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Fuzzy Sets and Systems 119 (2001) 31–40 www.elsevier.com/locate/fss Interactive fuzzy programming for two-level linear fractional programming problems Masatoshi Sakawa ∗ , Ichiro Nishizaki Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University, 1-4-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima, 739-8527 Japan Received August 1997; received in revised form October 1998 Abstract This paper presents interactive fuzzy programming for two-level linear fractional programming problems with the essentially cooperative decision makers. In our interactive method, after determining the fuzzy goals of the decision makers at both levels, a satisfactory solution is eciently derived by updating the satisfactory level of the decision maker at the upper level with considerations of overall satisfactory balance between both levels. In an interactive process, optimal solutions to the formulated programming problems are obtained by combined use of the bisection method and the phase one of linear programming and the variable transformation by Charnes and Cooper. An illustrative numerical example is provided to demonstrate the feasibility and eciency of the proposed method. c 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Two-level linear fractional programming problem; Fuzzy programming; Fuzzy goals; Interactive methods 1. Introduction A two-level programming problem is formulated for a problem in which two decision makers (DMs) make decisions successively. For example, in a decentralized rm, top management, an executive board, or headquarters makes a decision such as a budget of the rm, and then each division determines a production plan in the full knowledge of the budget. We can also cite the Stackelberg duopoly: two rms supply homogeneous goods to a market. Suppose one rm dominates the other in the market, and Corresponding author. E-mail address: sakawa@msl.sys.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (M. Sakawa). ∗ consequently the predominant rm rst decides its level of supply, and then the other rm determines that of itself after it realizes that of the predominant rm. The Stackelberg solution has been employed as a solution concept to two-level programming problems, and a considerable number of algorithms for obtaining the solution have been developed (e.g. [1,3,6,23]). We can nd many instances of decision problems [2,4,9,14], which are formulated as two-level programming problems, and concerning the abovementioned hierarchical decision problem in the decentralized rm, it is natural that decision makers behave cooperatively rather than noncooperatively. 0165-0114/01/$ - see front matter c 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 5 - 0 1 1 4 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 6 6 - 4 32 M. Sakawa, I. Nishizaki / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 119 (2001) 31–40 Recently, Lai [12] and Shih, Lai and Lee [20] have proposed a solution concept, which is di erent from the concept of the Stackelberg solution, for multi-level linear programming problems such that decisions of DMs in both levels are sequential and all of the DMs essentially cooperate with each other. Their method is based on the idea that the DM at the lower level optimizes the lower level objective function, taking a goal or preference of the upper level into consideration. DMs elicit membership functions of fuzzy goals for their objective functions, and especially, the DM at the upper level also speci es those of fuzzy goals for decision variables. The DM at the lower level solves a fuzzy programming problem with constraints on fuzzy goals of the DM at the upper level. Unfortunately, there is a possibility that their method leads to an undesirable nal solution because of inconsistency between the fuzzy goals of the objective function and the decision variables. To overcome the problem in the methods of Lai et al., eliminating the fuzzy goals for decision variables, we have developed interactive fuzzy programming for two-level linear programming problems [16]. However, considering hierarchical decision problems such as in rms, it is frequently appropriate not only to take the cooperative relationship between decision makers into