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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) National Conference on Recent advances in Wireless Communication and Artificial Intelligence (RAWCAI-2014) Achieving Low Power by Scaling Frequency and Voltage Keerti vyas Ginni Jain Vijendra K Maurya Alwar Raman, Ph.D ECE Department GITS Udaipur,India ECE Department, GITS, Udaipur, India ECE Department GITS Udaipur,India Principal GITS Udaipur,India maurya.vijendra@gmail.com ABSTRACT: As we know that frequency, voltage and load capacitance plays vital role in power dissipation in VLSI circuits for achieving low power VLSI circuit we can scale any of these factors. This paper investigates the effect of supply and threshold voltages and frequency at which the VLSI chip is operated and the desired techniques for lowering the voltage and frequencies to obtain the low power consumed VLSI system. Some special techniques which can reduce the clock frequency like pipelining and parallel processing strategies for desirable propagation delays are explained in brief in this paper. By achieving low power we can fulfil needs for successful design i.e. less power, less area, less delay. 1. INTRODUCTION The increasing prominence of portable systems, like notebook computers, portable communication devices demanding high chip density and high throughput along with low power consumption. Now a day’s reducing the power consumption has become an important objective in the design of digital integrated circuits. This can be done through design improvements. The total power consumption is divided among four major parts. 1.Logic circuits 2.Clock generation and distribution 3.Interconnections and 4.Off-chip driving (I/O circuits). The two main sources of power dissipation in VLSI circuits are static power and dynamic power. Static power results from resistive paths between power supply and ground. The static power dissipation of a circuit is expressed by the relation Pstat =Istat VDD Where, Istat is the current that flows between the supply rails n the absence of switching activity Dynamic power results from switching capacitive loads between different voltage levels. For a CMOS gate the dynamic power is Pdynamic = αCV2DD1/τ where α is the activity factor of output node. C is the total capacitance VDD is terminal voltage τ is the transient time or time delay. By summing up these two equations we cannot get the total power dissipation because there are other factors which also results in power dissipation these are: leakage current and short-circuit current. Short circuit current results from both PMOS as wel as NMOS being ON at the same time in a CMOS. main source of leakage current can be any thus it is defined in different form these are: Reverse bias leakage current (IREV) Sub threshold leakage current (ISUB) Thus the total current is defined in terms of these four factors PTOTAL =αCloadV2DD1/τ + VDD( Istatic + Ileakage + IShort circuit ) Where, Istatic = average short circuit. Ileakage = reverse leakage and sub threshold current. IShort circuit =DC current component drawn from the power supply. in this equation dynamic power is the dominating factor as it directly depends on the switching frequency as frequency is continuously varied for increasing speed. so other terms can be ignored. Device characteristics (e.g., threshold voltage), device geometrics, and interconnect properties are significant factors in lowering the power consumption. Circuit-level measures such as the reduction of voltage swing, clocking strategies can be used to reduce power dissipation at the transistor level. The power consumed by the system can be reduced by minimizing the number of switching events for a given task. We have several means for reducing the power consumption. 1. Reduction of the power supply voltage. 2. Reduction of voltage swing in all nodes. 3. Reduction of the switching probability (transition factor). 4. Reduction of the load capacitance. Switching power dissipation is also a linear function of the clock frequency .But reducing it diminishing the overall system performance. Thus, the reduction of clock frequency would be a viable option only in cases where the overall throughput of the system can be maintained by other means. The reduction of switching activity requires a detailed analysis of signal transition probabilities, and implementation of various circuit-level and system level measures such as logic optimization, use of gated clock signals, and prevention of glitches. The load capacitance can be reduced by using certain circuit design styles and by proper transistor sizing. By achieving low power in CMOS circuits we are able to achieve high reliability and less expenditure on maintenance. 