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Fossil (iii)


This is not a jellyfish A short fictionella that starts with thombolites and finishes with the decimation of Banksia Woodlands on the Swan Coastal Plain. A mediation on CaCO3, when fossils are not and when history and the future needs revision(ing). You will discover living fossils and quorum sensing, the story of Tennant’s Cabinet, pseudofossils, the Leedermeg, future fossils and lost worlds. This book was part of the Lost Rocks Project by A Published Event

FOSSIL Perdita Phillips FOSSIL This book was grown and written on unceded Whadjuk Noongar land, with visits to Yuat and Binjareb country. 2019 1 FOSSIL When you think about it, the fossil record is like a series of photographs: frozen moments from what is really a moving, ongoing reality. Looking at the fossil record is like thumbing through a family photo album. You know that the album isn’t complete. You know life happens in between, you only have the pictures. So you study them, and study them. And pretty soon, you begin to think of the album not as a series of moments, but as reality itself. 2 3 FOSSIL visited fossil sites unvisited fossil sites 4 Mammoth Cave The Coal Seam La Brea Tar Pits Broome Kalbarri gorges and cliffs Shark Bay stromatolites Lake Thetis, Lake Walyalup, Lake Richmond, Lake Clifton and Yalgorup Lakes Devonian Reef Coal Mine Beach Cape Range National Park Kennedy Range National Park The Burgess Shales Jurassic Coast Gingin Gogo Formation Cuddie Springs Ediacara Hills Riversleigh Naracoorte Caves North Pole, Western Australia Willandra Lakes Region (Lake Mungo) Liang Bua Cave Fossil Grove Gotland Messel Pit Fossil Site Moyjil 5 FOSSIL Thrombolites Perth to Lake Clifton and return 211 km Crabs and fish ahead 300m It starts with petrichor overpowering the car’s air vents as I drive down from Perth to Mandurah and a little further south to Lake Clifton. It’s bunuru, or late summer and an atypical, blustery day. Cold air has come up from the south and there is a slick of water on the road. Light rain overnight has mobilised a summer’s worth of oil and hydrocarbons on the tarmac. But that’s not what I am smelling. Road weather alert Sorry We’re closed 6 Secret Harbour Golden Bay San Remo Lakelands Meadow Springs Silver Sands Miami Florida Waters Estuary Hideaway Holiday Park 7 FOSSIL What was once a sleepy holiday town between the Indian Ocean and the Peel-Harvey Estuary has long been transformed into the streets and houses of greater Mandurah. The Castle Fun Park has been burnt, graffitied and now cleared for housing. Ospreys in suburbia; kangaroos are caught behind high fences. If you were to soar overhead, what passes for aspirational living would be black roofs, no gardens and no fucking trees! If Perth lives on the banks of an old woman, the Peel-Harvey Estuary is an intestinal doublestructure: half stomach, half large intestine. After passing over the Dawesville Cut, the Old Coast Road snuggles down along the colon of Harvey Estuary. Thrombolites I stop the car to take some notes on what I have been seeing. There is a scraggy Jacksonia here. It is a disturbance species commonly seen on the roadside. A Red-capped Robin drops to the road in front of my car before flashing off into the trees. Suddenly birds are flitting around. They have changed and we are somewhereelsethansuburbia. There are small brown things I can’t tell what and a Jacky Winter perched on the Jacksonia checking out the ‘hood with its head jerking back and forth. And another bird with head like a fantail but not a fantail. There is sand mining hidden behind the trees nearby, but still the forest survives. Each leaf on the ground has micro puddles of water stained with tannin. The smell is strong. We are near the place where I once came to Lake Clifton early in the morning to do a dawn chorus sound recording and a whole field of beef cattle was out on the road. A gate had been left open somewhere and their bodies were smudges in the dark. Here the petrichor is at its strongest. It is the overpowering scent of Peppermint Tree and Eucalyptus combined. It reaches deeper, too, with layers of humus and hidden fungal life. The wet leaves and soil release an essence that reads of the coast of Western Australia: of Tuart forest and coastal thickets over limestone terrain. Further south, and within my living memory, the Old Coast Road was once a thin journey beneath a cathedral of tall Tuarts. But turning off the road we leave the Estuary to go over the Mandurah-Eaton Ridge on the steep Mount John Road. There is a kind of rhythm to the Swan Coastal Plain – of parallel geomorphic units that face the coast. To travel east to west is to cross over younger and younger landscapes. Driving over the MandurahEaton Ridge we move closer to the sea through bush blocks and rural subdivisions. During the Pleistocene a sequence of calcareous sands were deposited and 8 9 Thrombolites FOSSIL the beach moved westward. Vic Semeniuk calls this plain Youdaland. Over time it was exposed to the air, weathered and further transformed through karst and calcrete development. Lake Clifton formed some time later behind a quartz sand spit – the Myalup Sand Barrier – that grew along the coast through longshore drift, forming a lagoon and then a lake. According to fossil shell evidence, Lake Clifton closed to the sea for the last time sometime around 4670 to 3890 years ago. The sky is bluing up and the moisture knows it. Exhaustion and loss Fire Fighting Bore Midgies You have arrived at the Lake Clifton Thrombolites. or at least, the carpark. Do not leave cash or valuables in your car 10 11 FOSSIL Thrombolites 12 13