consideration but also to examine linear fractional objectives rather than linear ones. Examples of objectives or criteria represented as fractional functions [10,22] are often encountered in the following situations: for nance or corporate planning, debt-to-equity ratio, return on investment, current ratio, risk-assets to capital, actual capital to required capital, foreign loans to total loans, residential mortgages to total mortgages, etc., for production planning, inventory to sales, actual cost to standard cost, output per employee, and so forth. For instance, by adopting a criterion with respect to nance or corporate planning as an objective function at the upper level and employing a criterion regarding production planning as an objective function at the lower level, a two-level linear fractional programming problem can be formulated for hierarchical decision problems in rms. A usual linear fractional programming problem is a special case of a nonlinear programming problem, but it can be transformed into a linear programming problem by using the variable transformation method by Charnes and Cooper [8], or it can be solved by adopting the updated objective function method by Bitran and Novaes [7], i.e., we can obtain an optimal solution by repeating two steps: computing the local gradient of the fractional objective function, and solving the resulting linear programming problem. Concerning multiobjective linear fractional programming, Kornbluth and Steuer [10,11] presented two di erent approaches to multiobjective linear fractional programming based on the weighted Tchebysche norm. Luhandjula [13] proposed a linguistic approach to multiobjective linear fractional programming by introducing linguistic variables to represent linguistic aspirations of the decision maker. In the framework of the fuzzy decision of Bellman and Zadeh [5], Sakawa and Yumine [19] presented a fuzzy programming approach for solving multiobjective linear fractional programming problems by combined use of the bisection method and the phase one of the simplex method of linear programming. As a generalization of the result in Sakawa and Yumine [19], Sakawa and Yano [18] proposed a linear programming-based interactive fuzzy satis cing method for multiobjective linear fractional programming to derive the satis cing solution for the DM eciently from a Pareto optimal solution set by updating the reference membership values of the DM. In this paper, we brie y refer to a method for obtaining the Stackelberg solution to a two-level linear fractional programming problem. Next we deal with the two-level linear fractional programming problem with the essentially cooperative DMs and propose an interactive fuzzy programming for the problem. In our interactive method, having determined the fuzzy goals of the decision makers at both levels, a satisfactory solution is eciently derived by updating the satisfactory degree of the decision maker at the upper level with considerations of overall satisfactory balance between both levels. Optimal solutions to the formulated programming problems are obtained by combined use of the bisection method and phase one of linear programming and the variable transformation by Charnes and Cooper. An illustrative numerical example demonstrates the feasibility and e ectiveness of the proposed method. M. Sakawa, I. Nishizaki / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 119 (2001) 31–40 2. Two-level linear fractional programming problems A two-level linear fractional programming problem for obtaining the Stackelberg solution is formulated as minimize z1 (x1 ; x2 ) where x2 solves minimize z2 (x1 ; x2 ) subject to A1 x1 + A2 x2 6b; x1 x2 (1) where objective function zi (x1 ; x2 ); i = 1; 2 is represented by a linear fractional function pi (x1 ; x2 ) ci1 x1 + ci2 x2 + ci3 = ; qi (x1 ; x2 ) di1 x1 + di2 x2 + di3 an optimal solution to the problem occurs at a vertex of its feasible region. The DM1’s problem in which the objective function of DM2 is eliminated from problem (1) is represented as c11 x1 + c12 x2 + c13 minimize d11 x1 + d12 x2 + d13 (3) subject to A1 x1 + A2 x2 6b; x1 ¿0; x2 ¿0: x1 ¿0; x2 ¿0; zi (x1 ; x2 ) = 33 (2) xi ; i = 1; 2 is an ni -dimensional decision variable; ci1 and di1 ; i = 1; 2 are n1 -dimensional constant row vectors; ci2 and di2 ; i = 1; 2 are n2 -dimensional constant row vectors; ci3 and di3 ; i = 1; 2 are constants; b is an m-dimensional constant column vector; Ai ; i = 1; 2 is an m × ni constant matrix; and it is assumed that the denominators are positive, i.e., qi (x1 ; x2 )¿0; i = 1; 2. For the sake of simplicity, we use the following notation: x = (x1 ; x2 ) ∈ Rn1 +n2 ; ci = [ci1 ci2 ci3 ]; i = 1; 2; di = [di1 di2 di3 ]; i = 1; 2, and let DM1 denote the DM at the upper level and DM2 denote the DM at the lower level. In the two-level linear fractional programming problem (1), z1 (x1 ; x2 ) and z2 (x1 ; x2 ), respectively, represent objective functions of DM1 and DM2, and x1 and x2 , represent decision variables of DM1 and DM2, respectively. The Kth best method proposed by Bialas and Karwan [6] is one of vertex enumeration approaches. The solution search procedure of the method starts from a point which is an optimal solution to the problem of DM1 and checks whether it is also an optimal solution to the problem of DM2 or not. If the rst point is not the Stackelberg solution, the procedure continues to examine the second best solution to the problem of DM1 and so forth. We can apply the idea of the Kth best method to obtaining the Stackelberg solution to the two-level linear fractional programming problem (1) because, in general, objective function level curves of a linear fractional programming problem are not parallel but linear, and Let x̂[1] ; x̂[2] ; : : : ; x̂[N ] denote the N ordered basic feasible solutions to the linear fractional programming problem (3) such that c1 x̂[i] =d1 x̂[i] ¿c2 x̂[i+1] = d2 x̂[i+1] ; i = 1; : : : ; N − 1. For a given x̂1[i] , DM2’s problem is formulated as minimize subject to c21 x1[i] + c22 x2 + c23 d21 x1[i] + d22 x2 + d23 A1 x1[i] + A2 x2 6b; (4) x1 ¿0; x2 ¿0: Let x̃2 (x̂1[i] ) denote an optimal solution to problem (4). Then nding the global optimum is equivalent to seeking the minimal index i such that x̃2 (x̂1[i] ) = x̂2[i] . Since problems (3) and (4) are linear fractional programming problems, we can solve them by adopting the variable transformation method by Charnes and Cooper [8] or by employing the updated objective function method by Bitran and Novaes [7]. Another popular method for nding the Stackelberg solution to the two-level linear programming problem is referred to as the “Kuhn–Tucker” approach. It is based on the fact that the two-level linear programming problem is equivalent to the nonlinear programming problem created by replacing DM2’s problem with its Kuhn–Tucker conditions and appending the resultant system to DM1’s problem. It should be noted here that the Kuhn–Tucker approach cannot be directly applied to the two-level linear fractional programming problem because the objective function of DM2 is a linear fractional function and it is not convex. When the Stackelberg solution is employed, it is assumed that there is no communication between the two DMs, or they do not make any binding agreement even if there exists such communication. However, the above assumption is not always reasonable 34 M. Sakawa, I. Nishizaki / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 119 (2001) 31–40 when we model decision-making problems in a decentralized rm as a two-level programming problem in which top management is DM1 and an operation division of the rm is DM2 because it is supposed that there exists a cooperative relationship between them. Consider a computational aspect of the Stackelberg solution. Even if objective functions of both DMs and common constraint functions are linear, it is known that the problem for obtaining the Stackelberg solution is a non-convex programming problem with special structure. Although a large number of algorithms for obtaining the Stackelberg solution have been developed, it is known that the problem of nding the solution is strongly NP-Hard [21]. From such diculties, a new solution concept which is easy to compute and re ects the structure of multi-level programming problems is expected. To realize two demands, we develop an algorithm for obtaining a satisfactory solution to a two-level linear fractional programming problem based on a basic idea that DM1 claims a solution with at least a minimal satisfactory