39 International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) National Conference on Recent advances in Wireless Communication and Artificial Intelligence (RAWCAI-2014) 2. VOLTAGE AND FREQUENCY SCALING Reduction of supply voltage, VDD is nothing but voltage scaling. As the dynamic power is proportional to the square of the operating voltage, reducing it significantly improves the power consumption. Furthermore, frequency is directly proportional to supply voltage from equation mentioned earlier. Relation between voltage and frequency is as shown in figure 1 Fig 3 VTC characteristics of CMOS Figure 1 relation between frequency and voltage This dependency of frequency on supply voltage scales frequency and it can be lowered. Therefore, a cubic power reduction is possible. Here, assumption is that switching frequency and load capacitance are constant because we are dealing with only supply voltage. 3. INFLUENCE OF VOLTAGE SCALING ON POWER AND DELAY[3] Although the reduction of power supply voltage significantly reduces the dynamic power consumption, the inevitable design trade-off is the increase of circuit delay and decrease of clock speed. This can be seen by the propagation delay expressions for the CMOS inverter circuit. Fig 2 Inverter CMOS circuit Fig 4 waveform of CMOS The delay of circuit depends on power supply voltage as τ = k CL VDD (VDD - Vt )2 Where τ is the circuit delay k is the gain factor CL is the load capacitance VDD is the supply voltage Vt is the threshold voltage Thus by reducing voltage we can obtain cubic decrease in power consumption but the time delay increases .So main challenge is to obtain low power by maintaining same time constraints. To reduce the effect of power supply voltage upon delay, the threshold voltage of the transistor (VT) is scaled down accordingly. However, this approach is limited because the threshold voltage may not be scaled to the same extent as the supply voltage. When scaled linearly, reduced threshold voltages allow the circuit to produce the same speedperformance at a lower VDD .But smaller threshold voltages lead to smaller noise margins for the CMOS logic gates. The sub threshold conduction current also sets a severe limitation against reducing the threshold voltage. For threshold voltages less than 0.2V, leakage due to sub threshold conduction in stand-by i.e., when the gate is not switching, may become a very significant component of the overall power consumption. In practice, extending the voltage range below half is effective, but extending this range to sub-threshold operations may not be beneficial. 40 International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) National Conference on Recent advances in Wireless Communication and Artificial Intelligence (RAWCAI-2014) 4. TECHNIQUES TO OVERCOME DIFFICULTIES ASSOCIATED WITH LOW-VT CIRCUITS There are two circuit design techniques which can be used to overcome the difficulties associated with the low-VT circuits. They are 1. Variable-Threshold CMOS (VTCMOS) and 2. Multiple-Threshold CMOS (MTCMOS). 4.1 Variables-Threshold CMOS (VTCMOS) Circuits We have seen that using a low supply voltage (VDD) and a low threshold voltage (VT) in CMOS logic circuits is an efficient method for reducing the overall power dissipation, while maintaining high-speed performance. But there are some difficulties with low-VT transistors. One possible way to overcome this problem is to adjust the threshold voltages of the transistors in order to avoid leakage in the stand-by mode, by changing the substrate bias. As the threshold voltage VT of an MOS transistor is a function of its source-to-substrate voltage VSB, connecting substrate terminals of all nMOS transistors to ground potential and substrate terminals of all pMOS transistors to VDD ensures that the source and drain diffusion regions always remain reversebiased with respect to the substrate, and the threshold voltages of the transistors are not significantly influenced by the body effect. The VTCMOS technique can also be used to automatically control the threshold voltages of the transistors in order to reduce leakage currents, and to compensate for process-related fluctuations of the threshold voltages. This approach is also called the Self-Adjusting Threshold-Voltage Scheme. This technique is very effective for reducing the sub threshold leakage currents and for controlling threshold voltage values in low VDD-low VT applications. However, this technique requires twin well or triple-well CMOS technology in order to apply different substrate bias voltages to different parts of the chip. Also, separate power pins may be required if the substrate bias voltage levels are not generated on-chip. The additional area occupied by the substrate bias control circuitry is usually negligible compared to the overall chip area. 4.2 Multiple-Threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) Circuits [3][10][11] This is the technique used to reduce leakage currents in lowvoltage circuits in the stand-by mode based on using two different types of transistors (both nMOS and pMOS) with two different threshold voltages in the circuit. Here, low -VT transistors are typically used to design the logic gates where switching speed is essential, whereas highVT transistors