Recent papers in Mimesis
Das Theater der Vorahmung wird durch die feministische Repräsentationskritik von Donna Haraway und Karen Barad beleuchtet. Der Begriff der Mimesis erhält hierdurch einen neuen Vektor. Mit Hilfe eines Begriffs von Transkulturalität lässt... more
Krešimir Purgar has assembled a striking collection of essays on Image Studies. I have not been able to stop reading them. They cover a huge range and represent intelligent and well informed opinions containing important topics of... more
ABSTRACT – Taking my cue from James Scott’s opening provocation-question in “Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States” (“How did Homo sapiens sapiens come, so very recently in its species history, to live in crowded,... more
In “Plato and the Simulacrum,” Deleuze distinguishes between two types of mimetic images: the icon, which is based on the model-copy relation, and the simulacrum, which is “a copy without a model.” Behind this well-known distinction,... more
Resumen. Este artículo examina las tragedias de honra conyugal de Calderón de la Barca a partir de los esquemas hermenéuticos propuestos por Réné Girard. Estos se muestran especialmente útiles para analizar la culpabilidad o inocencia de... more
Mimesis ist eine zentrale Kategorie bei Walter Benjamin. Er fasst sie als anthropologisches Vermögen. Damit geht er über Platon und Artistoteles hinaus. Das mimetische Vermögen wird zu einer Erkenntnisfunktion jenseits des ideologischen... more
This paper provides a brief survey of composition in which field recordings or other referential sounds are transcribed for acoustic instruments. Through a discussion of how electroacoustic music and scholarship has conceptualised the... more
As Hellenic hero expert Gregory Nagy has effectively argued, ancient Greek athletics may be understood as the reenactment or mimēsis of the feats of heroes for the religious purpose of activating their life-giving spirits. I would... more
Durante todo o século XX, a arte evoluiu e enveredou por caminhos que privilegiam a interactividade. Não se estranhe por isso, que alguns modos de representação tenham cimentado uma posição fundamentalmente direccionada para a... more
This article examines representations of Peoples Temple in popular culture through the lens of mimesis, understood as a process of repetition and re-creation of specific elements. This process produces what is understood as a “cult” in... more
How mimetic theory can be used when teaching religion
All rise. As we arrive at the scene it is in the distance. Words have not yet been formed. The chapter is unwritten. The sentence has not yet been passed. I write this in a cell. It is not how I had imagined it would be. When I was a... more
La narratividad no es solo una cualidad de determinados discursos (verbales o no). Es una dimensión básica de nuestra existencia: la narratividad o relatividad ontológica. También, al experimentar la existencia como "agôn", la dimensión... more
In this paper, I discuss Plato’s account of mimetic production in the Sophist, and use this account to draw some potentially interesting insights about Plato’s conception of the role and nature of philosophy. In Sections I and II, I... more
The purpose of the panel is to explore a specific aspect of the concept of originality in Indian knowledge systems, literature and the arts. We would like to discuss the relation of innovation and perpetuation of earlier forms and... more
Sebagaimana judul yang dimaksud dalam paparan ini adalah “memaparkan isu-isu global yang tercermin dalam novel Indonesia modern”. Isu-isu global adalah wacana yang dewasa ini mengemuka di masyarakat yang perlu diidentifikasi... more
Mimesis or imitation of nature was the main aesthetic theory of Greece and Rome, thanks not only to Plato or Aristotle. Along with a few relevant texts, nothing better than ancient Still Lifes and live portraits, in order to verify how... more
House of Incest - A study of the meaning of "poetical illusion" in the work of Anaïs Nin in relation with the tragedy of incest and the crisis of the subject. Au cœur de la problématique de l’identité féminine, le thème de la... more
Lo spettro del fascismo si aggira di nuovo per il mondo contemporaneo. In questo libro, Nidesh Lawtoo prende il Caso Trump per illustrare l'(in)attualità della tesi di Nietzsche che un giorno, "gli attori, ogni tipo di attori, saranno i... more
An extended conversation hosted by Amy Russell with fellow guides of Embodied Poetics : Kamili Okweni Feelings; Aurelian Koch; Lazlo Pearlman; Norman Taylor; Ed Woodall; Jonathan Young This is an extended conversation about a shared... more
