Cognitive Cars: Constructing a Cognitive Playground
for VANET Research Testbeds
G. Marfia, M. Roccetti, A. Amoroso
M. Gerla, G. Pau, J.-H. Lim
Computer Science Department
University of Bologna
Mura A. Zamboni 7, 40127 Bologna, Italy
Computer Science Department
University of California, Los Angeles
420 Westwood Plaza, 90095-1596 Los Angeles, CA
Abstract—Simulation today plays a key role in the study and
understanding of extremely complex systems, which range from
transportation networks to virus spread, and include large-scale
vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Regarding VANET
scenarios, until very recently, simulation has represented the only
tool with which it was possible to estimate and compare the
performances of different communication protocols. In fact, it
was not possible to thoroughly test on the road any VANETbased multi-hop communication system, as no highly dense
vehicular testbed exists to this date. This situation has recently
changed, with the introduction of a new approach to VANET
systems research, where it has been shown that it is possible to
perform realistic experiments using only a few real vehicular
resources (i.e., only a few vehicles that are equipped with wireless
communication interfaces). Now, the scope of this paper is to
show that it is possible to move further ahead along this recently
drawn path, utilizing the features provided by cognitive network
technologies. In particular, we will show that cognitive interfaces
can play a role as an additional tunable dimension to be used
within an experimental platform where highly dense vehicular
testbeds can be structured, even in the presence of a few real
vehicular resources. The advantage is twofold: (a) they can be
used to test new strategies for dealing with the scarcity of
spectrum in a very dynamic environment as the vehicular one is,
and, (b) they can be used to test the performances of VANET
protocols as a function of different frequencies and interface
switching delays. As an example of how this can be done, we will
provide preliminary results from a set of experiments that have
been performed with a highway accident warning system and
with a cognitive network based on the Microsoft Software Radio
(SORA) technology.
Keywords- VANET Testbeds; Experiments; Vehicular
Overlay Networks; Software Radios; SORA Networks; Cognitive
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) keep being one of
the missing pieces of the systems and networking research
puzzle, as almost all the research efforts that have been carried
out in this field are based on computer simulations. Although
the modeling detail that can be reached with simulations keeps
improving (thanks to a steadily increasing computing power),
all the research that concerns devising and building VANET
testbeds remains limited by the number of vehicles that can be
equipped, at a reasonable cost, with communication
Despite the lack of realistic testbeds and the barrier that this
has represented in vehicular ad hoc network research, the
scientific community has kept constantly devising new
communication protocols for VANETs. In fact, communicating
cars could support a number of new innovative applications,
ranging from community-oriented programs such as pollution
control on streets, to entertainment ones such as online gaming.
But this is only part of the story, considering that connected
platoons of vehicles could provide a dynamic communication
infrastructure, in addition to those that are already in place
(e.g., phone, Internet and cellular networks), with the further
advantage of being resistant to all those events that are capable
of shutting down the electric grid (e.g., earthquakes, tornados,
terrorist attacks, etc.). In essence, vehicular networks research
remains a hot topic despite the poor results that have been
achieved, to this date, in their deployment. This fact is also
witnessed by the attention that any practical advancement in
this field receives by the general public and mass media (e.g.,
Now, it has been very recently shown that it is possible to
perform real experiments with VANET applications and
communication protocols while successfully dealing with the
limitations provided by vehicular and computing resources [1],
[2]. In particular, the authors of [2] have devised the guidelines
that should be follower to reconstruct the situation that a
communication protocol would experience on a street while
running on a VANET, as a function of three physical variables
(the number of hops traversed by communication packets,
vehicle density, channel conditions). All this has been shown to
be possible by recreating the conditions (hops, vehicular
density and channel conditions) that a communication packet
would encounter on an arbitrary long path between two
vehicles, by simply utilizing a few vehicles that emulate those
Now, borrowing a few of the ideas that are at the basis of
cognitive network technologies, we will here show that it is
possible to extend the ideas that have been presented in [2], to
further increase the flexibility of realistic experiments with
VANETs, while using a limited amount of vehicular and
computational resources. In fact, one of the most interesting
features of cognitive networks is their possibility to
dynamically adapt network variables (e.g., frequency, power,
etc.) to optimize end-to-end performance. Cognitive networks,
hence, represent a technology that can increase the efficiency
of network performances, but can also be employed as a tool
that enables the understanding of how network performances
vary while adapting different network variables.