level speci ed by DM1, taking overall satisfactory balance between both levels into consideration, and DM2’s degree of satisfaction is maximized on condition that the minimal satisfactory level of DM1 is satis ed. In contrast to formulation (1), in this paper, we employ the following representation in order to deal with a two-level linear fractional programming problem with cooperative DMs: minimize z1 (x) = c11 x1 + c12 x2 + c13 d11 x1 + d12 x2 + d13 minimize z2 (x) = c21 x1 + c22 x2 + c23 d21 x1 + d22 x2 + d23 subject to A1 x1 + A2 x2 6b; upper level upper level (5) x1 ¿0; x2 ¿0: 3. Interactive fuzzy programming In this section we deal with two-level linear fractional programming problems in which the DMs are essentially cooperative and their decisions are sequential. We propose an interactive fuzzy programming method for obtaining a satisfactory solution to such problems. It is natural that the DMs have fuzzy goals for their objective functions when they take fuzziness of human judgments into consideration [15]. For each of the objective functions zi (x), i = 1; 2 of problem (5), assume that the DMs have fuzzy goals such as “the objective function zi (x) should be substantially less than or equal to some value pi ”. The individual minimum zimin = min zi (x); x∈X i = 1; 2 (6) and the individual maximum zimax = max zi (x); x∈X i = 1; 2 (7) of the objective functions are referred to when the DMs elicit membership functions prescribing the fuzzy goals for the objective functions zi (x), i = 1; 2, where X is a feasible region of problem (5). The DMs determine the membership functions i (zi (x)), which are strictly monotone decreasing for zi (x), consulting the variation ratio of satisfactory degree in the interval between the individual minimum (6) and the individual maximum (7). The domain of the membership function is the interval [zimin ; zimax ], i = 1; 2, and each of the DMs speci es the value zi0 of the objective function for which the satisfactory degree is 0 and the value zi1 of the objective function for which the degree of satisfaction is 1. For the value undesired (larger than zi0 ), it is de ned that i (zi (x)) = 0, and for the value desired (smaller than zi1 ), it is de ned that i (zi (x)) = 1. The following linear function is an example of a membership function i (zi ) which characterizes the fuzzy goal of the DM:  if zi (x)¿zi0 ;  0    z (x) − z 0 i i (8) i (zi (x)) = if zi1 ¡ zi (x)6zi0 ;  zi1 − zi0     1 if zi (x)6zi1 ; where zi0 and zi1 denote the values of the objective function zi (x) such that the degrees of the membership function are 0 and 1, respectively, and it is assumed that the DMs subjectively assess zi0 and zi1 . M. Sakawa, I. Nishizaki / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 119 (2001) 31–40 Zimmermann proposed the following method for eliciting the membership function of the fuzzy goal [24]. Using the individual minimum function i (·); i = 1; 2, and then problem (13) can be transformed into the following equivalent problem: maximize  subject to A1 x1 + A2 x2 6b; x;  zimin = zi (xio ) = min{zi (x) | A1 x1 + A2 x2 6b; x1 ¿0; x2 ¿0} p1 (x)61−1 ()q1 (x); (9) 0661; zim = zi (xjo ); i = 1; 2; j = ( 1 if i = 2; 2 if i = 1; (10) the DMs determine the linear membership functions as in (8) by choosing zi1 = zimin , zi0 = zim , i = 1; 2. The membership function does not need to be a linear function throughout this paper, but we assume that it is a continuous and strictly monotone decreasing function. Sakawa and Yumine proposed several types of nonlinear membership functions: exponential, hyperbolic, hyperbolic inverse and piecewise linear membership functions [19]. To derive a satisfactory solution to the problem (5), the proposed algorithm starts to nd the maximum decision to the fuzzy decision by Bellman and Zadeh [5], i.e., to solve the following problem for obtaining a solution which maximizes the smaller degree of satisfaction between the two DMs: maximize min{1 (z1 (x)); 2 (z2 (x))}: x∈X (11) For a coming interactive process, we de ne a satisfactory degree of both DMs as  = min{1 (z1 (x)); 2 (z2 (x))}: (12) The maximin problem (11) can be written as an equivalent maximization problem: x;  subject to (14) p2 (x)62−1 ()q2 (x) together with maximize 35 x1 ¿0; x2 ¿0: By solving