are used to effectively isolate the logic gates in stand-by and to prevent leakage dissipation. The MTCMOS technique is conceptually easier to apply and to use compared to the VTCMOS technique, which usually requires a sophisticated substrate bias control mechanism. It does not require a twin-well or triple-well CMOS process .But, there is a difficulty in this is that the fabrication of MOS transistors with different threshold voltages on the same chip. One more disadvantage is that the MTCMOS circuit technique consists series – connected stand-by transistors, which increase the overall circuit area and also add extra parasitic capacitance and delay. While these techniques can be very effective in designing low power VLSI circuits, they may not be used as universal solutions. Because in certain applications, variable threshold voltages and multiple threshold voltages have technical limitations .So, pipelining and hardware replication techniques became alternatives for maintaining system performance despite voltage scaling. Some techniques to reduce the supply voltage are: 4.3 Designs-Time Voltage and Frequency Setting [6] This is the most common technique to reduce power consumption i.e., by scaling the voltage during design time. Design time schemes scale and set the voltage and frequency, which remains constant for all applications at all time .So, it is efficient and few more techniques are introduced. 4.4 Static Voltage and Frequency Scaling [6] In static voltage and frequency scaling, systems can be designed for several voltage and frequency levels, which can be switched at run time. The change to a different voltage and frequency is pre-determined .But, there are many difficulties in this scaling procedure also. Timing analysis for multiple designs is complicated as the analysis has to be carried out for different voltages .This requires libraries characterized for the different voltages used. Constraints are specified for each supply voltage level or operating point .There can be different operating modes for different voltages. Constraints need not be same for all modes and voltages. The performance target for each mode can vary. Timing analysis should be carried out for all these situations simultaneously. Different constraints at different modes and voltages have to be satisfied. 4.5 Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling [6][7] These techniques are implemented for energy management of real time systems. The application and system characteristics can be dynamically analyzed to determine the voltage and frequency settings during execution. Devices dynamically change their speed increasing the energy operation efficiency. The reduction of energy consumption in systems can be achieved without affecting the performance. These techniques are able to make energy savings while providing the necessary peak computation power in VLSI based systems [12][13][14].An example of dynamic voltage scaling technique is Adaptive voltage scaling 5. FREQUENCY SCALING TECHINIQUES As the power is directly proportional to the clock frequency fclk , we can reduce the power dissipation by using different techniques of frequency scaling. For high performance system design propagation delay minimization plays an important role. To investigate and analyse data flow and data paths i.e., parallelism and pipelining among tasks and sub tasks , system modelling methods like block diagrams, signal flow graph(SFG), data flow graph(DFG), dependence graph etc..., are very much required. In such designs there is a trade off between sampling frequency, operating frequency and power consumption in order to design high performance systems. 41 International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) National Conference on Recent advances in Wireless Communication and Artificial Intelligence (RAWCAI-2014) Various concepts such as pipelining, parallel processing, retiming, unfolding, systolic array etc.., are used in design of modern VLSI based low power. A system is always preferred to be with high clock speed or low power consumption. In order to transform original sequential circuit to another circuit to realize these specifications, pipelining is used. 5.1 Pipelining [6][7] Pipelining is used to transform a sequential Circuit to that circuit which has high clock speed or sample speed or low power consumption. It reduces the critical path which will increase sample speed as well as clock speed, thus speed of operation is improved. Critical path is the longest computation path among all paths and its computation time is taken as the lower bound on the clock period of the circuit. For example consider a sequential circuit with 6-Tap FIR filter. It consists of multipliers and adders as shown in figure 2.Computation time for adder and multiplier is 10u.t. & 14u.t. respectively. The critical for this circuit is 64u.t. Minimum clock period required for the execution is 64u.t.Sampling time is 64u.t. and hence sampling frequency is 64u.t. In order to