In essence, cognitive interfaces can a role as an additional
tunable dimension to be used within the framework introduced
in [2], where highly dense vehicular testbeds can be structured,
even in the presence of a few real vehicular resources. Thus,
cognitive networks can play two different, but equally
interesting, roles. The first role they can play is that of
increasing the overall throughput experienced in a very tough
environment, such as the vehicular one. In fact, in the near
future, when all vehicles will be equipped with communication
interfaces that will follow the dedicated short-range
communications (DSRCs) standard, the radio spectrum
reserved for vehicular transmissions may become scarce.
Moreover, as the DSRC standard is not universally accepted (it
is accepted only in the EU, US and Japan), transmitting on the
5.9 Ghz frequency may be illegal in many countries. Then, for
one reason or another, vehicular applications may be forced to
switch to share the unlicensed frequency bands with residential
users, in order to achieve acceptable performances. The second,
but not less interesting role that cognitive networks can play is
that of increasing the number of variables that can be tuned
when testing vehicular communication protocols. In particular,
cognitive radios offer the capability, termed dynamic spectrum
access (DSA), of dynamically accessing the available
spectrum. Hence, it is possible to utilize the DSA capabilities
of cognitive radios to test the performance of a communication
protocol as a function of: (a) the utilized channel frequency,
and, (b) the frequency switching speed.
Although this paper will mainly present the architecture
guidelines that should be adopted to implement a vehicular
testbed that can be employed to perform more than a very
limited set of experiments (termed hereafter cognitive cars in
our paper) we will also provide practical results drawn from
our tests on: (a) an accident warning system implemented for
highways, and, (b) a cognitive network based on the Software
Radio (SORA) technology provided by Microsoft.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section II we
summarize some of the most relevant contributions that have so
far been presented in the domain of testbed systems for
vehicular networks. In Section III we present the contribution
of this paper, while Section IV describe our experiments. We
finally conclude with Section V.
The works that have so far devised and studied the
performances of communication protocols on vehicular
networks using popular simulation platforms are many and
difficult to enumerate. Here, we will focus on those few
research initiatives that, instead, did not limit their studies to
theoretical and simulative analysis, but also published results
drawn from real tests performed on vehicular testbeds.
Leontiadis et al. developed a vehicular testbed experiment
focused on assessing: (a) the throughput that can be achieved
between two moving vehicles, and, (b) the time required by a
simple gossip protocol to disseminate mobility information
within a vehicular testbed composed of eight cars [3].
Compared to our approach, the experiments that are reported in
this paper are limited in their depth in a number of ways. This
study, for example, does not analyze how the achieved
throughput of the proposed gossip protocol varies as the
number of hops between two different vehicles changes. The
performance variations that are due to networking variables
such as interfering vehicles, varying channel conditions and the
use of different frequency bands, when communicating
between two vehicles, are as well ignored. Hence, although this
paper presents a few interesting performance figures, a more
systematic experimentation campaign is needed to confirm the
results that are presented in terms of bandwidth consumption
and delivery delay.
The work that has been presented by Amoroso et al. in [2]
is at the basis of the proposal that is formulated in this paper.
The authors, in fact, show that it is possible to perform sound
vehicular experiments that would require the use of many cars
with only a few vehicles, while resembling, as closely as
possible, the situation that would be experienced in reality. In
brief, they propose the creation of a virtual overlay network,
composed of relaying and interfering vehicles, on top of a
platoon made of only a few vehicles. Such overlay network
supports the implementation of experiments where
communication packets can travel for an arbitrary number of
hops, while experiencing the interference of an arbitrary
number of vehicular transmitters as the physical channel
characteristics vary. Compared to the cited piece of work, we
here propose a further step forward: the use of cognitive radios
to investigate how different frequency bands and different
frequency switching times can affect the performance of
Summarizing, with the sole exception of the tests that have
been presented in [2], the experimental work that has so far
been published in literature is generally limited by the use of a
restricted vehicular infrastructure [3]-[8]. In fact, all research
groups, in different ways, have encountered the common
problem of having only a limited number of resources (i.e.,
vehicles and drivers) available. Hence, we believe this is the
first testbed proposal that, at once, permits a communication
protocol designer to confront with five different dimensions
(Figure 1):
N = number of hops,
D(v) = density of interfering neighbors,
C(t, s) = wireless channel conditions,
F(n) = transmission frequency at node n,
d(n) = switching delay at node n.
Similarly to [2], the idea at the basis of the cognitive car
testbed is that of implementing a unicast branch of a multi-hop
path in place between a given sender and a given receiver.