problem (14), we can obtain a solution maximizing a smaller satisfactory degree between those of both DMs. In problem (14), however, even if the membership function i (·) is linear, problem (14) is not a linear programming problem because i−1 ()qi (x), i = 1; 2 is nonlinear. Thus, we cannot directly apply the linear programming technique, but from the following fact, we can solve problem (14) by combined use of the bisection method and the phase one of linear programming [15,19]. In problem (14), if the value of , which satis es 0661, is xed, constraint functions of problem (14) can be reduced to a set of linear inequalities. Obtaining the optimal solution ∗ to the above problem is equivalent to determining the maximum value of  so that there exists an admissible set satisfying the constraints of problem (14). It should be noted that the above-mentioned procedure can be applicable not only to linear membership functions but also to nonlinear membership functions if they are continuous and strictly monotone decreasing. After ∗ has been determined, we minimize the objective function z2 (x) of DM2 subject to the constraints of problem (14) for  = ∗ , i.e., we solve the following problem:  A1 x1 + A2 x2 6b; 1 (z1 (x))¿; 2 (z2 (x))¿; 0661; x1 ¿0; x2 ¿0: z2 (x) = subject to A1 x1 + A2 x2 6b; x (13) Let i−1 (·), i = 1; 2 be an inverse function of the continuous and strictly monotone decreasing membership c21 x1 + c22 x2 + c23 d21 x1 + d22 x2 + d23 minimize (15) p1 (x)61−1 (∗ )q1 (x); x1 ¿0; x2 ¿0; where the constraint with respect to the fuzzy goal of DM2 is eliminated because ∗ is a solution to problem (14). 36 M. Sakawa, I. Nishizaki / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 119 (2001) 31–40 Let x∗ be an optimal solution to problem (15). It can be shown in the following that the optimal solution x∗ is a weak Pareto optimal solution to the problem: minimize minimize subject to c11 x1 + c12 x2 + c13 d11 x1 + d12 x2 + d13 c21 x1 + c22 x2 + c23 z2 (x) = d21 x1 + d22 x2 + d23 z1 (x) = (16) x ∈ X: Suppose that there exists x′ ∈ X such that z1 (x′ ) ¡ z1 (x∗ ) and z2 (x′ )¡ z2 (x∗ ), that is, x∗ is not one of the weak Pareto optimal solutions. Because the membership functions are continuous and strictly monotone decreasing, we have ∗ 61 (x∗ )¡1 (x′ ) and then x′ becomes a feasible solution of problem (15). The assumption z2 (x′ )¡ z2 (x∗ ) contradicts that x∗ is an optimal solution to problem (15). Thus, it follows that x∗ is a weak Pareto optimal solution. In order to solve the linear fractional programming problem (15), if we use the variable transformation by Charnes and Cooper [8] t = 1=q2 (x); (y1 ; y2 ; t)T = (x1 ; x2 ; 1)T t; (17) problem (15) can be equivalently transformed as minimize c2 y subject to [A1 A2 − b] y60; y c1 y61−1 (∗ )d1 y; (18) y¿0; where, for the sake of simplicity, we use the notation y = (y1 ; y2 ; t)T ∈ Rn1 +n2 +1 . In order to test the Pareto optimality, we solve the following linear programming problem: 1 + 2 subject to p1 (x) − 1 = z1 (x∗ )q1 (x); p2 (x) − 2 = z2 (x∗ )q2 (x); A1 x1 + A2 x2 6b; x¿0; ”¿0; where ” = (1 ; 2 ). maximize zj (x) subject to  i ∈ {i | i = 0}; zi (x) = zi (x); (19) (20)  i ∈ {i | i ¿0}; zi (x)¿zi (x); x¿0: If DM1 is satis ed with the optimal solution x∗ to problem (13), which is obtained by solving problems (14), (18)–(20), it follows that the optimal solution x∗ becomes a satisfactory solution; however, DM1 is not always satis ed with the solution x∗ . It is natural to suppose that DM1 subjectively speci es a minimal satisfactory level ˆ ∈ [0; 1] for his/her membership function 1 (z1 (x)). If DM1 is not satis ed with the solution x∗ to problem (13), in the proposed algorithm, the following problem in which DM2’s membership function is maximized on condition that DM1’s membership function 1 (z1 (x)) is larger than or equal to ˆ is formulated: maximize 2 (z2 (x)) subject to A1 x1 + A2 x2 6b; x d2 y = 1; minimize Let (x;  ”)  be an optimal solution to this problem Then, if all i = 0, then x∗ is a Pareto optimal solution, and if at least one i ¿0, then for j ∈ {j | j ¿0}, solve the following linear fractional programming problem by using the variable transformation method, and an optimal solution to the problem is a Pareto optimal solution [19]: (21) ˆ 1 (z1 (x))¿; x1 ¿0; x2 ¿0: Because the membership function 2 (·) is strictly monotone decreasing, problem (21) is equivalent to the linear fractional problem: minimize z2 (x) subject to A1 x1 + A2 x2 6b; x ˆ 1 (x); p1 (x)61−1 ()q x1 ¿0; x2 ¿0: (22) M. Sakawa, I. Nishizaki / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 119 (2001) 31–40 Using the variable transformation again, we can formulate the linear programming problem: minimize c2 y subject to [A1 A2 − b] y60; x ˆ 1 y; c1 y61−1 ()d (23) d2 y = 1; y¿0: It should be noted here that, in our formulation (21), the constraint on the fuzzy goal for decision variables of DM1 is eliminated while it is involved in the formulations by Lai [12] and Shih et al. [20]. If an optimal solution to problem (21) exists, it follows that DM1 obtains a satisfactory solution having a satisfactory degree larger than or equal to the minimal satisfactory level speci ed by DM1’s own self. However, the larger the minimal satisfactory level is assessed, the smaller DM2’s satisfactory degree becomes. Consequently, a relative di erence between the satisfactory degrees of DM1 and DM2 becomes larger and it is feared that overall satisfactory balance between both levels cannot be maintained. To take into account the overall satisfactory balance between both levels, DM1 needs to compromise with DM2 on DM1’s own minimal satisfactory level. To do so, a ratio of satisfactory degree between both DMs is de ned as = 2 (z2 (x∗ )) ; 1 (z1 (x∗ )) (24) which is de ned by Lai [12], is useful. Let L and U denote the lower bound and the upper bound of  speci ed by DM1. If ¿U , i.e., 2 (z2 (x∗ ))¿U 1 (z1 (x∗ )), then DM1 updates ˆ the minimal satisfactory level ˆ by increasing . Then DM1 obtains a larger satisfactory degree and DM2 accepts a smaller satisfactory degree. Conversely, if ¡L , i.e., 2 (z2 (x∗ ))¡L 1 (z1 (x∗ )), then DM1 updates the minimal satisfactory level ˆ ˆ and DM1 accepts a smaller satisby decreasing , factory degree and DM2 obtains a larger satisfactory degree. At an iteration ‘, let 1 (z1‘ ), 2 (z2‘ ), ‘ and ‘  = 2 (z2‘ )=1 (z1‘ ) denote DM1’s and DM2’s satisfactory degrees, a satisfactory degree of both levels 37 and the ratio of satisfactory degrees between both DMs, respectively, and let a corresponding solution be x‘ . The iterated interactive process terminates if the following two conditions are satis ed and DM1 concludes the solution as a satisfactory solution. Termination conditions of the interactive process for two-level linear fractional programming problems. (1) DM1’s satisfactory degree is larger than or equal to the minimal satisfactory level ˆ speci ed by ˆ DM1, i.e., 1 (z1‘ )¿. ‘ (2) The ratio  of satisfactory degrees is in the closed interval, the lower and the upper bounds of which are speci ed by DM1. Condition (1) is DM1’s required condition for solutions, and condition (2) is provided in order to keep overall satisfactory balance between both levels. Unless the conditions are satis ed simultaneously, ˆ DM1 needs to update the minimal satisfactory level . Procedure for updating the minimal satisfactory ˆ level . (1) If condition (1) is not satis ed, then DM1 deˆ creases the minimal satisfactory level . (2) If the ratio ‘ exceeds its upper bound, then DM1 ˆ Conincreases the minimal satisfactory level . ‘ versely, if the ratio  is below its lower bound, then DM1 decreases the minimal satisfactory ˆ level . The above-mentioned algorithm is summarized as follows: Algorithm of the interactive fuzzy programming for solving two-level linear fractional programming problems. Step 1: Set ‘ = 1. DM1 elicits the membership function 1 (z1 ) of the fuzzy goal of DM1, and speci es the minimal satisfactory level ˆ and the lower and the upper bounds of the ratio of satisfactory degrees 1 . Step 2: DM2 elicits the membership function 2 (z2 ) of the fuzzy goal of DM2. Step 3: The maximin problem (13) is solved through problems (14), (18)–(20), and then a solution x‘ to problem (13) is proposed to DM1 together with ‘ , 1 (z1‘ ), 2 (z2‘ ) and ‘ . 