Dionysius of Halicarnassus
Recent papers in Dionysius of Halicarnassus
L'édition des fragments et témoignages de Caecilius de Calè-Actè constitue le troisième moment d’une recherche consacrée à la théorie rhétorique grecque des périodes hellénistique et post-hellénistique, qui a été initiée avec les éditions... more
This contribution analyses the first of three speeches that according to Dionysius of Halicarnassus (Ant. Rom. 4, 71-75), L. Junius Brutus pronounced after the violence suffered by Lucretia, causing the expulsion of the Tarquins. In this... more
Focusing on a digression included in Dionysius of Halicarnassus’ Roman Antiquities concerning the practice of manumission in Rome during the reign of the king Servius Tullius, this contribution aims to clarify the meaning of the... more
Since Antiquity, Gorgias has been linked with some figures of style, named after him γοργίεια σχήματα. But ancient testimonies are, on that matter, far less unanimous than modern ones. This paper deals with two main problems : why do some... more
Appians Keltiké, das vierte Buch seiner vierundzwanzig Bücher umfassenden Römischen Geschichte, behandelt die kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Römern und Kelten, beginnend mit dem von Brennus geführten Angriff auf Rom bis hin... more
A monography on Lucian´s How to write history including a commentary following the text.
This book is the first comprehensive examination of the lists of Olympic victors that were assiduously maintained by ancient Greeks for more than a 1,000 years. The origins, development, content, and structure of Olympic victor lists are... more
Vesta and the Vestal priestesses represented the very core of Roman cultural identity, and Augustus positioned his public image beside them to augment his political legitimacy. Through analysis of material culture, historiography, and... more
The paper discusses the proposed reconstructions of the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus from the 19th century to more recent scholarship. These offer three main models, summarized as the short, medium and extra long size models. The small... more
The topic of my paper is memory and oblivion in the literary field, as it appears in the work of Quintilian and, in particular, in the tenth book of his Institutio oratoria. After some general considerations, I focus on the comparison... more
This book-length study is published as an online supplement to an article in the following DramaNet volume: History and Drama. The Pan-European Tradition. Edited by Joachim Küpper, Jan Mosch, Elena Penskaya. (For the condensed... more
Tese apresentada em fev. 2017 para avaliação em 13/03
Επαναφέροντας στη μνήμη ένα χαμένο σήμερα ενεπίγραφο βάθρο της λατρείας των Καβείρων στην Αμφίπολη, μέσα από 3 παλαιές δημοσιεύσεις, ερμηνεύοντας την επιγραφή και αναλύοντας την σχέση της Αθηνάς και του Ηφαίστου, με τους μεταλλοτεχνίτες,... more
Se examinan los datos trasmitidos por los autores greco-latinos sobre el cónsul Espurio Cassio Vecellino (s. VI-V a. C.). Los analistas de los siglos II y I a. C. reelaboraron y falsificaron los hechos y presentaron los actos de Cassio... more
The story of the single combat of M. Valerius Corv(in)us with a Gaul is one of the most famous Roman legends, as is evident from the unusually high number of attestations. A common element in all these testimonies is that the Roman was... more
The subject of this short study is a legend that describes the transfer of a statue of Juno Regina, the patron goddess of Veii, to Rome in 396 BCE, shortly after the fall of the Etruscan city to the Roman forces led by Camillus. The... more
This dissertation explores the idea of Parallelism within Livy's presentation of the Life of Romulus, focusing on three liminal stages : The death of Remus, the rape of the Sabine women, and the death of Romulus. Focus is placed on a... more
This book explores the history of rhetorical thought and examines the gradual association of different aspects of rhetorical theory with two outstanding fourth-century BCE writers: Lysias and Isocrates. It highlights the parallel... more
Nella Praeparatio Evangelica di Eusebio di Cesarea citazioni e brani dalle opere storiche di tradizione greca e giudaica sono recepiti ed incastonati in un’architettura apologetica lucida, protesa a dimostrare la superiorità del... more
Quibus exemplis Dionysius Romanis digamma iniens et habens post se vocalem exposuerit. Latine.
Nonostante la fama delle biografie plutarchee, la scelta da parte di Plutarco di accostare Licurgo e Numa non è così usuale nelle fonti antiche. In precedenza, infatti, diversi autori avevano piuttosto valorizzato il paragone tra Licurgo... more
Book Review Essay discussing the plebeian interpretation of Machiavelli in John P. McCormick, Reading Machiavelli: Scandalous Books, Suspect Engagements, and the Virtue of Populist Politics (Princeton: Princeton University press, 2018),... more
Quintilian's use of terms for 'text' (textus, textum) comes close to the usage of the word 'text' in the modern textual linguistics or discourse analysis.
Es geht um die Frage, wann und warum die Ursprünge Roms nicht nur mit Romulus und Aeneas, sondern im Besonderen auch mit Arkadien verbunden wurden. Zu diesem Zweck werden die Romulusbiographie Plutarchs, die Fragmente römischer Annalisten... more
The study recognizes in the term sunchorema a keyword inside the narration of Dio-nysius of Halicarnass about the patricio-plebeian struggle, with a textual analysis of two relevant debates on the point, the first in the context of the... more
The aim of this paper is to identify the origin of the clientela in archaic Rome. In order to do that, I will use both the emic and etic approaches. Firstly, I will focus on the ancient authors (Dionysius of halicarnassus, Cicero,... more
PALLAS, 53, 2000, pp. 205-239. L'ethnographie de l'Italie du IVe siècle avant J.-C. d'après Denys d'Halicarnasse (livres XII à XX) Stéphane BOURDIN (ATER à l'Université de Provence) Quiconque... more
Despite a growing interest in the material sources for the history of Boeotia and Thebes, and the publication of new epigraphic texts, which contribute to their political and religious background, we still miss a systematic history of the... more
This paper applies rhetorical theory (specifically the rhetorical theorist Michael Leff's concept of hermeneutical rhetoric) to the " gay debate " in American evangelicalism. Given that liberal and conservative positions arise from... more
Ancient sources relate that the tribunes of the plebs were created in the first plebeian secession (494–493 BCE) to act as officers for the assembly of the plebs, to pass resolutions (plebiscites) binding on the plebs, and to defend the... more
Machiavelli is the first modern political thinker who pays great attention to the magistracy of dictatorship. “Dictatorial authority,” as he puts it, is fundamental to the survival and prosperity of republics. In a crucial chapter of the... more
The development of Arianism as a rhetorical category is an important topic in scholarship on the Cappadocian Fathers. Their polemics against opponents such as Eunomius and Aetius become formative texts in the creation of the heresiarch as... more