Recent papers in Agalma
This article is a continuation of the article published in the previous issue of Gephyra (Staab – Akyürek Şahin – Uzunoğlu 2023). The article analyses an inscription from the village of Ah-metler in the Pazaryeri district of Bilecik... more
The international colloquium “The precious object: a total social fact? [L'objet précieux : un fait social total ?]” (Paris, INHA, April 25 and 26, 2024) invites researchers active in all fields of the social sciences to discuss these... more
Architectural prestige relies on a notion that, unlike beauty, utility, or construction, has remained in the shadows of theoretical discourse. In the cradle of Western architecture, at a time when the art of building was above all else an... more
Diotima nos habla de lo verdaderamente bello ," Eudamonia" , con este nombre se denomina lo único , lo que corresponde al ser realmente y efectivamente que se presenta frente al ojo del espíritu es la eudaimonía , la belleza eterna y... more
En este trabajo comparo el vínculo erótico entre el filósofo y su joven amado, tal como es descripto en Fedro 249b-256b, con la relación retórica que el sofista establece con el pueblo, según Sofista 232b-236d y 265a-268d. Postulo que se... more
This article examines the well from which learning, teaching, and research originate. It investigates how to perform these three aspects of academic practice well and to do it in a playful manner. Instead of repeating existing knowledge... more
Temple d'Horus, Edfou, Égypte, construit entre les III e et I er siècles av. J.
Mettre au monde les beautés du dieu À propos de la construction de la présence divine dans l'Égypte ancienne * Sylvie DONNAT « Si on adore le dieu sur son chemin, c'est alors qu'il est fait de pierres fines et "mis au monde" en cuivre. »... more
This article examines the well from which good learning, teaching, and research originate. It investigates how to perform these three aspects of academic practice well and to do it in a playful manner. Instead of repeating existing... more
Plato's Symposium exposes the axial points of Eros. As Francalanci shows in her work Love, Speech, Truth: an interpretation of Plato's Symposium, the eulogies of Symposium are not conflicting. Eryximachus, Aristophanes, Agathon and... more
This paper looks at the way “euphrosynē” was instilled in ancient polis members in order to federate them around community-binding ideals, values and aspirations. Its point of departure is Gorgias’s comments in his “Encomium to Helen” on... more
Round table Festival Mimesis 2018
Gabriela Galati (storica dell’arte, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti di Milano) / Luigi Antonio Manfreda (filosofo, Univ. di Roma) / Andrea Tagliapietra (filosofo, Univ. San Raffaele)
Gabriela Galati (storica dell’arte, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti di Milano) / Luigi Antonio Manfreda (filosofo, Univ. di Roma) / Andrea Tagliapietra (filosofo, Univ. San Raffaele)
Il desiderio non è una cosa semplice - ágalma Milano, Mimesis, pp. 221, € 13, In questo ben documentato volume, Fulvio Carmagnola − docente di Estetica presso l'Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca − propone alcune feconde... more
Electronic reference: Éveline Loucas-Durie, “Simulacre humain et offrande rituelle”, Kernos [Online], 1 | 1988, Online since 31 January 2011, connection on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx . URL:; DOI:... more
Trata o texto de aspectos relevantes acerca do nome das imagens na Antiguidade greco-romana. Assim observa como gregos e romanos associam o nome do tipo de imagem a uma prática plástica e/ou pictórica específica, tendo em vista processos... more