increase clock frequency as well as sampling frequency pipelining is used in figure 5. In this Pipelining, latches are placed which reduces the critical to 24u.t. is shown in figure 6. Hence, reduces sample and clock duration but increases circuit complexity, latency and power consumption. Level of pipelining deals with the number of latches connected between the nodes. In pipelining sample rate (Sr) is equal to clock period (Tc) Consider another functional block in figure 7, which implements a logic function F (INPUT) of the input vector, INPUT. Input & output vectors are sampled through register arrays driven by a clock signal CLK. Assume that the critical path in this logic block is fclk,The maximum propagation delay between input & output is less than or equal to T clk = 1/fclk . Figure 8.Single stage implementation of a logic function and its simplified timing diagram. A new input vector is latched into the input register array at each clock cycle and output data is valid with a latency of one clock cycle. Fig 5. Block diagram of 6-tap FIR filter Let Ctotal be the total capacitance switched for every clock cycle. Here Ctotal consists of I. Capacitance switched in the input register array II. Capacitance switched to implement logic III. Capacitance switched in the output register array Dynamic power consumption of this block is Prefrence = Ctotal VDD2 fclk Now consider N stage pipelining structure in figure 9 to implement the same logic function. Fig 6.block diagram of 6-tap fir filter with feed forward cutest (pipelining) Fig 7.block diagram of 6-tap fir filter with feed forward cutest and delays (pipelining) Fig 9. N-stage pipeline structure realizing the same logic function as in fig 5.The maximum pipeline stage delay is equal to the clock period, and the latency is N clock cycles 42 International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) National Conference on Recent advances in Wireless Communication and Artificial Intelligence (RAWCAI-2014) The logic function F(INPUT)has been partitioned into N successive stages, and (N- 1)register arrays are added in addition to input and output registers. All these registers are clocked with the original sample rate . The delay in this structure is τp(pipelining stage)= Tclk From the above equation, we can say that the logic blocks can be operated N times slower than the original one but with same throughput. So the power supply voltage can be reduced to a certain value. The dynamic power consumption of the N-stage pipelined structure with a lower supply voltage but with same functional throughput is 2 Ppipeline =[Ctotal +(N-1)Creg]V DDnew f clk Where is Creg the capacitance switched by each pipeline register. And power reduction factor in a N-stage pipeline structure is Ppipeline / Preference = [ 1 + Creg / Cload (N-1) ] x V2DDnew/ VDD This means by introducing pipelining into a sequential circuit 80%of the power is saved. The architectural modification requires relatively a small area overhead. A total of (N-1) registers arrays have to be added, while trading off area for lower power latency is increased from 1 to N clock cycles. 5.2 Parallel Processing [6][7] Parallelism is a method for trade off area for lower power dissipation. This approach is useful especially when the logic function to be implemented is not suitable for pipelining. In parallel processing, multiple input samples can be processed for the same clock pulse. In this sampling time Tsample is not equal to the clock duration Tclock. To increase sampling rate for the same clock time, number of sequential hardware can be connected in parallel as shown in figure 10.In this diagram sequential hardware consisting 6-Tap filter as a nodes A and B are connected in parallel. X(Lk) to X(Lk+m) samples from input signal are processed in single clock pulse with duration Tc, to get output samples, where m=L- 1.Single input single output(SISO) system must be converted into multiple input multiple output(MIMO)system. Level of parallelism (L) depends on the number of sequential circuits connected in parallel. It supports increase in sample rate, to increase speed of architecture thereby processing number of samples in a single clock pulse. Initially critical path will not change but fine grain pipelining can be used for further reduction in critical path. In fine grain pipelining, multipliers are broken into sub multipliers of different computation time, which will reduce critical path in parallel architecture. Another way of explaining parallel processing is that consider N identical processing elements, each implementing the logic function F (INPUT) in parallel, as shown in figure 10. 6. CONCLUSION In this paper significance of power consumption, voltage and frequency scaling techniques such as static scaling, dynamic scaling to reduce power consumption is explained. VTCMOS, MTCMOS techniques are demonstrated which reduces the difficulties associated with low threshold voltage. 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