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2015, E-Jurnal Matematika
6 pages
1 file
Latent variables are variables that can not be observed directly. Latent variables can be observed with constituent indicators. One of the methods used to analyze the latent variables are Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). This research raised the case of impulse buying to be applied to the SEM method. Impulse buying influenced by the characteristics of the hypermarket, situational factors, the characteristics of the product, promotion and positive emotions. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect dari positive emotions as mediation to impulse buying.The results obtained indicate that positive emotions directly affect the impulse buying of 0.302, promotion directly affects the positive emotions of 0.367, and the promotion of indirect effect to impulse buying of 0.111. So positive emotions can mediate to impulse buying of 0.020. Goodness of fit mediation models not good with value 0.39.
E-Jurnal Manajemen Universitas Udayana
Unplanned purchases are purchases that are made without going through the planning process. Unplanned purchases are caused by various factors, one example is store atmosphere. A good store atmosphere can generate positive emotions on consumers. This study aims to determine the role of positive emotions in mediating the influence of store atmosphere on unplanned purchases in Alfamart Denpasar. This study used 104 people as samples by using purposive sampling technique. Data in this study were collected through online questionnaires using Google form, and analysed using Path analysis. The results show that store atmosphere has significant influence on positive emotions and unplanned purchases. Positive emotions also have significant effect on unplanned purchases. Furthermore, study results also show that positive emotions can mediate the influence of store atmosphere on unplanned purchases. Keywords: store atmosphere, positive emotions, unplanned purchases.
E Jurnal Manajemen Universitas Udayana, 2014
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh stimulus lingkungan toko terhadap perilaku pembelian tidak terencana yang dimediasi oleh emosi positif pada konsumen hypermarket di kota Denpasar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Denpasar, sampel yang diambil sebanyak 140 orang dengan metode purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner dengan menggunakan skala Likert 5 poin untuk mengukur 14 indikator. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah SEM. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa masing-masing variabel stimulus lingkungan toko berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap perilaku pembelian tidak terencana dan pengaruh tersebut dimediasi oleh emosi positif. Hasil tersebut berarti stimulus lingkungan toko dapat mempengaruhi perilaku pembelian tidak terencana dan juga dapat mempengaruhi emosi positif sebelumnya.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruhn fashion involvement dan hedonic consumption tendency terhadap emosi positif, pengaruh fashion involvement, hedonic consumption tendency dan emosi positif terhadap impulse buying, dan peran emosi positif memediasi pengaruh fashion involvement dan hedonic consumption tendency terhadap impulse buying pada pelanggan produk fashion Discovery Shopping Mall Kuta. Metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan sampel adalah non-probability berbentuk purposive sampling dengan ukuran sampel sebanyak 105 orang responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner secara langsung pada pelanggan produk fashion Discovery Shopping Mall Kuta. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur (path analysis) dan uji sobel. Terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara nfashion involvement dan hedonic consumption tendency terhadap emosi positif, hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara fashion involvement, hedonic consumption tende...
E-Jurnal Manajemen Universitas Udayana
Impulse buying is the behavior to make purchases directly, without prior plan, done quickly and without much evaluation. Companies need to pay attention to factors that influence the creation of impulse buying to increase revenue. Purpose of this study is to determine Positive Emotion in mediating sales promotion and store environments in impulse buying. Study is conducted in Denpasar and Alfamart as research objects. 112 are used as respondents who had shopped at Alfamart with purposive sampling. Data collected through questionnaires and analyzed using path analysis. Based on the results, sales promotion and store environment have a positive and significant effect on Positive Emotion, Positive Emotion has a positive and significant effect on impulse buying, sales promotion and store environment has a positive and significant effect on impulse buying, and Positive Emotion is able to mediate the influence of sales promotion and store environment for impulse buying. Keywords: sales pr...
Jurnal Riset Ekonomi dan Manajemen, 2016
Department store is one of the fast growing retail by 2015. As many as 27-62% of purchases that occur at department store is impulsive purchases. The purpose of this study is to analyze and discuss the influence of store atmosphere and sales promotions toward impulsive purchases with positive emotions as intervening variable. The type of this research is quantitative research. Using the technique of sampling nonprobability sampling with the total of 220 respondents drawn from visitors of Matahari department store Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya. The instrument used was the likert scale using question form and analysis with the path analysis used was AMOS 18. The result shows that there is a positive and Significant influence of store atmosphere and sales promotion Toward positive emotions. There is also positive and significant Influence of store atmosphere and positive emotions toward Impilsive purchases. But there is a positive and significant Influence of sales promotions toward impulsi...
ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji dampak respon emosi terhadap kecenderungan perilaku pembelian impulsif konsumen online. Respon emosi dan kecenderungan perilaku pembelian impulsif ditimbulkan karena stimulus dari iklan online. Format media iklan online diformat dalam bentuk audiovisual , animasi gambar, dan teks gambar. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini, lebih difokuskan pada format media online, namun digunakan media offline brosur sebagai pembanding stimulus media. Penelitian diformat dalam rancangan percobaan faktorial dengan menggunakan format media online dan offline sebagai faktor. Untuk menguji dampak tidak langsung respon emosi terhadap kecenderungan perilaku pembelian impulsif, digunakan sumberdaya yang dikeluarkan dan orientasi belanja konsumen sebagai mediasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pengaruh stimulus antara format media offline dengan media online terhadap respon emosi dan kecenderungan perilaku pembelian impulsif. Ditemukan bahwa stimulus dari format media online memberikan dampak respon emosi dan kecenderungan perilaku pembelian impulsif yang lebih kuat. Dalam kelompok format media online ditemukan juga bahwa bentuk format audiovisual dan teks gambar mempunyai stimulus yang tidak berbeda secara statistik dan lebih kuat dibandingkan format animasi gambar. Hasil temuan lainya. menunjukan bahwa respon emosi mempunyai dampak positip secara langsung terhadap kecenderungan perilaku pembelian impulsif. Selain itu sumberdaya yang dikeluarkan dapat merupakan mediasi positip antara respon emosi dengan orientasi belanja rekreasi, dan negatip untuk orientasi belanja kenyamanan. Orientasi belanja kenyamanan merupakan mediasi positip antara sumberdaya yang dikeluarkan dengan kecenderungan perilaku pembelian impulsif, sedangkan orientasi belanja rekreasi merupakan mediasi negatip. ABSTRACT This research has an aim of examining the influence of emotional responses towards the impulsive buying behavior tendency from the online consumers, as a result of direct advertisement's stimulus. Online Stimulus advertisement is formatted through a kind of audiovisual media format, picture animation, and picture text. The main purpose of this research is focused on the format shape of online medium, however, as a compare, brochures are usually used as one of offline mediums. The format of research use factorial experimental design with the online and offline medium as the factor. Besides, to evaluate indirect impacts of emotional response to the impulsive buying behavior tendency, it has used resources expenditure, recreation and convenience shopping oriented which are intervening variables. The results of this research shows that there are different of stimulus impacts between offline and online medium formats. It has been found that the format of online medium has stronger stimulus effect than the offline one. Although, online format medium has stronger stimulus total effect, but still the format of audio visual medium and text of picture has stronger effect than the form of picture animation. The other finding, The resources expenditures has a positive intervening between emotional responses towards recreation shopping oriented but has negative intervening towards convenience shopping oriented. This can be clearly seen on the format of audio visual and picture animation medium. The result of the same analysis has proven that convenience shopping oriented is a positive intervening between emotional response and impulsive buying behavior tendency but recreation shopping oriented has negative impact.
This study aims to see the effect of store atmosphere on emotions and impact on purchasing decisions at Transmart Carrefour Semarang. The sample in this study were 272 respondents who had made a purchase decision on Transmart Carrefour Semarang. Data collection techniques using questionnaires with purposive sampling method. In testing the hypothesis, the data analysis technique uses Path Analysis. The results showed that the store atmosphere significantly influences emotions, and emotions significantly influence purchasing decisions, then the store atmosphere has a significant effect on purchasing decisions. Testing of intervening variables in this study shows that emotional variables can influence the indirect effect between store atmospheres on purchasing decisions.
This study aimed to determine the effect of positive emotions and brand equity on impulsive buying on female consumers. The research used the quantitative method with 414 female consumers. The instruments were the Dispositional Positive Emotion Scale, Brand Equity Scale, and The Impulse Buying Tendency Scale. The data analysis techniques which is used in this research is multiple regression. The results show that positive emotions had no effect on impulsive buying. Furthermore this study also show that brand equity has a direct effect on impulsive buying
E Jurnal Manajemen Universitas Udayana, 2014
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh hedonic shopping value, positive emotion terhadap impulse buying, pengaruh hedonic shopping value terhadap positive emotion, serta peran mediasi positive emotion pada hedonic shopping value terhadap impulse buying di Mall Bali Galeria. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Badung, sampel yang diambil sebanyak 130 responden dengan metode purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan penyebaran kuesioner dengan menggunakan skala likert 5 poin, untuk mengukur 13 indikator. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa hedonic shopping value, positive emotion berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap impulse buying, hedonic shopping value berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap positive emotion, serta positive emotion berpengaruh signifikan dalam memediasi hedonic shopping value terhadap impulse buying. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa variabel hedonic shopping value, dan positive emotion berpengaruh terhadap impulse buying.
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, 2013
Reality in condition of kota Ambon post-horizontal conflict and along with improvement in security situation also economy restoration has been conducted by the government, it is proved in economy growth in kota Ambon reaching 5% in 2008 compared with 0% in 1999. These conditions has encourage business activities in general, affecting commercial growth, in this case the growth of modern markets which is vying in attracting as many customers they can get to shops and how to deliver best service toward consumers. This study has the objective to test stimulus which is given from store's environment and store's social factor toward impulsive buying tendency mediated by positive emotion of consumers at Matahari departement store in Kota Ambon. This study is an explanatory research. Population of this study is consumers who shops in Matahari Department Store in Kota Ambon. With respondent for 128 people, sampling determination is using purposive sampling method. Data analysis technique in this study is using path analysis. Result of the analysis showed that there are direct effects from physical environment and social aspect of the store toward consumer's positive emotion and toward impulsive buying tendency. Result of this study also revealed that there are direct effects of consumer's positive emotion toward impulsive buying tendency and indirect effects of store's environment stimulus and store's social factor toward impulsive buying tendency mediated by consumer's positive emotion.
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