38 M. Sakawa, I. Nishizaki / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 119 (2001) 31–40 Step 4: If the solution proposed to DM1 satis es the termination conditions and DM1 concludes the solution as a satisfactory solution, the algorithm stops. Step 5: DM1 updates the minimal satisfactory level ˆ in accordance with the procedure of updating minimal satisfactory level. Step 6: Problem (21) is solved through problem (23) and an obtained solution is proposed to DM1. Return to Step 4. 4. A numerical example for two-level linear fractional programming problems Consider the following two-level linear fractional programming problem: minimize x minimize x subject to c1 x1 + c2 x2 + 1 z1 (x) = d1 x1 + d2 x2 + 1 c3 x1 + c4 x2 + 1 z2 (x) = d3 x1 + d4 x2 + 1 maximize  subject to x ∈ X; x;  z1 (x) + 0:558660 ¿; −1:436379 + 0:558660 (25) A1 x1 + A2 x2 6b; xj ¿0; is a sum of entries of the corresponding row vector of A1 and A2 multiplied by 0:6. Coecients are shown in Table 1. Suppose that DM1 determines the initial minimal satisfactory level as  = 1:0, and the lower and the upper bounds of  as [0:6; 1:0]. The membership functions (8) of the fuzzy goals are assessed by using values (9) and (10). The individual minima and the corresponding optimal solutions are shown in Table 2 and z1m = − 0:558660 and z2m = 0:525274 are computed. Then problem (13) for this numerical example can be formulated as j = 1; 2; : : : ; 10; where x1 = (x1 ; : : : ; x5 )T , x2 = (x6 ; : : : ; x10 )T ; each entry of ve-dimensional coecient vectors ci ; di , i = 1; 2; 3; 4, and of 11 × 5 coecient matrices A1 and A2 is a random value in the interval [−50; 50]; each entry of the right-hand side constant column vector b (26) z2 (x) − 0:525274 ¿; −0:497256 − 0:525274 where X denotes the feasible region of problem (25). Data of the rst iteration including an optimal solution to problem (26) are shown in Table 3. The rst termination condition of the interactive process is not satis ed because the satisfactory degree 11 = 0:651722 of DM1 does not exceed the minimal satisfactory level ˆ = 1:0. Consequently, DM1 must M. Sakawa, I. Nishizaki / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 119 (2001) 31–40 39 Table 2 The individual minima and the corresponding solutions z1min x1 x2 −1:436379 1.883205 2.361988 0.667962 0.861438 0.017950 0.242107 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.299405 z2min x1 x2 −0:497256 0.000000 0.223446 0.920781 0.673893 0.859239 0.660960 1.018842 0.000000 0.981706 0.000000 5. Conclusions change the minimal satisfactory level, and suppose that DM1 changes the minimal satisfactory level to ˆ = 0:70 because, neither for ˆ = 0:90 nor for ˆ = 0:80, any solution satisfying the condition on the upper and lower bounds of  is not obtained. Then a problem corresponding to problem (21) is formulated as maximize 2 (z2 (x)) subject to x ∈ X; x In this paper, we have proposed interactive fuzzy programming for two-level linear fractional programming problems with the essentially cooperative DMs. In our interactive method, after determining the fuzzy goals of the decision makers at both levels, a satisfactory solution is eciently derived by updating the minimal satisfactory levels of decision makers at upper levels with considerations of overall satisfactory balance between both levels. An illustrative numerical example for two-level linear fractional programming problems demonstrated the feasibility and eciency of the proposed method. It is signi cant to note here that although the Stackelberg solution does not always satisfy Pareto optimality, the proposed solution is in the set of Pareto optimal solutions because the solution concept is proposed for two-level decision problems with cooperative DMs. References (27) z1 (x) + 0:558660 ¿0:7: −1:436379 + 0:558660 Data of the second iteration including an optimal solution to problem (27) are shown in Table 4. At the second iteration, the satisfactory degree 12 = 0:70 of DM1 becomes equal to the minimal satisfactory level ˆ′ = 0:70 and the ratio 2 = 0:816574 of satisfactory degrees is in the valid interval [0:6; 1:0] of the ratio. Then, if DM1 concludes the solution as a satisfactory solution, the interactive process terminates. [1] J.F. Bard, An ecient point algorithm for a linear two-stage optimization problem, Oper. Res. 38 (1983) 556 – 560. [2] J.F. Bard, Coordination of a multidivisional rm through two levels of management, Omega 11 (1983) 457– 465. [3] J.F. 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