What, instead, differentiates this work from [2] is that, when
testing the performance of a communication protocol, we can
now tune two additional variables, the frequency band utilized
for transmitting and receiving communication packets as well
as the switching time required to change from one frequency to
another. However, before moving on to how cognitive radios
can be used for such scope, we will first briefly describe the
architecture of the vehicular testbed that has been presented in
Once all virtual vehicles have assigned to one of the
available real ones, the step that follows is that of mapping
virtual into real hops. Such operation naturally follows from the
preceding one, as all the virtual vehicles that intervened
between the source and the destination vehicle were already
known. Virtual transmissions T1 through T7 are implemented
by the real hops that are traversed by any communication
packet that is sent between S and D in the right-most part of
Figure 2.
A further variable of interest, when experimenting with
VANETs, is the channel condition. In fact, as the three
vehicles represented in Figure 2 move, they will encounter
radically different scenarios, ranging from highways to rural
roads, from desert areas to densely populated ones. As the
vehicles that compose the testbed move, hence, they are able
to perform the same experiment again and again, experiencing
each time different channel conditions. For this reason we
periodically repeat the same given experiment every Δt
seconds, as shown in the bottom part of Figure 2.
Figure 1. Testbed approaches: traditional vs. cognitive
A. Varying Interferences, Hops and Channels
To this aim, we will first define a few variables that will be
helpful to decipher the diagrams shown in Figure 2. With S we
indicate the vehicle that acts as the source of communication
packets, while with D the final destination vehicle. The relays
that retransmit data packets between S and D are denominated
as Ri. Ti indicates a single transmission event, among those that
are necessary to transfer data packets between S to D. As an
example, if D can hear the transmissions of S directly, such
situation entails that only a single transmission (i.e, T1) may be
required to transfer one unit of information from S to D. Ij,
instead, is the j-th interferer (i.e., the j-th vehicle that,
transmitting units of information, disturbs the communication
between S to D).
Now, the vehicles that have been so far defined (S, D and
the Ri vehicles) are all virtual vehicles and need to be logically
mapped into a real infrastructure. An example of how this can
be done is shown in the top-left diagram of Figure 2, where
eleven different virtual vehicles are mapped into three sole real
vehicles. This process entails mapping each virtual vehicle into
one of the available real vehicles, while following two rules of
thumb: (a) vehicles that share the channel in the same
contention area in the virtual case should be mapped into
vehicles for which the same situation holds in the real case,
and, (b) the link length proportionality observed in the virtual
case should be roughly reproduced in the real one. Again
resorting to the top-left diagram drawn in Figure 2, we can
observe, for example, that R3, which has been mapped in the
leftmost vehicle, can hear in reality its virtual neighbors: R2, I3
and R4.
B. Frequency Hopping and Switching Delays
Within the framework of interest, two very interesting
performance variables are given by: (a) transmission frequency
bands, and, (b) frequency switching times.
In fact, for the reasons that have been explained in the
introductory section, it may be convenient for a vehicular
application use the same radio resources that are generally
occupied by residential customers, momentarily leaving the
ones reserved for vehicular communications. Such scenario
might present, for example, when an efficient transmission of a
critical piece of information (e.g., an alert message in a
highway scenario) requires a timely adaptation to the spectrum
conditions that are faced by that vehicle. Clearly, the choice of
switching from one frequency band to another, within a
vehicle, comes at a cost (i.e., delay), and this factor should be
accounted for when taking such type of decision.
How our testbed technology can benefit from the use of
cognitive radios is very simple to describe and is briefly
depicted in Figure 3. In fact, while a platoon of vehicles
advances, a virtual vehicle running on one of the real vehicles
can decide to switch to use another frequency for its
transmissions. F(t, s, n), in fact, is the function that represents
the frequency adopted by the n-th vehicle, at time t, in position
s. With d(t, s, n), instead, we represent the delay that is
incurred at node n, when a switching decision is taken. Hence,
while an experiment is running, it is possible to hop back and
forth from one frequency to another, as communication
packets advance along their path.
The applications of the technique that we here present are
numerous, and not limited to the ones that we will here discuss.
To give however an initial idea, we will sketch a few
applications where a cognitive car testbed, as the one that we
have briefly described, can be utilized.
Figure 2. Building a cognitive cars testbed: initial steps.
conditions that they face. However, our cognitive car testbed
can be also employed to devise other type of tests that aim at
assessing the transmission of packets between moving vehicles,
while experiencing radically different propagation situations on
the road. In fact, a cognitive car can be a useful tool to measure
the performances obtained using different frequencies, while
traversing heterogeneous environments. The optimal frequency
band that should be used during a transmission round is a
function of not only the number of interfering vehicles, but also
of other conditions such as the meteorological situation, any
near obstacles and the speed of moving vehicles. Hence, a
cognitive car testbed can be used to verify how different
interface technologies, and also the transmission over different
frequency bands and channels, perform.
