, Rachel............................. 79
Naguib, Hani.................................. 17
Ngo, Sandy..................................... 11
O´Mathuna, Cian....................... 25, 49
Osbakk, Patrik................................ 9
Partridge, Kurt................................ 63
Patterson, Don................................ 21
Polaschegg, M................................ 29
Pradhan, Salil............................ 13, 55
Prante, Thorsten.............................. 77
Reid, Josephine............................... 27
Reynolds, Carson............................ 31
Ringel, Meredith............................. 23
Ringwald, Matthias......................... 81
Robinson, Philip............................. 43
Rodríguez, Marcela........................ 69
Ryan, Nick...................................... 9
Samberg, Joshua............................. 73
Sanmugalingam, Kam.................... 17
Schmid, M...................................... 29
Sellen, Abigail................................ 79
Shi, Yuanchun................................ 51
Stahl, Christoph............................. 57
Stajano, Frank................................ 47
Steger, Ch....................................... 29
Stone, Maureen.......................... 23, 73
Streitz, Norbert............................... 77
Sundblad, Yngve............................ 75
Svoboda, T..................................... 15
Tandler, Peter................................. 77
Thuresson, Björn............................ 75
Tollmar, Konrad............................. 75
Truong, Khai.................................. 65
Tröster, G....................................... 15
Tutt, Joy ......................................... 11
Tyler, Joshua.................................. 23
Vidales, Pablo................................ 47
Wasser, Avi.................................... 7
Weiss, R......................................... 29
Williams, Morris............................ 27
Wisser, Christina............................ 45
Wren, Christopher.......................... 31
Xie, Weikai.................................... 51
Xu, Guanyou.................................. 51
Yates, David................................... 53
Yeatman, E. M............................... 5
Zimmer, Tobias.............................. 43
Zyda, Mike..................................... 19
Östergren, Mattias.......................... 39
Agamanolis, Stefan......................... 41
Augustine, Richard......................... 11
Axelsson, Fredrik ........................... 39
Ballagas, Rafael.............................. 23
Barkhuus, Louise............................ 67
Barton, John.................................... 25
Beigl, Michael................................ 43
Berglund, Erik................................ 5
Borchers, Jan.................................. 23
Brignone, Cyril........................ 13, 55
Brucker-Cohen, Jonah.................... 41
Burdett, A. J.................................... 53
Bång, Magnus................................. 3
Capps, Michael............................... 19
Chen, Shi........................................ 11
Coulouris, George.......................... 17
Cussen, Teresa............................... 49
Decker, Christian........................... 43
Delaney, Kieran........................ 25, 49
Etzioni, Oren.................................. 21
Facer, Keri..................................... 27
Falk, Jennica.................................. 59
Fleuriot, Constance........................ 27
Fox, Armando................................ 73
Fox, Dieter..................................... 21
Green, T. C..................................... 5
Grundbäck, John............................. 13
Gustavsson, Carola......................... 45
Haghighi, Alireza ........................... 45
Holmes, A. S.................................. 5
Holmes, S....................................... 53
de la Hamette, Patrick.................... 15
Hull, Richard.................................. 27
Jam, Mehrban................................. 55
Jernström, Henrik........................... 37
Jones, Owain.................................. 27
Junestrand, Staffan......................... 75
Kane, Heather................................. 11
Kapolka, Andrzej........................... 19
Katsiri, Eleftheria ........................... 33
Kautz, Henry.................................. 21
Kristensen, Jannie Friis.................. 61
Lank, Edward................................. 11
Larsson, Anders............................. 3
Lease, Matthew.............................. 35
Lenman, Sören............................... 75
Lincoln, Maya................................ 7
Lukowicz, P................................... 15
Lyon, Geoff............................... 13, 55
Magerkurth, Carsten...................... 77
Majeed, Bivragh............................ 49