Aerospace Structures
Recent papers in Aerospace Structures
Rapport de stage Air Algerie Technics
The resources for this assignment did not exist. Here is a resource for future UNSW Aero students. I do not claim everything is correct.
Update: Mark received: 17/20 - (top mark in cohort)
Update: Mark received: 17/20 - (top mark in cohort)
Si sta preparando il Grande Spettacolo Spaziale Bis. Il capitalismo lo vuole. È in crisi da almeno un secolo, ma da un decennio a questa parte sembra morto: la produzione langue, enormi quantità di capitale fittizio attendono congelate... more
This paper gives a brief overview of sandwih application history in general and present composite sandwich structures at Airbus. Current R&D developments for sandwich in primary structure s are being outlined followed by a discussion of... more
Sandwich structures with face sheets made of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) demonstrate a high potential to reduce both production costs and the weight of primary aircraft structures. This potential has however yet not been... more
As a follow-up on the author's work on coupled BE/FE Method and modeling of structuralacoustic interaction, the present work utilizes BE formulation for both the acoustic and aerodynamic problem. For this purpose the unsteady aerodynamic... more
The IATA predicts 88 percent recovery of Airline Traffic in 2022. And Deloitte forecasts the Aerospace/Space Transportation sector to grow at about 15 percent per year. With our — MAC Global Startup's — help we can both sustain passenger... more
Sandwich structures with face sheets made of carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) have a high potential in reducing production costs and weight of primary aircraft structures. Their advantage is based on their superior bending... more
This study is focused on the structural optimization of an axial flow compressor rotating disk in a more simplistic way. Since optimization involves several runs, performing Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for a disk model in each run... more
Structural Health Management (SHM) will be of critical importance to provide the safety, reliability and affordability necessary for the future long duration space missions described in America’s Vision for Space Exploration. Long... more