Typically when one hears about ancient civilizations, it is often implied that many of these civilizations were primitive. And their arsenal of tools are usually confined to being thought of as being able to manipulate stone,... more
Typically when one hears about ancient civilizations, it is often implied that many of these civilizations were primitive. And their arsenal of tools are usually confined to being thought of as being able to manipulate stone, understanding agriculture, etc. Many of them however also have a system of rituals, beliefs, teachings superimposed into stories, that are often taken extremely literal and often then misinterpreted. Through this misinterpretation, useful information is often overlooked and disregarded. One of the major reasons that even made me look into this originally is while looking into the many different Nikola Tesla Patents and designs, (and books/documentaries in relation) I came across a couple of sources that mentions that Tesla claims to have been influenced by The Egyptians. To be more specific it had to deal with both the Great Pyramids and the Temple of Dendera, and the way I saw it was, If a scientist/inventor of Tesla's ability was able to extract useful information from these temples/structures that lead to the " creation " of the many innovative patents and designs that Tesla released then there must be much more than meets the eye when it comes to the knowledge written on these walls. It was a small glimpse into how a technically inclined person can interpret information that seems purely esoteric and find its connection to understanding/manipulating the world around us. What I plan to do in this paper is to introduce the connection between the teachings found in the older African civilizations (sciences) and their corresponding concepts and phenomena being described that has its applications to engineering. After the introductions to the concepts are introduced I will break down the symbology of a
These scribal graffiti from Deir el-Gebrawi tombs in general and Ibi’s in particular are further examples of the general interest of 18th Dynasty scholars in monuments of the past, throughout Egypt. The concomitance of a long visitor... more
These scribal graffiti from Deir el-Gebrawi tombs in general and Ibi’s in particular are further examples of the general interest of 18th Dynasty scholars in monuments of the past, throughout Egypt. The concomitance of a long visitor inscription and a perfectly understood copy of an iconographic motif testifies to the reception of the decorative program of the tomb by these visitors, whose visit must have been motivated in part by an antiquarian interest and the search for models of the past. It also demonstrates a community of practice in different scribal communities across the country. Along with the visitors’ graffiti from Assiut and Beni Hassan, this evidence from Deir el-Gebrawi shows that local scholars had interest for the local monuments from the distant past, as well as it was the case in necrepoleis of the capital cities such as Memphis or Thebes.
On 3rd December 2012 aligned 3 planets (Mercury, Venus and Saturn) on the three Great Pyramids heads in Egypt, that phenomenon repeated just once each 2737 years
The Uranus orbital distance also proves the Cycle 2737 years