Figura 3. Varying the frequency use.
A first natural application is that of studying the
performance of cognitive networks, without carrying the heavy
burden of being limited by the constraints imposed by
traditional testbeds. In fact, using the testbed technology
presented in this paper, it is possible to observe the throughput
and the delay experienced by communication packets,
regardless of the number of hops that they traverse, of the
number of interfering transmitters they hear and of the channel
Concluding, such type of technology well applies to those
situations where bulk transfers occur between two vehicles, a
source and destination, following a multi-hop path and where
the adopted frequency (as well as the adopted modulation
scheme) can heavily affect the performances that are
experienced along the path. Now, to turns words into action,
we will here provide two practical examples of how this
methodology can be applied, as well as a set of preliminary
We performed two sets of distinct experiments. Within the
first set of experiments, we aimed at confirming the general
principles that are at the basis of cognitive cars: the ability to
perform multi-hop communications on a real testbed, with
limited resources. To do so, we tested an accident warning
system with only four cars driven on Los Angeles highways
[2]. While the vehicles were moving, they traversed radically
different situations that ranged from highly dense urban areas
to desert areas, where seldom any other car could be crossed.
In particular, during this experiment we aimed at measuring
how far and with what delay an alert message could propagate
utilizing a platform of moving vehicles. Clearly, the vehicles of
the platoon moved following traffic rules and their respective
distances varied as traffic conditions changed, consequently
communication faults could be caused by a number of physical
causes, including an absence of connectivity due to an
excessive distance between two subsequent vehicles of the
platoon. Each single experiment begun with the first vehicle of
the platoon sending an alert message and the other vehicles
retransmitting it, following the protocol proposed in [9]. This is
a typical experiment scenario where there is no desire to limit
the number of hops between a source and a destination
vehicles, as the number of hops that are traversed represent a
performance figure of the experiment. We here only sketch a
few of the preliminary results obtained during one of our
experiments. During the considered experiment, 140 alert
messages have been broadcasted, hence, they experienced,
while travelling, 140 radically different channel conditions.
The average numbers of hops travelled by each of these
messages slightly exceeded 12, while each alert message on
average travelled for a distance of 1.1 km. Interestingly,
although we utilized high gain antennas which irradiated 25
dBm of power while operating within the 2.4 Ghz unlicensed
band, the distance travelled during a single hop by a
communication packet rarely exceeded 100 m, witnessing that
vehicular environments represent a tough test case for any
communication protocol. The second set of experiments was
performed in the lab utilizing two Microsoft SORAs,
programmed to be able to switch between WiFi channel 3 and
WiFi channel 9. With this experiment we aimed at assessing
one of the two innovative dimensions of the cognitive car
testbed: the switching time required between two different
frequency bands. Performing a couple of experiments in both
static and walking situations, we observed that switching times
ranged between 1.6 and 2.4 ms. Now, putting such results into
the context of the first experiment, we can deduce that an
accident warning system that propagates accident information
through a vehicular network based on cognitive networks
might experience an additional overhead time of 2 ms, on
average, per vehicle. Considering the specific case given by our
experiments, where we covered an average distance of 1.1 km
with each transmitted packet, we have that on average an alert
message would have experienced an additional delay of 24 ms,
given by multiplying the average number of hops traversed by
a single alert message for the average switching delay. Clearly,
although all these final considerations do not require any
particular analysis capabilities, it is important to remind that
they have been possible only thanks to a set of realistic
experiments that have been run on the roads of Los Angeles.
Hence, while the results that can be drawn by advanced
communication interfaces, as cognitive radios, are key to reach
any type of result, a wise devise of testbed experiments can
lead to the observation of performance figures that otherwise
would not be observable in reality. Concluding, cognitive cars
can be an enabling technology for many studies and analysis
that otherwise would not be possible
This paper showed how it is possible to utilize the features
provided by cognitive network technologies within the domain
of advanced vehicular testbeds. We showed, in particular, that
cognitive interfaces can: (a) be used to test new strategies that
deal with the scarcity of the radio spectrum in a vehicular
environment, and, (b) be utilized to assess VANET protocol
performances as a function of different variables. As an
example of how this could be done, we provided preliminary
experimental results obtained from a highway accident warning
system and a cognitive network based on SORA interfaces.
Acknowledgements to the FIRB DAMASCO and the PRIN
ALTER-NET projects.
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