"Мимесис и рефлексия: огледалата в българското литературознание", - Надмощие и приспособяване : Сборник доклади от Международната конференция на факултета по славянски филологии 24-25 април 2017г. : Т. 1-. състав. и ред. Диана Атанасова,... more
Dieses Buch untersucht Konzeptionen der Mimesis und des Mimetischen in der Kontaktzone zwischen Ethnologie und (post-)surrealistischer Avantgarde im Paris der 1930er Jahre: bei Georges Bataille, Roger Caillois, Michel Leiris und im... more
The purpose of this paper is to exemplify the outstanding potential of literary narrations, and particularly the fairy tales, to foster resilience among primary school students. The starting point of these reflections is the... more
Resumo da obra O nascimento do trágico: de Schiller a Nietzsche (2006, p. 23-49), de Roberto Machado. A poética da tragédia. A questão da poética da tragédia, menciona Peter Szondi, inicia com um embate conceitual entre dois autores de... more
The article is focused on the questions, how is social reality mirrored in the "fairy" tale, how does mirabilis take place in it and what is the function of the use of mirabilis. The author is predominantly engaged with the earliest... more
El trabajo examina los planteos teóricos y metodológicos expuestos por el filólogo y crítico literario alemán Erich Auerbach en torno del problema del realismo. Para tal fin me basé fundamentalmente en su texto Mímesis (AUERBACH, 1946),... more
El presente artículo se plantea como un ejercicio comparativo de diferentes perspectivas acerca del concepto de mimesis y sus implicaciones en la historia del cine etnográfico. Se trata de un análisis teó- rico-metodológico donde se... more
The concepts of expression, expressiveness and expressionism present the key terms on which contemporary architectural and artistic works are based. Although these are essential esthetic categories, the explanations of these concepts are... more
This article proposes a reading of Edgar Allan Poe’s Oval Portrait according to the principle of “transgression”, which contributes to the uncanny effect of the story. The author argues that in The Oval Portrait opposite realities (the... more
Soltanto con Spitzer e Auerbach le teorie del primo Romanticismo saranno portate alle conseguenze più naturali in ambito di critica letteraria, consolidandosi in un’attenzione alla mimesi intesa come vitalità dell’organismo testuale, come... more
The science of semantics is either concerned with performance, and therefore, not part of the competence model, according to transformational generative grammar, or it is the very heart of linguistics, according to functionalist... more
At the heart of this article is a fairly straightforward assertion: that literature has a trans-verbal level at which it affects us as a work of art. Hence discussing a novel means bringing to the fore not only its overt narrative... more
En la Poética de Aristóteles la idea fundamental que encontramos es que la imitación es la base del placer de la que se derivan las diferentes formas de representación, diferentes estados éticos y morales como objeto de la creación... more
Tomando como eje la noción de mímesis aristotélica, en este trabajo me interesa mostrar que es posible distinguir los intereses que animan la reapropiación de dicha noción en la filosofía de Paul Ricoeur y que, cada uno de ellos, le... more
Lexis, in accordo ai principi internazionali di trasparenza in sede di pubblicazioni di carattere scientifico, sottopone tutti i testi che giungono in redazione a un processo di doppia lettura anonima (double-blind peer review, ovvero... more
The aim of this paper is to investigate how the mimesis principle appears in musical interpretative practice, analyzing its function in musical reproduction, event what we almost intend to call a performance event. Thus, we focus on the... more
Ein Panorama verbindet in einem Bildraum mehrere Szenen, die eine Handlung erzählen. Zeitlich nacheinander stattfindende Ereignisse werden in einem Bildraum dargestellt. Die ersten Passionspanoramen entstehen im 15. Jahrhundert, vor allem... more
Abstract: This paper opens with a re-thinking of the etymology of “educare”, in order to reflect on the existence of a permanent in educational processes. This exploration continues with a reading of some pages in Plato’s Republic and... more
In crisistijden worden gevoelens van onmacht, angst, onvrede, onzekerheid en onveiligheid sterker en de vraag naar krachtdadig gezag groter. Het sterker worden van deze gevoelens gaat dikwijls hand in hand met toename van geweld. Waar... more